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Sie ist eine aufstrebende Künstlerin der Musikszene. Mit ihrer einzigartigen Mischung aus RnB und Pop, verfeinert mit kraftvollen Hip-Hop-Elementen, bringt sie frischen Wind in die Musiklandschaft. Sie hofft, die Menschen mit ihren Songs zu berühren und die Herzen der Festivalbesucher zu erobern. Unseres hat sie bereits – @lizzyli__ , willkommen am Beckenrand! 🛟 ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

5/31/2024, 11:02:31 PM

Our Babble Charity Golf Day took place yesterday, Thursday 30th May, at the picturesque @westhillgcuk in Surrey. A day filled with competitive spirit and quality golf, followed by an auction kindly filled with donations from our partners raised over £23,000 for our charity partner - @myname5doddie Foundation. Thank you to our event sponsors, @we_are_gamma, @ingrammicroinc, and @mimecast_ltd for your support, as well as our partners for bringing along your teams and joining us in raising vital funds to achieve Doddie’s goal of A World Free of MND - @evolveip, @dcadvisory, @giacomgroup, Knight Corporate Finance, @willu_fg and Jamieson. A special thanks to Paul Sefton from @logansportsmarketing for joining us to share the Foundation’s latest developments and why fundraising is so crucial to support the ongoing research of finding a cure for Motor Neuron Disease. If you’d like to donate, or find out more about how we’re working with the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation this year, please visit our JustGiving page using the link in our bio. #WeAreBabble #MakingADifference #BabbleGolfDay #DoddieWeir #MyName5DoddieFoundation #Doddie #RAB2024 #BabbleRAB2024

5/31/2024, 6:06:02 PM

Nach vielen lokalen Auftritten, bei denen sie sich bereits unter Beweis stellen konnten, dürfen sie auch nicht auf unserem line-up fehlen. Begrüßt mit uns unsere vier Jungs aus dem Harzer Vorland: Purple Trees 🛟 ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

5/28/2024, 9:47:01 PM

Es klingt nach trauriger Akustikgitarre, wobei der Punkrockeinfluss dann und wann zum Vorschein kommt, denn… Vier Akkorde retten vielleicht nicht die Welt, aber heut’ Nacht. Darauf freuen wir uns: Hansheinzpetergeorgfritz, willkommen am Beckenrand!! 🛟 ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

5/27/2024, 1:38:51 PM

Nicht ohne Grund nennt man sie die gefährlichste Punkband der Welt, denn sie sind gefährlich unterhaltsam. @pisstole_punk , willkommen am Beckenrand! 🛟 ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

5/24/2024, 4:42:39 AM

Er tritt seit 2008 bei Lesebühnen und Poetry Slams auf, wurde bei den deutschsprachigen Poetry Slam Meisterschaften 2017 Vize-Meister und gewann 2022 und 2023 die Poetry Slam Landesmeisterschaften für Wien und Niederösterreich. Und Ende August 2024? Da wird er euch überzeugen! @fabs_navarro , herzlich willkommen am Beckenrand! 🛟 ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

5/21/2024, 7:14:48 PM

Sie machen Liedermaching wie das Lumpenpack, bevor sie den Punk erfanden oder wie die Ärzte, wenn sie ihre E-Gitarren vergessen haben. In seriösen Kreisen nennen sie sich einfach "die Wohnzimmermusikanten", doch der Name kommt selten zur Anwendung. Unter Freunden wird der Name abgekürzt und so freuen wir uns, sie euch erneut ankündigen zu dürfen. @womuka , herzlich willkommen back am Beckenrand! 🛟 ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

5/19/2024, 7:36:50 PM

Da wir Ende August einen enormen Temperaturanstieg erwarten, haben wir uns direkt um einen passenden Radiosender bemüht. "Radio Reis - Die Hitwelle" sendet das Beste von gestern, heute und morgen - Welthits mit Witz. Die Gute-Laune-Liedermacher drehen wieder voll auf und versprechen nur Knüller. Alles auf einer Frequenz, die auch ohne Sendemast überall gut ankommt. @reisagainstthespuelmachine - herzlich willkommen zurück am Beckenrand! 🛟 ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

5/16/2024, 8:12:00 PM

Sie: In einer Welt, in der Imagine Dragons als Rockband gelten und sowieso alle paar Tage ein Schlaumeier meint, dass Rock nun endgültig tot sei, beweisen diese fünf Freunde das Gegenteil. Sie zeigen wie Alternative Rock neu geboren und gedacht wird. Es geht bei ihnen dabei nicht um Karriere, es geht auch nicht um Eitelkeiten, um Follower und nicht um mögliche Deals. Es geht um die Musik, die Band, die Fans. Punkt. Aus. Wir: Beweist es uns! @aboutmonstersband , willkommen am Beckenrand! 🛟 ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

5/15/2024, 8:02:59 PM

„Egal wie das hier losgeht, hören werdet ihr es nie, und wenn doch, sagen alle: Geile Kraftklub-Kopie.“ Ein Zitat, welches uns auch heute noch ein Lächeln in unsere Gesichter zaubert. Wir freuen uns again - @raum27band , willkommen zurück am Beckenrand! 🛟 ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

5/12/2024, 8:17:03 PM

Neben Beleidigungen (am liebsten jedoch gegenüber Krankheiten) decken sie eine Bandbreite von zuckersüßen Singer-Songwriter-Stücken bis zu donnernden Rockhymnen ab. Vermutlich sind auf keinem anderen Konzert freundlichere Menschen anzutreffen als bei @okdanketschuess und genau deshalb wissen wir: ok.danke.tschüss, ihr passt perfekt zu uns an den Beckenrand 🛟 ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

5/9/2024, 9:49:40 PM

[J-1 - Race Across Belgium 300k 🇧🇪] Photo d'avant-course avant ma plongée dans l'ultracyclisme demain 🚴‍♀️ J'oscille entre l'appréhension de la distance et l'excitation de la course 😱 Le seul objectif est de finir en profitant à fond de l'expérience 💯💥 #raceacrossbelgium #RAB2024 #ultracyclisme #ultracycling #defi #wilmacycling #holyfat

5/9/2024, 3:00:02 PM

„Olle Kamellen“ aus Grandmas Schellackplattensammlung sind kein Tabu, werden einfach in ein neues musikalisches Gewand gekleidet und zu neuem Zündstoff modelliert. Erlaubt ist was gefällt und Musik so herrlich subjektiv! Die Fünf bilden eine Band, die vielfältiger nicht sein könnte und live durch explosive Authentizität zur Bestform aufläuft. RAW, herzlich willkommen am Beckenrand! 🛟 ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

5/8/2024, 12:06:36 AM

Sie gilt als beindruckend energiegeladen, haltungsstark, witzig und trotzdem down to earth, ohne Angeberei und Sarkasmus, dafür mit grandiosem musikalischen Talent und einzigartigem Flow. Dabei bringt sie mehr Studio – und Bühnenerfahrung mit, als andere in drei Leben sammeln können. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass auch sie dieses Jahr ihren Weg zu uns findet. @mariecurrygram , herzlich willkommen am Beckenrand! 🛟 ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

5/5/2024, 9:17:03 PM

Wir freuen uns riesig, dass die Skatepunk-Band aus Göttingen mit über 25 Jahren Bandgeschichte ihren Weg zu uns nach Wolfshagen findet. @zskberlin , das letzte mal waren wir bei euch in Hamburg❤️ Im August sehen wir uns am Beckenrand! 🛟 ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

5/2/2024, 11:30:17 PM

Experience the highs and lows with Ride Across Britain. Challenge yourself in this once in a lifetime experience, and feel the unmatched joy when you tick it off your bucket list. Don't miss out - 🔗 in bio to enter now. #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

5/1/2024, 6:45:19 PM

“Entschuldigung, könnten wir uns vielleicht ein paar Gitarren von Euch leihen?” war wohl der Satz, den die vier Musiker:innen der Richie Miller House Band aus dem Weserbergland letztes Jahr bei Rock am Beckenrand am häufigsten sagten. Eigentlich nur für die Wohnzimmerbühne gebucht und noch mit anderem Bandnamen unterwegs, haben sie es damals irgendwie geschafft, am Ende des Festivalwochenendes fast jede Bühne auf jede erdenkliche Art zu bespielen. Dieses Jahr wollen die vier endlich offiziell unter neuem Namen und mit eigenen Instrumenten die Poolstage bespielen. Die Songs handeln vom eigentlich netten Nachbarn, dessen Deutschlandfahne im Vorgarten ein Vorbote für seine Facebooktimeline ist; von ekelhaften Typen, die meinen, kurze Röcke seien eine Einladung für übergriffiges Verhalten und von der Angst, im Leben nach dem Punkrock im Büro zu versauern. Auf die Frage, ob die vier dieses Jahr vom Beckenrand springen wollen, gibt es nur eine einzige richtige Antwort: “JA”! Und die richtige Antwort haben wir auch bekommen - @rmhb.band , herzlich willkommen am Beckenrand! ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

4/30/2024, 4:24:07 PM

Da haben euch unsere liebsten @awesomescampis aus Versehen ein Bier mitgebracht und ups.... auuuus Versehen aufgemacht! 🍻 Link in unserer Story, weitere Bands ab Montag! ❤ PS: Liebe Scampis, bringt nächstes Mal doch lieber @einbecker_brauhaus mit 😉 #"Aus Versehen" ein @einbecker_brauhaus aufgemacht #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz #danke #welcome #bandwelle

4/26/2024, 5:18:28 PM

Einigkeit und Zusammenhalt in der EU 🇪🇺 🤝 Zahlreiche Krisenherde beschäftigten die EU-Außenministerinnen und -Außenminister heute in Luxemburg beim Rat für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten (RAB). Besonders im Fokus stand die europäische Reaktion auf den jüngsten Angriff des Iran auf Israel und die mögliche Ausweitung von Sanktionen gegen den Iran. Außenminister Schallenberg betonte die Notwendigkeit, gegen iranische Waffenexporte vorzugehen und die Unterstützung von Milizen in der Region zu bekämpfen, um die Stabilität zu erhalten und globale Handelswege zu schützen. „Es ist bereits ein massives Sanktionsregime gegenüber dem Iran in Kraft, aufgrund der Drohnenlieferungen an Russland, der Menschenrechtssituation und der Unterdrückung der Frauenrechte. Ich trete dafür ein, dass wir dieses Sanktionsregime in Bezug auf Drohnen inhaltlich und geografisch ausweiten,“ forderte Außenminister Schallenberg. Neben der brisanten Lage im Nahen Osten standen heute auf der Tagesordnung auch: ➡️ die anhaltende Unterstützung für die Ukraine im russischen Angriffskrieg ➡️ die andauernde humanitäre Krise im Sudan. Weitere Infos findet ihr auf unserer Website: Link in Bio! 📸 BMEIA/@michaelgruberphoto #Diplomatie #Frieden #Solidarität #EuropäischeUnion #Luxemburg #RAB2024

4/22/2024, 7:27:12 PM

RAB (Ride Across Britain) for @macmillancancer update 🤗☀️👇🏼 First of all, thanks sooo so much to everyone who’s sponsored me so far, knowing the ride is still a few months away! 🫶🏻 My jersey has arrived, and I can’t wait to show you all 😁😁😁! I broke my ankle a day before Christmas, and things have been the opposite of smooth sailing since 🥲… I’m now at a stage where I can tolerate long training sessions without setbacks and pain, and I feel better and better 💆🏻‍♀️😍! It’s been a very frustrating 3-4 months as you can imagine... Training wise I’ve worked hard to catch up with my training plan, and I’m super grateful for my Wattbike, which helped me to prep CV wise for the upcoming outdoors road bike season ✅ 🫡. I’ve done some of my longest Wattbike training rides this month, and I’m super positive heading out to the Kinross Sportive on Saturday and the Etappe Loch Ness on Sunday 💃🏼💯🥳, cycling 200km+ in one weekend. Oh, and what do I do for 3+ hours on the Wattbike? I mostly watch webinars or do some learning, and the last 30-40 mins I cycle with music to end the session strong 💀🤝🏼. In addition to cycling several sessions a week I’m currently also running again 1-2 weekly and do one swimming session, mainly improving my technique. I also train 3-5 lifting sessions a week, which I’ve always done, for over a decade. Strength training is the foundation of all sport, and important to prevent injuries. Sounds like a lot, but spread out over seven days a week, and across the day, which is possible because I only train at home and don’t commute to a gym, it’s absolutely feasible. RAB isn’t my only goal for the next 12 months, so I’m already laying the foundations for what’s to come 📸 👙 🤩 🏊‍♀️ 🏃🏽‍♀️ 🚲 #rab #rideacrossbritain2024 #rab2024 #cycling #fundraising #endurance #endurancecycling #endurancetraining #cv #cardio #cardiotraining #hybridtraining #performance #triathlon #ironman #ironman703 #ironmantraining

4/22/2024, 10:02:03 AM

Happy Earth Day 🌎 Babble Ride Across Britain is an opportunity to see the beautiful sights of England and Scotland. Ride through some of the most iconic landscapes Britain has to offer, and face the elements nature has to throw at you ☀️ 🌧️ #EarthDay #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

4/22/2024, 8:30:14 AM

Countdown begins! Just 2 days left for RAB-2024, where Rotaract Clubs from District 3080 will come together to network and collaborate. Join us on 24 April for this exciting event! 🤝 . . . . . #RAB2024 #RotaractDistrict3080 #Networking #Collaboration

4/21/2024, 5:21:53 PM

That’s a wrap! On Tuesday, we hosted our Fit to Lead executive event, sponsored by @acronis, at the @buffinichaodeck, at the National Theatre in London. We’d like to thank all of our speakers @brucedaisley, Roger Steare, @babblematt, @sportsorla, @mikebates_official, @steveandingham, @wellbeitcoach, @kennylogan11, Rory Underwood MBE, Keryn James, and our host Chris Paton for sharing your experiences of leadership fitness as well as our guests for sharing the day with us. Some of our key takeaways from the sessions were: >> To drive resilience, leaders must work with their teams as a cohesive unit to build a family culture where everyone ‘feels seen’ and can draw strength from one another >> The scientific connection between physical and mental fitness is undeniable, yet it takes a surprising amount of courage to step away from “always-on” leadership to prioritise these two pillars >> Our ethical compass is dictated by our Moral DNA, comprised of three core elements – people, values and rules >> Leaders need to create a long-term sustainable outlook towards physical, mental and ethical fitness - shifting the mindset from “got to” to “get to” can drive results We will be sharing further content from our sessions and speakers in the coming weeks. In the meantime, hit the link in our bio to learn more about how physical, mental and ethical fitness can enhance future leadership in our Fit to Lead report. #WeAreBabble #BabbleFitToLead #FitToLead #LeadershipFitness #Leadership #BabbleRAB2024 #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain @thresholdsports @quadrantevents

4/19/2024, 4:45:27 PM

It is so satisfying and hugely daunting in equal measure to bring Ten Times Braver into the world. People always expect me to be such a confident speaker in public but the truth is, when it’s something I really care about, I find it utterly terrifying. But that’s ok. We should be slightly scared by the things we’re passionate about. We want them to succeed and that only comes from pushing beyond our usual safe boundaries. Much as I love the chance to share, yesterday was much more about listening for me. Absorbing. Learning. A huge thank you to @babblecloud for inviting me onto their Fit to Lead panel and an even bigger congratulations for bringing together such an inspiring blend of minds and experiences. From my own panel discussing mental and physical fitness, to former head of Twitter Europe @brucedaisley talking all things culture and human connection, the CEO panel of @babblematt is joined by @kennylogan11, Rory Underwood MBE, and Keryn James and Roger Steare talking corporate ethics and AI it was a genuinely fascinating afternoon. Huge props to host Chris Paton on the @buffinichaodeck keeping the conversation flowing beautifully. With a special mention to charity partner @myname5doddie foundation and all those riding #rideacrossbritain #WeAreBabble #BabbleFitToLead #FitToLead #LeadershipFitness #Leadership #BabbleRAB2024 #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain @acronis @thresholdsports @buffinichaodeck

4/17/2024, 12:13:03 PM

The start line for Ride Across Britain is alive with anticipation and excitement. Make sure you're a part of this bucket list ride and enter now before it's too late! 🔗 in bio. #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

4/16/2024, 7:00:30 PM

In the final panel session of our Fit to Lead executive event, sponsored by @acronis, we’re chatting with four leaders to discuss their experiences of balancing the three pillars of physical, mental and ethical fitness to become the “Three Pillar CEO”. Hosted by Chris Paton on the @buffinichaodeck, Babble CEO @babblematt is joined by @kennylogan11, Rory Underwood MBE, and Keryn James, discussing the challenges, and more importantly, the opportunities leaders can harness through exercising a balance between each pillar. With Matt Parker having recently completed the gruelling All Roads Lead to Rome challenge in support of the @myname5doddie foundation, the panel are providing personal experiences on how they achieve this delicate balance, exploring the trials and tribulations that formed their roles as leaders and how each pillar contributed to their respective successes. Matt shared, “There are three challenges that I think today’s leaders are facing. One is the expectation of a multi-generational workforce, specifically how to communicate with those different age groups. The second is the pace of leadership and the ‘information overload’ we all face. And third, is the fact that there isn’t an instruction manual for leadership. You deal with situations as they arise on the basis of values and doing the right thing.” Visit the link in our bio to find out more about Fit to Lead. #WeAreBabble #BabbleFitToLead #FitToLead #LeadershipFitness #Leadership #BabbleRAB2024 #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain @thresholdsports

4/16/2024, 6:56:52 PM

Next up at our Fit to Lead executive event is our panel session, “Room to Breathe”, where our host Chris Paton is joined by @mikebates_official, @sportsorla, @wellbeitcoach, and @steveandingham . The panel are discussing the importance of leader’s taking time to retreat from the short-term dopamine rush of leadership in an “always-connected” world. With a focus on physical and mental fitness, the panel are exploring how these pillars can break this cycle, providing leaders with a crucial long-term, sustainable advantage to success. Orla shared, “Leaders cannot ignore the benefits that physical fitness has on mental fitness, yet it’s so hard to find the time and the quiet.” Followed by Sarah who shared that, “Leaders have to push through and get comfortable with being uncomfortable in prioritising mental and physical fitness alongside the ‘always-on’ connected world of leadership - put down those emails and go to the gym.” Visit the link in our bio for to learn more about how balancing mental and physical fitness can enhance future leadership in our Fit To Lead report. #WeAreBabble #BabbleFitToLead #FitToLead #LeadershipFitness #Leadership #BabbleRAB2024 #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain @acronis @thresholdsports @buffinichaodeck

4/16/2024, 5:08:17 PM

And we’re live! Our Fit To Lead executive event, sponsored by @acronis is officially underway here on the @buffinichaodeck at The National Theatre in London. Former head of Twitter Europe, @brucedaisley has kick-started our agenda with his keynote session on how leaders can utilise human connection and collaboration to guide their teams to success. Taking examples from his book, “Fortitude”, Bruce is debunking the common myths around individual resilience, highlighting how challenges such as the Babble @rideacrossbritain can build on both mental and physical fitness, further developing inner resilience. Bruce says, “Resilience is the strength we draw from each other… It’s not just about what you achieve personally but also what you achieve as a cohesive team. This is magnified in the Babble Ride Across Britain. There is an amazing sense of we’re all in this together.” Visit our bio to learn more about how leaders are exercising their mental, physical, and ethical fitness in our Fit To Lead Report. #WeAreBabble #BabbleFitToLead #FitToLead #LeadershipFitness #Leadership #BabbleRAB2024 #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain @thresholdsports @quadrantevents

4/16/2024, 3:35:19 PM

Our final two speakers joining us for our Fit to Lead executive event, sponsored by @acronis, are English Rugby legend, Rory Underwood MBE, and performance scientist and best-selling author, @steveandingham . Rory Underwood MBE is England’s leading international try-scorer, scoring 49 tries in 85 test matches between 1984 and 1996. On top of this, he spent 18 years serving as a pilot in the RAF and engineered the RAF’s Human Factors training programme. An expert in creating champions, Dr Steve Ingham is an industry leader in performance at the highest level. Having guided sporting legends to gold at the Athens, London, and Rio Olympics, Steve is the leading voice on recognising how the small changes could lead to the biggest differences in your team through his Supporting Champions methodology. Steve will be joining our expert panel, alongside @sportsorla, @mikebates_official, and @wellbeitcoach, highlighting the links between physical and mental fitness, sharing behind the scenes stories of sporting success and how this can be applied to the business leaders of today. And Rory will be joining our ‘Three Pillar CEO’ panel alongside Babble CEO, Matt Parker, @kennylogan11 and Non-Exec Board Director, Keryn James, who will be sharing their own experiences of balancing the three pillars of physical, mental and ethical fitness. Visit the link in our bio to learn more about how business leaders are exercising their physical, mental, and ethical fitness in our Fit to Lead report. #WeAreBabble #BabbleFitToLead #FitToLead #LeadershipFitness #Leadership #BabbleRAB2024 #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

4/15/2024, 6:53:42 PM

We’re now just a few days away from our inaugural Fit to Lead executive event, sponsored by @acronis, where we will be exploring physical, mental and ethical fitness within modern leadership. Central to the Fit to Lead framework is resilience. @brucedaisley is one of the UK’s most influential thought leaders on workplace culture and specifically, finding resilience in the workplace environment. His book, Fortitude, has been described as the ‘best business book of the 2022’ by the Financial Times. As our Keynote Speaker, Bruce will be referencing the military expertise of a number of our panelists, including Chris Paton, @mikebates_official, and @wellbeitcoach, guiding leaders through how their approach to resilience training can link to community and mental fitness. Bruce will also provide insights into navigating the complexities of achieving true resilience through ‘mental retreat’, and how this can be achieved through challenges such as the Babble @rideacrossbritain. Learn more about how business leaders are exercising their physical, mental, and ethical fitness in our Fit to Lead report by hitting the link in our bio #WeAreBabble #BabbleFitToLead #FitToLead #LeadershipFitness #Leadership #BabbleRAB2024 #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

4/12/2024, 4:57:29 PM

Was haben wir und die Deutsche Bahn für die kommenden vier Tage gemeinsam? Flex-Tickets! Wenn du bis Montagnacht ein Ticket über @infield.live für unser aller Freibad-Festival kaufst, kannst du dein Ticket bis zu 2 Wochen vor Beginn gegen eines der anderen 20 teilnehmenden Festivals einfach tauschen, falls dir etwas dazwischenkommt (Wer noch nie einen Hochzeitstermin vergessen hat, der werfe den ersten Stein 😄). Du zahlst dann lediglich den Differenzbetrag oder bekommst ihn zurückerstattet 🤯 Wir wollen dir damit gemeinsam volle Flexibilität für deinen Festivalsommer ermöglichen - ohne zusätzliche Kosten! 🤝✨ ______________________________ Infos: https://bit.ly/infield-rock-am-beckenrand ______________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz #festivaldays #flexticket #infield #festivals #festival

4/12/2024, 2:11:24 PM

Zalando macht es, die Deutsche Bahn auch – und wir? Wollen es ausprobieren! Erstmalig in der Festivallandschaft haben wir uns gemeinsam mit @infield.live und über 20 weiteren Festivals zusammengetan, um euch für nur 4 Tage ein ganz besonderes Ticket anzubieten! 🥳 Eine gute Idee? Wir wissen es noch nicht und genau deshalb möchten wir mit euch in einem Probelauf die ersten Erfahrungen sammeln <3. Also, falls ihr noch keine Tickets habt und die Sommerpläne noch auf wackligen Beinen stehen: Schickt dieses Posting euren Freunden und Freundinnen, holt die Kalender raus, denn am Freitag ab 14 Uhr wird endlich der Festivalsommer gebucht! ⛺️🚀 ______________________________ Infos: https://bit.ly/infield-rock-am-beckenrand ______________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz #festivaldays #flexticket #infield #festivals #festival

4/11/2024, 7:55:50 PM

The clock is ticking and the wheels are turning... There's only 150 days to go until Babble Ride Across Britain ⏳ 🔗 in bio to enter if you haven't already! #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

4/10/2024, 7:00:27 PM

RAB Plus packages are selling out fast! Make sure you sign up now to tick this ride off your bucket list ✅ 🔗 in bio. #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

4/9/2024, 6:30:18 PM

The third and final pillar of our Fit to Lead campaign is Ethical Fitness. With increased ESG expectations and the challenges and opportunities of AI, the sensitivity of a leader’s ethical compass and their ethical fitness has never mattered more.   The results of our Fit to Lead research, sponsored by @acronis, show that 84% of leaders believe it’s “more important than ever” to give back to their communities.   Whilst important, ethical fitness goes beyond charitable donations, highlighting how leaders must infuse ethical fitness into all aspects of leadership values, behaviours and priorities to become a force for good.   At our upcoming Fit to Lead event, the Corporate Philosopher, Roger Steare, will be helping today’s leaders to navigate the ethical challenges they face in an age of inequality, climate change, identity and AI.   Curious to learn more about how business leaders are cultivating and exercising their ethical fitness? Hit the link in our bio! #WeAreBabble #BabbleFitToLead #FitToLead #BabbleRideAcrossBritain #RAB2024 #ARLTR #ARLTR2024 #BabbleRabble #thresholdsports

4/4/2024, 7:37:47 PM

The countdown is on and we’re now less than two weeks away from our Fit to Lead executive event where we will explore our three-pillar fitness framework - including mental fitness. 80% of the leaders we surveyed in our Fit to Lead research agreed that maintaining mental strength makes them a better leader. Mental fitness requires a commitment to creating headspace to nurture your mind and fuel thinking and is key to maintaining clarity, creativity and long-term focus. On the Babble Ride Across Britain, we call it the ‘RAB Bubble’. During our Fit to Lead executive event, sponsored by @acronis, our panel of expert speakers, including sports broadcaster, @sportsorla, founder of TheNXT45, @mikebates_official, and former combat helicopter pilot, @wellbeitcoach, will be reviewing the importance of mental fitness in breaking our addiction to the short-term dopamine hit of modern leadership in an ‘always-connected’ world. Learn more about how business leaders are exercising their mental fitness in our Fit to Lead report by heading to the link in our bio! #WeAreBabble #BabbleFitToLead #FitToLead #BabbleRideAcrossBritain #RAB2024 #ARLTR #ARLTR2024 #babblerabble

4/2/2024, 8:56:02 PM

🌳 Experience the UK's finest landscapes with Babble Ride Across Britain 🌳 Whether you want to take on the full course, or just fancy cycling the England or Scotland route, now is the time to sign up. Don't miss out - head to the link in our bio to enter. #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

4/2/2024, 7:00:38 PM

Completing a multi-day ride like the Babble Ride Across Britain is more than just a physical challenge - it's a mental one, too. From staying motivated throughout your training to managing fatigue across the event, your mind can be the difference between success and failure. So how do you make sure it's primed and ready? Joining us for a free webinar on Thursday 18th April to help answer this question is Dr Josie Perry, Chartered Sport and Exercise Psychologist and author of 'The Ten Pillars of Success: Secret Strategies of High Achievers'. In this one hour webinar we'll cover: ➡️ Dealing with anxiety and self-doubt ➡️ Navigating through setbacks and challenge ➡️ Practising mindfulness on the move ➡️ Getting comfortable with discomfort ➡️ Overcoming the post-ride blues Sign up via the link in our bio to receive your invite. #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

3/27/2024, 5:30:19 PM

As we approach our exciting Fit To Lead title event on the 16th of April, where we’ll be joined by leaders of industry and a wonderful selection of keynote speakers, we’re excited to highlight the first pillar of our Fit to Lead campaign: Physical Fitness. ARLTR and Babble Ride Across Britain (RAB) demand more than just physical strength – they require endurance, stress management, and focus, mirroring the core traits of effective leadership. Physical fitness in leadership not only ensures a leader’s well-being, but fosters lasting energy, precise decision-making, and the ability to inspire teams. Our CEO, Matthew Parker, epitomises the significance of fitness in leadership. Challenges such as ARLTR and RAB not only enhance his physical performance, but bolster his mental endurance and ethical drive too: “RAB gives me a chance to set away from the “always on” demands of leadership - phone calls, emails, instant messaging  and meetings, giving me time to think about my personal goals, my goals for Babble and how we can make the business a force for good.” Hit the link in our bio to discover how business leaders are developing their physical fitness in our Fit to Lead report, sponsored by Acronis. #WeAreBabble #BabbleFitToLead #FitToLead #BabbleRideAcrossBritain #RAB2024 #ARLTR #ARLTR2024 #BabbleRabble

3/23/2024, 10:47:46 PM

We went from Edinburgh to Rome for @doddie_aid… Now we’re going across Britain, and we want YOU! Women who love an adventure, we’re looking at YOU to join our team for the 2024 Babble Ride Across Britain! To apply for a FREE Babble sponsored entry and join our team for RAB 2024, drop us a message or get in touch via our website. We’d love for you to join us! #WeAreBabble #BabbleFitToLead #FitToLead #BabbleRideAcrossBritain #RAB2024 #ARLTR #ARLTR2024 #BabbleRabble

3/22/2024, 10:19:46 PM

📞 Adventure is calling! Will you answer? Don't wait until 2026 to complete one of the UK's most iconic routes: Land's End to John O'Groats. 🔗 in bio to sign up. #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

3/21/2024, 9:00:17 AM

Business leaders are facing an ever-evolving landscape, with the accelerating pace of technological change, geopolitical and economic challenges, plus increasing employee and customer expectations forcing leaders to reflect on what effective leadership really looks like. Fit to Lead presents a three-pillar ‘fitness’ framework – physical, mental and ethical fitness. Fit to Lead isn’t about how far or fast a leader can run, whether you use a mindfulness app, or have a direct debit to charity. It is a rallying cry for leaders everywhere to embrace a fresh approach where physical resilience, mental agility, and ethical awareness unit to drive enduring success and positive change. Embodied in the Babble Ride Across Britain (RAB) and last week’s All Roads Lead to Rome (ARLTR), these pillars help leaders to navigate today’s challenges and ensure success for themselves, their teams, their businesses and stakeholders. Read more about the three pillars of leadership fitness in our Fit to Lead report via the link in our bio.   #WeAreBabble #BabbleFitToLead #FitToLead #BabbleRideAcrossBritain #RAB2024 #ARLTR #ARLTR2024 #BabbleRabble

3/19/2024, 8:09:53 PM

Eure Meinung ist uns wichtig und wir haben uns wahnsinnig über eure große Beteiligung in der Feedbackrunde 2023 gefreut. Ihr habt sie eindeutig gefeiert und euch ein Wiedersehen ausdrücklich gewünscht. Wir sind da ganz bei euch und freuen uns sehr, sie wieder begrüßen zu dürfen. @deine.cousine , willkommen zurück am Beckenrand! ❤️ ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

3/8/2024, 9:11:53 PM

Sie selbst schreiben: „War uns immer schon egal, was die Masse denkt. Solange ihr uns wollt, kommen wir zurück. Wir sind wieder da!“ Keine andere Band habt ihr in unserer Umfrage aus 2023 häufiger erwähnt. Deshalb freuen wir uns umso mehr, dass sie mit ihrem letzten Satz recht behalten und euch euren Wunsch erfüllen. @engst_official , herzlich willkommen zurück am Beckenrand! ❤️ ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

3/5/2024, 10:20:23 PM

Sie spielen nur in erlesenen Clubs und auf handverlesenen Festivals und verwandeln dort ihr Publikum in einen kochenden Schmelztiegel der Freude. Bereits zum 6ten mal in Folge dürfen wir uns an ihnen erfreuen. Was euch erwartet? Ein Gefühlszustand, der euch nicht nur entfesselt tanzen lassen wird, sondern euch in eine besondere Euphorie und Ekstase überführt. @liedfett , ihr treuen Poolmatrosen, willkommen zurück am Beckenrand! ❤️ ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

3/4/2024, 9:25:32 PM

Today marks the launch of Fit to Lead: A new leadership framework. In 2024, leadership is changing. Leaders are now measured not just by their professional achievements, but by their overall ‘fitness’ to lead in every sense of the word. Sponsored by @Acronis, Fit to Lead is a rallying cry for leaders everywhere to embrace a fresh approach to leadership, where physical, mental and ethical fitness unite to drive positive change. At Babble, we uphold these three pillars, shown in Babble Ride Across Britain and our current challenge, Doddie Aid's All Roads Lead to Rome in support of My Name’5 Doddie Foundation, bringing together members of our team as they exercise their physical, mental and ethical fitness. To find out how business leaders are exploring, adopting, and exercising the three pillars of modern leadership, read here: https://babble.cloud/fit-to-lead/ #WeAreBabble #BabbleFitToLead #FitToLead #BabbleRideAcrossBritain #RAB2024 #ARLTR #ARLTR2024 #BabbleRabble

3/4/2024, 2:13:31 PM

On the hunt for adventure? 👀 Don't wait until 2026 to ride this iconic route from Land's End to John O'Groats, head to the link and sign up! #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

3/4/2024, 10:15:12 AM

Jack Pott – der Name eines zwielichtigen Online-Casinos? Oder einer schmierigen Top-40-Coverband für Omas Siebzigsten? Nein! Es sind Alex, Leo, Jakob und Justin, welche uns ihren tanzbaren Punkrock mit den Einflüssen der Neuen Deutschen Welle präsentieren werden. Dabei positionieren sie sich ganz klar gegen Rassismus und Ausgrenzung und für Solidarität und Toleranz. @jackpott.band , herzlich willkommen am Beckenrand! ❤️ ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

3/1/2024, 7:12:20 PM

Die vierköpfige Band aus dem Ruhrgebiet beschreibt ihre eigene Musik mit den Worten „hard hitting lyrics with heart hitting music“, denn sie behandeln ernste Themen die viele junge Menschen beschäftigen. Unterstrichen werden die Texte mit emotionaler Musik und Gesängen, die unter die Haut gehen. 2023 verhindert, umso mehr freuen wir uns auf ein gemeinsames 2024! @ourmirageband , herzlich willkommen am Beckenrand! ❤️ ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz

2/28/2024, 2:05:42 PM

There is no better feeling than crossing that finish line at John O'Groats 🏁 After nine days of cycling, the spectacular views of Scotland are the perfect way to end your journey. Tick it off your bucket list via the 🔗 in our bio. #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain #JohnOGroats

2/26/2024, 7:00:29 PM

Posted @withregram • @rockambeckenrand Mit smart-rotzigen Texten und einer verblüffenden Live-Energie haben sie die Club- und Festivalbühnen der Republik vollfreudig mit ihrem Schweiß überzogen. Sie nennen es Sport mit der Gitarre, wir nennen es grandios! Daher freuen wir uns über den Besuch aus Berlin. @_shirleyholmes_ , willkommen am Beckenrand! ❤️ ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz #danke #vielendank #goodbye

2/25/2024, 10:43:43 PM

Mit smart-rotzigen Texten und einer verblüffenden Live-Energie haben sie die Club- und Festivalbühnen der Republik vollfreudig mit ihrem Schweiß überzogen. Sie nennen es Sport mit der Gitarre, wir nennen es grandios! Daher freuen wir uns über den Besuch aus Berlin. @_shirleyholmes_ , willkommen am Beckenrand! ❤️ ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz #danke #vielendank #goodbye

2/25/2024, 7:14:00 PM

3 Mädels und 3 Jungs, ne ordentliche Portion Punkrock und immer wieder frische Ausflüge in Reggae- und Skabeats. Dazu deutschsprachige Texte, die mal politisch intelligent, mal trivial süffisant unterhalten oder aufwühlen. Er hat uns schon für das vortherige Jahr mehr als überzeugt, dieses Jahr kommt sogar noch Verstärkung mit! @derbutterwegge , willlkommen am Beckenrand ❤️ ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz #danke #vielendank #goodbye

2/22/2024, 7:42:27 PM

The last in our seven virtual routes with Rouvy is Strathnaver Valley. Located in Scotland's far north, this is arguably the highlight of Stage Nine of the real world Babble Ride Across Britain, second only to the finish line at John o' Groats. 📍 Distance: 40.8km / 25.4 miles 🚲 Elevation: 357m / 1171ft Challenge rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Want to have a crack at all seven routes? Complete all seven by March 3rd to be in with the chance of winning some incredible prizes 🏆 Head to the link in our bio and use the code RAB2M to unlock a two-month Rouvy free trial. #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

2/22/2024, 3:15:14 PM

Have you completed our Virtual Babble Ride Across Britain challenge on Rouvy? With just under two weeks to go, make sure you join the other 18.9k riders and see if you can beat the winning time for completing all seven routes. 🔗 in bio. #RAB2024 #BabbleRideAcrossBritain @BabbleCloud @rouvyapp

2/21/2024, 7:00:27 PM

Gestartet aus dem hohen Norden Schwedens, haben sie mitlerweile weit über 400 Konzerte in ganz Europa gespielt. Im August wird ihr (hoffentlich noch fahrender) Van seinen Weg bis an den Nabel Europas finden: Wolfshagen im Harz! Wir freuen uns sehr. @thesensitives , willkommen am Beckenrand ❤️ ______________________________ ℹ️ Alle Infos: www.rockambeckenrand.de 🎟️ Tickets: Ticket.rockambeckenrand.de ________________________________ #rab2024 #rab24 #harzkind #musik #festival #festivalsommer #festivalmomente #festivalsaison #festivalliebe #openair #harzmountains #harzdrenalin #bandwelle #exploreharz #harzregion #harzliebe #ig_germany #ig_deutschland #homeiswheretheharzis #meinNiedersachsen #deinharz #draußenimharz #danke #vielendank #goodbye

2/20/2024, 9:56:55 PM

If our Virtual Babble Ride Across Britain on @rouvyapp has got you excited for September, you'll be glad to hear there are only 200 days until we get to ride the real thing! 🥳 Be part of an iconic ride from Land's End to John O'Groats and sign up via the link in our bio. #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

2/20/2024, 10:00:18 AM

This is the jewel in the crown of Scotland's National Parks 💎 An abundance of breathtaking views, and a few grippy gradients thrown in for good measure, this route is not to be missed! 📍 Distance: 27km / 16.7 miles 🚲 Elevation: 352m / 1154ft Challenge rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Complete all seven routes on Rouvy by heading to the link in our bio, and be in with the chance of winning some incredible prizes. Use the code RAB2M to unlock a two-month Rouvy free trial. #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

2/19/2024, 11:00:15 AM

શિયાળુ સ્પેશ્યલ ગુંદરની રાબ તમે ક્યારેય બનાવી છે???? તો ચાલો આજે તમને શીખવીએ કઈક નવી રેસીપી…ગુંદરની રાબ. . #gundar #gundarrab #winter #winterspecial #rab #winterrab #health #healthydish #winterdish #winterrecipe #gruhineechef #goodrecipe #rab2024

2/17/2024, 5:46:53 AM

One of the UK's most challenging rides, the Lecht is not to be taken lightly 💪 A bucket list ride in and of itself, conquering the Lecht ranks highly on many cyclists' list of lifetime achievements. So why not tick this route off your list and ride it virtually on Rouvy? ✅ 📍 Distance: 14km / 9.2 miles 🚲 Elevation: 405m / 1330ft Challenge rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Ride the route today by heading to our bio and use code RAB2M to unlock a two-month Rouvy free trial. #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

2/15/2024, 5:00:19 PM

The Glenshee pass is Britain's highest main road, and one of its most spectacular too. Ride this challenging route on Rouvy to give yourself a good run-up before the main event 🚲 Oh, and you'll also get to experience stunning views of the Scottish Highlands - from the comfort of your own shed! 📍 Distance: 42.5km / 26.4 miles 🚲 Elevation: 671m / 2201ft Challenge rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Head to the link in our bio to join the ride, and use the code RAB2M to unlock a two-month Rouvy free trial 🔓 #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

2/12/2024, 5:30:15 PM

Have you completed our Virtual Babble Ride Across Britain challenge on @rouvyapp yet? Complete all seven routes by March 3rd to be in with a chance of winning some incredible prizes 👇 🏆 Babble Ride Across Britain classic 9-day package 🏆 Wattbike ultimate bundle 🏆 Wattbike virtual jersey 🏆 Ride Across Britain jersey 🏆 Ride Across Britain virtual jersey Head to the link in our bio to find out more. #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

2/10/2024, 11:00:12 AM

RAB 2024 is on course: let’s meet again in Italy! Next 13th June, RAB International Congress will be back again in Brescia. OUR SITE IS ONLINE: People, Program, Sponsorship opportunities and our intriguing Startup shark tank competition! And more... 🌐 https://www.robotic-rab.com/ Stay tuned to be updated! 🔔 We really hope to see you in Brescia! #roboticrab #rab2024 #Roboticbronchopy #interventionalpulmonology

2/9/2024, 6:19:45 PM

A peaceful riverside ride along the England-Wales border, this is an undulating route passing through the stunning Wye Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 📍 Distance: 31km / 19.2 miles 🚲 Elevation: 454m / 1489ft Challenge rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Want to ride this route? Head to the link in our bio and use the code RAB2M to unlock a two-month Rouvy free trial. Complete all seven routes before March 3rd to unlock a unique virtual jersey and be in with a chance of winning some incredible prizes 🔓 #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

2/8/2024, 10:30:11 AM

Huge thanks to everyone that visited us and helped out at the #RAB2024 Home Show! We had a wonderful time and will absolutely be back next year! 🥳 Shoutout to everyone who helped make this possible – grateful for your support. #Architechne #ArtisansOfTechnology

2/5/2024, 9:30:30 PM

A truly iconic natural gem nestled in Somerset’s Mendip Hills, Cheddar Gorge is widely regarded as one of the best cycling climbs in the UK. Find out why and join the ride by heading to the link in our bio. 📍 Distance: 32.6km / 20.2 miles 🚲 Elevation: 422m / 1384ft Challenge rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 🚨 Use the code RAB2M to unlock a two-month Rouvy free trial 🚨 #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

2/5/2024, 10:15:09 AM

We are LIVE from the Rochester Area Builders #RAB2024 home show! We’ve got cool tech, great conversations, and the opportunity to win a 100in Sony TV 👀 But first… you’ll have to give the bag toss a try to enter! Event info in our bio! #RAB2024 #Architechne

2/2/2024, 11:12:56 PM

To celebrate the month-long Babble Ride Across Britain Challenge on @rouvyapp we’re shining a spotlight on each of the seven routes that make up the challenge. Starting with an excerpt from Stage One of RAB: a 16-mile Cornish jolly: 📍 Distance: 25.7km / 15.9 miles 🚲 Elevation: 532m / 1745ft Challenge rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Head to the link in our bio to ride the route today and use the code RAB2M to unlock a two-month Rouvy free trial. #RAB2024 #RideAcrossBritain

2/2/2024, 10:15:11 AM