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鱷魚的眼淚 蓬佩奧:香港與內地已無分別 令我心碎 月旦:為當上特朗普副手 蓬佩奧再上演拙劣政治秀 「大嘴巴」蓬佩奧又開始大放厥詞了。美國前國務卿蓬佩奧日前接受反華媒體採訪時,大撒「鱷魚的眼淚」,裝模作樣地說,香港的「自由」日益惡化,跟中國內地其地城市沒有分別,這都令他感到「心碎」。 對於Google與旗下的YouTube,決定遵守香港法院頒布的「獨歌」禁制令,蓬佩奧稱,他理解企業若要在這些經濟體境內營運,就必須遵守當地法律,但是美國政府也能發揮作用。蓬佩奧揚言,論是以制裁或以法律形式,美國政府應制止美資企業被中國操縱。 美國2024年大選,特朗普與拜登的對決,即將在6月的大選辯論中,提前拉開大幕。當前,是特朗普選擇副手的關鍵時期。作為前特朗普政府的國務卿,蓬佩奧應有望進入名單,但有望進入名單的,還有如佛州共和黨參議員盧比奧、南卡羅來納州參議員斯科特、德州州長阿博特、佛州州長德桑蒂斯等,個個都是共和黨內大佬。亞歷山大蓬佩奧為了吸人眼球,為自己造勢,就再次打出了反華牌、香港牌,扯出老掉牙的「民主自由」幌子,上演拙劣的政治秀。這就是蓬佩奧突然蹦出來,塗抹鱷魚的眼淚的背後政治動因。 #蓬佩奧 #google #youtube #MikePompeo #DonaldTrump #JoeBiden #MarcoRubio #TimScott #GregAbbott #RonDeSantis #2024election

5/17/2024, 12:06:26 PM

美國前國務卿龐皮歐5/15接受《自由亞洲電台》訪問時透露,他將出席520賴清德總統就職典禮。 龐皮歐表示,「我非常高興有機會能參加就職典禮,並與新領導團隊一起慶祝。我有信心他們會繼續為台灣人民做事,把台灣放在首位,就如同我們把美國放在首位。」 根據《自由亞洲電台》報導,針對台灣的新領導人賴清德上任,對於區域穩定、美台關係有何重要性?龐皮歐指出,當另一個民主政體舉行自由公正的選舉時,是令人興奮的,經過激烈競爭後有了新的領導人,向世界傳達台灣人民的自由與獨立的訊息,這是一件光榮的事。 龐皮歐在2018年至2021年擔任美國國務卿期間,主導美國外交事務。他在任內多次為中國、新疆與西藏人權發聲,也是首位認定香港不再擁有高度自治的美國國務卿;在台灣議題上,2021年1月他取消美國對台灣的所有交往限制。由於他鮮明的抗中立場,卸任當天即被中方列入「黑名單」。 #更多新聞盡在太報 #太報 #龐皮歐 #美國 #台灣 #mikepompeo #賴清德

5/16/2024, 6:54:57 AM

Will you?! ——————————————— @onlyhardfacts 🇺🇸 @onlyhardfacts 🇺🇸 @onlyhardfacts 🇺🇸 ——————————————— 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬‼️ ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔱 𝔡𝔞𝔦𝔩y🇺🇸 Give me a follow📍 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 🔔 𝑻𝒂𝒈 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔📤 ———————————— #redwave  #deplorables  #presidentdonaldtrump  #donaldtrumpjr  #obamamemes  #offensive  #rightwing  #trumpet  #trumpeters  #trumpetplayers  #trumpetist  #trumpetsolo  #trumpette  #trumpetlove  #trumpetplayer  #earners  #seach  #lasvagas  #trumpwon  #blueoutfriday  #clintonforprison  #goyim  #voterid  #mikepompeo  #proamerica  #sleepyjoe  #givemelibertyorgivemedeath  #realnews

5/14/2024, 11:42:37 PM


5/2/2024, 4:30:23 AM

美国前国务卿麦克‧蓬佩奥表示:送几本回忆录《绝不让步》给中共大使馆,交给习主席。 2024年4月27日,蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)在社交媒体X上发布一张图片,是他的新书《绝不让步:为我所爱的美国而战》(Never Give an Inch:Fighting for the America I Love)的中译本。 蓬佩奥在书中描述了2018年他访问北京,与习近平会面的情形。他形容,习在谈话中从不微笑,有着“死气沉沉的眼神”。 #蓬佩奥 #绝不让步 #NeverGiveanInch #MikePompeo #社交媒体 #X #习近平

5/1/2024, 1:18:27 AM

美国前国务卿麦克‧蓬佩奥表示: 送几本回忆录《绝不让步》给中共大使馆,交给习主席。 2024年4月27日,蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)在社交媒体X上发布一张图片,是他的新书《绝不让步:为我所爱的美国而战》(Never Give an Inch:Fighting for the America I Love)的中译本。 蓬佩奥在书中描述了2018年他访问北京,与习近平会面的情形。他形容,习在谈话中从不微笑,有着“死气沉沉的眼神”。 #蓬佩奥 #绝不让步 #NeverGiveanInch #MikePompeo #社交媒体X #习近平 #国际新闻 #hotnews

4/30/2024, 6:35:04 AM

美国前国务卿麦克‧蓬佩奥表示: 送几本回忆录《绝不让步》给中共大使馆,交给习主席。 2024年4月27日,蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)在社交媒体X上发布一张图片,是他的新书《绝不让步:为我所爱的美国而战》(Never Give an Inch:Fighting for the America I Love)的中译本。 蓬佩奥在书中描述了2018年他访问北京,与习近平会面的情形。他形容,习在谈话中从不微笑,有着“死气沉沉的眼神”。 #蓬佩奥 #绝不让步 #NeverGiveanInch #MikePompeo #社交媒体X #习近平 #国际新闻 #hotnews

4/29/2024, 3:01:05 PM

🌏 2024 ALC 네 번째 연사 공개🩷 외교관이 만나고 싶어 하는 사람! 전 미국 국무장관 ‘마이크 폼페이오’ (Michael Richard "Mike" Pompeo) 그는 ALC에서 미국 대선 전망과 더불어 우크라이나전과 중동 지역의 정세 불안 속에서 한반도 외교,안보 위기상황과 한미의 대응 방안 등에 대해 이야기할 예정이야. 현장에서 생생한 그의 이야기를 듣고 싶다면? 🙋‍♀️2024 ALC로 찾아와!!👏

4/29/2024, 3:51:42 AM

Netanyahu wants to kill the remaining Israeli prisoners in Gaza. While his son Yair is enjoying himself today on the beaches of Whitehaven, Australia, with his mother Sarah. The mothers of the Israeli prisoners continue to be silent about it. Not only that, but he wants to throw the surviving soldiers into the hell of Rafah, south of Gaza. 200 days have passed since the war, and only a few Israeli prisoners remain alive. So: Who is the next Israeli prisoner that Netanyahu will kill tomorrow? Netanyahu is killing your children before your eyes. #netanyahu #israel #palestine #jerusalem #freepalestine #westbank #gaza #apartheid #palestinians #boycottisrael #bds #donaldtrump #foxnews #handsoffalaqsa #cnn #bbc #jaredkushner #nakba #mikepence #google #msnbc #breakgazasiege #mikepompeo #bennygantz #news #nikkihaley #palestinianlivesmatter #israelnews #trump #stopannexation

4/25/2024, 8:32:37 PM

NOTÍCIAS: 18/04/2024 O diretor da CIA, William Burns, afirmou que um processo envolvendo suposta espionagem de americanos, que visitaram o fundador do WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, deve ser descartado ou pode haver danos “sérios” e “excepcionalmente graves” à “segurança nacional dos Estados Unidos”. Quatro americanos, dois advogados e dois jornalistas, alegam que a CIA e o diretor da CIA, Mike Pompeo, orientaram a UC Global, uma empresa de segurança espanhola, a realizar uma operação de espionagem contra Assange que violou sua privacidade. A UC Global supostamente copiou o conteúdo de seus dispositivos eletrônicos e forneceu os dados à CIA. Pouco depois de o juiz determinar que os americanos tinham legitimidade para processar a CIA, o procurador Damian Williams e o procurador assistente Jean-David Barnea notificaram o tribunal de que a CIA reivindicaria o privilégio dos segredos de Estado para bloquear o processo. Burns apresentou uma “declaração confidencial” que só o juiz pode ler. Como afirmou Burns, essa declaração “define totalmente o escopo das informações” em questão e “explica os danos que razoavelmente se poderia esperar que resultassem da divulgação não autorizada de informações classificadas”. Além disso, Burns argumentou que a Lei da CIA isenta a CIA de publicar ou divulgar a “organização, funções, nomes, títulos oficiais, salários ou números de pessoal empregado pela CIA”. Fonte: scheerpost.com #EUA #USA #CIA #WilliamBurns #MikePompeo #WikiLeaks #JulianAssange #UCGlobal #Espionagem

4/18/2024, 3:09:59 PM

Because they're reptilian demons masquerading as humans #mikepompeo

4/17/2024, 10:54:44 AM

Pompeo 在川普政府擔任中情局局長和國務卿期間的回憶錄。由於他算是整個川普政府核心中唯一待好待滿的人,因此他對整個團隊乃至於前後朝官員的評論(批判甚至罵人居多)成為本書最值得一觀的地方。 再來則是貫串全書的美國優先硬派立場,這是 Pompeo 自述面對他國與危機之時,如何進行談判或構思解決之道的一切根本。然而,或許基於保密需要,寫出來的危機處理過程往往缺乏策劃細節,而是加強訴求立場和信念。 #回憶錄 #美國外交 #絕不讓步 #mikepompeo #nevergiveaninch #聯經出版

4/16/2024, 4:56:07 PM

Thank you, Mike Pompeo! Once again, you’ve proven to be a true friend of Israel 🇮🇱❤️🇺🇸 . . . . . #israel #usa #mikepompeo #iran #israeliran #iranisrael #hasbara #hasbaraisrael #proisrael #standwithisrael

4/15/2024, 10:55:46 PM

Pompeo warns diversity chief who espoused anti-American 'Marxist dogma' will 'destroy the State Department' Pompeo has expressed concern that a diversity chief advocating anti-American 'Marxist ideology' could undermine the State Department's effectiveness and values. Click link in bio to read full story @hardknocknews #MikePompeo #BlackAppointments #DEI #BidenAdmin #HardKnockNews

4/15/2024, 4:30:05 PM

Join us TONIGHT for Westgate Chapel's APOLOGIA:Forum, right here in Edmonds. We will be hosting Sec. Mike Pompeo - Former US Secretary of State and CIA Director at 6pm to discuss the international and domestic events and America’s standing on the global stage. Join us for this incredible discussion. Doors open at 5pm. Admission is free, and all are welcome. #Tonight #WestgateChapel #APOLOGIA #Edmonds #MikePompeo

4/14/2024, 9:00:25 PM

Do not believe the words of this spy and refer to the statements of #MikePompeo

4/13/2024, 7:23:53 PM

🇺🇸 America First ??? #trumpwhitehouse As President Donald Trump’s senior adviser, Kushner worked closely with Mohammed, who became crown prince in part by leveraging his ties to the Trump administration, which provided arms sales and other benefits. Trump also provided crucial support by refusing to endorse a CIA finding that Mohammed had ordered the killing or capture of Jamal Khashoggi, a Post contributing columnist who had been critical of the crown prince’s policies. Trump has said that he “saved” Mohammed, and former secretary of state Mike Pompeo wrote in his recent memoir that he was told by Trump to visit with the crown prince and “tell him he owes us.” Washington Post 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ #trumpcrimefamily #trumpcrimesyndicate #saudimoney #mbs #saudicrownprince #saudicrownprincemohammedbinsalman #MohammedbinSalman #jamalkhashoggi #jaredkushner #ivankakushner #mikepompeo #donaldjtrump #trumpfirst #america #trumpfirstamericalast #notapatriot #joebiden #jamieraskin #patriot #trumpfailedamerica

4/13/2024, 7:10:50 AM

We are privileged to host Mike Pompeo, Former US Secretary of State, Director of the CIA, and outspoken Christian, for our next APOLOGIA:Forum at 6pm on Sunday, April 14, at Westgate Chapel in Edmonds. We will discuss America’s standing on the global stage, and international and domestic affairs. This will be a conversation that you won’t want to miss! Admission is free, and all are welcome. #APOLOGIA #MikePompeo #WestgateChapel #Edmonds

4/12/2024, 9:00:22 PM

南方書店每天挑一本書陪伴你 #絕不讓步 #龐培歐回憶錄 #MikePompeo #季晶晶 #吳國卿 #王惟芬 #拾已安 #聯經出版公司 《紐約時報》暢銷書、美國前國務卿麥克・龐培歐親筆撰寫 理解美中關係、臺灣角色及未來挑戰的必讀之書 「當邪惡肆虐於世,我們如果表現得膽小懦弱,就是失職。」 ——麥克・龐培歐   美國前國務卿麥克・龐培歐是川普外交團隊的核心人物。他在2016年受命擔任中央情報局局長,2018年接任國務卿一職,成為川普內閣中唯一任職四年的國家安全成員。   他作風強硬,抨擊中國人權議題、批評伊朗與恐怖主義的關係、推動北韓去核化、以行動支援以色列。種種打破固有外交政策格局的作法,引發外界側目與爭議,但他自認秉持美國建國原則和基督教信仰,並致力在全球促進民主與自由。在任內,他也領導一場巨大的變革,重塑美國與中國的關係,影響了全世界,包括臺灣。   《絕不讓步》記述龐培歐與各國領導人互動的精采故事,及他對當代世界的分析與觀點,娓娓道來他如何協助川普政府制定顛覆華盛頓傳統的「美國優先」方針。本書也是一本高潮迭起的真實紀錄,大膽解密不為世人所知的政治幕後故事:   ▍川普認為龐培歐對中國的態度過於強硬,甚至要求他閉嘴?   ▍比起美國在南韓駐軍,金正恩更擔心中共黑吃黑?   ▍2019年印巴險些爆發核戰,美國如何介入並阻止事態升級?   ▍俄羅斯干預美國總統大選讓川普吃盡苦頭,川普卻想跟普丁友好?   ▍誰在龐培歐卸任後,仍然把他列在敵人名單?   書中不僅顯露當前國際外交與地緣政治的重要回顧,也映現世界趨勢和參與者的路線圖。對任何想要理解美中關係的未來挑戰,以及臺灣在其中角色的人而言,這是一本必讀之作! 南方書店有社團了👉🏻https://www.facebook.com/groups/751138865745163/ #一日一書 #南方書店 #閱讀是日常 #寄送訂書請私訊粉絲頁 #活動空間包場 #讀書會 #講座 #會議 #bookstagram #bookstore

4/11/2024, 7:11:35 AM

Join us for our next APOLOGIA:Forum on Sunday, April 14, at 6pm. We are privileged to have special guest Mike Pompeo, Former US Secretary of State, Director of the CIA, and outspoken Christian, as we discuss international events and America’s standing on the global stage! Admission is free, and all are welcome. Mark your calendar, as this will be an extraordinary evening! #APOLOGIA #MikePompeo #WestgateChapel #Edmonds

4/2/2024, 7:00:51 PM

#DonaldTrump just playing with the people #Trump #maga2024🇺🇸 #maga2024 #trump2024 #trump2024🇺🇸 knows many people don't know much. Look at #MikePompeo, #MikePence, #NikkiHaley and others who used to be part of his administration. Trump is so elections focused only, flip flopping bigly @donaldjtrumpjr @laraleatrump #laratrump @gop @foxnews

4/2/2024, 2:11:55 AM

No apologies here! My #vote is going to our should have been #president President Trump! #vote #nov2024 #mikepompeo #kristinoem #timscott #vote #november #novembercantcomesoonenough #election #honest #honestelection #closetheborder #

3/29/2024, 3:13:06 AM

از جان ایران چه می خواهید ؟! غربی ها و شرقی ها ! شماهایی که بزرگی را از بزرگی انداختید ؛ و در تمام این سال ها - مستقیم و غیر مستقیم - ، شیره ی جان ایران و مردمش را مکیدید ! از جان ایران چه می خواهید ؟ این همه سال ، نقش بازی کردن برای مردم ایران و در پس پرده ، توافق علیه ایران و ایرانی ، بس نیست ؟ چقدر باید سلاح به کشورهای حوزه ی خلیج پارس می فروختید ؛ تا جیبتان پر و شکمتان سیر می شد ؟ می تونید ؛ ما رو به حال خودمون رها کنید ؛ تا تکلیفمون رو خودمون روشن کنیم ؟ می شه ؛ شماها ، دست کم یک سال ، نه آب به آسیاب ما بریزید ؛ و نه دشمنانمون ؟! این همه خوردین ؛ و بردین ؛ بس نیست ؟! ابتکار عمل در موضوع نفت خاورمیانه که دست شماهاست ! در ماجرای اوکراین هم که همه تون دارید ؛ سود می برید ! در ماجرای اسرائیل و حماس هم که باز به قیمت کشته شدن مردم اسرائیل و فلسطین ، شماها پول درمیارین ! کی شماها سیر می شین ؟! کی شماها می ترکید ؟! _______________________________________________________ پی نوشت : تاریخ ایران اثبات کرده ؛ که ما ( مردم ایران ) مثل گذشته ، بالاخره ایران رو به سرمنزل مقصود می رسونیم ؛ اما اون روز ، شماها هستید ؛ که سرافکنده و محتاج مردم ایران خواهید شد ؛ و اون موقع هست ؛ که برای تجارت با ایران ، باید انتهای صف بایستید ؛ و خیار و سماق تقدیمتون بشه ... #iran #persia #persian #persian_gulf #unitedkingdom #united_states #america #joebiden #donaldtrump #benjaminnetanyahu #israel #france #emmanuelmacron #mikepompeo #johnkerry #anthonyblinken #josepborrell #china #russia #vladimirputin #rafaelgrossi #olafscholz #rezapahlavi

3/27/2024, 10:16:29 AM

Einer der unglaublichsten Absätze des #HighCourt-Urteils zu #JulianAssange ist dieser Absatz über die #CIA: „Eine Auslieferung würde dazu führen, dass [Assange] sich dann RECHTMÄSSIG in Gewahrsam der US-Behörden befindet, und der Grund [...] für dessen [unrechtmäßige] Überstellung, Entführung oder Ermordung dann entfällt.“ Damit hat der Londoner High Court indirekt zugegeben, dass #MikePompeo und die CIA genau das vor hatten. #SHAMEONUSA t.me/klartext_rheinmain

3/26/2024, 4:04:24 PM

前美国国务卿蓬佩奥警告世界各国:不要低估中共的野心 据CNBC TV18 2024年3月20日报道,前美国国务卿迈克•蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)近日在印度新德里举行的News 18 Rising BharatSummit发表演讲时,对中共构成的日益严重危险发出了严厉警告,并敦促各国对其侵略策略采取强硬立场。 #迈克·蓬佩奥 #MikePompeo #中共威胁 #中共野心 #独裁霸权

3/22/2024, 11:44:07 AM

#mikepompeo smells Vice presidential material and he is interested on that

3/20/2024, 10:39:58 PM

#追悼エリックカルメン #エリックカルメン #EricCarmen #チェンジオブハート #ChangeOfHeart #JeffPorcaro #MikePompeo #DavidPaich #TOTOデビュー前夜 エリック・カルメン アルバム 『チェンジ・オブ・ハート』 リリース 1978年9月 ◆リアルタイムで購入していたアルバム それは、もう45年前の話しなのですが、渋谷陽一さんの音楽雑誌「Rock'n On」の広告、裏表紙にドーンと出ていたと記憶します、それに釣られて例により学校前通りのレコード屋さん「あんだんて」で買いました、 ドラムを奏ってた友だちに受けが良かったのを覚えています。 ◆それもそのはず 3曲だけですけど、なんと、ジェフ・ポーカロ先生が叩いているではないですか!! しかも、ベースは マイク・ポーカロ、えッ、ピアノに デビッド・ペイチの名前も。 実は、数日間、CDのライナーノーツを読んでいて気づきました。 45年前は、アナログ盤でしたので、そこまで詳しく書いてなかった。 いや、ウソはいけません。 もし、書いてあっても解って無い。 だって TOTO 1stアルバムって、このアルバムの1ヶ月後のリリースですし、スティーブ・ルカサーが凄い位しか当時、理解して無かったのですから。 すみません。 ◆わずか30分のアルバムです 僕が持っているCDは、2014年リマスター音源に、1979年武道館公演での「オール・バイ・マイセルフ」を含むボーナストラックが入った2017年リリースの AOR 1000(価格が1,000円という意味合いですね)シリーズのものです。 雪の札幌公演の後、ピアノ搬送が間に合わず京都公演がキャンセルとなった伝説の1979年来日公演の音源も聴ける訳です。 そんなで、凄く楽しめるアルバムゆえに、この度の訃報は、とても残念です。 ご冥福をお祈り致します。

3/20/2024, 4:46:27 AM

The President Trump administration had it right, and Biden has destroyed it all. Mike Pompeo مدیریت پرزیدنت ترامپ حق داشت و بایدن همه آن را نابود کرد. مایک پومپئو #MikePompeo

3/19/2024, 1:50:54 AM

L'ex capo della Cia in Irpinia: visita al pastificio Graziano #cia #mikepompeo #Manocalzati #Irpinia #avellinotoday #citynews

3/15/2024, 8:16:05 PM

Our Partner Mary Nikezic was selected to attend the exclusive Future Investment Initiative Institute (FII) Priority Summit in Miami at the Faena Hotel and Forum featuring an exclusive group of 800 of the world’s most visionary investors, CEOs, world leaders, policymakers, next-generation visionaries, entrepreneurs, scientists, academics, practitioners, global citizens, cultural icons & media meeting, discussing, and cooperating to tackle the world’s most pressing issues: AI & Robotics, Education, Healthcare, and Sustainability. We are so very proud of the future leadership at our firm with impressive young partners like #MaryNikezic. More Info: https://fii-institute.org/conference/fii_priority-in-miami-usa-2024/ #MikePompeo #MichaelDell #MariaBartiromo #DrOz #JaredKushner #GwynethPaltrow #FIIPriority #ZarcoLaw @m_mary_n @hautelawyer @litigationcounselofamerica @bestlawyersllc @superlawyers

3/11/2024, 7:33:58 PM

«Ero il direttore della CIA. Abbiamo mentito, imbrogliato, rubato. // I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. // Avevamo interi corsi di formazione. Questo vi ricorda la gloria dell'esperimento americano. // We had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment.» #Pompeo #CIA #UnitedStates #US #MikePompeo

3/6/2024, 7:09:21 PM

The FBI is pursuing Majid Dastjani Farahani, an alleged Iranian spy plotting to assassinate US officials in retaliation for the killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani. Another Iranian, Shahram Poursafi, was indicted for a similar plot against John Bolton. Farahani speaks multiple languages and offered $300,000 for the murder. Source: NY Post Read more: Link in bio or download our app 👉 oigetit.com This article was fact-checked by #oigetit Oigetit.com #oigetit #factcheck #ai #FBI #IranianSpy #assassination #QasemSoleimani #Iran #espionage #spy #MikePompeo #US #politician

3/6/2024, 2:47:29 AM

elnuevoherald El FBI está buscando a un presunto espía iraní que viaja con frecuencia a #Venezuela y que se cree que ha estado reclutando personas para asesinar al exsecretario de Estado #MikePompeo y otros ex funcionarios de la administración del presidente #DonaldTrump, dijeron autoridades estadounidenses. Un aviso emitido recientemente por la oficina local del FBI en #Miami enfatiza que Majid Dastjani Farahani, de 41 años, es buscado para ser interrogado en relación con una serie de presuntos complots organizados contra ex funcionarios estadounidenses. Según las autoridades, Farahani ha estado reclutando activamente a “individuos para diversas operaciones en #EstadosUnidos, que incluyen ataques letales contra funcionarios actuales y anteriores del gobierno de Estados Unidos para vengar” la muerte ordenada por Estados Unidos del mayor general de la Guardia Revolucionaria iraní Qasem Soleimani.

3/5/2024, 11:43:46 PM

El FBI está buscando a un presunto espía iraní que viaja con frecuencia a #Venezuela y que se cree que ha estado reclutando personas para asesinar al exsecretario de Estado #MikePompeo y otros ex funcionarios de la administración del presidente #DonaldTrump, dijeron autoridades estadounidenses. Un aviso emitido recientemente por la oficina local del FBI en #Miami enfatiza que Majid Dastjani Farahani, de 41 años, es buscado para ser interrogado en relación con una serie de presuntos complots organizados contra ex funcionarios estadounidenses. Según las autoridades, Farahani ha estado reclutando activamente a “individuos para diversas operaciones en #EstadosUnidos, que incluyen ataques letales contra funcionarios actuales y anteriores del gobierno de Estados Unidos para vengar” la muerte ordenada por Estados Unidos del mayor general de la Guardia Revolucionaria iraní Qasem Soleimani. 🔗 Lee la noticia completa en el enlace de la bio. ✍: Antonio M. Delgado

3/5/2024, 11:19:06 PM

. 🔻رویترز: ترامپ در پروندهٴ کلرادو در مورد رد صلاحیت ریاست جمهوری آمریکا در دیوان‌عالی ایالات متحده برنده شد 🔸رویترز: دیوان عالی ایالات متحده روز دوشنبه ۱۴اسفند در حالی که دونالد ترامپ در مبارزات انتخاباتی خود برای بازپس‌گیری ریاست‌جمهوری تلاش می‌کرد، یک پیروزی بزرگ را به وی اعطا کرد 🔸رویترز: دیوان عالی ایالات متحده، ایالتها را از رد صلاحیت نامزدهای پست فدرال که شامل پرونده شورش در دادگستری کلرادو می‌شود، منع کرد. 🔸دیوان‌عالی #کلرادو #ترامپ را به اتهام شورش، از شرکت در انتخابات ریاست جمهوری در این ایالت ممنوع کرده بود 🔸دیوان‌عالی در ماه آوریل در مورد این که آیا می‌توان به‌طور کلی ترامپ را به‌خاطر شورش محاکمه کرد، قضاوت خواهد کرد 🔸روز دوشنبه هر ۹ قاضی دیوان عالی آمریکا در پرونده کلرادو به‌اتفاق آرا به سود ترامپ رأی دادند. @SimaINTV . . #trump #donaldtrump #republicans #Pompeo #mikepompeo #mikepence #FreeIran10PointPlan #MaryamRajavi #IranRegimeChange #iranprotests #IranRevolution #Iran #news #middleeast #Israel #palestine

3/5/2024, 9:28:18 AM

Greatly honored to meet Mr Mike Pompeo, 70th United States Secretary of State at the very exclusive and ever enlightening 🇸🇦 FII’s Priority Summit in Miami, with the PIF as a founding partner

3/4/2024, 7:45:08 PM

Rapimenti, omicidi e sparatorie a Londra: i piani di guerra segreti della CIA contro WikiLeaks /// Kidnapping, assassination and a London shoot-out: Inside the CIA's secret war plans against WikiLeaks /// «Nel 2017, mentre Julian Assange iniziava il suo quinto anno rintanato nell'ambasciata dell' #Ecuador a #Londra, la #CIA ha progettato di rapire il fondatore di #WikiLeaks, scatenando un acceso dibattito tra i funzionari dell'amministrazione #Trump sulla legalità e la praticabilità di una simile operazione. Alcuni alti funzionari della CIA e dell'amministrazione Trump hanno persino discusso dell'uccisione di #Assange, arrivando a richiedere "sketches" o "options" su come assassinarlo. Le discussioni sul rapimento o sull'uccisione di Assange si sono svolte "ai più alti livelli" dell'amministrazione Trump, ha dichiarato un ex alto funzionario del controspionaggio. "Sembrava che non ci fossero limiti". Le conversazioni facevano parte di una campagna senza precedenti della CIA diretta contro WikiLeaks e il suo fondatore. I piani dell'agenzia comprendevano anche lo #Spionaggio dei collaboratori di WikiLeaks, la semina di discordia tra i membri del gruppo e il furto dei loro dispositivi elettronici. Sebbene Assange fosse da anni nel mirino delle agenzie di #Intelligence statunitensi, i piani per una #GuerraTotale contro di lui sono stati innescati dalla continua #Pubblicazione da parte di WikiLeaks di strumenti di hacking straordinariamente sensibili della CIA, noti collettivamente come "Vault 7" [ #VaultSeven], che l'agenzia ha infine concluso rappresentare "la più grande perdita di dati nella storia della CIA". Il direttore della CIA appena insediato dal presidente Trump, #MikePompeo, cercava di vendicarsi di WikiLeaks e di Assange, che dal 2012 si era rifugiato nell'ambasciata ecuadoriana per evitare l'estradizione in Svezia per le accuse di stupro [in seguito rivelatesi infondate] da lui negate. Pompeo e altri alti dirigenti dell'agenzia "erano completamente distaccati dalla realtà perché erano così imbarazzati per il Vault 7", ha detto un ex funzionario della sicurezza nazionale di Trump. "Vedevano il sangue"» 26 settembre 2021 https://news.yahoo.com/kidnapping-

3/4/2024, 11:57:33 AM

The Hidden History of ..... Well worth reading by John Menadue: AUKUS, ex 🇦🇺 PM Morrison (secret PM Morrison) and 🇺🇲 Mike Pompeo. *Its not a long article. I dont expect AUKUS will ever come to fruition. -------- #AUKUS #scottmorrison #mikepompeo #johnmenadue #macron #submarineproject

3/4/2024, 11:16:39 AM

25/02/2024 El ex secretario de Estado de EE. UU., Mike Pompeo: "El Partido Comunista de China está utilizando capital estadounidense para financiar a las empresas chinas que actúa en nuestra contra, y deberíamos tener los mismos requisitos de normas contables para las empresas chinas, sin excepciones para el PCCh. Además, entre los decenas de miles de chinos que han entrado ilegalmente en EE. UU., algunos deben estar trabajando para el PCCh, lo que nos traerá problemas en los próximos años." #PCCh, #MikePompeo, #Fronteraabierta, #Biden, 49-https://gettr.com/post/p316s4td9c2

3/1/2024, 10:45:23 AM

25/02/2024 El ex secretario de Estado de EE. UU., Mike Pompeo: "El Partido Comunista de China está utilizando capital estadounidense para financiar a las empresas chinas que actúa en nuestra contra, y deberíamos tener los mismos requisitos de normas contables para las empresas chinas, sin excepciones para el PCCh. Además, entre los decenas de miles de chinos que han entrado ilegalmente en EE. UU., algunos deben estar trabajando para el PCCh, lo que nos traerá problemas en los próximos años." #PCCh, #MikePompeo, #Fronteraabierta, #Biden, 49-https://gettr.com/post/p316s4td9c2

3/1/2024, 10:42:12 AM

25/02/2024 El ex secretario de Estado de EE. UU., Mike Pompeo: "El Partido Comunista de China está utilizando capital estadounidense para financiar a las empresas chinas que actúa en nuestra contra, y deberíamos tener los mismos requisitos de normas contables para las empresas chinas, sin excepciones para el PCCh. Además, entre los decenas de miles de chinos que han entrado ilegalmente en EE. UU., algunos deben estar trabajando para el PCCh, lo que nos traerá problemas en los próximos años." #PCCh, #MikePompeo, #Fronteraabierta, #Biden, 49-https://gettr.com/post/p316s4td9c2

3/1/2024, 10:41:55 AM

#ASSANGE E #NAVALNY: DUE PESI E DUE MISURE TUTTI PAZZI PER NAVALNY, QUASI TUTTI CONTRO ASSANGE (...) Lo spazio e le energie impiegate da politici e media, per ricordare la vicenda del "martire" Navalny, sono stati smisurati rispetto a quelli riservati al visionario giornalista e "attivista-hacker" australiano (..) tutti ricordano, giustamente, l'avvelenamento di Navalny nel 2020, ma quasi nessuno ricorda, colpevolmente, del piano elaborato sotto l'amministrazione di Trump per rapire o avvelenare Assange (..) LA RUSSIA NON DEVE INCARCERARE O AVVELENARE I DISSIDENTI! GLI USA POSSONO... IL " #DUEPESISMO" DI NOI OCCIDENTALI Navalny ha subito un avvelenamento nel 2020 orchestrato da #Putin, salito alla ribalta delle cronache per le modalità con cui avvenuto(...)gli hanno piazzato un agente nervino nelle mutande (..)  Assange era stato al centro di un tentativo di avvelenamento, ma quasi nessuno lo ricorda, come testimonia un'inchiesta di "YahooNews", basata sulle testimonianze di più di 30 ex-ufficiali dei servizi statunitensi.  (..) #Obama sembrava voler rinunciare a portare in tribunale Assange. Completamente all'opposto la linea sposata da  #Trump e dell'allora vertice della CIA,  #MikePompeo (..) L'ALFIERE XENOFOBO DELLA #DEMOCRAZIA (..) Navalny era anche un ultra-nazionalista e xenofobo, vicino ad ambienti #neonazisti (..) dipingerlo come un paladino della democrazia è una grossolana strumentalizzazione DUE PESI E DUE MISURE (..) È ovviamente giusto parlare delle malefatte dell'autocrate Putin, ma perché non si parla delle infamie dell'occidente? I principali politici italiani (inclusi quelli che favorivano ed erano favoriti dalla Russia di Putin) hanno manifestato in pompa magna in onore del "martire" Navalny. Tanti colleghi di Assange, che hanno guadagnato molti scoop e soldi con le rivelazioni di #Wikileaks, lo lasciano marcire nel carcere di massima sicurezza di Belmarsh senza muovere una penna. (..) Perché invece tanti si strappano le vesti per Navalny, un nazionalista perseguitato, ingiustamente e barbaramente, da un altro nazionalista?! LINK IN STORIE "ASSANGE" E "METAMEDIALE" https://www.fanrivista.it/2024/02/assange-e-navalny-due-pesi-e-due-misure.html

2/26/2024, 6:55:32 PM

In the heart of Munich, India's External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar takes center stage at the Security Conference, articulating India's diplomatic tightrope walk between major partners. 🌍🇮🇳 #IndiaOnTheWorldStage #MunichSecurityConference #DiplomacyInAction" 1. India's pragmatic diplomacy shines as Jaishankar navigates global partnerships. 2. The Munich address underscores India's commitment to strategic relationships. 3. Balancing between Russia and the US, India asserts its unique global position. Read more : https://bnnbreaking.com/world/europe/jaishankars-munich-address-balancing-indias-diplomatic-tightrope-amidst-global-tensions #EAMJaishankar #MunichConference #USA #MikePompeo

2/18/2024, 6:53:04 AM

I think the only term to describe this is f@t w@@ker. #mikepompeo #warcrimes @middleeastmonitor

2/17/2024, 6:42:25 PM

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Speak at 4th Archon International Conference ATHENS – The Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate are pleased to announce that former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will address the upcoming Archon International Conference in Athens, Greece. The Conference focusing on Human Rights, Democracy, and Religious Freedom will be hosted at the direction of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew by the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America, the Brotherhood of Panagia Pammakaristos in Greece, the Order of the Holy Apostle Paul in Canada, as well as the Archons from Europe and Australia on May 26-29, 2024. “The Archons have long been a bulwark in the defense of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and of people of faith around the world,” said Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. “As we confront a rising tide of religious persecution and conflict around the world, and I am proud to continue contributing to the important work of the Archons.” “Secretary Pompeo placed religious freedom front and center during his tenure at the Department of State,” said Archon National Commander Dr. Anthony Limberakis. “We are honored to have such a distinguished speaker address the 4th Archon Conference on Religious Freedom.” Michael R. Pompeo served as the 70th Secretary of State of the United States, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and was elected to four terms in Congress representing the Fourth District of Kansas. He graduated first in his class from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1986 and received his Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School. He currently Serves as Senior Counsel for Global Affairs at the American Center for Law & Justice and is a Fellow at the Hudson Institute. The Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate is a devoted group of passionate leaders, relentlessly focused on protecting religious freedom for everyone and ensuring the future of the Ecumenical Patriarchate – the historical spiritual center of the world’s 300+ million Orthodox Christians. #orthodoxy #archons #archonsoftheecumenicalpatriarchate #religiousfreedom #mikepompeo

2/16/2024, 11:18:40 PM

Former CIA officer visited the IDF ‘rehabilitation centre’ where he posed for photos, and danced with Israeli soldiers. Later he distributed gifts amongst Israeli soldiers children, and told the soldiers he’s proud of them, appreciates what they are doing and him and his family loves them. In previous interviews Pompeo has said that governments should not even considering pausing the attacks in Gaza to let humanitarian aid in. The US deep state’s affiliation with Israel is evident, the killing without accountability, the ravaging of Arab, Eastern and African land without hesitation or remorse. Old videos have resurfaced of Pompeo where he admits that the CIA lies, cheats and steals. A seperate video also highlights how he plotted to kidnap and murder WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange. And yet, he continues his power fuelled bloodthirst. #cutacut #israel #usa #cia #pompeo #mikepompeo #idf #gaza

2/15/2024, 1:27:32 PM

‼️ Palestine 🇵🇸 LIVE UPDATES 🩸 #disgusting #mikepompeo dancing with IOF. Slide through to see how many doctors 🇺🇸 and 🇮🇱 has killed. How hard it is to be a doctor and they nuke them in no seconds. Where or What’s the #valueoflife? Life in this sic world is a curse not a blessing?! If only there’s an easier way to death, people won’t be suffering living in this crazy wicked world?! 💭 #trendingnews #worldnews #Palestjne #israel #gaza #war #colonization #slavery 🩸Speak for those who can’t #speakup. Don’t be silent while they #occupy and #kill. Don’t serve your masters. Serve your people so your descendants don’t have to suffer. This is a fight against good vs evil and top 1% rich vs 99%.Don’t be fooled by their whitewashed agenda and propaganda. We are all enslaved in different forms so they can be rich forever. Don’t let them divide and conquer us. First generation to watch their crimes LIVE. Be the first generation to STOP it. They have been doing this forever and built this world based on EVIL and GREED. Nothing will be right unless they are out of power. #riseup. #stoptheevil 🛑 👹 . See something bad? Do something good. ☮️ . Looking for more nonpartisan #realnews?!? Hear it from the Heroes who cares about humanity, our country and the world. . 🎭 #nnn #newsgpt+ #nononsensenetwork #nononsensenews #news #realnews #worldnews #life #health #wealth #money #business #politics #betterworld #fyp

2/15/2024, 7:32:57 AM

"Ahead of a major #Hearing before the British High Court of Justice on Feb. 20 and 21, the “Countdown To Day X” series will highlight key aspects of WikiLeaks founder Julian #Assange’s request to #appeal his #extradition to the United States. Extradition should be blocked because the CIA allegedly plotted to kidnap, poison, or kill WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange while he was living under political asylum in the Ecuador embassy in London. 👉 According to Assange’s legal team, extradition would #undermine his #right to #life and right to be free from “torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). In September 2021, Yahoo News shared an investigation “based on conversations with more than 30 former U.S. officials—eight of whom described details of the CIA’s proposals to abduct Assange.” CIA director Mike Pompeo allegedly “championed” proposals to #abduct Assange after WikiLeaks published the Vault 7 materials in 2017. Pompeo favored a #rendition operation that would involve breaking into the Ecuador embassy to drag Assange out and bring him to the U.S. “via a third country.” 😲 “A less extreme version of the proposal involved U.S. operatives snatching Assange from the embassy and turning him over to British authorities,” Yahoo News added." Thank you, @k_gosztola 👏👏 https://thedissenter.org/countdown-day-x-cia-alllegedly-plotted-kill-assange/ #JulianAssange #CIAplot #MikePompeo #MurderOrPoisonAssange #NoExtradition #FreeAssangeNOW #10feb2024 .

2/13/2024, 6:34:47 AM

I've been documenting this as much as I could, but I wanted to make a main feed post about what I got to do this weekend! This weekend, my university held a mock political convention, to try to predict who would be representing the party out of power (GOP, here) in the next election.. I had SO much fun and was able to hear from lots of speakers and learning more about the republican party platform. I think this is so my thing and I love that I go to a school where politics and things of that nature get people excited!! #law #prelaw #photo #float #illinois #kansas #mockcon #wlu #mock #convention #GOP #candaceowens #donaldtrumpjr #charliekirk #mikepompeo

2/11/2024, 7:43:20 AM

최근 북한에서 미사일을 발사했다는 소식이 들려오고 있어🚨 국제 안보 문제에 정통한 마이크 폼페이오 전 장관은 청문회에서 어떤 발언을 했을까? 궁금하다면 카드뉴스를 확인해 줘💯❗️

2/7/2024, 9:36:23 AM

Hearing on the CCP‘s Support for America’s Adversaries Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: TikTok and other CCP social media outlets are part of its information warfare in America. We have to defend ourselves, and we have the tools to do it well. Former CIA Director Leon Panetta: It is very important for us to have good intelligence on Communist China in order to deal with it. #HearingontheCCP’sSupportforAmerica‘sAdversaries #MikePompeo #informationwarfare #FormerCIADirectorLeonPanetta #internationalnews #hotnews

2/3/2024, 2:32:33 PM

Hearing on the CCP‘s Support for America’s Adversaries Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: A blockade of Taiwan is an act of war, much like an invasion would be. #HearingontheCCP’sSupportforAmerica‘sAdversaries #MikePompeo #AblockadeofTaiwan #internationalnews #hotnews

2/3/2024, 2:31:03 PM

Hearing on the CCP's Support for America's Adversaries Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: A blockade of Taiwan is an act of war, much like an invasion would be. #HearingontheCCP’sSupportforAmerica'sAdversaries #MikePompeo #AblockadeofTaiwan #internationalnews #hotnews

2/3/2024, 4:08:17 AM