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Just replacing one distraction with another doesn’t solve the fact that you need to get out there and be authentic and vulnerable to create a beautiful connected relationship for yourself. Scary? Absolutely! That’s what apps made you to be. Relearning these skills and being your beautiful self requires training and practice. Sign up for Mentorship for Men in the profile and let’s change your journey into the direction that is enjoyable, filled with love and harmony. #beliefsystem #shiftyourbeliefs #divinemasculine #mensmentalhealth #mensmindset #traumahealing #masculinementor #mentoringmasculine #healthymasculine #femininemasculinemagic #masculineenergy #mentorshipformen #masculinehealing #mentalhealth #selfesteembuilding #authenticmen #findmyblindspots #selfworth #goodenough #beingaman #patterninterrupt #energyshift #weneedhealthymen #silentepidemic #authenticmen #authenticity #authenticiscool

5/17/2024, 3:05:00 PM

This is NOT a question of who’s fault it is. This is an exercise in getting past our old experiences and hurts and embracing loving and compassionate approach to each other. Which means both masculine and feminine step up to meet their higher self. This is when Blind Spots Method comes at play as each human very often gets stuck in their own bubble of patterns and perceptions and can’t see the key to the lock hanging right in front of their eyes. My mentorship with men is focused on uncovering these old beliefs, making them visible and replacing them with new patterns created consciously by each man I mentor. Schedule a free 30-mins discovery call under the link in profile to determine if you can qualify for the mentorship. #beliefsystem #shiftyourbeliefs #divinemasculine #mensmentalhealth #mensmindset #traumahealing #masculinementor #mentoringmasculine #healthymasculine #femininemasculinemagic #masculineenergy #mentorshipformen # #masculinehealing #mentalhealth #selfesteembuilding #authenticmen #findmyblindspots #selfworth #goodenough #beingaman #patterninterrupt #energyshift #weneedhealthymen #silentepidemic #authenticmen #authenticity #authenticiscool

5/3/2024, 10:17:43 PM

Nobody might’ve taught you how to take a lead in a healthy masculine way. And it’s the reality most men and women live in. It doesn’t have to be this way though. You and only you are in charge of your life. So it’s up to you to go ahead in the link in the profile and sign up for a call. Is your life worth it? #beliefsystem #shiftyourbeliefs #divinemasculine #mensmentalhealth #mensmindset #traumahealing #masculinementor #mentoringmasculine #healthymasculine #femininemasculinemagic #masculineenergy #mentorshipformen # #masculinehealing #mentalhealth #selfesteembuilding #authenticmen #findmyblindspots #selfworth #goodenough #beingaman #patterninterrupt #energyshift #weneedhealthymen #silentepidemic #authenticmen #authenticity #authenticiscool

4/25/2024, 8:01:14 PM

How do you even know if you are authentic when all your life you lived this same way? You know it in your belly or in your heart, depending on where the energy of your body signals you from. You know it by the feeling that you’ve been trying to put away, because there is no time for that in man’s life. You know it by that lack that you sense, the lack of real, legit and honest, you just know it but settle for less. Because that’s the only option you’ve had. You just didn’t know there is an option to be YOURSELF and be in your POWER. #beliefsystem #shiftyourbeliefs #divinemasculine #mensmentalhealth #mensmindset #traumahealing #masculinementor #mentoringmasculine #healthymasculine #femininemasculinemagic #masculineenergy #mentorshipformen # #masculinehealing #mentalhealth #selfesteembuilding #authenticmen #findmyblindspots #selfworth #goodenough #beingaman #patterninterrupt #energyshift #weneedhealthymen #silentepidemic

4/22/2024, 4:03:26 PM

A masculine manifestation of energy is to be confident, be at ease and knowing who you are. It’s not swiping or starting to sweat at the thought of talking to someone in real life. To be aware of your embodiment of your own masculine you first might want to scan your recent thoughts and actions. #beliefsystem #shiftyourbeliefs #divinemasculine #mensmentalhealth #mensmindset #traumahealing #masculinementor #mentoringmasculine #healthymasculine #femininemasculinemagic #masculineenergy #mentorshipformen #masculinefeminine #masculinehealing #mentalhealth #selfesteembuilding #authenticmen #findmyblindspots #selfworth #goodenough #beingaman #patterninterrupt #energyshift #weneedhealthymen #silentepidemics

4/20/2024, 2:00:00 PM

Men, it’s all about the level of your energy. If you meet a woman of your dreams but you did not prepare yourself, you don’t feel good enough, or can’t be yourself, you will eventually blow it. So are you able to you shift your energy to be a match to your dream? #beliefsystem #shiftyourbeliefs #divinemasculine #mensmentalhealth #mensmindset #traumahealing #masculinementor #mentoringmasculine #healthymasculine #femininemasculinemagic #masculineenergy #mentorshipformen #masculinefeminine #masculinehealing #mentalhealth #selfesteembuilding #authenticmen #findmyblindspots #selfworth #goodenough #beingaman #patterninterrupt #energyshift #weneedhealthymen #silentepidemics

4/18/2024, 10:52:43 PM

If a man doesn’t believe that he is worth divine feminine, her energy will never resonate with his and she will not allow herself to enter his life. #beliefsystem #shiftyourbeliefs #divinemasculine #mensmentalhealth #mensmindset #traumahealing #masculinementor #mentoringmasculine

4/15/2024, 2:00:00 PM

Repost! Written by a man! A Mexican man! Wow! I’m sure many won’t understand this but it doesn’t really matter. I know that there are plenty who needed to hear this to continue their journey to authenticity and constant upgrading. And so here you are! Keep going! #beliefsystem #shiftyourbeliefs #divinemasculine #mensmentalhealth #mensmindset #traumahealing #masculinementor #mentoringmasculine #healthymasculine #femininemasculinemagic #masculineenergy #mentorshipformen #masculinefeminine #masculinehealing #mentalhealth #selfesteembuilding #authenticmen #findmyblindspots #selfworth #goodenough #beingaman #patterninterrupt #energyshift #weneedhealthymen #silentepidemics

4/14/2024, 1:38:15 AM

Hi, It's me. My name is on top of this profile. I love this thing called energy, which I enjoy shifting for myself and the people I have had pleasure working with. Currently, I focus on mentoring straight men on changing the rhythm of their energy. This energy shift leads men to the secure place of their inner power through connecting to their self-worth, healthy masculinity, confidence and flow. This is what takes them to the next level in both personal relationships and business. I do it because it feels natural to me, because I’m called to share it, because I feel compassion for the state of the masculine in the world, and because I know I can help. I love being in my feminine, and I love to be surrounded by healthy masculine. However I notice how masculinity has become confused, so I decided to help with the flashlight and very often with a lighthouse. I will continue doing it until the energy that brought me to this point evolves into something different. That’s how energy works. You will learn it as well. This mentorship is deep, highly personalized, and hands-on. A man has to commit for at least a month to make a shift in the energy that has been flowing aimlessly within and outside of him for decades. We start with an hour-long "interview" to identify the state of current energy and if a man is qualified for the mentorship with me. The interview is free for every man. And we take it from there. You can schedule your interview in the profile. #MensMentalHealth #SelfWorth #BlindSpotsMentorship #PersonalGrowth #Relationships #BeliefTransformation #EmotionalWellness #Deservingness #MindsetShift #healthymasculunity #masculineenergy #divinemasculine #beinggoodenough #selfworth #selflove #masculinementor #energyshift #energymentor #relationshipgoals #healthyrelationships #loveispossible

4/12/2024, 6:00:00 PM

First things first. Freeze reaction is your trauma response in case you were not aware of it. Nothing is wrong with having trauma besides walking on eggshells around it. A woman of your dreams will not and should not wait for you to decide to work on it. She is just on a different energetic level which doesn’t allow her to stay around this type of vibration. Face your traumas before you meet this woman, so you are ready for what you have been manifesting. #MensMentalHealth #SelfWorth #BlindSpotsMentorship #PersonalGrowth #Relationships #BeliefTransformation #EmotionalWellness #Deservingness #MindsetShift #healthymasculunity #masculineenergy #divinemasculine #beinggoodenough #selfworth #selflove #masculinementor #energyshift #energymentor #relationshipgoals #healthyrelationships #loveispossible

4/12/2024, 2:00:00 PM

It takes a lot of honesty and serious balls to admit to YOURSELF that you are standing in the pile of garbage. Garbage in a way of mess in the thoughts, previous actions, beliefs that created these actions, decisions you’ve made, broken relationships that could’ve blossomed instead, lost chances for love and lots of toxic relationships instead. It take a a lot to be honest with yourself. And this is how you start taking responsibility for YOUR LIFE. That’s the first step in you taking the ownership of YOUR journey here in this reality. That’s when the pile of trash can be turned into art. That’s when you regain vision and your own powers that you might’ve never even realized you have. It’s a beautiful process and it’s what I love guiding with each masculine that finds me for his transformation. #MensMentalHealth #SelfWorth #BlindSpotsMentorship #PersonalGrowth #Relationships #BeliefTransformation #EmotionalWellness #Deservingness #MindsetShift #healthymasculunity #masculineenergy #divinemasculine #beinggoodenough #selfworth #selflove #masculinementor #energyshift #energymentor

4/11/2024, 3:05:00 PM

Beneath the surface of our everyday existence, in the quiet spaces between our breaths, lies an ocean of potential that each of us carries within. This vast, uncharted expanse brims with the power to forge universes, to awaken the slumbering spirits that dwell in the infinite depths of our soul. Every moment of introspection, every act of meditation, channeling, or ritual we engage in, is not merely a practice but a profound act of creation—a beckoning of our spiritual team, our celestial companions who have been waiting in the wings, eager to make their presence known. As we dive deeper into the serene waters of our inner self, we uncover that we are not solitary travelers on this journey of life. We are accompanied by an ethereal cadre, a spectrum of entities that embody the multifaceted aspects of existence and consciousness. These are not external forces but fragments of our vast selves, mirrors reflecting the infinite possibilities of our essence. They are the whispering muses in the silence, the protective guardians in times of need, the illuminating beacons when the path seems dark.Embracing these entities within us means acknowledging that we are a universe unto ourselves—a microcosm of the macrocosm, where every thought, every emotion, and every intention has the power to summon worlds. It is an invitation to explore the boundless landscapes of our soul, to traverse the hidden pathways that lead to realms of wisdom, love, and enlightenment.Let their guidance light your way, let their strength fortify your resolve, and let their love fill you with peace. You are the architect of your reality, the summoner of your spiritual team, the creator of worlds. And in this realization, you find that solitude is an illusion, for within you teems a cosmos bursting with life, waiting to be explored.It’s time to embark on this journey of discovery, to open your heart to the vastness within, and to weave the tapestry of your existence with threads of divine light. The adventure begins within, and it’s time to soar. Go join our telegram group and catch one of our free channeling events LIVE! (link in bio) It’s show time, all the time. PS.

3/30/2024, 1:20:37 PM

Credit @13moonpeacetime 🫠🫠 As a cyber shaman, this is pretty much what I do. Agenda this week: Monday free group channeling at 1130am pst Wednesday Savage Shaman Seminars at 1130am pst Wana join? Check the bio or linktree! #menswork #masculinity #vajrayana #spirituality #relationships #masculinity #purpose #consciousness #starseeds #spiritualaf #indigochildren #spiritualhealing #spiritualgrowth #energywork  #healing #primal #tantric #starseed #goetia #wayofthesuperiorman #lightworker  #shadowwork #dakini #masculinementor #mentalhealth #hermeticism #occult #channeling  #deities #flowstates #PrimalSutra

2/5/2024, 3:05:36 PM

From growing up without strong masculine guidance, I’ve journeyed a path many don’t fully grasp. Now as a single father, I see it clear as day: being a real modern king is about standing tall, even when the world tries to bend you. It’s about deriving strength from the trials life throws at you and forging ahead with purpose. For my son, I strive to be the role model I never had, to show him masculinity isn’t the problem; its absence is. We are the kings of our own kingdoms, tasked with leading with authenticity and heart. In teaching him, I relearn every day… For in every father, lies the heart of a king; and in every child, the hope of the future. If you hear me, give me a “HOORAH” 👇👇 #SingleDadJourney #RealMasculinity #realmodernkings #masculinity #masculinementor #mindsetmentor

1/31/2024, 12:33:53 AM

When your resume has a mysterious gap and the interviewer asks what you were doing: ‘Just casually mastering the Primal Sutra Protocol and unlocking the secrets of the universe, no big deal!’🤣🙏🏽⚡️🚀 #menswork #masculinity #vajrayana #spirituality #relationships #masculinity #purpose #consciousness #starseeds #spiritual #indigochildren #spiritualhealing #spiritualgrowth #energywork #healing #primal #tantric #starseed #goetia #wayofthesuperiorman #holydharma #relarionships #dakini #masculinementor #mentalhealth #hermetic #occult #channeling #deities #flowstates

1/30/2024, 5:55:50 PM

We take a stand for spiritual lifestyle mastery… We look for the maximum effectiveness as health and performance shamans… We take a stand for the priest beast… We take a stand for every man who feels not complete and wounded and needs help to heal their avatars… We take a stand for every dude confused as fvck about contradicting spiritual advice nowadays… We take a stand against sugarcoated fluffy lightwork that uses simple cookie cutter tools that don’t get you any results… We take a stand against ‘men’s work’ that feminizes and emasculates men instead of makes them more of their authentic, integrated polarity… We are the walking glitches in this ‘new age’ space… We alter our state and perspectives of mind to rule legions over our outer worlds… We honor raw masculinity and spiritual prowess… looking at the challenges we face, as spiritual athletes… We zip through rituals like we’re living life on easy mode… We fearlessly do the inner work… (even when it’s uncomfortable AF) We work with a metaphysical family that takes care of us…🙏🏽✨ We are Primal Sutra. Go join our free FB group at Or set up a quick 15 minute call with us at May you never be the same again, PS.

1/18/2024, 4:53:35 PM

Struggling with your Self Respect? Here’s Why 👇 It comes back to are you spending your time doing things you CAN respect? When you grow up with poor role models, it’s hard to find a good format of how to live in such a way that elevates self love, opportunity, and growth. So an easy starting solution is find people you respect doing things you value and witness the life they live. In what ways could you do something similar? Running out of time? Get up earlier. Wanna be healthier? Find a workout format you enjoy (doesn’t have to be bodybuilding). Desire calm, clarity, peace? Find a spiritual and/or breathwork practice Creativity completely blocked? Play in the ways your enjoy. Unsure what direction to take in life, fitness, mental health? Hire a coach / mentor / guide The biggest turn around I’ve found to begin the journey from inner critic or self respect comes back to: are you doing things you can respect? Are you doing the kind for things that others do that make folks look at them and go “wow, they’re incredible”. Know those people aren’t just born incredible, they choose to do the actions that cause them to embody an energy of respect and purpose doing what THEY value. They choose their purpose, their direction, their values, and the choices that they themself can respect about themself. They don’t function by others standards, they function by their own. In doing so, they embody an energy that draws attention, inspiring others to do the same for themselves. If you don’t know where or how to start, my Shadow Work and Mentorship programs are designed to help folks self study through meditation, books, guided self studies, and weekly calls. This subject specifically is one we discuss in the Magician, High Priestess, Emperor, and Empress cards! For more information, DM me! Both services are being offered at a lower rate this month! 📸 @btran_photography Supplements @morphogen_nutrition Morphogen Discount code Knightbrkr at checkout!

12/18/2023, 4:24:57 PM

Is shadow work only for those with trauma? Simple answer, no. Long answer, that earlier this week this question was presented to me. Most of my subjects, my stories, and my posts tie to those with traumatic backgrounds. This is a large portion of my market that I am seeking to serve, sure, but another huge component of shadow work is answers. Even if our life has been healthy or fairly smooth, we are always looking to understand another layer. To see and understand ourselves better or find new ways to interact with an ever evolving world. Shadow work and mentorship’s serve these purposes too. You don’t have to have been abused as a child, or experienced an unhealthy relationship, or been bullied and harmed. Even still, there may be parts of yourself that you are untrained to understand or lack the experience of how to interact with. When doing shadow work or a mentorship, it can give you the skills to find new ways to experience joy, play, curiosity, and self love that may not have been found otherwise. I know this time of year can also be rough, both financially and mentally, sometimes simply related to the seasons. These works help give an individual a place to be seen and heard, and potentially create strategies to take on the new year. If this interests you, I am taking on clients with a discounted rate through the rest of the month of December. DM me for more details. 📸 @btran_photography

12/3/2023, 9:32:45 PM

“By Choosing Differently we Become” I was reminded that this month is supposed to be “men’s mental health awareness month” . I’m seeing an increase in those willing to build a new paradigm to find the way forward, yet so many men are still seeking those resources. The last year I’ve been taking every opportunity to “choose differently”. I’ve witnessed how confusing our society has become to the masculine essence. I wasn’t raised with clear guidance on what it meant to have honor while having self love, assertiveness while still compassionate, leading from the front and back, holding one hand of war and one of love, or even in knowing how to make words and actions match so as to not be only a poet or a warrior. I flipped polarities, from the sweet young man, to the wounded and sadistic warrior, to the reluctant leader who had vision, all the way to the passive and fearful boy who could provide protection for no one. The insanity that is a world so torn on what it expects from its men that old ideas are tossed out with the dirty bath water while new ideals appease whatever new trend. But it is not society that did this to us. It’s us. It’s men. We turned on each other and stopped taking ownership, instead replacing it with shame and fear. We kept choosing the same disparities because it’s what we were raised to know. The only way forward is to choose differently. To approach our conflicts with breathwork and curiosity, to learn war and training so we are not fearful, and guide one another so that we can protect and provide the safety for the feminine energy without disregard for their sovereignty. In my business, I don’t present myself as a man who is always happy, a clean past, or always gets it right. I come as one who, as a friend once described as, “covered in scars”, yet also one who has learned how to play, to lead, to fight for his place in this world, and do so with curiosity for whatever comes to me. If you also seek guidance, this is what my shadow work and mentorships are for. A place to find not only a way forward, but a place to be seen, heard, felt, understood, and safe. My DM’s are open. Let’s find the way to break the cycle together.

11/19/2023, 5:52:34 PM

Interpretation Yesterday I found myself in a Dialogue, something I recommend to do every now and then with friends and lovers. Its how we touch base and can “check in” to grow closer through honest communication and curious listening. During it I expressed a statement about why I ask questions about their wants and needs, and why I adjust the way I do. That I felt they deserve to be treated well and this is how I can do so. In my mind, this was expressed with earnest intention and proof of genuine connection. But I could feel that the energy had not shifted. What I had said had not been received. So I asked, “how do you interpret that action?” They were honest, and expressed that it felt mechanical and insincere. Like a machine trying to change its computations to match a situation it did not understand, so as to force happiness and change. I was surprised, and had a chance to respond with vitriol or with curiosity. So I asked more questions, which gave them room to expand, and which gave me room to explain more on my end. No raised voices, no hurt feelings, and although it didn’t completely erase their concerns, it DID create an open channel that erased assumptions, immediate discomfort, and perspective for both parties that now can observe new paths going forward. In our relationships we can often get so caught up in our intentions that we forget to pause and ask questions about how our gift of self is received. It is no one’s job to accept you as you offer, but it is your job that if you wish to love someone how they wish to be loved, you ask questions about how they receive. Only then can you know if your intentions match what their perspective is, or open a pathway for them to witness you in due time. The next time you feel like there is a disconnect between you and someone you care for, be willing to ask them how the perceive something you’ve said in a Dialogue. That pause, breath, and curiosity create the difference between connection and disconnect. If you seek to better understand what shadows may affect your ego to prevent this, or a mentorship that could help you build connection, my DMs are open for clients. @btran_photography

11/13/2023, 9:11:40 PM

A review of the experience from a client who recently went through my Shadow Work Coaching. Every time I am grateful for the trust given to guide them, and even more so excited by the results that they create for themselves. As my logo says, it is by choosing differently that we Become. Through their journey over the course of several months they were confronted by the very same kind of experiences they were seeking within themselves to find a way to choose differently with. But through their own inner healing, they found new paths forward that carry them beyond what they’d once thought possible. Thank you again for your time and trust, and thank you for putting the work into this that you have. I know the future you create going forward will elevate you to what you’d been seeking and I can’t wait to witness it! If you are also interested in finding your own opportunity to choose differently, I am accepting clients for Shadow Work, or Polarity Mentorships, or even coaching to elevate the potential of athletes competing in the sport of Armored Combat. My DM’s are open for questions or setting up a consultation! Also use code knightbrkr to get a discount on any orders through @morphogen_nutrition in the link in my bio!

11/3/2023, 10:41:39 PM

@morphogen_nutrition One of the big switch ups in my fighting career was when I decided to hire a coach and sort my health, my training methods, and my mind. Now when I compete, folks are shocked a the ferocity, the skill, the endurance, and the mental and spiritual game I bring to the table. Part of that key was also switching off poorly made supplements around the same time. You’d think this would simply be me hyping up a company giving what I’m about to announce, but if you scroll back through or have ever seen me fight in the last three years you’d notice their merch either on my person in some form long before this day. When they decided to open up their affiliate program, I knew I needed to hop on because a chunk of my performance change can be chalked up to the quality of their products and what I use from them. So here I am as an affiliate of this fantastic company. Though my stack is extensive at this point, it’s these three that have been central to my fight day line up: Alphagen as an unbeatable source of energy, focus, and blood flow to keep me going throughout events that can be up to 8 hours of activity in 60 lbs of kit. Hydragen keeping me hydrated in ways simple potassium and salt ratios weren’t, to the point at which a single serving with my water intake was leaving me actually more hydrated post fight day than how I’d started it. Lastly, Multi, which is the first multivitamin I actually trust. Given I’d worked for a supplement company for 5 years I saw the gambit of vitamins and saw the poor quality levels that left me avoiding using them. Until this. One that I can feel the difference of whether I take them or not. If you also want to step up your fight game with an advantage the rest of the competitors in the field are missing, try these guys out. My gold medals and ferocious fighting style are part provability of their integrity and quality in a market saturated with snake oil. Hop on the link in my bio and use code knightbrkr to get your discount on your order today 📸 @btran_photography

10/27/2023, 9:56:25 PM

I have found that a man whose armor was rusty displays a life that is equally rusty. How you do one thing is how you do all things. Your gear as a fighter is vital for your safety, your performance, and your image. The whole “but I’m a poor knight” is anachronistic bullshit. Knights maintained their gear, and if they couldn’t, they found someone who could. That’s how it is for our sport. Learn the techniques needed or recruit the people who can do what you can’t. This goes for life as well. When mind, body, or spirit are out of place, then the rest is out of place. A disorganized home means a disorganized mind. Discipline is how we find the time, the energy, and the resources to maintain the life we have consciously chosen. Use what you can to maintain or improve your life, and if you don’t know what to do, find those who do like craftsman, mentors, respected friends, teachers, coaches, or whomever else is wise enough and experienced enough to help you guide yourself towards discipline, skill, and evolution. In that regard, when I have met folks who show up to fight after fight with rusty armor, often times their own life reflects this state. I’m not talking about scars, dents, or tears that all show the stories of battle and challenge. I mean the simple processes that any one with the will to fight can do. Those with rusted armor often had minds, relationships, souls, and goals they neglected. Is that how you wish to approach life? In doing this, in maintaining that which is a part of our core character, we demonstrate that we are beings of quality and discipline. For how you do one thing is how you do all else. If you seek to understand these concepts better, or to sort the shadows that keep you from accomplishing these forms of discipline, my DMS are open to accept clients for shadow work, mentorships, or Buhurt Athletic Coaching and skill development . Use code knightbrkr for discounts on @morphogen_nutrition supplements 📸@btran_photography

10/26/2023, 6:33:32 PM

Presence The place I first began to understand presence was not in meditation or martial arts; it was in the long draw of a cigar on a southern porch in the warm twilight of the evening hours. With meditation, when you are so focused on your mental and spiritual self you can get lost in the space of the unseen. With martial arts, when you become comfortable, you can become the action and stop being the person. My lack in both was finding my body within the moment. I also lacked this intimately. A boy more in his head than a man present in his body whether it be looking a partner seeking my integrity, a friend needing an ear, or a lover in need of my Spirit and Truth. I sought out E of @rocen_pro, a man who had guided me to several truths. He knew of my love of cigars and asked if I’d ever just sat with one. No books, no meditations, no conversations. Just me and the cigar and existence. I’d admitted no. I didn’t have that luxury. Too much happening. He laughed at my excuses. That night I went to my porch and lit one as was my way. I closed my eyes and leaned back in the rocking chair, settling my weight into every piece of the frame that my body could. With each pull, I could find each flavor note, hear each animal, the way the breeze tickled over my face, and how my clothes settling on my skin. I could feel each ache, every tense joint, the way life filled my lungs, to the burn of the smoke on my tongue. Then the emotions came. I realized a lack of presence in the body wasn’t simply a disconnect between mind, body, and spirit. It was escapism from the emotions each moment brings. Vulnerability with your partner, Divinity with your lover, any sense of worthiness when competing, and scariest of all to those driven: peace. Oh what peace. See it wasn’t the cigar that was peace, it was my body. It was living in the now. It was presence. Life. And if I had the patience to draw a cigar to its smallest point, I had the patience to exist within this body in each moment as it came. If you too wish to understand presence, to be the pillar in the storm, or the ocean that moves as a man made form, my DM’s are open. I’d love to help you find Presence.

10/20/2023, 3:58:11 AM

We look to distance shores thinking the answer lie somewhere beyond the horizon, while the soul within us cries to be seen for it is the child raising its hand saying “pick me, pick me!” Musashi states that there is no wisdom found in books, teachers, or far off lands that we can not find within. How I see it is that books, mentors, and the experiences of life are not teaching us but instead unlocking the inherent truths we have always carried in ways that we can then use in our every day life. If finding these answers, whether to better understand your connection to your shadows and how to use them for light, or whether to better understand the connections of your inner masculine and feminine in order to better improve your relationships to the those around you, or to become a higher level athlete in HEMA or Buhurt, is something you seek…. Allow me the chance to be the mirror to help you see the truths and potential within you to answer these questions. Whether it is through a shadow work study, or a mentorship, or athletic/ martial development, let’s set up a consultation through DM to find the way forward by finding the way within. 📸 @btran_photography

10/17/2023, 7:35:41 PM

The Shift When I made this life change, I had a bit of a chip on my shoulder. I didn’t even realize it. “I’m gonna prove I’m a champion, I belong here, I can be successful, I’m gonna prove to my friends back home I can be all they believed in, how much I’ve grown” etc etc Have you ever noticed that when you are -proving- something you are never able to find rest? Some would call this passionate obsession. I call this self sabotage the long way round Eventually it will cause you to stop believing in yourself because you never believed in you since your gauge of belief was others recognition or support. So then trust and surrender became topics of conversation, in the books I read, in the shows I watched, and in the small quiet moments with the Divine as they tried to guide me. So I opened my deepest doors of vulnerability in the right place, both internally and externally. I began to surrender control of more things while focusing on my life and passions. I started to release moments where I could tell I was proving something and not -being-. Still, I could feel that fear and anxiety. Sometimes, it takes the right conversations with the right people to help you see something so simple: In the process I stopped believing in the -I Am- that is my being. The worthiness of all that I wish to have in my life. The knowledge that all I’ve done in the last three years have made me more than ready for what I want. I am the right fit, I have the abundant skills, my heart is in the right place, I am surrounded by and embodying love, nature itself shows peaceful gratitude of being alive, and passion weaves it’s way in every movement and breath of my day. I could keep the list going but I had forgotten the simple truth that -I Am- and have nothing to prove to anyone. Simply it’s about embodiment. Being. Receiving. Gratitude. Surrender. Trust in my own two feet, the hands offering love, and a Divine so wonderfully in my corner. So I ask you… do you see yourself through your eyes or the ones of the world? Remember the phrase I Am. If you struggle to see this, let me help you see for yourself how worthy you already are. 📸 @andrewweedphoto

10/6/2023, 7:09:20 PM

Part 3 of “What Services do I Offer” First two involved healing the spiritual and mental. The final is healing the physical. That is in being a coach for Armored Combat/ Buhurt and Historical European Martial Arts, as well as general health and wellness. I’ve been training and competing in various versions of Armored Combat and HEMA across the United States for 17 years, as well as additional Martial Arts such as Boxing and BJJ. Throughout this time I have been involved in diverse forms of training. I’ve experienced the spectrum of doing things terribly wrong like training for 6 hours a day with no rest days and finding how that destroyed my mind and body all the way to hiring an excellent coach and being guided on every process needed to become one of the top athletes in my sport, with gold and silver placings across the country as a Duelist in Buhurt / HEMA. Taking that time and experience, my passion and curiosity for athletic development, and always seeking a new level not through pain but instead excellence, has given me a unique perspective on the needs and requirements of fighting athletes as well as the average individual seeking elevation through Training. Incorporating programs designed per individual, martial skills, and even techniques that I use with my shadow work clients, I help athletes find a way to turn their Light and Shadow into direction to create wins on and off the field. The options for this are online coaching, in person classes, as well as seminars where I will come to your team and show you the skills required to elevate your Duelist game. I used to create Conquerers as that was all I knew could be done as a Martial Artist. The generational trauma of the relentless knight. Now I’m seeing the inherent beauty and possibility in new directions by creating Warrior Alchemists, and that’s the legacy I wish to leave within this ever growing sport. Winning not through destruction of self and others, but through Actualization and Flow. If you also seek new direction as a martial artist or athlete, let’s work together to find the Light in the Thrill of Combat 📸 @btran_photography

10/5/2023, 7:45:27 PM

Part Two of “What services do I offer?” Last time I talked about shadow work. This time I’m going to discuss my mentorships. It can range per client, as some stick around after shadow work to integrate, while others work with me to help them on paths related to philosophy, spirituality, attachment theory, and more. For this, what I specialize in is masculine and feminine polarity. Especially in a culture that has created a mass misconception of what these energies are and how they work within the current diverse human landscape. Men are torn between the extreme aggression of Andrew Tate while others are confused by their emotions due to the lack of healthy father figures, while for women we are seeing deeply wounded and overly independent women who feel unsafe in an unsafe world. I’m not saying aggression or emotions are bad in men, or that independence and strength are bad in women. I’m saying that it’s all gotten out of hand. Relationships are fracturing because there is no curiosity for the energetic fields we carry, and when folks go searching for answers they are left unsure what to do next to heal themself, their relationships, and their happiness. Focusing primary on men, I want to help them find a place to be seen, heard, felt, understood, and elevated. To know their shadows and their light, and know how to channel that to be better leaders, students, fighters, friends, lovers, and how to honor their own self love and respect. It’s about creating warriors in a garden through mental and spiritual training for the only way to become a Warrior Alchemist is to understand as much about peace as war. To be able to express and honor your emotions as well as set boundaries with those who would harm them. To be able to take confident direction while not controlling those we love through fear of chaos. By also helping them understand their own inner child and inner feminine, so that they can honor those qualities deeply within their partner as well. If this topic interests you, let’s set up a consultation and get you started towards a better future. Use code knightbrkr to get a discount on your @morphogen_nutrition order! 📸 @andrewweedphoto

10/2/2023, 5:54:55 PM

Nothing complicated this time. Simply…. Do you know how to just -Be- ?

9/30/2023, 8:58:17 PM

The Warrior Alchemist System This year, I’ve been developing a business that works to heal the mind, body, and spirit. In my journey I’d noticed that if we have any one of the three completely off kilter, it will affect the other two in drastic ways. For spirit, I could use Shadow Work to help individuals using psychological and spiritual methods to help them see the parts of themself that they hid away from. For mind, I could offer Mentorships that help individuals understand the dichotomy of their masculine and feminine concepts within themself and others, thereby creating a deeper bond within their mind and those they loved. For body, I could offer online fitness coaching, as well as seminars in the martial art of Armored Combat / Buhurt. Through each method helping to locate that which is off balance and bring it back to order. So why The Warrior Alchemist System? In masculine archetypes there are four major concepts. The King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover. They define as: King: leader, provider Warrior: action taker, protector Magician: logic, teacher Lover: companion, creative The warrior arch combines mind, body, and spirit to be a leader of action. King / Warrior. An alchemist is all about transformation of polarity and manifestation into reality. Magician / Lover. When you sign up for one of the three paths of The Warrior Alchemist System, you are confronting your shadows, limiting beliefs, assumptions of self and others, and all that keeps you from reaching your highest potential. I want you to see you aren’t alone in your struggles, that no one eats alone. If you hire me, I will not see a broken individual in need of fixing. I will see someone who has yet to witness their own light. Let us, together, break the ouroboros cycle of shadow and bring you into a new reality. One of hope, community, curiosity, and Light. “Through every Dusk and every Dawn Choosing Self Curiosity over Judgment Within the Ever Present Now Living as if Already Dead I will Push Past my Limits Producing Results in every endeavor I will delve into the spiral learning I will not be Devoured I will Become To Whatever End” 📸 @andrewweedphoto

9/28/2023, 6:48:43 PM