cartoonnetwork images

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#food #travel #sports #news #may #friday

・ご玹介❗ 90s〜 デニム切り替えしデザむンゞップパヌカヌ 今時期のサラッず重ね着に䜿えるグッドレギュラヌ👌 ブランドこそマむナヌ系の物ですが、今時期にサラッず矜織るのにも秋冬のむンナヌ䜿いにもかなり䜿える倉わり皮なゞップパヌカヌ❗ ボディ自䜓はデニム生地になっおいたすが、フヌドのラむンや袖先に裟が肌觊りの良いロンTの様な生地で切り替えられたデザむンになっおいたす❗ デザむン自䜓切り替えしだけでも面癜いですが、ポケットのステッチの入り方が䞭倮から脇たで入る倉わった䜜り❗ ポケットの内偎だけが濃いデニムになっおいるのも良いですね😌 そしおデニム1枚生地ではなく、切り替えしのデザむンで䜿われおいるコットンずスパンデックスのかなり肌觊りの良い生地が裏地に袖先からフヌド裏たでしっかり付いおいるので着心地は最高です❗ 圢自䜓も倉わっおいお着䞈がかなり短く、身幅が広めに䜜られた暪長の圢❗ そしおラグランスリヌブずいうノィンテヌゞ感ある䜜りでもしっかりずシル゚ットは今っぜく着れる倧きめのサむズ感ずいうのも🙆🏻 そしお袖先ず裟には切り替えしのデザむンではある物の、ゎムなどのリブが付かないストンず萜ちるシル゚ットずいうのが個人的にはかなり奜きなポむント❗ Tシャツで合わせるのにもやはりこのシル゚ットはレむダヌドに䜿いやすい圢をしおおり、着䞈が短いからこそ2段.3段ず重ね着に䜿う1番䞊のパヌカヌずしお䜿いやすいですね😌 男性の方だけではなく、女性の方にもこの圢やシル゚ットはかなり䜿いやすいかず思うので、男女問わず䞇胜に䜿える良い1品かず❗ 着侈62.5 身幅67 袖䞈(銖元たで)77 䜿甚感皋床です❗ ツクダ #vintagedisney #disney #movie #warnerbros #dccomics #marvel #cartoonnetwork #character #shirts #sweat #fashion#叀着奜き#叀着男子#叀着女子 #叀着すきな人ず繋がりたい #ディズニヌすきな人ず繋がりたい #used #vintage#ディズニヌ#キャラクタヌ #Tシャツ#ノィンテヌゞ#叀着屋#叀着#ノィテヌゞディズニヌ#高円寺#高円寺北口 #jjill

5/17/2024, 7:59:40 AM

Hmm wonder if that door leads to somewhere . Wait is this portal gonna take us to the penultimate episode?! Tune in for tonight’s episode on a really cool show with a really cool person. Tonight is the finale prerecorded episode and the start of the two week hiatus 🥲 But as I’ve said before something special is coming for the Finale of season one . . . . . . . . #podcast #stevenuniverse #tvshow #spotify #spotifypodcast #review #recap #gemstones #movies #moviereviews #stevenuniversefuture #crystalgems #cartoon #cartoonnetwork

5/17/2024, 7:56:28 AM

₹300/free shipping cash on delivery message us for order . . . #nostalgia #childhood #90s #indian #india #nostalgic #school #art #artwork #reel #artist #digitalart #aesthetics #soothing #animation #relatable #cartton #cartoonnetwork #pogo #disney Themost and the bestest artwork

5/17/2024, 7:41:05 AM

・ご玹介❗ 90s STARTER シカゎ・カブス ベヌスボヌルシャツ アメリカのMLB所属のシカゎ・カブス⚟ 日本人遞手だず今氞投手ず鈎朚誠也が所属しおいるチヌムですね❗ ここ最近だず今氞投手の掻躍が凄く、シヌズン開幕8登板で5勝無敗ず今シヌズンのMLB党䜓で唯䞀の防埡率が0点台の0.96ずいう、112幎間のシカゎ・カブスの球団史䞊でも初の蚘録を残しおいたす❗ この防埡率0.96の数字は、MLB党䜓でも1967幎以来の57幎振りの䜎い数字ずなり、歎代5䜍の蚘録ずなっおいたす❗ こちらはそんなシカゎ・カブスのベヌスボヌルシャツ❗ 圓時ラッセルなど色んなボディメヌカヌからベヌスボヌルシャツは販売されおいたしたが、こちらはスタヌタヌボディが䜿われた1品🙌 生地感がベヌスボヌルシャツだずポリ゚ステルのスポヌツ生地の様な物や、メッシュ生地の物が倚い䞭でこちらは65%ポリに35%コットンの薄手のスりェットの様な生地感❗ この生地感だからこそベヌスボヌルシャツの䞭でもかなりファッションずしおも着やすくなっおいたす❗ フロントのデザむンもシカゎ・カブスのCのロゎが入る物が倚い䞭で、こちらはシカゎ・カブスの筆蚘䜓ロゎのワッペンが付きたす❗ そしお袖にはシカゎ・カブスのCロゎに、ナショナルリヌグのロゎが䞡袖に付いおいたす❗ ベヌスボヌルシャツ党䜓に入るネむビヌず赀のラむンがボディずはたた違う玠材で付いおいるのも👌 カブスのロゎや党䜓的な雰囲気から出おいるノィンテヌゞ感がかなりカッコ良いです❗ サむズ衚蚘Lですが䜜りが倧きめになっおいるので、これからの季節に1枚で着るだけでなく、ロンTやパヌカヌなどむンナヌで合わせられるサむズ感❗ ベヌスボヌルシャツは結構倏堎のむメヌゞが持たれやすいですが、秋冬でも重ね着でかなり䜿えお、季節問わずに䜿える䞇胜なアむテム❗ それこそストラむプボディずかではない分、䜿いやすさは抜矀です😌 シカゎ・カブスのベヌスボヌルシャツだず、フロントがCロゎであったりストラむプやカラヌのボディの切り替えしの物が倚く、このクラシック感あるデザむンの物は球数少ないです... こういう手のアむテムだずかなりストリヌト感匷めの印象が持たれやすいですが、このデザむンだったらノィンテヌゞにもキレむめな栌奜の倖しにも幅広く合わせられちゃいたすね👌 着侈(1番䞊のステッチから蚈枬)78 身幅64 袖䞈(銖元たで)47.5 䜿甚感皋床です❗ ツクダ #vintagedisney #disney #movie #warnerbros #dccomics #marvel #cartoonnetwork #character #shirts #sweat #fashion#叀着奜き#叀着男子#叀着女子 #叀着すきな人ず繋がりたい #ディズニヌすきな人ず繋がりたい #used #vintage#ディズニヌ#キャラクタヌ #Tシャツ#ノィンテヌゞ#叀着屋#叀着#ノィテヌゞディズニヌ#高円寺#高円寺北口 #chicagocubs #シカゎカブス

5/17/2024, 7:40:37 AM

昚倩貌的CACOx飛倩小女譊倧家奜像埈喜歡耶😍 今倩䟆貌Wave Shinex飛倩小女譊嘿嘿嘿 看到我這䞀身藍藍就知道我是泡泡掟的啊 雖然卡通裡垞垞芺埗她超笚超想䞀巎掌拍死她 䜆她就是可愛呀🥹🥹🥹 珟圚出門越䟆越懶埗穿內衣 有胞墊的衣服郜成為我隚抓隚出門的銖遞 挺波衣就是陀了有胞墊之倖還會固定䜏內內 讓胞型曎挺 胞口䞉顆倧頭真的可愛到爆炞🥹 私心垌望Wave可以做倚䞀些高個子友善欟 像這件我芁穿到L胞墊的䜍眮才會是對的 䞍過還奜敎件看起䟆也䞍會倪鬆 所以我還是埈愉快的垶著泡泡走了💙 及倖還有垶䞀雙泡泡的長襪可愛到爆炞啊啊啊啊啊 䞋次穿出門再跟倧家分享😍 喜歡飛倩小女譊的䞍芁錯過這䞀系列快閃 還有聯名泳衣超玚可愛 5/17èµ· 飛倩小女譊系列商品 將到以䞋門垂出沒🔈 〈北區〉 西門 📍台北垂萬華區挢䞭街111號1F 南西 📍台北垂䞭山區南京西路15號3F 新光A11 📍台北垂信矩區束壜路11號B1 〈桃竹〉 統領 📍桃園垂桃園區䞭正路61號3F 巚城 📍新竹垂東區䞭倮路229號3F 〈䞭區〉 勀矎 📍台䞭垂西區公益路68號B2 侀侭 📍台䞭垂北區育才街41號1F 〈南區〉 嘉矩秀泰 📍嘉矩垂西區文化路299號2F 倧西門 📍台南垂䞭西區西門路䞀段658號4F 台南Focus 📍台南垂䞭西區䞭山路166號2F 挢神 📍高雄垂巊營區博愛二路777號4F 💗党通滿千免運 💗滿$3,500莈小女譊果凍包🎁 - #ThePowerPuffGirls #CartoonNetwork #飛倩小女譊 #WAVESHINE #矎波第䞀品牌 #讓矎麗變簡單

5/17/2024, 7:40:32 AM

Beautiful Tom and police officer image 👑🔥. #viral #instareels #instalike #instashare #instafollow #instagood #instapost😊 #instareelsindia❀ #instareel #insta #instagram #tom #jerry #tomandjerry #tomjerry #cartoon #cartoonnetwork .

5/17/2024, 7:26:47 AM

Cartoon adventures came to life at LuLu Mall, Kochi! Kids' favourite characters brought smiles and laughter with vibrant colours and playful activities. Take a peek at these photos from the incredible Toonville experience, in association with Cartoon Network, currently happening at the mall! #Toonville #LuLuMallKochi #LuLuMall #Kochi #CartoonNetwork #SummerVacation #KidsFun #SummerCamp #TomAndJerry #Ben10 #TeenTitansGo #Cartoon

5/17/2024, 7:24:00 AM

The way #marcaline was playing the #guitar still have me like #😯 when I watch this scene #cartoonnetwork #adventuretime #animation

5/17/2024, 7:22:14 AM

Gwen Tennyson and Charmcaster at the gym Commission work I'm open for commission request, slide for more details 🙌 #ben10omniverse #ben10alienforce #ben10 #gwentennyson #charmcasterben10 #charmcaster #gym #sportwear #sportbra #leggings #fitnessgirl #fitnessbody #fanart #cartoonnetwork #illustration #illustrator #digitalart

5/17/2024, 6:57:49 AM

⁡ ⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡ #cartoonnetwork ⁡ #theamazingworldofgumball ⁡ ⁡ #Tawog

5/17/2024, 6:51:28 AM

They're only teenagers!⁠ -⁠ 𝟏𝟔 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐖𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐛𝐚𝐮𝐭 𝐍𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐟𝐲 - Click the link in bio to learn more!⁠ -⁠ Follow @watchworthyapp for more posts about the Scooby Gang!⁠ -⁠ -⁠ -⁠ #ranker #watchworthy #watchworthyapp #scoobydoo #scooby #scoobygang #thescoobygang #mysterymachine #themysterymachine #velma #daphne #fred #shaggy #mystery #mysteries #jinkies #fangirl #fanboy #cartoon #cartoonnetwork #cartoons #teenagers #themoreyouknnow

5/17/2024, 6:45:11 AM

Favorite Cartoon Movie? #cartoon #thecroods #Rango #cartoonnetwork #movies #funny #saltmango #survey Share your opinion and Earn. Salt Mango app available in play store

5/17/2024, 6:42:33 AM

Follow me for more Clips! ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Cartoon: King of the Hill (Season 8, Episode 4) ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #kingofthehill #hankhill #bobbyhill #peggyhill #dalegribble #luanneplatter #billdauterive #johnredcorn #kahnsouphanousinphone #boomhauer #fox #cartoon #cartoonnetwork #comedy #funny #lol #nostalgia #nostalgic #foxanimation #thatboyaintright #cottonhill #kingofthehillluanne #luanneplatter #testosterone #testosteronetherapy #testosteronereplacementtherapy

5/17/2024, 6:34:07 AM

🀗Community Day🀗 Heeeeeey! 🙃How are you?😋😊 It's 🀗Community Day🀗 again. If you haven't been to our events yet, just check it out tomorrow, because we start new events every week. 🎉🀯  🀠 See you there. goodbye   Your Tamy.   ❀ P.S.: If you have any questions, just write them in the comments. 🀗Community Tag🀗 Hey naaaaaa! 🙃Wie geht's euch?😋😊 Es ist wieder 🀗Community Tag🀗. Wenn ihr ein Shoutout bekommen wollt, macht einfach beim morgigen Event mit. 😋😜😊 Schaut euch unsere anderen Timbo Events an und macht mit, wenn ihr auch ein Shoutout haben wollt. 🎉🀯🥳🀠 Wir sehen uns dort. TschÌÌÌß. 🥰 Eure Tamy. 🥰❀ P. S.: Falls ihr noch Fragen habt, dann schreibt sie einfach in die Kommentare. • • • • • #kidscommunity #communityday #events #kidscartoon #eventday  #timboandfriendscommunity  #cartoonnetwork #Discord #artandcraft #fridaymotivation #kidsactivities #preschool #joinus #cartoonmusic #education #cartoonlogo #cosplaycommunity #artcommunity #kidsartcommunity #characterdesigner  #creativity #mascot #sharecommunity #fun #joy #draw #drawing

5/17/2024, 6:19:28 AM

Holidays unna poddhuney lesthunde veeti kosam 🗿🧘🏻. It would be nice if they bring back this shows back again @pogotvin @cartoonnetworkindia @disneychannel Like and share mukhyam weeb'u ❀🀌 . Follow @narutoreddy_ and @narutoreddy_2.0 for more memes . . . . . #powerrangers #phineasandferb #madshow #artattack #takeshiscastle #kidvskat #superrobotmonkeyteamhyperforcego #kickbuttowski #pogo #cartoonnetwork etwork #explore #explorepage #homepage #narutomemes #narutoedits #narutoreels #uzumakinaruto #animememes #telugumemes #teluguanimememes #teluguanimepage #telugumemepage #teluguanimememepage #narutoreddy #kakashi_s

5/17/2024, 6:13:36 AM

kaos baju pria/wanita T-SHIRT Toy Story Buzz Light Year dewasa/anak anak TEES -------------------------------------------- AVAILABLE SIZE : S, M,L,XL,XXL Material : COMBED BABBY TERRY import quality (Oeko-Tex ) Gramasi :240-260 gsm / COMBED BABBY TERRY Karakteristik kain COMBED BABBY TERRY: - Combed Baby Terry terbuat dari 100% serat Cotton. - Kain ini memiliki ciri khas pada bagian dalamnya memiliki struktur yang berbentuk seperti kumpulan "loop" bagian luarnya seperti bahan kaos pada umumnya. - Kain ini mampu menyerap keringat serta memiliki permukaan kain yang halus dan lembut sehingga nyaman digunakan. - Combed Baby Terry cocok digunakan sebagai bahan untuk membuat jaket, sweater dan hoodie. - Kain ini juga dapat dijadikan bahan variasi pakaian lainnya. - Combed Baby Terry lebih baik dicuci secara manual, namun bila ingin menggunakan mesin cuci, hindari mencuci terlalu sering. Hindari memeras terlalu keras, penggunaan pemutih kain, dan menyetrika dengan suhu tinggi agar kain tetap terawat dan tahan lama. COLOR : - BLACK - WHITE CUSTOM COLOR VIA DM & CHAT ON CONTACT(LINK ON BIO) #toystorybuzzlightyear #toystory #toystory4 #buzztoystory #cartoon #cartoonnetwork #fypシ #fypppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp #KAOSDITRO #kaos

5/17/2024, 6:13:25 AM

baju kaos pria /wanita T-SHIRT Toy Story Jessi TEES -------------------------------------------- AVAILABLE SIZE : S, M,L,XL,XXL Material : COMBED BABBY TERRY import quality (Oeko-Tex ) Gramasi :240-260 gsm / COMBED BABBY TERRY Karakteristik kain COMBED BABBY TERRY: - Combed Baby Terry terbuat dari 100% serat Cotton. - Kain ini memiliki ciri khas pada bagian dalamnya memiliki struktur yang berbentuk seperti kumpulan "loop" bagian luarnya seperti bahan kaos pada umumnya. - Kain ini mampu menyerap keringat serta memiliki permukaan kain yang halus dan lembut sehingga nyaman digunakan. - Combed Baby Terry cocok digunakan sebagai bahan untuk membuat jaket, sweater dan hoodie. - Kain ini juga dapat dijadikan bahan variasi pakaian lainnya. - Combed Baby Terry lebih baik dicuci secara manual, namun bila ingin menggunakan mesin cuci, hindari mencuci terlalu sering. Hindari memeras terlalu keras, penggunaan pemutih kain, dan menyetrika dengan suhu tinggi agar kain tetap terawat dan tahan lama. COLOR : - BLACK - WHITE CUSTOM COLOR VIA DM & CHAT ON CONTACT(LINK ON BIO) #toystoryjessie #toystory #TOYSTRY #jessie #cartoon #cartoonnetwork #fypシ #fypppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp #KAOSDITRO #kaos

5/17/2024, 6:09:29 AM

LETS WORK 🗣 DM ME With More Detailed Information So I Give You The Best Price Quote THANKS - ART BY CHARLIE #cartoon #art #drawing #illustration #digitalart #artist #anime #sketch #artwork #cartoons #animation #cartoonart #draw #comics #fanart #love #cartoonnetwork #artistsoninstagram #funny #disney #doodle #design #characterdesign #memes #illustrator #s #cute #cartoonist #bhfyp @junemedianetwork

5/17/2024, 5:56:26 AM

這些郜是加了✚挺波波配方✚的挺波衣💘 䞍甚煩惱芁穿什麌內衣就胜胞型圓挺 真是 #小胞救星倧胞安心❕ WAVE SHINE GIRL @nikki.919 @judychengla @wendy__624 @elva_xx98 @tayeyre @jj_lu_0624 #CartoonNetwork #ThePowerPuffGirls #飛倩小女譊 #WAVESHINE #矎波第䞀品牌 #讓矎麗變簡單

5/17/2024, 5:14:57 AM

I'm literally a Chad 💀 I was a bad girl, I did some bad things I swear I did it all for fun and it meant nothing It never happened, it was a secret Like when a tree falls in the forest, no one hears it Another late night, another crazy mood And I didn't think twice what it would do to you I was a wild child, you always knew it It was a matter of time before I blew it Thou shall not lie, thou shall not cheat Thou shall not get caught or you'll end up just like me, oh Karma's a bitch, I should've known better If I had a wish, I would've never effed around When I saw the pics of you and her, I felt the knife twist Karma's a bitch And she's with you right now She is a good girl, I think she's boring (boring) Believe me, twenty minutes later, you'll be snoring But it still kills me that you hooked up with her (up with her) And now the universe is giving me what I deserve (I deserve) Thou shall not lie, thou shall not cheat (oh, whoa) I'll write it down a thousand times and hope it sets me free, oh Karma's a bitch, I should've known better If I had a wish, I would've never effed around When I saw the pics of you and her, I felt the knife twist (karma) Karma's a bitch (oh, whoa) And she's with you right now karma's a bitch (Whoa, oh, oh, oh-oh) karma's a bitch Better be good 'cause what goes around, comes around Karma's a bitch And she's with you right now And when I lay me down to sleep, it's not your body next to me This lonely room feels so empty, just me and my regrets And cold blue eyes look back at me, the mirror has no sympathy My guilts become a symphony that won't let me forget, oh Karma's a bitch, I should've known better If I had a wish, I would've never effed around (oh, whoa) When I saw the pics of you and her, I felt the knife twist (karma) Karma's a bitch (karma) And she's with you right now Karma's a bitch Karma's a bitch Better be good 'cause what goes around, comes around Karma's a bitch (karma) And she's with you right now 💙 💙 💙 #memes #tawog #tawogfanart #tawogedit #tawogmemes #tawoggumball #tawogart #tawogrob #tawogdarwin #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #cartoons #cartoonnetwork #tawogcosplay #theamazingworldofgumball #theamazingworldofgumballedit

5/17/2024, 5:14:52 AM

Cómo veía #ellaboratoriodedexter en mi infancia. #dibujosanimados #cartoonnetwork #2000s

5/17/2024, 5:14:00 AM

I wanted an adventure and it was time for adventure and here I leave Finn the human - Fan art. tool: Pencil drawing, Adobe Illustrator. #adventuretime #finnthehuman #landofooo #cartoonnetwork #finn #adventuretimefanart #cartoon #cartoonart #fanart #art #digitalart #pencildrawing #illustration #adobeillustrator #illustrator #finnelhumano #artgallery #vector #vectorart #dibujo #dibujoalapiz

5/17/2024, 5:13:27 AM

Adventure Time #cartoonnetwork #adventuretime #nailartist

5/17/2024, 5:01:46 AM

Feliz Happy birthday Chris ! @krepede Que la pases genial en tu día (atrasado) pero es tu día !! !! ; . . . . . #fanart #adventuretime #finnthehuman #jakethedog #happybirthday #fanart #cartoonnetwork #tradicionalart

5/17/2024, 4:32:36 AM

Comment which one you are🀔 For me, I'm stuck between ESTP and ENTP. I found this interesting thread on pinterest 😊 #adventuretime #cartoonnetwork #comealongwithme #jakethedog #finnthehuman #adventuretimefanpage #fanpage #pinterest

5/17/2024, 4:11:23 AM

Azúcar , flores y muchos colores 💚💙❀. #tattoo #dynamicink #tatuaje #cartoonnetwork #chicassuperpoderosas #bellota #bombon #burbuja #saltillo #coahuila #piedrasnegras #morocco #ink

5/17/2024, 4:11:07 AM

Happy birthday to one of my favorite voice actors, Khary Payton!!!!!!!!! He knows for great playing as Cyborg, Couch Sprit and other characters in Teen Titans Go, Wasabi for Big Hero 6, Maurice for Codename: Kids Next Door, King Penguin for The Super Mario Bros Movie (2023), Harold McBride for The Loud House, Rafiki for The Lion Guard, Aqualad for Young Justice, Earl Devereaux for Cloudy With The Chances Of Meetballs 1 & 2 and more. He was a great actor who played many roles #kharypayton #happybirthday #teentitans #teentitansgo #bighero6 #thesupermariobrosmovie #codenamekidsnextdoor #youngjustice #theloudhouse #thelionguard #cloudywithachanceofmeatballs #cloudywithachanceofmeatballs2 #dccomics #cartoonnetwork #disney #disneychannel #dinseyjunior #illuminationentertainment #universalpictures #nintendo #nickelodeon #sonypictures #sonypicturesanimation #columbiapictures

5/17/2024, 4:04:03 AM

🥑🚲🥟 . . . . . . tags | #irmaodojorel #cartoonnetwork #bulletjournal

5/17/2024, 3:52:52 AM

❓ #ilustration #cartoon #copic #digitalart #freelance #wacom #ilustracion #ilustrator #art #creatuanary #cartoonnetwork #myart #ocs #conceptart #draw #sketchbook #painting #pixelart #instaart #artoftheday #図 #矎術 #デゞタルアヌト #自分のキャラクタヌ #コンセプトアヌト #スケッチ

5/17/2024, 3:33:46 AM

Happy birthday to one of my favorite voice actors, Kevin McDonald!!!!!!!!! He’s known for playing as Dr. Frog and Chicken from Fish Hooks, King Of Sherblorg 7 from Wander Over Yonder, Albus Duckweed for Amphibia, Pleakley for Lilo & Stitch, Ivan for Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends, Mr. Medulla for Disney’s Sky High, Barry for The Penguins Of Madagascar and Bannister for Phineas and Ferb. He was an amazing actor who had been for many roles #kevinmcdonald #happybirthday #disneyfishhooks #fishhooks #wanderoveryonder #amphibia #phineasandferb #fostershomeforimaginaryfriends #disneyskyhigh #liloandstitch #penguinsofmadagascar #disney #disneychannel #waltdisneypictures #craigmccracken #cartoonnetwork #disneyanimationstudios #dreamworksanimation

5/17/2024, 3:32:06 AM

💪😌 @birla_wala . Koi BKL hoga jo @birla_wala Ko follow na karega😌 . . . . . . . . . #birla_wala #doratheexplorer #cartoonnetwork #disney #doraemon #meme #funnymemes #comedy

5/17/2024, 3:31:03 AM

Rick and Morty: The Anime Recebe Sinopse e Data de Lançamento em 2024 O tão aguardado anime de Rick and Morty finalmente teve sua sinopse oficial revelada durante uma apresentação para acionistas da Warner Bros. Discovery. Segundo o, a série apresentará versões diferentes de Rick e Morty em um enredo cheio de ação e romance. Sinopse: “Em Rick and Morty: The Anime, uma nova série do universo de ‘Rick and Morty’, Rick descansa em um pseudo-mundo entre multiversos, Summer ajuda Beth do Espaço a lutar contra a malvada Federação Galáctica e Morty se apaixona por uma misteriosa garota que por acaso é um ser atemporal.” A produção será dirigida por Takashi Sano, conhecido por seu trabalho em episódios do cartoon original. A primeira temporada contará com 10 episódios e está prevista para estrear ainda em 2024, embora uma data exata não tenha sido divulgada. A Adult Swim já lançou algumas imagens e a abertura do anime, gerando ainda mais expectativa entre os fãs. Enquanto isso, a oitava temporada do cartoon tradicional de Rick and Morty está programada para chegar em 2025. #RickandMorty #AnimeRickandMorty #Multiverso #AdultSwim #WarnerBrosDiscovery #TakashiSano #NovoAnime #Estreia2024 #CartoonNetwork #GeekNews #SelectGameNews

5/17/2024, 3:18:43 AM