SassoonHouse images

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Built in the junction of #NanjingRoadEast and the #Bund, the #FairmontPeaceHotel is a #hotel gazing the #HuangpuRiver. Formerly the #SassoonHouse of constructed in 1929, the #CathayHotel was renamed to the #PeaceHotel in 1956. Being the most iconic architecture in the #ShanghaiInternationalSettlement, the building witnessed the transformation of the city from #theBund. The hotel is now run by the #JinJiangInternational and has accommodated or served various renowned global figures such as #GuglielmoMarconi, #GeorgeMarshall, #CharlieChaplin, #GeorgeBernardShaw, #NoëlCoward, #ElizabethII, #FrançoisMitterrand, #RonaldReagan, #BillClinton and #GeorgeBush. 🏨 📍 Fairmont Peace Hotel, Shanghai, China 🇨🇳 📷 2024/05/12 #Shanghai #China #PeoplesRepublicOfChina #🇨🇳 #上海 #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国

5/14/2024, 1:41:54 PM

1928年1月正在建设中的沙逊大厦 #sassoonhouse 。英国钢铁公司应该提供了建筑钢材,所以这张图片成为了公司的档案。这也得以看到了雕塑的背面。雕塑在1944年拆除,但“铜人码头”的称呼又延续了几十年直到那一代经历者逝去而消失。现在雕塑的位置称“陈毅广场”,而大厦早在1956年更名为#和平饭店 #peacehotel ,轮渡码头也早已经消失。 #history #scuplture #shanghai (图片来自 #hpcbristol

9/24/2023, 11:58:19 PM

It’ll always remind me of the old Peace Hotel/ Sassoon House in Shanghai. #mandarinorientalhongkong #peacehotel #sassoon #和平飯店 #沙遜大廈 #cathayhotel #captainsbar #latergram #history #sassoonhouse

8/27/2023, 7:17:07 PM

【標題】也是三面夏娃──《于堇:蘭心大劇院》 【正文】婁燁執導的《于堇:蘭心大劇院》(Saturday Fiction),上映過程充滿了波折,興許就如同電影中復現的那個風雨飄搖而草木皆兵的年代,從戲裏到戲外,諜對諜的冷肅氛圍降及今日,又何嘗須臾稍歇? 毫無疑問,這部電影主要是看鞏俐──就專業而言,我十分欽佩她在這個流量稱霸的年代,依舊堅持不開設個人工作室、不參與花式副業投資、不成為綜藝節目的帶狀來賓,而全心全意將個人職涯的發展焦點置放於演技的鑽研和突破上──從角色形塑來說,片中的于堇出入虛實、遊走於多重身分邊界,和孤島時期的上海豈不也存在著轉喻關係? 【全文連結】雲遊筆記:旅行.閱讀.溫柔生活 【關鍵詞】 #FlaneurTiger #Shanghai #GongLi #LyceumTheatre #SaturdayFiction #PeaceHote #SassoonHouse #TheBund #Spy #雲遊筆記 #外灘 #和平飯店 #于堇 #小田切讓 #張頌文 #黑白電影 #沙遜大廈 #間諜 #上海 #上海之死 #于堇 #大東亞戰爭 #威尼斯影展 #婁燁 #橫光利一 #珍珠港事變 #蘭心大劇院 #虹影 #趙又廷 #鞏俐 【圖片來源】CTPphoto授權

7/9/2023, 5:34:25 AM

Blade runner meets Gotham city. Details of Shanghai Peace Hotel. The building was originally the Sassoon House, hosting the Cathay Hotel. #shanghai #peacehotel #gothamcity #bladerunner #nightinthecity #上海 #和平饭店 #夜上海 #sassoonhouse #thecathay

6/12/2023, 2:27:12 AM

前陣看完講香港50年代的《#尚未完場》, 自然討論到那些從歐洲輾轉上海、再輾轉香港的猶太大亨,回家就買了幅老照片:外灘和平女神像還未被日軍銷毀,中銀尚未建成,匯豐還屬於匯豐,和平飯店還是沙遜大廈(Sassoon House),應該攝於1935~36年。 上海和香港的聯繫,還有後續。滬語小說改編的滬語話劇《#繁花》(Blossoms) 來香港演出幾乎滿座,這些年來第一次聽到這麼多上海話。演出時聽到後排觀眾問:60年代已經有電梯了? 很想回頭答:有的,30年代就有了。劇裡的公寓是影射 #張愛玲 故居 #常德公寓 (Eddington House), 1936年建的 #裝飾主義 建築 (Art Deco),當時世界各地公寓的老派電梯都是一樣,靠手拉操作。 劇裡影射的另一點是幹部入主,趕走了原有居民。就像劇中滬生的父母。 劇裡說到好幾次階級感情難以血濃於水,沒錯。最後保持聯繫的是小少爺和幹部後代,分別是新舊世界的得益者;工人家庭的小毛,還是被兩個世界遺忘。 金宇澄自傳裡說過,他父親是潘漢年系統的特務,後來受潘漢年案牽連,所以滬生有他自己的影子。他自己作為幹部家屬來到上海,卻如此理解小市民生活,更讓人感嘆敘事細膩之不易。 文革的故事聽了又聽,但還是被震撼。當虛構的人物用市井方言表達真實的痛苦,所有流傳的、記載的⋯都道成肉身,從身體情感觸動後來人( #affect),讓每一代人都能記住。所以文學和藝術當然重要,一個地方的語言也重要尤其市井語言,它們賦無聲吶喊予話語權,給被踐踏的情感以尊嚴。 滬生撕碎姝華的信,舞台上落滿碎片。演出結束後去台上看,每一張碎片果然都有字,果然是一封封信的碎片。 但!這齣戲的英文字幕太馬虎了。「朝鮮族」翻譯成Choson, Choson是朝鮮時代的意思啊⋯⋯瞬間穿越。開頭所說的漲,也不應該是bloated, 而是哺乳期女性的engorgement,字幕要口語化,說painful就可以。這麼細膩的故事,可惜了粗糙的翻譯。也讓人好奇,無論滬語、粵語⋯能不能在翻譯中體現出當地語言、文化和語境的特色? #金宇澄 #jinyucheng #shanghai #hongkong #blossoms #滬語 #粵語 #cantonese #shanghainese #culturalrevolution #artdeco #maoistchina #wongkarwai #aboutlastnight #adaptation #和平飯店 #hsbc #sassoonhouse #沙遜 #thebund #外灘 #eileenchang #匯豐

4/29/2023, 6:38:59 AM

The Fairmont Peace Hotel at night is a magical place! ✨ Do you agree? Photo credit: @tonyshiphoto ================================== #shanghai #china #nikon #d810 #buildings #architecture #landmark #famous #travel #artdeco #sassoonhouse #peacehotel #fairmontpeacehotel #cathayhotel #palacehotel #bund #thebund #city #nanjingroad #illuminated #night #nightcity #nightlife #citylife #luxuryhotel #forbestravelguide #terrace #museum

4/28/2023, 1:16:17 AM

NIGHT & DAY: Notes 🎼 in the margins of the old #CathayHotel & Laundry vanity letterhead Над розовым морем Over The Rosy Sea: dark #cabaret experiment Shànghǎi #上海 - Serge jazz bandleader ‘Arcadia’ man by night & Special Constable for the #ShanghaiMunicipalPolice by day👉🏽 Serge Ermoll Memorial #oldshanghai @serge_ermoll_memorial #SassoonHouse

4/18/2023, 9:36:47 AM

NIGHT & DAY: Notes 🎼 in the margins of the old #CathayHotel & Laundry vanity letterhead Над розовым морем Over The Rosy Sea: dark #cabaret experiment Shànghǎi #上海 - Serge jazz bandleader ‘Arcadia’ man by night & Special Constable for the #ShanghaiMunicipalPolice by day👉🏽 Serge Ermoll Memorial #oldshanghai @serge_ermoll_memorial #SassoonHouse

4/18/2023, 9:35:29 AM

NIGHT & DAY: Notes 🎼 in the margins of the old #CathayHotel & Laundry vanity letterhead Над розовым морем Over The Rosy Sea: dark #cabaret experiment Shànghǎi #上海 - Serge jazz bandleader ‘Arcadia’ man by night & Special Constable for the #ShanghaiMunicipalPolice by day👉🏽 Serge Ermoll Memorial #oldshanghai @serge_ermoll_memorial #SassoonHouse

4/18/2023, 9:33:51 AM

最後の思い出に、今週初めて和平飯店に潜入してみた。 レストランウィークなので、9階のフレンチに。 #和平飯店 #ジャズバンドはやってなかった #サッスーンハウス #外灘20号 #外灘 #外灘夜景 #peacehotel #沙逊大厦 #sassoonhouse #租界 #cathayhotel #上海 #shanghai #上海生活 #上海在住 #上海駐在 #shanghailife #beautifulchina #capchina #建築 #夜景

3/25/2023, 1:12:25 AM

东方的珠子 西方的透视 近大远小 以灵缇犬的仰视聚焦世界 梦想和现实的距离 有灵缇犬敬畏主人的忠诚守护 梦里在寻找和平饭店 但所有人告知这是沙逊大楼 不知和平饭店为何物? (当我梦见一直在寻找和确认和平饭店,为什么和从前的场景不一样,身边的人们也不太一样的时候,我知道,我在梦里穿越了,希望今晚再回去一次🖤) #sassoonhouse #peacemansion #fairmontpeacehotel #shanghai #sassbide #moment #memory #miss #vintage #vintagestyle #dailylook #dailystyle

11/29/2022, 6:02:54 PM

Sir Victor Sassoon's old Shanghai.V for Sassoon House and S for Embankment Building. What a genius that he lives with this city forever! #thatsshanghai #shanghaihistory #historicshanghai #oldshanghai #oldshanghaihouse #sirvictorsassoon #沙逊 #internationalsettlement #shanghaicelebrity #sassoonhouse #embankmentbuilding #bund #shanghaibund #suzhoucreek

11/24/2022, 4:36:21 PM

Old memories of #PalaceHotel #NanjingLu #Shànghǎi #上海 historical #nightclub #dance #hall #和平饭店 hotel on #thebund #SassoonHouse, South Building built as the Palace Hotel now the Swatch Art Peace Hotel.... one location of #色戒 #LustCaution #anglee #張愛玲 #eileenchang #orchid Xmas in Shanghai #oldshanghai #swatchartpeacehotel

6/6/2022, 12:12:03 AM

Old memories of #PalaceHotel #NanjingLu #Shànghǎi #上海 historical #nightclub #dance #hall #和平饭店 hotel on #thebund #SassoonHouse, South Building built as the Palace Hotel now the Swatch Art Peace Hotel.... one location of #色戒 #LustCaution #anglee #張愛玲 #eileenchang #orchid Xmas in Shanghai #oldshanghai #swatchartpeacehotel

6/6/2022, 12:11:52 AM

Old memories of #PalaceHotel #NanjingLu #Shànghǎi #上海 historical #nightclub #dance #hall #和平饭店 hotel on #thebund #SassoonHouse, South Building built as the Palace Hotel now the Swatch Art Peace Hotel.... one location of #色戒 #LustCaution #anglee #張愛玲 #eileenchang #orchid Xmas in Shanghai #oldshanghai #swatchartpeacehotel

6/6/2022, 12:11:40 AM

Old memories of #PalaceHotel #NanjingLu #Shànghǎi #上海 historical #nightclub #dance #hall #和平饭店 hotel on #thebund #SassoonHouse, South Building built as the Palace Hotel now the Swatch Art Peace Hotel.... one location of #色戒 #LustCaution #anglee #張愛玲 #eileenchang #orchid Xmas in Shanghai #oldshanghai #swatchartpeacehotel

6/6/2022, 12:11:29 AM

Old memories of #PalaceHotel #NanjingLu #Shànghǎi #上海 historical #nightclub #dance #hall #和平饭店 hotel on #thebund #SassoonHouse, South Building built as the Palace Hotel now the Swatch Art Peace Hotel.... one location of #色戒 #LustCaution #anglee #張愛玲 #eileenchang #orchid Xmas in Shanghai #oldshanghai #swatchartpeacehotel

6/6/2022, 12:11:17 AM

NIGHT & DAY: Notes 🎼 in the margins #CathayHotel & Laundry vanity letterhead #和平饭店 Над розовым морем Over The Rosy Sea: dark #cabaret experiment #Shànghǎi #上海 - Serge jazz bandleader ‘Arcadia’ man by night & Special Constable for the Shanghai Municipal Police #SMP by day @fairmontpeacehotel #SassoonHouse #WubinVaedi

4/18/2022, 12:58:26 AM

NIGHT & DAY: Notes 🎼 in the margins #CathayHotel & Laundry vanity letterhead #和平饭店 Над розовым морем Over The Rosy Sea: dark #cabaret experiment #Shànghǎi #上海 - Serge jazz bandleader ‘Arcadia’ man by night & Special Constable for the Shanghai Municipal Police #SMP by day @fairmontpeacehotel #SassoonHouse #WubinVaedi

4/18/2022, 12:57:25 AM

Last light of the day hitting the Bund Shanghai Nikon D810 70-200mm, 5 brackets Photomatix HDR ================================== Also on… Flickr - Youtube - More Flickrs! - ================================== #shanghai #china #nikon #d810 #buildings #exterior #architecture #cityscape #urbanlandscape #citylife #skyline #skyscrapers #theshanghaiedition #rooftop #bund #thebund #peacehotel #sassoonhouse #bankofchinabuilding #nanjingrd #huangpuriver #hongkou #bundnorth

9/12/2021, 7:47:09 AM

The Sassoon House and Bank of China building on the Bund Shanghai Nikon D810 70-200mm, 5 brackets Photomatix HDR ================================== Also on… Flickr - Youtube - More Flickrs! - ================================== #shanghai #china #nikon #d810 #buildings #exterior #architecture #landmarks #famous #travel #tourism #traveldestinations #touristattraction #cityscape #urbanlandscape #night #citylife #nightlife #nightcity #illuminated #glow #peacehotel #sassoonhouse #huangpuriver #huangpu

8/22/2021, 6:22:49 AM

The historical Huangpu River waterfront area namely the Bund with the front row buildings illuminated just after sunset during dusk. Nikon D810 70-200mm, 5 brackets Photomatix HDR ================================== Also on… Flickr - Youtube - More Flickrs! - ================================== #shanghai #china #nikon #d810 #buildings #exterior #architecture #landmarks #famous #travel #tourism #traveldestinations #touristattraction #cityscape #urbanlandscape #night #citylife #nightlife #nightcity #illuminated #glow #peacehotel #bankofchinabuilding #sassoonhouse #waterfront #promenade

8/17/2021, 10:53:34 AM

August 14, 1937, Shanghai’s “Bloody Saturday” or “Black Saturday”—aerial bombings resulted in 3,000 civilian injuries and fatalities at the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War. Some historians say the event marks the beginning of the Second World War. This photo of the Sassoon House, seen from the neighboring Palace Hotel, is part of The Suitcase’s contents. #BloodySaturday #Shanghai1937 #1937 #Bombing #BattleofShanghai #SecondSinoJapaneseWar #SinoJapaneseWar #WWII #WW2 #ShanghaiHistory #OldShanghai #SassoonHouse #CathayHotel #PalaceHotel #FairmontPeaceHotel #EarnshawBooks #ReadTheSuitcase

8/14/2021, 5:32:27 PM

The Sassoon House and Palace Hotel, both prominent and early skyscrapers on the Bund in Shanghai Nikon D810 16-35mm, 5 brackets Photomatix HDR ================================== Also on… Flickr - Youtube - More Flickrs! - ================================== #shanghai #china #nikon #d810 #buildings #architecture #landmark #famous #travel #artdeco #sassoonhouse #peacehotel #fairmontpeacehotel #cathayhotel #palacehotel #bund #thebund #city #nanjingroad #illuminated #night #nightcity #nightlife #citylife

8/8/2021, 2:26:57 PM

Sergei & Xenia V. Ermolaeff old #CathayHotelShanghai 1930s #NanjingLu #Shànghǎi #上海 residency at historic Tower #nightclub #dancehall #和平饭店 hotel on #TheBund - #SassoonHouse #rickshaw #inrestoration

6/6/2021, 8:42:10 AM

Xenia Vladimirovna (left) Palace Hotel Shanghai #PalaceHotel #1930s #NanjingLu #Shànghǎi #上海 historical #nightclub #dancehall #和平饭店 hotel on #TheBund - #SassoonHouse, South Building built as the Palace Hotel now the Swatch Art Peace Hotel.... one location of #色戒 #LustCaution #anglee #eileenchang #orchid Xmas in Shanghai #oldshanghai #swatchartpeacehotel #swatchartpeacehotel she is still wearing her Russian #fabergé #egg #necklace - that disappeared in Sydney... it looks icy & she is slender...

6/6/2021, 8:33:48 AM

Old memories of #PalaceHotel - Nanjing Lu #Shànghǎi #上海 historical nightclub/dance hall #和平饭店 hotel on The Bund - #SassoonHouse, South Building built as the Palace Hotel now the Swatch Art Peace Hotel.... one location of #色戒 #LustCaution #anglee #eileenchang #orchid Xmas in Shanghai #oldshanghai #swatchartpeacehotel

6/6/2021, 12:06:43 AM

Old memories of #PalaceHotel - Nanjing Lu #Shànghǎi #上海 historical nightclub/dance hall #和平饭店 hotel on The Bund - #SassoonHouse, South Building built as the Palace Hotel now the Swatch Art Peace Hotel.... one location of #色戒 #LustCaution #anglee #eileenchang #orchid Xmas in Shanghai #oldshanghai #swatchartpeacehotel

6/6/2021, 12:06:26 AM

Old memories of #PalaceHotel - Nanjing Lu #Shànghǎi #上海 historical nightclub/dance hall #和平饭店 hotel on The Bund - #SassoonHouse, South Building built as the Palace Hotel now the Swatch Art Peace Hotel.... one location of #色戒 #LustCaution #anglee #eileenchang #orchid Xmas in Shanghai #oldshanghai #swatchartpeacehotel

6/6/2021, 12:06:05 AM

Old memories of #PalaceHotel - Nanjing Lu #Shànghǎi #上海 historical nightclub/dance hall #和平饭店 hotel on The Bund - #SassoonHouse, South Building built as the Palace Hotel now the Swatch Art Peace Hotel.... one location of #色戒 #LustCaution #anglee #eileenchang #orchid Xmas in Shanghai #oldshanghai #swatchartpeacehotel

6/6/2021, 12:05:31 AM

Xenia with #Roses 🌹 #Shànghǎi #上海 #中国 & #青岛 Tsingtao dancer singer Hotel Modern Photo: Josepho Schick #1930s #dancer singer in #oldShanghai # #frenchconcessionshanghai #сднемматери 💐#ваc #soviet #sassoonhouse #sirvictorsassoon @chunyinrainbowchan

6/2/2021, 8:14:30 AM

Thanx #Shànghǎi #上海 #中国 @glimpses_of_modern__hina American Engineering Corp, a franchised refrigerator sale through Sassoon House. ) ()《 上海途經沙遜大廈( #SassoonHouse)之公共交通工具、專營冰箱銷售之美商北極公司 (American Engineering Corp.) #1937 @fairmontpeacehotel

6/1/2021, 12:36:37 AM

Pre-War Shanghai International Hotel West Restaurant #Shànghǎi #上海 #中国 Thanx @glimpses_of_modern__hina #USA American Engineering Corp, a franchised refrigerator sale through #Sassoon House.《 上海途經沙遜大廈( #SassoonHouse)之公共交通工具、專營冰箱銷售之美商北極公司 (American Engineering Corp.) ( #1937)》o@fairmontpeacehotel 《 抗戰前上海國際飯店西餐廳(遠眺大新公司)、茶館及停泊在黃埔江之美日軍艦 (出雲、睦月級驅逐艦、美國 #Oklahoma 戰艦)( #1937)》Thanx @glimpses_of_modern__hina

6/1/2021, 12:34:57 AM

“It was a muggy late-summer day in 1979 when I stepped out of the Shanghai heat into the cool marble lobby of the Peace Hotel.” #thelastkingsofshanghai @sfpubliclibrary #shanghai #sassoonhouse

4/25/2021, 10:27:17 PM

A good place to chill out after work... #sassoonhouse #shanghai #chillout #view #rooftop #afterwork #goodolddays #summertime #soon #cityscape

4/19/2021, 2:55:05 PM

Sassoon House & Cathay Hotel --- The view is fantabulous! And that peak at the Bank of China so so worth it!!! #sassoonhouse #cathayhotelshanghai #peacehotel #shanghaibund #shanghairooftop #rooftopgirls #rooftopaddict #walkingslowlyinshanghai

3/22/2021, 1:33:16 AM

Order completed, packaged, and ready to go. #wecustomizeeverything #AllaharIntelligence #sassoonhouse #printdesign #marketingstrategy #branding

7/13/2020, 11:29:10 PM

Your shopping bags would look so much better with your own design. Don't you think? Custom merchandise options available to fit your unique brand. Call us today (242-323-0282) or Email us ([email protected]) #sassoonhouse #AllaharIntelligence #marketingstrategy #marketingagency #promotionservices

7/3/2020, 8:08:05 PM

《China 2018 - 中国》江海關大樓和上海和平饭店 - 在外滩的两家有名的外国楼之一 ; Planche 1: The Customs House (No. 12, The Bund) - Built in 1927 on the site of a traditional Chinese-style customs house, clocktower built in England and inspired by Big Ben; Planche 2: Fairmont Peace Hotel [Sassoon House] (No. 20, The Bund) - Built in 1929 by Victor Sassoon with Architects Palmer and Turner; Style Art Deco #asia #china #shanghai #thebund #city #cityscape #customshouse #sassoonhouse #fairmontpeacehotel #architecture #china2018 #travel #exploring #home

3/4/2020, 9:11:17 PM

A detail of 1930's Sassoon House by Elizabeth Denby & Maxwell Fry, modernist social housing block near Peckham #sassoonhouse #elizabethdenby #maxwellfry #modernism

10/26/2019, 12:35:51 PM

90 years anniversary for THE peace hotel. #peacehotel #fairmontpeacehotel #anniversary #shanghai #china #luxuryhotel #chinatravels #fairmonthotel #中国 #上海 #sassoonhouse

8/2/2019, 5:41:58 PM

Bunge & Co - Dutch sellers of RICE - 1930s #sassoonhouse (part of the #cathayhotelshanghai) #cathayhotel #shanghai #oldshanghai #bundshanghai

7/27/2019, 8:45:35 PM

外灘の和平飯店が、キャセイホテルと呼ばれていた頃の名残りのステンドグラスに出会えた✨ これだから街歩きはやめられない。 #cathayhotel #和平飯店 #peacehotelshanghai #サッスーンハウス #沙逊大厦 #Sassoonhouse #shanghaiartdeco #oldshanghai #ステンドグラス #1929s #shanghaiartdeco #アールデコ #アールデコ探し #アールデコ好き #外灘20号 #上海街歩き @fairmontpeacehotel

6/25/2019, 4:44:07 AM

海外を旅するくまさんA341「旧サッスーンハウス・和平飯店」#絵 #マンガ #イラスト #旅 #夢 #空想 #くまさん #エッセイ #中国 #上海 #和平飯店 #journey #bear #drawing #dream #illustration #essay #china #shanghai #sassoonhouse くまさん一行は、外白渡橋を見学した後、上海外灘(バンド)に戻ってきました。くまさん達は旧サッスーンハウスという建物を見つけました。この建物は20世紀初頭にイラク出身の英国系ユダヤ人で、当時の上海の経済と不動産を支配したヴィクター・サッスーンの手により建てられました。別名外灘20号と呼ばれているビルですが、現在は5つ星ホテルの和平飯店北楼としてすぐとなりの南楼と共にクラシックホテルになっています。夜になって建物を眺めるくまさん一行。さすがに宿泊する勇気はありませんが、夜にはオールドジャズバーが営業するそうなので、せめてそれだけでも覗いてみたくなったくまさん達なのでした。 The bears came to Sassoon house. It was built by sassoon who dominated Shanghai's economy and real estate in the early 20th century. It is now a five star Peace Hotel. In the evening the bears looked at this building. They do not have the courage to stay at this classic hotel, but the bears wanted to look into the old jazz bar which is open at night. 熊来到沙逊大厦。 它是由沙宣建造的,他在20世纪初统治了上海的经济和房地产。 它现在是一家五星级的和平饭店。 在晚上,熊看着这座建筑。 他们没有勇气留在这家经典的酒店,但熊想要看看晚上营业的老爵士酒吧。

1/24/2019, 1:57:45 AM

70多年前沙逊爵士经常在这里凭窗眺望黄浦江对岸 #roomwithaview #sassoonroom #Sassoon #sassoonhouse #peacehotel #thebund #Shanghai #沙逊大厦 #和平饭店 #沙逊阁

1/10/2019, 12:37:17 PM

What we’re asking Santa for: the mini Shanghai metal model kit. Build your own old Shanghai skyline! This one spotted at Glimmery Bookstore, 8/F No. 1 Shopping Centre, 830 Nanjing Dong Lu (the old Chinese Art Deco Sun Department Store). #historicshanghai #historicbuildings #architecture #archstagram #shanghaiartdecowalks #broadwaymansions #miniShanghai #sassoonhouse #top10historicshanghaigifts

12/6/2018, 10:08:37 PM

#PeaceHotel #和平饭店 #shanghai #China #上海 #mini #art #cute #beauty #sassoonhouse

11/16/2018, 8:25:58 PM

東洋のウォール街。 ・ #上海 #中国 #shanghai #china #外灘 #バンド #thebund #thebundshanghai #イギリス租界 #租界 #和平飯店 #サッスーンハウス #アールデコ様式 #近代建築 #SassoonHouse #wallstreet #RICHO #GR2 #28mm #snap #photography #単焦点レンズの世界 #一人旅 #フィールドワーク #考現学

9/13/2018, 7:19:37 PM

上海に残る秘密結社の謎(⌒-⌒; ) 7年前の東北の震災があったひと月後、私は上海にいてこんな罰当たりな写真を撮っていたヽ(´o`; 世界が平和になりますように m(__)m #和平飯店 #オージービーフ #フリーメイソン #イルミナティ #秘密結社 #サッスーン邸 #上海 #外灘 #バンド #謎 #プロビデンスの目 #高須クリニック #shanghai #bund #shanghaibund #freemason #illuminati #peacehotel #sassoon #sassoonhouse #666 #18 #333 #secretsociety #7yearsago #mystery #instagood #peace #ilovepeace #eyeofprovidence

4/7/2018, 1:29:17 AM

Night in Shanghai #thebund #sassoonhouse #bankofchinabuilding

2/9/2018, 4:46:39 PM

This guy waves every day as I walk past him. #architecture #modernism #peckham #sassoonhouse #wave #london #peckhamhistory

10/9/2017, 1:29:26 PM

As our extensive collection of decorative accessories and furniture is sourced across the globe, there are often long overseas trips involved meeting suppliers and craftsmen, this can mean long and tiring days planning and thinking ahead. Sometimes we have a treat, here, Shanghai our favourite Chinese destination and dinner on the roof terrace at the famous Peace Hotel .. #fairmont #peacehotel #shanghai #dinner #terrace #buyers #shanghaistyle #china #overseas #longdays #shopping #hotelsoftheworld #sassoonhouse #thebund #thebundshanghai

9/28/2017, 10:22:06 AM

The Sassoon House #shanghai #thebund #sassoonhouse

6/23/2017, 1:31:30 PM

#sassoonhouse #fairmontpeacehotel #和平飯店

6/21/2017, 6:07:35 AM

Two of the architectural landmarks on the Bund, Shanghai. The pointed building on the right is the Fairmont Peace Hotel, opened in 1956 as Sassoon House by prominent businessman Sir Victor Sassoon. The architects were Palmer and Turner. To the left, separated by Nanjing Road, is the Swatch Peace Hotel, formerly known as the Palace Hotel, which dates back to the 1800s. Remodelled over the years, it was the first building in Shanghai with elevators. Shot in 2016. #shanghai #thebund #china #architecture #design #artdeco #peacehotel #sassoonhouse #palacehotel #nanjingroad #travels #travelphotography #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhitephoto

4/16/2017, 2:14:56 AM

Peace Hotel, Sassoon House, Old Bank of China Building | The Bund, Shanghai, China | #2017 #Asia #BankofChinaBuilding #Bund #China #JerryBennett #MatthewWarner #PeaceHotel #SassoonHouse #Shanghai #Tourist #Gay #GayPhotography #GayBears #PDXGay #PDXBears #InstaGay #StunnersOnInsta #Photography #Beautifulworld #ig_exquisite #fantastic_earth #landscape #BearsofInstagram #GaysOfInstagram | 31°14'31.758" N 121°29'11.009" E

4/8/2017, 9:23:38 PM

下半年,晃著晃著晃到魔都去。 #shanghai #waibaidubridge #sassoonhouse #astorhousehotel

3/25/2017, 7:53:12 AM

one of the famous Art Deco building in Shanghai "Sassoon House " built in 1929.the fairmont peace hotel now. 1929年に建てられた上海アールデコ建築"サッスーンハウス"。現在の和平飯店。

8/24/2016, 5:17:54 AM

Aug/2005 Peace hotel north. 和平飯店 北楼

7/12/2016, 6:01:43 PM

The Peace Hotel, November 2015.

1/5/2016, 7:12:33 AM