MarsMission images

Discover Best MarsMission Images of World

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5/12/2024, 12:27:07 AM

An astronaut, donned in a bulky yet sleek spacesuit, stands confidently on the Martian surface. Behind them, swirling plasma clouds hint at the advanced technology powering their rapid journey from Earth. The sign near them ticks down the remaining time to a two-month Mars mission, a testament to humanity's relentless pursuit of space exploration. #SpaceExploration #MarsMission #PlasmaPropulsion #InnovativeTechnology #TwoMonthJourney #SpaceAge

5/11/2024, 7:41:08 PM

Let's see how many people notice that witness churches have no windows. "Obey. 💀" ... #JehovahsWitness #MarsMission #RedPlanetFaith #SpaceFaith #JWLife #MarsExploration #JWCommunity #FaithBeyondEarth #JWOnMars #WitnessesInSpace #MarsMissionMeme #JWHumor #ExploringNewWorlds #MarsFaith ...

5/11/2024, 9:49:01 AM

NASA never lies. 🚀🚀🚀 Every scheduled moon landing mission since 1972 has been cancelled by every single president. Remember Bush, Obama, and Trump all said they would put men on Mars? Oopsie, the money disappeared. Obama cancelled Constellation, the money is gone. Now Biden says a black woman will walk on the moon in 2024. Oopsie, they cancelled Artemis. The money is gone again. No one has been to the moon, and no one will ever land on it. #flatearthproofs #flatearthtruth #moon #moonlandinghoax #fakemoonlanding #fakespace #spaceisfake #spacex #spaceprogram #nasa #NASA #johnsonspacecenter #houstonspacecenter #neilarmstong #astronomyphotography #astrophotography #astronauts #mars #marsmission #marsmission2020 #jameswebbspacetelescope #artemis1launch #artemis1 #constellationmission

5/11/2024, 2:48:29 AM

Le mars rover devant un portrait de Curiosity 🔴 #pez #pezcollection #pezmarsmission #marsmission #marsrover #pezmarsrover #curiosity

5/10/2024, 10:27:03 PM

#MarsMission 任務還沒完成,專注備戰不鬆懈,明晚第四戰繼續拚!沒有別的,只有全力以赴! 𝑾𝑬 𝑭𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 ! 👊🏻👊🏼👊🏽 - 季後賽 GROUP A 🆚 新北中信特攻 2-1 ✅ 售票連結: (請至IG主頁點選連結前往) G4 ➤ (主) 5/11 (六) 19:00 臺大綜合體育館 G5 ➤ (客) 5/14 (二) 19:00 新莊體育館 * * 為如有需要進行之賽事 ✅ 主場地點:臺大綜合體育館3樓 ( 請由辛亥路校門口入場 ) - #臺北戰神 #TaipeiMars #Northbound #WeFight #台新證券

5/10/2024, 3:37:05 PM

NASA's latest initiative introduces a lunar railway system, poised to revolutionize space exploration. This pioneering project aims to facilitate future missions to Mars, alongside innovative ventures like fluid-based cameras and specialized transit systems. Led by Jan Nelson of the NIAC program, these futuristic endeavors push the boundaries of space technology. With plans for further research funding, NASA underscores its commitment to advancing space exploration. Follow for Pakistani🇵🇰 #latesttrends and #latestnews #broadkast #broadkastdotpk #broadkastpk #pakistan #pakistannews #pakistaninews #pakistaninewschannels #brandpartnerships #pakistanbroadcast #paksitanbroadkast #newsupdate #breakingnews #worldnews #likeforlikes #followformore #nasa #railwaytrack #moon #space #transportation #cargo #spacetransit #futuretech #sciencefictionreality #moonbase #marsmission #niacprogram

5/10/2024, 11:49:55 AM

Who's ready for a Martian adventure? Where do you think it will go next? 🛸 ☄️ ____________________ Let me know what you think! Leave a comment, DM or just say hello to me ☺️ #pixeleonart #mars #marsmission #martian #martianExplorer #space #spacerobot #redplanet #marsdiscovery #exploration #discover #missiontomars #mission #explore #vector #vectorartwork #illustration #graphicdesign #illustrator #characterdesign #affinitydesigner #affinitydesigneripad

5/10/2024, 9:38:22 AM

En préparation pour la prochaine mission 👨‍🚀🌟✴️⭐ #pez #pezcollection #pezmarsmission #marsmission #pezastronaut #astronaut #astronaute #cosmonaute #astronomy #space #spacetoy

5/9/2024, 10:01:21 PM

Mars colony on Mars crater #mars #marsmission #elonmusk

5/9/2024, 5:48:49 PM

ʻOumuamua is the first interstellar object detected passing through the Solar System.[23] Formally designated 1I/2017 U1, it was discovered by Robert Weryk using the Pan-STARRS telescope at Haleakalā Observatory, Hawaii, on 19 October 2017, approximately 40 days after it passed its closest point to the Sun on 9 September. When it was first observed, it was about 33 million km (21 million mi; 0.22 AU) from Earth (about 85 times as far away as the Moon) and already heading away from the Sun. #astronomyfacts #astronomy #space #spacefacts #spacex #nasa #nasaeuropa #nasakennedy #nasaartemis #marsmission #ma #galaxycluster #galaxy #solareclipse #solarsystem #oumuamua #interstellar #interstellarobject #🪐

5/9/2024, 9:07:26 AM

A prime example of the handwritten material FREA has to locate, read, translate, digitize, format and publish. There are over 200,000 pages of written material in the archive. This is the origin paper for Colonial Society - see the final production in our digital non-fiction bookstore, for only $2.97. Its a deal. Link in bio. ~ ~ #handwritten #archive #toughread #zoomin #nonfiction #spaceexploration #spacemissionplanning #mars #marsmission #longpassage #letsgo #whywait #FREA #enzmannarchive

5/9/2024, 12:00:51 AM

#MarsMission 有戰友們的地方,就是戰神的地盤!季後賽 G3、G4 回到主場,邀請戰友們前進臺大綜合體育館與戰神們一起戰,攜手力拚勝利,爭取榮耀! 𝑾𝑬 𝑭𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 ! 👊🏻👊🏼 🆚 季後賽主場 vs 新北中信特攻 G3 ➤ (主) 5/09 (四) 19:00 G4 ➤ (主) 5/11 (六) 19:00 ⏰ 開放進場時間:17:00 ⏰ 季票會員優先進場:16:50 ✅ 售票連結: (請至IG主頁點選連結前往) ✅ 主場地點:臺大綜合體育館3樓 ( 請由辛亥路校門口入場 ) ⭐ G3 主場限定星光票優惠 當日比賽第二節結束後,於現場售票處購票可享戰神之矛A、戰神之盾B、戰神之鎧區購票「五折」優惠。 【季後賽主場活動指南】 🔥 RED不可擋 戰友們前進主場與我們一同展現 RED不可擋的氣勢,只要身穿紅色服飾進場應援,即可領取戰友禮再享專屬優惠。 ◇ 戰神情報站 身穿紅色服飾憑入場門票,每人每票可兌換戰友禮一份(數量有限,發完為止) ◇ 戰神裝備局 ❶ 身穿紅色服飾,購物即享85折優惠 ❷ 指定新品(戰神城市天際水洗Tee、兩款電繡洗舊老帽)享85折早鳥優惠 ❸ 指定紅色單品(MARS戰火水洗紅Tee、戰神頭盔鎧甲紅色短Tee)享8折應援優惠價 💕 局長偷偷說:季後賽主場將推出最新「女神人形吊飾鑰匙圈」扭蛋,喜愛 @taishin_wonders_official 女神們的戰友來試試能不能把心中的女神帶回家😘 🛡️ 當我們戰在一起 戰神成軍第一年,每個創造歷史的時刻有你有我🫶 ◇ 於主場各區域拍照上傳個人 IG 社群,不限形式(貼文 / Reels / 限時動態),標記 @taipei_mars_official 並 #WeFight,至三樓戰神情報站出示完成畫面,即可獲得戰神限量明信片(版本隨機,數量有限換完為止),並有機會抽中戰神城市版球員簽名球衣。 🏀 中場遊戲 「戰神 I GOT YOU 衣架挑戰賽」,最先完成挑戰者可直接將總價超過2萬元的「PHILIPS 飛利浦55吋 QLED智慧顯示器」整台抱回家,第二、三名也可獲得「PHILIPS 飛利浦極簡風 IPX7 防水藍牙喇叭」(若G3 即送出顯示器首獎,G4 首獎則為戰神裝備局6,000元購物金)。 🔎 戰神神預言 兩場主場季後賽賽前,預測該場比賽得到「第1分」的戰神球員,持門票入場聯或領取神預言小卡(持電子票者)投入該戰神球員箱,參加即可兌換「戰神補給站10元抵用金」(數量有限,換完為止),並有機會獲得「戰神滿版LOGO 野餐墊」。 🍕 戰神補給站 三樓美食攤位補充應援能量💪 ◇ 愛爾蘭瘋薯 ◇ 老賴茶棧 ◇ 犬首燒 ◇ 柒囍 ◇ 曼曼啃手工薄脆 PIZZA ◇ 敲好吃章魚燒 🍪戰神禮 主場少不了的戰神禮,入場拿好拿滿😋 ◇ 應援摺扇 ◇ Walkers蘇格蘭皇家餅乾 ◇ 可樂果MiNi檸檬辣雞翅 ◇ 卡廸那豌豆脆片 ⚠️ 主辦單位保有上述活動最終修改、變更、解釋之權利 - #臺北戰神 #TaipeiMars #Northbound #WeFight

5/8/2024, 5:01:31 PM

#MarsMission 季後賽主場全力備戰,保持專注,相信自己,朝著一致的目標繼續邁進。 戰友們,期待明晚場邊看到各位。 𝑾𝑬 𝑭𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 ! 👊🏻👊🏼 - 🆚 季後賽主場 vs 新北中信特攻 G3 ➤ (主) 5/09 (四) 19:00 G4 ➤ (主) 5/11 (六) 19:00 ✅ 售票連結: (請至IG主頁點選連結前往) ✅ 主場地點:臺大綜合體育館3樓 ( 請由辛亥路校門口入場 ) ⭐ G3 主場限定星光票優惠 當日比賽第二節結束後,於現場售票處購票可享戰神之矛A、戰神之盾B、戰神之鎧區購票「五折」優惠。 - #臺北戰神 #TaipeiMars #Northbound #WeFight

5/8/2024, 2:32:08 PM

Japan captures 1st image of space debris from orbit, and it's spookily stunning A new Japanese mission to photograph space junk from orbit marks a milestone in orbital debris cleanup efforts. A private Japanese company has taken the world's first close-up photo of an individual piece of space debris, by parking another satellite next to it in orbit. This orbital photo op is the first step in an ongoing mission to capture and destroy potentially hazardous pieces of space junk that are clogging up our sky. It's easy to imagine space as a vast, empty frontier. But since the first satellite launched in 1957, the space surrounding our planet has gotten more and more crowded. Human-made space junk — including used rocket stages, decommissioned satellites, frozen fuel and flecks of paint — has been steadily accumulating in Earth's orbit over the past seven or so decades. Now, the space industry is trying to find ways to remove it. Website: #spaceexploration #cosmos #astronomy #spaceresearch #NASA #ESA #spaceflight #outerspace #galaxy #stars #planets #universe #spacestation #astronauts #spacetechnology #moonlanding #Marsmission #spacecraft #rocketlaunch #astrobiology #spaceengineering #interstellar #exploration #blackhole #gravity #satellites #celestialobjects #spaceobservatory #cosmology #stellarphenomena

5/8/2024, 12:18:42 PM

Mars 🌌🚀 #SpaceExploration #MarsMission #RedPlanet

5/7/2024, 4:49:13 PM

#MarsMission 在現場一片黃海中,集結的紅衫更顯得突出,雖然只佔了一小區,但凝聚出強大的應援能量🔥🔥🔥 感謝前進客場的戰友們,你們的加油聲讓戰神們更有動力,客場兩戰展現鬥志搶下一勝。接下來回到主場,那就不用客氣了吧,準備好你們的喉嚨,穿上戰神紅,進場與戰神們攜手展現RED不可擋的氣勢,一起拚戰捍衛主場! 𝑾𝑬 𝑭𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 ! 👊🏻👊🏼 - 季後賽 GROUP A 🆚 新北中信特攻 1-1 ✅ 售票連結: (請至IG主頁點選連結前往) G3 ➤ (主) 5/09 (四) 19:00 臺大綜合體育館 G4 ➤ (主) 5/11 (六) 19:00 臺大綜合體育館 G5 ➤ (客) 5/14 (二) 19:00 新莊體育館 * * 為如有需要進行之賽事 ✅ 主場地點:臺大綜合體育館3樓 ( 請由辛亥路校門口入場 ) - #臺北戰神 #TaipeiMars #Northbound #WeFight #台新人壽

5/7/2024, 1:35:21 PM

अन्तरिक्षले अन्तरिक्ष यात्रीहरूको लागि नयाँ एक्स्ट्रावेहिक्युलर सूट लन्च गर्दछ #SpaceDiscovery #SpaceTechnology #SpaceX #MarsMission #SpaceSuitLaunch #AstronautGear #SpacewalkReady #EVAequipment #ExplorationGear #SuitUpToSpace #SpaceAdventure #BeyondEarth #CosmicSuit #MissionToMars #MoonWalkReady #SpaceExploration #ZeroGravitySuit #SuitingUpForSpace #AstroGearLaunch #trendingnews #newsworld #spacenews #merodainik #dailyupdates #news #newsinsixlines

5/7/2024, 8:10:14 AM

SpaceX's new design is sleek, futuristic, and packed with tech. Is this a glimpse into the future of space exploration? Click the link in our bio to find out more. #elonmusk #spacex #spacesuit #spacewalks #crewdragon #polarisdawn #jaredisaacman #spaceexploration #astronauts #spacetechnology #marsmission #spaceflight

5/6/2024, 8:02:12 PM

ALIEN BOY👽 finished painting 🫳🏾🎨 My 🆕 element ! ®️ Ima start doing different versions of “alien boy” paintings 🔥🔥🔥🎨💪🏾 #exoticarts #art #oopart #greatart #amazingart #scream #paintingoftheday #galleryart #glowinthedarkart #vibrantart #realart #noAI #spacex #nase #alienboy #alienresident #spaceboy #paul #alienvspredator #marsmission #starwars #newart

5/6/2024, 2:48:24 PM

अंतराळात अनेक रहस्य दडलेली आहेत, असं म्हटलं जातं. म्हणूनच जगभरातील जवळजवळ सर्वच देश अंतराळ संशोधन करताना दिसत आहे. अनेक देशांनी विविध ग्रहांवर अंतराळ मोहिमा केल्या आहेत, तर काही देश भविष्यातील अंतराळ मोहिमांची तयारी करत आहेत. आता ब्रिटनमधील शास्त्रज्ञांनी पृथ्वीवरच मंगळ ग्रह तयार केला आहे. शास्त्रज्ञांनी पृथ्वीवर बनवला कृत्रिम मंगळ ग्रह ब्रिटन देशही अंतराळ संशोधनात मागे नाहीय. ब्रिटनकडून आगामी मंगळ मोहिमेसाठी जोरदारप तयारी सुरु आहे. त्यासाठी ब्रिटनने पृथ्वीवरच मंगळ ग्रह बनवला आहे. ब्रिटनमधील शास्त्रज्ञांनी एका शहरात मंगळ ग्रहाप्रमाणे वातावरण तयार केलं आहे. ब्रिटनच्या आगामी महत्त्वाकांक्षी मंगळ मोहिमेसाठी हे महत्त्वाचं पाऊल आहे. 2028 मध्ये ब्रिटनची मंगळ मोहिम पार पडणार आहे. त्यासाठी ब्रिटनच्या शास्त्रज्ञांनी पृथ्वीवरच मंगळ ग्रहासारखं वातावरण तयार केलं आहे. चार वर्षानंतर राबवणार 'मिशन मंगल' ब्रिटन मंगळ ग्रहावर जाण्याची मोहिम आखत आहे. या पार्श्वभूमीवर ब्रिटनचे शास्त्रज्ञ स्टीवनेज यांनी मंगळ ग्रह निर्माण केला आहे. ब्रिटनने एका शहराला मंगळ ग्रह बनवलं आहे. या शहरातील शेकडो एकर जमिनीवर मंगळ ग्रहासारखं वातावरण निर्माण करण्यात आलं आहे. या कृत्रिम मंगळ ग्रहावर शास्त्रज्ञांचं पथक संशोधन करत आहे. याला कृत्रिम मंगळ ग्रह असंही म्हणता येईल. . . . . #spaceexploration #marsmission #scienceandtechnology #artificialmars #spacescience #missionmars #astrobiology #futurespacemissions

5/6/2024, 2:47:38 PM

🚀✨ Exploring new frontiers with my latest web UI design created in Adobe XD. Ready to embark on the ultimate adventure to Mars? 🚀✨ Follow for more UI content @ui_ux_01 .😊✨😊 ✨✨ #ui #uiux #uiuxdesign #webdesigner #adobexd #marsmission #user interface #creativedesign ✨✨

5/6/2024, 8:09:07 AM

NASA is awarding a dozen research taks to private companies as a prelude to commercial support for future missions to Mars. A total of nine companies were selected to perform 12 "concept studies" on how they could provide Mars related services, from payload delivery to planetary imaging to communication delays. . . . . . . . . ........ #technews #news #nasa #spacex #blueorigin #spacetechnology #spacetech #space #mars #marsmission #concept #astro #research #payload #spacemission #companies #jobs #usa🇺🇸 #karnataka #India #hublidharwadjobs #instagram #feed #postinstagram

5/6/2024, 6:31:21 AM

#MarsMission 每一個細節 每一步都要走得非常穩 一起戰一起往前走 明天再拿下一場! 𝑾𝑬 𝑭𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 🔥 - 季後賽 GROUP A 🆚 新北中信特攻 G2 ➤ (客) 5/06 (一) 19:00 新莊體育館 G3 ➤ (主) 5/09 (四) 19:00 臺大綜合體育館 G4 ➤ (主) 5/11 (六) 19:00 臺大綜合體育館 * G5 ➤ (客) 5/14 (二) 19:00 新莊體育館 * * 為如有需要進行之賽事 ✅ 主場地點:臺大綜合體育館3樓 (請由辛亥路校門口入場) ✅ 售票連結: (請至IG主頁點選連結前往) - #臺北戰神 #TaipeiMars #Northbound #WeFight

5/5/2024, 4:31:15 PM

#MarsMission 修正攻守細節的處理 持續專注為團隊而戰 明晩季後賽第二戰 Keep Fighting👊🏻 - 季後賽 GROUP A 🆚 新北中信特攻 G2 ➤ (客) 5/06 (一) 19:00 新莊體育館 G3 ➤ (主) 5/09 (四) 19:00 臺大綜合體育館 G4 ➤ (主) 5/11 (六) 19:00 臺大綜合體育館 * G5 ➤ (客) 5/14 (二) 19:00 新莊體育館 * * 為如有需要進行之賽事 ✅ 主場地點:臺大綜合體育館3樓 (請由辛亥路校門口入場) ✅ 售票連結: (請至IG主頁點選連結前往) - #臺北戰神 #TaipeiMars #Northbound #WeFight

5/5/2024, 2:41:05 PM

A tool used to create utilities on an endless and mighty platform. Lets go to the stars in our generation. ~ ~ #starships #spacetech #spaceexploration #mars #marsmission #anvil #hammertime #letsgo #whywait #FREA #enzmannarchive

5/4/2024, 5:30:21 PM

🌟 Golden Opportunity in Physical Education (P.T.I) 🌟 🏛️ Government University Approved by UGC and NCTE for the Session 2024-25 🎓 Courses Offered: 🏋️‍♂️ D.P.ED (Diploma in Physical Education) Eligibility: 50% in 12th Grade 🎖️ B.P.ED (Bachelor of Physical Education) Eligibility: 45% in Graduation With the trust of over 7000+ students for 17 years! 📍 Aadhya Education Consultancy, Chittorgarh Before applying anywhere else, contact us once! 📞 9636960206 🌟 100% रिजल्ट, सीमित सीटें 🌟* ✉️ ईमेल: [email protected] *📲 CALL NOW OR WHATSAPP US: 9351954311, 9636960206* *⏰ समय: प्रातः 9:00 बजे से सायं 7:00 बजे तक* *📍कोचिंग संस्थान का पता- प्लॉट नंबर 2 गोकुल रेजिडेंसी नई* *पुलिया रोड चित्तौड़गढ़ (चामटीखेड़ा सर्कल के पास, भरत बाग के पीछे) 312001* *शहर ऑफिस का पता - गुंजन मेडिकल स्टोर की पहली मंजिल सुभाष चौक, चित्तौड़गढ़* क्या आप एक शानदार करियर की ओर अपनी यात्रा शुरू करने के लिए तैयार हैं? 🌟 सफलता के व्यक्तिगत रोडमैप के लिए अभी हमसे संपर्क करें! 💼 #ayushmanbharat #ayurvedalifestyle #ayurveda #isro #newindia #vaccinemaitri #largestvaccinedrive #madeinindia #aatmanirbharbharat #udan #drapjabdulkalam #jalshakti #modihaitohmumkinhai #mangalyaan #fitindia #sahkarsesamriddhi #skillindia #startupindia #marsmission #space #homijehangirbhabha #satishdhawan #PhysicalEducation #AdmissionsOpen #GoldenOpportunity #AadhyaEducation #Chittorgarh

5/4/2024, 4:51:55 PM

😜🏝️👽 Me and my best friends for ever Martian lizards chilling on Mars beach 🪐!!! Follow me! Be my friend! ❤️‍💋 Like for my best bikini! ❤️‍💋 Season 2. Chill #ai #mars #aliensforever #aiarts #aigirls #aifriend #aigirlart #aiartoftheday #martiangirl #aiblondiegirl #blondiebaby #beachlifeforever #beachdayallday #hotdays #beaching #chillmood #marsmission #marsbeach #mars2050 #funnyshit #aihot #aihotgirl #blondeshavemorefun

5/4/2024, 3:35:29 PM

Out of this world♾ #marsmission Jennie🥰 @nsuk_blogger @nigeriamodelsgallery

5/4/2024, 3:35:08 PM

:🚀 Embark on a cosmic journey with our 'SpaceAge42' gallery! Ideal for dreamers, explorers, and tech enthusiasts, our images embody the excitement of space exploration and futuristic landscapes. Experience the thrill of discovering new worlds! 🌌 #SpaceAge42 #Weltraum #Astronomie #Galaxie #Mond #Sterne #Kosmos #Kunst #SciFiKunst #Fantasie #Cyberpunk #Aliens #SciFiWelt #Raumkunst #Raumfahrt #Raumschiff #Teleskop #SpaceX #StarWars #MarsMission #StarTrek #Interstellar #Physik #Quantenphysik

5/4/2024, 2:51:43 PM

:🚀 Embark on a cosmic journey with our 'SpaceAge42' gallery! Ideal for dreamers, explorers, and tech enthusiasts, our images embody the excitement of space exploration and futuristic landscapes. Experience the thrill of discovering new worlds! 🌌 #SpaceAge42 #Weltraum #Astronomie #Galaxie #Mond #Sterne #Kosmos #Kunst #SciFiKunst #Fantasie #Cyberpunk #Aliens #SciFiWelt #Raumkunst #Raumfahrt #Raumschiff #Teleskop #SpaceX #StarWars #MarsMission #StarTrek #Interstellar #Physik #Quantenphysik

5/4/2024, 2:51:11 PM

:🚀 Embark on a cosmic journey with our 'SpaceAge42' gallery! Ideal for dreamers, explorers, and tech enthusiasts, our images embody the excitement of space exploration and futuristic landscapes. Experience the thrill of discovering new worlds! 🌌 #SpaceAge42 #Weltraum #Astronomie #Galaxie #Mond #Sterne #Kosmos #Kunst #SciFiKunst #Fantasie #Cyberpunk #Aliens #SciFiWelt #Raumkunst #Raumfahrt #Raumschiff #Teleskop #SpaceX #StarWars #MarsMission #StarTrek #Interstellar #Physik #Quantenphysik

5/4/2024, 2:50:55 PM

:🚀 Embark on a cosmic journey with our 'SpaceAge42' gallery! Ideal for dreamers, explorers, and tech enthusiasts, our images embody the excitement of space exploration and futuristic landscapes. Experience the thrill of discovering new worlds! 🌌 #SpaceAge42 #Weltraum #Astronomie #Galaxie #Mond #Sterne #Kosmos #Kunst #SciFiKunst #Fantasie #Cyberpunk #Aliens #SciFiWelt #Raumkunst #Raumfahrt #Raumschiff #Teleskop #SpaceX #StarWars #MarsMission #StarTrek #Interstellar #Physik #Quantenphysik

5/4/2024, 2:50:40 PM

SAVE YEAR Hurry UP Limited Seats D .Pharma 2023-2024 We PROMISE "100% passing assurance" (guaranteed) 17 सालों से 7000+ विद्यार्थियों के विश्वास के साथ आध्या एजुकेशन कंसलटेन्सी,चित्तौड़गढ़ शासन द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त संभाग की सबसे आधुनिक व विश्वसनीय पैरामेडिकल संस्था - ADMISSION OPEN For Session 2023-24 & 2024-25 COURSES OFFERED 🏥 Explore Your Career in Healthcare! 🩺 Unlock a world of opportunities with our range of medical and healthcare courses: 🔬 BMLT - Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology 🧪 DMLT - Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology 🧬 MMLT - Master of Medical Laboratory Technology 📷 Bachelor In X-Ray Radiographer Technician (B.X-Ray / BXRT) 💼 Diploma In X-Ray Radiographer Technician (D.X-Ray / DXRT) 🔪 Certificate In Operation Theatre (C.O.T.) 👩‍⚕️ Certificate In Health Inspector 💓 Certificate In ECG 🩸 Diploma In Dialysis 🏋️ Bachelor In Physiotherapy (BPT) #HealthcareCourses #MedicalEducation #CareerOpportunities #HealthcareProfessionals #EducationForFuture कही भी प्रवेश लेने से पहले एक बार अवश्य सम्पर्क करें। हमारी अन्य शाखाऐं (राजस्थान) 1. प्रतापगढ़, 2. बांसवाड़ा, 3. विजयनगर, 4. गंगापुर सीटी, 5. धौलपुर 🌟 100% रिजल्ट, सीमित सीटें 🌟* ✉️ ईमेल: [email protected] *📲 CALL NOW OR WHATSAPP US: 9351954311, 9636960206* *⏰ समय: प्रातः 9:00 बजे से सायं 7:00 बजे तक* *📍कोचिंग संस्थान का पता- प्लॉट नंबर 2 गोकुल रेजिडेंसी नई* *पुलिया रोड चित्तौड़गढ़ (चामटीखेड़ा सर्कल के पास, भरत बाग के पीछे) 312001* *शहर ऑफिस का पता - गुंजन मेडिकल स्टोर की पहली मंजिल सुभाष चौक, चित्तौड़गढ़* क्या आप एक शानदार करियर की ओर अपनी यात्रा शुरू करने के लिए तैयार हैं? 🌟 सफलता के व्यक्तिगत रोडमैप के लिए अभी हमसे संपर्क करें! 💼 #ayushmanbharat #ayurvedalifestyle #ayurveda #isro #newindia #vaccinemaitri #largestvaccinedrive #madeinindia #aatmanirbharbharat #udan #drapjabdulkalam #jalshakti #modihaitohmumkinhai #mangalyaan #fitindia #sahkarsesamriddhi #skillindia #startupindia #marsmission #space #homijehangirbhabha #satishdhawan

5/4/2024, 11:31:10 AM

#MarsMission 不被看好 那就放手一搏! 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑻𝒐 𝑳𝒐𝒔𝒆. 每一回的防守 每一波的進攻 竭盡全力 展現鬥志 無懼阻礙 我們ㄧ起拚戰到底! 𝑾𝑬 𝑭𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 ! 👊🏻👊🏼 - 季後賽 GROUP A 🆚 新北中信特攻 G1 ➤ (客) 5/04 (六) 14:00 新莊體育館 G2 ➤ (客) 5/06 (一) 19:00 新莊體育館 G3 ➤ (主) 5/09 (四) 19:00 臺大綜合體育館 G4 ➤ (主) 5/11 (六) 19:00 臺大綜合體育館 * G5 ➤ (客) 5/14 (二) 19:00 新莊體育館 * * 為如有需要進行之賽事 ✅ 主場地點:臺大綜合體育館3樓(請由辛亥路校門口入場) ✅ 售票連結: (可至IG主頁點選連結前往) - #臺北戰神 #TaipeiMars #Northbound

5/3/2024, 4:38:44 PM

Unser Gourmet-Töle ist auf einer intergalaktischen Mission! 🌌🐾 In ihrem Raumanzug erkundet sie den Mars und sieht dabei unglaublich stylisch aus. 🚀😎 Wer hätte gedacht, dass unser Hund ein echter Space-Explorer ist? 😉🐶 #GourmetTöle #MarsMission #WeltraumHund #SpaceDog #Intergalaktisch #Hundeliebe #Hundeabenteuer #Hundemission #Hundewelt #Hundeentdecker #Hundemomente #Weltraumhund #MarsAbenteuer #Hundeaufregung #Hundetrend #Hundespaß #Hundeglück #Hundestories #HundeFotos #Hundefreunde #DogsofInstagram #DogPhotography #DogLover #DogLife #dogsofinstagram

5/3/2024, 2:18:03 PM

Pakistan to launch first-ever lunar mission On Friday 3rd May 2024 at 12:50pm Local time, 🌗🌙 This inaugural mission, scheduled to take off at 12:50 PM local time, will be broadcast live across IST’s official website and social media channels. The primary objective of the iCube Q mission aligns with the broader goals of the Chang’e 6 mission, which includes the collection of lunar dust and rock samples, particularly from the Moon’s South Pole—a region that has intrigued scientists due to its unexplored terrain and potential water ice reserves. #pakistan x #china #lunarmission #moon #moonmission #space #nasa #mars #apollo #spacex #spaceship #marsmission #astronaut #earth #spacelovers #spacelover #lockdown #mission #spacexlaunch #science #moonlanding #spaceshuttle #missiontomars #spaceneedle #chandrayaan #spacemission #spacetime #nasashirt #spacexdragon #astronomy

5/2/2024, 5:51:00 PM

Pakistan to launch first-ever lunar mission On Friday 3rd May 2024 at 12:50pm Local time, 🌗🌙 This inaugural mission, scheduled to take off at 12:50 PM local time, will be broadcast live across IST’s official website and social media channels. The primary objective of the iCube Q mission aligns with the broader goals of the Chang’e 6 mission, which includes the collection of lunar dust and rock samples, particularly from the Moon’s South Pole—a region that has intrigued scientists due to its unexplored terrain and potential water ice reserves. #pakistan x #china #lunarmission #moon #moonmission #space #nasa #mars #apollo #spacex #spaceship #marsmission #astronaut #earth #spacelovers #spacelover #lockdown #mission #spacexlaunch #science #moonlanding #spaceshuttle #missiontomars #spaceneedle #chandrayaan #spacemission #spacetime #nasashirt #spacexdragon #astronomy

5/2/2024, 5:46:46 PM

Pakistan to launch first-ever lunar mission On Friday 3rd May 2024 at 12:50pm Local time, 🌗🌙 This inaugural mission, scheduled to take off at 12:50 PM local time, will be broadcast live across IST’s official website and social media channels. The primary objective of the iCube Q mission aligns with the broader goals of the Chang’e 6 mission, which includes the collection of lunar dust and rock samples, particularly from the Moon’s South Pole—a region that has intrigued scientists due to its unexplored terrain and potential water ice reserves. #pakistan x #china #lunarmission #moon #moonmission #space #nasa #mars #apollo #spacex #spaceship #marsmission #astronaut #earth #spacelovers #spacelover #lockdown #mission #spacexlaunch #science #moonlanding #spaceshuttle #missiontomars #spaceneedle #chandrayaan #spacemission #spacetime #nasashirt #spacexdragon #astronomy

5/2/2024, 5:46:46 PM

Pakistan to launch first-ever lunar mission On Friday 3rd May 2024 at 12:50pm Local time, 🌗🌙 This inaugural mission, scheduled to take off at 12:50 PM local time, will be broadcast live across IST’s official website and social media channels. The primary objective of the iCube Q mission aligns with the broader goals of the Chang’e 6 mission, which includes the collection of lunar dust and rock samples, particularly from the Moon’s South Pole—a region that has intrigued scientists due to its unexplored terrain and potential water ice reserves. #pakistan x #china #lunarmission #moon #moonmission #space #nasa #mars #apollo #spacex #spaceship #marsmission #astronaut #earth #spacelovers #spacelover #lockdown #mission #spacexlaunch #science #moonlanding #spaceshuttle #missiontomars #spaceneedle #chandrayaan #spacemission #spacetime #nasashirt #spacexdragon #astronomy

5/2/2024, 5:46:45 PM

Pakistan to launch first-ever lunar mission On Friday 3rd May 2024 at 12:50pm Local time, 🌗🌙 This inaugural mission, scheduled to take off at 12:50 PM local time, will be broadcast live across IST’s official website and social media channels. The primary objective of the iCube Q mission aligns with the broader goals of the Chang’e 6 mission, which includes the collection of lunar dust and rock samples, particularly from the Moon’s South Pole—a region that has intrigued scientists due to its unexplored terrain and potential water ice reserves. #pakistan x #china #lunarmission #moon #moonmission #space #nasa #mars #apollo #spacex #spaceship #marsmission #astronaut #earth #spacelovers #spacelover #lockdown #mission #spacexlaunch #science #moonlanding #spaceshuttle #missiontomars #spaceneedle #chandrayaan #spacemission #spacetime #nasashirt #spacexdragon #astronomy

5/2/2024, 5:46:27 PM

Lift Off 🚀👨🏻‍🚀 The New @pezcandy Mars Mission Dispenser Collection 🤩 #PEZ #PEZdispenser #PEZcandy #PEZmakesyousmile #PEZmarsmission #marsmission #PEZaustria @pezcandyusa #PEZcandyusa

5/2/2024, 4:22:10 PM

#MarsMission 𝙂𝙚𝙩 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙤𝙛𝙛 𝙈𝙤𝙙𝙚 💢 保持專注百分百 進入季後賽模式 - 季後賽 GROUP A 🆚 新北中信特攻 G1 ➤ (客) 5/04 (六) 14:00 新莊體育館 G2 ➤ (客) 5/06 (一) 19:00 新莊體育館 G3 ➤ (主) 5/09 (四) 19:00 臺大綜合體育館 G4 ➤ (主) 5/11 (六) 19:00 臺大綜合體育館 * G5 ➤ (客) 5/14 (二) 19:00 新莊體育館 * * 為如有需要進行之賽事 ✅ 主場地點:臺大綜合體育館3樓 (請由辛亥路校門口入場) ✅ 售票連結: - ⭐️ 4月最佳球員票選挺戰神: ⭐️ 年度獎項票選挺戰神: (皆可至IG主頁點選連結前往) - #臺北戰神 #TaipeiMars #Northbound #台新人壽

5/2/2024, 4:14:10 PM

Seven ISAE-SUPAERO students, together with the Parrot ANAFI Ai, recently simulated a Mars mission for three weeks in Utah's desert. Their aim: to prepare for future Mars expeditions, showcasing ISAE-SUPAERO's commitment to develop space pioneers. @mars_supaero @isae_supaero #anafiai #drone #drones #uav #adroneyoucantrust #dronesforpros #tech #autonomous #unmannedsystems #technology #innovation #AI #aerialsurveillance #security #unmanned #ISAE #SUPAERO #MarsMission #SpaceExploration #ParrotAnafiAI #DesertSimulation #FutureSpacePioneers #schoolprojects #ISAEProjects #StudentInitiatives #STEMEducation #FutureAerospaceLeaders #HandsOnLearning #RealWorldSimulation

5/2/2024, 3:00:19 PM

Jason Lee, Stephanie Navarro, Shareef Al Romaithi, and Piyumi Wijesekara form the core of the team. They will reside in the agency's Human Exploration Research Analog (HERA) from May 10 to June 24. #NASA #MarsMission #USA #TechnologyNews #LatestUpdates #NASAUpdates #Triangletilt #Triangletltrtp

5/2/2024, 2:16:23 PM

#MarsMission 「𝑾𝑬 𝑭𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 !」季後賽一起戰! 💪🏼💪🏽 戰神成軍首季挺進季後賽,喊出「We FIGHT!一起戰」口號,面對衛冕軍,戰神們並肩齊心,要為臺北而戰、為戰友而戰、為團隊而戰。 主視覺延續晉級季後賽的漫畫風格,以漫畫封面為概念,象徵往後翻閱的每一個故事,如同戰神的每一場比賽,都是隊史的新篇章,並取其MARS與火星的意涵,整體以戰神主色紅搭配同為紅色火星的星球背景,代表團隊已滿載鬥志與能量,陣中16名球員將全力奮戰,展現對勝利的渴望,迎向挑戰。 戰神隊長輝哥說:「我們每一場季後賽都在寫下自己的歷史,希望能將好的成績延續更久。」面對本週六首戰,RJ表示:「無論過去對戰成績如何,現在就是0比0重新開始,如同新的賽季,團隊要保持競爭心態面對,團結奮戰。」 Coco則向戰友們喊話:「陪我們一起戰到最後,你們的加油聲會帶給我們無比信心。」並力邀戰友們身穿戰神紅進場相挺,一同成為戰神後盾,用應援聲與戰神「一起戰」! - 季後賽 GROUP A 🆚 新北中信特攻 G1 ➤ (客) 5/04 (六) 14:00 新莊體育館 G2 ➤ (客) 5/06 (一) 19:00 新莊體育館 G3 ➤ (主) 5/09 (四) 19:00 臺大綜合體育館 G4 ➤ (主) 5/11 (六) 19:00 臺大綜合體育館 * G5 ➤ (客) 5/14 (二) 19:00 新莊體育館 * * 為如有需要進行之賽事 ✅ 主場地點:臺大綜合體育館3樓(請由辛亥路校門口入場) ✅ 售票連結: (可至IG主頁點選連結前往) - #臺北戰神 #TaipeiMars #Northbound

5/2/2024, 1:04:12 PM

🚀✨ Mars – We Are Coming! ✨🚀 Are you ready to conquer Mars? Our latest design features a spacecraft approaching the Red Planet. Perfect for all amateur astronauts and fans of space exploration, astronomy, and sci-fi! 🔴 Red Planet, we are coming! Our mission has just begun. Are you with us? 🛒 Available now! Link in bio 🚀 #MarsMission #mars #SpaceExploration #AstronomyLove #SciFiWorld #SpaceDesign #GiftForSpaceLover #AstronautLife #Planets #ExploreSpace #MarsWeAreComing #shirtdesign #tshirtdesign

5/2/2024, 12:50:25 PM