MD211 images

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🔥 #mentaldestination #newepisode #md211 #progressive #progressivetrance #soundcloud #youtube #1001tracklists #MD211 Playlist: 1. Boatech - Hallucination [Insomnia] 2. NoNameLeft, Daniel Weirdo - Dropout [Set About] 3. Ominousboy - Gravitational Redshift [Modular States] 4. Justus Reim, Gizmo & Mac - Dystopia [Nova Collective] 5. Nicolo (AR), Silenc - Error in the System [IAMT] 6. Teenage Mutants & Agustin Müller - Katastrophe [Tragedie] 7. Mattia Saviolo - Nirvana [Volta Rec.] 8. Lauta Bustillo - Rescue Me [Future Techno] 9. Heerhorst - The Show [1605] 10. Dexter White ZESTi - Protection [Volume Berlin] 11. EPICX - Rave Rave [Animarum] 12. BARBUTO - Right Now [Codex] 13. D72 - Flutterby House [Black Hole] 14. Yoshi & Razner - Apocalypse [Reload Rec] 15. Techflex - Almond (Maurice Burgbacher Remix) [Hapoi Music] 16. Avaxx - Set Me Free [HTE] 17. Don Paolo -Up Your Mind [Autektone] 18. Ramiro Lopez, Spartaque - Lana [Union Three] 19. Paul Clark (UK) - Raw Power [DSR Digital] 20. David Temessi - Raveducation [DSR Digital]

5/17/2024, 10:06:33 PM

FREE COUNSELING EXISTS! Because of trained professionals who donate their time, you can get support in your mental health journey at no cost to you. Here are a few phone lines to call or text for support that you should know about:   ☎️The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is a confidential crisis line for anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. It operates 24/7/365. When people call, text, or chat at 988, they will be connected to trained counselors that are part of the existing Lifeline network. These trained counselors will listen, understand how the caller’s problems affect them, provide support, and connect the caller to necessary resources.    ☎️If you are not in a crisis and need someone to talk to, please call Pro Bono Counseling’s WARMline. Call the Maryland WARMline if you want to speak to someone who will listen to your concerns and refer you to additional resources. The Pro Bono WARMline is free, anonymous, and confidential. Mental health professionals are available M-F from 10 am to 8 pm and on weekends from 10 am to 6 pm.    ☎️Pro Bono Counseling assists in “helping people of all backgrounds in Maryland find the right mental health professional to meet their needs, no matter their income.” Pro Bono Counseling partners with licensed professionals who volunteer their services pro bono. Call 410-825-1001 to get connected with a licensed professional.    ☎️Since 2010, the Maryland Information Network, a nonprofit, has powered 211 Maryland. 211 is Maryland’s most comprehensive health and human services resource database. Individuals can get connected with over 7,500 resources. Individuals with essential needs can get connected to local help 24/7/365. An individual can call/text/chat with 211 specialists, who listen, identify all unmet needs, connect callers to resources & follow up when needed. Let us know if this post was helpful! Comment, like and share! #MHEF #MentalHealthEmergencyFund #MDresources #mentalhealthsupport #988 #crisissupport #MD211 #tiptuesday

4/25/2023, 4:37:23 PM

#沖牙機分享 🦷 品牌👉🏻寶可齡 @porclean2018 身為一個國中開始就四顆智齒齊發的我來說 太知道「完全清潔乾淨牙齒」有多麼困難!!! (難得四顆長好長滿,十幾年後蛀了兩顆… (最後拔了……… 開始用 #電動牙刷 後,我以為 #刷牙 已經可以乾淨到巔峰了🤩 沒想到再加上 #沖牙機,我才知道原來不用牙線、牙籤,只要輕含噴嘴幾十秒,牙縫中的食物殘渣都能輕易一掃而空,而且舌頭舔過齒面的潔淨感真的好好哦!💖 #PORClean寶可齡抗菌沖牙機MD210 內含:標準噴頭*2,主機、抗菌濾芯、安全帽、Type-C充電線各一 與 #MD211 組合的差別在於噴頭種類與濾芯的數量不同,但沖牙機主機都是最新的MD21全白這款👍🏻 🇹🇼台灣設計製造 🇹🇼 ●使用MIT「獨家專利Pocer抗菌濾芯」,能夠將水轉化成弱鹼性離子水,可以平衡口中酸性哦~ 下載「FilterBook濾芯管家」APP 不挑品牌,可以設定提醒什麼時候該更換濾芯,非常方便!(建議三個月換一次,噴頭也是) ●有「四段變速水柱」設計,建議第一次先從最弱的Soft模式使用,我個人比較怕刺激,適應了好幾天才敢換成Normal😆 ●全機「IPX7防水設計」+隱藏充電孔,使用完畢整台清洗一下乾淨又衛生~ ●附送一個防誤觸「安全帽」,這樣外出攜帶收納就更容易了! ●可「一機多用」,不論是送一組給父母,或是自己與親密愛人使用都可以共用主機哦👍🏻 (噴頭記得要換就好了哈哈哈) 可以加購配件: 📍標準噴頭(2入一組) 📍矯正噴頭 📍牙周齒間噴頭 📍牙菌斑噴頭 📍Porcer高透性抗菌濾芯 (詳細適用情況請參考最後一張我製的圖) *寶可齡抗菌沖牙機6歲以上適用! *無法取代日常刷牙、每半年洗牙! *可裝溫水使用,主機有一年保固! ⭐PORClean寶可齡相關資訊⭐ 📍全產品列表: 🔎PORClean抗菌沖牙機MD210 🔎PORClean抗菌沖牙機MD211 #PORClean #寶可齡 #PORClean抗菌沖牙機 #從齒守護健康 #PORClean寶可齡抗菌沖牙機 #牙齒護理 #牙齒推薦

6/21/2022, 3:35:28 PM

牙齒多重要?吃東西需要、講話幫助發音也要,甚至給人好印象也是一定要!!!尤其我們女孩子愛漂亮,想要在張口說話與大笑都用健康的貝齒面對別人,最基本條件就不能有一口爛牙存在。😄😁 刷牙是最基本的口腔清潔方式,但單靠刷牙很難真正將口腔中隱藏死角清潔乾淨,牙齒如果長期殘留食物殘渣就易產生一堆細菌,進而影響到牙齒與口腔的健康,所以還是需要一些清潔牙間細縫的工具➡️牙線、牙間刷等等來輔助潔牙,並且定期去牙醫診所檢查牙齒。以往在牙醫診所才可能有機會使用到的沖牙儀器,拜科技進步所賜,現在也有機會購得自家簡易版的「沖牙機」,現在我家也有一台囉~~~✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻 我家這台【專業牙診款─PORClean寶可齡抗菌沖牙機MD211】,擁有「台灣設計製造」、「全球首創的獨家專利Pocer抗菌濾芯」、「IPX7防水設計」與「四段變速水柱」等特點,在潔牙上更具有效率,剛一開始對產品的認識來說,最讓我喜歡的就是內含四顆抗菌濾芯這個項目,字面上意思也很明顯易懂,就是潔牙同時也能對抗口腔中壞菌。🦷💕 MD211這台機型內容物有→抗菌沖牙機MD21主機*1、抗菌濾芯*4、標準噴頭*2、牙周齒間噴頭*1、矯正噴頭*1、安全帽*1、Type-C線*1。 使用方式很簡單: 1.沖牙機先接Type-C線充電(首次使用先充8-12小時),再裝上抗菌濾芯並選擇自己適用的噴頭。 2.水箱裝滿水,擁有【#雙向注水模式】霸氣與秀氣的裝水由你便利選擇操作。 3.再來選擇想要得【變速水柱模式】(初用者可從SOFT模式開始),然後輕含噴嘴頭,按下開關,面向面盆開始,一顆顆開始來回沖洗即可。 靠著抗菌沖牙機來輔助潔牙真的很方便,自己不用超仔細對著鏡子瘋狂檢查每個齒縫間殘渣存留,只要選擇自己適用的噴頭與水柱模式,就能輕鬆且優雅的完成每一次清潔。👍🏻😍 PORClean寶可齡貼心的提供使用者可下載【FiliteBook濾芯管家APP】,不用自己花腦袋記得,APP會提醒你濾芯更換時間唷~🥳😘 舉凡日常養護者、兒童、孕婦、老人、牙齒矯正者、口腔異味者,都可以適用沖牙機。就算是有牙齦腫脹、牙齦炎、牙周炎、牙周病…等的對象也不用害怕使用抗菌沖牙機,寶可齡為了該族群設計「牙周齒間噴頭」,加強牙縫與牙周囊袋清潔。 好用的抗菌沖牙機是輔助清潔,平常還是要勤刷牙,並且定期的去洗牙檢查牙齒,才是正確的方式唷~ @porclean2018 全產品列表➡️ PORClean抗菌沖牙機MD211➡️ #棉花糖女孩 #Dear #蒂兒 #牙齒照護 #寶可齡 #MD211 #PORClean抗菌沖牙機 #從齒守護健康 #PORClean寶可齡抗菌沖牙機 #牙齒護理 #牙齒推薦 #Pocer抗菌濾芯 #IPX7防水設計 #台灣設計製造 #smile

6/20/2022, 4:16:47 PM

•GESER KE KANAN UTK MODEL LAIN • B - Bust / Lingkar Dada W - Waist / Lingkar Pinggang H - Hips / Lingkar Pinggul L - Length / Panjang ( semua ukuran dalam cm ) — RESELLER WELCOME — ( please chat for S&K ) Note : * Stock barang di BKK sangat cepet habis, harap order dalam waktu 1x24 jam. * Close PO setiap RABU jam 6 sore, shipping by cargo dan ready +- 2 minggu dari close PO. * Order please click tombol WA yang di Bio dan jadwal PO harap cek di Bio ya. #MA298 #MD387 #MD388 #MD389 #MD211 #MD400

5/22/2022, 6:32:10 AM

•GESER KE KANAN UTK MODEL LAIN • B - Bust / Lingkar Dada W - Waist / Lingkar Pinggang H - Hips / Lingkar Pinggul L - Length / Panjang ( semua ukuran dalam cm ) — RESELLER WELCOME — ( please chat for S&K ) Note : * Stock barang di BKK sangat cepet habis, harap order dalam waktu 1x24 jam. * Close PO setiap RABU jam 6 sore, shipping by cargo dan ready +- 2 minggu dari close PO. * Order please click tombol WA yang di Bio dan jadwal PO harap cek di Bio ya. #MD252 #MD253 #MD192 #MD201 #MD211 #MD212

5/20/2022, 6:10:07 AM

THANK YOU! To all those who help assist our community via @call211maryland! Happy #211Day! To help UWLES continue their support of #MD211 and other local programs please consider a gift today at

2/11/2022, 3:01:22 PM

MD Young Minds connects YOU with mental health check-ins. Text MDYOUNGMINDS to 898-211 for supportive messages and reminders to practice self-care 🧠

12/14/2021, 10:28:42 PM

Tartaletas de Fresa. Puedes solicitar la cotizacion de tus bocaditos y con mucho gusto te atenderemos. ❤️. 📲953 265 854 (Vicky) 📲981 079 022 (Diego) #Bocaditos #MD211 #MDbyVic #Tartaleticas #reposteríacasera #hechoconamor #hechoencasa

8/30/2021, 6:18:26 AM

@md211_porsche @porsche @porsche_france #porsche #porschecaymangts #porschecayman #porschefrance #md211 #mcdonalds #supercar #instacar #car

4/23/2021, 8:33:16 PM

Il n'y a rien de plus beau que de trouver sa passion, se fixer des objectifs et se battre jour après jour pour les atteindre ! Elle est enfin là et je vous la présente prochainement ! Tellement hâte de rouler avec ! 😍 PORSCHE CAYMAN GTS 981 PDK ✅ le 05/03/2021 🍀🙏🏼😍🏎 #porschecaymangts #porsche #passion #objectif #cayman #981gts #981 #pdk #lemans #24hdumans #24h #24heuresdumans #circuitbugatti #mindset #martiniracing #tagheuer #heuer #happyday #heureux #gentlemendrivers #drive #carspotting #porschedriver #dream #md211 #motivation #porscheclub #porscheclassic #porsche981club #porschelife

3/14/2021, 3:27:02 PM

Wenn diese Mikrofone sprechen könnten… Elvis Presley, Tom Jones, Udo Jürgens, Dieter Thomas Heck, Helmut Schmidt und viele mehr, sangen und sprachen dereinst in diese Mikrofone. Ihr Aussehen ist charakteristisch für ihre jeweilige Zeit der 50er, 60er und 70er Jahre. Und nach all den Jahren klingen Sie immer noch verdammt gut. Glauben Sie nicht? - Kommen Sie gerne bald vorbei und überzeugen Sie sich selbst! Welchen Song aus den 50er, 60er oder 70ern sollen wir für Sie singen? #show #musik #theater #buehne #theaterstuek #SH55 #MD421 #MD211 #KulisseEimke #lueneburgerheide #suderburgerland #kunstundkultur #kulturerhalten #neustarkultur

3/7/2021, 4:15:44 PM

LCC Crisis Specialists work around the clock 365 days a year. We are here for you, for crisis response, non-judgemental listening or for information and referrals. It's all important to us. Need help? Call the National Suicide Prevention Line or 410.749.4357 or 211. #beheretomorrow #md211 #crisisline #essentialworkers #suicideprevention

4/27/2020, 4:49:21 AM

A new show is coming!!! Stay tuned for this new exciting partnership with MD 211 #health #partnerships #community #hocopodcast #dragondigitalradio #communityinitiatives #MD211 @govlarryhogan

1/22/2020, 9:22:29 PM

#MD211 @255.000 Bust115 Length65

8/16/2019, 12:56:38 AM

President Montz joined by past NP president, Soror Worthey and @paacdst at the Out of The Darkness Community Walk by @afspnational #suicideprevention #md211

9/23/2018, 3:42:17 AM

Oh mon beau bateau #MD211 #OISO28

2/20/2018, 7:36:10 AM

Subtle beading embellishing style #MD211 is all we need on a Sunday morning for a little bit of bridal inspiration.

10/29/2017, 4:19:36 PM

Today 4 nonprofit / social change makers met to launch the Maryland Executive Director Roundtable. We will support each other as we help to make change throughout Maryland. We received a behind the scenes look at Maryland 211. A powerful tool that needs to be shared through at all of our social networks. #executive #nonprofit #executivedirector #support #peernetwork #community #md211 #change #maryland #socialchange #coaching #leanonme #innovation

10/25/2017, 12:51:47 AM

Even after getting T-Boned this week, I still make time to volunteer @800273talk @trevorproject #MD211 #suicideprevention #heretolisten #bethe1to #savealife #alwaysgiveback

9/29/2017, 12:51:16 AM

Vintage Sennheiser MD211 mic w/ case, box, clip, & paperwork - $200 #cavemanvintagemusic #chinatownla #sennheiser #md211 #sennheisermd211 #proaudio #vintagemic

5/4/2015, 3:18:35 AM

เวลาที่ล่วงเลย นั้นทำให้คนเปลี่ยนไป ~~ #อีลิเมนท์ที่แสนโหดร้าย #ทำเวลาของฉันหายไป #อ่านไม่ทันนน #แต่ยังอัพไอจี #md211

8/29/2013, 4:26:38 PM

ไม่เครียด ไม่เครียด ไม่เครียด #ขย้ำชีท #หงั่มม #md211

8/20/2013, 11:47:08 AM

TO THE BONE capsule wiring repairs (Sennheiser MD211 Omni Dynamic)

5/27/2013, 1:32:06 PM

กลุ่มซีน18 MD211 กลุ่มอ๊อเหรอ (คำพูดติดปากอาจารย์ศิริกุล ที่ทำให้นศพ.เสียเซลฟ์55)😊😊

8/14/2012, 11:29:10 AM