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Buying and reading books are really entirely different hobbies - and I only have myself to blame for confirming that. 🙄 But this one is one of my new additions during the last months. I gifted it to my mother and am waiting for her book review. 😂🩷 if she likes it I may ask to borrow it from her or buy it one more time 😅 From the blurb, it sounds like it is exactly up my alley. Anyone has read it already? I do not know the English title unfortunately but it was released recently in Germany which means it was probably published last year. #bookstagram #newbooks #newreleases #newreleasebooks #books #bookish #bookishlove #booklover #booksbooksbooks #addictedtobooks #buecherliebe #harukimurakami #booksandplants #booksandflowers

6/2/2024, 12:49:23 PM

coffee 🤝 books [ad-pr product tagged] slowly making my way through How to be Multiple: The Philosophy of Twins by Helena de Bres and am loving it! Just the kind of non-fiction tone I’m after right now - more thoughts on this soon 👯

6/2/2024, 12:04:50 PM

72/2024 📚 PÁL ZÁVADA - Deň na trhu 📚 Deň na trhu je vskutku zaujímavým čítaním. No rovno treba spomenúť, že určite nie je pre každého a autorov štýl ako aj príbeh proste nesadnú všetkým. A priznám sa, že som tiež celkom bojovala. Dej sa odohráva v máji roku 1946, teda rok po skončení druhej svetovej vojny. No je tomu skutočne tak? Je vojna nadobro preč? Muži sú späť z frontu, počítajú sa zranenia, straty a obete. No emócie a vášne medzi ľuďmi sú stále silné a pretrvávajú. Až kým jedného dňa nepríde ku katastrofe. Tieto udalosti sleduje manželka miestneho učiteľa, ktorá ich rozpráva spolu s ďalšími udalosťami ako aj spomienkami, takže som sa v texte občas strácala a nevedela, čoho sa rozprávanie práve týka. Týždenný trh prebieha tak ako zvyčajne. Až kým sa nespustí doslova davová psychóza a hystéria a skupina žien umláti na smrť židovského obchodníka. Dav naberá na intenzite a neberie ohľady na nikoho v okolí. A to všetko pozorujú ostatní. Autor veľmi hodnoverne a zaujímavo popísal vplyv politických názorov na jednotlivcom a celé skupiny, ako vyostrené názory dokážu polarizovať spoločnosť a spustiť priam davovú hystériu. Nedá mi nespomenúť, že to celkom isto pripomína aj našu aktuálnu situáciu. Stačí len sledovať správy. Poznáte tohto autora? Čítali ste Deň na trhu? Za knihu ďakujem @slovart_vyd #skbookstagram #czbookstagram #booklover #bookstagram #booknerd #bookobsessed #bookaddict #bookaesthetic #bookstorage #bookacholic #bookaccount #bookcommunity #precitane #booksandflowers #booksandcoffee #coffeetime #coffeepics #coffeelovers #creativebookstagram #creativeflatlays #creativebookphotography #creativecups #creativebooks #creativeflowers

6/2/2024, 11:34:47 AM

berlin / bea setton 💙 daphne arrives in berlin to start again: better a fresh page than amending imperfect attempts. but trouble still follows where she goes. will this city give her everything she wanted? mmm tricky one this is. because the character work is fantastic. daphne is such a sly and sharp unreliable narrator whose journey into darkness is a delicious unraveling. but! the dark undercurrent in this book feels flimsy when it is a fairly standard coming of age. i was hoping there would be more going on giving the menace implied with our unreliable narrator. a short but sweet review. i liked this enough but was promised something more propulsive (maybe akin to other peoples clothes which was also set in berlin?). i think i would read bea setton’s next effort. i rated berlin 3 stars 🌟🌟🌟

6/2/2024, 9:54:45 AM

Mai wrap-up Mitt lesemål i år er å lese mindre, og heller ta et dypdykk i bøkene. Både bli mer kjent med forfatteren og temaet i boka. Det holder hardt. Det er så mange bøker man vil lese. Men jeg gjør mer research rundt bøkene nå, og får mer ut av dem. I mai har jeg lest Kjell Westös 《Skumring 1941》, og lærer stadig mer om vårt naboland Finlands spesielle krigshistorie. 《Straff》av Ann-Helen Laestadius handler om internatene for samiske barn på 50-tallet, som skulle tvinges til å glemme eget språk og kultur, og fysisk straff var ikke ukjent. Kristin Vego var et nytt navn for meg da 《Sent på dagen》 dumpet ned i postkassen min. #Leseeksemplar @gyldendalforlag En stillferdig roman om et vanlig liv. P.S. Den stakkars hortensiaen har fått vann nå! . . . #leseåret2024 #bokåret2024 #lesestund #litteratur #readygoread #bokinstagram #lesmer #lesing #leseliste #booksandflowers #viktigebøker #oppvekstroman #debutroman #samisklitteratur #samiskebøker #krigslitteratur #historiskroman #andreverdenskrig #nordisklitteratur #nybok #kortroman

6/2/2024, 9:29:52 AM

Jag har haft en beef med Donna Tartt sedan första året i gymnasiet. Det kan tyckas långsint, men ingen annan bok har lämnat ett så negativt avtryck som hennes The Little Friend… Medan resten av klassen fick läsa Damernas detektivbyrå (aka såg filmen) var vi en liten grupp elever som istället fick ovan nämnda tegelsten. 500+ sidor svår engelska med utdragna miljöbeskrivningar, en svinstörig huvudperson och ett mordmysterium utan upplösning har fått mig att gå omvägar kring Tartts annars hyllade böcker. Enligt min engelsklärare var det jag som inte förstod boken, men recensionerna på Goodreads talar till min fördel 👉🏼 När mina böcker akut tog slut på semestern valde jag dock att vända andra kinden till och efter 14 år ge Tartt en andra chans, så nu återstår det att se huruvida vår relation kan räddas. Har ni någon bok eller författare som ni verkligen INTE gillar sedan ni läst den i skolan? 🙅🏼‍♀️ . . . #bookstagram #thelittlefriend #thesecrethistory #donnatartt #schoolbooks #igbooks #igreads #bookrecommendations #onestarreviews #books #booktok #igbooks #igreads #readingisfundamental #bookphotography #bookstagramsweden #currentlyreading #boktips #bokinstagram #bookblogger #bookcommunity #booksandflowers #bookphoto #reading

6/2/2024, 9:24:03 AM

May wrap up 📚 Have a good day everyone 😊 From the bottom to the top, English or original titles: Stormvakt 4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #kristinaohlsson Byttet 2,5/5 ⭐️⭐️💫 #stefanahnhem The Fury 2,5/5 ⭐️⭐️💫 #alexmichaelides Watching You 4,5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 #lisajewell The Good Lie 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #artorre #wrapup #monthlywrapup #bookstack #ilovetoread #goodreads #whatireadthismonth #monthlyreading #monthlyreads #readingwrapup #bookpile #myhomevibes #booksandcoffee #booksandcandles #marimekkomug #booksandflowers #kindleread #mayreads #iittalahalo

6/2/2024, 6:11:50 AM

#mailboxmonday (five days late) Did you receive any #bookmail this past week? Thank you @williammorrowbooks for the review copy of The Explorers: A New History of America in Ten Expeditions by Amanda Bellows. I have always enjoyed reading about famous explorers, and I can't wait to read this book! I also pre-ordered The Guncle Abroad by Steven Rowley quite awhile ago during a Barnes and Nobles Sale. I loved The Guncle and can't wait to read this follow-up. Which book would you read first? . #mailboxmayhem #mailboxmarvel #bookhaul #bookhauls #ilovebooks📚 #laurasbookreviews #wisconsinreaders #wisconsinbookstagrammer #newbookalert #newreleasebooks #Bookstagram #booksbooksbooks #BookTour #newbooks #HistoricalFiction #booksandflowers #summerreads #wmtastemakers #theexplorers @amandabellowshistorian #nonfiction #History #theguncleabroad @mrstevenrowley

6/2/2024, 5:10:06 AM

I’ve tasked myself in 2024 to reread some books that I haven’t opened in a while. My shelf is running out of space, and while I may ask for a second one for Christmas… I need to clear out books as well. And unfortunately, I think I outgrew The Vanishing Half. Do not be mistaken: this book is full of strong characterization and well-written. I simply don’t see myself returning to it for a third time. I still recommend it, and I hope I can pass it along to someone else to love. The representation and the discussions that come with are so important. One character is a trans man in an older decade, so the opportunities and acceptance were greatly different than if it were set in the 21st century. The families also experience colorism, racism (or maybe perpetuate it, despite being of the same race), and DV. It’s a journey I hope I can pass onto a good friend. 🫂 #cupsinframe #coffeegram #booksandcoffee #mayreads #booksandflowers #bookphoto #booksofinstagram #bookrecommendation

6/2/2024, 3:16:27 AM

Unboxing All items available in the @enchantedextras shop! Currently displayed: >Wraith’s Knives Enamel Pin >Church Meow Enamel Pin >Geralt Inspired Print >Addie Larue Inspired Print These and more are available now in the shop. Use code Jamiee15 for 15% off in the shop! #booksofinstagram #booksandflowers #booksoninstagram #booksofig #instabooks #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #yabookstagram #booklove #yareader #read #bookish #books #bibliophile #ya #hashtag #book #instareads #bookworm #bookaddict #booklover #bookobsessed #bookaholic #igreads #june #booksbooksbooks #reading #unboxing

6/2/2024, 2:15:28 AM

Something beautiful to brighten your day. Don't you love flowers? These ones happen to be fake but they made for great photo props. One of the little things I'm grateful for today. Also, after a trip this week, I didn't have the mental ability to figure out a deeper thought 😂 Want to guess the book in the third panel? #june #flowers #summer #prettythings #pretty #lovely #prettyflowers #grateful #booksandflowers #glimmers

6/2/2024, 12:44:57 AM

Happy June! I was a four season girl my whole life before moving to Florida last year. And let me tell you, there were four months, every year, that I lived for: May, JUNE, September and October. So I think l will always get excited for these months even though I live in perpetual summer (and I am totally great with that) now. “ Roses and honeysuckle melting into the blue, Green bowers overhanging; tall grass drenched with dew. Small birds, twittering; warbling, Hidden in the shade. Sweetest fragrance wafted; From every hedge and glade. All as full of sweetness and song As it can hold; June in all her beauty of blossoms manifold. “ I hope June starts a beautiful summer for you! Any big plans? - - #june #june1 #summer #books #bookflatlay #teanandbooks #bestbooks #nature #ilovejune #booksandflowers #teatime #floral #naturebooks #thecountrydiaryofanedwardianlady #thenaturenotesofanedwardianlady #edithholden #prettybooks #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #poetry #bookcollector

6/1/2024, 11:17:34 PM

Hello June💛

6/1/2024, 11:07:09 PM

📚𝙳𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚃𝙱𝚁 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎, 𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐? Happy Saturday, Readerlings! Kori here. I cannot believe it’s already June. 😳 Does anyone else feel like time keeps getting away from them, and they can’t catch up? My June TBR includes An Offer From a Gentleman (yes, I skipped this one to read Polin’s book so I could watch the new season 😂), The Prisoner’s Throne (restarted because it’s been so long since I picked it up), and Speaking Peace. I might also buddy-read Emily Wilde’s Encyclopedia of Faeries with Jordan, and if I have time I’ll start The Pariah. ☕️ 📖 🕯️ 🏷️ #allthebooksjun24 #readingintheweb #myfandomobsessionsjune24 #stacksaturday #bookstack #bookstacks #booksonbooks #booksonbooksonbooks #bookpile #booksandcandles #booksandflowers #booksandfood #cozyvibes #cozyaesthetic #cozybookstagram #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookgrammer

6/1/2024, 11:06:55 PM

A huge thank-you to @mrstevenrowley @prhaudio and @putnambooks for my digital audio copy of THE GUNCLE ABROAD 😍 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “While there is time Let’s go out and feel everything ... For time is a river rolling into nowhere. We must live while we can, And we’ll drink our cup of laughter. The finer things keep shining through The way my soul gets lost in you The finer things I feel in me The golden dance life could be.” - Steve Winwood “I’m saying if you have good dishes, use the good dishes for a meal with someone you care about. If you have nice shoes but you’re afraid to get them dirty, wear the good shoes and complete your outfit. Finer things. Don’t save them for a day that may never come, enjoy them with someone you love now.” “But his mission was clear, nonethless: He would teach these kids about love. How to love others, and how to be loved in return.” - Patrick O’Hara in The Guncle Abroad Oh Steven Rowley, you’ve done it again. I wasn’t sure if The Guncle Abroad could live up to all of the emotion, vulnerability and heart of The Guncle, but my fears were unfounded. In this sequel, which picks up five years after the original, we join 14-year-old Maisie, 11-year-old Grant and 49-year-old Uncle Patrick, but swap out Palm Springs for Europe! The kids are traversing puberty, upcoming high school and middle school, and their father’s impending marriage, and my goodness, did my heart go out to Maisie. My sweet Maisie girl reminded me of what it was like to go through all of the hormonal, emotional, and physical changes that accompany growing up, compounded by the anxiety of traveling abroad and preparing for a new mother figure to enter their family. It’s so, so much to handle, and I both laughed and teared up as I went through the ups and downs right alongside her. I love that Rowley delved into all of it gracefully and with such sensitivity and accompanying humor. He did a fantastic job!! (Continued in comments 🇮🇹)

6/1/2024, 9:28:25 PM

🖤 Hi friends! Happy June 1st! 🏳️‍🌈 🖤 Today I present my very ridiculous summer #TBR - books I intend to read during the months of June, July, and August! Have you read any of these? Spot any favorites or any we have in common? What do you plan to read in June? 🖤 Also, can you spot the difference between the first and second pics? I changed my mind mid-session and swapped out one book for another. Can you figure out which book I took out and which I swapped in? 🖤I hope everyone has a good month of reading ahead of them. ✨ 🖤 Image ID: a stack of 21 books are arranged in rainbow order with just their spines showing. Late Bloomer lays flat at an angle above the stack. Everything is surrounded by colorful flowers. 🖤 #BookFlatlay #BookStack #BeautifulBooks #YABookstagram #YAFantasy #YAFiction #YAReader #BooksAndFlowers #FloralAesthetic #BookSpines #AmReading #AlwaysReading #IReadYA #BooksOfInstagram #ReadersOfInstagram #LateBloomer #LGBTQIABooks #QueerBooks #RainbowBookStack #BookCoverLove #FantasyBooks #FantasyReader #FantasyReads #FantasyBookstagram #SciFiBooks #StarWarsBooks #RomanceReader #SummerTBR

6/1/2024, 9:27:53 PM

MANSFIELD PARK — 3.75⭐️ This book was ridiculous but also a blast? I didn’t believe the main romance at all and was highly bored with the heroine (and her love interest was [fart noisel imo). But god DAMN can Austen turn a phrase Imao. The drama in this book was genuinely awesome, and I loved the secondary (and tertiary) characters— I mean, I hate them lmao, but I loved reading about their messy lives. But this was kind of the problem? MP is chock full of drama but the main character (Fanny) is SO BORING! There are literally full chapters where she doesn’t speak or think, she’s just watching other people do things!!! So that was fun to read until you realize “…wait, what is Fanny doing” and she’s just sitting there. I understand the need for these characters in literature but I don’t really love them as a main character. The ending was blah, imo, because I feel like Jane wrote an ending that didn’t really match the whole story. The romance wasn’t plausible, there was no great declaration of love.. IDK! I feel like she really missed on this book in certain places. Still liked it more than SENSE & SENSIBILITY though. #bookstagram #books #bookreview #bookrecommendations #booksofig #igreads #bookrecs #booksandflowers #bookish #booksofinstagram #instagramreads

6/1/2024, 9:11:28 PM

currently🌙🍃 hello and happy saturday! its an absolutely beautiful day in ny today - I went to yoga this morning and then my bf and I walked to tompkins square for some yummy bagels. tompkins square is hands down the best bagel place in nyc and it. always. hits. 🤤 i started the daughter of the moon goddess (after it sitting on my shelves for almost a year) and omg I’m obsessed! it’s been the first fantasy that’s really hooked me and had me on my toes in sooo long. I’m about 75% of the way through and hoping to finish this weekend!! 🌖💐🩵🌿🫶🌈📖💫💝☀️🍾🌻 💭 what are you reading this week?

6/1/2024, 9:01:23 PM

• ‘Once we become aware of the fact that we are only feeling what we’re thinking and that thinking is the root cause of our unpleasant experience, we see it for what it truly is. Then we allow it to settle by giving it space, and slowly we will see how we begin to have a clear mind again. The root cause of our suffering is our own thinking. We can either choose to be free and happy in the unknown or to be confined and suffer in the familiar.’ - Don’t Believe Everything You Think, Joseph Nguyen ❞ I’d like to adapt my future reading to books about personal development. I think Romanian school was very badly oriented to concern itself with the emotional intelligence of the students. The good thing is that you can always feed this topic. Summer is here. Always in love with wildflowers. 🌼 Have a booked June, y’all! 🎈 #books #personaldevelopment #bookstagram #booksbooksbooks #ilovebooks #booksofinstagram #dontbelieveeverythingyouthink #readmorebooks #readmore #learnmore #educateyourself #powerofbooks #booksandflowers #wildflowers #wildflower #bookworm

6/1/2024, 8:54:14 PM

Un d'aquells imprescindibles: El Guepard de Lampedusa amb traducció de Llorenç Villalonga 💛 . . #llegir #llibres #llegirencatalà #llibresencatalà #elguepard #lampedusa #llorençvillalonga #clubeditor #imprescindible #booksandflowers #llibresiflors #ilgattopardo

6/1/2024, 8:30:51 PM

🧝🏼‍♀️Loved this series!🧝🏼‍♀️ As a whole I give it 5⭐️s My favorite book out of them all is A Court of Mist and Fury! . . #acotar #acotarseries #sarahjmaas #book #bookstagram #bookworm #bookgram #readmorebooks #bookcommunity #booksandflowers

6/1/2024, 8:12:25 PM

couldn’t be a neutral girl even if I tried

6/1/2024, 7:53:27 PM

a few moments from may 🌺 1 & 2 — more from Sorrow and Bliss 3 — a little 🌸 4 — the day I stuck my whole shoe in the river 5 — Addie LaRue’s field trip to the lake 6 — neighbor’s cat trying to reach me about my car’s extended warranty 7 — the happy years 🏷️ #bookstagram #cozybookstagram #booksoutofdoors #booksinnature #booksoutside #booksandflowers #mayphotodump #sorrowandbliss #theinvisiblelifeofaddielarue #alittlelife #walkinthewoods

6/1/2024, 7:22:24 PM

Powieści oparte na prawdziwych wydarzeniach – tak czy nie? Ja lubię historie oparte na prawdziwych wydarzeniach i w miarę możliwości staram się sięgnąć po nie jak najczęściej. Często są to historie, które wzbudzają ogromne emocje, wręcz wstrząsają czytelnikiem, ale nie potrafię sobie ich odmówić. Jedną z takich historii w swojej najnowszej książce „Gdy prawda milczy” odkrywa przed nami Jacek Piekiełko. 📖 „Gdy prawda milczy” Jacek Piekiełko [Współpraca reklamowa @skarpawarszawska ] „Gdy prawda milczy” to opowieść inspirowana prawdziwymi wydarzeniami, które w 2007 roku wstrząsnęły Czechami. „Dzieci z Kuřim” to jedna z najgłośniejszych, a zarazem najbardziej wstrząsających spraw kryminalnych w historii kraju. Anička nie miała szczęśliwego dzieciństwa. Porzucona przez rodziców narkomanów trafiła najpierw do handlarzy ludźmi, następnie do Norwegii, gdzie przeżyła prawdziwy koszmar. Kiedy w wieku trzynastu lat udaje się jej wyrwać ze szponów zła, wraca do Czech. Kontakt z nią jednak jest bardzo utrudniony, przeżyta trauma i złe doświadczenia sprawiają, że dziewczynka ma problemy z komunikacją i codziennymi wyzwaniami. Z uwagi na brak rodziny i bliskich Anička trafia do ośrodka dla dzieci „Promyczek”, a jej tymczasowym opiekunem zostaje Kristína. Niedługo potem poznaje siostrę Kristíny, Veronikę, przed którą zaczyna się otwierać i opowiadać o tym, czego doświadczyła. Wydawać by się mogło, że wyrwana z piekła dziewczynka już niebawem będzie mogła zaznać chwil szczęścia i pomału wrócić do normalności, jednak los bywa przewrotny. Lekarze diagnozują u nastolatki białaczkę. Przejęta losem dziewczynki Veronika za namową siostry postanawia adoptować Aničkę, uruchamiając tym samym machinę, która otworzy bramy niewyobrażalnego piekła. [cd. w przypiętym kom.💬] #gdyprawdamilczy #jacekpiekiełko #skarpawarszawska #literaturafaktu #książki #książka #book #bookstagrampolska #bookstagrampl📚 #książkowezdjęcie #bookphotography #zksiazkawkadrze #wyzwanie_zaczytanie #ksiazkanaweekend #weekendzksiążką #flatlayzksiazka #bookflatlay #booksandflowers #flowers #jaśmin #jasmin #flowerstagram #domoweinspiracje #inspiracjepepco #pepcoinspiruje #czytam #czytambolubie #czytamtruecrime #czytampolskichautorów

6/1/2024, 7:13:18 PM

🤫 Thank you @crookedlanebooks for the free book! 𝑪𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒂𝒚 + 𝟐 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒔 𝑻𝒐 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝑾𝒆𝒆𝒌 Happy #Caturday - weekend - and JUNE everyone! My husband comes home today after being gone for 10 days and let’s just say I have some mixed feelings about it. 🤣😜 IYKYK. But I’m hoping to do some semblance of a workout today since I’ve really been slacking since he left. 🫣 At least I finished a crap ton of books while he was gone and I managed to get 5 ahead of schedule for my yearly goal! 🥳 Last week (or the week before?) I posted 2 books that I was planning to read that week. 1 off my cart of books from publishers, and 1 off my actual shelves of books I’ve purchased and have had sitting around forever. Well, it took me longer to get through those two than I would have liked, but I’m done and back with two more! MISTER LULLABY is my from the publisher pick, and THE THERAPIST is one of the many books I have that I haven’t gotten around to yet. Have you read either of these? Which one should I start with?? And swipe for #CatSaturday 😻 Today is all about Chunky again and his adorableness 🥰 ❓Have you ever tried any bizarre food combinations that turned out to be surprisingly good? A: Though I haven’t tried it, my coworker is a fan of Chipotle bowls with sour cream and chipotle honey vinaigrette in them?! The combo sounds weird to me but he swears it’s delicious. And who knew Chipotle had small batch chipotle honey vinaigrette! Not me. 🤯 😻✌🏼🤫 ••••••••••••••• #saturdaycaturday #weekend #MisterLullaby #TheTherapist #BAParis #JHMarkert #abookwormwithwine #catmomlife😻 #catsofinstagram #bookstoread #backlistbooks #readwhatyouown #bookstagrammer #readingcommunity #booksuniteus #thrillerbooks #bookstagram #weekendplans #twobooks #minibookstack #bookobsessed #bookcommunity #thrillerbooksaddict #readallthebooks #booksandflowers #booksinstagram #alwaysreading #myweekendisallbooked

6/1/2024, 7:10:45 PM

What's one book you want to read in June? 🌸 First off, how is it June? Summer is almost here and I barely feel like I appreciated spring. I haven't even started the flower patch I want to put outside my window. 🌸 Anyway, I barely read any of the books I had on my (loose) May TBR. I more followed the vibes than my list, and I don't mind that. This month, I have a few non-fiction books I'd like to get through once I'm finished the tome I'm reading on Regency dress. I also have a few anticipated reads on my book cart, ranging from historical fiction to fantasy. 🌸 #bookstagram #bookstagramer #bookphotography #bibliophile #booklover #instabooks #booknerd #bookaholic #bookworm #bookstagramfeature #bookpic #alwaysreading #igreads #booksandflowers #reader #ilovereading #tbr

6/1/2024, 7:01:45 PM

En la recta final de esta #biografía de #artemisiagentileschi de las que les comparto una #frase que me gustó y creo refleja bien la plaza que tenían las mujeres en la sociedad renacentista. "Parecía siempre más rápida, más aplicada, más talentosa que los otros. Solamente, era una niña. Una hija de la que tendría que separarse tarde o temprano ofreciéndola a Dios o a un marido." . 🇫🇷 Je m'attaque à la dernière partie de cette biographie sur #artemisiagentileschipittora et je vous en partage une #citation que je crois reflète bien la place que la société de la #renaissance donnait aux femmes. "Elle semblait toujours plus rapide, plus appliquée, plus douée que les autres. Seulement, c'était une fille. Une fille dont il faudrait tôt ou tard se séparer, en l'offrant a Dieu ou à un mari." . . . #compartiendolecturas #pintoras #rosasylibros #historical #biography #booksandflowers #femalepainter #escritora #escritoras #autora #autoras #ecrivaine #ecrivaines #libri #autrice #autrices #femalewriter #femalewriters #rosas #bookdandcoffee #cafeylibros #livres #mujeresdelahistoria #mujeresartistas

6/1/2024, 7:01:13 PM

🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈 I absolutely adored I Kissed Shara Wheeler the first time that I read it and I am so excited to reread it with our book club! I am also obsessed with this new cover for the paperback release this week!! Thank you so much to @wednesdaybooks for sending me a copy and this adorable pin 🫶🏼 If you’d like to join us, head on over to @saintsorsinnersbookclub to sign up💕 ❓QOTD: Are you a rereading fan or a one and done kind of person?

6/1/2024, 7:00:51 PM

Review de “Henry VIII”✨- Peça de Shakespeare escrita em colaboração com John Fletcher. Esta peça não é má. Sei que muitos a consideram a pior de Shakespeare, mas para mim foi ok. Talvez pelo facto de retratar um período histórico do qual gosto muito: a corte de Henrique VIII. Mas sim, penso que esta peça deixa um pouco a desejar. Se no início ela é muito cativante, quando chegamos ao fim (altura em que devíamos estar a querer ler a peça freneticamente) esta torna-se muito aborrecida. Acho que, por um lado, o facto de Shakespeare estar a escrever sobre um período histórico tão próximo dele (relembrando que usou muitas vezes os “panos de fundo” italianos e em períodos históricos mais longínquos), possa ter influenciado a sua escrita. Ou seja, Shakespeare aqui é muito mais “pacato” menos irónico e menos sarcástico. Por outro lado, volto a referir que esta é uma peça feita em colaboração com outra pessoa. E posto isto, não sabemos ao certo qual terá sido a influência ou o trabalho específico que Shakespeare teve nela. Há quem diga que as partes boas são dele (e as más obviamente John 😅), mas não temos nada para nos guiar nesta suposição. • • • • #historical #henryviii #tudorhistory #plays #shakespeare #literature #englishliterature #literaturelover #books #bookstagram #nature #booksandnature #bookstagramportugal #bookstagrambrasil #bookstagrammer #flowers #flowersandbooks #booksandflowers

6/1/2024, 6:11:23 PM

“Letting go isn’t about forgetting. It’s balancing moving forward with life, and looking back from time to time, remembering the people in it.” — You’ve Reached Sam, Dustin Thao 🌸 » What’s a book you read recently that wasn’t worth the hype? 🤩 You’ve Reached Sam follows Julie after her boyfriend, Sam, dies. In her grief, she calls his phone and surprisingly, he picks up and they’re able to talk to each other again, and Sam helps Julie throughout the book to process his death and learn how to move on with her life. I was immediately hooked with the way the narrative began flitting from memory to memory about how Julie met and learned to love Sam, and I thought that this book would be an instant tearjerker. Sadly, it didn’t move me as much as I thought it would, and I don’t think that was because of the writing itself because Dustin Thao’s prose is so good and I loved the way he transitioned between memories and reality. I actually think it was because of the narrator of the audiobook, who had only one tone, which was: sad. The inflection in her voice never changed, even though Julie has happy and angry and sad moments, and I think it messed with the way I interpreted the story and the moods Dustin Thao had meant to convey. One day, I’ll pick up a physical copy and I think I’ll enjoy it more, but this time around it earned 3 stars. But I do think it’s a worthwhile read, especially if you’re going through a period of grief and you’re trying to understand how to move on when someone dies 💜 #youvereachedsam #dustinthao

6/1/2024, 6:07:18 PM

Cem Kalender Kayıp Gergedanlar’da Maraş katliamını gerçekle gerçeküstünün, geçmişle geleceğin iç içe geçtiği bu çok katmanlı anlatıda anıyor. Ötekileştirmeye dair güçlü bir roman. Türk edebiyatında eşine az rastlanan bir deneme ve üslupla kurgunun deneyselliğindeki paralelliğin sırf deneysel bir roman olsun diye yapılmadığı her halinden belli oluyor. Katliamın geçtiği bölümler çok sarsıcı, haliyle zor okunuyor. Suna’nın çocuklarını yetiştirirken ötekileştirmeye karşı seçtiği yöntem düşündürücü. Kuyunun varlığı ve söz konusu kayıp gergedanlar çeşitli sembolik okumalara gebe olabilir. Diğer birkaç karakter de unutulacak gibi değil. Kitabı @aylakadamyayinlari’nın Twitter çekilişinde kazanmıştım. Kendilerine çok teşekkür ederim. Çok iyi bir keşif oldu sayelerinde. #kitap #okudumbitti #booksandflowers #booklover #bookstagram #read #kitaplariyikivar

6/1/2024, 5:53:07 PM

May wrap up ✨ May was pretty good month! Read lots of books on my #tbr that I’d been putting off and found some new favorites! A bit of a bummer that my library was hacked 😭 so here’s to hoping it gets resolved soon so I can get to my Libby holds. What was your favorite book this month? BOOKS READ: 13 TOP GENRE: Thriller PAGES READ: 4,843 TOP BOOK: My Lovely Wife AVERAGE RATING: 4.23

6/1/2024, 5:19:12 PM

“𝘚𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵, 𝘋𝘪𝘢𝘨𝘰. 𝘐𝘯𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘴 𝘢 𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦. 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘣𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘵, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺.” Q: Which books do you wish more people would talk about? The Will of the Many was one of my favourite reads last year and I’ve been loving seeing people read it this year! It’s Roman inspired fantasy world with an academy setting and an intricate world and magic system. It’s intense and detailed and full of plot twists, scheming and mystery. It’s high stakes all the way through and I loved every minute of it. It’s a well written high fantasy - it’s that’s a genre you enjoy then definitely check this out. And if you’re a fan of red rising I would recommend this one! A: In Every Generation by Kendare Blake, Lovely, Dark and Deep by Claudia Cain and Voyage of the Damned . . . . . . #thewillofthemany #highfantasy #bluebooks #booksandflowers #mybookishfeatures #bookgrammer #bookishvibes #bookphotos #springreading #moodyaesthetic #bookthoughts #bookblogger #igbooks #booksthatinspire #bookfeature #prettybooks #booksaremagic

6/1/2024, 5:01:51 PM

I think I am finally old enough to read Proust. It's nice to have something to look forward to with regard to age - so much of our view of aging is framed around loss. But I've gained so much: confidence, skill, perspective. Also the joy of seeing my garden blossom each year! Our soil is a bit wet for lavender but one plant is thriving this year, and the hydrangea always makes me happy. We have turned our one plant into two, and each year it gets a little bit bigger. A little better with age. 💮 #bookstagram #swannsway #booksandflowers #booksandtea

6/1/2024, 4:29:54 PM

Raise your hand if you're a sucker for florals! 💐    I am, and these poppy flower bookmarks by Palestinian Etsy shop owner @bookloverscollective_ have this aro-ace bb believing in love at first sight. 😍    Just take a swipe through and lookit the GORGEOUS collection of Pali-inspired bookmarks and stickers they just launched!     Bonus? 100% of the proceeds from every one of these products will be going to help families seeking refuge from Ga🍓za.     For the first 3 days in June (Saturday the 1st - Monday the 3rd 2024) all purchase proceeds will go directly to @help_the_ellouh_family ❤ AND! Because y’all know I have zero chill, I’m also gifting away another book sleeve during this launch!*    Every purchase of 🇵🇸-inspired bookmarks and stickers will be an entry to win the book sleeve you see in slide 8. 👀 (it’s ok, you can go back and swipe. I’ll wait)    She’s cute, right?    Now RUN! Go get yourself a little watermelon or poppy-flower bookmark (or seven)!     Then come back here to tell me what your favorite flower is. 🌸        [image descriptions & acknowledgments in captions]    *this is in addition to the book sleeves I’ll be giving away at each $5k milestone for The Ellouh Family. This is just an extra-special bonus one that I couldn’t resist making to support Book Lovers Collective.     P.S. While you’re in their Etsy shop, take a look at their other cute stuff! If you’re a kindle sticker bb, you’re in for a real treat.

6/1/2024, 4:24:28 PM

Weekend plans ✨🌸💛 What book(s) are you diving into this weekend? 🫶🏻 all pictures are from Pinterest #bookstagram #ilovereading #reader #booksandflowers #booklover #ilovebooks #reading #bookishmemes

6/1/2024, 4:23:42 PM

When a deranged lunatic starts targeting single mom, Amanda Schultz, with threatening letters and "presents" on her doorstep, she turns to the police, who offer advice but no help... #bookaddict #bookstagramfeature #bookdragon #bookgram #bookgeek #currentlyreading #igbooks #bookaholic #readmorebooks #midnightreading #booktime #unitedbookstagram #bookclub #goodreads #igreads #booksandflowers #bookishcommunity #bookcover #bedtimereading #readingtime

6/1/2024, 3:40:05 PM

Slices of home from over the past months / soaking in the end of spring I like to move my artwork around the apartment to give different spots a different view over the course of the year (with a view of allll the spots from my desk 😌) and I like to put out this @updoggallery piece by the entryway in the spring. Favorite flower + lovely watercolor style + a little reminder of the creative projects I’m working on after hours! I think one day I’d like a bigger bookshelf where I can fit books, art, and plants all on the same shelf 🥰 PS: @updoggallery is having a gallery show next weekend! For friends in the Boston area, it sounds like a perfect weekend activity to do between coffee shop and bookstore/library hops 👀 I will put info on my stories / you can find it on the tag! Happy weekend! #bookstagram #bookish #booklover #bookworms #bookstagrammer #cozybooks #booksandflowers #booksbooksbooks #bookishlife #bookishlifestyle Pinterest aesthetic booksta #booksandcoffee #readersofinstagram #cozybookstagram #booklovers #bookaesthetic #bookrecommendations #bostonartist

6/1/2024, 3:11:20 PM

✨✌🏻 books on my June TBR✨ Summer is almost here and I’m ready to sit by a pool or in my hammock and read all day. It should be illegal to work when it’s sunny outside. 😂 These are two books I’m hoping to read in June (along with a pile of ARCS 😅). 💭 What’s a book you’re hoping to read in June? The flowers in this picture are from one of my work besties! She is leaving us for another job, which I guess we can forgive her for 🤪, and brought us flowers. 🥹 Good luck at your new job, Lizard! I know you’re gonna crush it! 🥰🩷🎉✨ P.S. the song is also for her 🤣

6/1/2024, 2:51:30 PM

(English below) Jag har precis läst klart Swift and saddled av #lylasage som är andra delen av #arebelblueranchnovel denna handlar om Weston och Ada. Ada är där för att designa en gäst ranch men kvällen innan hon ska börja jobbet befinner hon sig på The deviles boot. Och in kommer en cowboy som hon inte kan ta ögonen ifrån, de kysser varandra i en mörk korridor men sen springer hon där ifrån när de blir påkommna. Nästa dag när hon kommer till sitt nya jobb möts hon av samma cowboy, han visar sig vara hennes nya chef. Betyget är 5 av 5. (English) I just finished reading Swift and saddled by Lyla Sage which is the second part of the A rebel blue ranch series this is about Weston and Ada. Ada is there to design a guest ranch but the night before she is to start work, she finds herself at The devil's boot. And in comes a cowboy who she can't take her eyes off of, they kiss in a dark corridor but then she runs away when they get noticed. The next day when she arrives at her new job she is met by the same cowboy, he turns out to be her new boss. The rating is 5 out of 5. #fivestarread #swiftandsaddled #arebelblueranch #lylasageauthor #lylasagebooks #cowboyromance #iread #ireadromance #cowboyromancebook #booksandflowers #wildflowers

6/1/2024, 2:45:18 PM

Funny and fascinating Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard Book by Tom Felton Honestly I know nothing much about Harry Potter in school/college days and as time passed I decided that I am not the right age group for it and never read it. I chose this only because I was trying to use audible credits and heard this one was good!! However without knowing the series this book felt little difficult to get into in the beginning. But as it went in, the actor narrated so well that I wanted to listen to it despite not knowing much about the movie, actors in it. The book felt like a honest conversation with the actor about highs and lows of stardom! Worth a read 🌟💫⭐️✨ What are you doing the weekend? #tomfelton #harrypotter #harrypottermovies #audible #audiobooks #memoir #nonfictionbooks #bookstagram #minireview #bookaddict #lovereading #booksandflowers #bookstomovies

6/1/2024, 2:03:37 PM

📚May Wrap Up📚 It’s been a bumper month of reading delight for me, with so many great reads across a variety of genres. Are there any of these that you’ve loved? Or any you’re curious about? #readingwrapup #maybooks #monthlystack #readingstack #monthlywrapup #maywrapup #bookstack #booksandflowers #bookstagram #bookstagramuk #pileofbooks #whatiread #saturdaystack #bookwormproblems #monthlyreading #booksiread #bookphotography

6/1/2024, 1:57:03 PM

I don’t generally do very well with hot weather, but I have been enjoying reading in the sunshine. Even though this is my first time reading The Moonstone it feels quite familiar and comforting. It’s been a while since I’ve settled down with a nice chunky Victorian classic or a mystery novel, and this is both! 💎 #bookstagram #bookworm #booklover #bookish #bibliophile #booksandflowers #themoonstone #wilkiecollins #classicbooks #classicliterature #victorianliterature

6/1/2024, 1:37:17 PM

🪴 Me That You See 🪴 By Anne Freeman What a roller-coaster of emotions this one was! It was not what I was expecting and I love going in blind and being pleasantly surprised. Lexi is living a double life. She is lying to everyone ... even herself. It doesn't take much for it all to come crashing down. A unique un-put-downable story, I flew through it. I am so behind on my book reviews - this was my last April book 🙊🙈 ❓ Are you up to date on your book reviews? #librarybookstagram #librarybooks #libraryreads #aussiereaders #igreads #ilovereadingbooks #aussiebookstagrammer #booksandflowers #bookphotograph library book review

6/1/2024, 12:35:56 PM

Može li se knjiga od 250 stranica pročitati za jedno popodne i veče? Kao dokaz da može, prilažem sliku i utiske 😄 Ukratko, za ovaj naslov bih rekla, ako volite knjigu/film Đavo nosi Pradu, volećete i ovu priču. Ono što sam ja na prvu pomislila: da će me smoriti tema šivenja, šavova, materijala, krojeva i sličnih tema koje nikako nisu na mojoj listi interesovanja u životu 😅, ispostavilo se kao pogrešna pretpostavka, jer ova je knjiga najmanje priča o modi, a najviše o životnim izborima, o preprekama koje najbliži mogu da postanu svesno ili nesvesno i tome koliko im mi u istom dopuštamo. Iris je žena u ranim tridesetim, udata za lekara i zaposlena u banci, crna ovca u vlastitoj porodici i neko ko mnogo voli da kreira odeću i šije. Kada na jednom nedeljnom ručku od brata sazna kako su joj roditelji sabotirali upis u školu mode, njen život se menja za 180 stepeni i ona kreće da sledi davno izgubljeni san. Put će Iris odvesti do Pariza gde će joj se otvoriti vrata jedne izuzetno moćne žene, visikopozicionirane u creme de la creme društvu ovog magičnog grada. Tu će je čekati i Gabrijel- plavooki zavodnik i loš momak, koji i te kako ima i onu drugu, nežnu i emotivnu stranu. Da li će naša junakinja nastaviti putem uspeha ili će se vratiti kući kod muža koji je u jednom trenutku shvatio šta gubi? Ko je glavni negativac u priči i mora li se na putu do vrha malo i zaprljati? Kako se u sve to uklapa ljubav i iskrene emocije?- samo su neki od odgovara koje će ova knjiga pružiti. Izuzetno zanimljiva, pomalo i neobična, iako me podseća na drugu poznatu priču- ova knjiga je ipak drugačija od svega što sam do sada čitala. Velika preporuka od mene 🫶🏻 #bookworm #bookrecommendations #instabooks #booklover #booksandflowers #bookstagram #bookphotography #bücherwurm #buchundblumen #bücherliebe

6/1/2024, 12:15:00 PM

💬 "Wszyscy dorośli byli kiedyś dziećmi, ale niewielu z nich pamięta o tym." Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "Mały Książe" 🎉 Wszystkim dzieciom, tym małym i tym dużym, spełnienia marzeń! ❓️Kto ma długi weekend? Co ciekawego porabiasz (i czytasz) podczas niego? Ja długi weekend spędzam w domku. Trochę ogródka, trochę relaksu w postaci książek i serialu (właśnie oglądam "Czarny punkt" na Netfliksie i mega mnie wciągnął! Lubię akcję kryminalną osadzoną w malych miejscowościach z niedopowiedzeniami i, tak jak tu, naturą - tu lasem, odgrywającą dużą rolę! 🔥). Z książek nadal czytam "Rok szarańczy" Terry'ego Hayesa. I, choć czyta sie go całkiem nieźle i czuć vibe "Pielgrzyma", to fabularnie wypada od niego, niestety, słabiej... A na Legimi czytam "Dom nad błękitnym morzem", jako, że juz od pewnego czasu ciągnęło mnie do przeczytania jakiejś książki dziecięcej (a kiedy będzie na to lepszy czas niż okolice Dnia Dziecka 😅). I na razie (150 stron) mi się podoba 😊 Do tego zaczęłam słuchać dość popularne jakiś czas temu i zbierające świetne recenzje "Miasteczko Twin Falls", ale jestem dopiero na 3 rozdziale, więc ciężko mi o niej cokolwiek powiedzieć 🤷‍♀️. ~~~ 🔎czytam • bookstagram • books • książki • relaks • kwiaty • teraz czytam • currently reading • reading time ~~~ #polskiebookstagramy #bookstagrampl #readingtime #relaks #weekendowyrelaks #przezjednoem #książkaikwiaty #zksiazkawkadrze #booksandflowers #kochamczytać #czytambolubie #flatlaybooks #flatlayflowers #róże #roses #weekendvibes

6/1/2024, 10:57:11 AM

Dzień dobry 🙋‍♀️ Dzisiaj Dzień Dziecka. Z tej okazji odwiedzili mnie właśnie rodzice 🥰 A popołudniu wybiorę się do nich na kawusie ☕️ Kukusiowi też się coś skapnęło 😸 dostał nowy kołowrotek do podawania przysmaczkow 🤭 A Wy świętujecie ten dzień? Czytelniczo: #należydomnie #annahniemczynow #wydawnictwoluna Wyobrażacie sobie być zależnym finansowo od drugiej osoby? Zrezygnować z własnych marzeń, pracy lub kariery? Ja totalnie nie! Natomiast główna bohaterka - Halina tak uczyniła. Poświęciła wszystko dla rodziny: najpierw męża, a potem dziecka. I nie byłoby w tym może nic złego gdyby jej mąż nie prowadził podwójnego życia. Jak możecie się domyślić prawda wyjdzie na jaw w najmniej oczekiwanym momencie. Walka pomiędzy dwojgiem ludzi nigdy nie wychodzi na dobre dzieciom. Gdzie w tym wszystkim jest Faustyna - córka małżeństwa? Jak ona sobie z tą całą sytuacją poradzi? Czy o miłość drugiego człowieka należy walczyć? Czy może lepiej pogodzić się z takim biegiem życia? Powiem Wam, że wg. mnie to była najlepsza książka autorki. Może nie przeczytałam ich zbyt wiele, ale ta najbardziej mi się podobała 💙 Dobrze wykreowani bohaterowie, smutna życiowa prawda. Bo tak, niestety taka historia spotyka wiele osób. Nie każda para potrafi się rozstać z godnością. A stawiać na szali dziecko to już draństwo! Każdy jest kowalem własnego losu, każdy z nas dokonuje wyborów. Czy one są dobre? Dopiero czas to pokaże. Jednak podjętych decyzji nie można cofnąć, a one są jak takie koło napędowe. Czasami trudno się zatrzymać. A dopóki nie powiemy STOP, swoim zachowanień możemy doprowadzić do prawdziwego dramatu. No i nie rozumiem tego, że Wiktor jako wyśmienity adwokat nie potrafił zawalczyć o samego siebie i sam poddał się manipulacji 🤷‍♀️ Karma wraca! Ode mnie leci polecajka 👌 Współpraca reklamowa: @wydawnictwoluna Ksiazka • dramat psychologiczny • małżeństwo • zdrada • miłość bezwarunkowa • wybory życiowe • współpraca reklamowa #bookmorning #dzieńdziecka #opinia #książka #polecajka #współpracareklamowa #barter #dramatpsychologiczny #ksiazkowelove #lubieczytac #czytambochce #booksandflowers #readingtime #readerlife #książkowyświat #polskietakpoprostu #książkara

6/1/2024, 10:38:16 AM

Resumen de las #lecturas de Mayo, que ha ido bastante bien 😝 He disfrutado mucho, de unas más que otras, of course. No me puede gustar todo 🖖🏻 #lecturasmissdeedlit #libros #books #bookstagram #booklover #librosenespañol #booksandflowers ¿Cómo os ha ido?

6/1/2024, 10:19:49 AM

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 PAL MOIS ANGLAIS 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Enfin le retour de mon mois préféré sur Booksta, j’ai nommé @lemoisanglaisofficiel ! Cette année, ps de programme et une PAL totalement libre. Bien évidemment, j’en ai déjà lu certains, je ne lirai pas tout, j’en lirai d’autres à la place et certains ça fait trois ans que vous les voyez dans cette liste, et vous les retrouverez peut-être l’an prochain ... Ah et je me suis aperçue que j’en avais oublié deux ! • Au programme, un peu de tout. Du Jane Austen (évidemment), du classique, du contemporain, du roman à l’essai, du policier au fantastique, de la romance au feel good et pas mal de liens avec le challenge Flowers and Books. Ah et de la cuisine aussi ! • Certains font-ils partis de votre PAL, qu’avez-vous prévu de lire ? • Joli mois anglais à toutes et tous 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🫖 📚 🌸 • #lemoisanglais #lemoisanglaisofficiel #booksandflowerschallenge #booksandflowers #pilealire #pileofbooks #bookrecommendations #bookphotography #litteratureanglaise #englishliterature #photobook #bookstagram #bookstafr #instabook #livrestagram #instalivre #bookaesthetic

6/1/2024, 9:42:20 AM

just another books and flowers post 🌷💐📚

6/1/2024, 9:11:22 AM

✨May Standouts✨ I got through 9 books in May 😍 and I love that I got a good mix of genres in. I have realised I'm definitely in my thriller era and have so many exciting thrillers to try out in June! (If you have any recs definitely let me know!) I read 3 Freida McFadden books and The Housemaid's Secret is my favourite so far, I have loved this series and can't wait for book 3 in a few days 👀 I finished the Darkmore Penitentiary series which is amazing! I was then traumatised by The Great Alone 😭 this book is not for the faint hearted but so brilliant if you're brave enough to give it a shot. Currently saving for Alaska 🤣 And last but not least @fictional.wanderer and I had a little pride fortnight and Unconventional Hearts was definitely my fave of the books we read 🥹 such a beautiful story and a new comfort book. Can't wait to see what June is going to bring 👀👀 ❓What was your favourite book of the month? And what are you most excited for in June? I'm going to visit my grandma in a few days in the UK so very excited for some Waterstones shopping and all the books I'll be able to read on the plane ✈️ _____________________ #bookblogger #bookworm #booknerd #bookwormlife #bookstagram #booksonbooks #aussiebookstagrammer #aussiereader #aussiebookworm #readingmatters #readingcommunity #readmorebooks #bookish #bookishlove #bookrecommendation #bookreview #aussiereaders #ausbookishfeatures #bookishcommunity #auskiwibooksta #ausbookbloggers #bookaddict #aestheticbooks #bookcollector #booksandflowers #readersofinstagram #bookstagram #currentlyreading #bookstagrammer

6/1/2024, 8:17:31 AM

Peach Blossom Spring by Melissa Fu, 3⭐️ Synopsis: following three generations of one Chinese family through war, immigration, and life. I’m gonna be honest, the first half of this book dragged- I almost DNF’d it. The second half was much better. I really liked the generational aspect of this book the first section was hard for me to follow and the last section felt like it went by too fast. I dunno about this one besties. It was fine but I think it’s going to be forgettable.

6/1/2024, 3:08:12 AM

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Obviously, I’ve been on a Matt Haig kick. Just like the others, How to Stop Time felt original, enchanting, and incredibly timely. This novel follows a man with the gift of many lifetimes. As he loses and finds himself, we get to go along his journey to see that happiness can be found, odd pieces can fit together in magical ways, and the potential for goodness always exists—no matter how dark some days may seem. Beautiful and thought-provoking, How to Stop Time is a gem.

6/1/2024, 2:43:58 AM

"I will love you to ruination." Currently halfway through A Study in Drowning and I'm captivated. If you're looking for a waterlogged, eerie story that blurs the line of fairytale and reality, this is the one for you. A crumbling estate slowly lost to the sea, a girl searching for answers, and a fairy king. @avasreid #books #bookstagram #booksandflowers #bookstagrammer #reading #reader #cozyreads #readingoutside #bookish #bookishlove #bookishaesthetic #bookphotography #booksoutside #booksofinstagram #booksbooksbooks #readersofinstagram #readingcommunity #astudyindrowning

6/1/2024, 2:38:02 AM

“𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝓼𝓪𝔂 𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓫𝓵𝓮, 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓾𝓼𝓾𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓶𝓮𝓪𝓷 𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓫𝓪𝓫𝓵𝓮.” Leigh Bardugo Happy FriYAY! I feel like I got nothing done at work but 🤷‍♀️ next week is a new week. I do plan on finishing City of Nightmares tonight and I’ll pick something else up tomorrow to start reading! What is your current read? • #booksofinstagram #booksandflowers #booksoninstagram #booksofig #instabooks #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #yabookstagram #booklove #yareader #read #bookish #books #bibliophile #ya #hashtag #book #instareads #bookworm #bookaddict #booklover #bookobsessed #bookaholic #igreads #may #booksbooksbooks #reading #candles

6/1/2024, 1:52:01 AM

🧚‍♀️ May Wrap Up 🧚‍♀️ May felt sooo long for some reason! And I thought I hardly did any reading, but I read 6 books, which is normal for me so 🤷‍♀️ Here's what I read: Baby Teeth - Meg Grehan ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Erie Tales 15.5: Interlude ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Interworld - Neil Gaiman & Michael Reaves ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I Feel Bad About My Neck - Nora Ephron ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 Annihilation - Jeff VanderMeer 💚 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Salt Slow - Julia Armfield 💚 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ May was a good month, reading-wise and otherwise. I've already started reading You Like It Darker, I've got 2 requested books coming in soon at the library, and I have a couple summer-y books on my tbr I'm going to try to tackle too ☺️ Looking forward to June! . . . . . #readingwrapup #maywrapup #meggrehan #bookworm #bookstagram #booksbooksbooks #interworld #neilgaiman #michaelreaves #glahw #erietales #summervibes #booksandflowers #booknerd #bookishaesthetic #bookphotography

5/31/2024, 11:08:30 PM

Dreamy Academia with @iamhezakiah ✨

5/31/2024, 10:48:58 PM

📚 Book Review - BROOKLYN 📚 By Colm Toibin Published by Scribner Pub date 9.8.15 🍷🍷🍷🍷.25/5 Many thanks to @dartfroggco and @scribnerbooks for my gifted copy. I saw the movie Brooklyn movie many years ago and loved it. I did not, however, recall any details about it whatsoever — other than I loved it. So I really went into this read with an open mind and no expectations. I found BROOKLYN to be a beautifully written, character-driven exploration of what it meant to come of age as a young woman newly immigrated to the U.S. in the 1950’s. Colm Toibin does an amazing job of weaving in all of the elements that are part and parcel to any good coming of age story. We see Eilis struggle with her sense of duty vs her ability to discover herself and live her life according to her own desires. She faces difficult choices that are made more complicated by the times but are still relevant and relatable. This was a very enjoyable read. I may have found the ending a little less satisfying had I not known that LONG ISLAND, the sequel to this book was published 5.7.24. But after reading that synopsis, which has Eilis now in her 40’s, I understand completely. I’m very much looking forward to starting LONG. ISLAND in the near future. ❓QOTD: If you had to relocate to another country, which country would you choose? #brooklynbook #litwitscribner #litwitdartfrogco #booksandflowers #peonies

5/31/2024, 10:40:24 PM

🖤 What was your favorite book you read in May? 🖤 I had an extremely productive reading month with a lot of buddy reads and books that I enjoyed a lot, although I'm not really sure which one was my favorite and I'm still mulling over some of my ratings. I hope I can keep the reading momentum going as we dive into the summer months! ✨ 🖤 Here's my #ReadingWrapUp: 🖤 The Seven Year Slip: 4.75🌟 🖤 Star Wars: Yoda (Graphic Novel): 5🌟 🖤 Masters of Death: 4.5🌟 🖤 Funny Story: 4.5🌟 🖤 Ruined (Graphic Novel): 3.75🌟 🖤 Anxious People: 4🌟 🖤 Assassin's Apprentice: 4.75🌟 🖤 The Summer I Turned Pretty: 4🌟 🖤 Butcher & Blackbird: 4.75🌟 🖤 I'll be posting my ridiculously huge summer TBR tomorrow, stay tuned. 😅 🖤 Image ID: a pale, tattooed hand holds a full cup of coffee over a stack of books with just their spines showing. The Yoda graphic novel sits open to the right of the stack. The books sit in a wooden tray against a white background. Two black candles with stars in them sit to the left and bottom right of the stack. Everything is surrounded by colorful flowers. 🖤 #BookFlatlay #BookStack #BooksAndCoffee #BeautifulBooks #YABookstagram #YAFantasy #YAFiction #YAReader #BooksAndFlowers #FloralAesthetic #BookSpines #AmReading #AlwaysReading #IReadYA #BooksOfInstagram #ReadersOfInstagram #MastersOfDeath #AssassinsApprentice #FunnyStory #TheSummerITurnedPretty #TheSevenYearSlip #FantasyBooks #FantasyReader #StarWarsBooks #GraphicNovels #BookReview #Bookstagramming

5/31/2024, 10:27:08 PM

🪷 •Friday•🪲 May your weekend be full of pages, not problems🪻📖🍓📖🌈📖🛼📖☕️📖💖📖🐌📖🌻📖 #reading #topiarygarden #thesecrethistory #darkacademia #booksandflowers #breathe #natureandbooks #ladewgardens

5/31/2024, 9:36:24 PM

✨The Devil Calls✨ . Check out my first published book on Amazon! . Melanie Parker celebrates her 18th birthday on the day of her best friend's funeral. She struggles to take the ceremony seriously as it utterly fails to represent Cass truthfully. But it is an ending, a big, black full stop to Cass, a reminder that she is never coming back. . That is until Cowan tells Mel he's been seeing her ghost. . The truth behind her death is soon uncovered and Mel and Cowan must work to prevent Cass's fate from happening to anyone else. But it's all too soon before they are trapped too, being led down the same overgrown, rarely walked path as the others. They're unable to ignore the irresistible beckoning in their desperation to find the truth. The Devil Calls and they are powerless to ignore it. . . . . . . . . . #publish #firstbook #harriewilliamsauthor #books #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #booksofinstagram #bookshelf #booksbooksbooks #instabooks #bookstagramfeature #ilovebooks #booksofig #igbooks #readmorebooks #bookshelves #bookslover #bookstagrammers #booksofinsta #bookstagramfeatures #bookstagramcommunity #booksaremylife #booksaddict #poetrybooks #booksandflowers #bookshelfie #booksforlife #bookstagramuk

5/31/2024, 9:30:59 PM