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🌼This week on #FoodFactFriday, Discover the amazing benefits of chamomile for your canine companion!🌼 🌿🫖This ancient herb is packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, making it a versatile remedy. ⛑️Chamomile soothes digestive issues, calms anxiety, relieves skin irritations, and aids in wound healing! Swipe ⬅️ to learn more! 📚Then head over to our superfood library to Learn more about this ancient powerhouse herb! Click the link in our stories/highlight! 📣For more tips on how to keep your canine companion happy and healthy, stay tuned to our page, group and of course our website where you can find a whole host of free resources and tools to make canine natural health and wellness easy!💜 🐾🌿 #thckcs #superfoodlibrary #naturalremedies #healthypets #chamomilefordogs #NaturalCanineHealth #holistichound #holisticcanine #feedfreshdogfood #freshfoodfordogs #rawfeddogsofinstagram #rawfeedersofinstagram #CanineWellness #chamomilebenefits #DogHealth

5/31/2024, 5:57:05 AM

🚩 Pet Food Red Flags #2: Don’t be Fooled by the First Ingredient! 🚩 Think seeing “Chicken” 🐓 (or any meat for that matter) as the first ingredient means it’s a high-quality pet food? (Really meat should at least be the first and second but alas I digress…) Not so fast! ✋Ingredients are listed by weight *before* processing, so that “Chicken” really means raw meat, which is actually 70% water 💧. Once dehydrated, it shrinks significantly, likely dropping to the 4th or 5th spot on the list. 🤨 For example, if a pet food starts with 40% beef, 25% corn meal, 15% wheat, 10% chicken by-product meal, 5% barley, and 5% dried beet pulp, the beef will lose 70% of its weight during processing. This means the beef drops from 40% to just 12% of the final product - so at first look you think you’re buying a beef based food - when in reality you’re paying for grains and fillers! (Not something you want to be feeding!) 😵❌ But, if you see “chicken meal” 🍗as the first ingredient, that’s a different story—it’s already dehydrated, keeping protein at the 🔝. Know the facts and choose wisely for your furry friend! Stay tuned next week for our next installment in our pet food red flags series! 🚩 🐾🛑 #thckcs #foreverdoglife #commercialpetfood #caninenutrition #feedfreshfood #freshfoodfordogs #cavaliersoflondon #CavalierCommunity #PetFoodRedFlags #PetNutrition #HealthyPets

5/30/2024, 6:01:45 AM

🐾Canine Connection🐾 Have you ever felt like your dog just understands you? Well, a new study suggests you might be right! 🧠🐶 📉Research reported by the Los Angeles Times indicates that dogs have a more sophisticated grasp of human language than previously thought. Neuroscientist Marianna Boros and her team 👩‍🔬 used EEG technology to study the brain activity of 18 dogs as they listened to familiar words from their owners. Electrodes were placed on the dogs’ heads to measure their brain responses to recordings of these words, followed by the appearance of corresponding or unrelated objects. 🧠 The study found a significant drop in neural activity when the spoken word matched a related object, mirroring human brain reactions to unexpected words. This suggests that dogs not only recognize verbal cues but also anticipate corresponding objects.🙌🏼 ‼️These findings challenge the belief that cognitive capabilities of animals are limited, indicating dogs may possess a level of abstraction and comprehension previously thought to be unique to humans. The study’s rigorous design ruled out simple word-object association, reinforcing the idea that dogs genuinely understand specific words.‼️ The researchers believe further exploration of animal linguistic abilities could provide insights into the evolution of language and cognition across species and the results from this study offer a promising start! 📚💡 Link to study in stories/highlights! 🔗 #thckcs #holisticcaninehealth #CanineCompanion #canineconnection #rawfeddogs #rawfedcavaliers #CavalierCommunity #cavaliersoflondon #freshfoodfordogs #caninescience

5/29/2024, 8:50:00 AM

🐾✨💜Welcome to the Cavalier Thrive Hive💜✨🐾 A community celebrating health and happiness. With each post, we’ll be sharing our members’ stories across our group, social media, and website to help inspire others. By showcasing these journeys, we aim to inspire, encourage and support improved health and wellness for all cavaliers, highlighting the positive impact of our community. Together, we can make this wonderful breed healthier. For our first post, we hear from Katherine and her four cavaliers: Everleigh (Ruby, 6), Ivy (Tri, 5/6), Fern (Tri, 5/6), and Remington (Blenheim, 18 months). Katherine joined the group after her cavalier, Buddy, was diagnosed with a heart murmur. After exploring our files and guides, she decided to switch to a fresh diet and saw immediate, incredible changes: “He had more pep in his step and his coat became so soft.” Buddy lived for another two years, which Katherine attributes to the diet change. She now raw feeds all her dogs, including two rescues, and has seen the same amazing benefits. 🎤In Katherine’s words, “They are thriving. Happy and healthy and full of life. Thank you to the wonderful admins that put in the time and dedication to these groups. You all are amazing!!!!”🎤 Want your story to be part of the thrive hive? Get involved by submitting your story via the link in our stories/highlights! 🐾 #thckcs #rawfeedersofinstagram #freshfoodfordogs #holistichound #feedingdogsnaturally #CavalierCommunity #cavaliersoflondon #caninenutrition #holisticcaninehealth

5/28/2024, 3:12:25 PM

🐾🪸🌱This week on #FoodFactFriday we go through the Superfood Benefits of Spirulina for Dogs!🌱🪸🐾 ✅Did you know spirulina isn’t just for humans? Swipe on left to learn why it’s a fantastic addition to your dog’s diet! ⚡️From boosting their immune system to promoting shiny coats, spirulina offers a range of benefits. Remember to source clean spirulina from reputable companies and start with a small dosage, gradually increasing based on your dog’s needs. 📣For more tips on how to keep your canine companion happy and healthy, stay tuned to our page, group and of course our website where you can find a whole host of free resources and tools to make canine natural health and wellness easy! 🐶💚 🔗Head to our stories or #FFF highlight for the direct link to Spirulina in our superfood library! 📚 #FoodFactFriday #thckcs #spirulinafordogs #NaturalCanineHealth #holistichound #holisticcanine #feedfreshdogfood #freshfoodfordogs #rawfeddogsofinstagram #rawfeedersofinstagram #CanineWellness #SpirulinaBenefits #DogHealth

5/24/2024, 7:20:03 AM

Writing articles, staying on top of the latest research and editing content every day can soon take its toll. Every now and again we like to take a break from our educational content. 💜This #thoughtfulthursday we want you to remember to be kind to yourself.We are all on our own journey with our beloved canines - we can only do our best with the knowledge we have.It can be so easy, when following others on social media, to compare ourselves to others.We can often be left wondering “why is my dog not like that?” Maybe I should buy that hot new “thing” that everyone else has?…Why aren’t my bowls aren’t as pretty as others?….My dogs enrichment sessions don’t look like that…you get the point! But before comparing you & your dog to someone else you may see online remember that; 📚Learning is a journey: Everyone starts from scratch. The best pet parents remain open to new information and constantly improve. 💜Intent matters: If your actions come from love and care, forgive yourself for unintended mistakes. 📈Embrace growth: See past challenges as stepping stones to becoming an even better pet parent. 🤝Seek help: Don’t hesitate to ask for help! Our community is always happy to help or connect you with qualified professionals if your dog’s needs are more complex. 🌻Live in the now: Rather than fixating on past mistakes, or what others are doing, focus on providing the best care for your dog today even if it looks different to what everyone else is doing! 🫂Practice self-compassion: Treat yourself with the same kindness you offer others. 💜Every dog is a unique living being: Understand that what works for one dog might not work for another. Stay adaptable & be patient. Last but not least, be gentle with yourself & others. We are all on our own paths - but remember to embrace the moment - you & your dog will never be as young as you are now - without distractions, put your phones down, turn your tv off & be still together, enjoy one another & seek comfort from your bond 💜🐾 #thckcs #thoughtfulthursday #CavalierCommunity #holistichound #caninenutrition #thebalancedcanine #positivereinforcementtraining #forcefree #thegooddog #cavaliersoflondon

5/23/2024, 6:59:45 AM

🚩Pet Food Red Flags; Uncovering Ingredient Splitting in Pet Food 🐾⚠️ How often do you see pet foods boasting that chicken or beef is the #1 ingredient? Likely, quite frequently! Unfortunately, this can be misleading due to a tactic called ingredient splitting. Manufacturers list the same ingredient in multiple forms, such as “pea protein,” “pea flour,” and “whole peas,” to downplay the actual quantity and mask the use of fillers and low-nutrient ingredients. This creates the illusion that high-quality ingredients are more prevalent than they actually are. 🚨Here’s Why It Matters: ⚠️Hides Fillers: Low-quality fillers like corn, peas, and potatoes are split into separate ingredients. 🚫False Advertising: It appears that high-quality ingredients are dominant when they’re not. ‼️🔎How to Spot Ingredient Splitting🔎‼️ 1️⃣. Check Meat Percentage: Dogs and cats thrive on high-protein diets. Look for foods that clearly state the meat percentage. 2️⃣. Review the First 5 Ingredients: Look for repeated ingredients like potatoes, peas, corn, or soy. If you see them listed multiple times, the food likely relies on these fillers. 3️⃣. Avoid Fillers: Opt for grain-free, high-quality foods with minimal ingredients to ensure your pet gets the best nutrition. ❎Why Avoid Fillers?: Fillers like corn, legumes, soy, and potatoes offer little nutritional value. Dogs need high-protein, low-carb diets for optimal health. 👍🏼Here’s What to Do👇🏼 🔎Read Labels Carefully: Always check the first five ingredients and watch for multiple listings of the same ingredient in different forms. 🥩Choose High-Quality Foods: Look for brands that prioritize meat and avoid fillers. Grain-free and minimal ingredient diets are often better choices. Remember you can check out our recommended food lists worldwide, in group and on our website! By staying informed and learning about making the healthiest decisions for your dog, you can make sure your canine companion is getting the best diet you can afford!🐶🍽️🐾 #thckcs #wednesdaywisdom #ingredientsplitting #freshdogfood #feedingdogs #dogfood #healthydogfood #rawfeddogs #holisticcanine #NaturalCanineHealth #rawfeedersofinstagram

5/22/2024, 10:07:34 AM

🤮😷🐾Is your dog experiencing hunger pukes?🐾😷🤮 These are bouts of vomiting that happen when their stomach is empty for too long, often leaving both you and your furry friend distressed. Hunger pukes can be managed effectively with natural approaches. By understanding the causes and implementing remedies like adjusting feeding practices, providing a high-quality diet, and incorporating natural supplements and herbs, you can support your dog’s digestive health and minimize vomiting episodes. Swipe 👈 to discover 6️⃣ natural steps to prevent hunger pukes and improve your dog’s digestive health! 🔗For a deeper dive into the causes and solutions, check out our full article linked in our stories/highlights #rawfeddogs #thckcs #hungerpukes #caninesickness #holisticcanine #holistichound #freshfoodfordogs #freshdogfood #rawfeddogsofinstagram #rawfeedersofinstagram

5/21/2024, 2:40:44 AM

🐾🐶On today’s #MythBustingMonday we ask; Is Garlic Really Toxic for Dogs? 🧄 Think garlic is harmful to your canine companion? Think again! The truth is, small amounts of garlic can offer numerous health benefits for dogs. Studies causing fear often used excessive doses far beyond what you’d normally feed. Fresh garlic, when given in moderation, supports digestion, boosts immunity, and even helps repel worms, fleas and ticks! Swipe through our carousel to learn more about the real facts on garlic and dogs.🧄🐾 Want to dive deeper? Learn more about garlic and its uses for dogs on our website (link in stories/highlights!) #mythbustingmonday #garlicfordogs #thckcs #freshfeedingdogs #freshfoodfordogs #rawfedcommunity #rawfeedersofinstagram #freshdogfood #holistichounds #holisticcaninehealth #functionalmedicine

5/20/2024, 5:35:52 AM

💜🐾 It’s that time of the week again… #FoodFactFriday: Ever wondered why bone broth is hailed as a superfood for dogs? 🥣🥦🧄🍄‍🟫🦴✨ Here’s the scoop 🍨🥄 🦴Joint Health: Strengthens and supports joints with glucosamine and chondroitin. 🌿Digestion: Soothes the digestive tract for happier tummies. 🦠Immune Support: Fortifies your dog’s immune system with essential minerals. 💧Hydration: Keeps your pup hydrated in a tasty way. ✨🧴Skin & Coat: Promotes a shiny coat and healthy skin. Curious for more? Dive into our superfood library to explore all the benefits: Give your dog the boost they deserve with bone broth today! 🐶💜 Do you feed your dog bone broth? #thckcs #caninenutrition #caninesuperfoods #rawfeddogsofinstagram #rawfeedingdogs #rawfeddogs #freshfoodfordogs #freshdogfood #SuperfoodForDogs #BoneBroth #HealthyPets

5/17/2024, 5:39:14 AM

🦃🐾🍴Introducing Our THCKCS Tasty Turkey Treats!🍴🐾🦃 Is your dog craving a delicious and nutritious snack? Look no further! Our homemade recipe is packed with wholesome ingredients that will have your pup drooling for more. 🦴🥦🎉 👩‍🍳 Simply combine all of the wholesome ingredients, pop them in a lined baking tray, or roll them into adorable meatballs. Bake for 60 minutes at 170°C, and voila! You’ve got yourself a batch of canine culinary perfection. 🍖👩‍🍳🐶 But wait, there’s more! We believe in keeping things fresh, so we portion up our treats into glass storage and freeze what we won’t use within 3 days. It’s the pawfect way to ensure your pup always has a tasty snack on hand! 🧡❄️ And the versatility doesn’t stop there! Our Tasty Turkey Treats can also be used as a complimentary feed or for stuffing enrichment toys. Simply stuff them into your pup’s favorite toy for hours of entertainment and mental stimulation! 🐾🎾 Looking for more options? You can also cut our treats into cubes or dehydrate them in pill treat moulds for convenient portioning and easy training treat snacking on the go. 🐶💊 📊And for those curious about the nutritional breakdown, here’s a sneak peek: 🔍 Total Calories: Approximately 2215 kcal 💪 Total Protein: Approximately 230.5G 🥩 Total Fat: Approximately 105G 🥦 Total Carbohydrates: Approximately 31G Remember, while our Tasty Turkey Treats are delicious and packed with nutrients, they’re not a complete and balanced diet🐾🥗 Treat your furry friend to a culinary adventure with THCKCS Tasty Turkey Treats! Your pup will thank you with wagging tails and slobbery kisses. 🐾💕 📖🧑‍🍳Check out more recipes by heading to our website! #THCKCSTreats #CanineCulinaryAdventure #TastyTurkeyTreats #thckcs #feedfreshdogfood #feedreal #rawfeddogsofinstagram #rawfeeding #rawfeeders #holistichound #caninediet #caninenutrition

5/16/2024, 1:50:00 PM

🐾 Attention, fellow pet enthusiasts!🚨Are you ready to embark on a journey through the intricate labyrinth of prescription diets in the pet food industry?🕵️‍♂️ Brace yourselves, because we’re unveiling the layers of deception and complexity surrounding these seemingly innocent packages of pet nutrition! 🔍The mirage of specialisation;Despite bold claims to address specific health concerns, prescription diets frequently sport eerily similar ingredient lists to their non-prescription counterparts. This raises the question: are these diets truly tailored to meet our pets’ unique needs, or are they merely repackaged versions of standard fare? 📉Navigating Regulatory Gray Areas:Hold onto your hats, folks, because we’re diving into the murky waters of pet food regulation.In a landscape rife with loopholes & ambiguities, companies exploit lax oversight to peddle their wares with minimal scrutiny. Without stringent testing or scientific validation, the safety and efficacy of prescription diets become dubious at best. 💰The Cost of Deception:Prepare to be floored by the exorbitant price tags attached to prescription dog food. Despite the hefty dent they leave in our wallets, these products may offer little more than a placebo effect, leaving us questioning the true value of our investment. ⚖️Legal battles have erupted within the prescription pet food industry, fueled by claims of misleading marketing & questionable ingredients in prescription diets.These lawsuits underscore the pressing need for industry-wide transparency & accountability, as consumers seek justice for potential harm inflicted upon their pets. 👩‍⚕️Veterinarians hold significant influence in recommending prescription diets, shaping consumer decisions.However, questions arise regarding consumer trust due to potential conflicts of interest & industry transparency issues.Pet owners are encouraged to critically assess veterinary recommendations & prioritise their pets’ well-being. Learn more about the prescription dog food scam with our latest article linked in stories/highlights!🌿 #thckcs #PetWellness #TransparencyMatters #PetFoodDeception #rawfeedersofinstagram #holisticcanine🐾

5/15/2024, 6:16:34 AM

🌿🐾Step into the world where furry paws meet pristine cleanliness and effortless pet care – welcome to our haven of doggy bliss! This week, we’re shining a spotlight on two unsung heroes: the LUCCA and Evaa+ range from @ingeniousprobiotics 🌿🐾 Now, you might have glimpsed these wonders online or during your pet store escapades, but do you truly grasp their transformative power? These marvels are more than just products; they’re vegan, cruelty-free, and brimming with beneficial probiotics, making them essential for nurturing your furry friend’s skin, teeth, and overall microbial balance.🦠🧫 Picture this: a harmonious microbiome bustling with activity, bolstering hygiene, immunity, and well-being for both you and your pets. These bottles aren’t just vessels of solution; they’re the clandestine keys to a healthier lifestyle, sourced from plants, and safe for indoor air, aquatic life, and even the most sensitive of skins! Let’s talk results. From soothing dermatitis to banishing conjunctivitis, these magic potions have tackled it all. Teddy’s dermatitis? A distant memory after a few days of our allergy spray and coat care routine. And let’s not forget the pièce de résistance – the luscious, glossy coats that these elixirs bestow upon our beloved furry companions!🐶🥰 🐇🐰But it’s not just about efficacy; it’s about ethics too. Cruelty-free and chemical-free, these gems offer peace of mind for pet parents navigating the delicate terrain of sensitive skin and environmental allergies. Curious to experience the magic firsthand? Dive in with our code THCKCS15 for a delightful 15% off your inaugural order. And for our friends in the USA, Dr. Judy Morgan’s online store awaits your visit, brimming with these miraculous concoctions. Embrace the transformative power of LUCCA and Evaa+, where pet care transcends routine and ascends to an art form – because our furry friends deserve nothing but the best! 🐾 #thckcs #chemicalfreehome #chemicalfreecleaning #chemicalfreepets #holistichound #rawfeddogsofinstagram #rawfeeddogs #rawfeedersofinstagram #naturalcanine #naturalpetcare #naturalpetproducts

5/14/2024, 5:33:41 AM

🪥🦷🐾Today on #MythBustingMonday we tackle the age-old myth that kibble cleans our pets teeth!🐾🦷🪥 🦷 Myth: Kibble is beneficial for dental health because it cleans teeth. 🚫 Fact:Contrary to popular belief, kibble doesn’t effectively clean your pup’s teeth and can actually contribute to additional dental and health problems! 🔬 What the Science Says: Studies reveal kibble’s limited impact on tartar buildup and dental issues in dogs. Join us as we delve into the science behind three key studies on kibble and dental health! 2️⃣ Hidden Dangers: Uncover the truth about kibble ingredients that may worsen dental and overall health issues in your furry friend. 3️⃣ Opt for Better Dental Care: Explore alternative dental care options beyond kibble to ensure your pup’s oral hygiene remains top-notch. 🐶 Your furry friend’s dental health is too important to leave to chance. Let’s debunk this myth and prioritize proper dental care for our beloved companions! 🔗Check our stories/highlight to read the full article! #thckcs #caninedentalhealth #holistichound #caninediet #rawfeddogs #rawfeeding #rawfeddogsofinstagram #freshfoodfordogs #freshdogfood #feedreal #feedfresh #DentalHealth #HolisticPetCare #HealthyTeethHappyDog

5/13/2024, 8:50:00 AM

💜🌸🐾 Happy Mother’s Day 🐾🌸💜 To all the incredible fur moms in our cherished community! Today, we celebrate the unconditional love, boundless joy, and endless snuggles you share with your beloved dogs. Whether you’re guiding them through training sessions, spoiling them with the best diet you can, having fun with creative enrichment sessions, or simply enjoying those heartwarming moments together, your dedication shines through in every wag of their tails. But today isn’t just about honoring our fur moms – it’s also a moment to express our gratitude to each and every member of our THCKCS community. Your passion for these wonderful dogs, your willingness to share advice and experiences, and your unwavering support have truly made our platform a warm and welcoming haven for dog lovers around the world. From heartfelt stories to adorable photos, from laughter-filled discussions to words of encouragement during challenging times, each contribution you make enriches our community and strengthens the bond we share with our furry friends. Together, we’ve created a space where dog parents can connect, learn, and grow – and for that, we are incredibly thankful. So today, as we celebrate Mother’s Day, let’s also take a moment to celebrate the beautiful community we’ve built together. Thank you for being a part of our THCKCS family and for making it the vibrant and supportive community that we know and love. Here’s to many more wagging tails, sloppy kisses, and unforgettable memories ahead! 💜🌷✨ #HappyMothersDay #CavalierMom #PawsomeLove #thckcs #pawsome cavaliers #dogmomlife #CavalierKingCharlesSpanielLove #FurMomLife 🐾🐶 (Mother’s day - USA/CANADA/AUS/MTA)

5/12/2024, 7:30:36 AM

💜🐾Happy #NationalDogMomDay to all the amazing Spg Moms out there!🐾💜 Today, we celebrate the unconditional love, boundless joy, and unwavering loyalty that our beloved canine companions bring into our lives. As a natural canine wellness specialist who spends every day advocating for the health and well-being of our four-legged friends, I’ve seen firsthand the incredible impact that a nourishing diet and a loving home environment can have on our beloved fur kids. To all the dog moms of THCKCS and beyond, we commend you for your dedication to providing the best possible care for your canine companions. Whether it’s ensuring they get their daily dose of nutritious meals, regular exercise, creative enrichment or simply showering them with endless cuddles and belly rubs, your commitment to their happiness and health does not go unnoticed. For us, being a dog mom is more than just feeding and walking your pup—it’s about forming a deep, unbreakable bond built on love, trust, and companionship. It’s about loving our dogs enough to let them truly thrive, offering the best nutrition we each can and supporting their body and mind. So here’s to all the dog moms who go above and beyond to make every day feel like National Dog Mom Day. Your canine companions are truly lucky to have you in their lives! 🐶💜 #THCKCS #HealthyDogHappyLife #dogmoms #dogmomlife #dogmomlove #dogmomlife🐾 #rawfeedersofinstagram #rawfedpets #holistichound #holisticcanine #freshfoodforpets #freshdogfood

5/11/2024, 8:57:32 AM

🐾 It’s Canine Anxiety Week! 🐾 Is your canine companion showing signs of stress or unease? Do you know what signs to look out for? Common canine anxiety can look like; 🐾Excessive panting 🐾Trembling 🐾Pacing 🐾Hiding 🐾Destructive behavior There are so many minute indicators that your pup is struggling with anxiety that we should be more aware of in order to support our dog’s mental wellbeing. But don’t worry, we’re here to help! 🌿 📰 Our latest article, “Harnessing the Power of Nature: Herbs for Canine Anxiety Relief,” delves into the world of natural remedies to help soothe your dog’s nerves. From chamomile to valerian root, discover how these herbs can provide gentle and effective relief for your canine companion. 💜 Let’s make sure we are recognising our dog’s behaviour and help our dogs feel calm, content, and cared for during Canine Anxiety Week and beyond! #thckcs #herbsfordogs #canineherbalism #CanineAnxietyWeek #NaturalRelief #DogWellness 🌱🐶

5/9/2024, 8:33:52 AM

🐾 Dealing with canine sickness and diarrhea can be tough, but our comprehensive 5️⃣ step protocol is here to help! 🌿🌡️From assessing the situation to supporting recovery, we’ve got you covered. Check out our latest infographic summarizing the protocol! with our detailed protocol in hand, you can confidently navigate your canine companions health journey with care and precision. 🧠 Learn more about each step and save our handy guide for future reference from our website! 💜 Remember, your dog’s well-being is our top priority! Head to our article linked in stories/article highlight! #holistichound #HappyHealthyDogs #rawfeddogsofinstagram #rawfeddogs #freshfoodfordogs #feedreal #thckcs #caninesickness #CanineHealth #DogCare #PetWellness #caninewellness

5/8/2024, 6:49:47 AM

This week is #nationalpetweek and #bekindtoanimalsweek so we wanted to take a pause in our traditional educational content and really think about the heartfelt impact our dogs have on our lives. In a world where our deep love and a keen interest in nutrition for our dogs may be met with skepticism, let us embrace the profound lessons they teach us, especially in matters of their health and well-being. Our dogs, with their unwavering loyalty and pure spirits, offer us a glimpse into the importance of nurturing their bodies and minds. They never ask for much, yet they offer us their unconditional love and companionship every day. As stewards of their health, it is our duty to provide them with the best possible nutrition and care we can. Just as they trust us to be there for them, we must ensure they receive the nourishment and support they need to thrive. Let us not underestimate the impact of proper nutrition and healthcare on their lives, for they are not just animals—they are our beloved companions, deserving of the utmost care and consideration. Thank you, dear friends, for reminding us of the profound responsibility we hold in safeguarding your health and happiness.🐾🐾 #dognutrition #HappyHealthyDogs #thckcs #caninediet #CavalierCommunity #DogHealth #rawfeddogs #rawfeddogsofinstagram

5/7/2024, 8:04:02 AM

🐾 Ready to debunk another common myth? 🚫 This weeks #MythBustingMonday is all about the ever popular bland diet of chicken rice and why it might not be the best option for our furry friends’ diets. 🐓🍚 Join us as we delve into the truth behind this traditional remedy and uncover why alternatives may be more beneficial for your dog’s health.⚕️🐾 Want to dive deeper into the topic? Check out our latest article📰 for an in-depth look at why chicken and rice might not be the best choice for our dogs. 📖 Learn more at the link in our stories or article highlight! 💜🐾 #caninesickness #holisticcanine #holistichound #rawfeedersofinstagram #freshfoodfordogs #feedfresh #rawfedpets #thckcs #cavalierkingdom #cavaliersoflondon #CanineNutrition #HealthyDogs

5/6/2024, 7:46:36 AM

🌟 It’s #FoodFactFriday again, and today we’re diving into the wonders of Green-Lipped Mussel (GLM) for our furry friends! 🐾 Did you know that GLM isn’t just a seafood delight? It’s a powerhouse of nutrients packed with benefits for your dog’s health and wellness! From joint support to a shiny coat, GLM does it all! 💪🐶 🌊 Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and natural anti-inflammatory properties, GLM can help ease joint discomfort and promote mobility, keeping your dog active and happy! Plus, it’s a skin and coat superhero, reducing itching and inflammation for that glossy, healthy fur your dog deserves! 🌟✨ Ready to learn more about the incredible benefits of feeding GLM to your dog? 📚🐾 Learn more by heading on over to our superfood library and unlock the secrets to a happier, healthier pup! 📖🐕 🔗 #thckcs #rawfeddogs #rawfeddogsofinstagram #rawfeedersofinstagram #rawfeedersofig #freshfoodfordogs #feedingsogs #holisticcanine #GreenLippedMussel #DogHealth #NaturalWellness

5/3/2024, 8:50:00 AM

🧠🐾This thoughtful Thursday we wanted to stop and think about this; As pet parents, we’re bombarded with advice on how to best care for our furry friends. But remember, just because something is backed by science or posted by someone with a huge following, it doesn’t automatically make it the perfect fit for your dog 🐶 🔍 Always do your own research and question the science. Every dog is unique, with their own individual needs and preferences. What works for one dog might not work for another, and that’s perfectly okay! 🐕 🌟 Whether it’s western medicine or holistic approaches, the key is finding the right balance for your dog’s health and happiness. After all, they’re not test subjects, they’re beloved members of our families. 💖 💭 So let’s prioritize both the health and happiness of our canine companions. They deserve nothing but the best, tailored specifically to their needs. Let’s be a little bit kinder to others on a different path, let’s make informed choices and keep our dogs thriving, inside and out! 🌿 @top fans #thckcs #rawfeedersofinstagram #rawfedpets #freshfoodfordogs #holisticcanine #HealthyAndHappyPets #TailoredWellness

5/2/2024, 8:50:00 AM

🐾Get to know the dedicated team behind THCKCS! 🐾 Our team is devoted to ensuring the health and happiness of our beloved canine companions. But what sets us apart and drives our success? With 18 dedicated admins and moderators, all of whom feed raw or cooked food, we boast centuries’ worth of collective knowledge in fresh feeding, breeding, showing, nutrition, and behavior. Spanning the globe from the UK to the USA, Australia, Germany and even Malta, our team provides around-the-clock support tailored to members’ time zones, ensuring 24/7 assistance. Among our ranks, we proudly count a certified canine nutritionist and behaviorist, along with several team members holding qualifications in canine nutrition and other specialties up to levels 3 and 4. While Dr. Judy Morgan lent her expertise to our group rather a lot in the early days and still pops in from time to time (we are almost a decade old!), we now benefit from the support of Dr. Jan Spitsbergen DVM, ensuring verified and factual guidance for our members even for the most complex of cases. Continuously expanding our knowledge base, we are equipped to guide members in making the healthiest decisions for their dogs. You can learn more about each member of our team on our website as well as our mission statement! Join us in our mission to promote the well-being of our canine companions! #THCKCS #CavalierCommunity #DogHealth #caninehealth #rawfeedersofinstagram #feedfresh #freshfoodfordogs

5/1/2024, 8:50:00 AM

🐾 Curious about what’s really in big brand kibble?🐾 Discover the top 5️⃣ reasons why big brand kibble like Purina, Royal Canin, Pedigree, Eukanuba, and Hills might not be the best choice for your furry friend’s health. From questionable ingredients to lacking in essential nutrients, we’re breaking it all down in our latest carousel! Stay informed and give your dog the best care possible. To learn more about why we don’t recommend big brand commercial dog food, check out our latest article! Click the link in our stories/new article highlight to educate yourself! 📚🐶 #CanineNutrition #HealthyPets #NaturalDogFood #rawfeddogsofinstagram #thckcs #rawfeeding #rawfeddogs #NaturalCanineHealth #freshfoodfordogs #feedreal

4/30/2024, 9:35:53 AM

🐾 It’s that time again… #MythBustingMonday and todays myth is; “Allergy testing is essential for itchy dogs” 🤔 in this post we break it all down! From understanding the differences between allergies and intolerances, to why testing can be unreliable, we’ve got you covered. 🐶 ‼️ 🧪Dive into the world of canine health with us and learn why testing is not always straightforward. Don’t miss out! Plus, check out our comprehensive article, “Understanding the Differences Between Allergies and Intolerances in Dogs,” for a deep dive into the topic. Link in stories/highlights! 🐾📚 #CanineHealth #DogAllergies #DogIntolerances #PetWellness #DogHealthTips #thckcs #holisticcanine #rawfeddogs #rawfeeding #rawfeddogsofinstagram

4/29/2024, 8:50:00 AM

💜🐾 Celebrating National Pet Parent Day! 💜🐾 Today, we honor the extraordinary bond between humans and our canine companions. Our dogs aren’t just pets; they’re family, our best friends, and sometimes, even our children. As pet parents, we share the highs of love-filled moments and face challenges together. With over 100k members across all our platforms, since 2015, our community is a testament to the dedication and love we have for our furry friends. We’ve witnessed countless stories of pet parents going above and beyond to ensure the health and happiness of their canine companions. We’re constantly learning and striving to do more for our canine companions. From researching nutrition to advocating for better veterinary care, we’re committed to keeping our dogs healthy, happy, and thriving in the most natural way possible. It’s inspiring to see so many of you embracing integrative, natural, and holistic approaches to support our dogs’ well-being. Your dedication to providing the best care shines through, whether it’s through fresh, whole foods or alternative therapies. Together, we’ve built a strong community founded on love, knowledge, and compassion. Let’s continue to support and uplift each other as we navigate the journey of natural canine health and wellness. Here’s to many more years of learning, growing, and thriving together! Team THCKCS 💜 #nationalpetparentday #petparentday #rawdogfood #rawfeddogsofinstagram #rawfeeding #rawfeddogs #holisticnutrition #HolisticDogCare #holisticcanine #thckcs

4/28/2024, 7:14:45 AM

🐾🩺💜 Today, on World Veterinary Day, we celebrate the incredible integrative and holistic veterinarians who are transforming canine health for the better. For nearly a decade, our THCKCS (THE HEALTHY CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL) community has been fortunate to witness their unwavering dedication. These fearless trailblazers embrace science alongside traditional therapies, understanding that true healing involves a holistic approach. We extend our deepest gratitude to Dr. Judy Morgan, whose selfless contributions to our group over the years have guided ours and our members dogs towards improved health and wellness. A special thank you to Dr. Jan Spitsbergen DVM, whose expertise has been a beacon of hope and guidance for our group. Her dedication and accessibility to our members have impacted countless member dogs. We also honor Dr. Katie Woodley, Dr. Karen Becker, Dr. Josie Beug, Dr. Odette Suter, and many others for their integrative approaches and advocacy for whole food nutrition. Today, let’s thank these true heroes of canine health for their boundless dedication and unwavering compassion. (Head over to Facebook to see this post in full!) 💜🩺🐾✨ #worldveterinaryday #wsava #thckcs #worldveterinaryday2024 #rawfeddogsofinstagram #rawfeedersofinstagram #rawfedpets #naturalcanine #holisticcanine

4/27/2024, 12:44:48 PM

🌿As the weekend approaches, let’s discuss the enriching practice of “Paws for Reflection” within your dog walks. This mindful commitment can enhance your weekend outings with your furry friends!🙏🏼🐾  🐾While exercise is vital during dog walks, it’s crucial to pause & reflect on their deeper significance. Our dogs find solace in these moments, embracing the rhythm of life. 🐾Contrary to fast-paced living, “Paws for Reflection” offers benefits for both you & your canine companion. By fostering stillness & contemplation, you deepen your bond while easing frustrations. 🐾Let’s explore the benefits for dogs at different life stages: 🍼Puppies: Pauses allow them to acclimate, learn, and explore. It’s a chance to teach leash manners and strengthen the bond. 🦮Adult Dogs: Mental stimulation & relaxation are essential. “Paws for Reflection” reduces stress, engages their senses, and strengthens your connection. 🐕‍🦺Senior Dogs: Rest breaks are crucial for comfort. Providing activities and a comfortable spot ensures they enjoy outings without discomfort. 📚For deeper insights, check out Nadine Mazzola’s book “Forest Bathing With Dogs.” #canineconnection #pawsforreflection #mindfuldogwalking #enrichingbond #slowdogmovement #naturalcanine #holisticcanine #thckcs #rawfeddogsofinstagram #rawdogfood #canineenrichmentideas #canineenrichment

4/26/2024, 5:10:12 AM

🐾 Unlocking Canine Pancreatitis: From Understanding to Action 🐾 Swipe through this carousel to learn all about pancreatitis in dogs! From uncovering what it is and its symptoms to exploring the causes and Libby’s recommended effective management strategies using nutrition, herbs, and supplements. Plus, discover the top 3 essential steps to support your furry friend’s pancreatic health. Want to dive deeper? Check out our latest article for in-depth insights on dealing and managing canine pancreatitis through nutrition, herbs, whole foods, supplements, and our recommended top products for supporting dogs with pancreatitis. See our stories/article highlight for the direct link to the full article! Let’s keep our dogs happy and healthy together! 🐶💜 #thckcs #pancreatitisindogs #holisticcanine #caninenutrition #rawfeedersofinstagram #rawfeed #rawfoodfordogs #freshfoodfordogs #CaninePancreatitis #DogHealth #NutritionForDogs

4/24/2024, 8:50:00 AM

🚫 Myth Debunked! 🚫 This Myth Busting Monday we’re looking at Rabbit ears being touted as dewormers? Think again! 🪱 🐰🚫 In this carousel, we’re busting the misconception wide open and shedding light on why rabbit ears aren’t effective dewormers. But fear not! We’re also unveiling natural worming treatments that actually work wonders for your furry friend’s health! From low to high worm burdens, we’ve got you covered. 🪱 Swipe through for the truth and check out our latest article for an in-depth look at debunking the myth!💡💊 🔗 Be sure to check out the full article link in stories/ #mythbustingmonday highlight now! #DebunkingMyths #NaturalWorming #HealthyPets #thckcs #mythbustingmonday #rawfeedersofinstagram #rawfedpuppy #rawfedcommunity #rawfeedingfordogs #holisticcanine

4/22/2024, 9:02:44 AM

🎉 Happy 9th Anniversary, THCKCS Group! 🎉 Today marks a special milestone as we celebrate 9 incredible years since Marita Tilley founded our beloved community on April 21st, 2015. 🐾 From humble beginnings to becoming one of the largest and most respected breed-specific health groups on Facebook, our journey has been nothing short of amazing! 💖 We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every member for your unwavering dedication, support, and valuable contributions over the years. Your passion for the health and well-being of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels has made THCKCS Group a truly unique and invaluable resource in the canine community. 🐶💬 A special shoutout goes to our incredible admin and moderating team! 🌟 Thank you for your tireless efforts in keeping our community a safe and friendly environment for all. Your hard work around the clock, helping pet parents around the globe, and your dedication to bettering the health of canines everywhere do not go unnoticed. 🙌 Last but not least, we want to express our deepest gratitude to our founder, @tilleymarita . Marita, you’ve been the beacon of change and inspiration behind this incredible community. Your vision, passion, and dedication have paved the way for us to come together, learn, and support one another in our shared mission to improve the health and well-being of our beloved Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Without you, none of us would be here today, and countless dogs’ lives would not have been saved. Your unwavering commitment to making a difference in the world of canine health has touched the hearts of countless pet parents worldwide. Here’s to Marita Tilley, the driving force behind THCKCS Group, and the countless lives you’ve impacted. Thank you for creating this community where we can all come together to learn, grow, and make a difference. 💜 Here’s to many more years of camaraderie, shared wisdom, and making a positive impact in the lives of our furry friends! 🥂 Cheers to THCKCS Group and the incredible community we’ve built together! 🐾💕 #THCKCSAnniversary #9YearsStrong #CavalierCommunity #thckcs #cavalierworld #ckcsofinstagram #ckcspuppy #ckcslife #cavaliersofinsta

4/21/2024, 7:33:08 AM

🐾 Discover the holistic goodness of ghee for your pup’s well-being! 🌿 Swipe through to learn about the four main benefits of incorporating organic ghee into your dog’s diet. From digestive health to a shiny coat, ghee packs a nutritional punch! 🌟 Ready to dive deeper into the world of canine superfoods? Visit our superfood library to unlock the secrets of ghee and other nourishing ingredients! 📚🐶 #thckcs #rawfeedersofinstagram #rawfedcommunity #rawfeeder #holisticcanine #CanineWellness #NaturalNutrition #HealthyDogs #GheeBenefits #SuperfoodLibrary 🐾✨

4/19/2024, 8:50:00 AM

💜🐾Consider this: we control every facet of our dogs’ lives. From the moment they wake up to the time they go to 💤, we dictate their every move. We decide what they eat, when they eat, where they go for walks, and even who they interact with. Yet, when they exhibit behaviors we deem undesirable, we’re quick to blame it on dominance. But let’s pause and reflect. Who’s truly in control here? Despite our best intentions, are we inadvertently stifling their autonomy and natural instincts? We subject our beloved companions to situations that may induce fear or discomfort 😧, and instead of empathizing, we sometimes find amusement in their reactions. Think about the countless videos and photos circulating on social media 🤳🏽 depicting dogs in compromising situations for our entertainment and someone else’s “viral” gain. We strip away their ability to make choices, and then wonder why they struggle to conform to our expectations. The concept of dominance in canine behaviour is often misunderstood and misapplied. While dominance does exist in certain contexts, such as within social hierarchies among dogs, our human-centric interpretation of dominance is flawed. Dogs aren’t constantly vying for power or trying to assert dominance over us; rather, they seek guidance, companionship, and security from their human companions. 🙏🏼 It’s time for a paradigm shift in our relationship with dogs. Instead of viewing them as subordinate beings to be controlled, let’s treat them as the valued family members they are, deserving of respect, understanding, and autonomy. 💞Let’s embrace their individuality, honor their instincts, and provide them with opportunities to express themselves authentically. By relinquishing our need for control and adopting a more empathetic and compassionate approach, we can foster deeper bonds with our 🐕 companions and create environments where they can thrive both physically and emotionally. Together, let’s empower our dogs to live their best lives and celebrate the unique connection we share with them. - Libby 💜 #thckcs #thoughtfulthursday #thoughtprovokingthursday #amomenttopaws #thursdaythoughts #EmpowerYourDog #DogFamily #petempowerment

4/18/2024, 8:50:00 AM

⚠️‼️🐾 Unlocking the Truth About Lepto Vaccination! 🐾 ‼️⚠️ Swipe left to uncover 6 eye-opening facts about the controversial leptospirosis 💉. From its limited coverage to concerning adverse reactions, we’re diving deep into the complexities. ⚠️💉 💡 Plus, don’t miss out on our latest article “Unveiling the Complexities of Leptospirosis Vaccination for Dogs: A Detailed Examination” for an in-depth exploration into this controversial 💉 Click the link in our bio to read now! Has your dog had the lepto 💉❓ #thckcs #rawfeeding #HolisticDogCare #caninehealth #rawfeddogsofinstagram #LeptoVaccine #DogHealth #VaccineControversy #NewArticle #DogCareTips 📖✨

4/17/2024, 10:39:06 AM

🐾 Calling All New Puppy Parents! 🐾 Embarking on the journey of welcoming home your new furry friend is an adventure filled with love, laughter, and a few chewed-up slippers along the way! Our latest article from our group founder, Marita Tilley, “Welcoming Home Your New Puppy - The Complete Guide” is your ultimate guide to navigating every aspect of this exciting chapter. From creating a cozy den for your pup to feel safe and secure, to establishing a routine that fosters growth and development, we’ve curated essential tips to ensure a smooth transition for both you and your new companion.🐕 🥩🥦But it doesn’t stop there! We delve into the world of puppy nutrition, grooming essentials, and even tips for fostering a strong bond through interactive play and quality time together.🧼🧴 So, whether you’re seeking advice on teething solutions 🦷🪥 or simply want to soak up every precious moment with your new four-legged family member, this article is a must-read! 🔗Link to Article: Welcoming Home Your New Puppy The Complete Guide; #NewPuppy #PuppyLove #PositiveReinforcement #PuppyTeething #DogParenting101 #thckcs #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #cavaliercommunity 🐶✨

4/16/2024, 8:30:00 AM

🌿 🫚🫛🍄‍🟫🥩It’s #MythBustingMonday! 🍓🥑🥦🫐🐾 Let’s debunk the misconception that dogs shouldn’t eat plant matter. 🚫🌱 Swipe on left as we take a look at our dogs ancestral diet and discover the science behind why adding plant matter to your dog’s diet is essential for your pup’s health and vitality. 📚 Check out today’s article release: “Unlocking the Benefits of Plant Matter in Your Dog’s Diet” to learn more!🐶🥕 ❓DO YOU ADD PLANT MATTER TO YOUR DOGS DIET❓ #DogNutrition #thckcs #rawfeddog #rawfeedingcommunity #rawfeddogs #rawfeedersofinstagram #holisticcanine #feedfresh #freshdogfood

4/15/2024, 8:30:00 AM

🍄‍🟫 Food Fact Friday: The Magic of Mushrooms for Your Pup! 🐾 Did you know that mushrooms can offer a host of health benefits for your furry friend? These fungi aren’t just tasty toppings for your pizza; they can be a nutritious addition to your dog’s diet too! 🍕 🌱 Rich in Nutrients: Mushrooms are packed with essential nutrients like vitamins B and D, potassium, and selenium, which can support your dog’s overall health and well-being. 🩺 Boost Immunity: Certain mushrooms, such as Reishi and Shiitake, contain compounds that can help enhance your pup’s immune system, making them more resilient to infections and illnesses. 💡 Support Digestive Health: The fiber and enzymes found in mushrooms can aid in digestion and promote a healthy gut microbiome for your dog, reducing the risk of digestive issues like constipation and diarrhea. 🧠 Brain Power: Some mushrooms, like Lion’s Mane, are believed to have cognitive benefits, potentially improving memory and cognitive function in dogs, especially as they age. 🦴 Joint Support: Mushrooms like Cordyceps and Chaga may have anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate joint pain and stiffness in dogs with arthritis or other joint conditions. 🌿 Natural Antioxidants: Mushrooms are rich in antioxidants, which can help combat oxidative stress and protect your dog’s cells from damage caused by free radicals. Each mushroom offers its unique set of benefits, making them valuable additions to your dog’s diet when used appropriately - scroll left to read about each mushrooms top benefits! 🍄 Consider incorporating mushrooms into your dog’s diet as a nutritious and flavorful treat or as part of their regular meals. Just remember to start with small amounts and monitor for any adverse reactions. 📚Check out our superfood library to learn how to incorporate these super veggies into your dog’s diet, more detailed information about mushrooms and supplement recommendations! 🐾 🍄‍🟫 🌿 🍄📚🐕 #mushroomsfordogs #feedreal #healthydogfood #thckcs #feedthemfreshwatchthemthrive #rawdogfood #rawfeeding #rawfeddogsofinstagram #foodfactfriday Do you feed your dogs mushrooms? 🍄‍🟫

4/12/2024, 8:30:00 AM

🎉🐾 Happy National Pet Day to all the amazing followers of The Healthy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (@thckcs )! 🐶💜 As we celebrate nearly a decade of advocating for fresh food and minimizing toxins in our furry friends’ diets, we want to extend a huge THANK YOU to each and every one of you for your unwavering support, dedication, and passion for pet health! Together, we’ve built a vibrant community of over 100,000 pet owners across all of our groups and platforms, coming together to learn, share, and grow. Here’s to many more years of spreading knowledge, love, and wellness for our beloved furry companions! 🌟 To make this celebration even more special, head on over to Facebook where we invite you to share your favorite photo of your pet in the comments (cavalier or not!)! Help us fill our thread with adorable furry faces and spread some extra joy on this special day! 📸🐾 #thckcs #NationalPetDay #PetHealth #THCKCSCommunity

4/11/2024, 11:53:48 AM

🐾 Wondering about the buzz around feeding legumes to your furry friend?🫛🥜 In recent years, legumes like lentils and peas have gained popularity in dog foods as a grain alternative. They’re affordable, protein-rich, and a go-to choice for many pet food brands. But are they really good for your pup’s health? What are legumes⁉️ 🫛The legume family consists of plants that produce a pod with seeds inside. The term “legume” is used to describe the seeds of these plants.   The most common types of legume are: · Lentils · Peas🫛 · Chickpeas · Beans · Soybeans · Peanuts🥜 But before you jump on the legume bandwagon, it’s essential to understand the potential impact on your dog’s health. Let’s break down the top 5️⃣ reasons why we should keep feeding legumes, to a minimum! 🐶🫛🥜🌱 #DogNutrition #thckcs #rawfeddogsofinstagram #healthydogfood #feedreal #HealthyChoicesForFido #legumesfordogs

4/11/2024, 8:17:05 AM

Unleash the boundless joy of enrichment for your canine companion! 🐾 🐕🧠 Our latest article delves deep into the fascinating world of canine enrichment activities, revealing the four distinct types designed to engage your dog’s mind and body. Explore the 🧬 science-backed benefits, from reducing stress to enhancing cognitive 🧠 function. Discover practical ideas to enrich your pup’s life, from interactive toys to sensory experiences. Plus, learn essential tips for introducing enrichment safely into your dog’s daily routine, ensuring a harmonious blend of fun and wellness. Our article promises to elevate your dog’s natural health and vitality with enriching activities they’ll adore! Does your dog enjoy enrichment activities? Remember to like, swipe, save and share to keep seeing our posts in your feed! #thckcs #EnrichmentForPaws #NaturalCanineWellness #HappyHealthyDogs #enrichmentgamesfor dogs #canineenrichment

4/9/2024, 7:08:28 AM

🐾 Unlock the secrets of pumpkin and pumpkin seeds for your pup’s well-being! 🎃 Did you know this wholesome fruit can aid digestion, boost immunity, and promote a shiny coat? 🎃🐶 Dive into our latest addition to our ever growing superfood library to learn how to safely incorporate pumpkin and the seeds, into your furry friend’s diet for maximum benefit. Remember to utilise our superfood library for thoughtful additions to boost your dog’s bowl! Whether it’s adaptogenic herbs or medicinal mushrooms - our superfood library is sure to offer a bowl booster for every dog! 📚🐕📖 Image Credit; @onceuponapumpkin #NaturalCanineHealth #PumpkinForDogs #HealthyTreats #thckcs #rawfeddogsofinstagram #rawfeedersofinstagram #superfoodlibrary

4/8/2024, 8:40:49 AM

🥩🦴 Delve into the transformative benefits of Raw Meaty Bones! 🦴🥩 As National raw feeding week draws to a close, we invite you to explore our latest guide meticulously crafted to elevate your dog’s dental health and overall vitality. Uncover the unparalleled advantages of integrating RMBs into your furry friend’s diet with our comprehensive article: ‘Unleashing the Potential of Raw Meaty Bones.’ 🐶✨ But let’s talk benefits - did you know just how incredible RMBs are for our canine companions? 🦴🥩 Dental Health: The act of gnawing on RMBs provides a natural form of dental care, effectively eliminating plaque and tartar buildup. 🥩🦴 Eases discomfort for teething puppies, providing relief during this challenging stage of growth. 🥩🦴 Nutritional Superiority: Raw meaty bones are nutritional powerhouses, packed with essential nutrients vital for canine health, promoting optimal growth and vitality. 🥩🦴 Mental Stimulation: Beyond physical benefits, engaging with RMBs offers valuable mental stimulation, keeping your dog’s mind sharp and engaged. 🥩🦴 A healthy alternative to rawhide: Bid farewell to the dangers of rawhide! RMBs offer a safe and digestible chew option, free from harmful chemicals and choking hazards. 🥩🦴 Emotional Fulfillment: Chewing on raw meaty bones fulfills your dog’s innate desire to chew and explore, providing emotional satisfaction and a sense of contentment.Join us on this journey towards optimal health and well-being for your beloved companion. #CanineHealth #RawMeatyBones #DentalHealth #NationalRawFeedingWeek #THCKCS

4/6/2024, 8:40:00 AM

🐾🐶Does Your Dog Need A Boost?🐾🐶🌟 As you know, for almost a decade now, THCKCS has been committed to promoting the use of healthy fresh pet food, (both raw and cooked) spreading factual information, answering pet owners queries directly, discovering brands and so much more. Almost a year ago, we were excited to find a brand new gently cooked pet food on the British 🇬🇧 market, @boostpets Boost became a frequent staple in our own home as well as a lot of yours too! Boost have since expanded their range of food and treats and increased their availability too - and we are thrilled to announce they have generously given us an exclusive discount code with you and your furry companions to enjoy! 🎉 Discount Code: THCKCSVIP 🎉 Join the Boost VIP club and enjoy 10% off forever PLUS an extra 20% off your first box of human-grade gently cooked pet food. Boost’s subscriptions are completely flexible, allowing you to easily adjust, cancel, or amend your orders. 🐾 Visit to subscribe and start saving today! 🐾 Thank you for being a part of our community and for prioritizing the health and well-being of your beloved pets as well as supporting brilliant brands like boost who are paving the way for better standards in pet food! Let’s continue to nourish our dogs with the best ingredients and support the brands doing it right, for a lifetime of happiness and vitality! #NaturalCanineHealth #VIPDiscount #HumanGradePetFood #HealthyPets #gentlycooked #cookeddogfood #boostpets #thckcs

4/3/2024, 5:00:00 PM

🥩🐾 Calling All Canine Enthusiasts! 🌿 Get ready to embark on a journey of health and wellness as we celebrate Raw Feeding Week from April 1st to 7th! 🎉 Join us as we shine a spotlight on some of our favorite balanced raw brands from around the globe, showcasing the power of natural nutrition for our beloved furry friends. Throughout the week, we’ll be sharing essential facts and information about raw feeding and its profound impact on canine health and longevity. 📚 From the importance of nutrient-rich diets to understanding the benefits of raw feeding, we’re here to empower you with knowledge and insights to help your furry companions thrive! 🐶 Don’t miss out on this paw-some opportunity to learn, celebrate, and nourish your canine companion’s health! 🌟 And a huge Thankyou to founder, Kimberley of @rawfeederlife - for creating this campaign 6 years ago now to help share crucial information on raw diets with like minded pet owners! 🙏🏼 #NationalRawFeedingWeek #RawFeedingWeek #CanineWellness #NaturalNutrition #thckcs #feedfresh #caninenutrition #rawfeddogsofinstagram #rawfeddog

4/1/2024, 8:50:00 AM

🐣💐🐾Happy Easter to our incredible community of natural canine health enthusiasts at THCKCS!🐾💐🐣 As we celebrate this special day, let's take a moment to appreciate the boundless joy and unconditional love our furry friends bring into our lives each and every day. Whether they're wagging their tails with excitement or giving us those adorable puppy dog eyes, they truly fill our hearts with happiness. On this Easter Sunday, let's cherish the moments spent outdoors, exploring nature's beauty alongside our loyal companions. Whether it's a leisurely walk through the park, a romp in the backyard, or a fun-filled adventure in the great outdoors, let's embrace the spirit of renewal and rejoice in the wonders of springtime. As we gather with family and friends, both human and canine alike, let's remember to indulge in the simple pleasures of life: laughter, good food, and the warmth of companionship. Let's create memories that will be cherished for years to come, capturing those precious moments with our furry friends in photographs that tell the story of our love and bond. And as we reflect on the meaning of Easter, let's also extend our compassion and kindness to all living beings, including our beloved canine companions. Let's ensure they feel loved, nurtured, and cared for, not just today, but every day of the year. So here's to a Happy Easter filled with tail wags, sloppy kisses, and endless cuddles. Thank you for being a part of our THCKCS family, and may your day be as bright and joyful as the love you share with your furry friends. 🐾🐣 #cavalierhealth #puppiesofinstagram #doglovers #petsofinstagram #thckcs #pawsome #FurMomLife #CavalierKingCharlesSpanielLove #CavalierPride #CavalierLove #PrioritizeHealthyPets #cutedogs #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel

3/31/2024, 12:40:48 PM

🐾🐕🌿5 Top Tips To Building Longevity🌿🐕🐾 People often inquire, “How can I extend my dog’s lifespan?” or “What can I do to ensure my dog stays healthy?” The truth is, there’s no quick fix or shortcut—it’s about embracing a lifestyle rather than seeking a simple solution. One of our favorite resources on canine health is Rodney Habib’s “The Forever Dog Ted Talk,” where he delves into topics we discuss daily. He highlights five key areas we should focus on to enhance our dogs’ longevity, which we’ve outlined for you here. We hope you find value in these tips and prioritize your dog’s well-being—they deserve nothing less. Remember, a dog’s quality of life is a reflection of their owner’s care and attention. Let this list inspire you to consider both the internal and external needs of your dog, aiming for them to not just survive, but truly thrive. #theforeverdog #thckcs #feedreal #feedfresh #healthydogfood #happydog #caninehealth #naturalcaninehealth

3/26/2024, 11:35:01 AM

🌸🌼Spring Pet Safety🌼🌸 Spring heralds a season of vibrancy, yet it also ushers in potential risks for our beloved canine companions. 🌼 As nature awakens, it’s crucial to stay informed about natural ways to safeguard your furry friends’ well-being. Dive into our comprehensive guides and article for navigating spring pet safety! From steering clear of toxic plants to embracing natural parasite prevention, we’ve curated a wealth of knowledge to ensure your canine companion thrives amidst the seasonal splendor. Let’s prioritize our pups’ health and happiness this spring! Swipe left to see our spring safety guides and head to our website to read our latest article on spring pet safety! #CanineHealth #NaturalPetCare #SpringSafety #PetWellness #thckcs 🐾🌱

3/25/2024, 7:32:43 AM

🚫 Beware the Risks: Chemical Parasitic Treatments for Dogs 🐾 Swipe through to learn about the top dangers associated with chemical flea and tick medications, from toxicity to pets to environmental impact. But fear not! There’s a safer alternative: Natural Preventions 🌿 Switching to natural parasite preventatives offers numerous benefits, including: 🌿 Gentle on your pet’s skin and overall health. 🌿 Environmentally friendly, reducing chemical exposure for your pet and the planet. 🌿 Many natural products boast additional health benefits, like improved coat condition and boosted immunity. We’ve just expanded our UK list with new natural parasite prevention products, bringing our total to 61! And our total number of natural prevention products around the world close to 200!! 🎉 🌍🌿 With our comprehensive global article you can find the perfect solution for your furry friend! With a wide array of products linked in one place, there’s a natural prevention for every dog, no matter where you are in the world. Head to the link in our stories to find a natural prevention for your dog now or head on over to our Facebook page to see this post in more detail and linked sources! #NaturalPrevention #HealthyPets #saynototoxicchemicals #anounceofprevention #thckcs #holsiticpet #rawfeddogs #feedfresh #feedreal

3/21/2024, 8:50:00 AM

🌿🐾 Don’t worry, pet parents! You asked and we listened!🐾🌿 We haven’t forgotten our friends down under and up north in our quest to help our members find the best raw nutrition! 🇦🇺🇨🇦 ‼️ Presenting our top 10 raw recommended lists for Australia and Canada! ‼️ 🥩 From the land down under to the great white north, we’ve sniffed out the finest raw “complete” brands that’ll have your dogs drooling with delight and bounding with energy. Whether your pup’s a kangaroo connoisseur or a barking beaver enthusiast, we’ve got a brand for every taste bud! Check out the paw-some brands that made the cut and keep your furry friends thriving naturally! *All of these brands offer human grade raw food which is formulated to national feeding guidelines some brands in Canada contain supplements and or synthetics - this has been made clear on the graphic* #RawFeeding #NaturalCanineHealth #Top10RawBrands #thckcs #rawfeddogs 🐶💚

3/19/2024, 2:26:51 PM

🌿 🐾 🧠Unleashing Happiness: How Dogs Boost Mental Health🧠🐾🌿 Get ready to uncover the power of our furry friends in boosting mental well-being with our latest article release📖🐶 ‼️The top 5 areas Dogs improve our cognitive health🐕‼️ 1️⃣ Stress Reduction 2️⃣ Mood Enhancement 3️⃣ Social Support 4️⃣ Exercise Motivation 5️⃣ Emotional Support Head on over to our website to read the full article and dive into the science behind their mental magic as we reveal how interacting with dogs can lower cortisol levels and increase oxytocin production, promoting a sense of calm and joy! 🧠✨ Discover how spending time with dogs boosts serotonin and dopamine levels, enhancing mood and overall well-being. 🌈 Plus, learn about the invaluable social and emotional support our canine companions provide, helping us feel connected, loved, and emotionally balanced. Don’t miss out on this enlightening exploration into the natural remedies our canine companions offer for a healthier mind and spirit! ❓⁉️Does your dog boost your mental health? ⁉️ 🐾💚 #thckcs #pawsomecavaliers #NaturalCanineHealth #MentalWellness #DogScience 🌱🐕

3/18/2024, 9:00:00 AM

🎉 Exciting News for all of our Raw Feeders in the USA and UK! 🎉 Introducing our brand new Raw Recommendation Graphics 🌟! 🐾 Finding the paw-fect raw dog food brand just got easier! Whether your furry friend is a picky eater or has specific dietary needs, we’ve got you covered with our top ten brands in the 🇬🇧 & 🇺🇸 🔍 Our graphics make it a breeze to discover top-quality raw dog food brands tailored to your pup’s needs. Whether it’s 80/10/10’s, completes or novel proteins you’re looking for, these new graphics have you covered! 🐶 Your pup’s health and happiness are our top priorities, so we’ve handpicked the finest brands to ensure your dog’s receive the nourishment they deserve. 👉 Check out our latest raw recommendation graphics now and treat your furry friend to the best raw dog food experience yet! And if raw isn’t for you, we still have you covered! Head on over to our website for detailed recommendations for; freeze dried, cooked, wet food, kibble and base mixes. Finding a nutritious dog food suitable for you and your dogs lifestyle has never been easier! #thckcs #naturalcaninehealth #RawDogFood #HealthyPets #HappyPups #mydoglikesitraw #rawfeedersofinstagram 🐾🥩

3/16/2024, 9:11:43 PM

🐶🐾🦴 What’s Really In Your Dogs Food? 🐾🐶🦴 When selecting pet food, it’s crucial to grasp the distinction between feed and food grade ingredients. In this weeks article, we discuss the problematic inclusion of 4D meats in pet food and help you to understand the process these meats go through before being added to pet food. We also highlight the importance of knowing the difference between feed and food grade; 👉Feed grade ingredients are often sourced from various parts of animals, including by-products and rendered materials, which may not meet the same rigorous standards for quality and safety as food grade ingredients. 👉On the other hand, food grade ingredients are held to higher standards and are suitable for human consumption. They undergo more stringent testing and processing to ensure they meet strict safety and quality criteria. Opting for food grade pet food ensures that your furry companion is consuming ingredients of the highest quality, free from contaminants and of the same standard as the food you would serve your family. This choice not only promotes your pet’s health but also provides peace of mind for you as a responsible pet owner. Learn more about the meats in your dogs food by heading to our website - link in bio/stories now! #thckcs #pawsomecavaliers #rawfeeding #NaturalDogFood #rawfeddogs #HealthyCanines #RawDietForDogs #SpeciesAppropriate #NaturalCanineHealth #RawFedPets #RawFoodForDogs #HolisticDogCare #RawFedLife #DogWellness #BiologicallyAppropriate #freshfoodfordogs #NaturalPetCare

3/15/2024, 7:16:52 AM

🌸🐾 Happy Mother's Day 🐾🌸 To all the incredible fur mothers in our cherished Healthy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel community! 🐶💕 Today, as we celebrate the love and joy our precious furry companions bring into our lives, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to each and every member and follower who has been a part of our journey over the years. Your unwavering support, dedication, and passion for our beloved breed have truly made our community a special place like no other. From sharing heartwarming stories and adorable photos to offering valuable advice and support, you have all played a vital role in creating a welcoming and supportive environment for fellow Cavalier King Charles Spaniel lovers around the globe 🌍. As we reflect on the memories we've shared and the bonds we've formed, we are reminded of the countless ways our furry friends have touched our lives and filled our hearts with love. Whether it's through a comforting snuggle after a long day or a playful romp in the park, our dogs never fail to bring a smile to our faces and warmth to our souls. So, on this Mother's Day, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for being the amazing dog moms you are and for your continued support of our group and page. Your love and dedication inspire us every day, and we are truly grateful to have you as part of our Healthy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel family. Wishing you all a day filled with wagging tails, sloppy kisses, and cherished moments with your furry companions. Happy Mother's Day! 🎉🌷 #HappyMothersDay #thckcs #pawsome cavaliers #dogmomlife #CavalierKingCharlesSpanielLove #FurMomLife 🐾🐶

3/10/2024, 9:30:52 AM

🔍 Dive into the Wild World of Pet Food Labels! 🌟 Ever feel like you’re lost in a maze of marketing claims, wondering what’s really in your pet’s food? Welcome to the jungle of the pet food industry – largely unregulated and full of hidden surprises! Let’s navigate through the chaos together and uncover the truth behind those tricky labels, so that the next time you’re in the pet food store you can be more aware of the strategic wording and trickery used by pet food companies! And remember; pet food labeling laws aren’t always as strict as those created for human consumption and there are many loopholes to aid manufactures in making their food as cost effective as possible which often means that nutritional value is often comprimised. ‼️ Labeling laws will also vary country to country so be sure to check out the legislation where you live! ‼️ You can learn more about reading labels and the individual ingredients we recommend avoiding on our website. Link in stories/bio Tap the love 🥰 button below if you learnt something from this post to ensure our content keeps showing on your feed 🙋🏼‍♀️💡🕵️‍♂️💡 #PetNutrition #DecodeLabels #HealthyPets #THCKCS #feedfresh #pawsomecavaliers #petfoodindustry #DecodeTheLabels #PetFoodTruths

3/6/2024, 11:39:18 AM

Did you catch the latest news? The British Kennel Club just dropped a bombshell announcing their partnership with Mars Petcare. It’s like a Taylor Swift song gone wrong – major heartache! Seeing such a prestigious organization cozying up with Mars, the giant behind mainstream dog food brands, is like a “Bad Blood” situation for our pets. As advocates for fresh, nutritious food, it’s a real “Blank Space” moment to witness them pushing processed products as top-notch nutrition. It’s truly disheartening and dismaying to witness a major governing body aligning itself with a company like Mars. Mars, the conglomerate behind several mainstream dog food brands, unfortunately produces products that aren’t optimal for our beloved pets. As a significant influence on dog-rearing standards, the kennel club’s decision to partner with companies peddling subpar, overly processed foods is deeply concerning. They’re now touting these products as the pinnacle of pet nutrition, and it’s alarming. As a group who fervently advocates for feeding dogs fresh food, this regressive mindset is incredibly disappointing. We know the benefits of fresh, wholesome foods, yet this partnership seems to ignore that entirely. This partnership feels more like a “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” situation born out of pure greed and we are left feeling deeply disheartened by this news. We’re not sharing their no original post because we don’t want to promote these companies on our page. But our group and inbox is always open for anyone seeking advice or information on pet nutrition and healthy food choices. Let’s continue to ensure our dogs get the “love story” with health and nutrition they truly deserve! ❤️ #holisticnutrition #freshfoodfordogs #thckcs #thekennelclubuk #feedthemfreshwatchthemthrive #feedreal #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #rawfeddogs #rawfeeding

3/5/2024, 2:15:51 PM

‼️The Hidden Dangers of Raw Hide‼️ With Christmas around the corner it’s likely you’ll have seen the endless amounts of colourful raw hide treats and pet treat stockings full of raw hide, but sadly like most things in the pet food industry, raw hide is anything but a “treat”. Rawhide chews and bones are very popular for dogs. They come in all sorts of sizes, and they are pretty cheap to buy. Depending on the dog, a rawhide can last days or even weeks! This chemically processed meat byproduct poses a very real threat to our dogs and should be avoided at all costs! In fact, the Humane Society of the United States and the ASPCA both discourage rawhide consumption and list it among the dangerous household products for pets (next to pesticides and cleaning chemicals). If you still use rawhide, read on to find out more about why you should stop - and what chewing alternatives are. Another useful tool to help you choose beneficial and healthy foods and treats this Christmas is our naughty and nice Christmas food article live now; 💜If you found this post helpful, and to ensure our posts keep showing on your feed, remember to… Like 👍🏼 Save 🗂 Share 🔗 #rawhidedangers #barf #dogfood #doglovers #dogoftheday #dogtreats #healthydog #healthydogtreats #petfood #canineobesity #thckcs #raw #rawfed #rawfeedersofinstagram #rawfeeding #rawfeedingadviceandsupport #rawfeedinggreatbritain #rawfeedinguk #rawfeedinginspo #rawfeedinglasvegas #rawfeedinglife #rawfeedingmovement #rawfeedingnz #rawfeedingph #rawfeedingrules #rawfeedingsanjose #rawfeedingsg #rawfeedinguniversity #rawfeedingvancouver #rawfood

11/29/2023, 9:52:28 AM

🇺🇸⭐️ Feeling pawsitively patriotic and absolutely pawsome as we gather with our furry friends across the pond to celebrate the Fourth of July! Because when it comes to health and happiness, we know they go paw in paw! Today, on this glorious Fourth of July, let our fur-riots of joy be heard far and wide! From spirited backyard BBQs sizzling with delicious treats to lively parades filled with laughter and cheer, we're embracing the true spirit of this special day. From the depths of our fluffy hearts to yours, we send our warmest wishes for a pawsome Fourth of July! Let the spirit of independence and unity shine brightly on this joyous day. Happy Independence Day, America! 🇺🇸🐾 #HealthyHounds #HappyIndependenceDay #THCKCS #IndependenceWoofs #CavalierPride #FourthofJulyFurryFiesta

7/4/2023, 8:00:09 AM

🇨🇦 Happy Canada Day, fur-friends! 🍁🐾 Sending our warmest wishes to all our Canadian cavaliers and their wonderful pawrents! May your day be filled with endless tail wags, tasty treats, and joyful adventures. Celebrate this special day with lots of love, laughter, and maple syrup pup pancakes! 🎉❤️ #thckcs #CanadaDay #CavalierLove #HappyPaws

7/1/2023, 8:22:22 AM

🐾 Making Informed Choices for Your Dog!🌱🚫 Did you know? Grain-free dog food that includes peas, peanuts, and lentils may appear budget-friendly, but these ingredients lack essential nutrients and mainly serve as fillers. The lectins present in these ingredients can hinder nutrient absorption, potentially causing allergies and discomfort during digestion. 🍽️ What's worse, many high-lectin foods can often be contaminated with glyphosate, a pesticide known to be carcinogenic. 🌾🐶🚫 🙅‍♀️ Therefore, we advise pet owners to minimize the use of legumes that are rich in lectins and phytates. These anti-nutrients, when fed long term on a daily basis can deplete minerals and contribute to gastrointestinal issues. Fortunately, there are numerous healthier alternatives available in today's market that can support your dog's well-being without compromise! 🐕💚 To learn more about why we recommend reducing legume consumption for your facultative carnivore, check out the informative infographic above and check out our “when raw food is not an option” article on our website for healthy food alternatives! 📸📚 #MakeInformedChoicesForYourPup #PrioritizeHealthyPets #thckcs

6/19/2023, 12:11:41 PM

A Bear 🐻 & His Boost ✨ We receive countless private messages from pet owners seeking alternative options to raw food and this post is dedicated to those of you facing a similar situation! We hear you, we understand you, and today I want to introduce you to my sister's adorable puppy, Bear. Like our other pups, Bear started off on a raw diet, but his picky eating habits led him to prefer something else for his daily diet. And that's absolutely fine! You see, we believe that the often heated "Raw vs Cooked" debate is unnecessary. And so, when we talk about "feeding fresh," we're suggesting a fresh, balanced, species-appropriate diet that suits your dog and your unique circumstances. No one knows your dog better than you, and we fully acknowledge that a raw food diet may not be suitable for every dog and thus for some, fresh may mean gently cooked. Bear is flourishing on a species-appropriate, gently cooked fresh dog food that meets his nutritional needs. Now he can enjoy his meals to the fullest again! So, if you have a dog like Bear and you're feeling discouraged because they won't eat raw, don't worry! We have a wealth of articles on our website that offer raw food alternatives in the U.K. 🇬🇧 & USA 🇺🇸, a fussy eating guide, and even our own balanced recipes in case you want to become your furry friend's personal chef! 👩🏽‍🍳 You can also reach out to our team, whether privately or through our groups. We are here to assist you, regardless of what you choose to feed your beloved companion! We even have dedicated home cooking and raw feeding groups set up to support you on your fresh feeding journey! You can find all our links in our bio aswell as our website! So come on in, take a look around & remember, while having a healthy dog is crucial, ensuring their happiness is equally important! ❤️🐻🥩🐶 #freshdogfood #cookeddogfood #rawfeddogs #thckcs #freshfoodfordogs #holisticnutrition

6/9/2023, 9:06:37 AM

🌡️☀️🐶Helping Our Dogs in The Heat🐶☀️🌡️ We’ve shared our heatstroke prevention guide with you all but there are also some great cooling aids for dogs out there that can assist in keeping your dog more comfortable in the warmer weather. Here are some of our favourite product recommendations and 5 top tips to help keep your dogs cool and hydrated to help you and your dog enjoy the hot weather safely. #thckcs #heatstrokeprevention #canineheatstroke #cavalierkingcharlesspanielsofinstagram #cavaliercommunity #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #rawfeedersofinstagram

5/26/2023, 9:59:38 AM

☀️🌡️HEATSTROKE PREVENTION🌡️☀️ With the bank holiday set to be a scorcher, we thought we would take the time to reshare our heatstroke prevention guide and article with you all. Each year emergency vets around the world are inundated with cases of heat stroke cases - some of which sadly end in death. Most of these cases are brought on by pet parents exercising their dogs during hours when the days temperature is at its peak. No animal should endure a heat-related death. It’s inexcusable and by learning more about “how hot is too hot” for our pets and the signs of heatstroke, Together, we can help drastically reduce the number of dogs and other animal companions who die in hot weather and even eliminate these tragedies altogether. Please feel free to save and share our guide for quick information surrounding hot weather and dogs. On our website, you’ll find even more tips to help keep your dogs cool and hydrated in the hot weather so you can both enjoy the sun together - you’ll find the link in our stories!! Stay safe, have fun and enjoy the sun! #thckcs #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #rawfoodfordogs #rawfeddogs #thehealthycavalierkingcharlesspaniel #fitdog #cutedogs #rawfeedersofinstagram #feedfresh #holisticveterinarymedicine #herbsfordogs #holisticveterinarycare #cavalierhealth #heatstrokeprevention #canineheatstroke

5/24/2023, 9:00:05 AM

🐾💙 Happy 2nd Birthday To Our Dear Teddy Bear 💙🐾 677 days of having Teddy in our lives and 730 days of loving him ❤️ The most beautiful boy with the most loving, excitable and curious nature. I don’t know what we would do without him and I know both Darcy and now, Bear, have both found the bestest of friends in Teddy. 2 years old - only ever had one DHP vaccine. 2 years old - 0 wormers, 0 chemical flea prevention. 2 years old - 0 antibiotics 2 years old - still intact. 2 years old - never eaten processed dog food (was weaned on fresh food.) Teddy at 2, is proof that finding the right breeder, limiting chemicals and processed foods from day one absolutely does and will pay off for your dog and help them grow into a healthy and strong dog, naturally. 💙 #thckcs #holisticnutrition #rawfeedersofinstagram #rawfeddog #naturaldogfood #holisticveterinarian #holisticpetcare #freshfoodfordogs

5/4/2023, 1:54:16 PM

🐾🐶The Dogs Nose, Knows 🐶🐾 You may have heard the popular phrase "let them sniff" but just how important of a role does scent play in our dog's lives? Remarkably, with training, dogs can sniff out bombs, drugs, pursue suspects, and find dead bodies. And more and more, they’re being used experimentally to detect human diseases; cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis, and now, malaria all just from the smell alone. But just how powerful is a dogs nose? And why is it so important for their overall health and well-being? Read our full article to learn about the importance of sensory enrichment - link in bio! #canineenrichment #canineenrichmentgames #thckcs #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #caninesenses #olfactorycortex #rawdogsofinstagram #rawfeedingcommunity #barf #caninenutrition #holisticwellness

4/27/2023, 11:14:18 AM

🦴Do you find it hard to find long lasting and natural chews that are right for your dog?🦴 We can help with that! 🧠 Natural chews can help to provide your dog with mental stimulation and reduce boredom or anxiety in your pet by redirecting their destructive chewing behaviour. This is because when dogs chew - endorphins are released which can provide a calming effect for the dog. 🦷 A great way to keep your dog's teeth clean and healthy is by giving them a tasty and natural chew. The mechanics of the jaw chewing helps with plaque and tartar build up. For puppies, chews can provide that same enrichment whilst also helping them through the teething phase. 🛒 There are a variety of dog chews available on the market, so we hope we have made it easy for you to find the best one for your dog by providing our recommendations below. ⚠️ As always, we recommend dogs are always supervised and extra caution is taken when any chew is given. In particular, harder chews like antlers/yaks should not be given to aggressive chewers. Finally, we also recommend avoiding chews sourced from Asia as well as weight bearing, dehydrated chews, like doe legs etc. 🌐📚You can learn more about choosing natural treats and chews for your dogs on our website - link in stories & bio! Happy Chewing! 🐶🐾🦴💜 #cavalierhealth #thckcs #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #barf #rawfeddogs #rawfeeding #naturaldogtreats #naturaldogchews #dogchews #dogfood #rawfoodfordogs

3/30/2023, 9:19:34 AM

🥞Pancakes Fur Everybody!🥞 With one day to go til shrove Tuesday - why not save our healthy pup pancake’s recipe and include your furry friend in your pancake celebrations this Feb 21st! 🫐🍓🌱 Our minimal ingredient recipe is simple but is best for our carnivorous dogs, as they are gluten, grain and dairy free with no added sugar! Our dogs love these pup pancakes and we always make sure to make plenty spare! This recipe will yield enough pancakes for one medium sized dog! 💾 Head over to our Facebook page to view our recipe card to be able to save & share this recipe! Bon Appétit!🐾🐶💜👩🏽‍🍳 #pancakeday #shrovetuesday #puppancakes #thckcs #rawfeeding #barf #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #cavaliercommunity

2/20/2023, 10:25:20 AM

‼️🎟️Win tickets for the Natural Dog Expo in May!🎟️‼️ We’ve teamed up with our friends over at the @naturaldogexpo to give a chance for two of our members to attend this extraordinary event certain to help you learn all about the best ways to keep your pups healthy and happy! The natural dog expo promises A day with your favourite natural dog experts. Join vets and research scientists to learn and discover more about feeding a balanced fresh diet and proven natural choices of veterinary care. Dr Nick Thompson (@holisticvetuk ) , Dr Conor Brady (@dogsfirstireland ), Dr Anna Heilm-Bjorkman, Dr Lisa Hansen (@alternativevet ) and all the way from the USA Dr Judy Morgan (@drjudymorgan ) All well-loved, well-respected speakers sharing knowledge, tips and case studies to support you and your dog to a healthy future, naturally. The event is in Solihull, Birmingham on Sunday May 7th and includes vendor shopping stands, parking, a packed goody bag and complimentary coffees on arrival. Link to join our group can be found in our bio - all breeds welcome! 2 individual winners will be selected by a independent third party name generator from the group post and announced on Thursday 23rd Feb 2023 at 6pm *2 x Delegate tickets to be won - standard entry only* #giveawayuk #win #wintickets #naturaldogexpo #holisticveterinarymedicine #barfdiet #feedfresh #thckcs

2/14/2023, 9:42:26 AM

‼️NEW GIVEAWAY COMING SOON‼️ Keep your eyes peeled on our social platforms and subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know about our impending giveaway with our friends over at the @naturaldogexpo ! More details coming very very soon! If you’ve not yet heard about this exciting event happening in Birmingham this May, The Natural Dog Expo promises a day with your favourite natural dog experts. Join vets and research scientists to learn and discover more about feeding a balanced fresh diet and proven natural choices of veterinary care! Be sure to check out their page for more information on this event and keep your eyes peeled for more details on this fantastic giveaway! 🎟🐾🐶💜 #giveawayuk #giveaway #thenaturaldogexpo #holisticnutrition #holistichealth #holisticveterinarymedicine #barf #thckcs

2/9/2023, 8:53:15 PM

Are You Taking Care Of Your Pets Weight?🤔 According to the PDSA, 81% of vets and nurses have seen an increase in pet obesity over the last four years and in increasingly younger animals. Obesity is fast becoming one of the most serious health problems affecting our pets and pet owners can often take overweight or obese dogs casually.  Currently, figures show that 55.8% or more of dogs are overweight or obese. Yet these dogs are at a greater risk for a number of serious consequences as well as it negatively impacting their health, in 2019 Banfield released research that showed that the lifespan of overweight dogs was up to 2 1/2 years shorter, on average, than the lifespan of dogs with a healthy body weight. A dog doesn’t have to be clinically obese to experience health consequences. Being just 10% overweight decreases a dog’s lifespan by one-third and predisposes him to heart, kidney and liver disease as well as diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. Learn more about the importance of body condition scoring and the risks of canine obesity on our website! Link in stories/bio! 💜If you found this post helpful, and to ensure our posts keep showing on your feed, remember to… Like 👍🏼 Save 🗂 Share 🔗 #barf #dogfood #doglovers #dogoftheday #dogtreats #healthydog #healthydogtreats #petfood #canineobesity #thckcs #raw #rawfed #rawfeedersofinstagram #rawfeeding #rawfeedingadviceandsupport #rawfeedinggreatbritain #rawfeedinguk #rawfeedinginspo #rawfeedinglasvegas #rawfeedinglife #rawfeedingmovement #rawfeedingnz #rawfeedingph #rawfeedingrules #rawfeedingsanjose #rawfeedingsg #rawfeedinguniversity #rawfeedingvancouver #rawfood

2/1/2023, 10:07:42 AM

I love when they snuggle together 🥰🥰 #daisyleiacavluv #utahcavaliers #parkcitycavaliers #thckcs @thckcs #tricavalierkingcharlesspaniel

12/12/2022, 4:36:24 PM