quantumakashic images

Discover Best quantumakashic Images of World

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If you don’t build your dream someone else will hire you to build theirs 🌞🙏🏼 And (there aren’t any ors/buts!) you can also take a break from building all your own dreams and build a shared dream with an epic team that challenges you to learn and grow in ways you never would on your own. happy full moon. Been going thru epic initiations? Welcome to the party. Clarifying and empowering healthy boundaries and affirming needs and requirements to thrive is the name of the game. the body is such a miraculous vessel for translating and attuning truth. We know it by the way it feels, instantly. If we avoid what we know to be true for too long especially these days our body will tell us sometimes loudly to get out attention and course correct. listen. All the direction you ever wanted is right here. funny it’s the last place we still sometimes look since to do so requires such deep feeling and facing our infinite wells. remember you’re a pro surfer and deep diver built for this exactly. Infinite souls masquerading as human babies remembering themselves. My wizard friend Brent and guides reminded me yesterday: “I know this is going to sound weird at first. I am so excited you are able to explore these beliefs in this manner. Knowing you are an eternal being, yet this veil of forgetting allows you this opportunity. This is the message our guides want to you to hear in this moment. This is the start of the next phase of learning who you truly are as a soul. “We make you uncomfortable so you grow.” This is the next marker for living a truly spiritual life . You are never in “danger,” simply exploring beliefs as a “Spark of Conscious Thought.” We suggest focusing on the Love of The All. This is the delineation point where you start to understand and internalize being one with the All.” it’s all GOD. 🥰

4/23/2024, 7:03:16 PM

Happy Friday! Sharing gratitude ive been exchanging with friends lately - more regularly. Highly recommend it 🤗 Grateful for knowing my worth and owning it today For time to reflect meditate and write For working on something dear to me For delicious coffee and oat milk For chiropractic adjustments and sleeping so well For my team and deepening trust and feeling more inspired For a travel plan unfolding this summer to be with my family For feeling free For opportunity to do service in many forms For multiple challenges to grow through For seeing gods hand in my life more clearly For remembering to pray For my strong healthy body For health insurance and getting all my check ups For relaxing and taking it easy For trusting God and cleaning house For showing up the best I can and celebrating the simplicity in this!! For not being hungover from drugs or alcohol for 12.5+ years wow!! For a fun relaxing weekend ahead 🌞 Also this: The best leaders develop immense capacity for presence, can deeply listen, receive and reflect accurate feedback and are disciplined and devoted to their personal growth. They powerfully lead by example. When they thrive, their teams and everyone else they impact can’t help but thrive too. Remembering the not so far away future where it’s the norm for empowered leaders to have the best guidance and resources to show up, communicate and lead their teams as effectively as possible. Good thing we’re building it 🌞🌎💎

4/19/2024, 1:17:12 PM

loving little Syd 🌞 used to love wearing thrift clothes dressing up like a cosmic super hero. Kids couldn’t handle it 😂 thanks mom for teaching me how to go vintage before it was cool! coding an energy healing transmission for one of my dear visionary clients doing the deep devotional work of embodiment..awakening her true essence and aligning her vision within all areas of life. A true honor to connect and play in this unique way. guidance reminding:: You are safe to be still, at home within, present and receiving. You are exactly where you are meant to be for this time, learning the perfect lessons and remembering what is required to prepare you for the next phase of your journey. Whatever you perceive as an obstacle to having / being / doing what you truly desire is the way forward - go towards the resistance or challenge even if a feeling and fully feel and experience it. Former selves would love to be completed now. So someone new can emerge. Play with more commands and asking specific requests of your guides and spiritual support. Your prayers are being answered even if you can’t see it obviously yet you must continue to refine your specificity in requesting exactly what you wish to receive. Prepare to be in awe of what is possible for you when you commit to asking more precisely. All love surrounds you. gratitude for every single step of the journey arriving into this moment. There’s no where else to be but now. are you all the way here? Allow yourself full permission to arrive. Home. 📍🔑 Thank you I’m sorry Please forgive me I love you And I love you more. Just because you are.

4/10/2024, 1:13:31 PM

Happy Eclipse 😍🔮😜 A few special invites to play - expand - remember:: Join us 😀 During ‘A Summit for the Somatic Spirit’ …. 😇Discover new practices to integrate your spirituality into your everyday, so that you can truly live the life you desire 😇Receive transmissions from these gifted speakers to ignite the wisdom within you 😇Unlock your access to abundance and ease, remembering it’s your birthright, and YOU are the medicine 😇Receive guidance to shift you from separateness and disconnection into a reality rich with access to spirit and community 😇Find your next teacher who can meet you in your current reality and support you in your spiritual evolution I look forward to seeing you there! Join us for FREE! April 22nd- April 29. Mark your calendar! You’re going to want to be there for every minute! Sign up via stories + Soul Source 💠💎📍 Healer Retreat in the Azores with our Bali ASCENCIA soul fam.. Our retreat in Bali this past November was life changing on so many levels..we sustained a level of coherence for longer than ive ever experienced in my life..and left forever changed. The benefits of our potent portal are still revealing everyday. Such a timeless infinite gift to share..and the best part? Some of the group left inspired to create their own retreat together - a true co-creation in another paradise vortex..summoning our Atlantean roots..in the Azores. Please consider this potent opportunity to gather in paradise with dear souls I trust lead in the utmost integrity and love. I am even considering joining :-) Anchor the light A shamanic healing retreat in the beautiful and wild nature of the Azores. Immerse yourself in the elements to anchor your light deeper within your being. 22-29 September 2024 Laughing Orchard, Azores You will spend 8 days on the beautiful island of the Azores in an orchard where you are surrounded by nature. Every day we will explore a new element followed by a day for integration, self-care and optional activities. We will provide a good balance of learning and play, activities, safety and challenge so that you can step into the fullest version of you!

4/8/2024, 8:59:53 PM

Eclipse portal open 🌞 what massive dreams are you seeing and most of all what are you committed to releasing now and forever? incredibly vivid dream time - which is the dream anyway. Waking or sleeping..the lines further blurring. massive cleanse of body and cellular memory if you’re willing to allow and let go. It’s not a thought process - it is a somatic surrender. Requiring rest and the release naturally follows/flows. what identity is ready to die? Again? let go of who you thought you were So who you are can shine through More powerfully Less effortfully what’s it like to live resting into being Here’s the grand experiment We’ve said yes to playing out 😇 join me and my friends for some special shaman-igans to support us all thru the waves of late..on the redefining shamanism summit. Starts soon. shamanism is simply - seeing what is true and real. A shaman is one who sees and remembers the truth and can so guide others in remembering their own. We are all shamanic beings simply because we are souls incarnated in bodies. Some have received initiations catalyzing deep awakening and remembering - to show others the way. There is a power here and yet also an inherently universal thread connecting us all - in this grand awakening experience. Time to learn your capacity for harnessing the infinite technology you are. many checking in lately celebrating how even years later @visionarysoulspodcast is supporting them in their embodiment process. Grateful for the time capsule still doing its job - sending messages across time to those ready to receive what we’ve been templating so far. enjoy the eclipse portal. More upticks through mid April - highest potency frequencies we’ve ever felt / seen / experienced in physical form. major adjustments and detox in some cases. Pain is usually resistance to being fully present and embodied. Dancing and extra spa time with attuned loving embodied beings plus more rest and relaxation solo in one’s own field are great medicine. As is practicing embodiment protocol with devoted community (the summit, all my courses + trainings and sessions are great for this). enjoy 💖🎶🪽

3/25/2024, 4:09:53 PM

Healing Comes From The Inside - Here’s How. I am so excited to be a guest speaking on Embodied Ascension with @kryonleecarroll 😇 This conversation takes place on a weekly streaming show called Healing Wednesday, hosted by Lee Carroll (Kryon Channel), Monika Muranyi, and their weekly guest of choice (this time it’s me). Each episode is structured to provide valuable insights and healing tools that you can use to dramatically heal on a deeper level, awaken to new possibilities, and live a more fulfilling life. Join us March 20th, 2024 at 6PM Pacific Time. Equinox energies coming in full on 🌞💎👁️‍🗨️ Receive one free month of access to the Healing Wednesday program when you sign up using my code SYDNEYHWFREE1MO💫✨

3/14/2024, 1:22:34 AM

When you have the Akashic Records, you can show up as who you want to become regardless of blockages. It's like your own personal database to thrive in the chaos + unknown, while being cool with it. The Akashic Records allow you to: — trust that you're making the right choice for your future — give yourself the space + permission for letting go or asking for what you need — do whatever you want b/c you have the Akasha directing you to your highest timeline — grow more confident in yourself and be able to say "this is who I am, take it or leave it" They're such a beautiful tool to just discover how to be more YOU. So you can come back to the feeling of the universe actually having your back. Curious what the records have to say for you? DM me Records to book a session. With love, Alethea #akashicrecords #akashic #akasha #akashicos #akashicrecordreading #akashicrecord #quantumakashic #quantumakashicfield #quantumakasha #akashicrecordsreader #akashicreading #akashicrecordsreading #lightworkerreading #starseedreadings #starseedawakening #starseedoracle #starseedsawaken

10/16/2023, 8:18:00 PM

THIS SATURDAY 10/7/23 10-11:30AM DONATION EVENT, COME PLAY! Learn how to easily do your own Akashic Records, to assist with alignment to highest potentials in any now moment, from simply process. Learn how to body sway muscle test, use 5 W’s and tune into heart and mind coherence for new trajectory. RSVP pm, or r3Miracles.com events. #QUANTUM #INSTERSTELLAR #PALMHARBOREVENTS #PALMHARBOR #TAMPA #DUNEDIN #spirituality #DUNEDINMEDITATION #PALMHARBORMEDITATION #CLEARWATEREVENTS #CLEARWATERSPIRITUAL #ENERGYWORK #TAMPABAYHEALER #PALMHARBOR HEALER #AKASHICRECORDS #QUANTUMAKASHIC #SOUL #AWAKENING #QUANTUMSOULAWAKENS #awakening

10/4/2023, 11:50:01 PM

SUNDAY OCTOBER 8TH 2023 10AM-12PM DONATION EVENT QUANTUM INTERSTELLAR STARSHIP & MEDBED AURA Explore the intricacies of your celestial aura as a star, as well as your medbed and avatar. Familiarize yourself with the navigation of the quantum interstellar mode of reality creation and engage in exercises aimed at enhancing your full range of abilities. #QUANTUM #INSTERSTELLAR #PALMHARBOREVENTS #PALMHARBOR #TAMPA #DUNEDIN #spirituality #DUNEDINMEDITATION #PALMHARBORMEDITATION #CLEARWATEREVENTS #CLEARWATERSPIRITUAL #ENERGYWORK #TAMPABAYHEALER #PALMHARBOR HEALER #AKASHICRECORDS #QUANTUMAKASHIC #SOUL #AWAKENING #QUANTUMSOULAWAKENS #awakening

10/4/2023, 11:47:30 PM

To share authentically you have to confront your ego head-on. To be honest with yourself about where you're at and where you wish to be. Authenticity comes when your heart is open and you choose to share what it feels like to be you with the world. You're playing small when... It feels like chains are on your throat. How do I know what that's like? I used to be there. Rewind to 2021 when I did a breathwork session with a couple of close friends and the emotions that wished to be released were the "fear of existing". My guides showed me the chains I had placed on my throat to keep myself playing small. To not share my authentic self with the world. And after 3 hours of breathwork, purging, + somatically shaking these energies out of my body I released into the sweet surrender of what it looks like to step into your power and use your voice to connect with others on the same path as you. Awakening your throat chakra is a JOURNEY, and it isn't all rainbows and butterflies. However, when you surround yourself with the support and love of others who have walked the walk, the journey becomes a beautiful exploration of who you desire to be. You become held, guided, and loved by others who can share their journeys of opening their hearts and sharing their truth. Unapologetically. Open your throat chakra with us in the Akashic Moon Circle in Aries on Friday 9/29 @4pm PST. Link in bio to join! P.S. Want to learn the step-by-step method on how speak your truth? Grab the free download in our links! #mooncircle #akashicmooncircle #akashicreadings #akashicrecords #akashicreading #energyupdate #fullmoon #fullmoonenergy #fullmoonenergyupdate #fullmooninaries #ariesenergy #ariesfullmoon #throatchakra #throatchakraopening #speakyourtruth #speakyourvoice #unapologeticallyyou #shareauthentically #authentictruth #ariesmoon #aries #astrologyupdate #akashic #quantumakashic #akasha #akashicos

9/28/2023, 7:00:09 PM

WE ARE OFFERING AKASHIC READING & RAAH REIKI PACKAGE for a Limited time £144 in December & January Check out our website link in the bio for more details This photo of us (Clare & Jeffrey) is from our adventures back in September Carmelite Monastery El-Muhraqa Where the Apollo energy ley line meets Athena ley line 🤩 Remembering many of the places we visit are always for a reason.. if you look into your akashic records you may find your a grid worker or guardian of certain sacred areas #energyworkers #reiki #reikihealing #akashic #akashicrecords #sacredsites #raahreiki #raahreikitherapist #quantum #quantumakashic #galacticakashic #higherselfhealing #soulactivations #gridworkers #gatekeepers #warriorofthelight

12/11/2022, 11:19:05 AM

*NEW SERVICE AVAILABLE* Full details available on my website. What are ℚ𝕦𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕦𝕞 𝔾𝕒𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝔸𝕜𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕔 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤? ☪ In an Akashic Soul Healing session, you can find out the who, why and what of any situation, place or event within your Akashic Records. Find out why you chose certain experiences, relationships, issues or blocks and what you can do about it to create the life you really want. You can also find out who you really are based on your skills, abilities and gifts. The Records are not a fortune telling source as life is the result of multiple, constantly shifting contingencies and synergies. The Akashic Records can also provide information on houses, paintings, times in history and pets; anything on the planet. ☪ A live video recorded with Siobhán, "Quantum Galactic Akashic Reading". Let's travel into your Akashic Hall of Records! Channeled guidance from your Higher Self, guides, angels, and galactic family in what consists of your soul, galactic races, soul blueprint, and connection to your mystical friends like dragons, animal totems… Teachings on how to further your gifts assisting you in walking your most organic timeline. Ancient wisdom and Alchemy. Links in my BIO ⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆ #quantumrealms #quantumakashic #akashicreader #timetraveller #hallofrecords #aurahypnosispractitioner #raahreikienergy #sacrediaries #startraveller #stardust #ancienthistory

9/12/2022, 2:27:04 PM

As kids, we were always told "keep it neat, keep it tidy, keep it inside the lines". But let's be honest, our instinct was to just splash colour across the page, to express what we were thinking and feeling in the moment - we didn't want rules, to be constrained, to be told what to create and how to create it. How many of us are still holding onto that programming from childhood, the struggles with needing to be perfect, keep within the lines, follow the rules even when the rules don't make sense? The feeling of being constrained, that feeling of anxiety that we can't quite place? Now I'm not saying that it's all to do with being told to colour within the lines, that's too reductive. But it's symbolic of all of the other ways we have to toe the line throughout our upbringing and as adults. But our lives aren't neat and tidy. Life is gloriously messy, emotional, experiential - it doesn't fit into boxes or someone else's parameters. One way to help loosen up the stick that societal expectations stuck up our arses is to get creative, go a little wild, perhaps colour outside of the lines for a bit and experience some creative freedom. So if you fancy a little creative lubrication, come join me this Saturday for my art circle, where we'll shake loose a few paradigms (and maybe a few sticks!)! Link to register in bio xx

5/31/2022, 6:19:07 PM

Time to meet Yara, who is absolutely gorgeous isn’t she? This beautiful girl loves her walks and playing Hoopers, and she loves her hoomans so much that the light of that love shines through in her energy. Making time for art was a key factor in honing some of my metaphysical abilities, including perception and communication. When I stare at a picture for long enough, colours appear and the animal begins to communicate with me - there’s a lot of energetic conversation going on to ensure I capture their energy and essence on the canvas or in this case, the layers of digital rendering. Spending time creating has truly allowed me to access new levels of self and heal so many layers. And this is accessible to you too! It doesn’t matter what the finished product looks like. It’s the journey and act of creating something from nothing that does the work. Thank you @katycwhyte for giving me the opportunity to connect with your beautiful girl! If you’d like to join me in circle this Saturday, we’ll be doing some art inspired exercises to connect with our inner intuition via our inner child. Or if you’d like your very own digital artwork of your pet, hit me up on the comments or send me a message - I’m opening for commissions from early September 💜 #procreateart #dogart #procreatedog #doodlefoxart #intuitive #animalcommunication #commissionsopen

5/30/2022, 10:47:58 PM

I finished this gorgeous chap last week - it was so much fun to connect to Clive and bring his personality through! Art is something that’s really helped me to connect to my intuition - it clears my mind like nothing else and allows me to process experiences on a deep level. I’ve lost track of the amount of epiphanies I’ve had whilst artsing! And the great thing is, that energy of being the observer tends to stay with me the more I spend time being creative in some way. If you’re keen to connect more deeply and profoundly with your intuition and creativity, it’s not too late to enrol for the healing art circle I’m hosting on the 4th of June! I’ll drop the link in the my bio💜 if you want the benefit of circle access AND many other potent tools and videos, you can join me in my subscription group The Bridge. Lastly if you think Clive is a bit of alright and would love to commission your very own piece of art, send me a DM - I’m currently booked til September so if anyone wants a Christmas commission you’ll have to get in quick! 💜💜💜

5/29/2022, 11:15:35 PM

Card of the day with assistance from Olive the Oracle. When will we as a collective remember how powerful we are? When will we stand in our power? When will we take action? What will it take to shift into the next phase of our collective evolution by rising up and realising how so many have been subjugated and enslaved by so few? It’s time to rise and remember who you are. How powerful you are. How powerful we all are when we stand together.

5/25/2022, 7:42:17 AM

Olive has quit her position as Oracle. Sorry folks, she just ain’t up for it anymore 🤣 it was super fun whilst it lasted. Perhaps I should have given her more dreamies? Anyway here’s a card for y’all 💜🌈🦄🌈💜 #emotionalhealing #soulwork #divinefeminineenergy #energyreading #oraclereadings #messagesfromspirit #supportwomeninbusiness #soulhealing #metaphysicalmentor #quantumhealing #quantumwarrior #spiritualenergy #quantumakashic #spirituallifecoaching #spiritualvibes #goddessenergy #entrepreneaurspirit #wyrdsmith #spiritualwyrdsmith #writingalchemy #healingthroughwriting #empowerment

4/11/2022, 8:07:13 AM

Olive doesn’t always wanna pick a card. She knows what she wants. I really feel like I want to make a blanket fort now. But with lots of cushions and fairy lights and snacks! ✨✨✨ #emotionalhealing #soulwork #divinefeminineenergy #energyreading #oraclereadings #messagesfromspirit #supportwomeninbusiness #soulhealing #metaphysicalmentor #quantumhealing #quantumwarrior #spiritualenergy #quantumakashic #spirituallifecoaching #spiritualvibes #goddessenergy #entrepreneaurspirit #olivetheoracle #cats #bastet #bast

3/24/2022, 10:27:40 AM

Today it’s Reading’s Readings card of the day, as it’s Caturday, and Olive has informed me that it is a holy feline day of rest where they go spend the day licking their butt or whatever.

3/19/2022, 3:39:34 PM

Olive the Oracle, dismissive as ever, plus some babbling away about nonsense because I’m not quite awake yet… Do you want a WEEKLY Feline Forecast to your inbox? As of this weekend, Queen Olive has agreed to do a weekly feline forecast (forecat?!) for my email subscribers. If you wanna subscribe, check out the link in my bio ⭐️✨⭐️ #emotionalhealing #soulwork #divinefeminineenergy #energyreading #oraclereadings #messagesfromspirit #supportwomeninbusiness #soulhealing #metaphysicalmentor #quantumhealing #quantumwarrior #spiritualenergy #quantumakashic #spirituallifecoaching #spiritualvibes #goddessenergy #entrepreneaurspirit #olivetheoracle #catsofinstagram #cats #catvideo #catoracle

3/17/2022, 8:16:35 AM

Olive the Oracle card of the day - Horus I know it seems like I spend all my time in bed, I really don’t 🤣🤣🤣 This card is about: Stop expecting instant gratification. The best things come to those who have patience and stay the path, and don’t let the passage of time deter them. #emotionalhealing #soulwork #divinefeminineenergy #energyreading #oraclereadings #messagesfromspirit #supportwomeninbusiness #soulhealing #metaphysicalmentor #quantumhealing #quantumwarrior #spiritualenergy #quantumakashic #spirituallifecoaching #spiritualvibes #goddessenergy #entrepreneaurspirit #wyrdsmith #catoracle #catsofinstagram #olivetheoracle #empowerment

3/12/2022, 9:06:01 AM

Following on from Olive the Oracle's card pull today... Sticking our head in the sand can be a symptom of overwhelm, and overwhelm is something many of us are dealing with at the moment - there's so much going on in the world, many of us are feeling afraid for our lives, our security, our financial and personal situations, and more. When this happens it is so, so easy to just want to put our head under a blanket, to hide away, or to spin in place, panicking and becoming increasingly anxious. Almost everyone has something going on (and it does no one any good to play the comparison game - don't gaslight yourself by saying other people have it worse than you or have more issues than you - the way you feel is valid, and the more you deny it and minimise it, the louder that feeling is gonna get! And don't gaslight others by trying to out-complain them. It ain't cool). We can't always control our external circumstances, but we can control how we respond to them. For so many years, I denied my feelings about things that were happening in my life, and even up til recently, have spent entire weekends in bed due to tiredness and overwhelm. So first and foremost, it's important to acknowledge our feelings, not ignore them - because ignoring them is super knackering. And honour our body and it's need for rest and nutrition, because I see you, some of you are chronically dehydrated and that hint of mania is showing in the whites of your eyes! Continued in comments…

3/10/2022, 11:23:17 PM

Olive the Oracle, reluctant card of the day 🤣 For personal readings, send me a message or check out my website, link in bio. Olive also does personal video readings! Again shoot me a message to book. #emotionalhealing #soulwork #divinefeminineenergy #energyreading #oraclereadings #messagesfromspirit #supportwomeninbusiness #soulhealing #metaphysicalmentor #quantumhealing #quantumwarrior #spiritualenergy #quantumakashic #spirituallifecoaching #spiritualvibes #goddessenergy #entrepreneaurspirit #wyrdsmith #catoracle #catsofinstagram #olivetheoracle #empowerment

3/10/2022, 9:18:40 AM

Do you ever feel like you're on someone else's roller coaster? Following someone else's desires? Attempting to meet someone else's expectations for how your life is meant to go? Perhaps you're plugged into the "go to school, do A levels, go to university, because that will guarantee you an amazing job" grid. Or your parents are living vicariously through you, want you to follow in their footsteps, or achieve more than they did when they were younger. Or perhaps you're succumbing to peer pressure. Or attempting to impress someone or gain approval instead of walking your own path. Have you ever checked in with yourself and asked "am I even living my own life right now? Is any of this mine, or is it expectation? Projection? Pressure?" If you're feeling a little lost, looking to gain clarification on what's actually you and what you need to release, if you want to get back in touch with your true desires and live YOUR life, whatever that may look like - a one to one session with me may be just what the doctor ordered! Whether you need coaching, clearing, or something in between the two, each session is tailored to your needs and includes a post-session check in. If you haven't got a scooby whether you need a session but you're curious, send me a message and let's have a chat! . #emotionalhealing #soulwork #divinefeminineenergy #energyreading #oraclereadings #messagesfromspirit #supportwomeninbusiness #soulhealing #metaphysicalmentor #quantumhealing #quantumwarrior #spiritualenergy #quantumakashic #spirituallifecoaching #spiritualvibes #goddessenergy #entrepreneaurspirit #wyrdsmith #spiritualwyrdsmith #writingalchemy #healingthroughwriting #empowerment

3/9/2022, 8:48:44 PM

Happy International Women's day! To all of the beautiful women out there - I see you. I love you. Can you hear it? That voice that is becoming louder, more insistent every day? The voice that says to the world "Not this way. This hurts too much" The voice that marches to the beat of it's own heart Creating it's own path Shining a new light Creating a new vision The voice that has demanded space Recognition Acceptance Equality Can you feel the weight of what's been carried For so long? Set it down, it isn't our burden any longer. Those opinions, judgements Beliefs and expectations Layered upon us - it's time. Let it go. Release the weight. Dark, divine, diva - it's time to rise, sister, rise - Tracy Reading #internationalwomensday #emotionalhealing #soulwork #divinefeminineenergy #energyreading #oraclereadings #messagesfromspirit #supportwomeninbusiness #soulhealing #metaphysicalmentor #quantumhealing #quantumwarrior #spiritualenergy #quantumakashic #spirituallifecoaching #spiritualvibes #goddessenergy #entrepreneaurspirit #wyrdsmith #spiritualwyrdsmith #writingalchemy #healingthroughwriting #empowerment

3/8/2022, 11:46:30 PM

This morning, I opened the window wide when I woke up, and took in a deep breath of cold air and sunlight. And for some reason, I flung my arms wide and declared to the universe “I am ready for my riches. I am ready to receive”. Have you told the universe lately that you’re ready? Truth: will telling the universe that you’re ready to receive indicate to the universe that it’s time to deliver? I mean come on, how much work have we ALL done in clearing our shit, showing up, healing, being in service for others? It’s time. Time for the balance of abundance to begin to shift to the givers and helpers instead of the takers. “Ask, and you shall receive”. Could it be that easy? #emotionalhealing #soulwork #divinefeminineenergy #energyreading #oraclereadings #messagesfromspirit #supportwomeninbusiness #soulhealing #metaphysicalmentor #quantumhealing #quantumwarrior #spiritualenergy #quantumakashic #spirituallifecoaching #spiritualvibes #goddessenergy #entrepreneaurspirit #wyrdsmith #spiritualwyrdsmith #writingalchemy #healingthroughwriting #empowerment #abundancementality #abundancequotes

3/8/2022, 1:35:46 PM

How often do we beat ourselves up? Judge ourselves? Torment ourselves with stories of how we should have done better? Known better? When healing, we often seek to reconcile with others, as acceptance and forgiveness can often be the piece that sets us free. But how often do we accept ourselves? Forgive ourselves? Give ourselves grace? Acknowledge the progress we've made? We can reconcile our akashic and ancestral records til the cows come home, but if we're not reconciling with ourselves, we may not truly be free of the energies and wounding we were attempting to release. And because of that we can end up looping back to those behaviours we tried to release - it's like we can't catch ourselves a damned break! I'll be hosting a circle on the 27th of March to walk through a reconciliation and forgiveness of self, and because I want to keep it accessible to as many as possible who may benefit, I'm charging just £5 for the session, which will include a PDF download that you can take away and work on after the session. (If you're a member of my subscription group The Bridge, you'll be getting this as part of your subscription!) If you're interested, shoot me a message or leave a comment below, so I can get an idea of numbers! And if you feel anyone else might benefit from this, please share this post, so those who need it have a chance to see it, and to beat the social media algorithm changes and keep content like this as relevant as possible! xx #emotionalhealing #soulwork #divinefeminineenergy #energyreading #oraclereadings #messagesfromspirit #supportwomeninbusiness #soulhealing #metaphysicalmentor #quantumhealing #quantumwarrior #spiritualenergy #quantumakashic #spirituallifecoaching #spiritualvibes #goddessenergy #entrepreneaurspirit #wyrdsmith #spiritualwyrdsmith #writingalchemy #healingthroughwriting #empowerment

3/7/2022, 10:42:25 PM

My march madness birthday sale continues! If you feel a little stuck in a rut, if you have weird shit going on and you can't figure it out, if you are struggling with random physical or emotional symptoms that have no rhyme or reason, perhaps it's time to book a session? One of my recent clients gave me the most amazing review: "I describe taking part in Tracy's coaching circles and sessions as "my time to welcome and accept more of me". During these sessions Tracy, first of all, is very welcoming and friendly which puts you at ease straight away. She has a certain way of expressing and explaining life experiences which you can relate to straight away. This really helps you to understand where you're holding on to all the "excess baggage" of life and clear it out for good Tracy has so many tips, tools and techniques to help with this. These are a combination of one's that she has learnt and intuitive guidance which really help to target exactly what you need to really dig deep and uproot the cause. I have been blessed to have had access to Tracy's 1:1 sessions and these are extremely powerful. She is very knowledgeable and knows exactly what to do and say in order to help." It's funny, I'd think nothing of spending £20 a day on booze and pizza when I was in the middle of self sabotaging behaviour, but if you told me that spending £44 quid could help me pivot and shift and move away from those self destructive behaviours, I've had told you "I can't afford it". What a crazy story I was telling myself! So why wait? Choose to invest in yourself, you never know what will happen if you do. Send me a message if you want to book, or have more questions - I'd love to chat! xx #emotionalhealing #soulwork #divinefeminineenergy #energyreading #oraclereadings #messagesfromspirit #supportwomeninbusiness #soulhealing #metaphysicalmentor #quantumhealing #quantumwarrior #spiritualenergy #quantumakashic #spirituallifecoaching #spiritualvibes #goddessenergy #entrepreneaurspirit #wyrdsmith #spiritualwyrdsmith #writingalchemy #healingthroughwriting #empowerment

3/6/2022, 7:22:57 PM

It's so tempting, when we're in a period of darkness, to look for something in us to fix. To panic about 'what if this is a darkness I can't escape from?' 'Oh no, not again!' 'What do I need to change/fix/clear/heal now?' 'When will this ever end?' We can really hate that part of ourselves that falls into the dark, want to rip it out, want to change it, cleanse it, burn it. But that automatic response to our pain is based and fear and rejection of what is a part of us. And in pushing it away, we end up repressing it, only for it to keep popping up over and over again. So we then begin to operate in the program of "I am never healed", continuously looking for something else to tinker with, instead of appreciating the never-ending now moment. We embrace the light, and reject the dark. But in doing so, we fail to trust ourselves, trust the path we've travelled, fail to trust the healing we've already achieved. We create a story about it, making it mean something more than what it actually is, which is for most people, a moment in time that will not go on forever, even though in the moment, it may feel that it has no beginning and no end. We create a story that the healing we've done or been given didn't work, or decide that we're irreparably broken. We give up on ourselves. We collapse inwards, act out. Fall back into being a victim. There's no light without the darkness. A flower cannot cast a shadow if there is no sun. The next time you feel that you're being engulfed by the darkness, instead of turning from it, turn to face it and ask it what it needs. Ask it what it's showing you. There's always an answer waiting to be given, if you're prepared to get quiet and listen.

3/6/2022, 4:24:22 PM

Olive the oracle! Your advice for the week ahead… Please share this if you think someone would get a kick out of it, and to beat the algorithm changes happening on social media channels 💜🌈💜 #emotionalhealing #soulwork #divinefeminineenergy #energyreading #oraclereadings #messagesfromspirit #supportwomeninbusiness #soulhealing #metaphysicalmentor #quantumhealing #quantumwarrior #spiritualenergy #quantumakashic #spirituallifecoaching #spiritualvibes #goddessenergy #entrepreneaurspirit #wyrdsmith #spiritualwyrdsmith #oraclereading #catoracle #empowerment

3/6/2022, 9:38:41 AM

How often do we convince ourselves that we don’t deserve something? Love. Abundance. Success. Health. Happiness. Some of us have, through no fault of our own, become entangled with beliefs that we aren’t worthy, aren’t deserving, of anything good. We absorbed beliefs as children that were not ours, but which seemed like such profound truths at the time – as children, even the most innocuous of occurrences can create a cascade of beliefs that have us tied up in knots as adults. It can cause us to gaslight ourselves, talk down to ourselves, block ourselves off from the possibility of reaching for more because, why bother? It’s not meant for us, right? We don’t deserve it. We’ll fail. It’s time to call bullshit on those beliefs. Call them out and let them go. Because, love, you are meant to paint the sky with nebulas and galaxies, by the light of supernovas, with fingers covered in star dust. You are meant for so much more than you can even imagine. How would it feel to gather up all of those stories of lack, of unworthiness, of not being deserving, and shake them from your body, allowing them all to fall away? To cast that dark cloak aside? To allow all we’ve absorbed that isn’t ours to dissolve, dissipate, disappear? To rescind and recant all of the oaths, vows, and agreements that we’ve made that cause us to be less than and minimise ourselves? How does it feel to remove that weight of assumed failure, of lack of worth, from your body? Do you feel lighter? Do you see now, do you feel, that it’s possible to reach for the stars and claim all they are offering? You deserve so much, and it is my greatest wish that you receive it. - Tracy Reading

3/4/2022, 4:39:49 PM

Many of my friends, new and old, will know that over the years, I have walked through repeated episodes of depression, and suicidal ideation, and have been able to work through my schtuff to the point where I have been able to release myself from using alcohol, and have been sober since 2020. Despite all the work I’ve done, the healing I’ve created for myself and that which has been afforded by others, I am not immune to having what I like to refer as ‘incidents’, and over the course of the last few weeks have walked through another series of incidents where I again felt extremely low, and in that dark place that left me feeling as though I wanted to end the pain, and if I’m really honest, a couple of times, I desperately wanted a drink of alcohol. I am so, so lucky, to now have an amazing group of people around me, who support me, with whom I can be completely myself, and utterly vulnerable, who can hold calm, loving space for me, and send me virtual hugs, who help to walk me home whenever I need it. Who remind me of the tools I have learned, and encourage me to put them to use in order to bring me out of those lows. But it hasn’t always been that way. I know how it feels to believe you’re alone, to believe no one understands you, to want to get away from your thoughts, and every one and every thing. To be so overwhelmed, frustrated, and emotional that you shut down and feel that all you can do is sleep. For anyone who feels they don’t have a team around them, or feels alone or isolated for any reason, I want to say: I see you. And I’m holding space for you. Even if it feels to you in this moment that you’re alone, I promise you that you are not. If you need help, please reach out. You are so loved, despite whatever beliefs you have to the contrary. My DMs are always open if you need that virtual hug xx

3/3/2022, 11:48:11 PM

Holding onto a grudge is like a self-administered punch to the gut. It poisons you from the in-side out. It creates stagnancy as the bitterness eats away at you from within. Let that shit go. Ask yourself: why am I holding onto this? What purpose does it serve? Is there a benefit? Why can I not move on? Is being right more important than moving on?

3/3/2022, 4:15:06 PM

If you aren’t gentle with yourself, who will be? We deserve to let go of the harshness and the roughness with which we often treat ourselves. We often save our softness for others, when the one who needs it the most is often the self. We often say, treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. But do you ever stop to treat yourself the way you wish others would treat you? Do you ever hold yourself the way you wish to be held? Speak to yourself with gentleness and love? Do you sing your own praises, lift yourself up, and in doing so, set the standard by which others should treat you? If not, why not? Do you believe you deserve to be treated with love, respect, gentleness? If not, why not? We all of us deserve our own love. When all is said and done, does it matter how much others love us, or does it truly matter how much we love ourselves?

3/2/2022, 5:22:39 PM

Grief is an interesting creature. It feels as though it both tears us apart and holds us together. Such a push and pull of different emotions and sensations. Grief doesn't just happen when we lose someone. It can happen when we say a final farewell to parts of ourselves that we need to shed in order to bloom. It can happen when we close down trajectories we truly thought were meant for us - all of the expectations and dreams that came with those paths we've chosen not to follow or we've been diverted from, for one reason or another. I have found that my resistance to shedding of layers of self makes grief more jagged - it shreds and lacerates as I attempt to hold onto what Could or Should Have Been instead of allowing the softness and realness of What Is. It can be hard to see or intuit what will come of a period of shedding of self, and it can certainly be hard to see what good can come of losing a loved one, although it is certainly in the energy of their loss that we deeply appreciate the times that they were present. I've always felt that losing someone is something we don't really get over, but we do adapt to it, and I feel that our hearts grow even larger to accommodate the ability to love more expansively those who are already in our lives and those who are due to make an appearance. It would be all too easy to allow grief to make us bitter, twisted and unyielding. Continued in comments…

3/1/2022, 10:28:50 PM

Oh, you’re trying to meditate? Lemme make that more challenging for you…

2/23/2022, 10:05:34 AM