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Recently we had the Pieta Darkness into Light event. It maybe that this brought up issues for you as having the topic of suicide being so public can be a trigger for many. I wrote a nlog not specifically about suicide but about the struggles associated with it. Regardless of your circumstances today you may find it helpful to glance through the various sayings of others about being broken in your heart. #affordablecounsellingclondalkin #clondalkincounselling #jamesfoleycounsellor #clondalkintherapy #pct #jamesfoleytherapist #prevailtherapyclondalkin #affordablecounsellingdublin #prevailclondalkin #prevailcounsellingclondalkin #prevailcounsellingtherapy #prevail

5/16/2024, 11:24:45 AM

Saturday 11th of May at 4 in the morning, thousands of people in Ireland and abroad will walk in memory of people who died by suicide. There is also a fundraising aspect to it for the Pieta (House) organisation. As many of you may know I do counselling therapy work for Pieta. Ending Suicide. Beginning Hope. Pieta provides short term counselling to people dealing with suicidal and self harm thoughts and behaviours, They also provide longer term counselling to people bereaved by suicide. I'm not saying Pieta is a perfect organisation, but I do believe in the work I do there, as best as I can. My thanks to those of you who support Pieta in their work. To those of you whom tomorrow is a sombre day of rememberance, even sadness, I pray you find comfort in the public support of your grief that Darkness into Light can be. #jamesfoleycounsellor #jamesfoleytherapist #prevailtherapyclondalkin #prevailclondalkin #prevailcounsellingclondalkin #prevailcounsellingtherapy #counsellingclondalkin #therapyclondalkin #Pieta #DarknessIntoLight2024 #corkaghpark

5/10/2024, 9:38:59 AM

Feel good physically, feel good mentally This weekend in The Royal Hospital Kilmainham the festival wellfest occurs. The little I know about it would indicate that it would be a helpfull event for some of you. It's emphasis is on how good physical care has cognitive and emotional benefits. I think we'd all go with that. #jamesfoleycounsellor #prevailtherapyclondalkin #jamesfoleytherapist #prevailclondalkin #therapyclondalkin #prevailcounsellingclondalkin #prevailcounsellingtherapy #counsellingclondalkin #WellFest2024 #wellbeing #healthybodyhappymind

5/9/2024, 8:09:29 AM

So for the day that's in it I thought I'd indulge myself. But how about you, what childhood joys do you alow yourself to have fun with? Have you given into the darkside of adult responsibility? To read the full blog click here, Wouldn't your life just be little better if acted the maggot sometimes? Try it, give in to your inner jedi. #jamesfoleycounsellor #jamesfoleytherapist #prevailcounsellingtherapy #prevailtherapyclondalkin #prevailclondalkin #prevailcounsellingclondalkin #prevail #pct #counsellingclondalkin #therapyclondalkin #maythe4thbewithyou #innerchild #starwars #starwarstherapy

5/4/2024, 11:40:12 AM

Prevail: Renewed mind and Transformed life. When designing the logo for Prevail I wanted to put as much description of how I work into it as I could. A large part of how I work is based on the principle that the content and pattern of how we think affects our mood and behaviour. This is is the core of what CBT means. While we may experience our problems as upesting emotions and behaviours, they stem from the thoughts we have about our situations, not from the situation itself. Through practice of testing different ways of thinking about situations we can see positive change in our emotions and thoughts. Frequently we may need to go to understanding what our core beliefs and attitudes are about a situation and practice changing that before we will begin to see true lasting change. The direct and homework based techniques used in CBT are not for everyone. That is why I often focus the work of CBT in the session, than expect a client to do it at home. If the client can test out what they are learning in the real world of life yes it does make the work quicker and intergrated into the clients life better. #prevailcounsellingtherapy #jamesfoleycounsellor #jamesfoleytherapist #prevailtherapyclondalkin #prevailclondalkin #prevailcounsellingclondalkin #prevail #renewedmind #TransformedLife #renewedmindtransformedlife

4/6/2024, 9:53:31 AM

A unique, difficult but lovely walk in Corkagh Park today. There is always beauty in the world around us even if we have to work hard to see it. #jamesfoleycounsellor #prevailcounsellingclondalkin #prevailtherapyclondalkin #prevailclondalkin #jamesfoleytherapist #prevailcounsellingtherapy #psychotherapistdublin #counselingdublin #corkaghpark #snowday

3/1/2024, 3:10:41 PM

We all have the desire to love and be loved. Some of us are blessed to be in loving romantic relationships, some of us are not. Whatever your circumstances in life may you know love this St. Valentines Day. May it be a day of joy and happiness as you show your love to those close to you and receive their love in return. If today is a day of quietness and being alone may you know the love of life. Happy St. Valentines's Day #prevailtherapyclondalkin #prevailcounsellingclondalkin #counselingdublin #psychotherapistdublin #jamesfoleycounsellor #jamesfoleytherapist #prevailcounsellingtherapy #prevailclondalkin #stvalentinsday #loveis #1stcorinthians13

2/14/2024, 7:00:38 AM

Christmas? For or against, either way it comes and goes. What is the best way for you to have a good Christmas? #prevailtherapyclondalkin #prevailcounsellingclondalkin #prevailcounsellingbray #prevailcounsellingbray #prevailcounsellingtherapy #prevail #Christmas #bahumbug #ChristmasMagic #SurvivingChristmas

12/22/2023, 11:12:42 AM

November is time when we traditionally remember those whom we have lost. While loss can take many forms, mostly we focus on the death of those we loved. The harsh truth that our loved one will not return is devastating and we struggle to overcome the initial shock, pain and emptiness. It is by embracing this pain, that we so badly want to avoid, that we grow in our resilience to cope with this. This learned resilience can then enhance our overall ability to cope with acute stress and trauma. #prevailcounsellingclondalkin #prevailtherapyclondalkin #prevailcounsellingbray #prevailtherapybray #prevailcounsellingtherapy #prevail #grief #loss #bereavement #death Read the blog Loss and Remembrance at

11/10/2023, 5:01:05 PM

Counselling is not just for the talkative and the confident. Counselling works for those who struggle with knowing what to say. Counselling Therapy will help you find your words. #counsellingclondalkin #counsellingbray #therapyclondalkin #therapybray #prevailcounsellingtherapy #prevailtherapyclondalkin #prevailcounsellingbray #prevailcounsellingclondalkin #prevailtherapybray #counsellingthequietperson #idonthavemuchtosay

9/16/2023, 10:01:34 AM

A lot of work has been done to make the Prevail premises as comfortable as possible while being suitable for counselling work. I think you will find it is a place that would help you relax as you engage with confidential counselling work. Yes over time there will be more work done, and I look forward to sharing that with you too. #prevailtherapyclondalkin #prevailcounsellingclondalkin #counsellingassessment #affordablecounsellingdublin #recharge #youcanchange #besuprised #youarenotwhatyouthink #therapydublin #prevailcounsellingtherapy #counselingdublin #psychotherapistdublin #positivechoices #positivechange #dublintherapy #dublincounselling #mindfulness #support #counsellingindublin #prevail #counsellingdublin #whatiscounselling

8/11/2023, 7:30:12 PM

The first session with Prevail Counselling Therapy only costs €35. This covers a full hour of counselling with an assessment. For more info on how to further reduce the cost of therapy, click on this link Contact James at, [email protected], if you are interested in availing of this service. #prevailcounsellingclondalkin #prevailcounsellingbray #affordablecounsellingdublin #counsellingassessment #prevailtherapyclondalkin #prevailtherapybray

7/21/2023, 8:00:09 AM