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#shuchin's photography #backstage #pekingopera #photography #shuchinyang

5/20/2024, 3:23:02 AM

重現臺崑美典:從傳奇到傳情 Recreating the Taikun Jinghua: From Legend to Love 崑劇一貫風格➡️狗血劇情正常發揮😂!決定終生大事比上廁所還簡單🤫(誤) 難得的崑曲表演我怎會錯過!觀賞了不少次京劇,但本場崑曲卻是第二回 「無聲不歌,無動不舞」,比起鑼鼓的鏗鏘,我更喜歡悠揚的梆笛樂聲,依附著輕舞著的水袖,這,正是我鍾愛崑曲的主因 個人覺得本戲演員戲份還蠻平均的,紅娘甚至有些超越正旦。但不得不說,紅娘真的好可愛呀😍!((話說,好像每齣劇的女主角身旁都有位年輕活潑的丫鬟❤️ 幾回觀演,愈來愈能感受崑劇、京劇兩者之間差異:京劇向來較大眾化,情節緊湊,劇情跌宕;反之崑曲,多以口說表情取代武打動作,頻繁地藉著水袖陳述角色內心。其主言情,多唱曲,少了不少尖銳之聲,尤當女角表演時分,更突顯青衣的優柔華美,但套用於男角身上,總覺得少了些衝擊🫥 噢,對了!藉由臺灣崑劇團團長介紹,今日才知崑曲也有分南北呢(⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠)~長知識了~~~ #崑劇 #崑曲 #臺灣崑劇團 #范蠡與西施#西廂記 #中國傳統戲曲 #中國戲曲 #東方戲劇 #溫宇航 #陳長燕 #范蠡#西施#京劇#表演#台灣戲曲中心 #KunquOpera #Kunqu #TaiwanKunquOperaTheatre #FanLi #XiShi #TheWestChamber #ChineseTraditionalOpera #ChineseOpera #EasternTheatre #PekingOpera #Performance

5/19/2024, 12:21:42 PM

"Life is not a rehearsal. Each day is a new show. No repeat, no rewind, no retake." 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰? 你準備好了嗎? #京劇 #pekingopera

5/18/2024, 5:25:02 PM

#shuchin's photography #backstage #pekingopera #photography #shuchinyang

5/18/2024, 2:54:20 AM

✨公演倒數1天✨ 明天我們就要正式上場啦! 今日來為大家介紹我們的大軸南派《甘露寺》🌟 今年社內的行當居然一反常態地陽盛陰衰(⁠´⁠⊙⁠ω⁠⊙⁠`⁠)⁠!於是我們決定來點不一樣的,為大家帶來精彩的大嗓二黃五音連彈!本次由我們優秀的社長大大承穎飾演喬玄,大學姐乃瑄飾演國太,以及小小隻的名芳飾演劉備><。再加上充滿活力的新生組振傑、哲榮和耘心,分別飾演趙雲、孫權和呂範。還有來自政大歌仔戲社,嗓子一級棒的芳妤為我們帶來充滿喜感的喬福與賈化! 新舊生的組合會帶來什麼樣熱烈的火花呢💥?敬請期待啦🥺✨ 演員表 南派《甘露寺》 郭芳妤 飾 喬福、賈化 李承穎 飾 喬玄 徐振傑 飾 趙雲 歐名芳 飾 劉備 王乃瑄 飾 吳國太 張哲榮 飾 孫權 龍耘心 飾 呂範 姚中華 飾 大太監 張巧如 飾 宮女 班源茹 飾 宮女 鄭雯月 飾 宮女 徐若綺 飾 宮女 ——————(⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)我是分隔線(⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)—————— 🔹公演資訊: 臺大京劇社第67屆公演「心有妻戚」 時間:2024.05.18 星期六 18:00 索票入場 18:30 正式開演 地點:臺灣戲曲中心三樓小舞臺    臺北市士林區文林路751號3樓 指導老師:李光玉 師/王鶯華 師/王興中 師/蔡振家 師 主辦單位:國立臺灣大學京劇研究社 指導單位:國立臺灣大學課外活動組 🌟感謝國立傳統藝術中心協辦🌟 🌟感謝復興京劇團、台北新劇團支援演出🌟 🌟感謝LiFund、一沐日、臺大合作社贊助🌟 🌟感謝台大古琴社、師大崑曲社、北醫崑曲社、政大歌仔戲社支援🌟 - 傳統戲曲社團營運不易🥲若有意向我們表達支持,歡迎將您的心意匯入本社郵局帳戶❤️ 🔹匯款帳戶:(700)0001236-0534883 🔹戶名:國立臺灣大學京劇研究社李承穎 您為我們揚起的帆,足以讓臺大京劇一路遠航;我們將竭力呈現越來越精彩的演出,回饋給所有觀眾!

5/17/2024, 8:55:36 AM

Our students had a wonderful experience meeting and interacting with talented #PekingOpera actors at the historic Tianle Grand Opera Theater!🤩 They immersed themselves in the grand performance, witnessed the intricate dressing process, learned about the rich history of Peking Opera, and even donned the stunning costumes💃!

5/17/2024, 8:09:44 AM

#shuchin's photography #backstage #pekingopera #photography #shuchinyang

5/17/2024, 3:12:28 AM

Farewell My Concubine 霸王別姬 [1993] dir. Chen Kaige #onlycinemaloversleftalive #day137 #chenkaige #farewellmyconcubine #pekingopera

5/16/2024, 6:44:56 PM

Peking Opera Blues (1986) When Women perform…. #reviewwithandy #pekingopera #pekingoperablues #women #feminism

5/16/2024, 5:53:49 PM

The wudan (martial maiden) and dao ma dan (sword horse maiden) of Peking Opera were spear-kicking, double-sword slashing, horse-riding (but how to ride a horse without a horse? Easily, at least by evocation, with a horsewhip) warriors. An elaborate toukui or opera headdress, crafted using such techniques as raised embroidery, reposse (metalwork by hammering from the reverse), filigree (lace-like metalwork), gilded, carved as well as inlaid lacquerwork, and adorned with ribbons, feathers, precious and semi-precious stones, was required attired - though more for dramatic and symbolic brio than to deflect a blow from the Khitans. #aiart #aiartcommunity #fantasyart #fairytale #gaming #fantasy #midjourney #design #style #pekingopera #china #hk #costume #costumedesign #anime #midjourneyart #digitalart #fashion #couture #jewelry #wudan #martialarts

5/16/2024, 8:59:33 AM

✨公演倒數2天✨ 兩次響排都結束了><,距離咱們的登臺又更進一步啦! 今天為各位介紹的是咱們的《白蛇傳 · 斷橋》組! 今年的白蛇與青蛇仍舊是我們班班與雯月💗✨,兩位還真是鐵打的組合哇><,我們會不會就這樣把白蛇傳全本都演過一遍呢w。還有婷妤超卡哇的許仙!好不容易逃出金山寺,還要躲避小青的追殺(⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)。過程中摔了又摔,咱們都為許仙捏了一把冷汗💦 讓我們一起期待他們三人的大亂鬥😆 演員表 《白蛇傳 · 斷橋》 班源茹 飾 白蛇 鄭雯月 飾 青蛇 陳婷妤 飾 許仙 ——————(⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)我是分隔線(⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)—————— 🔹公演資訊: 臺大京劇社第67屆公演「心有妻戚」 時間:2024.05.18 星期六 18:00 索票入場 18:30 正式開演 地點:臺灣戲曲中心三樓小舞臺    臺北市士林區文林路751號3樓 指導老師:李光玉 師/王鶯華 師/王興中 師/蔡振家 師 主辦單位:國立臺灣大學京劇研究社 指導單位:國立臺灣大學課外活動組 🌟感謝國立傳統藝術中心協辦🌟 🌟感謝復興京劇團、台北新劇團支援演出🌟 🌟感謝LiFund、一沐日、臺大合作社贊助🌟 🌟感謝台大古琴社、師大崑曲社、北醫崑曲社、政大歌仔戲社支援🌟 - 傳統戲曲社團營運不易🥲若有意向我們表達支持,歡迎將您的心意匯入本社郵局帳戶❤️ 🔹匯款帳戶:(700)0001236-0534883 🔹戶名:國立臺灣大學京劇研究社李承穎 您為我們揚起的帆,足以讓臺大京劇一路遠航;我們將竭力呈現越來越精彩的演出,回饋給所有觀眾!

5/16/2024, 6:52:12 AM

【戲曲節與您一同開展 #北方崑曲 的美妙旅程 #2】🌺🌺 只需一個週末,安排自己置身於靜謐而優雅嘅古蹟建築,參與認識中華文化精粹嘅藝術聚會,一手掌握珍貴北方崑曲藝術特色,躍身成為崑曲鑑賞內行人! 🌟參加北方崑曲講座及大師班,您能: 1. 深入了解清代傳奇愛情悲劇,感受崑曲經典《長生殿》的浪漫與哀愁。 2. 與梅花獎得主面對面交流:王振義親臨分享,與邵天帥解碼《長生殿》舞台魅力。 3. 認識崑曲歌唱技巧:顧衛英與楊帆兩位資深藝術家親授,透過《玉簪記》與《單刀會》講解閨門旦與淨角的唱腔技巧,啟發對崑曲曲唱藝術的理解與感悟。 4. 全程免費參與各項精彩活動,零門檻深度認識中華文化精華! 🔥打破崑曲「曲高和寡」觀念,立即鎖定剩餘旁聽名額,讓您了解和喜歡上崑曲! 北崑講座及大師班內容: 作為清代傳奇「雙璧」之一,《長生殿》講述唐玄宗與貴妃楊玉環之間的愛情悲劇💔,由古至今受到廣大觀眾的愛戴,是集文學📖、音樂🪕及表演藝術🎭的崑曲經典。🌟5月24及25日🌟,梅花獎得主、《長生殿》主演王振義及北方崑曲劇院副院長邵天帥會率先來港與觀眾探討《長生殿》的浪漫與哀愁🎭,更安排🎭「崑劇表演傳承大師班」🎭,向參加旁聽生講演經典《長生殿‧驚變》的表演技巧,觀眾可多角度了解北崑的發展與傳承。 緊接🌟5月26日早上🌟,梅花獎得主顧衛英帶領「崑曲清唱大師班(一)」🎤,以老師的首本之一《玉簪記‧琴挑》展示閨門旦👱‍♀️的演唱特色;🌟下午時份🌟則有國家一級演員、《單刀會‧刀會》主演楊帆主講🎤「崑曲清唱大師班(二)」🎤,以《單刀會‧刀會》為例,向旁聽者呈現淨角👹的演唱特色,此劇包含元代關漢卿的詞,配合北方崑曲的特色,盡顯北崑陽剛豪邁之氣質。 快啲登記啦: #tab_13_0❣️❣️ 🌟 24/5(五 Fri)7pm 🌟 🎭《長生殿》的浪漫與哀愁 The Tragic Romance of ‘The Palace of Eternal Life’ 講者Speakers︰王振義、邵天帥Wang Zhenyi, Shao Tianshuai 主持Moderator:陳亮亮(戲曲研究者)Chen Liangliang (Chinese opera researcher) 🌟 25/5(六 Sat)2:30pm 🌟 🎭崑劇表演傳承大師班 經典傳承《長生殿‧驚變》 Masterclass on Kunqu Opera, with ‘Disaster Strikes’ from ‘The Palace of Eternal Life’ as a Classic Example 導師Masters:王振義、邵天帥Wang Zhenyi, Shao Tianshuai 主持Moderator:崔文東(戲曲研究者)Dr Cui Wendong (Chinese opera researcher) 地點:饒宗頤文化館I座演藝廳Venue: Theatre, Jao Tsung-I Academy Block I 🌟 26/5(日 Sun) 10am 🌟 🎤崑曲清唱大師班(一)’Kunqu’ Vocal Masterclass (1) 閨門旦演唱特色:以《玉簪記‧琴挑》為例Vocal Features of the ‘Guimendan’ Role in ‘Kunqu’ as exemplified by an extract from ‘The Story of the Jade Hairpin’ 導師Master:顧衛英Gu Weiying 主持Moderator:張麗真(資深崑曲藝術研究者)Cheung Lai-chun (Seasoned ‘Kunqu’ researcher) 2:30pm 🌟 🎤崑曲清唱大師班(二)’Kunqu’ Vocal Masterclass (2) 淨角演唱特色:以《單刀會‧刀會》為例Vocal Features of the ‘Jing’ Role in ‘Kunqu’ as Exemplified by an Extract from ‘To the Banquet Armed’ 導師Master:楊帆Yang Fan 主持Moderator:陳春苗Chan Chun-miu 地點:饒宗頤文化館G座博雅堂 Venue: Resources Centre, Jao Tsung-I Academy Block G #中國戲曲節 #ChineseOperaFestival #ChineseOperaFestival2024 #康文署 #康樂及文化事務署 #弘揚中華文化 #粤劇 #北路梆子 #潮劇 #柳子戲 #越劇 #崑劇 #婺劇 #京劇 #CantoneseOpera #NorthRoadBangziOpera #ChiuchowOpera #LiuziOpera #YueOpera #KunquOpera #WuOpera #PekingOpera

5/16/2024, 4:49:44 AM

If you know the history of the piece in the back, then you will understand how destiny can manifest and what natural math exists. Can you tell me where I can pick up another one. I been searching and are quite rare #chinesehistory #rare #historicalsignificance #pekingopera #TheFacialMakeUpOfPEKINGOPERA

5/15/2024, 3:08:44 PM

#pekingopera Bilatnipuday Hindi ko po alam your honor

5/15/2024, 7:30:06 AM

✨公演倒數3天✨ 經過了幾個月的努力,我們也終於來到演出前的響排啦! 今天帶大家看看我們《拾玉鐲》的陣容👀 咱們巧如這次特地練習踩軟蹺登臺!中華的小生依舊帥氣無比哇><!還有其勳飾演的劉媒婆逗趣又可愛😆 讓我們一起期待他們的閃亮登臺⭐✨ 演員表 《拾玉鐲》 張巧如 飾 孫玉姣 姚中華 飾 傅朋 謝其勳 飾 劉媒婆 ——————(⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)我是分隔線(⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)—————— 🔹公演資訊: 臺大京劇社第67屆公演「心有妻戚」 時間:2024.05.18 星期六 18:00 索票入場 18:30 正式開演 地點:臺灣戲曲中心三樓小舞臺    臺北市士林區文林路751號3樓 指導老師:李光玉 師/王鶯華 師/王興中 師/蔡振家 師 主辦單位:國立臺灣大學京劇研究社 指導單位:國立臺灣大學課外活動組 🌟感謝國立傳統藝術中心協辦🌟 🌟感謝復興京劇團、台北新劇團支援演出🌟 🌟感謝LiFund、一沐日、臺大合作社贊助🌟 🌟感謝台大古琴社、師大崑曲社、北醫崑曲社、政大歌仔戲社支援🌟 - 傳統戲曲社團營運不易🥲若有意向我們表達支持,歡迎將您的心意匯入本社郵局帳戶❤️ 🔹匯款帳戶:(700)0001236-0534883 🔹戶名:國立臺灣大學京劇研究社李承穎 您為我們揚起的帆,足以讓臺大京劇一路遠航;我們將竭力呈現越來越精彩的演出,回饋給所有觀眾!

5/15/2024, 5:47:03 AM

#shuchin's photography #backstage #pekingopera #photography #shuchinyang

5/15/2024, 3:04:23 AM

[清大x展覽x百造] -設計思路分享 ▶︎ 京聲京事|京劇舞臺上的人生百味🎭 100 Flavors Peking Opera - 在人生中,我們不斷地扮演不同角色, 京劇,是我們很難得會碰到的文化, 但卻是用最強烈的表達人生就是一場戲, - 整體視覺企劃,以簡約與傳統京劇設計美學, 透過四種核心圖樣—花旦頭飾、囍球、舞台與布幕, 運用圖地反轉,來呈現戲劇舞台的反轉人生, 並結合宋體「京」字與臉譜,為觀眾呈現一場感動的視覺盛宴。 - 展場實驗與場景轉換, 我們以「透」為整體呈現語意, 並在影像呈現穿透性投射效果, 沈浸式再囍球中享受每一道故事環節, 色彩搭配上,強烈的紅黑搭配, 在空間與簡約上呈現微舞台劇院氛圍, - 在周邊文宣, 設計1+2款特別設計, 京聲小人物人形立牌、限量京聲京事悠遊卡貼、限量京聲貼圖(贈送), 每一個細節都滿滿的不放過, 是不是爆~炸性的用心💓💓💓 - 後記| 此次很興奮有機會設計執行到 / 清華大學-京聲京事 特展 /, 曾經只在書本上、影片中讀過的京劇, 來到手上,變成我們想像的那個故事, 從空間、道具、組裝、設計、製作、網頁, 在每道工都醞釀著團隊每一個人的能量產生💦 是最棒的、最有趣的合作, 希望未來能實驗更多好玩的玩意,努力創造一百分的十一百造! ------- Design Planning | 十一百造 Illustration Design | 十一百造 Photography team | 林居設計 @adalingphoto Exhibition Setup | 京湛設計 Web Design | 密思 ------- 展覽資訊| 京聲京事——京劇舞臺上的人生百味 100 Flavors Peking Opera 總圖書館1F知識集 2024.3.7——6.30 ------- #清華大學 #十一百造 #展覽 #設計 #京劇 #PekingOpera #design #exhibition #GraphicDesign #design #111plusdesign #illustration #art #webdesign

5/14/2024, 1:05:28 PM

#shuchin's photography #backstage #pekingopera #shuchinyang

5/14/2024, 3:00:42 AM

Right on time for the Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month! I love love love this shirt which showcases the intricate and distinctive mug of @66wind99 A beautiful nod to Peking Opera and East Asian culture. Congrats on winning @rupaulsdragrace 🍌👑 I also am a @the_planejane stan, but your win is so well deserved. Another absolute remarkable achievement and marvelous representation for us Asian Americans 💛 #drag #rupauldragrace #aapiheritagemonth #asian #taiwan #pekingopera

5/14/2024, 2:34:02 AM

A relatively finished version .. .. .. #art #artist #youngartist #youngpainter #painter #painting #pekingopera #beijingopera

5/14/2024, 2:23:09 AM

#shuchin's photography #backstage #pekingopera #shuchinyang

5/13/2024, 3:38:18 AM

Happy Mother's Day! ❤️ How are you planning to celebrate this special day? Why not treat your beloved parents to a memorable experience with our Jingju Opera: Love and Bewilderment Parent's Day Bundle? This special package includes 2 Category 2 tickets for the show on 12th July 2024 at 8pm, along with a photo-opportunity with the GuoGuang Opera Company. Take advantage of our Super Early Bird promotion and secure this bundle for just RM 216! Hurry, as the Super Early Bird promotion ends on 31st May 2024. Don't miss out on this fantastic offer!❤️ ------ 📅 Date & Time 12 & 13 July @ 8pm (Programme A: Zhuangzi Tests His Wife & Lu Wenlong) 14 July @ 3pm (Programme B: The Death of Zhou Yu & Guiying’s Accusation of Wang Kuei at the Temple) 🏤 Venue: Pentas 1, klpac 🕊️ Super Early Bird - save up to 20% (ends 31 May) RM188 POTA* / RM108 / RM68 / RM48 concession 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻 Parents’ Day Bundle @ RM216 (2 x Category 2 tickets + photo-op: 12 July show) Buy Tix: (link in bio) Enquiry: WhatsApp +6018 227 7212 *POTA: Monetary gift on top of the ticket value. Will be acknowledged on klpac’s website & receive GuoGuang gift. #klpac #GuoGuangOperaCompany #TECO #pekingopera

5/12/2024, 6:00:31 AM

#shuchin's photography #backstage #pekingopera #photography #shuchinyang

5/12/2024, 3:59:21 AM

Inspired by this amazing @66wind99 look💜 so proud of how this one turned out! #clayart #handmade #greekartist #drag #dragqueen #makeup #pekingopera #clay #handmadegifts

5/11/2024, 6:54:55 PM

#shuchin's photography #backstage #pekingopera #photography #shuchinyang

5/11/2024, 2:32:44 AM

”爱好?当然是戏了。我是打定主意要唱一辈子的。” -云菫 【原神】 This headpiece makes my head hurt after wearing for just 15 minutes 🫨 📸: @smith_loong Costume: Handmade by us . . . 【Tags】 #genshinimpact #genshin #genshinimpactedit #genshinimpactcosplay #genshincosplay #yunjin #yunjincosplay #yunjingenshinimpact #pekingopera #chineseopera #genshinimpactmihoyo #hoyoverse #fyp #fypシ #原神

5/10/2024, 11:48:19 AM

On April 21, 2024, the Guizhou Peking Opera Theater presented Golden Winged Garuda, at the Jingyun Opera Stage in Wuhan. The story follows Tang Seng and his disciples on their journey to the West, encountering obstacles like the green lion, white elephant, and obviously the golden winged garuda. Sun Wukong or Monkey King's clever tactics prevail, ensuring their safe passage. #PekingOpera

5/10/2024, 7:47:04 AM

😍😍 On April 21, in Wuhan, Hubei, the Guizhou Peking Opera Theater presented a captivating performance of To Kill the Son at the Camp Gate, at the Jingyun Opera Stage. The performance showcased traditional Peking Opera artistry with exquisite costumes, melodious music, and powerful acting, captivating the audience with its dramatic storytelling. #PekingOpera

5/10/2024, 7:43:38 AM

#shuchin's photography #backstage #pekingopera #photography #shuchinyang

5/10/2024, 3:19:28 AM

𝘽𝙧𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙕𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜 𝙁𝙚𝙞 (𝙖𝙫𝙖𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚) ➜ Zhang Fei (張飛) dons a long swirling serpent spear (丈八蛇矛), with the black-cross butterfly on his mask representing fierceness and bravery ⚔️🐍 Part of my Chinese Opera flash series! 🎭 DM to claim~ More details can be added ☺️ ⟡ ⋆. ⟡ ⋆. ⟡ #zhangfei #張飛 #变脸 #flashtattoo #tattooflash #orientaltattoos #chineseopera #pekingopera #chineseoperatattoo #chinese #chinesemythology #threekingdoms #mask #masktattoo #culturaltattoos #culture #blackandgreytattoo #tattoodesign #tattooapprentice #tattooart #tattoos #tattoosingapore #tattoosg #sgtattoos #customtattoo #tattoooftheday

5/9/2024, 1:18:06 PM

March 30th, Peking Opera "sun wu" in binzhou theatre successful premiere. use DLW lighting equipment DREAM L1600HP FLAG, DREAM 1400 WASH-P DREAM 1400 PROFILE DREAM 6012C7 WASH, #liightingequipment #lightingsetting #DLW #lightingdesigh #pekingopera #theatre

5/9/2024, 1:05:35 PM

How many years of training does a Jingju(Peking opera) artist need? Last week, GuoGuang Opera Company graced us with their presence at klpac. CEO Chang Yu-hua shared insights on how they infuse contemporary perspectives into classical works. Li Jia-de (Wusheng - male martial artists) and Lin Ting-yu (Dan - female role) demonstrated their skills and shared that training may start as early as ten years old, spanning about eight years. This journey begins with rigorous physical conditioning, followed by character study, and ultimately mastering the use of props and performing in full costumes. Couldn’t get enough from the demonstrations? GuoGuang Opera Company will be back on 12-14th July with the premiere of Jingju Magic - Love & Bewilderment in Malaysia. Super Early Bird tickets are now on sale! Parents Day Bundle with a pair of Cat 2 tickets and a photo-opportunity are in limited release. Grab your tickets now! Photo credits to Chan Kien Ming. -——— 📅 Date & Time 12 & 13 July @ 8pm (Programme A: Zhuangzi Tests His Wife & Lu Wenlong) 14 July @ 3pm (Programme B: The Death of Zhou Yu & Guiying’s Accusation of Wang Kuei at the Temple) 🏤 Venue: Pentas 1, klpac 🕊️ Super Early Bird - save up to 20% (ends 31 May) RM188 POTA* / RM108 / RM68 / RM48 concession 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻 Parents’ Day Bundle RM216 (2 x Category 2 tickets + photo-op: 12 July show) Buy Tix: (link in bio) Enquiry: WhatsApp +6018 227 7212 *POTA: Monetary gift on top of the ticket value. Will be acknowledged on klpac’s website & receive GuoGuang gift. ——— #klpac #GuoGuangOperaCompany #TECO #pekingopera

5/8/2024, 9:38:58 AM

京剧往右滑,我秒变京剧演员(简陋版哟...🙈 那时候我只是戴着京剧帽子就开始跳了呢,这是上学期遗留的啦😁。以前很多人都不看好它,但我却觉得它超有趣,舞台上塑造的人物形象太具象化啦。真的好喜欢呀😍! #pekingopera #beijingopera #chineseopera #operaart #pekingoperaexperience #pekingoperaappreciation #京剧 #中国京剧 #中国文化 #art #opera #artgallery #vlog #我的生活 #newexperience #newexperiences #operaexperience #funnyclips #hilarious #funny #hilariousmoment

5/8/2024, 1:14:05 AM

Our handpicked selection from the Met Gallery's Peking Opera Characters during Qing dynasty. #framedartprint #framedart #fineartprint #bespokeframing #interiordesign #homedecor #posterart #wallart #vintageart #northofchelsea #pekingopera #chineseart

5/7/2024, 11:43:33 AM

#shuchin's photography #backstage #pekingopera #photography #shuchinyang

5/7/2024, 3:26:52 AM

On the evening of May 2, the Peking Opera River and Sea Heroics, created and performed by the Fujian Peking Opera Company, dazzled viewers at the Phoenix Theater in Fuzhou, Fujian province. The play depicts the story of Fujian's Zheng Chenggong (1624-62) and Zhejiang's Zhang Huangyan (1620-64) who joined forces during the Southern Ming (1644-1662) period. #PekingOpera

5/6/2024, 8:14:20 AM

#Book #Playwright [Theater in China] Read in 2018, #중국공연예술 #동아시아의공연예술 The high value of Chinese drama, one of the three major streams that laid the foundation for the formation of theatrical art, encompasses numerous regional theatrical forms, synthesizing them into peking opera, emphasizing the symbolic fiction over plot, focusing on the drama itself, and expressing the diverse greatness of Chinese theater as a comprehensive art form, I deeply feel the need to appreciate it. 극예술양식 형성에 근간이 된 3대 주류인 중국 희곡의 높은 가치와 각지의 수많은 연극 양식을 경극으로 종합하였으며 플롯보다는 극 자체에 관심을 두고 허구적 상징성을 중시하며 종합예술로 표현하는 중국 연극의 그 다채로운 위대함을 느껴볼 필요를 크게 느끼게 된다. #bookcritic #thaterinchina #pekingopera ##경극

5/6/2024, 7:43:26 AM

#shuchin's photography #backstage #pekingopera #photography #shuchinyang

5/6/2024, 2:31:27 AM

超喜歡這系列,確實不是容易拍攝的主題 梅派京劇-楊貴妃扮相 #pekingopera #beijingopera #sonytaiwan #sonytaiwan相機同好會

5/5/2024, 5:15:31 PM

#shuchin's photography #backstage #pekingopera #photography #shuchinyang

5/5/2024, 2:57:47 AM

Salah satu kesenian yang terkenal dari China adalah Opera Beijing. . Yuk, cari tau selengkapnya pada postingan berikut ini! Kamu juga bisa banget sewa mobil dari Lost Paradise Indonesia buat diantar ke tempat pertunjukannya! . Buat informasi pemesanan, kamu bisa kirimkan pertanyaan di DM, kolom komen, atau WhatsApp di nomor +6282339646093 . . . #chinatravel #carrentalchina #hongkongtravel #macautravel #sewamobilchina #pekingopera #operabeijing

5/4/2024, 4:08:46 PM

#shuchin's photography #backstage #pekingopera #photography #shuchinyang

5/4/2024, 3:05:05 AM

Female prisoner SuSan(蘇三) makeup of Peking opera performance . Model @a411._.508 Makeup/ Dressing/ Photographer @fukk60y #pekingopera #beijingopera #苏三起解 #performingarts #chineseopera #京劇 #京剧 #戲曲 #戏曲 #中国戏曲

5/4/2024, 1:20:49 AM

大戲迷有福氣啦!暌違9年台灣國光劇團再度造訪吉隆坡呈獻三場經典京劇折子戲《魔幻京劇 - 情的困惑》!到時29位演員和樂師將透過魔幻劇情和現場音樂的加持,再加上高難度的劇碼,無論你是京劇初體驗還是專業老戲迷,文武兼呈的《魔幻京劇》,值得您細細品味。附中英字幕哦! Trust me when I say this is not your grandma's opera! After a 9-year hiatus, the world-renowned #guoguangoperacompany is returning to KL for 3 shows only of the classic Peking opera excerpts, "Jingju Magic: Love & Bewilderment," with 29 actors and musicians performing two double bills featuring “Zhuangzi Tests His Wife”, “Lu Wenlong”, “The Death of Zhou Yu” and “Guiying’s Accusation of Wang Kuei at the Temple”! We're talking: 👀 * Insane Vocals:* (high notes that'll make your jaw drop) 👀 Dramatic Love Story (with plot twists, obvi) 👀 Martial arts combat scenes such as water sleeves and ghostly movements! 👀 Age-old culture and traditions English and Chinese subtitles will be available. Not many people can say they've seen Peking opera live! Be part of something special! Event Info 📆 12–14 July (8:00PM, 3:00PM) 📍Pentas 1, @theklpac 🎟️ RM68.00, RM78.00, RM88.00, RM108.00, RM118.00, RM128.00, RM188.00, RM216.00 🔗 Visit the linktree in our bio @cloudjoi_ or go to for more info! #CloudJoi #nationaltaiwanopera #pekingopera #klpac #GuoGuangOperaCompany #TECO #pekingopera #byartsforarts

5/3/2024, 3:39:47 PM

准军公所 #中国#京劇#京剧#河北省#保定#准军公所 #baoding #pekingopera

5/3/2024, 6:09:03 AM

#shuchin's photography #backstage #pekingopera #photography #shuchinyang

5/3/2024, 3:10:58 AM

青春岂永久, 韶华也白头。 Good morning Friday!

5/3/2024, 1:18:30 AM

Underprivileged female character(E.g. Wang Baochuan) makeup of Peking opera performance . Model @a411._.508 Makeup/ Dressing/ Photographer @fukk60y #traditional #pekingopera #beijingopera #makeup #performingarts #chineseopera #京劇 #京剧 #戲曲 #戏曲 #中国戏曲

5/2/2024, 4:43:45 PM