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𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝒎𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓’𝒔 𝒅𝒂𝒚 ♥️ - - #hkdisneyland #disneyland #disney #disneycharacters #meetandgreet#香港迪士尼#ディズニーランド #disneyhalloween #halloween #tremainefamily #ladytremaine #disneyaccount #disneyphotography #hk#香港 #ꜱᴏᴀʀɪɴɢᴅʀᴇᴀᴍᴇʀ🪁💖

5/12/2024, 6:30:00 AM

Evil Step Mother's are Mother's! Celebrate them for taking care of those ungrateful princesses! Happy Mother's Day to all those unappreciated Mom's who are always upstaged by those do-gooders! @disneyparks @disneyliveentertainment #disneymom #disneymothersday #disneystepmother #stepmom #mothersday2024 #celabratemom #mom #mothersday #evilstepmother #snowwhite #ladytremaine #cinderella #disneyworld

5/11/2024, 6:09:49 PM

Parallelismi Disney ~ Evil Queen Edition 👑 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), directed by David Hand, Perce Pearce, William Cottrell, Larry Morey, Wilfred Jackson, Ben Sharpsteen, produced by Walt Disney Productions. - Sleeping Beauty (1959), directed by Clyde Geronimi, Eric Larson, Wolfgang Reitherman, Les Clark, produced by Walt Disney Productions. - Cinderella (1950), directed by Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske, Clyde Geronimi, produced by Walt Disney Productions. - Tangled (2010), directed by Nathan Greno, Byron Howard, produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. _______________________________________________ #disney #waltdisney #snowwhite #snowwhiteandthesevendwarfs #biancaneve #biancaneveeisettenani #evilqueen #reginacattiva #grimilde #sleepingbeauty #labellaaddormentatanelbosco #auroradisney #maleficent #malefica #cinderella #cenerentola #ladytremaine #tangled #rapunzel #gothel #mothergothel #madregothel #disneyvilain #disneyprincess #waltbisby #disneylife #disneyscene #disneyclassic #classicidisney #witch

5/10/2024, 9:05:56 PM

【DisneyVillains乙女向】 ~🆆🅴🅻🅲🅾🅼🅴 🆃🅾 🆃🅷🅴 🅳🅰🆁🅺🅽🅴🆂🆂~ (PART4) *沒啥邏輯,撞梗,超短致歉~ *如有OOC警告,請大家當是私設~ *幼稚園文筆望見諒orz *已設“你”是呆萌系的~ *OO可自行代入 *Only GIRLS!! GL warning⚠️⚠️ *內含:Lady Tremaine(灰姑娘) 【Lady Tremaine】 •••𝐒𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐈𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞♡•••   *私設你是Cinderella喔ヾ(*´∀`)ノ (書接上回) 貴婦一回神,就不厭其煩地擺出厭棄的臉容,往你遞出手來,順道沖那灰貓一瞪。你不解其意,反而可愛的以嫩白臉頰蹭著她掌心。掌心頓時傳來陣陣暖意,彷佛也往她心窩襲來。   “I'll be careful next time!!..And thank you for caring about me...if only a little...madame.” 你抬眼,與她目光相會。湛藍眸間如那海浪翻滾,桃唇半抿而笑似那桃花輕墜,一切的一切都令她看得入神發怔。 不知從何而來的情愫,如此禁忌的情愫,狠狠的敲着她心房,敲着名為理智的心弦。正正就在你印在她手心的輕吻的瞬間,宛化作蝴蝶在花瓣上憩息的輕吻,心弦咔嚓的,徹底斷掉。 再無理智,再無束縛,再無責任,貴婦毅然傾身而吻。吻意漸濃漸烈,她的手穿過你那金絲,她順勢將你圈進懷裡,牢牢的緊緊的,怕你下一刻便會消失似的。 “Madame...” 貴婦如是舉動教你錯愕十分,也教你心動非常。你循着本能而吻,吻是青澀得毫無技巧的,但亦真徹得毫無保留的回應着她的愛。 “Do not mistake this for weakness, child. I am still your step-mother...” 喘息之際,她指腹細細摩挲你吻得微紅的唇,不期然掛起往日那漠然面具。然而此番言論,卻連她自己亦覺荒謬至極,可笑尤其... "Then can I understand as.. love?..madame..." "Love is a treacherous stranger I thought I'd never meet...but probably...yes, my little cinder mouse...this shall be love.." 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝. #disney #dianeyvillains #ladytremaine #cinderella #disneyprincess #shortstory #les #milflovers #yuri #yurilove #uke #乙女文 #短文 #甜文 #乙女向 #童年 #童年 #milf

5/10/2024, 7:21:48 PM

【DisneyVillains乙女向】 ~🆆🅴🅻🅲🅾🅼🅴 🆃🅾 🆃🅷🅴 🅳🅰🆁🅺🅽🅴🆂🆂~ (PART4) *沒啥邏輯,撞梗,超短致歉~ *如有OOC警告,請大家當是私設~ *幼稚園文筆望見諒orz *已設“你”是呆萌系的~ *OO可自行代入 *Only GIRLS!! GL warning⚠️⚠️ *內含:Lady Tremaine(灰姑娘) 【Lady Tremaine】 •••𝐒𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐈𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞♡•••   *私設你是Cinderella喔ヾ(*´∀`)ノ “Lavenders blue, dilly, dilly...Lavender's green...When I am king, dilly, dilly You shall be queen...” 紅日西斜,斜陽縷縷透過輕簾傾滿屋內。你悠唱兒時的童謠,心緒早早隨回憶飄遠。根本放不了心思在打掃之上。 驀然自樓梯間傳來的腳步聲,打斷了你口中的曲調,亦打斷你“半途而廢”的打掃。你循聲望去,便見灰貓以慵懶擺動的尾巴,掃過那黑金裙擺,趾高氣昂的姿態,確實與其主人有幾分的相似。 “Cinderella, do finish up here won't you, the grand hall simply won't clean itself.” 你陶醉非常的,依着掃把而立,想必又沉醉在什麼甜美的幻想世界,真是有夠孩子氣。貴婦想着,忍不住揚起唇角,嗤笑數聲。 “I.. I'll!! I've just baked some cookies..would you like...” 聽着她那譏諷笑聲,你旋即怔住,只得乖順的執起掃把來,緩緩而掃。可又是憶起方才焗好的曲奇,掃地的動作霎時停下。 “Cookies,how quaint..I'm afraid sugary morsels will do little for my figure. Best save them for the mouse infestation in the stables...” 聽罷,貴婦抬起柳眉一端,語調似有好奇,似有鄙棄。然後漫不經心的一手玩弄紅甲,另隻手則叉着細腰。 “Okie dokie....but you really don't want to have one?” 你歪着小腦袋納悶着,幾綹髮在鎖骨稍稍晃動。難道指的是葛斯跟傑克?可是她有見過嗎,都被魯斯福趕走的話?你也毫不理解當中的暗諷,想讓她一嚐曲奇而已。 “Must you persist with this nonsense, child? Well..I suppose one couldn't hurt.” 望着你懵懵懂懂的,貴婦不由輕捏鼻樑而歎。怕是得知你原來"天真"到這地步了吧?又見你滿眼的渴慕,倒惹得她滿心的無奈,只好徐徐頷首。 “How does that taste? Madame.” 見其頷首,你便速速放下掃把,拿來烤盤,盤盛着一片片焦色曲奇。這孩子,是不是知道這世上的食物除了焦糖之外,也不會焦成這樣子?...她在內心低語着... 可當迎上你的臉,她只覺你像極等待主人讚賞,尾巴正蠢蠢欲動的幼犬...貴婦再度輕嘆,一臉麻煩地執起一小塊曲奇,送到嘴裏去。 “The taste is... not entirely intolerable, I suppose. But don't think it will alter your duties or change my mind about... certain matters” 温温的,脆脆的,微微焦味混着雲呢拿的甜香,似乎更添風味,意外地不差。貴婦垂垂眸子,紅舌輕㖭唇角,得出如此結論。 你輕聲如囈語的“耶”了聲。你未曾知曉這一聲竟也流淌進她耳裡,未曾察覺溫馨笑意於她唇上勾現。 帶着似是而非的讚賞,你欣喜的蹦來蹦去,想要蹦回廚房裡去。沒料想到魯斯福竟在你腳間穿梭,你反應不及,左腳絆起了右腳。往後一仰,盤子一翻,直直倒坐到地上,塊塊曲奇也掉落到你頭頂去了。 你呆呆的眨巴着眼,開始傻呼呼的笑起來。卻是引來貴婦的一怔。你稚嫩側臉被深紅的陽光浸染,純白圍裙和紗裙也比平時更加嫣紅。你無邪的笑靨,是那麼的童真,是那麼的耀眼。她不由思忖,曾幾何時的自己也露出過這樣的笑顏。 “My clumsy dear, do be more are you...Lucifer...”  𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅. #disney #dianeyvillains #ladytremaine #cinderella #disneyprincess #shortstory #les #milflovers #yuri #yurilove #uke #乙女文 #短文 #甜文 #乙女向 #童年 #童年 #milf

5/10/2024, 7:18:16 PM

Lady Tremaine é a principal antagonista do filme Cinderella, na qual morria de inveja dela porque era mais bela do que suas próprias filhas. Tremaine é a única que não possui nenhum tipo de poder mágico ou força física. 🟢 DISPONÍVEL 🟢 . . . . . . . #ladytremaine #cinderela #madrastamá #Disney #Cinderella #funkopop #enviamosparatodobrasil✈️🚚 #peçaasua #funkobrasil

5/10/2024, 6:58:10 PM

Some of my favorite StepMother art by Mones. She is just gorgeous! #LadyTremaine #Cinderella #illustration #Mones #disneyart #disneybook #vintagedisney #90s #goldenbook #disneyvillains #stepsisters

5/10/2024, 1:36:08 PM

"The Golden Girls X Disney Villains" Art by V E R Y T H I N G!!! #thegoldengirls #disneyvillains #dorothyzbornak #rosenylund #blanchedevereaux #sophiapetrillo #ursula #cruelladevil #ladytremaine #evilqueen #thewitch #queengrimhilde

5/8/2024, 10:15:05 AM

Lady Tremaine ~ Cinderella Ancora ambientazioni notturne perciò era mio dovere reinterpretare questa scena iconica della Madame. Rivedere i cartoni di un tempo rendono sempre il bimbo/a interiore very happy.💫 Ps: grazie Disney per essere la mia ispirazione. . . #fantasy #art #artwork #disney #artistsoninstagram #illustration #digitalart #sketch #ink #disneyfanart #instaart #sketchbook #fanart #drawings #cartoon #sketching #love #villain #cateblanchett #wife #nocturne #moonlight #originalcharacter #characterdesign #disneyworld #ladytremaine #cinderella #disneyvillains #stepmom

5/6/2024, 4:58:08 PM

Lady Tremaine plastic figure collection not including the polly pocket sized that I have carded. 🐈‍⬛ #Cinderella #LadyTremaine #WickedStepmother #WaltDisney #Disneyfigures #disneycollection #disneyvillains #eleanoraudley

5/6/2024, 3:16:58 PM

👠✨ Step into the world of wicked elegance with our latest ‘Villainous Vanity’ series addition: Lady Tremaine from Cinderella Art by @diana1992d 🎨 🔮 Witness the cold grace of Cinderella’s stepmother, captured in her stern gaze and austere elegance. This pin perfectly embodies her commanding presence and aristocratic poise. 🏰 Set against the backdrop of the opulent Tremaine household, this piece is a nod to her manipulative control and high-class demeanor. 🌟 Stay tuned for more details on this captivating collectible. 💖 Your support through likes, saves, comments, and shares brings our villainous vision to life! #disneypin #disneypintrading #disneypincollectors #disneypinforsale #fantasypin #fantasypindesigner #fantasypinsale #fantasypin4sale #disneypins4sale #disneypinsforsaleortrade #disneypinstrading #disneypinsaddiction #disneypinscollector #disneypinseller #disneypins #disneyfantasypin #disneyfantasypintrading #disneyfantasypincreator #ladytremainepins #ladytremaine #ladytremainefantasypins #cinderellapins #cinderella #ladytremainefantasypin #ladytremainepin #cinderellafantasypins

5/5/2024, 6:00:08 PM

Portrait de famille numéro 1/??? Je fais une petite série alors n’hésitez pas à me donner vos retour et à me dire si vous l’appréciez, si vous ne l’aimez pas ou que vous ne me le dites pas, je me connais je passerais à autre chose. C’est quoi votre vilain Disney préféré ? Faites le moi savoir en commentaire 🥰 #redraw #hazbinhotel #fanart #disney #alice #aliceinwonderland #illustration #dessinanime #wonderland #evil #demon #helluvaboss #vivziepop #toons #medrano #portrait #redqueer #queenofhearts #villain #villainous #villainslair #kuzco #yzma #cendrillon #maratre #ladytremaine

5/5/2024, 11:40:43 AM

Just pulled this afternoon. Added #LotcanaTCG #riseofthefloodborn #enchanted #ladytremaine

5/3/2024, 10:16:36 PM

Vos secrets ne seront plus jamais a l’abris, voici qu’est arrivée en enfer Lady Tremaine, toujours dans sa soif de pouvoir, dans cette version hazbin hotel, elle est la voisine commère que vous ne voudriez jamais avoir. Rien n’échappe jamais a sa vigilance elle adore trop les potins, si bien que, parfois, oui, il lui est arrivé de causer le malheur autour d’elle pour avoir quelque chose de croustillant a raconter 🤷‍♂️ Comme les connaisseurs de hazbin hotel le verront a son apparence, elle vit le faubourg cannibale et, fait assez etrange, voila longtemps que personne n’a vu ses deux pestes de filles... ou bien n’est-ce qu’une rumeur ? 🤷‍♂️ #challenge #hazbinhotel #fanart #cendrillon #ladytremaine #illustration #illustration #fun #characterdesign #evil #demon #helluvaboss #vivziepop #gossip #villain #character #characterrdesign #cannibaltown #inspiration villainous #villain

5/3/2024, 11:51:24 AM

✨💍💓 ᴅɪᴀᴍᴏɴᴅꜱ ᴏɴ ᴛʀᴇᴇꜱ😂💎💓?? ᴀ ꜰᴇᴡ ꜱᴇᴄᴏɴᴅꜱ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ…🤭🤭🤭 • 📸 Nov 2023 • #disneyaccount #disneyphoto #disneyphotography #disneygram #disneyland #disney #ディズニーランド #ディズニー写真部 #disneyhk #hongkongdisneyland #hkdl #香港迪士尼樂園 #迪士尼 #disneyprincess #disneymeetandgreet #cinderella #ladytremaine #drizella #anastasia #disneyhalloween #シンデレラ #アナステシア #ドリゼラ #香港迪士尼樂園 #迪士尼 • #𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘪𝘵𝘴👠🩵 #𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘮𝘦😈🖤 #✨𝘮𝘺𝘳𝘢𝘺𝘰𝘧𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦💜☀️

5/2/2024, 1:45:14 PM

Here's some Disney history on this lovely Thursday morning here in Brooklyn, NY. Hope you all have a wonderful day! 💙 Eleanor Audley. 1905-1991 American voice actor, most known for "Maleficent" of "Sleeping Beauty", but also of "Lady Tremaine" in "Cinderella" AND "Madame Leota" at all of Disney's "The Haunted Mansion" attractions. Let's hear it for this icon!!! #disney #eleanoraudley #maleficent #ladytremaine #madameleota

5/2/2024, 12:14:49 PM

If you enjoyed following the entire making of this costume, consider following me on my sewing page as well ✨ @the_enchanted_thread ✨ I will post lots of Disney princesses themed dresses! Having said that, here are some quick shots of my model wearing my Cinderella silver ball gown. The next thing to do is find a nice location to shoot with a professional photographer! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #disney #disneyblogger #disneylimitededitiondolls #disneylimitededition #limitededitiondolls #disneylove #collector #disneystore #disneygram #disneygramers #disneyaddict #ladytremaine #adreamisawishyourheartmakes #dollstagram #dollsofinstagram #instagood #instamood #instalike #followme #disneyland #limitededition #disneylove #waltdisney #disneylover #disneyornaments #glassslipper #cinderella70thanniversary #Cinderella #hautecouture #couturedeforce #ultimateprincesscelebration

5/2/2024, 10:22:54 AM

✨Villains Dance Party ✨ During the Halloween season, Disneyland hosts a fun party with a dance instructor and villains. This event takes place every night in Tomorrowland at 7:00 and you can participate or sit at the tables for entertainment. This party is free and not part of the ticketed Oogie Boogie Bash. ✨Which villain would you be most excited to see dance? #disneyland #halloween #villain #evilqueen #ladytremaine #stepsisters #maleficent #captainhook #mrsmee #danceparty #disneyfan #disneyfun #disneyfamily

5/1/2024, 9:29:54 AM

Original hand inked and hand painted production animation cel of Cinderella wearing the ball gown from “Cinderella,” 1950, Walt Disney Studios; Set on a lithographic background containing Prince Charming; With overlay cel hand signed in ink Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston lower center; Size - Cinderella: 5 x 4”, Image 10 3/4 x 12 3/4”; Unframed. Available at: #animationdrawing #animationcel #animationart #animation #productiondrawing #productioncel #cel #cinderella #waltdisney #disney #disneycel #disneydrawing #untitledartgallery #ladytremaine #princecharming #drizella #anastasia #stepsister #stepsisters #wickedstepmother #wickedstepsister #lucifer #suzy #frankthomas #jaq #art #artwork #fairygodmother #mouse #glassslipper

4/30/2024, 2:48:17 PM

Tremaine Manor Ich habe versucht das kleine Schloss aus dem Disney Film Cinderella in Copperdale nachzubauen. Hier ist das Ergebnis :) Sim ID: Ryuichi4 #Sims #Sims4 #TheSims #TheSims4 #Sims4Disney #SimsDisney #Sims4DisneyChallenge #Sims4DisneyVillainChallenge #Disney #Sims4Cinderella #Sims4Aschenputtel #Cinderella #Aschenputtel #LadyTremaine #BöseStiefmutter #ToolMod #simsbuilding #NoCC

4/30/2024, 11:10:11 AM

#disney #disneyfanart #art #design #illustration #cinderella #ladytremaine #disneyvillains#ディズニーイラスト#ディズニーヴィランズ#シンデレラ#トレメイン夫人

4/30/2024, 3:49:14 AM

Heroes and Villains Disney Exhibit • April 12 • Birmingham Museum of Art • It was crazy to think that these outfits right in front of me were worn by celebrities! From Alice in Wonderland to Jack Sparrow I couldn’t believe this amazing collection I got to go see with the ICC art class! • Stay tuned for more photos to come :) #birminghammuseumofart #art #artgallery #artmuseum #hereosandvillians #disneyexhibit #jacksparrow #tommorowland #ladytremaine #aliceinwonderland #cinderella #sandersonsisters #jasmine #giselle

4/28/2024, 9:42:16 PM

👱🏻‍♀️迪士尼反派角色, 邪惡皇后, 崔梅恩夫人, 黑魔女, 烏蘇拉 Disney Villains, Evil Queen, Lady Tremaine, Maleficent, Ursula 女裝衫/ 女裝睡衣套裝/ 玩具/ 家居服 女人 女士 成人 大人 出街衫Women’s Clothing 英國代購 (1264) 🙇🏻‍♀️ 購物須知請參考圖片 Please refer photo for the Shopping Guidelines 🙇🏻‍♀️ 🛍️本店設有FB/ IG/ WtsApp group, 歡迎DM查詢 👱🏻‍♀️短袖睡衣套裝 Pyjama Set 🌟A. $230 // B. $250 // C-D. $305-$315 👱🏻‍♀️1000塊 拼圖 1000 Pieces Jigsaw Puzzle 🌟E. $330 // F. $285 👱🏻‍♀️公仔 模型 WOW! PODS Light-Up Bobble-Head Figure 🌟G. $190 👱🏻‍♀️行李牌 Luggage Tags for Suitcase 🌟H. $145 👱🏻‍♀️化妝袋 Little Mermaid Cosmetic Bag, Make Up Bag 🌟I. $180 🌸🌼🌸🌼🌸🌼🌸🌼🌸🌼🌸🌼 🛍️歡迎Follow FB, IG, Carousell,加入WtsApp group 👉🏻Facebook,Instagram: tanpopoland 👉🏻Carousell: 🌸🌼🌸🌼🌸🌼🌸🌼🌸🌼🌸🌼 ✨更多貨物: ✨Facebook / Instagram搜尋: 🛍️ 女裝 Women 🔎 #Tanpopolandwomen ➡️更多 迪士尼 Disney: #TanpopolandDisney ➡️更多 迪士尼 公主 Disney’s Princess: #TanpopolandPrincess #Tanpopoland #英國代購 #女裝短袖衫 #女裝襪 #女裝睡衣 #迪士尼反派 #邪惡皇后 #崔梅恩夫人 #黑魔女 #烏蘇拉 #邪惡皇后女裝 #崔梅恩夫人女裝 #黑魔女女裝 #烏蘇拉女裝 #Villains女裝 #Maleficent女裝 #Ursula女裝 #Villains #EvilQueen #LadyTremaine #Maleficent #Ursula #DisneyTshirt #DisneyTee #香港女裝 #女裝服飾 #迪士尼拼圖

4/28/2024, 4:02:19 PM

Disponible dans nos boutique Info en MP/ liens en description #funkopop #funko #figurine #pop #disney #villains #cendrillon #cindirella #lady #ladytremaine

4/28/2024, 12:29:12 PM

Villain lairs of the Glade in aerial furniture view mode. #mothergothel #ursula #ladytremaine I’ll do a walk through video from the fountain of youth to Tremaine Manor soon, since those areas as shown here but not in the previous reel. Heavy in the #atlantis inspo in this area with how the lake how ancient civ details. . . . @disneydreamlightvalley #dreamlightvalleycommunity #dreamlightvalleydesign

4/28/2024, 8:40:48 AM

#disney #cinderella #ladytremaine #Bradford Exchange

4/28/2024, 7:09:01 AM

🌪 Dark ascension, tome 1: Vilaines de Robin Benway     ▪︎ Genre: aventure  ▪︎ Pages: 286     Dans cette histoire nous suivons Javotte et Anastasie qui ne veulent surtout pas rassembler à Lady Tremaine, leur mère. Entre amour et soif de connaissances les deux jeunes femmes vont découvrir mille et une choses, goûtant à une possible liberté vers un avenir rempli de bonheur. Mais leur mère n'a pas dit son dernier mot...     Après les Twisted Tales, les Vilains et les Disney Chills je me suis lancée dans Dark ascension l'une des toutes nouvelles sagas autour de l'univers Disney, que j'aime tellement. Je peux déjà vous dire que pour l'instant cette saga est une agréable découverte !     C'était une lecture rapide avec un rythme plutôt sympathique et une histoire qui m'a pas mal plu.     On découvre Javotte et Anastasie sous un autre angle c'était très intéressant de voir ce que l'autrice a fait de ces deux personnages que personne n'aime réellement dans Cendrillon. Au final je me suis attachée à elle et j'ai ressenti de la peine pour la situation dans laquelle elle se trouvait.       J'ai particulièrement apprécié la plume fluide de l'autrice, c'est un roman facile et rapide à lire.       Je ne m'attendais pas à une fin aussi cruelle mais ça conclu très bien ce livre et l'on ressent toute la méchanceté de Lady Tremaine.     J'ai hâte de découvrir le prochain tome sur l'histoire du Capitaine Crochet     ➜ Vous aimez les sagas autour de l'univers Disney ? ✨️     🗝 mots clés : disney - cendrillon - amour

4/27/2024, 4:45:32 PM

Cenicienta 💙 y Lady Tremaine 🖤 Me encanta esta foto, cuando tejía esta colección sabia que tenia que tomarles una foto juntas 🤭 Por si no lo sabías, Lady Tremaine forma parte de la primera Colección Villanas que lanzamos el año pasado 😌 Puedes encontrar su patrón de manera individual y con descuento en mi web 😃 La Colección Cenicienta está en preventa y con descuento hasta el 01/05, después de esa fecha podrás encontrarla a precio regular 😉 Ah! Y por si aún no lo has visto, toda mi web está con descuentos, así que aprovecha ♥️ Muchas gracias por confiar en mi trabajo! 🫶🏼 #amigurumi #amigurumipatterns #amigurumipattern #patronamigurumi #amigurumicinderella #cenicientaamigirumi #ladytremaine #cinderella #cenicienta #disneycrochet #disneyamigurumi #amigurumidisney *Razón Social y RUC detallados en la web

4/26/2024, 7:06:35 PM

2015 Movie 〜 Cinderella〜 ・After Watching This Film, "Cinderella" was Best Disney Live Action Remake in 2015! ・Especially, Best Scene that transforming Pumpkin into Pumpkin Carriage with Fairy Godmother's magic was Disney Magic Moment! ・Also, Cinderella & Prince Charming's Sharing the sad feelings of losing parents is so emotional bond of heart. ・On the other hand, Lady Tremaine is one of the Best Disney's non-witch villains because I'm so angry with Lady Tremaine's Harrasment (ex. Destroy Cinderella's mother dress & Glass Slipper, and so on.) ・Disney Live Action Magic continues forever. #cinderella #cinderellamovie #cinderella2015 #disneycinderella #ladytremaine #princecharming #fairygodmother #anastasiatremaine #drizellatremaine #disney #disneymovie #waltdisneystudiosmotionpictures #waltdisneystudios #disneyprincess #disneyprince #disneyvillain #disneyfan #disneyliveaction #disneylovers #waltdisneypictures #waltdisneycompany #disneyfilms #disneynerds #disneyaddicted #disneygeeks #disneyaddiction #disneyaddict #disneycharacters #disneylove #disneymagicmoments

4/26/2024, 3:41:06 PM

Die gute Fee P70 Buch Disney Fées, sorciers et magiciens Coloriage Mystéres #cinderella #thegoodfairy #ladytremaine #drizella #anastasia #lucifer #gus #jaq #disneymovie #disneylove #disneyfan #hachetteheroesdisney #hachetteheroes #coloriagemystère laféemarraine #tomeféessorciersmagiciens #ohuhumarkers

4/23/2024, 9:19:05 PM

#cinderella ✨Available✨ ‼️THIS IS NOT A PRESALE BUT A DESIGN FOR SALE ‼️ Comment “sold” or DM to claim. Thank You! #cinderellapins #pindesign #pindesignforsale #fantasypins #fantasypin #fantasypindesign #designforsale #digitalart #princecharming #sothisislove #fairygodmother #ladytremaine #cinderelladress #uglystepsisters

4/23/2024, 4:30:00 PM

#cinderella ✨Available✨ ‼️THIS IS NOT A PRESALE BUT A DESIGN FOR SALE ‼️ Comment “sold” or DM to claim. Thank You! #cinderellapins #pindesign #pindesignforsale #fantasypins #fantasypin #fantasypindesign #designforsale #digitalart #princecharming #sothisislove #fairygodmother #ladytremaine #cinderelladress #uglystepsisters

4/23/2024, 4:30:00 PM

#cinderella ✨Available✨ ‼️THIS IS NOT A PRESALE BUT A DESIGN FOR SALE ‼️ Comment “sold” or DM to claim. Thank You! #cinderellapins #pindesign #pindesignforsale #fantasypins #fantasypin #fantasypindesign #designforsale #digitalart #princecharming #sothisislove #fairygodmother #ladytremaine #cinderelladress #uglystepsisters

4/23/2024, 4:30:00 PM

#cinderella ✨Available✨ ‼️THIS IS NOT A PRESALE BUT A DESIGN FOR SALE ‼️ Comment “sold” or DM to claim. Thank You! #cinderellapins #pindesign #pindesignforsale #fantasypins #fantasypin #fantasypindesign #designforsale #digitalart #princecharming #sothisislove #fairygodmother #ladytremaine #cinderelladress #uglystepsisters

4/23/2024, 4:30:00 PM

#cinderella ✨Available✨ ‼️THIS IS NOT A PRESALE BUT A DESIGN FOR SALE ‼️ Comment “sold” or DM to claim. Thank You! #cinderellapins #pindesign #pindesignforsale #fantasypins #fantasypin #fantasypindesign #designforsale #digitalart #princecharming #sothisislove #fairygodmother #ladytremaine #cinderelladress #uglystepsisters

4/23/2024, 4:30:00 PM

I have been sorting through some of my Lorcana collection today- These are my enchanted cards - they are so hard to pull that I will not be attempting to complete the set but I am still super happy to have pulled these 4! Does anyone else collect Lorcana? I’ve been collecting the first 3 chapters but It is very expensive- especially with 4 releases a year 🙈 I may have to step away from the cards at some point! . . . #disney #disneylife #lorcana #lorcanacards #lorcanacommunity #enchanted #enchantedcard #lorcanaenchanted #aliceinwonderland #namaari #hades #ladytremaine #heroes #disneyvillains #disneycollection #disneycollector

4/23/2024, 2:47:39 AM

Unplanned carboot visit, and a pretty good haul considering I got there an hourish before it closed. Was happy to just have a wonder round to be honest, so these are all a bonus. #carboothaul #carboot #carbootsale #disneyliveactiondolls #disneyliveactiondolls #disneydolls #cinderella #fairygodmother #ladytremaine #harrypotterdolls #harrypotter #professormcgonagall #mcgonagall #mcdonaldssquishmallows #minisquishmallows #squishmallows #transformers #fakietransformers

4/21/2024, 4:34:28 PM