honkongstreet images

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🇭🇰 Hong Kong Первое впечатление о Гонконге - ничего не понятно, но очень классно😄 Город огней, узких улочек, ярких вывесок, двух этажных трамваем и автобусов, здесь Tesla-это каждая вторая машина. Фотографировать и снимать на видео хочется все, глаза разбегаются. У нас еще несколько дней, окунемся поглубже в этот мегаполис 😉 #hongkong #гонконг #china🇨🇳 #china #streetstyle #streetwear #honkongstreet #beautiful #asia #centralstreet #wanchai #taxi

5/9/2024, 3:38:56 AM

На ужин 🏙️✨ #tsimtsatsui #avenueofstars #honkongstreet #honkong

3/9/2024, 1:34:33 PM

Улицы Гонконга 2 #centralhongkong #honkongtrip #honkongstreet Здесь первый этаж всегда магазин или ресторан или торговый центр, даже в переулках кто-то что-то да откроет.

11/27/2023, 6:35:00 PM

(3/3) On (安 - “safety, peace”) Shipbuilder (造船師傅) Aberdeen (香港仔) 🕖 7:30-18:30 (11 hours) “My brothers and I are close to retirement, but for now we are still keeping busy. The world on the water is very well connected. The boat people are often related in some way so word of mouth is really important for our business. Things have changed a lot - none of these high-rises, bridges or roads existed in Aberdeen. I still remember when I was a young apprentice back in the Eighties, my salary was HK$1000 a month! I think that the quality of raw materials has declined over the years, so even with the best craftsmen the products are still somehow not as good as they used to be. We always have plenty of wood lying around from the repair works. So if you ever need firewood for a bonfire, come help yourself!” 「我哋三兄弟都就嚟到退休年紀,但而家都仲係好忙。同海有關嘅行頭係好細㗎,水上人好多都係識得嘅,所以口碑對我哋門生意係好重要。呢度變咗好多囉,以前香港仔邊有呢啲高樓大廈、大橋或者車路。我仲記得八十年代我做學徒嗰陣,每個月人工係一千蚊!我覺得而家嘅原材料嘅質素的確係差咗,所以即使搵最好嘅師傅,啲嘢都造唔返以前咁好。我哋成日都有好多維修淨落嚟嘅木頭,所以如果你要木頭搭營火嘅話,就自己過嚟拎啦!」

10/2/2023, 10:46:04 AM

(1/3) Louis Carpenter (木匠) Yau Ma Tei (油麻地) 🕖 9:00-18:00 (9 hours) “This shop has been around for over 100 years. I am a third generation carpenter running this shop. My grandfather started the workshop to make wooden ship pulleys for boats and cargo ships. As a booming shipping port, the city needed a lot of pulleys to help raise the boats up or to lift the heavy masts. Over the years the demand for these pulleys declined, and in the Eighties we pivoted our business to create wooden wheels that secure, cover and insulate pipes - which are used often in construction. We also make wooden mallets - you know, the ones that you see in courtrooms and auction houses? I don’t think there will be a fourth generation taking over the business as my kids all have their own careers. One of my sons is a pilot! I am the one and only person doing this in the whole of Hong Kong now.” 「呢間鋪喺​呢度有超過​100年了。我係呢間舖嘅第三代木匠。我阿爺開呢間舖嘅時候係專門造俾船用嘅『律囉』,嗰時香港嘅航運業發展好蓬勃,需要好多『律囉』去吊貨同埋起帆。之後航運業式微,少咗人用『律囉』,喺80年代我哋就轉型去造呢啲用嚟箍水喉嘅木餅,時常喺建築工程會用到。我哋仲會造木槌,喺法庭同埋拍賣行用嗰啲呢。我唔覺得呢間舖會有第四代人接手喇,我啲仔女都有自己嘅事業。我其中一個囝係揸飛機嘅!我而家係全港唯一一個仲造緊呢啲嘢㗎喇。」

8/22/2023, 10:37:52 AM

光景。#光景 #灣仔 #銅鑼灣#跑馬地 #honkongstreet #熱

8/13/2023, 9:54:10 AM

(2/3) Tife (Boluwatife - “God’s will”) Bar Manager and Supervisor (咖啡吧經理及主管) Wong Chuk Hang (黃竹坑) 🕖 10:30-19:30 (9 hours) “I’m learning a lot here about how to run a business and I’ve really come out of my shell through my daily interactions with customers. I’ve also learned the importance of not taking things personally. Sometimes customers might be having a bad day - you never know what people are going through - but I choose not to absorb that negative energy and pass it on to other customers, because it’s important to maintain good service and a positive attitude. I’m actually an extremely introverted guy and find socialising in big groups particularly draining. I would never have agreed to doing this interview a few years ago! The team at this cafe has been encouraging me to build my confidence by engaging with people and making conversation - I’m very grateful for that and am growing into it!” 「喺呢度我學到好多關於經營生意嘅技巧,同客人嘅日常互動亦令我變得開朗咗。我學識唔好將事情擺喺心度。有時客人可能就係嗰日心情唔好,你永遠唔會知道佢哋經歷緊啲乜嘢,但係我會選擇唔去吸收佢哋嘅負能量,或者帶去俾其他客人,因為好嘅服務同埋正面嘅態度對大家都好重要。其實我係一個好內向嘅人,喺多人嘅社交場合會特別容易攰。幾年前嘅我一定唔會應承做呢個訪問﹗咖啡店嘅同事一直都鼓勵我透過同人交流,同客人傾計去建立自信,我好感激佢哋,而家我都慢慢掌握到喇﹗」

6/15/2023, 4:13:50 AM

(2/3) Mia Beach Parasol Rental (沙灘傘出租站) Shek O (石澳) 🕗: 08:30 - 21:00 “I am 20 years old and a full time student. I try to work whenever I can to make some extra money to fund my university fees, and also just to give my mum a hand - it’s hard work after all and she is getting old now. My dream is to eventually train to be a nurse. Since I was little, I’ve always had such a wonderful image of nurses - they are kind, caring, hardworking...almost like angels in white gowns. I want to be able to finish my studies and get into nursing so I can help and care for others.” 「我今年20歲,係一個學生。我一有時間就會繼續嚟開工,賺啲外快幫補下學費,亦都幫下阿媽手,始終做呢份工都係好攰。我嘅夢想係做護士,我細細個就覺得好鍾意護士,佢哋好溫柔,識得照顧人,又勤力,好似白衣天使咁。我希望可以順利畢業做護士,去幫人同埋照顧人。」

6/2/2023, 3:18:26 AM

This week we are re-sharing the story of Mia, whom we met in 2020 on Shek O beach. 🏖️ (1/3) Mia Beach Parasol Rental (沙灘傘出租站) Shek O (石澳) 🕗: 08:30 - 21:00 “My family is from Shek O and I have been coming to this beach since I was a little kid. Both my grandmother and mother have been renting out parasols here for decades. We’ll start setting up early in the morning and line a few umbrellas close to the seaside. Then we walk back and forth all day to accompany guests to their seats. From around 6pm, we will start to carry the umbrellas back to storage - there are over 100 umbrellas so it’s a lot of walking! By the time we finish packing up, it’s already around 9pm. The job is pretty physically demanding - the parasols are heavy and we are exposed to the blazing heat all day. I love this beach though - I’ve been running around here and helping my family out since I was a toddler, so there are a lot of familiar faces!” 「我喺石澳大嘅,細細個已經嚟呢度玩。我婆婆同媽媽做咗太陽傘出租幾十年喇,所以我都好熟個運作。我哋有大概100把太陽傘可以租俾泳客。朝早我哋會擺定幾把遮喺海邊,跟住全日就喺個沙灘度行嚟行去,幫客人搵位開遮。到差唔多六點,我哋就會開始收返啲遮入倉。到啲嘢執好哂嗰陣,已經係差唔多夜晚九點。呢個工作嘅體力勞動都幾大,啲太陽傘好重,同埋我哋全日都喺好猛太陽底下做嘢。不過我都好鍾意呢個沙灘,我細個嗰陣已經喺度跑嚟跑去同埋幫屋企人手,所以識落好多熟人﹗」

5/30/2023, 10:51:19 AM

(3/3) Uncle Wong (王伯) Organic Farmer (有機農夫) Nim Shue Wan (稔樹灣) 🕖 07:00-17:00 (7 hours) “I have three kids and they’ve all moved out of the village. They’re good kids, I guess they’ve been raised well. I also have two grandkids studying abroad. I travelled quite a bit when I was younger - to New Zealand, Japan, to see the Silk Road. My wife and I have been married for half a century. I grow the vegetables and my wife does all the cooking, she always has. I’ll eat anything that my wife cooks. I mean, if someone is cooking for you, you shouldn’t be too picky!” 「我有三個細路,佢哋全部搬晒出去喇。佢哋都好乖,我諗我哋都教得佢哋唔錯啦。我仲有兩個孫,喺外國讀緊書。後生嗰陣,我都有去吓唔同地方旅遊,去過紐西蘭、日本,又去過睇絲綢之路。我同太太結咗婚差唔多半個世紀。我負責種菜,太太負責煮,一直都係咁。太太煮咩我都食。我覺得如果有人肯煮嘢俾你食,你就唔應該咁揀擇啦!」

5/14/2023, 4:38:44 AM

(2/3) Man (敏 - “nimble”) Convenience Store Cashier (便利店收銀員) North Point (北角) 🕖 23:00-09:00 (10 hours) “After my shift, I usually visit my dad in the morning at the elderly care centre. He’s in his seventies and living on his own so I try to go every day - to bring him some food and check up on him. I go to bed around 1pm to re-energise for the evening. I am quite an introverted person so I actually enjoy working the night shift when it’s so much quieter. It’s usually very peaceful and I haven’t had anything too crazy happen around here. One time, I rescued a little stray cat just outside the store - one of the regular customers eventually fostered it, which was nice. I’m normally quite tired by the end of the week so on my Saturdays off, I enjoy staying in and relaxing at home!” 「收工嗰朝,我通常會去老人中心探我老竇。佢70幾歲,自己一個住,所以我盡量每日都去,帶啲嘢俾佢食同埋望吓佢。我差唔多晏晝一點就會落床瞓覺,補足精神夜晚開工。我係一個幾靜嘅人,所以其實我鍾意返夜更,清靜好多呀。呢度附近通常都好靜,我未遇過啲咩危險事。有一次,我執咗隻流浪貓仔,佢就喺個舖出邊,其中一個熟客最後帶咗佢返屋企養,幾好呀。我通常去到禮拜尾都會幾攰㗎喇,所以星期六放假嗰陣,我鍾意留係屋企唞吓!」

11/23/2022, 2:57:07 PM

(2/3) Sai Ju (細珠 - “little pearl”) Cleaner (清潔工人), Western District (中西區) 🕖: 7:00 - 17:00 (10 hours) “I grew up in Fujian. My parents were farmers and we were extremely poor growing up. We didn’t have any money and there was often not enough food. We would fill our stomachs with sweet potatoes from our farm. I moved to Hong Kong in the eighties in the hope of making a better living. I worked in a denim factory for a long time - it was hard work; we sometimes had 17 hour shifts, from 6am to 11pm. It was much more demanding than this job.” 「我喺福建長大。我父母係耕田嘅,我哋細個好窮,乜錢都冇,成日唔夠嘢食,就食田嗰啲蕃薯嚟頂肚。我80年代搬咗嚟香港,希望可以過好啲嘅生活。我喺間牛仔布廠做咗好耐,嗰時都好辛苦,返一更要返成17個鐘,由朝早六點返到夜晚十一點。辛苦過依家好多。」

11/10/2022, 9:26:41 AM

(2/3) Mui (妹 - “little sister”) Golf Ball Seller (高爾夫球零售) Po Toi O (布袋澳) 🕖 10:00-16:00 (6 hours) “I moved out to Po Toi O in my twenties when I got married. I met my husband through family friends, as you do back in those days. I’ve been here for six decades now, so I know everyone around here. My husband passed away a few years ago and I now live alone, so it’s nice to have neighbours to chit chat with sometimes. All my kids are grown up and have moved to the city to make a living. They come visit me once in a while. Apart from selling golf balls, I also have a little motor boat that I use to take tourists around the area to keep busy. A lot of foreigners and city people like to come here. The air is fresh and the village is charming. They also come for the excellent seafood, of course! Have you tried the salt and pepper calamari?” 「我廿幾歲嗰時結婚就搬咗嚟布袋澳。我經啲親戚識到我老公,我哋嗰個年代都係咁㗎喇。我喺度住咗60年啦,所以呢度我個個都識。我先生幾年前過咗身,而家我自己一個住,所以有時有啲隔離鄰舍同我傾吓計都幾好呀。我啲囝囡全部大晒囉,搬咗出市區搵食。佢哋耐唔耐就會返嚟探我。除咗賣高爾夫球之外,我仲有一隻艇仔,以前會載啲遊客四周圍睇吓,等我過吓日辰。好多外國人同市區啲人鍾意嚟呢度㗎。呢度空氣清新呀,條村又舒服。佢哋當然都係嚟食海鮮啦!你有冇試過呢度嘅椒鹽鮮魷呀?」

9/8/2022, 10:43:33 AM

Slovenský rodák Lukáš Kaufmann stojí v čele singapurské koktejlové scény už šest let a představuje srdce známého baru 28 HongKong Street. ✅ Co by Lukáš vzkázal mladým barmanům v počátcích jejich barové kariéry se dočtete v nejnovějším čísle BARLIFE 105. #barlife #magazin #czechmade #czech #cteni #drink #inspirace #predplatne #inspiration #gastronomy #koktejl #bar #gastronomie #bar #singapure #lukaskaufmann #barman #honkongstreet

5/8/2022, 10:30:08 AM

. #hongkongphotography #hongkong #streetphotography #honkongstreet #streetphotos #hongkongfilmphotography #filmphotography #菲林 #菲林攝影 #菲林相 #菲林摄影 #菲林日常 #blackandwhitephotography #白黒写真

5/5/2022, 7:04:59 PM

. #hongkongphotography #hongkong #streetphotography #honkongstreet #streetphotos #hongkongfilmphotography #filmphotography #菲林 #菲林攝影 #菲林相 #菲林摄影 #菲林日常 #blackandwhitephotography #白黒写真

5/5/2022, 7:03:05 PM

. #hongkongphotography #hongkong #streetphotography #honkongstreet #streetphotos #hongkongfilmphotography #filmphotography #菲林 #菲林攝影 #菲林相 #菲林摄影 #菲林日常 #blackandwhitephotography #白黒写真

5/5/2022, 6:59:04 PM

Baustellenalarm in HH . . . #hamburg #hamburgcity #honkongstreet #bnw #bnwphotography #bnw_captures #bnw_greatshots #bnwinstagram #bnwinsta #bnwmaster #master_in_bnw #kran #kräne

2/12/2022, 12:21:21 PM

I decided I would try & do a few live video's of my new life/world. I thought it might be kinda interesting for me to tell my story along the way since relocating to a new country. It's always a bit of a challenge & like everything, there are always highs & lows. I'm not sure if live video's is going to be a goer yet, as yesterday's first live video was a bit hysterical. Firstly I have know idea if anyone saw it. I filmed myself at the a a me spot I got horribly bamboozled last week whilst picking up HK ID cards. I was in the sun & it was so bright i couldn't really see my phone screen, even tho I was in the shade & it was so hot I had sweat dripping down my face behind my mask. I must've been a real picture 🙈😂 So if you did see it... 🙈😜 apologies. Anyhoow, along the way I took a selfie. I have a bit of a bent for these convex mirrors & have taken a bunch of them at various places. Happy Thursday!! PS I don't think I'll do another live video today of me out & about sweating in the sun!! #anartistslife #lifesart #life_is_street #livevideofail #livevideo #whatnottodo #whatnottodowednesday #lostinhongkong #lostagain #honkongstreet #hkstreetart #hkstreetphotography #newtohk #onthestreets #convexmirrors #convexmirror #photooftheday📷 #photography # selfie #selfi #tryingsomethingdifferent #trying #tryingsomethingnew #self #thursdaysnippets #thursday #thursdayphoto #thursdayphotography

8/12/2021, 3:48:09 AM

Chinese painting, 70x35cm, Hong Kong street #art #artwork #bus #chinesepainting #hongkong #honkongstreet #painting #hongkongtaxi #taxi

11/22/2020, 2:13:15 PM

Josun, Hong Kong! ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Monday reminder: even when the climb gets tough, learn to find and appreciate the rainbow 🌈⠀ ⠀ Kickstarting our week with some positivity! Wishing you all love and light for the week ahead - go and create little rainbows wherever you are ✨⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #mondaymotivation #rainbowstairs #honkongstreet #positivitytalk #homesweethome #hongkong #homekong #hongkonger #instahk #hkg #discoverhk #explorehk # #photoart #hkphotography #photography #photooftheday

10/19/2020, 3:02:47 AM

Yesterday when Hong Kong was still sunny and summery. And just like that, overnight, typhoon season is on ... well, make it rain then 😓 #hongkong #honkongstreet #hongkongstreetart #saiwan #streetsofhongkong #streetart #urbanjungle

7/31/2020, 5:56:33 AM

☘️ Pottinger Street , Hong Kong #nonstopstreet #streetdreamsmag #spjstreets #lesonstreets #lensculture #spi_street #myspc #streetphotographymagazine #life_is_street #yallersstreet #streetgrammer #steet_storytelling #ig_captures #honkongstreet

7/24/2020, 7:01:58 AM

A street in Hong Kong 🇭🇰 #hongkong #honkongstreet #travel #naturephotography #photoart #photoeveryday

7/2/2020, 12:05:44 AM

Fotoğraf çekmeyi çok seven biri olarak; gittiğim her yerde , her şeyi çekebilme isteği doğuyor. Çünkü ben; fotoğrafların dili olduğuna inanırım. 😉😉. #hongkong caddeleri en çok etkilendiğim yerler arasında. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #travelandlife #traveldudes #travelpic #travel #travelphotography #gezginfoto #traveltheworld #lifestyle #lifestyleblogger #thepeak #hongkong #hongkonginstagram #hongkonginsta #hongkongtrip #honkongstreet

5/11/2020, 10:24:55 AM

Hongkong' da binalar genelde bu şekilde. Gezdiğim yerlerdeki tüm binalar fotoğraftaki gibiydi. . . . . . . . .. . . . #travelandlife #traveldudes #travelpic #travel #travelphotography #gezginfoto #traveltheworld #lifestyle #lifestyleblogger #thepeak #hongkong #hongkonginstagram #hongkonginsta #hongkongtrip #honkongstreet

5/10/2020, 10:12:49 AM

갑자기 홍콩

1/10/2020, 11:06:02 AM

#후텁지근 #홍콩 #홍콩갬성 #여행 #여행에미치다 . . . #일상#소통#떠나요 #여름#나들이 . #travel #traveler #travelphotography #travelling #hk #hongkong #honkongstreet #discoverhongkong #somewheremagazine

7/7/2019, 3:59:37 AM

#홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity #gopro #goprohero7 #고프로 #고프로히어로7

5/28/2019, 5:24:31 AM

#홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity #gopro #goprohero7 #고프로 #고프로히어로7

5/28/2019, 5:22:50 AM

#홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity #gopro #goprohero7 #고프로 #고프로히어로7

5/28/2019, 5:22:23 AM

#홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity #gopro #goprohero7 #고프로 #고프로히어로7

5/28/2019, 5:22:05 AM

급 #홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #난누구여긴어디 #덥다더워 #hotsummer #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity #gopro #goprohero7 #고프로 #고프로히어로7

5/28/2019, 4:37:11 AM

급 #홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #난누구여긴어디 #덥다더워 #hotsummer #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity #gopro #goprohero7 #고프로 #고프로히어로7

5/28/2019, 4:36:36 AM

급 #홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #난누구여긴어디 #덥다더워 #hotsummer #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity #gopro #goprohero7 #고프로 #고프로히어로7

5/28/2019, 4:34:51 AM

급 #홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #난누구여긴어디 #덥다더워 #hotsummer #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity

5/27/2019, 5:24:13 PM

급 #홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #난누구여긴어디 #덥다더워 #hotsummer #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity

5/27/2019, 5:22:35 PM

급 #홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #난누구여긴어디 #덥다더워 #hotsummer #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity

5/26/2019, 6:50:49 PM

급 #홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity

5/26/2019, 6:49:52 PM

급 #홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #난누구여긴어디 #덥다더워 #hotsummer #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity

5/26/2019, 6:47:19 PM

#홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity

5/26/2019, 6:46:04 PM

급 #홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #난누구여긴어디 #덥다더워 #hotsummer #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity

5/26/2019, 6:40:43 PM

급 #홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #난누구여긴어디 #덥다더워 #hotsummer #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity

5/26/2019, 6:33:25 PM

급 #홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #난누구여긴어디 #덥다더워 #hotsummer #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity

5/26/2019, 6:32:02 PM

급 #홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #난누구여긴어디 #덥다더워 #hotsummer #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity

5/26/2019, 6:29:07 PM

급 #홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #난누구여긴어디 #덥다더워 #hotsummer #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #greycity

5/26/2019, 1:17:06 PM

급 #홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #난누구여긴어디 #덥다더워 #hotsummer #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip #rainyday

5/26/2019, 1:13:32 PM

급 #홍콩출장 #hongkong #businesstrip #난누구여긴어디 #덥다더워 #hotsummer #firsttimetovisit #whereami #honkongstreet #hongkongtrip Please recommend best interior and tasty desert cafe!!!

5/25/2019, 3:41:22 PM

❤️Hong Kong 🇭🇰 #hongkong #honkongstreet #гонконг #honkongview #china

5/17/2019, 4:19:07 AM

В Гонконге можно вообще не убирать фотоаппарат и телефон, никогда. Потому что это просто совершенно бесполезно - каждый раз окажется, что вид за поворотом ещё более фантастический. Многоуровневая жизнь среди баньянов и высоток - это ли не мечта? Очень приятный университет и территория вокруг него, а вот Музей и художественная галерея Университета, который пытается сотрудничать с Кунсткамерой вот уже почти пять лет (пока безуспешно) в реальности совсем не впечатлил. Я в Гонконге всего два дня, а мне уже некуда девать фотографии, помогите. #hongkong #hongkongview #honkonguniversity #awesomehongkong #honkongtravel #honkongstreet #universitymuseumandartgallery #гонконг

5/8/2019, 8:27:08 PM

sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ sᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ. 길죽 길죽 좋다. 나 말고 주변 건물들. #🇭🇰 #chaiwan #hongkong #honkongstreet #香港 #travel #traveler #worldtravel #worldtravelpics #photography #스탠리 에서 가까운 전철역 #차이완 #홍콩여행

4/24/2019, 6:10:23 AM

to hate is an easy lazy thing but to love takes strength everyone has but not all are willing to practice. ~ Rupi Kaur . . . . . . #potd #picoftheday #hongkong #honkongstreet #traveldiaries #decolour #goodtimes #positivevibes #instalike #travelphotography #travelguide #visithk #streetphoto #streetphotography #likeforlikes #sonya6000 #followme #followtheroute #flower #spreadhappiness #spreadlovenothate #NZ

3/19/2019, 3:49:00 AM

Once a year, go to someplace you have not been before. Hong-Kong, which means spice harbor, is the place what many people dream of visiting. Are you ready to take a 14-hour flight from the NYC and see what is the hype all about. Sounds very tempting. Comment below, whether Hong-Kong worth the hype. Double click if you like the picture. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #dametravelerhongkong #honkongstreet #hkinsta #hkdaily #vicktoriapeak #lovetravel #hongkonginsta #justtravel #travelfun #travelorlife #igpassport #travelcommunity #traveltherenext #intstatravelgram #traveldestination

3/18/2019, 2:10:37 AM

每逢週六 日出而作 日入而息 。。。。 今日好好天 . . . #hongkong #hongkonglife #honkongstreet

3/16/2019, 1:41:24 AM

雨中金光大道 . . . #hongkong #hongkongnight #honkongstreet #travel

3/7/2019, 12:27:59 PM

重修舊好 . . . #hongkong #honkongstreet #discover_hongkong #hkexplorer #travel

2/28/2019, 5:44:24 AM

On the hunt for the best pizza in Singapore. Went to Amó in Honk Kong street where I had a burrata AND a burrata pizza. Because why not. Still looking for the best pizza in town tho 🧐 . $+ . #amó #honkongstreet #singapore #pizzahunt #wendyinsingapore #pizzacravings #burrata #burratagram #burratalove #singaporefoodie #singaporerestaurant #pizzalove #singaporepizza

2/27/2019, 2:07:27 PM

#홍콩 #hongkong #honkongstreet

9/4/2017, 5:56:48 PM