emotionalbranding images

Discover Best emotionalbranding Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #may #friday

Some of the monograms we've thoughtfully crafted over the past few months 🤍 01/ @libreartistry 02/ @hadleyandren 03/ @mintamakes 04/ @georgiehharris 05/ @andapsychiatry 06/ @mprintco 07/ @ashleeberryinteriors 08/ @westoakinteriorsinc 09/ @linaberber.storytelling 10/ @aetherandarbor 〰️ Reserve your spot for July and beyond. Whether you're launching a new business or ready to take your business to the next level, book now by completing our inquiry form via the link in our bio. _____ #monogram #custombranding #emotionalbranding #brandingdesignstudio #brandcuration #thebrandingcollective #minimalstyle #beautysalon #interiordesign #weddingplanning #photography #jewelry #modernbranding #minimalbranding #luxurybranding #visualidentity #femaledesigner #highendbrands #highenddesign #mybeigelife #minimalaesthetic #neutralaesthetic #brandingservices #creativedirection #brandingstudio #branding101 #brandstylist #fwportfolio #inspofinds #calledtobecreative

5/30/2024, 3:00:53 PM

Întâlnirea de aseară cu oamenii faini de la @creators.comm, vremea de afară (așa ploioasă cum e ea) și ultimul capitol dintr-un manual de branding (terminat tot aseară) au creionat în mintea mea următoarea întrebare: 📌 Care este cea mai profundă emoție sau stare pe care oamenii o pot simți interacționând cu tine și cu produsele tale? Cred, în esență, că despre asta este brandul personal în 2024: despre oameni care se conectează la oameni. Dacă nu te-ai întrebat asta până acum, te încurajez să-ți iei azi 5 minute și să faci un exercițiu de asociere: Produs 👉 Gând 👉 Emoție. Iar dacă nu-ți reușește din prima, las două variante: - Cere feedback de la client - Reflectă la 2-3 branduri care-ți plac și întreabă-te, ce gânduri, amintiri și emoții trezesc în tine? De ce le apreciezi? #branding #humanbrand #emotionalbranding

5/30/2024, 10:10:03 AM

Früher war Marketing vor allem von 𝗙𝗮𝗸𝘁𝗲𝗻 geprägt. Es galt, den Kunden zu vermitteln, was für ein Produkt angeboten wird, was es kann und warum es besser ist als herkömmliche Produkte in diesem Bereich. Doch um sich in einem immer intensiver werdenden Wettbewerb von der Konkurrenz abzuheben, reichen reine Fakten schon lange nicht mehr aus. Der Trend im Marketing geht zum 𝗘𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗕𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴. Durch die gezielte Ansprache emotionaler Bedürfnisse, könnt ihr als Unternehmen nicht nur Kunden gewinnen, sondern sie auch langfristig an euch binden. In unserem aktuellen Blogartikel erklären wir euch, wie Emotional Branding funktioniert. JETZT lesen 🔎 https://www.localup.io/de/blog/emotional-branding #localup #marketingautomation #socialrecruiting #digitalmarketing #onlinemarketing #socialmediamarketing #emotionalbranding

5/30/2024, 10:00:37 AM

Si on travaillait ensemble, il se passerait quoi ? Étape 1 : Vous allez entrer dans un univers plein de douceur où l’harmonie, la bonne humeur et l’audace se mêlent à vos idées. ✨ Étape 2 : Vous vous poserez des questions sur votre marque, sur votre raison d’être, sur ce qui vous pousse à vous lever chaque matin. 🫢 Étape 3: Vous mettrez un premier pied dans l’univers fabuleux de votre projet, vous construirez avec moi l’essence même de votre marque. 🤝🏼 Étape 4 : Vous passerez par tous les états : le doute, la peur, la surprise, l’étonnement, mais surtout, la fierté ! 😍 Étape 5 : Vous repartirez avec des étoiles plein les yeux et un univers de marque qui claque ! Parce que rien n’est trop grand pour votre marque, vous serez content d’avoir investi dans cette collaboration 🤍 Étape 6 : Je garderai toujours un œil sur vous, même de loin. Parce que notre collaboration c’est une histoire humaine avant tout, je serai à vos côtés si besoin. 💍 Alors ? Quand est-ce que tu sautes à pieds joints dans la grande aventure d’être toi ? #BrandStrategy #BrandArchetypes #branding #Storytelling #CreativeStrategy #EmotionalBranding #strategiedemarque #marquefrancaise #BrandDevelopment #VisualIdentity #engagementclient #BrandStory #BrandValues #BrandBuilding #AudienceConnection #customerexperience

5/30/2024, 8:30:00 AM

1️⃣ Die Kraft deines Claims Für den Verein Kita Baden/Wettingen @vereinkitabadenwettingen, der zwei Kitas und eine Tagesstruktur umfasst, habe ich den Slogan „Herz zählt“ entwickelt. Dieser Claim spiegelt nicht nur die liebevolle und engagierte Betreuung wider, die jedes Kind dort erfährt, sondern auch das Verständnis, dass bei der frühkindlichen Bildung das Herz genauso wichtig ist wie der Verstand. Ein starker Claim verbindet, inspiriert und bleibt im Gedächtnis – genau wie „Herz zählt“. 2️⃣ Visualisierung des Claims Die Grafikerin @grafik_art_werbung_mit_schwung hat „Herz zählt“ auf kreative Weise visualisiert. Dies verstärkt die Botschaft des Claims und macht ihn visuell ansprechend und unvergesslich. Hat dieser Slogan auch dein Herz berührt? 💜🧡 Kontaktiere mich, wenn du deiner Marke eine Stimme geben willst, die wirklich zählt. #AhaStattBlabla #TextAha #HerzZählt #KitaBadenWettingen #KitaSchweiz #SloganSuccess #BrandMessaging #CreativeCopywriting #MarketingImpact #EmotionalBranding #VisualStorytelling #GraphicDesign

5/30/2024, 6:55:01 AM

Let’s all give our warm support to Beth Meyer over at Sold With Meyer, a team of women in real estate making clients their top priority. Have you had the chance to work with Beth? Tell us about it in the comments! #WomenInBusiness #SupportMatters #SynergizeSuccess #BusinessWisdom #MoneyMindset #WomanOwned #WomeninBusiness #HavingItAll #EmotionalBranding #BusinessWomenofSiouxFalls

5/30/2024, 12:11:48 AM

Unleash the power of emotion to build unbreakable bonds with your casino patrons! My latest blog post reveals the secrets of brand laddering and how it can transform your customer experience. Discover how to create lasting loyalty and elevate your brand to new heights. #CasinoMarketing #CasinoBranding #CustomerExperience #EmotionalBranding

5/29/2024, 6:50:20 PM

Hello design lovers! Just dropped – Beth in conversation on the popular Mood Board Podcast, hosted by the warm and wonderful interior designer and stylist Angela Belt. Beth was invited to discuss her transformational, psychological approach to excavating and marketing your brand with powerful, real-world results. Whether you are a solopreneur or an entrepreneurial business, this singular approach is particularly important in the highly competitive and emotionally driven interior design and architectural world. Listen up for lots of actionable advice that applies to those in the creative industries – advice that will bring you more satisfaction and revenue in the current complicated marketplace. Thank you @themoodboardpodcast @_angelabelt @spotify for this feature! And please email us at hello@mercurylab to make a short appointment at no charge to talk about what is on your mind with Beth! The episode is live!! Tune in now!! #brandstrategy #transformationalbranding #themoodboardpodcast #angelabelt #brandattributes #physcologicalbranding #visualcreatives #creativebranding #bethtaubner #brandconsultant #designpodcast #interiordesign #designmoodboard #designinspo #psychologicalbranding #emotionalbranding #mercurylab #bethtaubner

5/29/2024, 5:23:30 PM

Focusing on feeling elevates your brand from being seen to being experienced. We often hear about the importance of color palettes, typography, logos. At The Copper Portico, we think that the core of memorable design is feeling. 🧡 Great design is not only pretty; it resonates emotionally and reflects the essence of your brand. The textures, the tones, and the overall vibe aren’t just aesthetic choices; they are strategic tools that evoke emotions, forming a personal connection between your audience and your brand. A great example is a recent client who is a craniosacral therapist. When we’re revamping her brand identity, we opted for cotton business cards, which perfectly encapsulated the soothing, natural essence of her services. She was thrilled with the result, and it’s this kind of emotional resonance that can turn first-time clients into lifelong fans. 🤩 Here’s how you can infuse more emotion into your branding: Think beyond color: consider how the materials, textures, and imagery contribute to the overall feel of your brand. Cohesive brand stories: every piece of content should tell a part of your brand story, contributing to a cohesive perception that sticks with your audience. Engage the senses: use design elements that appeal to more than just sight. Think about how your brand can engage other senses to create a full-bodied experience. 🔥 I’m booking clients for June 🔥 If you want to design a brand identity that feels as good as it looks, reach out. #BrandDesign #CreativeStrategy #BusinessGrowth #EmotionalBranding #TheCopperPortico

5/28/2024, 8:24:03 PM

Chociaż wiemy, że konsumenci podejmują emocjonalne wybory, jeśli chodzi o marki, często o tym zapominamy. Nasi klienci również pragną poczuć dumę, widząc, jak ich produkt wyróżnia się na półce, oraz pewność, że usługa, która sprzedajesz zostanie wykonana perfekcyjnie. Zamiast racjonalnie - skup się na emocjonalnym przedstawieniu tego czego sprzedajesz. #customerexperince #sellingstrategy #selfconfident #emotionalbranding #creativesoninstagram #solopreneurship #teamfeeling #magneticbrand #brandinginspiration

5/27/2024, 9:06:10 PM

. sometimes you “just keep swimming” 🐠 and allow yourself to grow and change ✨ Your future is waiting for you, go to the link in bio and let’s create it together! . . . #creativeatelier #atelier #atelierdesign #business #design #designer #designgrafico #branding #brandingdesign #brandingdesigner #designstudio #designdecomunicação #designinspiration #emotionalbranding #emotionaldesign #emotions #brandingemocional

5/27/2024, 6:22:55 PM

Branding - czym jest i dlaczego stał się taki ważny? Cz. 1 Dzisiaj trochę historii 📚, żeby przybliżyć Państwu temat brandingu. Co to właściwie jest? Skąd wziął się branding i do czego służy? 🤔 Historia brandingu sięga kilku tysięcy lat wstecz. Odwołując się do książki „Branding” Roberta Jonesa możemy dowiedzieć się, że „Starożytni Egipcjanie podgrzewali żegadła w ogniu 🔥, rozpalając je do czerwoności, a następnie używali ich do znakowania bydła. Każdy miał swój własny znak, który potwierdzał przynależność zwierząt do właściciela. Branding zaczął się od ognia, a samo słowo pochodzi ze słownika Wikingów 🛡️– brandr – i oznacza „palić”. 💡Siłę nowoczesnego brandingu można porównać do narzędzia, jakie wypala pomysły i idee w naszych umysłach. Nadal używa się określenia brand new, co oznacza prosto z ognia Branding to proces strategicznego kształtowania i zarządzania wizerunkiem marki lub firmy w umysłach i sercach ❤️ konsumentów. Obejmuje on tworzenie spójnej tożsamości marki, która jest oparta na wartościach, misji, wizji i cechach firmy. Celem brandingu jest wykreowanie silnego i pozytywnego skojarzenia z marką, co przekłada się na lojalność klientów 💖, rozpoznawalność na rynku 🌍 oraz zdolność do wyróżnienia się spośród konkurencji. Jako studio oferujące design branding 🎨 przykładamy dużą wagę do poszukiwania najlepszych rozwiązań dla naszych klientów, aby stworzyć w pełni spójną i funkcjonalną identyfikację, taką, która odda charakter i ducha marki🌟 #BrandingHistory #AncientBranding #BrandingEvolution #BrandIdentity #StrategicBranding #BrandManagement #BrandValues #MissionVisionValues #EmotionalBranding #BrandConnection #ModernBranding #BrandNew #Zapudelkowani #BrandIdentityDesign #MarketRecognition #CustomerLoyalty #BrandingImpact #CreativeBranding #LogoDesign #BrandPersonality #ZapudelkowaniClients #UniqueBrand #FunctionalIdentity #BrandSpirit #CharacterAndPersonality #BrandingJourney #EffectiveBranding #ZapudelkowaniApproach

5/27/2024, 6:00:17 PM

COLOR PSYCHOLOGY 💚 GREEN Green, the color of renewal and growth, whispers of new beginnings and endless possibilities. It’s the shade of nature’s embrace, symbolizing harmony, balance, and the quiet power of resilience. It’s the lush canopy of trees in Miyazaki’s films, where every leaf whispers stories of growth and wonder. Green embodies balance, harmony, and the quiet strength of nature, grounding us amidst life’s hustle. For me, green embodies the values of sustainability, authenticity, and a deep connection to the world around us. It inspires brands to cultivate genuine relationships and grow with intention and purpose. Let green be the hue that invites your audience to find peace and renewal in your story. 🌿✨ #ColorPsychology #GreenInspiration #BrandColors #EmotionalBranding #NatureInspired

5/27/2024, 4:23:16 PM

Si llegaste hace poco a nuestra cuenta, quizás no sepas que… ¡Somos amigas! 🥰 Hace más de diez años que nos conocemos y más que amigas, somos familia 🫶🏼. A veces puede ser difícil para algunos trabajar con una amiga 😬. Pero desde nuestro lado, Anthea es lo que es gracias a nuestra amistad, a la confianza que hay entre nosotras y a la transparencia con la que afrontamos todo. Disfrutamos muchísimo de trabajar juntas ✨, nos reímos, charlamos, lloramos, pocas veces “nos agarramos”, nos perdonamos y después volvemos a reír. Lo más hermoso de todo, es que nos acompañamos, impulsamos a más y crecemos juntas día a día. Anthea es más que nuestro estudio de diseño. Es nuestra esencia y nuestro modo de vivir. ❤️ — If you recently came to our account, you may not know that... We are friends! We have known each other for more than ten years and more than friends, we are family 🫶🏼. Sometimes it can be difficult for some to work with a friend 😬. But from our side, Anthea is what it is thanks to our friendship, the trust that exists between us and the transparency with which we face everything. We really enjoy working together ✨, we laugh, we chat, we cry, we rarely fight, we forgive each other and then we laugh again. The most beautiful thing of all is that we accompany each other, we push for more and we grow together day by day. Anthea is more than our design studio. It is our essence and our way of living. ❤️ #brandingstudio #brandingdesign #visualidentity #socialmediadesign #diseñopararedes #graphicdesign #emotionalbranding

5/27/2024, 1:56:43 PM

Sometimes all you need is a quiet place under gently waving palm trees. Quiet the outside. Turn on the inside. Creativity awakens from the muse of pausing. ___________________________________________ #vacay #palmtrees #pause #muse #creativity #auszeit #relax #brandidentity #brandbuilding #mood #moodboard #design #markenaufbau #markenkommunikation #markenstrategie #traveljournal #travelblogger #emotion #emotionalbranding #branding #text #jhcommunique

5/27/2024, 12:53:57 PM

Luni. Săptămână nouă. Începuturi. Ce prilej bun pentru a aduce în discuție punctul zero a construcției de brand! De multe ori ni se pare că punctul zero e atunci când ne facem logo, creăm o pagină și începem să postăm. Dar stai! Ce postăm? Pentru cine postăm? De multe ori aici începe primul blocaj și e fix ca și cum ai pleca într-o vacanță. Imaginează-ți că ai o valiză care arată bine și ai și pus deja ceva în ea, dar nu mai știi ce să adaugi pentru că… nu îți este clar unde vrei să ajungi. 📌 Adevăratul punct zero în construcția de brand personal începe de la întrebările de reflecție pe care le discutăm cu noi înșine. Cele de tipul: Unde vreau să ajung? În ce moment mă opresc, după ce ajung acolo unde mi-am propus? Cum arată un brand personal bine construit pentru mine? Câți clienți sau cât ar trebui să vând ca să spun că-mi merge bine? Și când ești gata cu răspunsul, abia atunci vor începe să-ți fie mai clari pașii pe mai departe, chiar și destinația, cu tot cu detalii, ca pe Google Maps. 😅 Dar azi e luni, așa că te invit să alegi o întrebare din cele de mai sus și să schițezi răspunsul. Și îți mai las o invitație: să te întorci la răspuns din când în când și să alegi ce scoți din valiză și ce rămâne. #branding #emotionalbranding #humanbrand

5/27/2024, 10:38:06 AM

🔮 The Psychology of Branding: Crafting Emotional Connections 🧠✨ In the world of branding, psychology plays a pivotal role in shaping perceptions and building loyalty. Brands that tap into emotional triggers create deeper, more meaningful connections with their audience. 💡 Understanding consumer behavior, motivations, and subconscious desires allows brands to craft messages that resonate on a personal level. Whether it’s through color psychology 🎨, storytelling 📖, or social proof 🏆, successful brands use psychological principles to influence how we think and feel. By aligning a brand’s identity with the values and aspirations of their target market, companies can foster trust and a sense of belonging. 🤝💖 Next time you see a logo or an advertisement, remember: there’s more than meets the eye. It’s a carefully crafted psychological experience designed to captivate your mind and win your heart. 🏅🌟 #branding #psychology #ConsumerBehavior #marketingmagic #BrandStrategy #EmotionalBranding #brandloyalty #neuromarketing #BrandIdentity #MarketingPsychology #customerengagement #BrandPerception #Storytelling #colorpsychology #emotionaltriggers #brandexperience #consumerinsights #PsychologicalMarketing #brandawareness #BrandInfluence #MarketingStrategy #CustomerConnection #BrandBuilding #TrustInBrands #marketingtechniques

5/25/2024, 4:36:41 PM

Emotion A Novel Metric for Brand Value By 2024, Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) have one clear priority: demonstrating measurable brand value and setting “emotion a novel metric”. Traditionally, metrics such as revenue and net promoter scores have assessed brand value. Yet, these methods often lack the necessary precision to become industry standards. Moreover, emotion is increasingly recognized as a crucial factor in brand valuation. We possess extensive data on customer actions, yet we understand less about their feelings. Interestingly, research indicates that emotions often precede thoughts, challenging the traditional belief that thoughts lead emotions. Read More: https://trendingnow.pk/ Follow Us On: https://www.facebook.com/trendingnoww/ https://www.instagram.com/trendingnowweb/ https://www.pinterest.com/trendingnowpk/ https://www.tiktok.com/@trendingnowweb/ https://x.com/MuhammadMubashir/ #BrandValue2024 #EmotionalBranding #FutureOfMarketing #CMOInsights #BrandLoyalty #AIinMarketing #CustomerEngagement #EmotionalMetrics #MarketingTrends #DigitalMarketingStrategy #TrendingNow2024 #trendingnow

5/25/2024, 10:57:58 AM

Unlock the power of emotional branding! 🌟 Dive into our latest blog to uncover how storytelling can transform your brand's perception and drive deeper engagement with your audience. Ready to connect on an emotional level? ❤️ https://getdigitalcontent.com/blog/post/emotional-branding-using-storytelling-to-boost-perception--engagement #Branding #Storytelling #EmotionalBranding #MarketingMagic https://getdigitalcontent.com/blog/post/emotional-branding-using-storytelling-to-boost-perception--engagement

5/24/2024, 11:14:06 PM

At Digital Cherry, we don't just sell products; we evoke emotions. Your brand isn't just what you offer—it's the feeling it ignites. Let's craft that feeling together, making your brand unforgettable. . . #digitalcherry #emotionalbranding #brandexperience #craftingemotions #unforgettablebrand #brandidentity #feelingsmatter #brandconnection #brandemotion #emotionaldesign #brandjourney #digitalmarketing #seotips #quoteoftheday #brandquote #branding #fridayvibes #viralpost #followusnow

5/24/2024, 3:11:53 PM

Creating a brand that stands the test of time involves more than just marketing; it's about crafting meaningful connections that last. When you focus on brand building, you’re not just promoting a product or service—you’re creating an identity that resonates deeply with your audience. By understanding and addressing their needs and values, you can forge lifelong connections that foster loyalty and trust. A well-crafted brand becomes a cherished part of your customers' lives, remembered and valued for years to come. Start building your brand with the intention of creating lasting, heartfelt connections, and watch your business flourish. . . #digitalcherry #brandprotection #brandbuilding #standout #brandidentity #brandbuilding #lifelongconnections #meaningfulmarketing #customerloyalty #brandidentity #audienceengagement #trustandloyalty #cherishedbrand #brandresonance #emotionalbranding #valuedconnections #businessgrowth #timelessbrand #heartfeltbranding #customerconnection

5/24/2024, 9:45:03 AM

Let's talk FEELINGS in branding!   Yep, you heard that right. It's not ALL logos and colors.  We're moving into a world where brands connect with you on a deeper level. Here's the forecast: 1. Storytelling is KING (or Queen!) Forget boring facts. Tell a story that makes us laugh, cry, or fist-pump the air! 2. We're ALL emotional creatures. Brands that understand our feels will win every time. 3. Short & sweet wins! People are busy. Keep your message concise and impactful. So, how do you make your brand resonate? 1. Find your tribe! Who are you trying to reach? Speak their language and understand their dreams. 2. Be authentic. Be YOU! Don't try to be someone you're not. People can see through the BS. 3. Show, don't tell. Use visuals and experiences to evoke emotions. Let your brand come alive! Remember, your brand is more than a pretty face. It's a feeling.   Let's make it a good one! #emotionalbranding #brandingtips #connectwithyouraudience #growth #AI #adnanhussainofficial

5/23/2024, 5:20:51 PM

Let's talk FEELINGS in branding!   Yep, you heard that right. It's not ALL logos and colors.  We're moving into a world where brands connect with you on a deeper level. Here's the forecast: 1. Storytelling is KING (or Queen!) Forget boring facts. Tell a story that makes us laugh, cry, or fist-pump the air! 2. We're ALL emotional creatures. Brands that understand our feels will win every time. 3. Short & sweet wins! People are busy. Keep your message concise and impactful. So, how do you make your brand resonate? 1. Find your tribe! Who are you trying to reach? Speak their language and understand their dreams. 2. Be authentic. Be YOU! Don't try to be someone you're not. People can see through the BS. 3. Show, don't tell. Use visuals and experiences to evoke emotions. Let your brand come alive! Remember, your brand is more than a pretty face. It's a feeling.   Let's make it a good one! #emotionalbranding #brandingtips #connectwithyouraudience #growth #AI #adnanhussainofficial

5/23/2024, 5:20:11 PM

Start your business with our distinctive designs. We create aesthetic, timeless, and sophisticated website and marketing templates, as well as semi-brands full of soul and passion. Discover our range of offerings, including aesthetic templates, branding, design inspiration, support for women entrepreneurs, social media design, Canva templates, Showit website templates, website design, minimal logos, business tips, marketing strategies, corporate design, business cards, and premade brands ✨ #emotionalbranding #storytelling #logomark #sneakpeek #custombranding #brandcuration #thebrandingcollective #minimalstyle #modernbranding #minimalbranding #luxurybranding #visualidentity #highendbrands #highenddesign #minimalaesthetic #neutralaesthetic #brandingservices #creativedirection #brandingstudio #branding101 #brandstylist #inspofinds #calledtobecreative

5/23/2024, 4:48:45 PM

〰️ Pia 〰️ Découvrez les mockups que j'ai conçus pour Pia. Chaque packaging est pensé pour son usage spécifique : un élixir pour la nuit, à portée de main sur votre table de nuit, et des capsules pour l'énergie, idéales pour débuter votre journée. Une approche élégante et pratique pour chaque moment🤍 #DesignGraphique #DesignMinimaliste #DesignÉmotionnel #VisuelCréatif #EsthétiqueModerne #InspirationCréative #BrandingAvecÉmotion #IdentitéDeMarque #GraphicDesign #MinimalistDesign #EmotionalDesign #CreativeVisual #ModernAesthetics #CreativeInspiration #DesignHarmony #EmotionalBranding #BrandIdentity #minimalaesthetics #minimalLogo #simplicity #cleanLines #timelessdesign

5/23/2024, 11:02:35 AM

Astăzi scriu despre loialitate și tranzacționalitate. Este posibil, ca brand sau antreprenor, să vrei una și să iasă... altceva? Am scris întrebarea asta și apoi m-am pus pe gânduri, așa cum fac de obicei când îmi gândesc postările: Ioana, tu ce vrei să înțeleagă oamenii din asta? Ce vrei să facă oamenii cu ceea ce ai scris tu aici? Ce vreau să știi este că, deși uneori e copleșitor Marketingul ăsta și ne gândim la o mie de lucruri odată și parcă toate-s importante și trebuie făcute azi. 📌 Găsește-ți clienții adevărați, locul unde se află aceștia și fă relația să meargă. Am observat că multe branduri au programe de loialitate foarte avantajoase. Însă ce-i interesant de menționat este că, deși brandurile îți propun loialitate, rădăcina relației este tranzacțională. Dacă cumperi 2X sau 3X, primești Y. Are sens? Ai întâlnit situația? Te-ai gândit vreodată la acest lucru? Să ne întoarcem la serviciul tău. 👉 Gândește-te la lista clienților tăi. Cei care au cumpărat. 👉 Gândește apoi la cei care au cumpărat des. 👉 Apoi la cei care au cumpărat des și repetat. 👉 Ia-ți timp să vezi ce mai fac acești oameni acum (social media, discuție, research, orice ce crezi că e potrivit) 👉 Anticipează ce și-ar dori să audă de la tine, ca să reluați comunicarea 👉 Acționează 😊 #branding #emotionalbranding #humanbrand

5/23/2024, 9:43:03 AM

# ۱- برند، بازاریابی نیست یک مفهوم است ۲- برند، محصول نیست یک تجربه است ۳- برند، طعم نیست یک احساس است ۴- برند، تعامل نیست یک رابطه است ۵- برند، لوگو نیست یاد ( خاطره‌ ) اآن است ۶- برند، رنگ نیست ارتباط با آن است ۷- برند، محتوا نیست معنای پشت آن است ۸- برند، یک داستان نیست دلیل آن است که گفته می‌شود ۹- برند، فرهنگ نیست تجلی مظهر آن است ۱۰- برند، چیزی که انجام می‌شود نیست چگونگی انجام آن است ۱۱- برند، چیزی که دیده می‌شود نیست آن چیزی است که به یاد می‌ماند ۱۲- برند، یک جامعه نیست چیزی است بین همه مشترک می‌شود #braning #branddesign #brandidentity #brand_management #emotionalbranding #marketing #digitalmarketing #concept #product #productbranding #experience #fellings #logo #colour #content #culture

5/22/2024, 9:42:54 PM

Introducing our "Delicious Food Rollup Banner Design" – an eye-catching and vibrant banner perfect for showcasing your culinary delights. Featuring high-resolution images of mouth-watering dishes, bold typography, and a modern layout, this banner is ideal for restaurants, food festivals, and catering events. Its sleek design not only attracts attention but also conveys the quality and flavor of your offerings, making it an essential marketing tool for any food-related business. #FoodBanner #RollupBanner #BannerDesign #FoodMarketing #RestaurantPromo #CulinaryDesign #EyeCatchingBanner #FoodFestival #CateringEvents #GourmetMarketing #FoodLovers #GraphicDesign #hssnartsfestival #hssnartscompetition #emotionalbranding #hssnarts #artshssn #Hossainhssnarts #hssnartshossain

5/22/2024, 9:01:50 PM

. um dos meus primeiros trabalhos de branding na 𝐧°𝐦𝐢𝐥 𝟏, que nunca partilhei aqui 🤍 Tem sido um caminho incrível de evolução, crescimento e aprendizagem 🙌🏼 Obrigada! . . . #creativeatelier #atelier #atelierdesign #business #design #designer #designgrafico #branding #brandingdesign #brandingdesigner #designstudio #designdecomunicação #designinspiration #emotionalbranding #emotionaldesign #emotions #brandingemocional

5/22/2024, 8:15:26 PM

POWERFUL BRANDS IMPRINT ON THE SUBCONSIOUS MIND 🧠 👇🏻 Have you ever wondered why some brand just feel right? It’s not by accident. Up to 95% of our purchasing decisions happen in the subconscious mind, and emotions play a massive role in this process. Our subconscious mind is like an unseen driver, steering our choices based on past experiences, feelings, and emotional triggers without us even realising. When a brand can tap into these emotions, it creates a powerful, instinctive loyalty. Consider the brands you trust the most. It’s likely because they make you feel something – maybe comfort, trust, or excitement. This emotional connection is key for brands looking to foster deep, lasting relationships with their customers. So, if you’re building a brand, focus on creating emotional experiences. Tell stories that resonate, evoke feelings that matter, and become a part of your customer’s daily life. It’s not just about being seen; it’s about being felt. #neurobranding #creativedirector #creativedirection #consciousbrand #emotionalbranding #brandstrategy #brandstrategymatters #consumerpsychology #brandloyalty #branddesign #marketingmindset

5/22/2024, 7:29:58 PM

Craft a Compelling Brand Narrative 🎬📖 Let us help you tell your brand's unique story through a professionally crafted video. Connect with your audience on an emotional level and build trust and credibility for your business. #BrandVideos #StorytellingSoldier #EmotionalBranding #storytelling

5/22/2024, 7:00:34 PM

🎯 APUNTA A LA NECESIDAD Y TENDRÁS ATENCIÓN. 🎯 Cuando hablamos de gestionar emociones nos referimos justo a las vías más factibles para conectar y quedarnos como primera opción en la mente de nuestra audiencia. 📌 Sin embargo, las razones deben ser muy específicas para que el posicionamiento de marca sea posible, esto se facilita cuando apelamos a las NECESIDADES. Comparto hoy contigo estás 6 que son las “básicas” para ejecutar nuestra estrategia de contenidos y poder con base alinear nuestra comunicación hacia esos objetivos. ☝🏼 ¿Cuál sería la mejor forma de implementarlo? En mi caso recomendaría que se cree una estrategia que puedan apelarse a estas necesidades de forma alternativa. 🤔 ¿Por qué alternarlos? Pues las personas necesitan SIEMPRE cosas distintas pero, si hacemos un buen uso de: el humor, el contenido informativo, la inspiración y la experiencia SIEMPRE podremos captar la atención de nuestra audiencia. 📍Y esto se logra implementando una gestión estratégica de comunicación. 🎯 ¿Ya definiste estas necesidades en tu marca? ¿Necesitas ayuda para definir la tuya? 🙋🏻‍♂️ ¡Aquí estoy para ayudarte! _ _ #brandbuilding #enmapb #brandidentity #emotionalbranding #comunidad

5/22/2024, 5:22:07 PM

Humanising is the ONLY way to conduct in the New World of Work. And Stories help you in doing that. People connections and relationships need an emotional approach and not an approach based on logic or reason. People respond to emotion, logic justifies the action. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but a strong brand story can spark a million emotions. ‍Brands can build lasting relationships by tapping into our emotional needs and aspirations. Your brand story is the bridge that connects with your audience/ stakeholders on a deeper level. It taps into their desires, aspirations, and values. At StoryKnack, we help businesses craft brand stories that resonate with their audience. We’ll help you find your brand voice, develop a compelling narrative, and create content that connects on a deeper level. A story that resonates and builds lasting connections. Ready to get started? Book a FREE 15-minute exploratory call with Anshul to discuss how StoryKnack can help you unlock your brand’s potential. To book your call: Appointment: https://calendly.com/anshulpunhani/book-an-exploratory-call Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 933157579 #emotionalbranding #brandstory #storytelling #connection #consumers #stakeholders #merchants #marketing #psychologyofbranding #brandstrategy #brandvoice #brandidentity #brandawareness #customerloyalty #storyknack #contentmarketing #socialmedia

5/22/2024, 3:06:35 PM

〰️ Pia 〰️ Les choix de couleurs pour l'identité visuelle de Pia complètent l'approche de l'équilibre entre vitalité et détente, avec des nuances douces de bleu et de pêche pour stimuler l'énergie, et de gris lavande apaisant associés à une teinte crème pour favoriser le sommeil, créant ainsi un équilibre parfait entre vitalité et détente🤍 #DesignGraphique #DesignMinimaliste #DesignÉmotionnel #VisuelCréatif #EsthétiqueModerne #InspirationCréative #BrandingAvecÉmotion #IdentitéDeMarque #GraphicDesign #MinimalistDesign #EmotionalDesign #CreativeVisual #ModernAesthetics #CreativeInspiration #DesignHarmony #EmotionalBranding #BrandIdentity #minimalaesthetics #minimalLogo #simplicity #cleanLines #timelessdesign

5/22/2024, 9:11:10 AM

The Wild West 🌵🏜️🌸🌊 meets the West Coast in botanical fine art photography by 💁🏻‍♀️ my personal photography from the last decade is hidden all over my website, have you taken a look? These are my absolute favorites… still trying to decide (years later) whether to make them into prints or maybe sketch them onto fabric and embroider them.. that may take longer than the time it took to edit them though 😂 took the Last Cruces New Mexico ones on a solo road trip back in 2017 and just edited the last of them today 👀 in 2024. Not like anyone but myself was waiting 🤓 If you are waiting on a project with a creative, it’s important to note that these little personal projects that pop up in the middle are incredibly crucial to the creative process. A designer/ stylist/ photographer/ musician/ creative of any kind is not going to be able to create for money much longer than you can spell “burn-out” aloud if we aren’t creating something that our SOUL lives through. That’s why it’s so important to me that I keep repeating the same messages over and over and over. Its energy! Align with your SOULmate clients, and your work will always be filling up your soul as well as theirs ✨ It’s not too late to change directions. You aren’t stuck where you are. The only thing limiting you is the idea that you have to stay where you are. That you have to be just one thing. Fly with me artists 💸🦋🛸🪲 #custombranding #emotionalbranding #brandingdesignstudio #brandcuration #thebrandingcollective #minimalstyle #modernbranding #minimalbranding #luxurybranding #visualidentity #elevatecultivate #femaledesigner #highendbrands #highenddesign #mybeigelife #minimalaesthetic #neutralaesthetic #brandingservices #creativedirection #brandingstudio #branding101 #brandstylist #fwportfolio #inspofinds #calledtobecreative

5/21/2024, 6:28:32 PM

What made the BMW ads so remarkably successful? The slogan "The Ultimate Driving Machine" positioned BMW as a leader in luxury and performance, appealing to consumers seeking an unparalleled driving experience. This tagline wasn't just a marketing gimmick; it encapsulated the brand's core promise and identity. By focusing on the driving experience, BMW differentiated itself from competitors who often emphasized status or technical specifications. This strategic positioning resonated deeply with car enthusiasts and luxury buyers, creating an emotional connection emphasizing the joy and thrill of driving a BMW. Additionally, the consistency and clarity of BMW's messaging across all marketing channels reinforced the brand's identity and value proposition. High-quality visuals, engaging storytelling, and targeted advertising campaigns consistently showcased BMW's commitment to engineering excellence and driver satisfaction. This cohesive approach built brand loyalty and established BMW as the go-to choice for consumers desiring both luxury and high performance. By aligning their marketing with the authentic attributes of their vehicles, BMW successfully created a lasting impression and a powerful brand legacy. 🚗💨 #MarketingStrategy #BrandPositioning #LuxuryCars #BMW #CustomerEngagement #AdvertisingSuccess #PerformanceMarketing #AutomotiveIndustry #EmotionalBranding

5/21/2024, 1:10:55 PM

What is a brand story? Branding can evoke different emotions just by the colors, fonts, and graphics used to represent the brand. This is a big reason why being consistent in your imaging is so important. You want your customers to have the same experience and emotions every time they come in contact with your business! Scroll through the next few slides to see what I mean. These bright and bold designs bring out a playful side and make you think of fun times and have summer feelings! What story does your branding tell? If you are not clear on what your brand's image is it will be more difficult for your customers to recognize you and to be reminded of you when they see your content. Creating a brand strategy, utilizing a branding coach or setting up a branding consultation to audit your brands consistency can be a great place to start. Start using: - A regular set of fonts - Consistant colors - Similar images Sit back to watch and see how your recognition increases! Needing a place to get started? Send me a message, download my free guide, or do some research on tools like canva and pinterest for inspiration. Even little steps towards brand recognition and consistency can go a long way. #BrandStory #BrandingEmotions #ConsistentImagery #CustomerExperience #BrightAndBoldDesigns #PlayfulDesigns #SummerVibes #RecognizableBrand #BrandRecognition #VisualIdentity #BrandStrategy #BrandingCoach #ConsistentFonts #ConsistentColors #BrandConsultation #BrandingAudit #BrandConsistency #VisualConsistency #BrandingTips #BrandRecognitionTips #EmotionalBranding #ColorPsychology #BrandIdentity #BrandImage #LogoDesign #GraphicDesign #BrandMarketing #DigitalBranding

5/21/2024, 7:00:12 AM

"Does your brand have soul? It’s not just about products, it’s about passion, purpose, and connection. 💫❤️" #BrandWithSoul #PurposeDrivenBrand #BrandPassion #EmotionalBranding #AuthenticConnection #BrandIdentity #MeaningfulMarketing #BrandValues #HeartfeltBranding #BrandStorytelling #graciamarcom

5/21/2024, 6:30:24 AM

Make your brand unforgettable. Design experiences that tap into emotions and create lasting memories. It's not just about the logo, it's about the feeling you leave behind. #DesignThinking #BrandExperience #ExperiencesOverLogos #MemoryMakingDesign #EmotionalBranding #DesignThatFeels #BrandAsFeeling #MoreThanAVisual #LastingImpressionDesign #ExperiencetheDifference

5/20/2024, 3:31:47 PM

We are seeking a professional and visually appealing flyer design to advertise a property for sale or rent. The flyer should include a captivating headline, detailed property information, high-quality images, and clear contact details. The design must be clean, organized, and align with our branding. Deliverables include a print-ready PDF, digital formats for online sharing, and original design files. Please ensure the flyer is attractive, modern, and compliant with local real estate advertising regulations. #RealEstateFlyer #PropertyForSale #HomeForSale #DreamHome #LuxuryLiving #RealEstateMarketing #HouseHunting #NewHome #ForRent #RealEstateAgent #hssnartsfestival #hssnartscompetition #emotionalbranding #hssnarts #artshssn #Hossainhssnarts #hssnartshossain

5/20/2024, 11:49:38 AM

"True branding goes beyond looks; it’s about forging connections that last. 💬❤️" #BrandConnection #BeyondAesthetics #EmotionalBranding #CustomerEngagement #BrandLoyalty #MeaningfulConnections #BrandIdentity #HumanTouch #MarketingTruths #AuthenticBranding #graciamarcom

5/20/2024, 6:30:22 AM

✅ Emotion 𝗕𝗨𝗜𝗟𝗗𝗦 Loyalty ✅ Emotion 𝗗𝗥𝗜𝗩𝗘𝗦 Decision ✅ Emotion 𝗣𝗢𝗪𝗘𝗥𝗦 a Relationship ✅ Emotion 𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗣𝗘𝗟𝗦 Growth Many brands have already shifted from hard-sell to #emotionalbranding because of the #impact it gives to their consumers and the engagement you can achieve from applying emotions to your #marketingstrategy . #EmotiveBranding on the other hand ties all the emotional appeal of the #brandingstrategy back to the core of the business. This creates both engagement and relevancy, allowing the consumers to remember your brand when they come across a certain product. “𝙋𝙚𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙣’𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙖𝙞𝙙 𝙤𝙧 𝙙𝙞𝙙, 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡.” ⁠- Maya Angelou What’s your favourite emotional or emotive Raya Advertisement? #IdeaScape #NotNormal #Branding #Marketing #RayaAdvertisement #Raya2024

5/19/2024, 8:00:23 AM

Introducing the Double Chess Beef Burger – where flavor meets strategy! ♟️🍔 Our latest culinary masterpiece is a game-changer, featuring: Two juicy beef patties grilled to perfection. Melted cheese slices for that gooey goodness. Fresh lettuce, tomatoes, and onions adding a crunch with every bite. Signature chessboard bun for a unique twist. This isn't just a burger; it's a move towards unbeatable taste! Perfect for burger enthusiasts and chess lovers alike. Experience the checkmate of flavors today at your nearest location. #DoubleChessBeefBurger #BurgerLovers #CulinaryMasterpiece #TasteCheckmate #FoodieFavorites #DoubleChessBeefBurger #BurgerLovers #FoodieFavorites #GourmetBurger #BurgerPerfection #ChessAndCheese #TasteCheckmate #GrilledGoodness #CulinaryDelight #FoodieHeaven #Gastronomy #hssnartscompetition #emotionalbranding #hssnarts #artshssn #Hossainhssnarts #hssnartshossain

5/18/2024, 10:05:44 PM

At Seonart Studio, we view branding as an intimate relationship between you and your audience. It’s about creating genuine connections and fostering loyalty through honest, meaningful interactions. We specialize in crafting personalized branding strategies that resonate deeply with your people, ensuring your brand’s message is both heard and felt. Let us help you build a brand that speaks to the heart, creating lasting relationships that go beyond mere transactions. #BrandIntimacy #GenuineConnections #SeonartStudio #GoaMarketing #IntimateBranding #CustomerLoyalty #BrandLove #MarketingWithHeart #DeepConnections #BrandRelationships #AuthenticBranding #PersonalizedMarketing #EmotionalBranding #BrandLoyalty #MarketingMagic #HumanizeYourBrand #BrandEssence #TrueConnection #HeartfeltMarketing #resonatedeeply

5/18/2024, 9:07:28 PM

Investing in branding isn't just about aesthetics—it's about building meaningful connections, driving growth, and securing a lasting legacy in the minds of consumers. Effective branding is the best way to distinguish your brand from competitors, capturing attention and fostering recognition among your audience. 👏 Ready to help your brand stand out? Let’s work together - link in bio! #BrandPsychology #ConsumerBehavior #EmotionalBranding #PsychologyOfColor #BrandPerception #ConsumerInsights #BehavioralDesign #Neuromarketing #BrandConnection #CustomerExperience #EmotionalDesign #BrandLoyalty #ConsumerPsychology #BrandEngagement #PsychologicalMarketing #BrandValues #BrandEmotion #CustomerBehavior #MarketingPsychology #BrandStorytelling

5/17/2024, 11:46:18 PM

🚀 Empowering Tomorrow with Technology 🚀 As a tech visionary, I lead a team at Tech Solutions that thrives on cutting-edge innovation. Our mission? To seamlessly blend modernity and technology, creating solutions that redefine the digital landscape. 🌐 Comprehensive Tech Services: Cloud Computing: Scalable, reliable solutions that adapt to your needs. Cybersecurity: Safeguarding your digital assets with precision. AI & Machine Learning: Smart solutions for complex challenges. 🌟 Why Choose Us? Innovation: We’re at the forefront of tech advancements. Expertise: Our seasoned professionals bring unmatched skills. Customer Focus: Tailored solutions that drive your success. 📞 Get in Touch: Address: 123 Tech Lane, Innovation City Phone: (123) 456-7890 Email: [email protected] Website: www.techsolutions.com 🌐 Join the Future of Technology! Let’s transform your business together. Connect with me today! #TechInnovation #DigitalTransformation #CuttingEdgeTech #AIandML #CybersecuritySolutions #CloudComputing #TechLeadership #InnovationCity #SmartSolutions #hssnartscompetition #emotionalbranding #hssnarts #artshssn #Hossainhssnarts #hssnartshossain

5/17/2024, 9:41:35 PM

The story your branding shows is actually really important. If you are a business owner then you should learn how to craft a compelling brand narrative that attracts your audience. Remember authenticity and emotional connections can strengthen your company's over all customer base. #captaindesignagency #Branding #BrandStorytelling #BrandNarrative #Storytelling #emotionalbranding

5/16/2024, 8:46:22 PM

🚀 New Design Release: Flat Design Business Stationery Template with Low Poly Shapes! 🚀 I’m excited to introduce our latest business stationery template that blends modern flat design with striking low poly shapes. Perfect for elevating your brand's professional image with a touch of contemporary flair. 📄 What's Included: Letterhead Business Card Envelope (Standard and Window) Presentation Folder 💡 Design Features: Clean, minimalistic flat design Geometric low poly elements for added depth Professional color palette with a modern touch Whether you're looking to revamp your business branding or need a fresh, cohesive stationery set, this template is designed to make a lasting impression. #FlatDesign #BusinessStationery #LowPolyDesign #GraphicDesign #Branding #ModernDesign #StationerySet #ProfessionalDesign #CreativeStationery #DesignInspiration #PrintDesign #FlatDesign #BusinessStationery #LowPolyDesign #ModernStationery #MinimalistDesign #GeometricShapes #CreativeStationery #ProfessionalDesign #GraphicDesign #StationerySet #DesignInspiration #BusinessTemplates hssnartsfestival #hssnartscompetition #emotionalbranding #hssnarts #artshssn #Hossainhssnarts #hssnartshossain

5/16/2024, 4:44:14 PM

Have you ever scrolled past an ad that felt like a chore to read? Yeah, me too. But what if your brand story could grab attention and leave a lasting impression? Here’s a breakdown of Brand Storytelling in 8 easy steps to reel your audience in: ⏩️ Hook ‘Em From the Start: Just like a captivating headline, open with a question, a surprising fact, or a relatable anecdote. Think “Did you know...?” or “Imagine a world where...” ⏩️ Engage Their Senses: Paint a picture with words. Let them feel the excitement, smell the coffee brewing, or hear the roar of the crowd using vivid descriptions. ⏩️ Empathize with Their Needs: Show you understand their struggles. Are they tired, frustrated, or looking for something better? Acknowledge their pain points. ⏩️ Teach Them Something Valuable: Offer a helpful tip, an insightful statistic, or a solution to their problem. ⏩️ Make Your Claim: This is your brand’s entrancement! Briefly showcase how your product or service solves their problem or enhances their life. ⏩️ Back it Up with Proof: Testimonials, awards, or case studies add credibility. Show, don’t just tell! ⏩️ Reverse the Risk: Offer a money-back guarantee, free trial, or consultation. Eliminate their fear of taking the leap. ⏩️ Close the Deal: End with a clear call to action. Tell them exactly what you want them to do next, whether it’s visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or making a purchase. Following these steps and infusing your brand story with exciting elements, will have you on your way to building a loyal audience and achieving long-term success. #brandstorytelling #storybranding #brandstories #storymarketing #customerstories #brandnarrative #storytellingworkshop #connectwithstories #emotionalbranding #bringyourbrandtolife #customerjourney #brandmarketing #brandmanagement #brandstrategy #storytelling #storybrand #brandstrategy

5/16/2024, 4:00:51 PM

Introducing @westoakinteriorsinc 〰️ a sophisticated interior design firm based in Canada, that creates timeless, elegant living spaces with natural beauty, comfort, and luxurious touches. Jenna needed a visual identity that resonated with the high-end interior design market, infusing a sense of value and trust in her audience. Through our brand-intensive process, we developed an identity that encapsulates the essence of West Oak, deeply rooted in European sensibility and aesthetics. Despite the quick timeframe of just one week, every element was meticulously curated to evoke harmony and luxury, reflecting their unique personality. Swipe to see more about this gorgeous brand 🤍 . . . Reserve your spot for July and beyond. Whether you're launching a new business or ready to take your business to the next level, book now by completing our inquiry form via the link in our bio. _____ #interiordesign #custombranding #emotionalbranding #brandingdesignstudio #brandcuration #thebrandingcollective #minimalstyle #modernbranding #minimalbranding #luxurybranding #visualidentity #elevatecultivate #femaledesigner #highendbrands #highenddesign #mybeigelife #minimalaesthetic #neutralaesthetic #brandingservices #creativedirection #brandingstudio #branding101 #brandstylist #fwportfolio #inspofinds #calledtobecreative

5/16/2024, 3:01:09 PM

🧠✨ Warum das limbische System im Marketing so wichtig ist! ✨🧠 Habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum bestimmte Anzeigen euch tief berühren oder warum ihr euch an manche Marken besser erinnert als an andere? Die Antwort liegt tief in unserem Gehirn – genauer gesagt, im limbischen System! Das limbische System spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Verarbeitung von Emotionen und ist daher ein Schlüsselziel im Marketing. Hier sind drei Gründe, warum Marketer dieses Wissen nutzen sollten: 1️⃣ Emotionale Verbindung: Werbungen, die Emotionen wecken, bleiben länger im Gedächtnis und fördern eine stärkere Bindung zur Marke. 2️⃣ Entscheidungsfindung: Emotionen beeinflussen unsere Kaufentscheidungen. Eine positive emotionale Reaktion kann den Ausschlag geben, ob wir uns für oder gegen ein Produkt entscheiden. 3️⃣ Kundenloyalität: Emotionale Erlebnisse schaffen tiefere Bindungen, die die Kundenloyalität stärken und zu wiederholten Käufen führen. Nutzt das Wissen um das limbische System, um eure Kampagnen nicht nur informativ, sondern auch emotional ansprechend zu gestalten! 🌟 #MarketingTips #Neuromarketing #EmotionalBranding #SocialMediaManagement #limbischessystem #Kommunikation #Bauchgefühl #Intuition #intuitivesmarketing

5/16/2024, 1:25:30 PM

In the world of luxury real estate, it’s about so much more than just square footage and amenities. Discerning buyers crave a connection, a sense of belonging, and the feeling of living their dream. This is where emotional branding comes in! ➡️ Head to our website (link in bio) to dive deep into how emotional branding can elevate your luxury real estate experience. We explore the benefits, key components, and strategies to craft a brand that resonates with your ideal buyer and transforms transactions into journeys of aspiration and fulfillment. Don’t just sell a house, sell a dream ✨ . . . . . #SolLuxtryMarketing #luxuryrealestate #emotionalbranding #dreamhome #investinspain #Marbella #costadelsol

5/16/2024, 11:06:42 AM

Ti spiego, rapidamente, quali sono le cosiddette 𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐝'𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐚. 🤓 Conosciute come le 𝟔 𝐒 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠, si suddividono in: • 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦-𝑎𝑟𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡: autore di un racconto; • 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦-𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟: lettore e/o ascoltatore; • 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦: racconto vero e proprio; • 𝑠𝑒𝑡: tempo e luogo in cui il racconto viene sperimentato e vissuto; • 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑤: modalità e/o forma d’esibizione culturale; • 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟: portatore di storie che influenza con le sue competenze l’esito della story-experience. Scoprile meglio nel mio ultimo libro sull'Emotional Branding. ➩ Link in bio.🤗 . . . . . #emotionalbranding #storytelling #storytellingmarketing #SMM #socialmedia #socialmediamarketing

5/16/2024, 9:56:55 AM

Banii pot cumpăra orice, numai nu fericirea. Dar mai știi twistul acela că, banii pot cumpăra și fericirea dacă știi unde să îți faci cumpărăturile? 😏 Să trecem la branduri. A stabili un simbol și un sens în mintea clienților tăi (brand meaning) este una dintre cele mai logevive provocări, dar despre asta în altă postare. Pentru că înainte de a vorbi despre brand meaning, hai să ne uităm la două valori de care ținem cont nu doar când vedem produse și branduri, ci și când cunoaștem oameni noi: 👉 Care îi sunt intențiile vizavi de noi (căldura) 👉 Ce o să spună (competența) Restul ține de nuanță și, cu cât mai caldă și competentă este interacțiunea, cu atât mai multe șanse îi vom da să facă parte din viețile noastre. Te încurajez să îți iei astăzi câteva minute și să reflecți la aceste două variabile. Căldura și Competența. Iar dacă simți că ți-a fost de folos această informație, m-aș bucura să salvezi postarea sau să i-o trimiți cuiva căruia crezi că îi va fi de folos. ❤️ #branding #emotionalbranding #humanbrand

5/16/2024, 9:29:31 AM

"Dreaming of studying in England? 🎓🌍 Join thousands of graduate students and experience world-class education, rich history, and a vibrant campus life. Apply now and embark on your academic adventure! 🇬🇧✨ #StudyAbroad #GraduateStudies #UKEducation #AcademicExcellence #StudentLife" #StudyAbroad, #UKEducation, #GraduateStudies #hssnartsfestival #hssnartscompetition #emotionalbranding #hssnarts #artshssn #Hossainhssnarts #hssnartshossain

5/16/2024, 8:00:26 AM

🌟 𝐃𝐢𝐞 𝐊𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐢𝐦 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲-𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐭 🌟 Warum schwören Kunden auf bestimmte Beauty-Marken? Es ist die Geschichte, die hinter jedem Produkt steht – sie zieht uns an, fesselt uns und lässt uns nicht mehr los! 🌺 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐦 𝐣𝐞𝐝𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞 𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐆𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐭: - 𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐧𝐠: Eine starke Geschichte spricht die Gefühle an und schafft eine unvergessliche Verbindung. - 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨̈𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐤𝐞𝐢𝐭: Deine Geschichte macht deine Marke einzigartig und unterscheidet dich von der Konkurrenz. - 𝐊𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐧𝐠: Geschichten verwandeln einfache Käufer in treue Fans und Botschafter deiner Marke. 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐧: 1. 𝐋𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐂𝐨𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬: Bekannt für ihre frischen, handgemachten Produkte, erzählt Lush Geschichten über Nachhaltigkeit und Ethik, die Kunden weltweit inspirieren und binden. 2. 𝐃𝐨𝐯𝐞: Mit ihrer „𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲“-Kampagne hat Dove eine Bewegung für Selbstakzeptanz und Schönheit jenseits von Stereotypen geschaffen. 3. 𝐄𝐬𝐭𝐞́𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫: Diese Marke vermittelt Luxus und Eleganz durch Geschichten von anspruchsvoller Schönheit und weiblicher Stärke, die über Generationen hinweg resonieren. 🔥 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐈𝐡𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐭𝐞 𝐞𝐫𝐳𝐚̈𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐧! 🔥 Bereit, eine unvergessliche Geschichte zu schreiben, die Ihre Marke definiert und Ihre Kunden begeistert? Kontaktieren Sie mich, um eine maßgeschneiderte Storytelling-Strategie zu entwickeln, die Ihre Produkte und Ihre Mission zum Leben erweckt. 📲 DM mich, um Ihre einzigartige Markengeschichte zu beginnen! #Storytelling #BeautyBrands #EmotionalBranding #BrandStory #ContentMarketing #beautybusiness

5/15/2024, 10:00:44 AM

Eu tenho certeza que boa parte daquilo que você compra é motivado por um sentimento. Seja de conquista, realização, pertencimento, exclusividade, enfim, as decisões de compra são uma finalidade da mudança em seu estado emocional. Para quem vende um produto ou serviço, você precisa conseguir atingir as emoções certas do seu público. E isso só é possível a partir de 3 coisas: - um propósito bem definido - conhecer o seu público - uma comunicação assertiva Ofereça o sentimento que a pessoa vai ter ao acessar o que você vende, busque entender o seu público, suas crenças, e se o que você comunica está claro e alinhado com o seu propósito. Fez sentido pra você? 💜✨ #brandingemocional #propósitodemarca #branding #emotionalbranding #design #empreendedorismo

5/14/2024, 5:48:21 PM

Each design we create is meticulously crafted with purpose and intentionality in mind. The concept of the oak tree essence in this brand pays homage to its symbolism: strength, stability, and groundedness. This is reflected in the design of the logomark, where the three ribbon shapes within the monogram signify unity and interconnectedness, echoing the robust and intertwined branches of an oak tree. These shapes also symbolize the enduring strength and stability associated with the oak tree, resonating with the strong, collaborative relationship forged between @westoakinteriorsinc and their clients, aligning perfectly with their core values. . . . Stay tuned for the full brand reveal coming soon! ✨ _____ #interiordesign #custombranding #emotionalbranding #brandingdesignstudio #brandcuration #thebrandingcollective #minimalstyle #modernbranding #minimalbranding #luxurybranding #visualidentity #elevatecultivate #femaledesigner #highendbrands #highenddesign #mybeigelife #minimalaesthetic #neutralaesthetic #brandingservices #creativedirection #brandingstudio #branding101 #brandstylist #fwportfolio #inspofinds #calledtobecreative

5/14/2024, 3:58:24 PM