chinainteriordesigner images

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The beauty of French elegance lies in its innate luxury that’s overly extravagant. When Simon Chong’s design team was entrusted with the Chengdu Central Park villa project, they were inspired to implement the beauty and mood of Paris into the space. Digesting the ambience of the region, they carefully fused this into the villa’s setting. Carved totems and elegant lines and mouldings on the walls and ceilings are interpreted with a fresh perspective, while signalling French culture. Meanwhile, cool contemporary tones make the house feel airy and modern, mingling gracefully with marble fireplaces and intricate furnishings. From the dining room fit for a French manor, the artistically appointed living room to the bedrooms filled with humanistic touches, the integration of French fine living and philosophies are abound. 法式優雅的過人之處在於不鋪張浮誇的奢華;Simon Chong設計團隊獲委托處理成都中央公園別墅項目時,便先沉澱巴黎之美,再以內斂的方式規劃設計風格。透過色彩和軟裝配搭營造出浪漫的時尚法式氣質,在樓高四層的別墅內,既追求和諧協調,亦崇尚衝突美,在牆面、天花的雕花圖騰和線條上,以清新視角演繹濃厚的法國文化。冷酷型格的現代色調讓全屋通透大氣,石膏線、大理石壁爐和傢具擺飾,則展現法式浪漫與對細節的考究。從媲美法國莊園的飯廳,來到具藝術氣息的客廳,以至瀰漫人文情感的睡房,處處均見法式優雅與生活哲學的契合,引領客人從心感受妙不可言的生活空間。

4/19/2024, 6:42:50 AM

The beauty of French elegance lies in its innate luxury that’s overly extravagant. When Simon Chong’s design team was entrusted with the Chengdu Central Park villa project, they were inspired to implement the beauty and mood of Paris into the space. Digesting the ambience of the region, they carefully fused this into the villa’s setting. Carved totems and elegant lines and mouldings on the walls and ceilings are interpreted with a fresh perspective, while signalling French culture. Meanwhile, cool contemporary tones make the house feel airy and modern, mingling gracefully with marble fireplaces and intricate furnishings. From the dining room fit for a French manor, the artistically appointed living room to the bedrooms filled with humanistic touches, the integration of French fine living and philosophies are abound. 法式優雅的過人之處在於不鋪張浮誇的奢華;Simon Chong設計團隊獲委托處理成都中央公園別墅項目時,便先沉澱巴黎之美,再以內斂的方式規劃設計風格。透過色彩和軟裝配搭營造出浪漫的時尚法式氣質,在樓高四層的別墅內,既追求和諧協調,亦崇尚衝突美,在牆面、天花的雕花圖騰和線條上,以清新視角演繹濃厚的法國文化。冷酷型格的現代色調讓全屋通透大氣,石膏線、大理石壁爐和傢具擺飾,則展現法式浪漫與對細節的考究。從媲美法國莊園的飯廳,來到具藝術氣息的客廳,以至瀰漫人文情感的睡房,處處均見法式優雅與生活哲學的契合,引領客人從心感受妙不可言的生活空間。

4/19/2024, 6:41:00 AM

The modern elite are a unique demographic who value independent thinking, have clear aesthetic vision and know how to pursue fine living. Our founder, Simon Chong took these aspects to heart when he designed the large scale residentials for such potential clients in Yueyang, China. Equipped with a thorough understanding of their requirements, Simon interpreted their ideals through his design of contemporary elegant, luxurious spaces, bringing the homeowners a renewed sense of energy. Meanwhile, the public areas of ​​the residence combine modern art and humanistic design, where every line, surface material selection, wood decor and placement of ornaments embody the creator’s attention to detail. This consideration extends to the private domains - the master bedroom blends a calming atmosphere with fashionable textures, while the children’s room evokes sweet innocence and curious interest. Bringing the outdoors in through green plantations of different species fuel the space with fresh dynamism. Contact us to create your own dream design space at Simon Chong Design Consultants. 現代都市精英家庭重視自主思考,擁有清晰的美學主張,熱衷追求高品味生活。我們的創辦人Simon Chong在處理中國岳陽及茂苑工程樣品屋及公區精裝設計專案時,對單位的潛在客戶進行透徹的理解,於現代雅奢的語境下,演繹出多元年輕的理想生活,為每位家庭成員帶來煥新的能量。住宅的公區設計兼具現代藝術與人文風尚,為客人建構尊貴的入戶體驗,和豐富健康的生活體驗。每道線條、面材、木飾、擺件均凝聚了設計師的人文關懷。主人房交融着靜謐氛圍與時尚質感,孩子房凸顯童真童趣,在活潑擺件和綠植的點綴下,為空間注滿希望與動感。請即與我們聯絡,了解更多設計詳情。

4/5/2024, 11:02:38 AM

The modern elite are a unique demographic who value independent thinking, have clear aesthetic vision and know how to pursue fine living. Our founder, Simon Chong took these aspects to heart when he designed the large scale residentials for such potential clients in Yueyang, China. Equipped with a thorough understanding of their requirements, Simon interpreted their ideals through his design of contemporary elegant, luxurious spaces, bringing the homeowners a renewed sense of energy. Meanwhile, the public areas of ​​the residence combine modern art and humanistic design, where every line, surface material selection, wood decor and placement of ornaments embody the creator’s attention to detail. This consideration extends to the private domains - the master bedroom blends a calming atmosphere with fashionable textures, while the children’s room evokes sweet innocence and curious interest. Bringing the outdoors in through green plantations of different species fuel the space with fresh dynamism. Contact us to create your own dream design space at Simon Chong Design Consultants. 現代都市精英家庭重視自主思考,擁有清晰的美學主張,熱衷追求高品味生活。我們的創辦人Simon Chong在處理中國岳陽及茂苑工程樣品屋及公區精裝設計專案時,對單位的潛在客戶進行透徹的理解,於現代雅奢的語境下,演繹出多元年輕的理想生活,為每位家庭成員帶來煥新的能量。住宅的公區設計兼具現代藝術與人文風尚,為客人建構尊貴的入戶體驗,和豐富健康的生活體驗。每道線條、面材、木飾、擺件均凝聚了設計師的人文關懷。主人房交融着靜謐氛圍與時尚質感,孩子房凸顯童真童趣,在活潑擺件和綠植的點綴下,為空間注滿希望與動感。請即與我們聯絡,了解更多設計詳情。

4/5/2024, 11:01:48 AM

SILU 设计向您介绍 #ACTIU,一家办公家具制造商,旨在通过功能性和设计精良的办公椅和桌子提高用户的福祉。Actiu 的产品被设计为唤起极简主义和清洁感,同时优先考虑功能性和效率。 请关注 @silu_design,以获取更多家具品牌特色! SILU Design presents #ACTIU, an office furniture manufacturer with the goal to improve the well-being of their users with functional and well-designed office chairs and desks. Actiu's products are designed to evoke minimalism and cleanliness while prioritizing functionality and efficiency. Stay tuned for more furniture brand features on @silu_design! #actiufurniture #actiuoffice #actiuergonomics #ergonomicchair #ergonomicdesign #ergonomicofficechair #ergonomicofficefurniture #shanghaiofficefurniture #shanghaiinteriordesign #chinainteriordesigner #chinainteriordesign #siludesign #siludesignoffice #officeinteriors

3/4/2024, 10:48:24 AM

Progetti d'archivio. Quando si disegnava senza computer. #architettura #interiordesign #drawing #disegni #chinainteriordesigner

2/25/2024, 3:34:57 PM

J'adore!!!!! Настоящий правильный старый Китай! Предмет роскоши в интерьере! К.19 в, 54 см. Отличное состояние! #старыйкитай#ценныйкитай#китайскаяваза#китайщинавинтерьере#шинуазри#золотовинтерьере #шинуазри #китайщина#китайвинтерьере #желтыйцветвинтерьере #классическиеинтерьеры #дорогиедома #chinoiserie #chinainteriordesigner #chinoiserieenglishbamboo #classicinterior

11/4/2023, 6:56:07 PM

A sculptural feature stair takes users from the main lobby down into the subterranean galleries at Hangcheng Future Center Art Gallery in Hangzhou. Artwork animates visitors’ experience with the following pieces shown here: . Mirror of Light by 王成普 . DO+ by 李永庚 . The Gate of the Republic by 韓冬 . . . Photography commissioned by Just Design + China Resources . . . Photography by @studiosz_photo

10/16/2023, 3:14:57 PM

An evening view of Hangcheng Future Center Art Gallery taken from within a courtyard garden at dusk. . . . Photography commissioned by Just Design + China Resources . . . Photography by @studiosz_photo

10/13/2023, 10:50:06 AM

We had the pleasure of capturing Hangcheng Future Center Art Gallery in Hangzhou earlier this year. The project is conceived of as a ‘unforgettable art journey’ - one that extracts elements of Asian art and infuses those into a modern spatial layout. . One of my favorite spaces is this inside/outside lounge area which has the perfect balance of a minimalist backdrop overlaid with just the right amount of art, furnishings, and integrated lighting. Wall artwork by Hu Qinwu. . . . Photography commissioned by Just Design + China Resources . . . Photography by @studiosz_photo

10/10/2023, 10:19:39 AM

Гигантизм!!! Шикарная! Тонкий фарфор скорлупка. ПРОДАЖА #шинуазри#китайщинавинтерьере#японщина#китайскийфарфор#фарфорскорлупка#интерьер#дизайн#мейдзи#восточныйинтерьер#декорвинтерьере#сатсума #chinoiserie #japaneserice #chinainteriordesigner #satsuma #meiji

8/1/2023, 9:54:54 PM

ОБОЖАЮ, когда попадаются уникальные предметы! Я вообще полюбила восточные нотки в интерьере, хорошие китайские/японские вазы, напольные кашпо, огромные блюда клуазоне. Но крупная чаша это отдельная тема! Шикарный предмет интерьера. Не буду расхваливать, расписывать куда поставить, фантазируйте сами)) Единственное учтите наш гигантский размерчик!!! Диаметр 59 см)) форфор тончайший, скорлупка! Ручная роспись. Китай, 2я пол.20 века ( 70-80 гг) #шинуазри#китайщинавинтерьере#японщина#китайскийфарфор#фарфорскорлупка#интерьер#дизайн#мейдзи#восточныйинтерьер#декорвинтерьере#сатсума #chinoiserie #japaneserice #chinainteriordesigner #satsuma #meiji

7/30/2023, 6:51:09 PM

#china #chinainteriordesigner

7/2/2023, 7:00:23 AM

Thank you to the Asia Pacific Hotel Design Association from Beijing for visiting our office in Bangkok with 50 design professionals from across China. We are honored to host you at our office and then have our Partner Chakkraphong Manipanti inform you about the work we are doing across the world #p49deesigninterior #thaidesign #thaidesigner #p49deesign #interior #interiors #interiordesign #interiordesigner #hospitalitydesign #hoteldesign #hotels #hotelinteriors #hotelsandresorts #china #chinadesign #chinainteriordesigner #thaidesigner

6/30/2023, 6:47:15 AM

Armadio cinese in olmo laccato . 4 ante 4 cassetti 2 cassetti interni Tipico armadio pechinese in lacca. #arredamento #arredamentointerni #brutaldesign #etnikobycrosato #etnicinterior #armadio #armachair #chinainteriordesigner #chinastyle #arredamentointerni #arredamentoetnico #treviso #badoere

4/12/2023, 1:08:50 PM

Works Malaysia Kuala Lumpur 2023年open Shopping Center Malaysia建築の特色でもあるColonialとBotanicalをコンセプトに、高級感の高い商業空間をデザイン。 ファサード計画から内部まで提案。 #retaildesign #architectdesign #shoppingcenter #shoppingmalldesign #chinainteriordesigner #shanghaiarchitecture #botanical #商業施設 #設計デザイン #设计师 #Malaysia #Kuala Lumpur #naturedesign #3drendering #sketchup3d

3/23/2023, 4:31:11 AM

'Dark Yellow' Limited edition of 25. Print size is 24" (W) x 20" (H), unframed. Giclee print on Hahnemühle Photo Rag 308gsm paper. Prints also available. Available at : #interiordesign #commercialinteriordesign #saatchiart #chinainteriordesigner #photographyinvestment #lobbyart #hotelreception #artforrestaurants

3/21/2023, 11:03:28 PM

Lot 143 William Sweetlove (né en 1949) Cloned Chihuahua, 2006 Résine peinte - pièce unique Signé et indication « UNIQUE » sur la patte arrière gauche Epoque XXIème siècle. Dimensions de la sculpture : H:90; L:60 cm William Sweetlove, né à Ostende en Belgique en 1949, est un artiste postmoderne qui s'interroge sur l'idée de l'art et de la culture. Cet artiste non-conformiste créé des assemblages montrant son sens unique de l'imagination. En 2003, William Sweetlove rencontre un collectif d’artistes du Nord de l’Italie « The Cracking Art Group ». Ils ont en commun une base spirituelle dadaïste, surréaliste, Pop Art. Cela aboutira à une remarquable collaboration sous le nom de "Cracking Art loves William Sweetlove". Le matériau de base de son travail est une sorte de plastique, produit par une réaction thermo chimique, dans une huile naturelle. #sweetlove #williamsweetlove #cloned #clonedchihuahua #chihuahua #chinainteriordesigner #chihuahuas #uniquepieces #design #interiordesign #interior #luxembourg #luxembourg🇱🇺 #auction #auctionhouse #architecture #artist #art #contemporaryart

3/21/2023, 10:28:20 AM

The bar at Indigo Hotel Anji uses all dimensions including the ceiling to deliver the design narrative creating a space that is unique and graphic within a strong design language #hoteldesign #chinahotel #china #p49deesigninterior #thaidesign #thaidesigner #p49deesign #interior #interiors #interiordesign #interiordesigner #hospitalitydesign #hoteldesign #hotels #hotelinteriors #hotelsandresorts #chinainteriordesigner #chinadesign #anji #indigohotel #indigo #ihg #art #ceilings #lightingdesign #iconicdesign

3/14/2023, 8:20:41 AM

Design Project Sharing. Design by: Slowstudio. Furniture by: Liaigre, Shangxia, etc. venue: Shanghai. #interiordesign #interior #highendresidential #highendresidentialdesign #liaigrefurniture #liaigre #liaigreshanghai #chinainteriordesigner #admagazine #ad

3/8/2023, 7:39:27 AM

Works 中国 上海 2021年open Food & Fashion accessory Urban Oasis Parkをコンセプトに、Lifestyleに紐ついたナチュラルな室内商業空間をデザイン。 #restaurantdesign #architectdesign #shoppingcenter #chinainteriordesigner #shanghaiarchitecture #商業施設 #設計デザイン #设计师 #上海 #naturedesign #3drendering #sketchup3d

3/7/2023, 12:34:34 PM

Vintage lithograph print Chinese calligraphy Qi Baishi Loquat Vintage litho print on paper, limited edition. Signed lower left edition, 'Loquat'. Artist: Qi Baishi. The litho print demonstrates Chinese painting and Calligraphy. Good condition with traces of aging. Buy vintage artworks, lithographs and collectibles online. Choose your favourite style, technique and creator. Expressionism, Modern, Impressionism, Pop Art styles and others. Best vintage art items for your bedroom, living room. Worldwide shipping. . . . . . #art #artwork #vintage #vintageart #artcollector #fineart #onlineartshop #auctions #homedecor #decor #decorideas #qibaishi #chineseartwork #moderndesign #artcollection #antique #painting #artauction #artgallery #artforsell #chineseart #chineseink #chineseartworks #lithograph #lithogtaphprint #artantiques #chinese #chineselandscape #chinesepainting #chinainteriordesigner

1/6/2023, 8:29:35 PM

New on stock! A set of 4 Italian armchairs “Armlinda” designed and manufactured by Arrben in the eighties. Quality leather seat and backrest on a elegant chromed frame. In very good condition. Price of the set €1390,-. We ship worldwide. Just send us a DM for your shippingquote. #arrben #designerchairs #italianstyle #italianfurniture #italiandesign #italianinteriors #vintagechairs #vintageshop #midcenturyinteriors #midcenturyhome #residencemagazine #vogueliving #schönerwohnen #elledecor #elledecoration #marieclairemaison #chinainteriordesigner #chinainternationalfurniturefair #interiordesign

12/16/2022, 8:20:23 PM

Vintage litho print on paper Chinese calligraphy Wu Hufana river landscape with boats Vintage litho print on paper, limited edition. ‘River'. Artist: Wu Hufana. The litho print demonstrates Chinese painting and Calligraphy. Good condition with traces of aging. Buy vintage artworks, lithographs and collectibles online. Choose your favourite style, technique and creator. Expressionism, Modern, Impressionism, Pop Art styles and others. Best vintage art items for your bedroom, living room. Worldwide shipping. . . . . . #art #artwork #vintage #vintageart #artcollector #fineart #onlineartshop #auctions #homedecor #decor #decorideas #interiors #interiordesign #moderndesign #artcollection #antique #painting #artauction #artgallery #artforsell #chineseart #chineseink #chineseartworks #lithograph #lithogtaphprint #artantiques #chinese #chineselandscape #chinesepainting #chinainteriordesigner

12/4/2022, 5:49:16 PM

The move to China @inredningskurser #kinaflytten

11/13/2022, 4:13:55 PM

Since It’s inception in Beijing in the year of 2011, Zizai Design is a boutique interior design firm, which focusing on office, education,retail and residential space. It aims to bring the space with unique spirit and prospective characteristics. Ms @juliehou2020 The founder, has seasoned design experience and overseas study background. She has provided start to finish interior design services for more than 60 multinational companies, law firms and retain chain brands. And also she won prizes for her works published in industry media. In 2020, her name was listed in the first-class designers related to "ID Star Design List” of the American interior design in Chinese version. #zizaidesign #interiordesign #art #chinainteriordesigner #chineseinterior

9/1/2022, 4:30:18 AM

Ну вы понимаете, к чему этот пост-"разогрев" об уютном благородном желтом цвете в итрерьере и о китайщине в классическом интнрьере)) Сам объект представлю завтра! Следующим постом!)) #шинуазри #китайщина#китайвинтерьере #желтыйцветвинтерьере #классическиеинтерьеры #дорогиедома #chinoiserie #chinainteriordesigner #chinoiserieenglishbamboo #classicinterior

8/13/2022, 8:43:56 PM

Gifts from special people that I care a lot. How much beautiful are Chinese embroideries #antiquetextilescollections #chinainteriordesigner #antiqueembroidery #interiordesign #antiquetextilepillows

5/19/2022, 10:54:14 PM

Реализованный проект «Сакура» 90 кв м ковровой росписи по фактуре Травертин тонированный. Рисунок-медитация🌺. Студия RussianArt🔲#росписьстен#росписьстенназаказ#росписьстенмосква#мосбилд2022#мосбилд#художник#художникмосква#художникростов#настеннаяроспись#настеннаяживопись#интерьернаякартина#интерьернаяживопись#сакура#восточныйинтерьер #china #chinainteriordesigner #sakura #sakuraharuno #art#картина#интерьер#дизайнинтерьера#дизайнинтерьерамосква#дизайнинтерьераростов

4/4/2022, 11:38:07 AM

Процесс росписи Магнолии.💫Оформление откосов,живопись по золоту.⭐️ Студия RussianArt🔲 #художникростов#дизайнинтерьераростов#дизайнинтерьера#декорстен#интерьернаякартина#интерьернаяживопись#живописьмосква#картинавинтерьер#дизайнерростов#художник#золото#поталь#шинуазри #china #chinainteriordesigner#дизайнинтерьерамосква#дизайнер#дизайнпроект#художественнаяроспись#художественнаяросписьстен #russianart #art #artwork

3/20/2022, 5:48:38 PM

It’s the little details that turn a great design into an amazing design. This window could so easily have been ‘mister bog standard’ but just by pushing it out over the water it takes on a new and more beautiful dimension 😍. . Designed and built by @colab_tulum this villa is in one word ….. INCREDIBLE 😍. . #edesigns #edesigner #affordableinteriordesign #wallpaper #wallmural #waterproofwallpaper #specialwallpaper #luxurydesign #onetofollow #hospitalitydesigner #hospitalitydesign #hotelbathroom #bathroomdesign #bathroomdecor #wallfinishes #newhousebuild #newbuildjourney #finestdesignerindubai #dubaiinteriordesigner #chinainteriordesigner #moderninteriordesign #bathroomwallpaper #onetofollow #luxuryinteriors #luxurywallpaper #luxuryinteriordesigner #albarari #albararicommunity #albararidubai #jenseninternational #casaaviv

3/11/2022, 7:11:59 PM

Just had to share this one 😍. My fabulous friend’s adorable pooch accessorising her gorgeous home so beautifully …. The colour coordination going on here is just insanely ❤️❤️ @juliet_interiors_home @juliet_interiors I’m in love….. just look at that face 😍 😍 . #edesigns #edesigner #affordableinteriordesign #wallpaper #wallmural #waterproofwallpaper #specialwallpaper #luxurydesign #onetofollow #hospitalitydesigner #hospitalitydesign #hotelbathroom #bathroomdesign #bathroomdecor #wallfinishes #newhousebuild #newbuildjourney #finestdesignerindubai #dubaiinteriordesigner #chinainteriordesigner #moderninteriordesign #bathroomwallpaper #onetofollow #luxuryinteriors #luxurywallpaper #luxuryinteriordesigner #albarari #albararicommunity #albararidubai #perfectpooch #beautifulhomes

3/10/2022, 5:12:56 PM

Waterproof Wallpaper👌 I’m such a fan of wall murals and even more so when you can use them in the shower. @wallanddeco produce the most amazing wall coverings suitable for heavy drenching so before you order your tiles take a look at the alternatives available today. 😍. . #edesigns #edesigner #affordableinteriordesign #wallpaper #wallmural #waterproofwallpaper #specialwallpaper #luxurydesign #onetofollow #hospitalitydesigner #hospitalitydesign #hotelbathroom #bathroomdesign #bathroomdecor #wallfinishes #newhousebuild #newbuildjourney #finestdesignerindubai #dubaiinteriordesigner #chinainteriordesigner #moderninteriordesign #bathroomwallpaper #onetofollow #luxuryinteriors #luxurywallpaper #luxuryinteriordesigner #albarari #albararicommunity #albararidubai #jenseninternational

3/10/2022, 4:57:35 PM

Waterproof Wallpaper👌 I’m such a fan of wall murals and even more so when you can use them in the shower. @wallanddeco produce the most amazing wall coverings suitable for heavy drenching so before you order your tiles take a look at the alternatives available today. 😍. . #edesigns #edesigner #affordableinteriordesign #wallpaper #wallmural #waterproofwallpaper #specialwallpaper #luxurydesign #onetofollow #hospitalitydesigner #hospitalitydesign #hotelbathroom #bathroomdesign #bathroomdecor #wallfinishes #newhousebuild #newbuildjourney #finestdesignerindubai #dubaiinteriordesigner #chinainteriordesigner #moderninteriordesign #bathroomwallpaper #onetofollow #luxuryinteriors #luxurywallpaper #luxuryinteriordesigner #albarari #albararicommunity #albararidubai #jenseninternational

3/10/2022, 4:57:10 PM

Waterproof Wallpaper👌 I’m such a fan of wall murals and even more so when you can use them in the shower. @wallanddeco produce the most amazing wall coverings suitable for heavy drenching so before you order your tiles take a look at the alternatives available today. 😍. . #edesigns #edesigner #affordableinteriordesign #wallpaper #wallmural #waterproofwallpaper #specialwallpaper #luxurydesign #onetofollow #hospitalitydesigner #hospitalitydesign #hotelbathroom #bathroomdesign #bathroomdecor #wallfinishes #newhousebuild #newbuildjourney #finestdesignerindubai #dubaiinteriordesigner #chinainteriordesigner #moderninteriordesign #bathroomwallpaper #onetofollow #luxuryinteriors #luxurywallpaper #luxuryinteriordesigner #albarari #albararicommunity #albararidubai #jenseninternational

3/10/2022, 4:56:34 PM

Waterproof Wallpaper👌 I’m such a fan of wall murals and even more so when you can use them in the shower. @wallanddeco produce the most amazing wall coverings suitable for heavy drenching so before you order your tiles take a look at the alternatives available today. 😍. . #edesigns #edesigner #affordableinteriordesign #wallpaper #wallmural #waterproofwallpaper #specialwallpaper #luxurydesign #onetofollow #hospitalitydesigner #hospitalitydesign #hotelbathroom #bathroomdesign #bathroomdecor #wallfinishes #newhousebuild #newbuildjourney #finestdesignerindubai #dubaiinteriordesigner #chinainteriordesigner #moderninteriordesign #bathroomwallpaper #onetofollow #luxuryinteriors #luxurywallpaper #luxuryinteriordesigner #albarari #albararicommunity #albararidubai #jenseninternational

3/10/2022, 4:51:38 PM

Ora che il Blue Monday è passato, è ora di un bel blue China! Vieni in negozio a scoprirlo! . . . #rug #chinainteriordesigner #chinarug #chineseartdeco #chineserugs #architecture #interiordesign #interiordesigner #interiordecor #homedecor #homedecoration

1/19/2022, 12:52:46 PM

Pechino - Cina - seconda metà XIX secolo - 413x300 cm. . . . #homedecor #homedesign #homedecoration #interiordesign #interiordesigner #architecture #architettura #rug #antiquechineserug #chinainteriordesigner

11/14/2021, 1:04:27 PM

Waterproof Wallpaper👌 I’m such a fan of wall murals and even more so when you can use them in the shower. @glamora_official produce the most amazing wall coverings suitable for heavy drenching so before you order your tiles take a look at the alternatives available today. 😍. . #edesigns #edesigner #affordableinteriordesign #wallpaper #wallmural #waterproofwallpaper #specialwallpaper #luxurydesign #onetofollow #hospitalitydesigner #hospitalitydesign #hotelbathroom #bathroomdesign #bathroomdecor #wallfinishes #newhousebuild #newbuildjourney #burtonontrentinteriordesigner #finestdesignerindubai #dubaiinteriordesigner #chinainteriordesigner #moderninteriordesign #bathroomwallpaper #onetofollow #luxuryinteriors #luxurywallpaper #luxuryinteriordesigner #albarari #albararicommunity #albararidubai @glamora_official @jenseninternational1

10/11/2021, 6:15:18 AM