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つがいかな❓もう少し近づいて☺️ #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #カワセミ

6/2/2024, 1:34:03 PM

Not the greatest photos as I was taking these shots from across the pond. But a few days after our first Belted Kingfisher sighting at PJ Hoffmaster , I was blessed to see a female Kingfisher looking for something to eat right in our own backyard. 04 May 2024 #beltedkingfisher #birdingathome #beginnerbirdinginmichigan #beginnerbirder #michiganbirds

6/2/2024, 12:07:56 AM

一番キレイに撮れたメジロ☺️ #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #メジロ

6/1/2024, 2:31:22 PM

桜🌸の写真あげてる間に5月終わってるw #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #メジロ

5/31/2024, 2:14:16 PM

🕊️🌸 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #メジロ

5/30/2024, 1:53:21 PM

Your Daily Bird today is likely the most well known duck species throughout North America and Eurasia. It is also the first water fowl on Your Daily Bird. The Mallard (Anas platyrhyncos). Its scientific name translates “Anas” from Latin meaning “duck”, and “platyrhynchos” from Greek meaning “long or flat billed”. ________________________________________They can be found year round in many parts of the US, Canada, Europe, and parts of Asia. They breed in cooler climates and prefer streams, ponds, tributaries, and local lakes. They are the most hunted duck worldwide and they live an average of 2 years in the wild. ________________________________________Sibley’s Birds East highlights the breeding male field marks as a greenish, translucent and glossy head, white neck band, pale body, brown chest with a yellow bill. Females have a pale under-tail and coverts (feathers covering the base of tail or flight feathers), an olive to orange colored bill with a dark center and slim black eyeline. Nonbreeding times during the summer, males lack the full green head, and just have a small green crest. ________________________________________This couple I captured 5/27/2024 at The Crossings Park in Albany County, NY. All mallards have white wing bars with a blue speculum as seen in the photo, which is a breeding male and female. ________________________________________ #birds #birdwatching #birdwatchers #birdphotography #photography #wildlifephotography #yourdailybird #mallard #ducks #duck #colonie #newyork #albany #albanycounty #photo #birdaofny #birdsofusa #beginnerbirder #birding #birdlover

5/30/2024, 3:19:57 AM

カワセミがいるって知ってる場所、フェンスがあって近づけない😭もう少し近くで見れるとこないかなぁ☺️ #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #カワセミ

5/29/2024, 2:01:37 PM

Your Daily Bird today is the Brown Creeper (Certhia americana). Certhia comes from the Greek word “kerthios”, a small insect eating bird that lived in trees mentioned by Aristotle. Americana translates to, well, American. 🙃. ________________________________________These tiny birds can be found crawling along large tree trunks probing behind bark for insects. They are well camouflaged and prefer shaded forest or woods. They are found year round in the higher elevations of the US and Canada, but are found across the continent during non breeding times (,2024). ________________________________________The National Audubon Society says they look like a piece of bark that has come to life. About the size of a small sparrow, they are brown and white with broad, rounded wings and multipointed wedge shaped tail. Look for a white belly and white spotting on a brown head and back. Two toned and has a very narrow body with a downward curved bill. ________________________________________I captured this little guy on 4/3/2024 at Saratoga Spa SP. In my experience, they always start at the bottom of the trunk and work their way up. They are rather tolerant of human presence, but are always on the move, so focusing on these little guys can be a challenge. Keep your eyes peeled on tree trunks. Easier to see in the cooler months when there is less foliage. ________________________________________ #bird #birder #birdwatching #birdwatchers #birdphotography #photo #photography #wildlife #birdsofusa #yourdailybird #browncreeper #creep #saratoga #newyork #beginnerbirder #birding #birds #birds #lifelonglearner #lovebirds

5/28/2024, 2:31:26 PM

桜と一緒に撮影出来て、嬉しかったキセキレイ🌸 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #キセキレイ

5/28/2024, 1:51:47 PM

一度もカメラを触ったことのない弟に、野鳥撮ってこい❗️と言って撮ってきてもらった写真📷✨ 初めてにしてはよく撮って来たと思う🤭 設定はほぼシャッターを切るだけにしといた🔘 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #トビ #メジロ #ヒヨドリ #アカゲラ

5/26/2024, 3:59:44 PM

桜の花びらが回りながら降ってくる🌸 そんな時はスズメがいるかも🪽 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #スズメ

5/25/2024, 3:11:00 PM

Your Daily Bird today is the Black-Capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus). “Poecile” comes from Greek meaning “many-colored” or “spotted”. “Atri” translates to black and “capillus” translates to cap or hat. ________________________________________The universal “cute” songbird in the US. Found throughout the Northern half of the US and well into the Northern portions of most Canadian provinces. They prefer cooler weather and typically higher elevations. Once you get into the Southern US, the Carolina chickadee is the primary species with minimal overlap. They are strikingly similar, best differentiated by song, but Carolina’s lack white in their wing bars. ________________________________________Look for a black cap and bib, white cheeks, gray back, wings, and tail. White belly with buffy sides are good field marks (, 2024). They make a variety of songs and calls. Familiarize yourself with them. ________________________________________In my experience, these birds are very social and are not shy whatsoever. They are symbiotic feeders and get along well with most other birds. When there are black-capped’s around, other good mixed flock songbirds are surely close by. They love feeders. ________________________________________I captured this guy on 4/28/2024 while he was taking a break from excavating his shelter. This was at Vischer Ferry Preserve, Saratoga County, NY. ________________________________________ #bird #birds #birding #birdwatching #birdwatchers #birdphotography #birdlovers #beginnerbirder #lifelonglearner #yourdailybird #blackcappedchickadee #songbird #passerine #birdsofusa #birdsofinstagram #photographer #photography #nikonphotography #nikkor

5/24/2024, 7:28:29 PM

🥰 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ウミネコ

5/24/2024, 1:42:59 PM

Your Daily Bird today is the invasive species known as the European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris), meaning “starling” and “common” 😑. Fun fact, all the European Starlings in North America descended directly from 100 birds released into NYC’s Central Park in the 1890s. ( So they are invasive because of humans. Surprise surprise. ________________________________________According to Cornell, they are stocky black birds with short tails, triangular wings, and long, pointed bills. They are covered in white soots during the winter and are glossy in the summer. They are nasty but beautiful. ________________________________________They can be found basically everywhere in the US. They travel in large flocks, and are well known for their dazzling flock movement displays. They are the most populous songbird in North America. ________________________________________Their ability to mimic other species and sounds is one of its most incredible abilities. They can travel at speeds of up to 48 mph and female starlings can be brood parasites with other birds nests. ________________________________________This little breakfast exchange I was able to capture on 5/22/2024 at Schodack Island SP in Castleton, NY. You can see some of the beautiful, glossy feathers on the adult bird in some of the photos. ________________________________________ #bird #birding #birdwatching #birdwatchers #birdphotography #birdlover #yourdailybird #starling #ebird #merlin #cornell #photography #beginnerbirder #beginner #advanced #birds #birdsofusa

5/23/2024, 10:41:37 PM

最近は海にするか、山にするか出かける場所に悩む😕 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ウミネコ

5/23/2024, 2:07:56 PM

Your Daily Bird for the day is the Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina). The scientific name translates spizella from Latin as “finch”, and passerina as “sparrow-like”. Pretty boring lol. ________________________________________Small sparrow with plain grayish chest, rusty cap, and black eye-line with a gray rump (definitive field mark). Colors more vivid during mating season. Juveniles are more streaky. (, 2024). ________________________________________They are widespread through much of the US. Found im woodlands and scrubby areas and can be found in flocks in fall and winter. They do visit feeders and are usually heard making their “trill” like song repeatedly. ________________________________________In my experience, these guys are loud, especially in the early mornings near my home. They definitely move further South during the winter. Here in upstate NY, they usually don’t show up until about March. This guy I snapped 4/13/2024 at Five Rivers EEC in Delmar, Albany County, NY. Not the best photo, but diagnostic nonetheless. Remember, black eye-line is the key field mark. ________________________________________ #bird #birding #birds #birdoftheday #birdwatching #birdwatchers #birdsoftheusa #yourdailybird #sparrow #chippingsparrow #ebird #audubon #merlin #cornell #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #photo #photographer #beginnerphotographer #lovebirds

5/22/2024, 9:30:23 PM

少し🤏満開の時期に間に合わなかったけど、それも思い出🌸 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #メジロ

5/22/2024, 2:37:22 PM

初めてのサクジロー🌸 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #メジロ

5/21/2024, 2:08:21 PM

Your Daily Bird today is the seasonal migrator birders love to hate and hate to love. The Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis). “Dumetella” comes from the Latin term dumus. Roughly translates to “small thorn bush dweller”. “Carolinensis” is Neo-Latin for “from the Carolinas”. ________________________________________Ebird.ord describes them as a medium-sized songbird, smaller than a robin, with a smooth gray body, black cap, and rusty red undertail. It is found in dense shrubs and thickets on forest edges or near fields. They are relatives of mockingbirds and thrashers, and have a very complex, jumbled song sometimes mimicking other birds. ________________________________________They are found year round near the coast of the Eastern US as far North as Long Island and Southern NY state. Breeds into mainland US as far West as Idaho and as North as lower Alberta Canada. Winters in Florida, the Caribbean, and Eastern Central America. ________________________________________The first two pics are from Vischer Ferry Preserve in Saratoga County, NY. The last pic is from Schodack Island SP in Castleton, NY. Both taken 5/18/2024. Notice the red under tail in pic 3. If you are walking through the woods and hear a cat, it’s probably one of these guys. ________________________________________ #bird #birder #birding #birdwatcher #birdwatching #birdwatchingphotography #photo #nature #wildlife #newyork #nikon #lifelonglearner #beginnerbirder #yourdailybird #birdlover #hobby #leisure #photo #photography📷 #graycatbird #merlin #ebird #audubon

5/20/2024, 4:04:50 PM

カラス🌸 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ハシブトガラス

5/20/2024, 2:24:44 PM

Your Daily Bird today is the American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla). “Seto” is derived from Greek, meaning “moth”, and “phaga” meaning “eater”. “Ruticilla” is Neo-Latin for “redstart”. (Wikipedia, 2024). ________________________________________According to, American Redstarts are medium sized warblers with a relatively wide, flat bill, and fairly long, expressive tail. It is about the size of a Black-capped Chickadee with a club shaped tail. ________________________________________Adult males, like the one pictured, are mostly black with bright orange patches on its sides, wings, and tails, with a white belly (, 2024). Females and immature males are more gray and olive head and back, with yellow patches and white belly. ________________________________________They love deciduous forests with open woods, constantly moving and feeding on insects. They catch their insect prey by spreading their orange tail quickly to flush out the insect and catch it mid flight. They are summer migrators to the US, breeding in primarily the East all the way up to the boreal forests of Canada. Winters in higher altitudes of Southern Central and Northern South America. ________________________________________This guy I shot this morning at Schodack Island State Park in Castelton, NY. Not the best photos, but good for identifying field marks. He gave me just enough time to snap these. ________________________________________ #bird #birder #birdwatching #birdwatchers #birding #beginnerbirder #lifelonglearner #photo #photography #birdphotography #newyork #warbler #americanredstart #migration #migrators #yourdailybird #birdsofusa

5/19/2024, 8:32:12 PM

まだマガンさん滞在してた🦆帰る前に会えて良かったね🥰 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #マガン

5/19/2024, 3:39:10 PM

Your Daily Bird today is the Great Egret (Ardea alba).The scientific name is translated as ardea, “heron”. And alba, “white”. The word egret comes from the French “aigrette”, meaning “silver heron”. ________________________________________The Great Egret, almost hunted to extinction in the late 19th century, was one of the first birds at the center of worldwide conservation efforts ( Found in wetlands year round in South America and Central America. Migrates into the US mainland for breeding, which is primarily up the East Coast and along the Mississippi river. ________________________________________Look for a large, white bird, slightly smaller than a Great Blue Heron. Wading in wetlands looking for fish. **Note Great Egrets have black legs and feet with a yellow bill (Snowy Egrets are smaller and have yellow feet on black legs with a black bill). Great Egrets will develop a patch of neon green skin on their face and long white plumage from their back during breeding season. ________________________________________This guy was hunting along the edge of the wetlands of Magee Marsh in Lucas County, Ohio. Photo taken 5/11/2024. Note the black legs and the yellow bill. Beautiful bird. Was patient with me and this was the best I could do. ________________________________________ #bird #birder #birdwatcher #birdwatchers #birdlovers #photo #photography #wildlife #amateur #beginnerbirder #lifelonglearner #yourdailybird #greategret #heron #ohio #mageemarsh #educational

5/18/2024, 7:50:21 PM

遠くて写真撮ったときはわからなかったけど、ミサゴ❓だろうか🤔近くに海とかないけど、どこから来たのかな🪽 まだ会ったことなかったから、今度はもう少し近くで会いたいな🕊️ #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ミサゴ

5/18/2024, 3:33:46 PM

Your daily bird today is the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus). The Virginia Institute of Marine Science describes Pandion as being a mythological Greek King who turned his daughters into birds. Haliaetus translates to “sea bird”. describes ospreys as large, mostly white raptors, that cruise over lakes, rivers, and coastal waterways in search of fish. Nests can be noted high on utility poles and platforms near water. ________________________________________Initially considered a “fish hawk”, but it is now the only raptor in its family. Slightly smaller than an eagle, adults are brown and white, black wrist patches and dark stripe across face. Juveniles have pale scaling on their backs and the adult female will have a streaked chest. ( ________________________________________Look for an “M” shaped wing pattern in flight. Ospreys actually dive feet first for their prey. They are opportunistic, seasonal migrators. They can be found year round in Florida and Mexico, otherwise they are on the move, usually as a a single bird and not in flocks. ________________________________________These photos were taken at a preserve local to me in Saratoga County, NY on 4/27/2024. He was very focused on a meal, but at the far reaches of my lens. Handsome bird, ready to dive… ________________________________________ #yourdailybird #bird #birding #birds #birdwatching #birdwatchers #birdwatch #birdsofus #photo #photography #birdphotography #saratoga #ny #upstate #nikon #wildlife #nature #vischerferry #osprey #hawk #birdlovers #film #focus #beginnerbirder #lifelonglearning

5/17/2024, 2:09:18 PM

水沢公園でお写んぽ🚶‍♂️ #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ヒヨドリ #ツグミ

5/17/2024, 2:05:25 PM

While at #southllanoriverstatepark I visited 3 out of the 4 bird blinds they have there! I have been posting some of th photos I took on @firewoodphotography so follow along to see more photos! ____________________________________ Follow for more hiking and adventure content @the_wandering_laura ____________________________________ #Firewoodphotography #wanderingwlaura #texasphotographer #womeninphotography #womenphotographer #nerdyintheoutdoors #TexasToDo #HikingTexas #texastravel #texastrailhead #texas🌵 #traveltexas #texasig #igtexas #txstateparks #texasparksandwildlife #OnlyTexas #wildlife #wildlifeonearth #wildlifephotography #birdphotography #birdingtexas #birdlovers #beginnerbirder #granolagirl #granolacheck #granolagirlaesthetic #granolagirls

5/17/2024, 1:18:42 PM

New birds for me: Blue Heron and Great Egret (I think anyway) ... #beginnerbirder #birdsofmassachusetts #TompsonReservation #greenbelt #capeann

5/17/2024, 1:22:58 AM

Your Daily Bird today is the House Wren (Troglodytes aedon). Troglodytes means “cave dweller”, and Aedon was the daughter of Pandareus of Ephesus in Greek mythology, known for her beautiful voice. ________________________________________This little guy I snapped shots of on 5/10/2024, in the bushes near Magee Marsh Visitor Center in Lucas county, Ohio. He was pretty cooperative, considering I find House Wrens to be on the skittish side. ________________________________________House wrens, according to, are small, hyperactive, and have a thin bill. About the size of a smaller sparrow, and are mostly Brown, Gray and Tan, with rounded wings and a rounded, short, square-tipped tail. ________________________________________The House Wren was named for its tendency to nest around homes or in birdhouses. Always active, tail is usually held upwards. It has various forms of this species from Canada to South America, making it the most widespread bird in the Americas. For birds in the US, they typically breed North of the Carolinas and winter into the deep South or Mexico and Central America. ________________________________________ In my experience, I usually hear most wrens before I see them. Familiarize yourself with their songs, then observe. Keep in mind, wrens are nasty to other small birds and will take over your birdboxes. ________________________________________ #bird #birdphotography #birding #yourdailybird #birdwatching #birdwatchers #beginnerbirder #beginnerbirdwatcher #ohio #newyork #migration #birdies #housewren #wildlife #lifelonglearners #wrens #photo #photography #amateur #birdsofusa

5/16/2024, 5:41:55 PM

初のサクジロー撮影に赴いた日❗️ まず、メジロに会えないっていう。。。😭 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #シジュウカラ

5/16/2024, 2:25:56 PM

やっと、自分のインスタにも春が来た(遅い...)🌸 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ヒヨドリ

5/15/2024, 1:55:13 PM

アオゲラを見たい時はいつもくる場所💕 今日も元気だ💪 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #アオゲラ

5/9/2024, 3:26:35 PM

昔に比べると少なくなったなぁ。。。 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #スズメ

5/7/2024, 2:20:01 PM

It’s a Monday of Firsts!⁣ ⁣ First — first birding walk, with new friend Helen! I’m told it was a slow morning, but still, to me, 𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘣𝘴. I got more good pictures of leaves and branches than of birds. So I’m told, so it goes.⁣ ⁣ Then — first book signing at the Drama Book Shop! They’re on their third or fourth order of these. And because I just recently finished reading through all these plays once the compilation was a physical thing in my hands, I can honestly tell you that I am 𝘴𝘰 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥 this exists and hope you tell all your friends. I hope this sells like wildfire, elevates the profiles of the theatermakers in the collection, and spurs many more such collections. There’s so much room in the world for all these stories and more. I’m honored to be a small part of it. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #nonbinaryartist #artistslife #playwright #dramabookshop #birding #beginnerbirder #centralpark

5/6/2024, 11:24:56 PM

長いGWも終了🗓️夏鳥の囀りがキレイだったけど、見ることは叶わず😭 初めての天の川🌌撮影📷次はもう少し勉強して撮影に行こう🚗 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ヒガラ #シジュウカラ #カワウ

5/6/2024, 1:55:33 PM

水路を見に行ったら🪽 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ダイサギ

5/3/2024, 2:11:43 PM

ちょっとホラー😱w #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #エナガ

5/2/2024, 2:19:59 PM

ヒヨドリって昆虫とか果実とかいろいろ食べるけど、雑草も食べるのか🤣 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ヒヨドリ

5/1/2024, 2:56:38 PM

Channeled my inner Kristi today with some wonky stitching! I left the workplace 14 months ago. I had a health scare that lead to a life changing surgery for me. I have focused on healing my mind, body and soul, so that I can be the best wife and mother to my family. But most importantly, my best self. I started birding and that too has changed my life. I embrace the beauty of nature around me because I finally have the time and clarity to do so. When I’m not at my art desk, you can find me in my backyard feeding my squirrels and birds, enjoying my peace. #junkjournal #junkjournaling #artjournal #birding #beginnerbirder

4/30/2024, 7:04:40 PM

まだ、花が咲く前のシジュウカラ🤭 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #シジュウカラ

4/30/2024, 3:14:35 PM

キレイな隊列を組むクロガモさん🦆 よく見ると、カモっていろんな種類がいて面白い😊 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #クロガモ

4/27/2024, 4:41:41 PM

頭が三角なのが面白いカモ🤣🦆 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ホオジロガモ

4/26/2024, 1:52:47 PM

割とその辺で見れるイソヒヨドリ👀 色もキレイだから、ちょっと珍しい野鳥を見た気分💕 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #イソヒヨドリ

4/25/2024, 1:55:11 PM

飛翔する鵜🪽 相変わらずウミウかカワウかわからない🤦カワウに一票。。。 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #カワウ #ウミウ

4/24/2024, 1:43:43 PM

Attention bird nerds! There's still time to register for our Birding Basics adult education class through Oregon Coast Community College! Whether you're new to birding or just want to brush up on your skills, Birding Basics will help you step up your birding game! Taught by ASLC volunteers Laura Doyle and Caren Willoughby, you'll learn about identification, adaptations, and habitats on the Oregon Coast that will help you find, watch, and identify birds! The class meets for four sessions in June on Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons, 1:30-3 p.m. Class is $40 plus a $10 materials fee. What are you waiting for?! Register now! 🏃 (🔗 in bio!) 📸 Cedar Waxwing by Ruth Shelly #learntobird #birdingbasics #birdingclass #birdingforbeginners #beginnerbirder #beginnerbirding #birdingforall #birdid #birdidentification #birdhabitat #springbirding #oregoncoast #communityeducation #oregoncoastcommunitycollege

4/24/2024, 1:00:44 AM

久しぶりの投稿📷✨ 初のウミアイサ💕 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ウミアイサ

4/23/2024, 3:02:55 PM

飛翔写真を撮りたい📷✨ セグロさん、付き合ってくれてありがとう😊 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #セグロセキレイ

4/18/2024, 2:14:55 PM

飛翔を狙う📷✨ #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #セグロセキレイ

4/17/2024, 2:33:56 PM

A very handsome mallard. 😊 Whenever I take photos of these guys, they never look real. Maybe it’s their awfully smooth, plastic-looking beaks. 😦 📷Old Nikon CoolPix S6300 #mallard #beginnerbirder #gotanygrapes

4/17/2024, 12:26:40 AM

白と黒 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ハクセキレイ #セグロセキレイ

4/16/2024, 1:45:16 PM

今日は、岩手県でも26℃🥵でも、ちょっと雲もかかってて風もあったから、割と過ごしやすかったかな❓ メジロ探してるけど、会えない日が続いております😭 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #カワウ #コゲラ #シジュウカラ #ベニマシコ #ホオジロ

4/14/2024, 2:54:50 PM

セグロセキレイ🌸 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #セグロセキレイ

4/12/2024, 11:25:02 AM

晴れてればなぁ😭   #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #エナガ

4/10/2024, 1:55:07 PM

橙色の嘴が目立つムクドリ🐧 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ムクドリ

4/9/2024, 2:02:34 PM

野鳥の囀りに耳を傾けて。。。 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ホオジロ

4/8/2024, 2:11:33 PM

岩手県初のスノーピーク直営キャンプ場へ🏕️ 今年はアウトドアも楽しみたい😊野鳥も寄ってくる❓ #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ウミネコ #コサギ #アオサギ #スズガモ

4/7/2024, 2:40:41 PM

Another photo of a trumpeter swan that I wanted alone on my feed. 😊 📷 Old Nikon S6300, 2/24/2024 #trumpeterswan #beginnerbirder

4/6/2024, 7:27:18 AM

そろそろ身の回りでも桜🌸が咲きそう。 桜と野鳥撮影を楽しみたい💕 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ドバト #ヒヨドリ #ベニマシコ #ウミネコ

4/5/2024, 2:10:57 PM

同僚に勧められたラーメン🍜を食べに、出張で仙台へ探鳥😤カワセミ見たかったけど、会えませんでした😂 軽い気持ちで行った太白山は登山だった⛰️お腹空いて勧められたラーメン屋『鬼道家』へ🚗オープンしたばかりと聞いてたけどめっちゃ混んでた💦濃厚なスープは中太麺と相性バッチリ👌ほうれん草が好きなのもあって、最近は家系ばかり食べてるなぁ。。。初めて来たので、全部普通で頼んだけど、今度は自分好みにカスタムしよう🥢 その足でスイーツを食べにcafe『CHICCI』へ🚶‍♂️バスクチーズケーキはすごく柔らかくて濃厚😋食べたのは桜味で、初めての組み合わせでサイコーだったぁ。店員の皆さんもとても感じ良かったよ👍 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ヤマガラ #ウソ #コゲラ #鬼道家 #家系ラーメン #CHICCI #バスクチーズケーキ

4/2/2024, 2:37:21 PM

珍しい野鳥ではないけど、色がキレイな野鳥を見るとワクワクする🐥晴れた日に出てきて欲しかったぁ🤣 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #マヒワ

4/1/2024, 1:49:27 PM

いつの間にか居なくなってしまったなぁ。。。 また来年待ってる⛄️ #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #オオハクチョウ

3/31/2024, 2:09:05 PM

見かけた後、何度か同じ場所に見に行ったけど出会えなかったなぁ。。。 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ミヤマホオジロ

3/30/2024, 4:48:55 AM

Seeing swans in-person was absolutely surreal. They’re a lot bigger than I expected and I was a little afraid when they came swarming for the bucket of corn I had. 😅🤣 The last three photos were taken on my phone since my camera died near instantly in the cold. 🫣 📷 Old Nikon CoolPix S6300, 2/24/2024 #trumpeterswan #trooperswan #beginnerbirder

3/29/2024, 10:46:29 PM

筋トレ中💪 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #エナガ

3/28/2024, 1:16:21 PM

おい❗️見られてるぞ👀‼️ #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #オオハクチョウ

3/27/2024, 12:44:28 PM

身の回りには、こんなに可愛い野鳥がいることを、みんなに知ってもらいたい🕊️ #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ベニマシコ

3/26/2024, 12:48:21 PM

Went out to western Idaho to catch some birds! • Photo 1: Snow Geese Photo 2: Northern Harrier Photo 3: Greater White Fronted Geese and Snow Geese Photo 4: Red tailed Hawk • #amaturephotography #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birder #fujifilm #fujixt4

3/26/2024, 1:56:28 AM

今日は地元の遠野市で探鳥🔭市外でしか見たことなかったベニマシコが目の前に飛んできてくれた👀❗️こんな身近にいると思わなくて、すごく嬉しかった🥰しかも、帰り道を歩いていたら、目の前にカモシカ出てきてビビった💦最初はジッとこっち見て警戒してたけど、最後はこっちにお尻向けて座るくらい警戒を解いてくれた。出会い恵まれた一日⭐️ 一週間スイーツ投稿の最後は遠野市のカフェワノサト☕️木金土の営業で、なかなか行けないけどようやく行けた❗️空いていたので、お店の中も自由に写真撮らせてもらえた📷✨古民家の雰囲気も遠野を感じるし、外の景色を見ながら食べれるから、いっそう美味しく感じられる😋地元の食材を使ったみそだしおにぎりやチーズケーキはとても美味しかった🍴またおじゃまします🚗🌸 #野鳥 #野鳥撮影 #バードウォッチング #wildbird #birds_private #beginnerbirder #birdphotography #birdwatching #野鳥好きな人と繋がりたい #野鳥撮影初心者🔰 #olympus #om1 #岩手 #ベニマシコ #カモシカ #遠野カフェ #カフェワノサト #わの里 #遠野市

3/24/2024, 2:02:08 PM