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#food #travel #sports #news #june #sunday

Share with a friend or loved one 💛 Be PROUD of yourself you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to 💛🌻 Today you should 🌻celebrate! 🌻take a step toward your goals 🌻prioritize YOU #IntentionalLiving #MindfulMarketing #Purposeful #DigitalMindfulness #IntentionalContent #faceless #sidehustle #extraincome #digitalmarketing #workfromWi-Fi #marketing

1/23/2024, 5:54:56 PM

The disciplines that keep us successful: summary. Stay tuned for the rest of this series. #travel #traveladdicted #traveladdiction #globalcitizen #globalcitizenlifestyle #workfromanywhere🌎 #workfromwi #workfromanywhere

8/14/2023, 1:02:10 PM

Want same day pay for sharing products you love and use? Now you can!! #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

8/4/2023, 7:18:17 AM

Once upon a time while I was working 60 hrs a week I dreamed of a time that I could have more time for family! I had 2 boys in HS sports and travel sports and I felt I never had REAL time! Until one day I stumbled upon a post on Facebook that forever changed my life! I inquired how this would benefit my life! After an opportunity meeting I made the decision to hop on board! And because of that meeting and after a short 8 months of working this part time (as you read above I had a no time) I made the decision to quit that job and focus on this new career! I was then able to make every game, every practice and had MORE time with my kids!! Here I am PROOF that this industry works but you must have a true desire to want more for yourself and your family!! #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

7/18/2023, 6:48:06 PM

Yesterday I sat at a stop light watching a man in a suit on his commute home from work. He looked exhausted. I don’t know this man but it made me wonder is this what he dreamt of when he saw his future. When he set big goals of the fancy office with his name on the door… did he realize it would come at a cost ? Over the last 10 years, I’ve had the opportunity to be my own boss as an entrepreneur in the network marketing world. And it still makes me wonder why more people don’t become self employed ! I know starting a business isn’t for everyone. It can be scary, sometimes even risky… but you’ll miss 100% if the shots you don’t take. 10 years ago I was approached with the opportunity to invest $99 to start a beauty business. It provided me products, a website, no overhead and no inventory. I didn’t have the $99 to spend, but I did it anyways. Scared as hell. That ONE decision was the beginning of what changed our life. Some people are okay with being an employee, being told where to be and when to clock in to earn a paycheck. But that’s just not me. 💯🤪 Being an entrepreneur opened up doorways. 95% of businesses will fail in their first 5 years… but I’d rather try and fail then never go after what I want! #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

6/29/2023, 3:22:54 AM

🌞 Embracing the Sunshine and Living My BEST work from wifi Life! 🌺 💖📸 Hey lovelies! I couldn't resist capturing this moment of pure bliss working in my backyard in my bikini while relaxing in our hammock ☀️💻 Living the dream, am I right? Let's talk about the AMAZING benefits of working remotely with Wi-Fi and why it's the ultimate game-changer! 🌿🌞 🌈🔗 Let's dive into the incredible perks it brings: 1️⃣ Freedom to Shine: Remote work gives us the freedom to choose where and how we work! Whether it's in our cozy home, a sunny patio, or a tropical paradise, we have the power to create our own little productivity havens! Embrace the sunshine and your creativity! 2️⃣ Work-Life Harmony: Say goodbye to the rigid 9-to-5 routine! Remote work allows us to find that perfect harmony between our personal lives and professional commitments. Take breaks to frolic in the sun, dance to your favorite tunes, or simply enjoy the little joys of life. It's all about finding that balance, my friends! 3️⃣ Sun-Kissed Productivity: Working outside under the warm rays of the sun can do wonders for our motivation and productivity. The vitamin D boost and the energizing vibes of nature help us stay focused, inspired, and ready to conquer our work tasks with a big smile! 🌞💪 4️⃣ Commute-Free Happy Dance: No more rushing through traffic or squeezing into crowded trains! Remote work saves us from the commute chaos and allows us to start our days stress-free. Imagine all the extra time you'll have for self-care, morning yoga sessions, or savoring that delicious cup of coffee! 5️⃣ Connected & Vibrant Community: Thanks to the power of technology and Wi-Fi, we can stay connected with our team, clients, and friends from all around the world. Remote work enables us to build a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, sharing ideas, support, and laughter across borders and time zones. 🌟 Let's celebrate the sunny side of remote work together! Join me in embracing the freedom, joy, and sheer awesomeness that comes with working from anywhere. Share your own #WorkFromWi-Fi moments in the comments below, and together let's spread positivity and inspiration! 🎉💻

6/28/2023, 10:10:40 PM

I have to laugh when people scoff at starting a business for $99. How much does it cost for an interview? How about a new suit? Or cleaning for the one you haven't worn in awhile? New shoes or a good shoe shine? Haircut or hair colored? Manicure? Professional resume update? Or professionally printing your resume. Start your own brick and mortar? That's a minimum of $250k. Have you thought of all the stress? Online business? A website, and funnels, $25k minimum. You think $99 is too much? We have a proven system to earn your money back in 30 days if you are will to put in the work. Your Amazon Prime cost more than $99. More like $139 where you get to spend money not earn it. Ready to invest in yourself for the cost of a decent dinner for two? Contact me ASAP!!!! #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

6/27/2023, 5:27:23 PM

All of this for $99. If you bought each item separately, it would cost you well over $400. NO obligation to ever buy another thing. BUT- I’ll warn you- you may like the makeup and skincare products. And if you do… NO worries. You can then get a minimum of 2️⃣0️⃣% money back on ANY items ordered on your very own website! (From yourself or your friends!) 🔥Say ME for info!🔥 Pssst… if ya want to go big and do this like I do, you can make up to 40% commissions, earn free vacations, bonuses and all kinds of amazing perks!!!! #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

6/26/2023, 11:31:59 PM

Have you ever considered a side hustle? Did you know, that once you've established the groundwork for a solid foundation, you could live that dream life, like for real?! Not to mention the other perks like gaining control over your schedule, generating an additional revenue stream, and my favorite part, building a community of incredible like-minded people! When you join the right side hustle, and the right team, you become part of a family. Let’s work together to connect and build together a community of people who share the same values and vision for life. Let’s build our business together! #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

6/25/2023, 12:52:35 AM

When one door closes, another door opens And it’s time to say goodbye…. • • • To Rewards links 🤪🤪 did I scare ya for a second ?!? don’t worry!!! I have something even more amazing coming on July 1st for my customers !!!! Even those who aren’t customers of mine yet !!!! And even includes those who decide to snag the beauty box for their own discount… or to build their own biz!!!!! Simplicity without the added shenanigans. To reward you every. Single. Time!!!! To make everyone feel like someone … no matter how much or how often they order !!!! Who ready to hear the scoop-dilio?!? 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️ #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

6/15/2023, 9:53:05 PM

Why I joined this business but better yet, why I stay doing this business 🦋 @salvagedsoul has a challenge going on in her downline and it's sharing our WHY! I'm so grateful for her leadership and constantly encouraging us to get out of our own way and do the damn thing! I never thought in a million years I'd be "that girl" I never wanted to be her. But I was SO ignorant, bc that girl now INSPIRES so many people. She helps women make multiple 4 figure incomes and we are only going UP from here!! I started sharing products that gave me my confidence back & it allowed me to step away from 2 jobs, pay for my college tuition, pay my rent, bill's groceries, and NOW our wedding!! I've been able to save at least 1k+ a month into my wedding fund because of MONAT! I'm forever grateful I said yes to the opportunity and I'm so excited to inspire more women that they can do this too!! • • • #YouGotThis #Entrepreneur #GetOut ofYourOwnWay #WorkFromWi-Fi #HelpingOthers #BuildingAnEmpire #InspiringOthers #ServingHeart #Sober #DryLiving #MockTails #bethebestversionofyourself❤️ #Travel #Wedding #GettingMarried2023 #SeptemberWedding #WeddingFund #Bahamas #Honeymoon #MonatOfficial

6/6/2023, 4:39:40 AM

Sure my success is cool, but what's REALLY COOL is helping my girls in my team make an extra $X,XXX.XX a month!!! 🤯🤯🤯 YEAH!!! that's what's happening right now with this team!!! & that extra money is helping families not feel the burden of expenses, bills, or the guilt for spending and splurging on other things! This is why I do this business everyday, it's not only put myself in a better financial situation but to HELP OTHERS TOO! & you can be that other person that HELPS OTHER women too! My DMs are ALWAYS OPEN!! I'm here for you Boo💗 • • • #TimeFlexibility #FinancialFlexibility #MonatOfficial #Anti-AgingHaircare #MarketPartner #Entrepreneur #WorkForYourself #BeYourOwnBoss #Opportunity #Goals #Future #StayAtHomeMom #FutureStayAtHomeMom #MomLife #DryLiving #Sober #SoberLiving #WorkFromAnywhere #WorkFromWi-Fi #BestJobEver #LoveWhatYouDo #HelpOthers

6/5/2023, 12:34:04 AM

Hold the phone for a minute while I wrap my head around this…. It's **not weird *** when an influencer sells a product to you and makes a money… but **it is weird *** when it’s a friend, family member, coworker or neighbor?🤔 Influencer marketing grew from $1.7 billion in 2016 to $9.7 billion in 2020 to $13.8 billion in 2021 to $16.4 billion industry. Have YOU ever shared a link, service or product before ?! —> you have partaken in affiliate marketing/ influencer marketing/network marketing. You just haven’t gotten paid for it… Now you can ! And with multiple paths to choose from that fit Into YOUR life !☀️💦 #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

5/23/2023, 2:54:17 AM

Stop waiting for payday. Build a business that pays you everyday. Did you know even earning $13.69 a day would be an extra $5000 at the end of the year, or earning $27.39 would be an extra $10,000. Social selling is fun, simple, and a way to help you with those little extras for you and your family. It’s dance competitions, sports teams, sneakers, clothes, home decor, treating the family to dinners out or a little getaway, whatever you want it to be, etc. No experience needed, learn as you go. You’ll have the tools at your fingertips. 💜 #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

4/18/2023, 9:44:15 PM

🌸Spring 🌺is here which means it’s perfect time to do a refresh on your make up bag! My beauty box includes 13 full-size top seller products, play samples and you will seriously flip when I tell you how much it is !!🤯 Let me just say you’ll pay for just two products and the rest is FREEDEEEE!!!😵‍💫 Just say box 👇🏼👇🏼 and I’ll send you everything included !! #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

4/1/2023, 12:47:36 AM

It's THE BIG DEAL-REVEAL... 🥁 Biggest Bundle on my site right now 👇🏼 7️⃣5️⃣% OFF!! Whaaaa??? 😱 The Beauty Box 📦 Contents ✨Collagen ✌🏼Mascaras 🤩Eyeshadows 🖌️Brushes 💄Lipstick 🦹‍♀️Masks 🌹Rosewater 🫶🏼Lip Mask 😍Lash primer ☺️Blush Get everything & then some for under a Benjamin! 😉 PLUS... 🌎Your own "Free for Life" Website 💸Up to 40% Rebates & Bonuses on all future orders 👭🏼Option to share with friends 👭🏼👭🏽 Ability to Team Build 🛳 Opportunity to Earn a trip for two ... And we can cruise TOGETHER! 😜😎 💰Unlimited YCash Credits and Cash Bonuses during your first 90 days! 🙋🏼‍♀️And ME of course! (I'm loads of fun!😜😎) Who is ready for an adventure? Drop a 💜 and let's chat!! #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

3/27/2023, 9:54:46 PM

Almost 10 years ago I made a scary decision to leave a company I was with of 5 years to start over. When I left I wasn’t sure how this new venture would end up BUT it was the best decision ever!! Want to know more?!? DM me for a no pressure info call!! We all need a 2nd source of income and this became mine UNTIL it became my 1st income! #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

3/26/2023, 10:42:14 PM

Welcome the the team!! So exciting seeing so many women making the change amd hopping on board with us!! Getting paid after 3 hrs!! What the What!!! #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

3/25/2023, 12:13:53 AM

True or False… you have to get in early to succeed. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ❌❌ False ❌❌ The longer you keep telling yourself that, the longer it’s going to take to start creating your dream life ! Our CEO made massive announcements at our Vision Summit on Monday! Between then and August 1st, transformational changes are coming !!! So Many New, Different and innovative things that you may even think I switched companies !!! 😳 This is going to look like a brand NEW Younqiue!!! And this is your chance to be part of the revolutionary shake up !!! 🔥 We are about to do things no other direct sales companies have !! We are going to shake things up in the industry, just like we did once before!! We pioneered the virtual party platform and now we’re about to pioneer a bigger wave of momentum 🌊 for the future!!!! If you think what we youve seen from us already is exciting… just wait !!!!! 😱🤯 You haven’t seen anything yet !!! 🚀 #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

3/21/2023, 5:42:48 AM

Black Status 🖤 will forever hold a special place in my journey here at Younique. While it means the world to me, many don’t understand it or know what it means in my company, without being IN my company. It’s not socially relevant and not necessarily something that would make sense on a professional resume 😬 Let me introduce you to my New Official Title with Younique….. Brand Executive 🖤🖤🖤🖤 Stay tuned, we are just getting started!!! #10yearsofyounique #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

3/20/2023, 7:24:23 PM

🤯‼️PAY ATTENTION‼️🤯 Payless Shoe - CLOSED Blockbuster - CLOSED Kmart - CLOSED Sears - CLOSED RadioShack - CLOSED Toys R Us - CLOSED Circuit City- CLOSED 🔹️The largest transportation provider in the U.S. does NOT own a single car = Uber 🚘 🔹️The largest movie company in the world does NOT own a movie theater = Netflix 🎬 🔹️The largest hotel company in the world does NOT own a single hotel = Airbnb 🏘 🔹️The largest retailer in the world does not own a single department store = Amazon 🏪 🌟If you haven't realized by now that you need a Home-Based Business of some sort, then you need to! The Time Is NOW!!! ⏱⏲⏰🌟 #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

3/18/2023, 10:42:46 PM

What if I wouldn’t have started? What if I would have listened to those lies in my head that this wasn’t a ‘real’ job. What if I would have let everyone else’s opinions change my decision to jump all in. What if I wouldn’t have left my previous company. Thankfully I trusted the path that He had for me and that I am still climbing, bringing others with me and enjoying every step of the journey. Friends, if I can do it - so can you. Your life is bigger, better and more rewarding than you could have ever imagined. I know it. Because I am living it. 🖤 #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

3/16/2023, 11:09:59 PM

ANYONE can do what I do... It’s not rocket science. 🚀 If you’re willing to 📱 dedicate a little time to learn the basics 🤓 be coachable .... you can do this, too!! We earn money 3 hours after every order is placed💰, cash bonuses 💸, trips 🚢🏖 , gifts 🎁 & free products💄& SO MUCH MORE. 😍 There is nothing more rewarding to me than watching this business change lives!! 💜 Drop a 💜 to learn more… ⤵️ #WFHMom #WorkingFromHomeLife #MomsWhoBlog #WorkFromHomeMoms #ExtraIncomeOpportunity #WorkFromWi-Fi #NetworkMarketingSuccess #MOMprenuerlife #WORKINGMOMLIFE #BEAUTYANDWELLNESS #ELEVATEYOURMINDSET

3/11/2023, 4:36:38 PM

“If you want light to come into your life, you need to stand where it is shining.” - Guy Finley Bag from @okeanoula 🏝️ #beach #beachlife #beachbody #beachaccessories #cancun #cancunmexico #workfromanywhere #nomadadigital #nómadadigital #workfromwifi #workfromwi #travel #travelphotography #travelblogger

2/12/2023, 9:46:35 PM

It’s OK to focus on the future. 💕 But if you’re not focused on the present and the daily activities, the future vision will never come.💕 #Vision #Purpose #WorkFromWi-Fi #Entrepreneur #Boss #BePresent #Consistency

1/20/2023, 10:49:25 PM

Let’s talk about your life. #FeelBetter #FeelingMyself #HealthyLifestyle #WomenOver40Rock #GetHealthy #WorkFromWi-Fi.

12/28/2022, 1:56:21 AM

I just had more to say😂 #WorkFromWi-Fi #feelbetterlivemore

12/16/2022, 10:18:03 PM

Women in business on their fully paid trip to the Bahamas 🇧🇸 Patiently waiting for dinner 💕 #Entrepreneur #WorkFromWi-Fi #EarnedTrips #TimeFreedom #Friendships

12/14/2022, 1:22:47 AM

Blessed beyond measure buy Q. #loveyourself #LoveYourLife #WorkFromWi-Fi.

12/2/2022, 5:33:31 AM

I’m un- boxing one of my favorite lines. The Kushion line leaves my skin and hair, feeling clean and hydrated. the shampoo and conditioner is so cleansing and refreshing and gentle after workout showers are the best with the body wash and the body butter. #HealthyLife #VeganSkinCare #HealthyHair #WorkFromWi-Fi

11/16/2022, 8:06:14 PM

How it looks when you work from WiFi 📱 🌊💕 #Entrepreneur #WorkFromWi-Fi #Teamwork #Freedom #Trips

10/29/2022, 2:01:27 AM

Yikes! Sometimes lives go wrong just like life😂 check out my bio and take the quiz * let me help you with your hair goals! #HairGoals #LoveYourLife #VeganHairProducts #WorkFromWi-Fi

10/14/2022, 9:51:48 PM

Si ça te pique 🗡, faut qu’on s’appelle 📞 si toi aussi t’as envie que ça change, si tu ne veux plus être victime de ton environnement, prisonnier de ton passé et subir les aléas de la vie ou de t’habituer même au pire 😱 il est temps pour toi de découvrir le moyen de maîtriser ton destin, de choisir qui tu deviens et ce que tu veux vivre, de maîtriser ton budget et de satisfaire tes plus grands souhaits, j’accompagne et je forme des personnes désireuses d’autonomie et de liberté dans tous les domaines de leur vie . je développe une activité en France et à travers le monde pour améliorer notre quotidien ! si tu veux en savoir plus !? contacte-moi en MP ou prenons rendez-vous pour évaluer tes besoins et définir tes objectifs !! #travailler autrement #MarketingDeRéseau #ConceptsClésEnMain #LibertéFinancière #Entreprendre #Entrepreneurs #Jobs #WorkFromWi-Fi #LibreEntreprise #VDei #RevenusPassifs #RevenusComplémentaires #Independant

10/9/2022, 7:05:02 PM

Happy birthday to my husband off to the DMV. #WorkFromHome #WorkFromWi-Fi #WomenOver40 #VeganBeautyProducts #MonatOpportunities.

10/7/2022, 9:53:29 PM

NEW Affiliate program through monat!! . . #AffiliateMarketing #AffiliateProgram #WorkFromWi-Fi #MakeMoneyOnline #HowToAffiliateMarket #OnlineIncome

9/13/2022, 3:39:27 AM

With the rise of remote work, there has recently been more TALK why people doing BOTH! WORKING & SIDE HUSTLE? HOW IS EVERYONE DOING THIS? CAN I FIT THIS INTO MY DAY? Come chat with us & see what the talk is all about! #WorkFromWi-Fi #WFW #ResidualIncome #Income #TimeManagement #SideHustle #ResidualIncome #HowToMakeMoneyOnline #OnlineMoney #HowToMakeMoneyFromInstagram

6/17/2022, 4:22:05 PM

Airport OOTD ✈️ Excited to be heading back to VEGAS for the 2nd time with my MONAT family. When I was first introduced to network marketing almost 5 yrs ago I would always see girls going on fun trips for free. I thought earning a trip like this was impossible. ⁉️That would never happen to me! ⁉️ I'm not Capable to do that. ⁉️ I'm not good enough. ( This was my old mindset) And here I am today! Never say never lol.....😜 The thing is is POSSIBLE! And you can be here with me next year. You just need to take a leap of faith and go for it. We can do it together. Anyways, I'm happy to share all the fun and the behind the scenes of what is like to be a Market Partner with MONAT. So make sure you check my stories & feel free to ask any questions. Ps. Mom guilt is strong right now! But I know once I arrive to VEGAS I will be Ok. . . #ootd #airportoutfit #travelforfree #networkmarketing #shampoodealer #momprenuer #workfromhome #workfromwi #momlife #monatreunion2022

4/11/2022, 1:21:47 PM

Are you ever really ready? Ready for marriage, for your child or children, all of life's disruptions and how to tackle them? As seasons change I’ve had to take a really hard look and use my gut and wisdom to pick myself up and move forward over the years. Here are some questions I had to ask myself... Am I positioned to “win” in this new economy? Am I open minded to something new, if my old plan isn’t working? Am I learning or willing to learn, the skills, new trends, new ways to make money? Am I doing something I absolutely love doing and living my ideal life? Do I feel fulfilled? Am I spending time with the ones I love and choose to be with? Am I living a healthy life? Am I coachable and self motivated? I now know the answer to all of those questions for myself, do you? Here's Why I chose Network Marketing • Superior Products • Unlimited earning potential (earn what you’re worth) • Ability to leverage time (Time Flexibility) • Opportunity to impact lives and serve others • Choose who you work with • Travel/Work anywhere I want in the world • Low overhead • No employees • No Boss • Great tax advantages • Sustainable residual income • Culture (People want to be apart of something) • Over the last 20 years more millionaires have been created in NWM than any other industry (What!????). • 405 Legacy members (Isa Millionaires) in our company to date and growing. As you climb the ladder of success, be sure it's leaning against the right foundation! Thank you @Isagenix #BecomeYourOwnMasterpiece #Resilient #Girlpolished #FlowWithTheUniverse  #Uncapped #Present #femaleentrepreneurs

3/2/2022, 10:20:16 PM

Mission Road trip with @yourglowupeducator 🔥💃🏼💃🏼 You say I dream too big I think you think too small Friday Funday ready to duplicate at Super Saturday KC! Love you Bella Boo!!! #Roaddog #fun #Adventures #FemaleEntrepreneur #Godspeed #LifeByDesign #Sunshine #Travel #WorkFromAnywhere #WorkFromWi-Fi #PolishedAndLifestyle #BeWhoYouAre #Freedom #Choices #Abundance #Future #TheArtOfWell-being #Sexy #Beauty #Girlpolished #Love

2/26/2022, 5:06:49 AM

My story!! I was trying to find a way to bring extra income to provide to my little family. I am a mommy of 3 beautiful souls. They require much attention due to their needs. On top of this I have a newborn. My hands are full. But I need to work!! I’m always on the go due to doctor appointments, therapies, working all the time, and on top of all this trying not to lose myself. I was introduce to this new opportunity by my good friend. I took the challenge!! I am always in my phone either way!! What better way to network with a beautiful community of boss babes!! I want the better version of myself!! Plus on top of this what better way of having flawless skin and good hair days everyday!! Connect with me!! 🌟want an additional stream of income 🌟work freedom 🌟work from phone If you are looking for new opportunities this 2022 DM so I can tell you how!! #Networkmarketing #beyourownboss #earnincomeanywhere #travel #businessopportunity #makethisyouryear #womeninbusiness #workfromWi-Fi #getpaid5xamonth

2/20/2022, 6:32:48 PM

Love connecting with our @girlsgoneceo australia team one by one! Getting on these calls I realize we all feel like we’ve known each other for years! I love listening to these ladies and am so excited to be apart of their journeys!!!! Stay tuned… GGC IS JUST GETTING STARTED💃🏻 @priscillamouawad @myravassartistry

1/13/2022, 5:51:00 AM

Shampoo Dealer certification. Just one of the many trainings available through the Monat. I don’t want you to have the misconception that because you don’t have a background in hair or skin that you are not qualified to be a market partner. There are more successful market partners in this company without a beauty background. Stay at home moms, nurses, lawyers, teachers… and so many more. This business is for EVERYONE! When choosing a company to partner with you have to do your research! •Compensation Plan •Are the Products Essential? (Products people use daily or already using) •Are the Products Consumable? ( Need to be replenished/reordered) •Growth/Momentum/Expansion •Training/ Mentoring •Mission Statment Monat is a 1 Billion dollar DEBT FREE company, owning their R&D and distribution centers. Our comp plan offers 10 ways to earn with an amazing smart start program to boost your business during your first few months and get you started right. People are already washing their hair, face, body etc. Make the switch to nontoxic, naturally based anti-aging products that do what they say they should! Using only Ethically and Sustainably sourced ingredients. Modern Nature = MONAT (I’ve been in the hair industry for 20 years and these products perform) We have the market on haircare direct sales, also holding the tile of the #1 fastest growing premium hair care company. We are called MONAT GLOBAL for a reason. We are in global expansion available in US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Poland, Spain, Lithuania and our most recent launching in Australia! From day one you are provided an abundance of training and mentoring in all aspects of network marketing for Free! Mindset, social media, product knowledge etc. The community support is off the charts! Free Website No Inventory to keep No monthly fees, sales minimums or quotas Monat believes in the power of Gratitude. Giving back is the backbone of the Monat culture. #Opportunity #BusinessOpportunity #ShampooDealer #SideHustle #WorkFromHome #WorkFromWi-Fi #MomLife #Entrepreneur #BuildingABusiness #Freedom #FinancialFreedom #TimeFreedom #DreamBigger #Mindset #DFWMom

12/28/2021, 9:49:11 PM

Wanna know a secret… 🤫 I totally struggle With Imposter Syndrome 😮when it comes to my Modere Biz! Like every other day I feel like I am not enough or I just got lucky or who am I to do this? But yesterday I sat in front of my fire and realized … Damn I may not have a “degree” in helping adults and health and wellness, but man do I have the experience! I am an expert at helping people … 20 years of helping kiddos and now I just help adults! My voice and my experiences may just be what someone needs to help them succeed! But most importantly… I am real, I will continue to show up as me and do my best to inspire:) Don’t let fear get in the way of anything! Time to believe in Yourself ! You are enough! ✨✨✨ #Youareenough #YouAreAmazing #ChangeIsGood #Change #Sarah #ImposterSyndrome #YouGotThis #BelieveInYourself #Believe #Teach #Lead #Inspire #MomsOver40 #MillionaireMindset #WorkFromWi-Fi #MomLife

12/16/2021, 2:02:59 PM

Are you an “Askhole” a person who constantly asks for advice yet always does the opposite? Asking with Love 💕 It’s bananas how many people ask for advice and continue to have excuse after excuse why they are stuck in the same location in life… You will not experience what all life has to offer as long as you are satisfied with mediocrity. “Be the change you want to see” You can change yourself faster than you can change other people. If you want to change the situation, change yourself and notice the ripple effect. Set the bar, and model the path for others to follow. Leading by example is a powerful way to leverage the principle of “monkey see, monkey do.” #GirlPolished #Selfworth #Vision #LifeByDesign #World #Love #Passion

10/24/2021, 5:14:19 AM

10/16/2021, 3:43:22 PM

10/16/2021, 9:13:25 AM

10/15/2021, 10:51:55 AM

10/14/2021, 11:17:03 AM

10/12/2021, 10:13:38 PM

10/12/2021, 1:38:30 AM

I did this beautiful style for my client’s Deb!! You need good styling products to ensure a good finish and that it lasts.. What products do you think are needed?

10/11/2021, 1:23:11 AM

10/7/2021, 11:40:15 AM

10/7/2021, 7:17:17 AM

10/7/2021, 1:49:22 AM

VIP customer!!!! - Do you want to be a MONAT VIP customer? Please DM to organise. ***Commences 1st November***

10/2/2021, 3:39:20 PM

When opportunity rings your phone do you answer or do you ignore? This is A lifetime opportunity that can change the lives of A lot of people But it depends on what you do with the opportunity #lifechanging #australiangirl #opportunity #founder #bossbabe #gamechanging #developing #WorkFromWi-Fi

10/1/2021, 6:13:45 AM

Finally I can tell you my big news!! I am now a Market Partner with MONAT Monat Global is launching in Australia tomorrow (October 1st) and I’m so excited!! 👏👏👏 If you haven’t already heard about Monat (it’s all over Instagram atm) - they are the fastest growing Haircare company in the world!!! Monat is an anti-ageing beauty company that offers HAIRCARE, SKINCARE , WELLNESS & BODY CARE!!!! Monat stands for Modern Nature Monat uses naturally based products and our products are developed in-house by our scientific advisory board. Ground breaking technology & naturally based formulas that produce REAL results….! There are also great opportunities, friends & 24/7 support if you, a friend or even a family member needs an income stream. WORK FROM HOME, create your own schedule and be your own boss!! Work as little or as much as you’d like. All you need is your phone!!. (Note: you will get your own FREE website). If you would like to find out more about the business side or even about becoming a CUSTOMER please contact me. I would be happy to arrange some samples of Monat products for you to try… 😃 I would really appreciate it if you could spread the word that I am your local Monat lady! Please forward to anyone you think will be interested….. Come do this with me. ❌❌Note: To all my Vanity Plus clients - don’t stress I’m still working - it’s business as usual. I will also have MONAT in the salon ❌❌ #monat #monatglobal #monataustralia #monataustralia🇦🇺 #monataustraliaprelaunch #workfromhome #entrepreneur #millionairemindset #monatmarketpartner #mumlifeaustralia #monatmelbourne #monatbeaconsfield

9/30/2021, 12:02:16 PM

"Do all the things you don't want to do, as fast as you can! So you can do everything you want to do, for as long as you can" -Ed Mylett 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..... & DO IT!! -Mel Robbins Get out of your own way Sis!! Go after what you want, even if it's scary, even if you're afraid of failing. It will happen, you will fail. But that's the beauty of growth! Your failures will pave the road to your success. this took me a while to understand & realize. I still hold myself back because I'm afraid of failing. However, I have learned that when I find myself ignoring the issue or maybe even ignoring the people & certain conversations that may be hard to have. It is time to reflect on myself & realize what I am scared of & why I am making up excuses not to do what needs to be done! ⚡️Get down to the root of the problem, acknowledge it. ⚡️Acknowledge the feelings that come with it, understand that those feelings are valid. ⚡️Then make a game plan and attack it head on!! I promise you, your future self will thank you so much for it. Even if it's the hardest thing you've ever had to do. 🙌🏼❤️ Anyone else avoid, and ignore situations Because you are scared to do it or acknowledge it??? Drop a 🤦🏼‍♀️ if you do!!! I'm so guilty of it! I make excuses as to why I can't do this, or go there & it's really b/c IM SCARED!! #NoMoreExcuses #GetOut ofYourOwnWay #GoForIt #YouGotThis #BelieveInYourself #DoItForYourself #Reflect #LeadByExample #YouHaveEverythingInYouToBeSuccessful #YourFailuresPaveTheRoadToYourSuccess #Success #WorkFromAnywhere #BossBabe #WorkFromWi-Fi #LoveWhatYouDo #GetOut ofYourComfortZone #NothingChangesIfNothingChanges #YouDon'tChangeByStayingInYourComfortZone

9/20/2021, 9:12:38 PM

You’ve seen my posts, stories, claims of “life change” and you either eye-rolled and scrolled or got a little curious. ⁣⁣ ⠀⠀⁣⁣ Eye-rollers, feel free to check out now. Curious friends, let’s answer some common questions:⁣⁣ ⠀⠀⁣⁣ 1. How long will it take to make money?⁣⁣ ⠀⠀⁣⁣ 👉🏻No idea. I can show you the steps to success, give you the tools to achieve it, and provide awesome team support. But, YOU determine your success. I will be your biggest cheerleader.⁣⁣ ⠀⠀⁣⁣ 2. Why does it cost money to get started?⁣⁣ ⠀⠀⁣⁣ 👉🏻Because you are starting a business, not getting a job. Luckily this one has super low start up costs, and the best discount on products.⁣ ⠀⠀⁣⁣ 3. Is it one of those pyramid schemes?⁣⁣ ⠀⠀⁣⁣ 👉🏻Guys, pyramid schemes are when there is no goods or service being sold and they are illegal. This is simply a sales job with an actual product, no scheme here.⁣⠀⠀⁣⁣ ⁣ 4. How’s this different from other MLMs?⁣⁣ ⠀⠀⁣⁣ 👉🏻Not all companies are created equal. We have no inventory, no order minimums, and no parties are required. Our products are consumable and we don’t have to change anyone’s buying habits. We’re perfectly positioned in a market that is projected to grow by tens of billions over the next few years. Timing, positioning, superior products, and profit sharing are giving us an edge right now. It’s really quite exciting⁣.⁣ ⠀⠀⁣⁣ 5. My friend told me that this won't work, my hair will fall out, and I may go blind.⁣⁣ ⠀⠀⁣⁣ 👉🏻Sounds like your friend stumbled upon an “internet expert” who has no idea what they are talking about. We are the #1 premium haircare line in the WORLD, have over a million VIP customers and have sold over a BILLION dollars in the last 6 years. Personally I’ve used this product exclusively on myself and my family and built a community of business partners and customers that use and love this product as well. These products work. ⠀⠀⁣⁣ Still have questions? Ask away.👇🏼👇🏼⁣ #LongBeach #HairCare #SkinCare #Healthy #Healthier #HealthyProducts #Vegan #WorkFromHome #WorkFromWi-Fi #Phone #Internet #AnywhereThere’sInternet #girltribe #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #mymonatcaddy #sahm #sidehustle #sidehustleideas

7/27/2021, 10:22:50 PM

Remember!! You can uplift yourself Without bringing others down. Embrace your curves without shaming skinny girls. You can love your natural beauty, without shaming girls who love makeup. You can love staying home Without shaming girls who love to party. You can simply be the girl that empowers without tearing any other women down. #loveyourself #womensupportingwomen #vegan #Entrepreneur #nontoxic #gultenfree #sulfatefree #Momboss #Workfromyourphone #crueltyfree #WorkfromWi-Fi #Cleanbeauty #goodvibes #spain🇪🇸 #lithuania🇱🇹

5/11/2021, 1:49:13 AM

Why delay? Start TODAY. 🔥

5/7/2021, 8:43:26 PM

SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS: I wish there was some kind of real shortcut to success. The problem is, when the money comes too easily, it tends to go away just as fast. If you are not prepared for it when it starts to show up, guess what? It goes away. I made $8 million in my last company and wasn’t prepared. The result was I invested $4 million of my profits and lost all of it. Professional athletes that haven’t prepared themselves to make a lot of money usually end their careers broke. Lottery winners regardless of how much they make usually end up broke. The time it takes to grow your business is the time most of us need to learn what we will do with the money when it starts to roll in. It’s a lot easier to make it than it is to keep it. Fortunately there really is no shortcut other than to work on adjusting our focus and alignment to things that attract the right people on a consistent basis. Here are a few things to focus on to accelerate your growth: 1. Sorting 2. Dreaming 3. Communicating a vision through stories 4. Working consistently 5. Finishing 6. Being Generous and respecting people 7. Sending Out to Give 8. Meeting new people all the time 9. Recognizing that we don’t want everyone. Just the right ones to be working with us now. 10. Growing in all areas (personally and professionally) 11. Promoting 12. Patience 13. Resourcefulness 14. Faith 15. Working the Numbers 16. Deserving 17. Loving 18. Hanging out with positive and supportive people 19. Leading 20. Allowing (Letting go) 21. Building Here are some things to avoid: 1. Gossip 2. Complaining and complainers 3. Whining and Whiners 4. Blaming 5. Getting sucked in 6. Distractions 7. Time killers (biggest ones TV and Facebook) 8. Excuses 9. Procrastination 10. Who - Mr. Beach Money, Jordan Adler

5/6/2021, 3:57:08 AM

When I see someone else's success, I don't tune out, I tune in. You are your own competition. #TheirTestisdifferent #Stepintoyourglow #GirlPolished

3/26/2021, 2:35:05 AM