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🌿 THIS IS WHY LOSING WEIGHT IS CHALLENGING WITH HASHIMOTO’S 🌿 Are you finding it hard to lose weight despite having Hashimoto's and being on medication? You're not alone! Many women face this challenge, but there's hope and a way forward. 🤔 Why Weight Loss Seems Impossible Hashimoto's disease is more than just a thyroid issue—it's an autoimmune condition that involves chronic inflammation affecting your whole body, disrupting your metabolism and making weight loss difficult. 🌟 What You Can Do It's essential to address not just the symptoms but the underlying chronic inflammation. A personalized approach targeting your specific health triggers can make all the difference. 📚 Learn More in My Free E-book Discover effective strategies for managing Hashimoto's and achieving sustainable weight loss. See Link in BIO. 👉 Want to discover more? Check link in bio for in-depth information and immediate actions you can take today. 👉 Do you have Hashimoto's disease and/or an underactive thyroid? Stay up-to-date with the latest insights! ➡️ Follow #HashimotoHelpMarloes #Hashimotos #WeightLossJourney #ThyroidHealth #HashimotosDisease #UnderactiveThyroid #HealthTips #AutoimmuneHealth #HashimotoHealthMarloes #Hashimotosdisease #underactivethyroidsymptoms #hypothyroidism #autoimmunedisease #thyroidfunction #Hashimotosymptoms #weightgainthyroid #brainfog #antiTPOandantiTG #improvingthyroidhealth #HashimotoHealthMarloes #marloesmulder #MarloesHashimotosHelp #MulderCuresHashimotos #MarloesHashimotosTips #MulderHashimotosInfo #HashimotosByMarloes #MarloesHashimotosGuide #MulderHashimotosPlan #HashimotosMarloesWay #MarloesHashimotosCare

5/16/2024, 8:02:04 PM

🚫 THIS IS KILLING FOR THE UNDERACTIVE THYROID AND HASHIMOTO 🚫 Are you managing an underactive thyroid or Hashimoto’s disease? It's crucial to know what could be worsening your condition. 🛑 Before you dismiss this as not applicable to you, hear me out. Many don't realize that a common element in our diet and supplements might be causing more harm than good. If you have Hashimoto's, stopping this one thing could make a significant difference in how you feel. 🔗 Want to know what it is? Check link in bio or below this post for in-depth information and immediate actions you can take today. 👉 Do you have Hashimoto's disease and/or an underactive thyroid? Stay up-to-date with the latest insights! ➡️ Follow #HashimotoHelpMarloes #ThyroidHealth #HashimotosDisease #UnderactiveThyroid #HealthTips #StopThisNow #WellnessJourney #AutoimmuneHealth #HashimotoHealthMarloes #Hashimotosdisease #underactivethyroidsymptoms #hypothyroidism #autoimmunedisease #thyroidfunction #Hashimotosymptoms #weightgainthyroid #brainfog #antiTPOandantiTG #improvingthyroidhealth #HashimotoHealthMarloes #marloesmulder #MarloesHashimotosHelp #MulderCuresHashimotos #MarloesHashimotosTips #MulderHashimotosInfo #HashimotosByMarloes #MarloesHashimotosGuide #MulderHashimotosPlan #HashimotosMarloesWay #MarloesHashimotosCare

5/12/2024, 7:47:23 PM

Did you know Hashimoto's impacts more than just your thyroid? It's also a brain disease! Yes, you read that right. 🤯 👩‍🔬 Why This Matters: Hashimoto's can lead to inflammation not only in your thyroid but also in your brain, affecting everything from your memory to your mood. This isn't just a thyroid condition; it's an autoimmune disease affecting multiple organs. 📚 The Brain and Hashimoto's: Many people think of Hashimoto's as merely slowing the thyroid, but it’s so much more. The disease involves chronic inflammation that can lead to brain fog and even early dementia if not addressed. The antibodies attacking your thyroid can also affect your brain, particularly the cerebellum which helps in cognitive processes and mood regulation. 🌿 Linda's Journey to Recovery: Meet Linda, a 41-year-old who managed to overcome what she humorously called 'light dementia.' Despite normal thyroid lab values, her cognitive struggles were real—until we tackled the underlying triggers. From diet to stress, we looked at everything. 💡 What We Did: We didn't just treat Linda; we explored her life to understand the triggers—from food sensitivities to stress and even Lyme disease. By addressing these, Linda's memory improved dramatically from a 2 to a 7! 🌈 Your Turn: Hashimoto's is complex, but with a comprehensive approach, recovery is possible. Are you ready to take control of your health just like Linda did? 👉 Click the link in BIO to read more about how we tackle Hashimoto's beyond the thyroid. Let’s demystify Hashimoto's together and reclaim your health! Do you have Hashimoto's disease and/or an underactive thyroid? Stay up-to-date with the latest insights! ➡️ Follow #HashimotoHelpMarloes #HashiHealthNewsletter #MarloesHashimotosHelp #MulderCuresHashimotos #MarloesHashimotosTips #MulderHashimotosInfo #HashimotosByMarloes #MarloesHashimotosGuide #MulderHashimotosPlan #HashimotosMarloesWay #MarloesHashimotosCare #HashimotoHealthMarloes

5/8/2024, 4:58:06 PM

🌟 Struggling to Lose Weight with an Underactive Thyroid? 🌟 Facing challenges with weight loss due to an underactive thyroid or Hashimoto's disease? You're not alone. 🔍 Understanding the Challenge: An underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism, puts your metabolism on a "low burn," making weight gain easy and weight loss seem nearly impossible. But don't worry, I've got some empowering news for you! 🔥 You Hold the Match: You have the power to stoke that low flame and transform your energy levels. It's not just about losing weight—it's about regaining your vitality and living the energetic life you deserve as an entrepreneur or a busy professional. 📘 Who is Marloes Mulder? I'm a Hashimoto Expert and Premium Health Coach dedicated to helping women just like you. With extensive training from global experts and over 2,500 women coached one-on-one, I'm here to guide you on your journey to a fit and energetic body. 🎯 Take Control: It’s time to tackle the root causes of your symptoms with a holistic approach involving food, body, and mind. 💡 Interested in Learning More? Dive deeper into the specific steps you can take to start shedding those stubborn pounds and beat the fatigue associated with Hashimoto's. Each step is designed not just as a quick fix but as part of a sustainable, health-transforming strategy. 👉 Click the Link in Bio to read the full blog on tackling weight loss with an underactive thyroid in my Hashi Health Newsletter. Join me in transforming health into hope. Let’s turn your challenges into victories! 🌈 Do you have Hashimoto's disease and/or an underactive thyroid? Stay up-to-date with the latest insights from Marloes Mulder! ➡️ Follow #HashimotoHelpMarloes #HashiHealthNewsletter #MarloesHashimotosHelp #MulderCuresHashimotos #MarloesHashimotosTips #MulderHashimotosInfo #HashimotosByMarloes #MarloesHashimotosGuide #MulderHashimotosPlan #HashimotosMarloesWay #MarloesHashimotosCare #HashimotoHealthMarloes

5/8/2024, 4:30:28 PM

🦋 WHY AND HOW TO RULE OUT HASHIMOTO'S DISEASE IN CASE OF A SLOW THYROID by Marloes Mulder 🌿 Hashimoto's disease could be lurking behind your slow thyroid function, and it's crucial to understand its impacts. Most women don’t realize that this autoimmune condition could be at the heart of their health issues. 💡 If you often wake up feeling like you've been hit by a truck despite your thyroid medication being "well-adjusted," it might be time to look deeper. Symptoms like brain fog, chronic fatigue, and unexplained weight changes can significantly disrupt your daily life and might signal Hashimoto’s disease. 🌼 Take Anne’s story, for instance. Despite managing a successful business and living an active life, her unaddressed symptoms of Hashimoto’s nearly took over her health and professional life. After proper diagnosis and tailored guidance, she's seen remarkable improvements: increased energy, clearer thinking, and weight loss. 📘 Want to learn more about Hashimoto’s and potentially discover if you might be affected? Check out the full article on Hashi Health Newsletter. 👉 Click the link in bio to subscribe to my Hashi Health Newsletter and unlock the secrets to managing and improving your thyroid health. Discover a new zest for life with expert insights and supportive community advice. Do you have Hashimoto's disease and/or a underactive thyroid? Stay up-to-date with the latest insights from Marloes Mulder! ➡️ Follow #HashiHealthNewsletter #HashiHealthNewsletter #MarloesHashimotosHelp #MulderCuresHashimotos #MarloesHashimotosTips #MulderHashimotosInfo #HashimotosByMarloes #MarloesHashimotosGuide #MulderHashimotosPlan #HashimotosMarloesWay #MarloesHashimotosCare #HashimotoHealthMarloes

5/8/2024, 1:17:52 PM