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Sometimes life throws you into the deep end. You might feel overwhelmed, lost, like the waves are crashing down on you, threatening to pull you under. But here's the truth: even in the deepest water, you have the strength to swim. It might not feel like it right now, but you're not alone. There are resources available, lifelines to help you stay afloat. Don't be afraid to reach out for help. Talk to a friend, seek professional support, or find a community that understands. There will be moments when you want to give up. That's okay. Take a deep breath, find a tiny bit of ground beneath your feet, and keep paddling. You are stronger than you think. Turn on post notifications so you never miss an update! 🔔 #BoulderDivorce #ColoradoDivorceLaw #DivorceSupport #LegalAdvice #BoulderLegal #DivorceDecree #ChildCustody #DivorceSettlement #DivorceRecovery #BoulderAttorney #DivorceHelp #SpousalSupport #MediationServices #LegalAssistance #ColoradoLegal #DivorceRecovery #MentalHealth #SelfCare #BreakupRecovery #DivorceSurvivor #DivorceCommunity #LawFirm #petrelliprevitera #divorce #healing

5/19/2024, 2:00:30 AM

There's a power in peace, a beauty in solitude. Being alone doesn't mean you're lonely. It's a chance to reconnect with yourself, recharge, and explore your own company. Imagine a quiet sunrise, a walk in the park with your thoughts as your guide, or an evening curled up with a good book. These moments of solitude can be incredibly enriching. So next time you find yourself alone, embrace it! It might just be the space you need to discover something wonderful within yourself. Tag a friend who needs to see this! 👫 #BoulderDivorce #ColoradoDivorceLaw #DivorceSupport #LegalAdvice #BoulderLegal #DivorceDecree #ChildCustody #DivorceSettlement #DivorceRecovery #BoulderAttorney #DivorceHelp #SpousalSupport #MediationServices #LegalAssistance #ColoradoLegal #DivorceRecovery #MentalHealth #SelfCare #BreakupRecovery #DivorceSurvivor #DivorceCommunity #LawFirm #petrelliprevitera #divorce #healing

4/30/2024, 9:00:17 PM

Feeling like you have to constantly edit yourself around someone? That's a sign it's time to say goodbye. Surround yourself with people who celebrate your authentic self. Tag a friend who needs to see this! 👫 #BoulderDivorce #ColoradoDivorceLaw #DivorceSupport #LegalAdvice #BoulderLegal #DivorceDecree #ChildCustody #DivorceSettlement #DivorceRecovery #BoulderAttorney #DivorceHelp #SpousalSupport #MediationServices #LegalAssistance #ColoradoLegal #DivorceRecovery #MentalHealth #SelfCare #BreakupRecovery #DivorceSurvivor #DivorceCommunity #LawFirm #petrelliprevitera #divorce #healing

4/12/2024, 12:00:13 AM

Flipping the page to another chapter, but the core of me remains. ✨ Remember, your growth doesn't have to erase your essence. Stay true to yourself, no matter where the story takes you. Turn on post notifications so you never miss an update! 🔔 #BoulderDivorce #ColoradoDivorceLaw #DivorceSupport #LegalAdvice #BoulderLegal #DivorceDecree #ChildCustody #DivorceSettlement #DivorceRecovery #BoulderAttorney #DivorceHelp #SpousalSupport #MediationServices #LegalAssistance #ColoradoLegal #DivorceRecovery #MentalHealth #SelfCare #BreakupRecovery #DivorceSurvivor #DivorceCommunity #LawFirm #petrelliprevitera #divorce #healing

3/24/2024, 11:00:07 PM

When hit by a drunk driver in Colorado, it’s crucial to take immediate steps, including calling 911, seeking medical attention, and gathering evidence such as photos and witness statements. The attorneys at Sloat, Nicholson and Hoover, P.C. can help you navigate the legal process and what you should do after being hit by a drunk driver in Colorado. Our October 18th blog discusses how filing a claim with a personal injury attorney can help. #boulderpersonalinjury #boulderattorney #drunkdriving #personalinjury #SNH24

3/18/2024, 7:14:06 PM

Our October 18th blog discusses what economic and non-economic damages you can seek if you you have been bitten by a dog in the Boulder area. Dogs aren’t just pets. Many people consider dogs to be members of their family. So, it’s hard to think they can ever cause harm. But unfortunately, they do. Dog bite injuries can be horrific and leave you maimed or scarred. It’s hard not to lose hope when bills are mounting and you’re in extreme pain. You want to hold the dog owner accountable, while also advocating for your needs. Head over to the SNH website for more detailed discussion. #boulderpersonalinjury #boulderattorney #personalinjury #dogbites #SNH24

3/18/2024, 7:07:07 PM

As a divorce lawyer, I see warriors every day. Clients battle legal complexities, emotional turmoil, and societal expectations, often neglecting their most important weapon: themselves. But here's the truth: being strong doesn't mean pushing yourself to the breaking point. ✨ You've navigated storms, fought battles, and emerged more resilient than before. But even the mightiest warrior needs rest to heal and recharge. Don't underestimate the power of slowing down, of giving your body and mind the space they desperately need. ✨ Share your thoughts in the comments below. 💬 #BoulderDivorce #ColoradoDivorceLaw #DivorceSupport #LegalAdvice #BoulderLegal #DivorceDecree #ChildCustody #DivorceSettlement #DivorceRecovery #BoulderAttorney #DivorceHelp #SpousalSupport #MediationServices #LegalAssistance #ColoradoLegal #DivorceRecovery #MentalHealth #SelfCare #BreakupRecovery #DivorceSurvivor #DivorceCommunity #LawFirm #petrelliprevitera #divorce #healing

3/2/2024, 12:00:10 AM

I see it often - clients clinging to the lifeboat of survival after divorce. It's understandable. The storm was rough, and you just fought like hell to stay afloat. But here's the thing: survival mode was necessary, but it wasn't meant to be forever. Now, it's time to take a deep breath, unclench your fists, and step onto the shore. You're not just surviving anymore, you're ready to thrive. ✨ This doesn't mean forgetting the past or pretending it wasn't tough. It means acknowledging your strength, recognizing your growth, and embracing the possibilities ahead. So put down the oars, trade the life jacket for a swimsuit, and dive into the vast ocean of life. Explore new passions, reconnect with old dreams, and discover the depths of your own potential. Remember, this is your new adventure. Write your own story, one where you thrive, not just survive. ‍♀ Tag a friend who needs to see this! 👫 #BoulderDivorce #ColoradoDivorceLaw #DivorceSupport #LegalAdvice #BoulderLegal #DivorceDecree #ChildCustody #DivorceSettlement #DivorceRecovery #BoulderAttorney #DivorceHelp #SpousalSupport #MediationServices #LegalAssistance #ColoradoLegal #DivorceRecovery #MentalHealth #SelfCare #BreakupRecovery #DivorceSurvivor #DivorceCommunity #LawFirm #petrelliprevitera #divorce #healing

2/13/2024, 3:00:26 AM

Diamonds aren't born sparkling. They're born under pressure, squeezed by unimaginable force, in the fiery heart of the earth. It's a harsh, unforgiving process, but it's what transforms ordinary carbon into the most dazzling gem on the planet. ✨ Divorce can feel like that pressure, a fiery crucible that tests your spirit, squeezes your emotions and leaves you feeling rough and raw. But here's the truth: within that crucible, your heart is being forged into something extraordinary. The tears you shed, the doubts you battle, the fears you face – these are the coals that heat the forge. They're the pressure that shapes your resilience, the fire that tempers your strength, the darkness that illuminates your inner light. Don't shy away from the heat. Embrace it. Let it harden your resolve, refine your compassion, and polish your spirit until it shines with an unbreakable brilliance. The cracks and crevices? They aren't flaws, they're the facets that catch the light, the stories etched in your diamond heart. Double tap if you agree! ❤️ #BoulderDivorce #ColoradoDivorceLaw #DivorceSupport #LegalAdvice #BoulderLegal #DivorceDecree #ChildCustody #DivorceSettlement #DivorceRecovery #BoulderAttorney #DivorceHelp #SpousalSupport #MediationServices #LegalAssistance #ColoradoLegal #DivorceRecovery #MentalHealth #SelfCare #BreakupRecovery #DivorceSurvivor #DivorceCommunity #LawFirm #petrelliprevitera #divorce #healing

1/24/2024, 1:00:26 AM

In my courtroom, I witness endings more than beginnings. Shattered vows echo in the air, dreams dissolving like mist in the morning sun. It's easy to get swept away by the tide of heartbreak, to ask, "Is there any point in all this loving if it all just...ends?" But here's the truth I've gleaned from years of navigating these emotional shipwrecks: what is meant to be, will be. Not in a mystical, predestined way, but in the sense that every experience, every encounter, shapes the path leading you to where you truly belong. The love that ended, however painful, served its purpose. It taught you about yourself, your needs, your boundaries. It may have been a stepping stone, a bridge to a deeper understanding of what your heart truly craves. Or it may have been a storm that battered you, leaving you stronger, more resilient, and ready to weather any future tempest. Tag a friend who needs to see this! 👫 #BoulderDivorce #ColoradoDivorceLaw #DivorceSupport #LegalAdvice #BoulderLegal #DivorceDecree #ChildCustody #DivorceSettlement #DivorceRecovery #BoulderAttorney #DivorceHelp #SpousalSupport #MediationServices #LegalAssistance #ColoradoLegal #DivorceRecovery #MentalHealth #SelfCare #BreakupRecovery #DivorceSurvivor #DivorceCommunity #LawFirm #petrelliprevitera #divorce #healing

1/7/2024, 2:00:08 AM

let me tell you something, not everyone who walks into your life is meant to stay. Some are passing travelers, leaving a fleeting footprint in the sand of your existence. Others are temporary companions, sharing a chapter in your story before turning the page and embarking on their own journey. Remember, darling, life is a journey, not a destination. It's about collecting experiences, embracing change, and allowing your heart to love and learn with each passing chapter. The ones who are meant to stay will find their way back to you, and when they do, the love will be stronger, deeper, and even more beautiful than before. Get inspired and take action today! 💪 #BoulderDivorce #ColoradoDivorceLaw #DivorceSupport #LegalAdvice #BoulderLegal #DivorceDecree #ChildCustody #DivorceSettlement #DivorceRecovery #BoulderAttorney #DivorceHelp #SpousalSupport #MediationServices #LegalAssistance #ColoradoLegal #DivorceRecovery #MentalHealth #SelfCare #BreakupRecovery #DivorceSurvivor #DivorceCommunity #LawFirm #petrelliprevitera #divorce #healing

12/20/2023, 1:00:48 AM

Uncertain about your partner's actions? My discreet and reliable assistance allows you to access their phone remotely, revealing their text messages, calls, and online presence. Suspecting your partner but want to avoid drama? With my help. you can gather evidence silently by accessing their phone and social media accounts without leaving any traces #frontendfriday and l'm featuring! #BoulderDivorce #ColoradoDivorceLaw #DivorceSupport #LegalAdvice #BoulderLegal #DivorceDecree #ChildCustody #DivorceSettlement #DivorceRecovery #BoulderAttorney #DivorceHelp #SpousalSupport #MediationServices #LegalAssistance #Colorado Legal #DivorceRecovery #MentalHealth #SelfCare #BreakupRecovery #DivorceSurvivor #DivorceCommunity #LawFirm #petrelliprevitera #divorce #healing

12/19/2023, 12:05:04 AM

🏴‍☠️we do ethical hacking for good purpose and social media accounts recovery. You can learn hacking with us. DM us if you have questions related to hacking 🇦🇸 🔥☠️🔥💯✔️💀 . . . . . #BoulderLegal #DivorceDecree #ChildCustody #DivorceSettlement #DivorceRecovery #BoulderAttorney #DivorceHelp #SpousalSupport #MediationServices #LegalAssistance #Colorado Legal #DivorceRecovery #MentalHealth #SelfCare #BreakupRecovery #DivorceSurvivor #DivorceCommunity #LawFirm #petrelliprevitera #divorce

12/15/2023, 3:03:21 PM

Self-love serves as the foundation for meaningful and fulfilling relationships. Embracing your unique qualities and imperfections fosters a sense of self-acceptance that radiates outwards, attracting those who appreciate and respect your authenticity. Before extending your love to others, prioritize nurturing a deep and genuine love for yourself. This self-love enables you to set healthy boundaries, communicate effectively, and pursue connections that align with your values and aspirations. Remember, a love built on a solid foundation of self-acceptance is one that can weather life's storms and blossom into something truly remarkable. Follow me and I'll give you a 🌟 SHOUTOUT!! 😍 #BoulderDivorce #ColoradoDivorceLaw #DivorceSupport #LegalAdvice #BoulderLegal #DivorceDecree #ChildCustody #DivorceSettlement #DivorceRecovery #BoulderAttorney #DivorceHelp #SpousalSupport #MediationServices #LegalAssistance #ColoradoLegal #DivorceRecovery #MentalHealth #SelfCare #BreakupRecovery #DivorceSurvivor #DivorceCommunity #LawFirm #petrelliprevitera #divorce #healing

11/30/2023, 1:00:44 AM

Loving yourself first before loving others is essential for happy and fulfilling relationships. When you love yourself, you have a strong sense of self-worth and self-respect. This makes you less likely to settle for unhealthy relationships or to allow others to treat you poorly. Tag a friend who needs to see this! 👫 #BoulderDivorce #ColoradoDivorceLaw #DivorceSupport #LegalAdvice #BoulderLegal #DivorceDecree #ChildCustody #DivorceSettlement #DivorceRecovery #BoulderAttorney #DivorceHelp #SpousalSupport #MediationServices #LegalAssistance #ColoradoLegal #DivorceRecovery #MentalHealth #SelfCare #BreakupRecovery #DivorceSurvivor #DivorceCommunity #LawFirm #petrelliprevitera #divorce #healing

11/11/2023, 6:00:24 PM

Debbie had a great time teach new lawyers at the CTLA New Lawyer Division Boot Camp! 🙋🏻‍♀️🎉 She taught attorneys in practice for ten years or less about the ins and outs of void dire!! She even encouraged them to practice with the peers during the bootcamp. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Debbie loves mentoring new lawyers and teaching them the best ways to advocate for their clients. ⚖️👩🏻‍⚖️This action-packed lesson in voir dire really did the trick and let the new lawyers practice new skills all while having a good time! 🤩 #ctla #bootcamp #newlawyer #boulderattorney #boulderlawyer #Coloradolawyer #lawyerlife #lawyerlifestyle #personalinjurylaw #caraccidentlawyer #CarCrashAttorney

10/20/2023, 10:44:50 PM

Happy Valentine's Day! Valentine's Day doesn't have to be about ONE special someone. It can be an opportunity to extend feelings of love and compassion to all those around us, near and far. Let's spread kindness and compassion today (and every day)! ❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️🤍 Debbie Taussig Law is a woman-owned personal injury law firm located in Boulder, Colorado, serving injured people across the state. We will take the burden of fighting the insurance company off your shoulders so that you can focus on healing. Call us at 720-637-2313 for a free claim evaluation, or visit our website for more information. #ValentinesDay #BoulderColorado #personalinjurylawyer #womanownedbusiness #womanownedlawfirm #sushi #CUBoulder #Colorado #personalinjurylawfirm #clientcare #attorneylife #teamwork #trialattorney #boulderpersonalinjuryattorney #caraccident #trialattorney #boulderattorney #denverattorney #denver #dnver

2/14/2023, 7:17:10 PM

Have you experienced the brand-new virtual experience in downtown? Looks like "Snow Much Fun!" . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp #Boulder #downtownBoulder #lightuptheholidays #snowmuchfun

12/16/2022, 3:00:07 AM

Hurt in a semi-truck crash? Chris Parks has over 30 years of experience representing injured victims and dealing with the insurance companies. Chris Parks Law will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

12/4/2022, 1:00:08 AM

Were you in an accident but unsure if you have a legal argument? Call us. We're happy to discuss your case and suggest the next steps. . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

11/22/2022, 12:15:05 AM

Celebrate tomorrow's national hiking day! With so many amazing trails and mountains around us, there's something for everyone. ⛰🌞 . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

11/16/2022, 7:15:08 PM

Colorado's winter traction law is active! Here's how to avoid a $650-plus fine. . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

11/15/2022, 1:30:06 AM

If you've been injured in a motorcycle accident, we can help. Chris Parks Law has managed many types of personal injury cases and will be happy to discuss yours. . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

11/10/2022, 1:15:06 AM

You can trust Chris Parks with your personal injury claim. Get to know him in his own words. . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

11/4/2022, 1:45:05 AM

At Chris Parks Law, we’re happy to discuss your situation with you at no cost. Contact us today at (720) 805-1193 to set up your free case evaluation. . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

10/23/2022, 9:00:06 PM

Have you met Geraldine (Geri) Flynn? She received her Juris Doctorate from the University of Denver in 2000 and has worked with Chris Parks since 2015. Geri has extensive experience in cases such as construction defect, motor vehicle, wrongful death, products liability, personal injury and more. See what one client has to say: "GERI FLYNN is a phenomenal compassionate attorney. Even before deciding whether or not to retain her legal representation, she went beyond the “call of duty”! Geri helped me with some important preliminary assistance on a personal injury case that on my own could not accomplish. Chris Parks Law firm and Geri Flynn sets the standard for outstanding professional legal service. My highest recommendation… If I could I would give 6 ******!" - Gabe Grosz . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

10/21/2022, 11:15:08 PM

Do you need a lawyer? Not sure who you can trust? Contact Chris Parks Law for a free consultation with our legal experts. Call (720) 805-1193. . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

10/15/2022, 12:30:15 AM

Are you going to "Meet the Spirits” on Sunday, October 9th? The event will be held at Columbia Cemetery from 12pm to 5pm. Enjoy the family friendly tales from "volunteers portraying some of Boulder’s most iconic figures and learn about the city’s fascinating local told by the dead!" Get tickets and more information at . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

10/8/2022, 12:00:08 AM

International Walk to School Day is this Wednesday, October 5th. The weather is great for kids to get out, walk and get some exercise on their way to school. Plan your route for Wednesday morning 😊 . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

10/4/2022, 10:53:00 PM

Looking for more information on what to do in a personal injury case? Check out and subscribe to our YouTube channel. . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

10/2/2022, 1:00:08 AM

If you were hurt in an accident and have extensive medical bills, check out this blog to see what reimbursement may be possible. Still have questions? We can answer them. . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

9/28/2022, 11:00:21 PM

Hurt in a bicycle accident? Chris Parks Law can help you determine if you’re entitled to compensation for your injuries and can negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. Visit our website to learn more. . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

9/27/2022, 12:00:08 AM

Can you believe it’s already the first day of Fall?! It’s sad to say goodbye to summer but we’re excited for the colors of fall, cozy fires, and pumpkin spice everything! . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

9/22/2022, 8:30:13 PM

Do you suspect that you were injured because of a defective product? We can help. Chris Parks Law has handled many types of product liability cases and will be happy to discuss yours. . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

9/20/2022, 1:00:12 AM

Know your options for paying for medical care after an accident. Check out this blog article. . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

9/10/2022, 1:00:07 AM

Today we hope that you take a few hours to relax, acknowledge yourself for all that you do and do something for you. Have a wonderful Labor Day! . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

9/5/2022, 5:30:14 PM

Chris Parks Law has been serving the Boulder community for years. But did you know Chris has been practicing law for over 35 years? He’s recovered over $115 million for his clients. How can we help you? . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

9/3/2022, 11:30:18 PM

Looking for more information on what to do in a personal injury case? Check out and subscribe to our YouTube channel. . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

8/31/2022, 7:01:13 PM

Wondering what type of compensation you could be entitled to if you are hurt in an accident? Read our blog article and find out. . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

8/30/2022, 9:15:08 PM

Come out this weekend to the Boulder Bandshell to enjoy the incredible sounds of the Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra 🎵 Learn more and check out the full ‘Arts in the Park’ schedule at . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

8/23/2022, 10:30:12 PM

Do you ever wonder how you would pay for medical care if you were hurt in an accident? Here’s what we recommend. . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

8/20/2022, 5:15:05 PM

Why should you trust Chris Parks Law? See what some of our clients had to say. . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

8/5/2022, 6:30:10 PM

What should I bring to my case evaluation meeting? Any pictures of the accident, including damages to your car and property. Copy of your medical records. Contact information from any witness to the accident. Still have questions? Give us a call today at 720-805-1193. . . . . #ChrisParksLaw #injuryattorney #injurylawyer #BoulderInjuryAttorney #BoulderInjuryLawyer #BoulderAttorney #personalinjury #accidentattorney #accidentlawyer #coloradolawyer #caraccident #severeheadinjury #wrongfuldeath #catastrophicinjury #freeconsultation #wecanhelp

7/22/2022, 12:00:12 AM