artformindfulness images

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#food #travel #sports #news #june #sunday

Facendo una riflessione che contiene entrambe le massime del post, se c'è una cosa che ho imparato a costo di bruciature permanenti sulla pelle dell'anima, è che gli altri sanno sempre cosa è giusto per la tua, di vita, ma la propria non la guardano. In questa umanità che è una comunità di isole giudicanti, io sto imparando giorno per giorno non solo a non essere nemmeno filtro, altro che spugna, ma ad essere impermeabile. Preferisco sbagliare, con la mia testa ed il mio cuore, e piangere e ridere dei miei errori - e delle inevitabili conquiste - che vivere una vita che non mi appartiene. E della vostra esperienza che mi dite? #artjournalpages #artjournaling #scrapmania #journaladdict #journallove #artformindfulness #journalingitalia #jounalcommunity #artjournaleveryday #smashbook #artbooklovers #artbooks #recycledart #frasimotivazionali #frasimotivanti #frasibelle #cartaedintorni #calendarioartístico #scrappiness #scrapcommunity #scrapaholic #scrappers #loveforjournaling #junkjournal #magiedicarta #artdiary #diarioartistico #diaryaddict #scrapjournal #scrapcreations

6/1/2024, 7:28:00 PM

Ammar join aktiviti tanam pokok dan diy buku sendiri. Good job ammar. Artventuroar is a fun and educational art class for children located in Malaysia. Follow us on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for exciting art projects and challenges. #Artventuroar #ArtClass #KidsArt #Malaysia #ArtsandCrafts #ChildhoodCreativity #ArtEducation #ArtLovers #Artworks #FunArt #ArtProjects #ArtChallenges #ArtTherapy #ArtSkills #ArtInspiration #ArtLife #ArtCommunity #ArtCommunityMalaysia #ArtCommunityAsia #ArtForKids #ArtForAll #ArtForTheFuture #ArtForCreativity #ArtForGrowth #ArtForMindfulness #ArtForPeace.

5/31/2024, 8:30:25 AM

Artventuroar is a fun and educational art class for children located in Malaysia. Follow us on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for exciting art projects and challenges. #Artventuroar #ArtClass #KidsArt #Malaysia #ArtsandCrafts #ChildhoodCreativity #ArtEducation #ArtLovers #Artworks #FunArt #ArtProjects #ArtChallenges #ArtTherapy #ArtSkills #ArtInspiration #ArtLife #ArtCommunity #ArtCommunityMalaysia #ArtCommunityAsia #ArtForKids #ArtForAll #ArtForTheFuture #ArtForCreativity #ArtForGrowth #ArtForMindfulness #ArtForPeace.

5/31/2024, 7:10:57 AM

Porque..."todo tiempo pasado fue mejor". Esta frase ha perdurado en el tiempo sin perder significado. He pensado en ella y quizás, Darwin, se dejó por observar la vejez. Me explico. Él, estudiaba los cambios en los nacimientos, entre otras cosas, la evolución de los seres vivos para la supervivencia y la adaptación. Pero...que un futuro descendiente tuyo nazca mas alto para llegar a las copas de los árboles mas altas, no sólo tiene un componente genético y biológico generacional, yo creo, que también uno "frustracional", porque las generaciones anteriores han tenido que ver secarse las hojas bajas y ver como no llegaban a las mas altas, para darse el cambio. Antes tiene que darse una frustración, y esta, es marcada por un cambio externo primero, por lo que, la evolución, va a la par que las modificaciones que sufre nuestro entorno, y ellas, a su vez, tienen que producirnos un daño, una frustración, una necesidad etc. por lo que , nuestra propia evolución, nos la estamos creando nosotros mismos al modificar nuestro entorno, destruyendo todo. Somos nosotros mismos nuestros propios creadores. Pura teoría mía. Entonces...para que haya evolución, tenemos que sentir que no encajamos, que no llegamos a las hojas altas, que la vida se ha puesto demasiado dificil para nosotros, y así poder pasar esa necesidad tanto genéticamente como por aprendizaje a las futuras generaciones,y es por eso, que creo, que esa frase y sentimiento de no entender el mundo actual, y pensar que antes todo era mejor,cuando las hojas estaban mas bajas, se repite en todas las generaciones. ¿Es una locura lo que escribo? ¿es una locura implementar la teoría de la evolución con una "teoría de la frustración"? ¿es una locura pensar que la evolución también esta "diseñada" para que nuestra marcha sea más llevadera, haciéndonos sentir que ya no es mundo para nosotros y podamos irnos en paz? El día que no corra la vida mas deprisa que nosotros, el día que dejemos de decir que años pasados fueron mejores, ¿ese día la evolución terminará,? ¿qué sucederá, qué creéis? ¿nos extinguiremos o...sera la paz mundial?

5/30/2024, 9:58:57 PM

Blue... The colour of spirituality, intuition, inspiration and inner peace. Dont just select art to enhance the look of your home, select art to enhance your mood too 💙 "Adrift" Mixed media on canvas In the gallery now #homeiswheretheartis #homedecor #bluehues #artformindfulness #galleryart #enhanceyourhome #abstractart

5/29/2024, 10:50:19 PM

Non è la prima volta che mi imbatto in riflessioni simili a quella di giorno 15, eppure, nonostante abbia cercato di sviscerarla per accoglierla, rimango sempre molto dubbiosa. È vero che c'è differenza tra un'insalata preparata con amore e un mix di verdure buttate a caso in un piatto, ma, forse, dico... Se non ho voglia di preparare un'insalata, magari, in quel momento, meglio scaldare un po' di latte! Non so, ma questa frase mi fa sentire un retrogusto amaro di violenza contro se stessi. E, sinceramente, ma anche no. E voi? Che lettura mi date? #artjournalpages #artjournaling #scrapmania #journaladdict #journallove #artformindfulness #journalingitalia #jounalcommunity #artjournaleveryday #smashbook #artbooklovers #artbooks #recycledart #frasimotivazionali #frasimotivanti #frasibelle #cartaedintorni #calendarioartístico #scrappiness #scrapcommunity #scrapaholic #scrappers #loveforjournaling #junkjournal #magiedicarta #artdiary #diarioartistico #diaryaddict #scrapjournal #scrapcreations

5/28/2024, 2:24:58 PM

Colour seemed to flow from this lovely Gent on Saturday, each month he uses bold colour and is never afraid to give something a go!! #artforwellbeing #art-club #artfun #inclusivity #artforall #artformindfulness #colourfest

5/27/2024, 11:45:30 PM

White Tara with Amitabha Buddha at Top #thanka #art #whitetara #mothertara #longivity #buddhism #nirvana #artformindfulness

5/27/2024, 3:43:19 AM

I have three eyes. Two for looking and one for seeing. I follow my inner wisdom, I have everything I need within. I listen to my soul voice, it speaks the loudest 🙏 🤲 🌟 #spiritualfreedom #healingjourney #thirdeyethoughts #spiritualart #artformindfulness #artasmeditation #charcoaldrawing

5/26/2024, 8:17:28 PM

The TSC Art Club UK ‘You’re puurrrfect the way you are’ Cat time on Thursday … a real joy!! I started this group with the idea of using art/creativity to form a creative TSC community share we play, chill and chat. Next month is ‘ Celebrations’# #cats #artforwellbeing #tuberoussclerosiscomplex #artformindfulness #artastherapy #tuberoussclerosis #raredisease

5/25/2024, 1:34:22 AM

Altra canzone che adoro, stesso Canyon dell'ultimo post e quelle lettere... Dei trasferibili #reber che hanno ormai trent'anni e si sono mantenuti perfettamente, passando di padre in figlia, per la gioia di creare! #artjournalpages #artjournaling #junkart #journaladdict #journallove #artformindfulness #journalingitalia #journalcommunity #artjournaleveryday #smashbook #artbooklovers #artbooks #recycledart #frasibelle #cartaedintorni #alteredbook #scrappiness #scrapcommunity #scrapaholic #scrappers #loveforjournaling #junkjournal #magiedicarta #fabricart #loveforjunk #diaryaddict #scrapjournal #upcycling

5/24/2024, 1:47:02 PM

Hello and welcome! This is an update to my page. I will still be posting all my arty mental health stuff but I am now offering a Life Coaching service as well and will be sharing more helpful ideas to help us all manage our lives. Thank you again for following me x #lifecoaching #lifecoach #positivewords #artformentalhealth #lifechange #artformindfulness #midpointlifecoaching

5/24/2024, 12:48:02 PM

THE HEALING POWER OF ART This week, we interview Art Therapist Elise Slater about the healing potential of art. Art unlocks creativity and inspires new thinking. Elise, a Transpersonal Art Therapist, shares her journey and how art helped her overcome an eating disorder. She works with diverse clients, using art to bring meaning and magic into their lives. Art therapy is for everyone and can unite communities. At The Auctionist, we value the transformative power of art and strive to make a difference in the communities we serve. #TheHealingPowerOfArt #ArtTherapy #Mindfulness #CommunityConnection #ArtForHealing #ArtAndWellness #CreativeTherapy #HealingThroughArt #ArtisticExpression #ArtForMindfulness #ArtAsTherapy #ArtAndMentalHealth #ArtForCommunity #ArtisticHealing

5/24/2024, 7:00:18 AM

It's brave to break your heart wide open, it's brave to love. "Love refuses nothing, and takes nothing; it is the highest and vastest freedom. All exists through love " - the gospel of Phillip. #artformindfulness #artasmeditation #spiritualfreedom #spiritualart #watercolourpainting #energyexchange #sacredenergy

5/23/2024, 4:15:05 PM

I discovered this was quite a lovely space to sit ❤️ Surrounded by my work, plants, sunlight with coffee in hand - magic ⭐️ I’m opening the door this Saturday 10-2 if you fancy joining me and testing out my corner or tranquility #openstudio #artgallery #abstract_art #womenwhopaint #thejoyofart #mindfulpainting #artlifestyle #buyoriginalart #artforonyeriordesigners #Abstract_art #connectedartists #contemporaryarthallery #Modernbristishart #slowliving #buyoriginal #artformindfulness

5/23/2024, 7:59:53 AM

Artventuroar is a fun and educational art class for children located in Malaysia. Follow us on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for exciting art projects and challenges. #Artventuroar #ArtClass #KidsArt #Malaysia #ArtsandCrafts #ChildhoodCreativity #ArtEducation #ArtLovers #Artworks #FunArt #ArtProjects #ArtChallenges #ArtTherapy #ArtSkills #ArtInspiration #ArtLife #ArtCommunity #ArtCommunityMalaysia #ArtCommunityAsia #ArtForKids #ArtForAll #ArtForTheFuture #ArtForCreativity #ArtForGrowth #ArtForMindfulness #ArtForPeace.

5/22/2024, 12:30:41 PM

Artventuroar is a fun and educational art class for children located in Malaysia. Follow us on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for exciting art projects and challenges. #Artventuroar #ArtClass #KidsArt #Malaysia #ArtsandCrafts #ChildhoodCreativity #ArtEducation #ArtLovers #Artworks #FunArt #ArtProjects #ArtChallenges #ArtTherapy #ArtSkills #ArtInspiration #ArtLife #ArtCommunity #ArtCommunityMalaysia #ArtCommunityAsia #ArtForKids #ArtForAll #ArtForTheFuture #ArtForCreativity #ArtForGrowth #ArtForMindfulness #ArtForPeace.

5/22/2024, 11:26:53 AM

Artventuroar is a fun and educational art class for children located in Malaysia. Follow us on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for exciting art projects and challenges. #Artventuroar #ArtClass #KidsArt #Malaysia #ArtsandCrafts #ChildhoodCreativity #ArtEducation #ArtLovers #Artworks #FunArt #ArtProjects #ArtChallenges #ArtTherapy #ArtSkills #ArtInspiration #ArtLife #ArtCommunity #ArtCommunityMalaysia #ArtCommunityAsia #ArtForKids #ArtForAll #ArtForTheFuture #ArtForCreativity #ArtForGrowth #ArtForMindfulness #ArtForPeace.

5/22/2024, 8:43:46 AM

Artventuroar is a fun and educational art class for children located in Malaysia. Follow us on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for exciting art projects and challenges. #Artventuroar #ArtClass #KidsArt #Malaysia #ArtsandCrafts #ChildhoodCreativity #ArtEducation #ArtLovers #Artworks #FunArt #ArtProjects #ArtChallenges #ArtTherapy #ArtSkills #ArtInspiration #ArtLife #ArtCommunity #ArtCommunityMalaysia #ArtCommunityAsia #ArtForKids #ArtForAll #ArtForTheFuture #ArtForCreativity #ArtForGrowth #ArtForMindfulness #ArtForPeace.

5/22/2024, 6:22:31 AM

Artventuroar is a fun and educational art class for children located in Malaysia. Follow us on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for exciting art projects and challenges. #Artventuroar #ArtClass #KidsArt #Malaysia #ArtsandCrafts #ChildhoodCreativity #ArtEducation #ArtLovers #Artworks #FunArt #ArtProjects #ArtChallenges #ArtTherapy #ArtSkills #ArtInspiration #ArtLife #ArtCommunity #ArtCommunityMalaysia #ArtCommunityAsia #ArtForKids #ArtForAll #ArtForTheFuture #ArtForCreativity #ArtForGrowth #ArtForMindfulness #ArtForPeace.

5/22/2024, 4:28:00 AM

Mary Magdalene, misunderstood, misrepresented, unheard, silenced! The one closest to Jesus, the one who carried the truth. It is said in the Gnostic gospels that her entrancing green eyes were so powerful, it was hard to keep her gaze. Her eyes pearced your soul in a knowing way. It's time to hear her story. #marymagdalene #apostletotheapostles #love #artformindfulness #artasmeditation #mindfulart #mindfulnesspractice #watercolourpainting

5/21/2024, 4:20:41 PM

Non ho vissuto quei favolosi anni Settanta, ma nei mitici anni Ottanta si respiravano ancora gli strascichi della decade precedente... E io vivo sempre "on the road", perché I was "born to run"!!! Un'altra incursione nel libro che sto 'alterando', tecnica mista su carta, protagonista indiscusso - anche stavolta - il tessuto: Canyon e pi kappa direttamente da una maglietta di mio figlio! #artjournalpages #artjournaling #scrapmania #journallove #artformindfulness #journalingitalia #jounalcommunity #artjournaleveryday #smashbook #artbooklovers #artbooks #recycledart #cartaedintorni #scrappiness #scrapcommunity #scrapaholic #scrappers #loveforjournaling #junkjournal #magiedicarta #junkart #alteredbook #loveforjunk #upcycling #scrapjournal #fabricart #smashart

5/21/2024, 2:27:35 PM

It’s just an image I found online but it is so good to start doing arty things again. Swipe for progress pics. #moomin #moominvalley #colouring #sharpies #artformindfulness #moominmamma #littlemy #moominpappa

5/21/2024, 11:13:56 AM

Too Grown Up To Dream? 80 x 60cm Acrylic on canvas Framed I honestly don’t think you can ever be too grown up to dream? Do you? #artlifestyle #buyoriginalart #artforonyeriordesigners #Abstract_art #connectedartists #contemporaryarthallery #Modernbristishart #slowliving #buyoriginal #artformindfulness

5/21/2024, 7:17:48 AM

Anche oggi è una busta di carta a fare da base per questo #junkjournal, con un portachiavi etnico sottratto spudoratamente a un jeans di mio marito; degli scampoli di tessuto e ritagli di carta con grafiche giapponesi, in un mix di colori che mi fa uscire - con tutto il piacere della scoperta - dalla mia comfort zone. Qualche elemento decorativo firmato #stamperia e #timholtz, carta invecchiata con l'immancabile caffè e un semplice cordoncino per rilegare... E anche questo diario alternativo è pronto per raccogliere i miei papelli! #artjournaling #scrapmania #journaladdict #journallove #artformindfulness #journalingitalia #journalcommunity #artjournaleveryday #smashbook #artbooklovers #artbooks #recycledart #cartaedintorni #scrappiness #scrapcommunity #scrapaholic #loveforjournaling #magiedicarta #artdiary #diarioartistico #diaryaddict #scrapjournal #scrapcreations #junkart #loveforjunk #fabricart #fabricrecycling

5/20/2024, 2:41:22 PM

When two healers indulge in a connection, it's like magic, it's alchemy. You water me, I water you, we never drain each other, we just grow. Our energy introduces us before we even speak with words ✨️ 🌈 #artformindfulness #artasmeditation #spiritualart #soulawakening

5/19/2024, 5:36:29 PM

E quando hai riempito una scatola solo con buste e bustine dei tuoi negozi preferiti, capisci che devi sederti alla tua scrivania e creare, cre-a-re, C R E A R E! Ecco come nasce questo #traveljournal. L'interno è realizzato con carta kraft e una vecchia cartina della Toscana recuperata in una casetta del bookcrossing. In copertina, ritagli di una carta regalo e decorazioni in legno di #stamperia. Non vedo l'ora di riempirlo con le foto degli ultimi viaggi! #artjournalpages #artjournaling #scrapmania #journaladdict #journallove #artformindfulness #journalingitalia #jounalcommunity #artjournaleveryday #smashbook #artbooklovers #artbooks #recycledart #cartaedintorni #scrappiness #scrapcommunity #scrapaholic #scrappers #loveforjournaling #junkjournal #magiedicarta #artdiary #diarioartistico #diaryaddict #scrapjournal #scrapcreations

5/19/2024, 3:51:12 PM

Random scribbles. #journalpage #scribbling #scribbles #artformindfulness

5/19/2024, 8:24:32 AM

اكتشف قوة الفن الهادئة في كل تمريرة فرشاة🎨✨ في صخب الحياة اليومية، قد يكون العثور على لحظات من السلام أمرًا صعبًا. لكن هل تعلم أن الانخراط في الرسم والإبداع الفني يمكن أن يكون ملاذك الشخصي؟ هنا في amina.artstudio، كل لوحة لا تتعلق فقط بالألوان والأشكال؛ يتعلق الأمر بنسج الهدوء والرفاهية العاطفية في حياتك. بالنسبة لي، الفن ليس مجرد نشاط؛ إنها رحلة نحو السلام الداخلي والحد من التوتر. إن التركيز على اللوحة يسمح لي بالانفصال عن ضغوط العالم، مما يوفر شكلاً فريدًا من أشكال التأمل. بينما تتراقص فرشاتك على القماش، يمكن لكل حركة أن تساعد في تقليل مستويات التوتر وتعزيز الوضوح العقلي. الرسم يقدم طريقة ملموسة للتعبير عن المشاعر والتواصل مع الآخرين على مستوى أعمق. لذا، سواء كنت فنانًا متمرسًا أو بدأت للتو، تذكر أن كل لون تختاره وكل خط ترسمه هو خطوة نحو حياة أكثر سعادة وصحة لك. أنا هنا لا أصنع الفن فحسب، بل أصنع الصحة النفسية والعقلية . لنرسم طريقنا نحو السلام وتحقيق الذات معًا من خلال الفن . Discover the serene power of art in every stroke 🎨✨ To me Art isn’t merely an activity; It’s a journey towards inner peace and stress reduction. #artforhappiness #artformentalhealth #painttorelax #therapeuticart #artformindfulness #artforselfcare #arttherapy #expressiveart #creativewellbeing #creativehealing #mentalwellness #creativehealth #artmeditation #artandwellbeing #artfortheheart #mindfulartstudio #artfulliving #healingthroughart #tranquilart #artstudiolife #emotionalwellbeing #mindfulpainting #creatingcalm #artisticserenity #creativeexpression #artisticjourney #artforstressrelief #peacefulpainting #artandmentalhealth #artisticexpression

5/18/2024, 5:55:46 PM

Ho conservato a lungo una canottiera di mia figlia, bianca e nera, tante farfalline e la scritta "you can fly everywhere". Ma quel bianco così candido e poco incline a trovare spazio nella mia arte, ha fatto sì che spostassi per anni quel vecchio capo d'abbigliamento da uno scatolo all'altro. Poi l'intuizione: il caffè che non delude mai. Ed eccoci qui. #artjournalpages #artjournaling #scrapmania #journaladdict #journallove #artformindfulness #journalingitalia #jounalcommunity #artjournaleveryday #smashbook #artbooklovers #artbooks #recycledart #collageart #cartaedintorni #collagecommunity #scrappiness #scrapcommunity #scrapaholic #scrappers #loveforjournaling #junkjournal #magiedicarta #artdiary #diarioartistico #diaryaddict #scrapjournal #scrapcreations #alteredbook

5/17/2024, 4:24:30 PM

🐚🌊 So in love already 🌊🐚 The feelings that are stirring just by the colour palette are beautiful 💕 The background colour on this is absolutely beautiful 😍 Stay tuned for more updates ✨️ . #aphrodite #aphroditegoddess #aphroditeinspiration #seafoam #elegance #goddessoflove #mandala #mandladotart #arttherapy #creativedots #artformindfulness #meditativeart #mindfulcreativity #dotart #dotartwork #dotartmagic #mandalapassion #mandalaartwork

5/17/2024, 6:22:51 AM

Purtroppo, talvolta, anche scegliendo percorsi irti e sacrificanti, si rischia di arrivare alla fine e scoprire che ci si trova ad un vicolo cieco, oppure ci si accorge di aver fatto un 'folle volo' più simile a quello di Icaro che non a quello dantesco. Ma credo che comunque ne valga la pena: nella vita, nulla va mai davvero perduto. Voi che ne pensate? #artjournalpages #artjournaling #scrapmania #journaladdict #journallove #artformindfulness #journalingitalia #jounalcommunity #artjournaleveryday #smashbook #artbooklovers #artbooks #recycledart #frasimotivazionali #frasimotivanti #frasibelle #cartaedintorni #calendarioartístico #scrappiness #scrapcommunity #scrapaholic #scrappers #loveforjournaling #junkjournal #magiedicarta #artdiary #diarioartistico #diaryaddict #scrapjournal #scrapcreations

5/16/2024, 3:29:03 PM

Bloom Here 30 x 30 cm Framed acrylic on canvas All available pieces are now available to view over on the website 🤍 #artlifestyle #buyoriginalart #artforonyeriordesigners #Abstract_art #connectedartists #contemporaryarthallery #Modernbristishart #slowliving #buyoriginal #artformindfulness

5/15/2024, 10:16:56 PM

With enough love and care,flowers bloom. So will you! Take care of yourself.🌿❤️ . . . . . . . . . . . #procreate #procreateart #procreateartist #procreateillustrator #procreatedrawing #illustrator #illustration #cuteillustration #cuteillustrationsketch #reminder #mindfulillustration #illustrationcalm #calmmind #vividcolours #artist #artistsoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #illustrationartists #artfollowers #artcollector #artbuyer #artformind #artformindfulness . . . . Illustrations,digitalart, digital illustration, procreate, Apple Pencil, procreate art, buy art, art follower, art collector

5/15/2024, 6:25:03 PM

Practising my mandala art for a client who is wanting to create her own. Mandala art helps manage physical and psychological symptoms, improve psychological distress, relieve anxiety, and promote relationships (Zhang et al, 2024). #mandala #mandalaart #art #creativearts #arttherapy #arttherapist #creativetherapist #artstherapy #artstherapist #arttherapist #artstherapist #creativetherapist #penonpaper #artformindfulness #mindfulart

5/15/2024, 12:07:53 PM

Conducted fourth Doodle Delight session and look at the results❤️ ..... If you are new to doodling and doesn't know how to draw a single line even, I especially urge you to join our upcoming Doodle classes. ..... These are completely Beginner's friendly and you will enJoy it thoroughly! ..... (Doodle, workshop, art class, online classes, Doodling, Art Therapy) ...... #doodleart #zectangle #doodleworkshop #workshops #artformindfulness #artformentalhealth #mentalhealth #mindfulness #arttherapy #doodlersofinstagram

5/14/2024, 6:41:43 PM

D'ora in avanti, quando mi chiederanno: "Come fai ad alzarti sempre alle 5 del mattino (a volte anche alle 4)?", risponderò con la citazione n.10. E se mi chiederanno perché, risponderò che sono impegnata a migliorare me stessa! #artjournalpages #artjournaling #scrapmania #journaladdict #journallove #artformindfulness #journalingitalia #jounalcommunity #artjournaleveryday #smashbook #artbooklovers #artbooks #recycledart #frasimotivazionali #frasimotivanti #frasibelle #cartaedintorni #calendarioartístico #scrappiness #scrapcommunity #scrapaholic #scrappers #loveforjournaling #junkjournal #magiedicarta #artdiary #diarioartistico #diaryaddict #scrapjournal #scrapcreations

5/14/2024, 1:58:38 PM

Almost Me Again 80 x 60cm Acrylic on Canvas I’m busy listing all new pieces in the website this week including this one which I really loved painting. Soft muted tones but bold contrast. Pinks and greens as standard 😊 #artlifestyle #buyoriginalart #artforonyeriordesigners #Abstract_art #connectedartists #contemporaryarthallery #Modernbristishart #slowliving #buyoriginal #artformindfulness

5/14/2024, 8:26:11 AM

Art provides a unique space where we can freely explore and express our emotions. Any piece can offer a chance for reflection and emotional exploration. Connecting with art stimulates our ability to recognize and articulate our feelings. It also helps us understand the emotions of others, building empathy and enhancing our interpersonal relationships. So, next time you encounter a piece of art, take a moment to reflect on the emotions it stirs within you. What piece of art has recently touched your heart? #ArtTherapist #ExpressiveTherapy #NurtureNestArtTherapy #ArtTherapy #MindfulArtMaking #artformindfulness #ArtForWellness #ArtPsychotherapy

5/13/2024, 6:00:31 PM

Queste due riflessioni mi stanno particolarmente a cuore, forse perché non si finisce mai di rielaborarle, forse perché -attraverso l'arte -mi sto riprendendo parti di me che negli ultimi sei anni ho dovuto sacrificare. E per voi com'è? #artjournalpages #artjournaling #scrapmania #journaladdict #journallove #artformindfulness #journalingitalia #jounalcommunity #artjournaleveryday #smashbook #artbooklovers #artbooks #recycledart #frasimotivazionali #frasimotivanti #frasibelle #cartaedintorni #calendarioartístico #scrappiness #scrapcommunity #scrapaholic #scrappers #loveforjournaling #junkjournal #magiedicarta #artdiary #diarioartistico #diaryaddict #scrapjournal #scrapcreations

5/13/2024, 3:34:09 PM

Zeichnen ist Balsam für die Seele 🩷 Und an einem solch wunderbaren Sonnentag gibt es nichts besseres als mit Gleichgesinnten @uskmannheim unterwegs zu sein! 1 Jahr nach der Bundesgartenschau haben wir mal nachgesehen was noch übrig ist auf #spinelli - noch ist vieles im Umbau, aber das Café ist wieder geöffnet! Da entsteht eine coole #grüneoase für @mannheim_de Drawing is balm for the soul 🩷 And on such a wonderful sunny day there is nothing better than being out and about with like-minded people @uskmannheim! 1 year after the Federal Garden Show we took a look at what was left on #spinelli - a lot of things are still being renovated, but the café is open again! This will be a cool #green #oasis for #mannheim in the future #uskmannheim #aufnachmonnemzumsketchen #urbansketchersmannheim #uskgermany #mannheimcity #spinellibarracks #buga23 #sketchbookart #mixedmediaart #skizzenbuch #gemeinsamkreativ #gemeinsamezeit #createarttogether #createart #arthelps #artformindfulness

5/12/2024, 7:11:24 PM

Isis - Queen of the throne ✨️ The goddess of healing and magic. Let her energy empower you. Rise divine feminine. #artformindfulness #artasmeditation #spiritualart #isis #riseofthedivinefeminine

5/11/2024, 5:32:42 PM

Another one from Cowboy series.... Like, follow, share, comment and give a shoutout if you like my work🙏🙏 #illustration #cowboy #horse #InkandWatercolor #art #artist #arttherapy #artformindfulness #watercolor #watercolorpainting #artillustration

5/11/2024, 3:31:50 PM

May you find bold unbridled joy in a thousand little ways you didn't expect. Notice the magic in the little things ✨️ 💛 Charcoal sketch in the sunshine 🌞 #artformindfulness #artasmeditation #spiritualart #riseofthedivinefeminine

5/11/2024, 12:58:08 PM

Feeling super grateful and oh so tired tonight. What a wonderful evening ❤️ I didn’t have any chance to take any images during the evening but will share more of the gallery tomorrow. For now it’s PJs on, feet up and ready to do it all again tomorrow. #feelingrateful #artgallery #mentalhealthmatters #yorkartist #artlifestyle #buyoriginalart #artforonyeriordesigners #Abstract_art #connectedartists #contemporaryarthallery #Modernbristishart #slowliving #buyoriginal #artformindfulness #sunlight_art

5/10/2024, 11:03:45 PM

The companion of the son is Miriam of Magdala. The Teacher loved her more than all the disciples; he often kissed her on the mouth - from the gospel of Phillip. A sacred union that made all things possible. One energy 🙌 ✨️ ❤️ 💙 #marymagdalene #riseofthedivinefeminine #theapostletotheapostles #love #sacredunion #twinflame #artformindfulness #artasmeditation #spiritualart #watercolourpainting

5/10/2024, 10:20:14 PM

Ancora stickers (ho cassetti pieni da svuotare, ma mi sono messa di buona lena, lo avrete notato!), un pezzo di tessuto e un fondo realizzato con tecnica mista... Et voilà, un'altra pagina del mio #alteredbook anni Settanta! #artjournalpages #artjournaling #scrapmania #journaladdict #journallove #artformindfulness #journalingitalia #jounalcommunity #artjournaleveryday #smashbook #artbooklovers #artbooks #recycledart #cartaedintorni #junkart #scrappiness #scrapcommunity #scrapaholic #scrappers #loveforjournaling #junkjournal #magiedicarta #artdiary #diarioartistico #diaryaddict #scrapjournal #scrapcreations

5/10/2024, 2:45:20 PM

The start of a large painting. This is what I do when the sun is shining. This is what I do when I need to decompress. This is what I do when I can’t help but get ‘it’ out of my system. All that and… This is what I do when I’ve an open studio event coming up and my VERY large kitchen ‘gallery’ (!) walls need a glow up. Yes it’s been a tough few weeks with a bit of fun thrown in, it being my birthday yesterday. But there’s nothing like a deadline to get my but in gear and create. That’s why I’ve loved Open Calls this year. A reason to paint. A realisation as my personal new year turns is that I don’t HAVE to have a reason. Other than… Having space to work outside when the weather is gorgeous. Having the tools at hand to get my head deep in creativity. Having the vulnerability to share my ups and downs. #creativityforlife #artformindfulness #intheflow #workinprogress #abstractartist #acrylicpainting #gallerywall #openstudios #yorkshire #leeds #harrogate #york

5/9/2024, 11:39:11 PM

Loving the colours of these and of course, featuring pink and green!! My hardest job tomorrow will be to settle on names for all my new pieces - what vibes do you think these paintings create? #abstractart #contemporaryart #artlifestyle #buyoriginalart #artforonyeriordesigners #Abstract_art #connectedartists #contemporaryarthallery #Modernbristishart #slowliving #buyoriginal #artformindfulness #workinprogress

5/9/2024, 7:33:48 PM

In una delle mie tante follie estemporanee, con il cambio stagione ho recuperato questa scritta da una maglietta di mia figlia. Questi stickers trasparenti a tema piuma erano in attesa nel cassetto da ormai due annetti e non ne potevano più di stare in coda... D'altronde, io sono andata in loop con questa storia che "devoconsumaretuttoilmaterialeaccumulato", e con quel fondo in stile anni Settanta tra acrilici e acquerelli.... direi che erano perfetti per essere usati. Tutti. Ma proprio tutti. #artjournalpages #artjournaling #scrapmania #journaladdict #journallove #artformindfulness #junkart #artjournaleveryday #smashbook #artbooklovers #artbooks #recycledart #goodvibes #recycledfabric #alteredbooks #recyclingbooks #cartaedintorni #calendarioartístico #scrappiness #scrapcommunity #scrapaholic #scrappers #loveforjournaling #junkjournal #magiedicarta #artdiary #diarioartistico #diaryaddict #scrapjournal

5/9/2024, 2:29:23 PM

Don’t be fooled by the smile! This is the look of a women who owns a very long, unrealistic to do list, has high and unrealistic expectations and occasionally debilitating perfectionism 🤨 But somehow things will turn out ok! Gallery open evening tomorrow - please send coffee ☕️ #mentalhealthmatters #mindfulartstudio #artlifestyle #buyoriginalart #artforonyeriordesigners #Abstract_art #connectedartists #contemporaryarthallery #Modernbristishart #slowliving #buyoriginal #artformindfulness

5/9/2024, 7:46:23 AM

Art is a beautiful way to heal and mend the soul. Nourish your creativity and enhance your well-being in a 2-hour online workshop with Canadian certified counselor and professional art therapist Tammy Thomson this Sunday. Visit our Eventbrite page for details: #ArtTherapist #TherapeuticArt #ArtPsychotherapy #ArtAsTherapy #YYCArtTherapy #nurturenest #ArtClassesYYC #artforautism #ArtForWellness #NurtureNestCalgary #artformindfulness #ArtTherapistCalgary

5/8/2024, 4:00:54 PM

May + make time to create more 🎨✨(artbyAnya) @waves_of_selfcare • art is great for self-care, mindfulness, stress-relief, & self-expression ✨ #art #artoftheday #artjournal #creativity #creativityfound #creativityeveryday #artforselfcare #artformentalhealth #artformindfulness

5/7/2024, 4:10:34 AM

Come say hi @theotherartfair Brooklyn, May 16-19 ⋆˙⟡♡ DM me your email to receive a collector preview next week of the work I’ll be bringing! Scroll through to see some possible contenders. Swipe to the end for the state of my apartment as everything comes together :,)

5/6/2024, 11:58:14 PM

This landscape seems like it’s on fire! Don’t ask me why? Possibly the birds know something more than me and they are trying to save their life. 🤷🏻‍♀️ #landscape #treescape #trees #iplidesign #imonfire #escape #birdstagram #birds #artoninstagram #artforsale #watercolorpainting #inkdrawing #artinfocusgallery #mindfulness #artforwellbeing #artformindfulness

5/6/2024, 9:09:53 PM