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For some people, they want to tell asap, for others they hide the entire pregnancy. There’s no right answer. For me, I mostly waited until the anatomy scan for a few reasons…I didn’t want my littles to have to wait an entire pregnancy wondering if baby would be ok. And I tend to process internally so keeping it on the DL helped. With River, we shared with our kids at 12 weeks because I was so, so sick. Then we lost them at 14 weeks. I did always tell a few trusted friends so I knew I had support. What about you? #Stillbornstillloved #ihadamiscarriage #miscarriagesupport #miscarriageawareness #stillbirthsupport #stillbirthawareness #rainbowbaby #angelbaby #iam1in4 #iam1in160 #angelmom #angelmum #angelmomma #dadtoanangel #pregnancyafterloss #griefsupport #griefcoach #griefpodcast #miscarriagecoach #miscarriagepodcast #stillbirthcoach #stillbirthpodcast #tfmr #infantloss #babyloss

4/30/2024, 3:00:12 PM

This is one of my favorite quotes. We all kinda want life to be smooth with no obstacles and a nice current to get us where we want to go. But that kind of life isn’t actually very fulfilling, and it doesn’t give us opportunities to grow, strengthen our muscles, and learn new things. If life is feeling pretty choppy, or you’re being bowled under by waves of challenges, take heart. Keep trying. You’re not alone. Hugs, Amy #Stillbornstillloved #ihadamiscarriage #miscarriagesupport #miscarriageawareness #stillbirthsupport #stillbirthawareness #rainbowbaby #angelbaby #iam1in4 #iam1in160 #angelmom #angelmum #angelmomma #dadtoanangel #pregnancyafterloss #griefsupport #griefcoach #griefpodcast #miscarriagecoach #miscarriagepodcast #stillbirthcoach #stillbirthpodcast #tfmr #infantloss #babyloss

4/29/2024, 3:00:15 PM

Grab your spot to get expert support from someone who gets it. Mother’s Day can feel like an emotional minefield even without adding babyloss to it. Family relationships can be complicated, romantic partner relationships can be even more fun! Your relationship with you and who you are can definitely be tricky. Add on missing your baby or babies and seeing all the triggering posts, well… Don’t do this alone. Let me help you. I’m Amy. I’m a certified Life and Grief Coach for bereaved parents and I want to give you the best Mother’s Day Gift ever, peace of mind. Come to a free session, no strings attached. Leave with a plan to make Mother’s Day go your way. Simply DM me and we’ll get you on the schedule. #Stillbornstillloved #ihadamiscarriage #miscarriagesupport #miscarriageawareness #stillbirthsupport #stillbirthawareness #rainbowbaby #angelbaby #iam1in4 #iam1in160 #angelmom #angelmum #angelmomma #dadtoanangel #pregnancyafterloss #griefsupport #griefcoach #griefpodcast #miscarriagecoach #miscarriagepodcast #stillbirthcoach #stillbirthpodcast #tfmr #infantloss #babyloss

4/26/2024, 3:00:32 PM

As my gift to the #babyloss community, I’m offering free 45-minute sessions to any bereaved parent who wants one. We will meet on Zoom during the first few weeks of May to help you create a plan you can feel confident about. Don’t dread Mother’s Day. I’ve got you. Simply send me a DM and I will get you on the schedule. #Stillbornstillloved #ihadamiscarriage #miscarriagesupport #miscarriageawareness #stillbirthsupport #stillbirthawareness #rainbowbaby #angelbaby #iam1in4 #iam1in160 #angelmom #angelmum #angelmomma #dadtoanangel #pregnancyafterloss #griefsupport #griefcoach #griefpodcast #miscarriagecoach #miscarriagepodcast #stillbirthcoach #stillbirthpodcast #tfmr #infantloss #babyloss

4/24/2024, 3:00:27 PM

Do you have plans? Are you dreading it? Do you have family drama on top of grief? I don’t think Mother’s Day is a Hallmark holiday, I love the history of it. And Bereaved Mother’s Day as well. But these days can be triggering and emotional. Let’s talk about it. Comment here or DM me if you want a little coaching help. #Stillbornstillloved #ihadamiscarriage #miscarriagesupport #miscarriageawareness #stillbirthsupport #stillbirthawareness #rainbowbaby #angelbaby #iam1in4 #iam1in160 #angelmom #angelmum #angelmomma #dadtoanangel #pregnancyafterloss #griefsupport #griefcoach #griefpodcast #miscarriagecoach #miscarriagepodcast #stillbirthcoach #stillbirthpodcast #tfmr #infantloss #babyloss

4/23/2024, 3:00:26 PM

Mother’s Day is coming up in the US, as well as bereaved Mother’s Day worldwide and these can be very sensitive days for grieving parents. As my gift to you, I’m offering some free coaching sessions to help you prepare and make a plan for how you want to spend your day, how to deal with family members, and how to support yourself if you get emotional. No strings attached, this is freely given with love. If you really resonate with our time together, ask me about my coaching programs, I won’t bring it up. Simply DM me and we’ll get you on the schedule. #Stillbornstillloved #ihadamiscarriage #miscarriagesupport #miscarriageawareness #stillbirthsupport #stillbirthawareness #rainbowbaby #angelbaby #iam1in4 #iam1in160 #angelmom #angelmum #angelmomma #dadtoanangel #pregnancyafterloss #griefsupport #griefcoach #griefpodcast #miscarriagecoach #miscarriagepodcast #stillbirthcoach #stillbirthpodcast #tfmr #infantloss #babyloss

4/22/2024, 3:00:10 PM

It’s easy for our brain to go straight to our flaws and mistakes. It takes some effort to notice all you’ve done well this week. Especially when you’re going through a hard season. I promise that if you make it a practice to celebrate yourself, things will start feeling lighter. Let’s celebrate together in the comments, or send me your wins by DM Celebrating is something I do each week with my clients. If you want to feel better about your life, even without all your babies in your arms, come join my signature program, LIFT. #Stillbornstillloved #ihadamiscarriage #miscarriagesupport #miscarriageawareness #stillbirthsupport #stillbirthawareness #rainbowbaby #angelbaby #iam1in4 #iam1in160 #angelmom #angelmum #angelmomma #dadtoanangel #pregnancyafterloss #griefsupport #griefcoach #griefpodcast #miscarriagecoach #miscarriagepodcast #stillbirthcoach #stillbirthpodcast #tfmr #infantloss #babyloss

4/19/2024, 3:00:28 PM

It's podcast day! We all procrastinate, but why? And how much is too much? We put off until tomorrow what we know we should do today and end up frantically winging it at the last second. We know this isn’t the best life strategy but we do it over and over again. In today’s episode we’re answering all these questions and showing you how to stop suffering from procrastination. Free Mother's Day Coaching 2024- email me [email protected] Don't procrastinate signing up! #Stillbornstillloved #ihadamiscarriage #miscarriagesupport #miscarriageawareness #stillbirthsupport #stillbirthawareness #rainbowbaby #angelbaby #iam1in4 #iam1in160 #angelmom #angelmum #angelmomma #dadtoanangel #pregnancyafterloss #griefsupport #griefcoach #griefpodcast #miscarriagecoach #miscarriagepodcast #stillbirthcoach #stillbirthpodcast #tfmr #infantloss #babyloss

4/18/2024, 4:30:10 PM

In the US, we just passed Tax Day. It’s not a fun day for many people, and there is a lot of stress for citizens, accountants and government employees alike as people scramble right up to the last minute to get everything in. It got me thinking about procrastination. A lot of us have a load of shame about our procrastination, too. Comment below or just ask yourself how you’re doing with procrastinating right now. #Stillbornstillloved #ihadamiscarriage #miscarriagesupport #miscarriageawareness #stillbirthsupport #stillbirthawareness #rainbowbaby #angelbaby #iam1in4 #iam1in160 #angelmom #angelmum #angelmomma #dadtoanangel #pregnancyafterloss #griefsupport #griefcoach #griefpodcast #miscarriagecoach #miscarriagepodcast #stillbirthcoach #stillbirthpodcast #tfmr #infantloss #babyloss

4/16/2024, 3:00:16 PM

After my daughter was stillborn at full term, I wanted to get pregnant so badly. Not to replace her, but to help fill our hearts and our arms. When I saw those two pink lines, I had my first ever panic attack. Grieving and growing a baby at the same time was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Nothing felt safe. I couldn’t believe I’d get to bring this baby home. I wanted so much to be able to connect with this new baby, but it all seemed so scary. I wished someone could just help me find some peace in the ever present fear. Don’t worry, I’ve got exactly what you’ve been looking for. When you join the Pregnancy After Loss Peace Program, you will get the support you need in these key areas: 🕊️ Calming your Nervous System 🕊️ Reconnecting with your Body 🕊️ Finding your Voice 🕊️ Letting yourself Love 🕊️ Planning your Future Are you ready to find peace? The link is in my bio. #Stillbornstillloved #ihadamiscarriage #miscarriagesupport #miscarriageawareness #stillbirthsupport #stillbirthawareness #rainbowbaby #angelbaby #iam1in4 #iam1in160 #angelmom #angelmum #angelmomma #dadtoanangel #pregnancyafterloss #griefsupport #griefcoach #griefpodcast #miscarriagecoach #miscarriagepodcast #stillbirthcoach #stillbirthpodcast #tfmr #infantloss #babyloss

4/12/2024, 3:26:50 PM

Today on the podcast, we're talking about that old saying that was everywhere in the early 2000s? “Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” I was thinking about this as we also are in April, and that other saying, “April showers bring May flowers.” So let’s talk about what this really can mean in our lives after miscarriage, stillbirth or any kind of babyloss. These two little sayings actually pack in a lot of truth that can help us live, laugh and love our way through life. #Stillbornstillloved #ihadamiscarriage #miscarriagesupport #miscarriageawareness #stillbirthsupport #stillbirthawareness #rainbowbaby #angelbaby #iam1in4 #iam1in160 #angelmom #angelmum #angelmomma #dadtoanangel #pregnancyafterloss #griefsupport #griefcoach #griefpodcast #miscarriagecoach #miscarriagepodcast #stillbirthcoach #stillbirthpodcast #tfmr #infantloss #babyloss

4/11/2024, 10:02:45 PM

There are a lot of books on loss and grief. And a lot of books on pregnancy after loss. But what if you’re stuck in the middle?? You don’t really know what to do and it’s an exhausting tug of war between what you want and what you’re scared of. I recently spoke to someone who said they were stuck in this between space for YEARS. That’s why I wrote this eBook. Because here’s a truth bomb for you: Not making a decision IS a decision. It may be made unconsciously, but I’m calling it out right now. It takes a lot of energy to stay stuck. Let’s channel that energy into moving forward with your life. Knowing that you can’t control all the outcomes, but you can control how you experience it all. Don’t stay stuck for one more day. Declare to the Universe that you are ready for more. Click the link in my bio to get the key to unlocking your next steps. #Stillbornstillloved #ihadamiscarriage #miscarriagesupport #miscarriageawareness #stillbirthsupport #stillbirthawareness #rainbowbaby #angelbaby #iam1in4 #iam1in160 #angelmom #angelmum #angelmomma #dadtoanangel #pregnancyafterloss #griefsupport #griefcoach #griefpodcast #miscarriagecoach #miscarriagepodcast #stillbirthcoach #stillbirthpodcast #tfmr #infantloss #babyloss

4/10/2024, 3:00:34 PM

When Lauren died, I lived in a small town without many options for support. SO I found my people online. I also connected with a few friends in town who also had experienced stillbirth and we texted….a lot. A few weeks ago, I went to a conference with over 500 grievers in one spot. It was powerful. Have you been to a conference like that? Do you like in person or do you prefer here on instagram? I think community is so essential for life after #babyloss #Stillbornstillloved #ihadamiscarriage #miscarriagesupport #miscarriageawareness #stillbirthsupport #stillbirthawareness #rainbowbaby #angelbaby #iam1in4 #iam1in160 #angelmom #angelmum #angelmomma #dadtoanangel #pregnancyafterloss #griefsupport #griefcoach #griefpodcast #miscarriagecoach #miscarriagepodcast #stillbirthcoach #stillbirthpodcast #tfmr #infantloss #babyloss

4/9/2024, 3:00:18 PM

10 years ago, I was in the hospital delivering my rainbow baby. He was 38 weeks and we’d decided to induce for my mental health and his physical. It had been just over a year since I’d experienced the full term still birth of my daughter. I can’t adequately describe how hard that year was for our family. My little kids would ask “is this baby going to die, too?” and I couldn’t stop holding my breath the whole pregnancy. I even had a scare the morning of our induction and went in hours early. Labor seemed to take forever, then he arrived. I couldn’t breathe until I was sure he was, too. I’m so grateful for this little rainbow baby who is so quickly turning into a young man. I would do it all over again. Are you thinking about trying again but don’t know what to do? You need my eBook “Should I have another Baby after Loss?” Link in bio Are you PAL or TTC? You need to join my Pregnancy after Loss Peace program. You don’t have to be terrified like I was. I’ll help you get excited about this little one. Link in my bio #Stillbornstillloved #ihadamiscarriage #miscarriagesupport #miscarriageawareness #stillbirthsupport #stillbirthawareness #rainbowbaby #angelbaby #iam1in4 #iam1in160 #angelmom #angelmum #angelmomma #dadtoanangel #pregnancyafterloss #griefsupport #griefcoach #griefpodcast #miscarriagecoach #miscarriagepodcast #stillbirthcoach #stillbirthpodcast #tfmr #infantloss #babyloss

4/8/2024, 3:00:24 PM

Today, say yes to yourself. So often, we shut down our ideas but not today! You make things happen today. Yeah, you're an adult and you have responsibilities and a budget and it can be complicated to do what you really want to do, but just say yes anyway. We only have one life, live it. What are you saying yes to? #Stillbornstillloved #ihadamiscarriage #miscarriagesupport #miscarriageawareness #stillbirthsupport #stillbirthawareness #rainbowbaby #angelbaby #iam1in4 #iam1in160 #angelmom #angelmum #angelmomma #dadtoanangel #pregnancyafterloss #griefsupport #griefcoach #griefpodcast #miscarriagecoach #miscarriagepodcast #stillbirthcoach #stillbirthpodcast #tfmr #infantloss #babyloss

4/5/2024, 3:00:23 PM

It’s spring break where I live so I wanted to take a break from our regularly scheduled life after #babyloss content and ask you about travel. I’ve always wanted to go to Australia, but those over ocean huts in BoraBora look magical as well. Both those places are really far from where I live so it’s easy to think I can’t make it. But let’s just dream today. Where do you want to go? #Stillbornstillloved #ihadamiscarriage #miscarriagesupport #miscarriageawareness #stillbirthsupport #stillbirthawareness #rainbowbaby #angelbaby #iam1in4 #iam1in160 #angelmom #angelmum #angelmomma #dadtoanangel #pregnancyafterloss #griefsupport #griefcoach #griefpodcast #miscarriagecoach #miscarriagepodcast #stillbirthcoach #stillbirthpodcast #tfmr #infantloss #babyloss

4/2/2024, 3:00:46 PM

When you are trying to decide if it’s worth investing in your own mental health and happiness, I want you to really think about what the cost is if you don’t do it. -eating out more because you’re overwhelmed -fighting more with your partner because you can’t get on the same page -struggling to be productive at work because your mind is somewhere else -buying all the books to fix yourself but never finding the root of your problems -spending so much energy feeling stuck -the time you waste procrastinating that you could have spent building your dream All of it has a cost. If you’re thinking of coaching with me so you can get what you really want, I promise you it will be worth the investment. Ready to feel better? DM me and I’ll tell you the next step. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

1/17/2024, 3:00:44 PM

Here’s your reminder to breathe. You did it. You’re here. On the hard days and the happy days and the days that are a totally messy mix of all the emotions. In this moment, you are safe. In this moment, you are loved. In this moment, everything is ok. Big hugs, Amy #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

1/16/2024, 3:00:50 PM

It seems so simple and yet so hard to let ourselves fall apart. If you want a master class on taking care of yourself (all delivered in the most beautiful accent ever) please listen to episode 127 of the Smooth Stones Podcast, Hormones after Loss with @_maisiehill_ on your favorite podcast player. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

1/15/2024, 3:00:48 PM

Having a heavy, grief day? It won’t last forever. Having an awesome day? It won’t last forever. If it’s hard, find comfort in trusting it won’t always feel so intense. If it’s good, savor the moment and be present. Emotions are meant to come and go. It would be a pretty boring life if we didn’t allow ourselves to feel it all. This is one of the tools I teach my clients. Want to learn how to handle the hard stuff and truly enjoy the good after #babyloss? Sign up for a connection call at the link in my bio. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

1/12/2024, 3:00:36 PM

How much more energy would you have if you stopped caring so much about everyone else’s opinions and just lived your life how you want? You can as soon as you start believing this. It doesn’t mean you become a complete jerk who doesn’t care. You still get to be in integrity with yourself and who you want to be and how you want to treat people. But you just do it from a place of confidence in yourself. Now that’s something people will notice. Tired of caring what everyone thinks? I can show you how to stop it for good. Click the link in my bio to sign up for a connection call. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

11/27/2023, 3:00:27 PM

It’s easy to be mad at people for how they’ve shown up after your loss. It’s easy to wish your family and friends would get it together so you could just love them. But you feeling mad at people only hurts one person, you. If all the emotions in the world were sitting in front of you on a platter, love is the sweetest. It’s the most fun. It’s where true freedom lies. Love the humans. They’re all just doing their best. Got someone in your life who’s especially hard to love? I’ll show you how to stop feeling hurt and frustrated. Click the link in my bio to set up a connection call. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

11/22/2023, 3:00:36 PM

Last fall, I was getting ready for a trip to Canada and checked my passport. That’s right… It expired in 2020 🤦 My mom had already invited the entire extended family to a big dinner and plans were all made. I got on the phone, got an appointment for a last minute passport, called in the in-laws to babysit and drove 8 hours to Denver and back in 36 hours. Then I drove like seventeen hours to Canada a few days later. It’s already a funny story, but remembering it still makes me tired. 🥱 Share your wild reasons you’ve done something in the comments…this is going to be fun. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

11/21/2023, 3:00:32 PM

After my daughter was stillborn I went on a quest to figure out how to do this thing they called grief. I wanted to know everything I could to get the hardest thing in my life right. I wanted to help my children through their heartbreak. I wanted to keep my marriage intact in spite of all the statistics I had heard. I wanted to honor Lauren’s life by living mine. It hasn’t been an easy path to walk, but along the way I’ve been able to create the life I had hoped was possible that day in the hospital holding my lifeless child in my arms. I’m here to tell you that you can reach your life after loss goals too. I can help you get there. You don’t have to do it alone. When you work with me you get everything I’ve learned over the last ten years broken down into practical tools you can use right away. There’s a link in my bio to come to a connection call. It’s free. I’ll tell you all about what you get when you coach with me. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

11/17/2023, 3:00:37 PM

Hi to everyone, especially my new friends. I’m so glad you’re here and I’m so sorry for the reason. I’m Amy, a certified life after babyloss coach! My podcast is Smooth Stones 🎧 I have two babies in Heaven. Lauren was stillborn at full term and River had no heartbeat at our 14 week checkup. We keep both of them with us always. Let’s get to know each other. I love the outdoors, baking and DIY projects. My oldest living child is married and my youngest rainbow baby just turned 6, with 4 more in between. 😅 My favorite color is the green of new spring leaves. I love learning about everything, but I’ve been a self help book junkie since I was really young. I once flew a plane. I’m a 🇨🇦living in the 🇺🇸 I understand French but usually am too awkward to speak it. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (aka Mormons) and I love it. My favorite place to be is in the mountains with my toes in a stream. Tell me something about you or your babies. #selfcareafterloss #ihadamiscarriage #iam1in4 #pregnancylossawareness #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterlosssupport #pregnancyafterloss #pregnancyafterstillbirth #maternalmentalhealth #pal #stillbirth #miscarriagecoach #miscarriage #stillbirthcoach #ectopic #bereavedmother #infantloss #allowyouremotions #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #breakthesilence #pregnancyaftermiscarriage #griefpodcast #babyloss #babylosspodcast #lifeafterloss #grievingmother #stillbornstilloved

10/6/2023, 3:00:18 PM

Look, I know that there are walks and candle lightings and daily prompts all over the place. But you don’t have to do any of it. Nope. Not a thing. And Halloween? You can cancel it. Buy a bag of candy to eat and shut off your porch lights. You don’t even need a “good reason.” Because you are a grown adult and you get to decide what you do. When you open yourself up to any option, you’ll feel a lot more free. So what would you gladly let go of this year? #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

10/4/2023, 3:00:15 PM

It’s Pregnancy and Infant loss awareness month. And it’s the Smooth Stones podcast’s birthday in a few weeks, And I want to do something special. I’m going to share your child’s name and the lessons they taught you. I’m also planning to send some birthday presents to some of you who submit your story! You definitely want to get in on this and bring some lightness to what can be a heavy month. Thank you so much for trusting me with your sweet ones. Please tag a friend who would also want their story read. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

10/3/2023, 3:00:09 PM

Did you know that this word is used not just for pregnancy after loss, but for cancer patients and anyone else who is worrying that they will get bad news at a scan? Not to mention having to go back to the place where you got bad news before. It’s comforting to know that this is normal. But it doesn’t really help you know what to do when scanxiety is making you feel like you’re going to throw up. Never fear, I’ve got you. In Episode 73 of the Smooth Stones Podcast I share exactly what to do when you feel that pit in your stomach! Just search Smooth Stones on your favorite app. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

8/30/2023, 3:00:07 PM

Hey! Have we met? Let me tell you a few things about me. Even if you’ve been here a while…let’s get to know each other better. I’m Amy Watson and I’m a life after baby loss coach. You’ve probably heard of life coaches-dudes with big crowds and motivational quotes talking a lot about vision boards and hustling. I think those guys are great and needed. But that’s not me. Our daughter Lauren was stillborn in 2013 after a boring, uneventful pregnancy. All of a sudden I was making funeral plans and trying to figure out how to help my living kids through this devastation while grieving myself. After years of healing, pregnancy after loss and a miscarriage and high risk PAL… I’ve learned a lot about how to let yourself grieve, parenting after loss, managing anxiety, dealing with people in your life who don’t show up, finding peace with your body, and allowing joy without feeling guilty. These are the skills I teach to all of my clients. And I do it from a place of love, support and understanding. Plus a little bit of pushing you out of your comfort zone. Because that’s where the growth happens. If you are struggling with your life after loss and nothing seems to be helping, coaching may be the answer you’re looking for. Come to a connection call and let’s find out. Just click the link in my bio to sign up. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

8/25/2023, 3:00:08 PM

Family get togethers can bring a lot of fear that you will get into a situation you can’t handle. Sometimes you’re afraid you’ll burst into tears or ruin the brunch. Whatever it is for you, Something that will help is to plan ahead with an exit strategy. Like a single lady out on a date who has a friend ready to call with an emergency. You can think of ways to get out if you need to. You may just need an excuse to take a break, Or leave permanently. But having a plan is going to help lessen the overwhelming anxiety you have about your emotions bubbling over. Make the plan with love and compassion for everyone. But take care of your heart first. You’ve got this, momma. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

8/11/2023, 3:00:08 PM

Let’s shout out those amazing living kids of yours today. Being a kid after loss deserves some celebration! What cool things are your littles (or bigs) doing right now that you’re proud of or that made you laugh recently? My oldest just graduated junior college and has an amazing job. My second is starting college in a few weeks. My third always puts together the best lewks. My fourth is becoming an amazing chef and baker. My sixth got a new mountain bike for his birthday and is tearing up the hills. My eighth (almost 6 years old) is going to Kindergarten! Share yours in the comments! #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

8/9/2023, 3:00:24 PM

It’s so easy to notice all the ways you are failing as a parent. There is often a whole lot of “compare and despair” happening on the daily, especially when you’re grieving, too. So it’s important to interrupt that and notice the things you like about you, And the things you are doing pretty darn good at. You are unique! Celebrate it. Share below so we can all cheer for each other. And for more tips on how to find your Parenting (after loss) Style, listen to episode 99 of the Smooth Stones Podcast. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

8/8/2023, 3:00:10 PM

Most humans will experience trauma of some kind. When you can talk about it and shine a light on it, it becomes much less powerful in your life. Emotional trauma doesn’t have to be permanent. You’re not alone. If you need someone to talk to, I’d love to be your coach. DM me and tell me what’s up. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

7/5/2023, 3:00:09 PM

Have you ever looked around and all you can see is bellies, announcements and people complaining about morning sickness? You’d give anything to be in their shoes. It feels like all your friends are growing their families and you are stuck with nothing but a broken heart. In today’s episode I’m sharing why this happens and how to find peace when the whole world seems pregnant. Listen to Smooth Stones on your favorite podcast player. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

6/1/2023, 3:15:07 PM

Ever feel so anxious that nothing you think can calm you down? The problem might be in your nervous system. Take care of your body first and see what happens. To learn more simple nervous system techniques, listen to Episode 140 of the Smooth Stones podcast anywhere you listen to podcasts. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

5/31/2023, 3:15:07 PM

You are up in your head a lot, or in your phone. You are busy going and doing but there’s not much time to check in until the end of the day when you crash on the couch, exhausted. Taking a few minutes to check in with your body is one of the best ways to care for yourself throughout the day. Take a few deep breaths. Relax your muscles. Close your eyes if you can and just feel what’s happening in your body. If you are feeling an emotion…find where it is. Check your heart rate. Breathe. How do you like to check in with your body? #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

5/30/2023, 3:15:07 PM

And as Sara Evans would say…”How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?” Whatever is weighing you down, Whatever is blocking you from believing you can ever fly again, I can show you how to let go of. Join my LIFT program. Look up Momma. The future is bright. DM me to find out more. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

5/29/2023, 3:45:06 PM

My second child graduates High school today. I had my first four living girls in 6 years, and now it seems like they are moving on so fast! Graduation is a big milestone that says “Hey, you’re an adult now!” Most graduates feel like they know a lot but there’s still so much to learn. What did you think life would look like when you left high school? What’s turned out even more amazing? What has surprised you? What would you say to your 18 year old self? #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

5/26/2023, 3:15:16 PM

You might not think about your nervous system very much, but it affects us every day. Especially after a trauma like babyloss you can be activated and not even know it. You just think you’re snappy, tired, anxious or overwhelmed when really your body is trying to send you a message. Learning to recognize what’s happening and using really simple techniques to calm yourself down will change everything. Listen to Episode 140 of Smooth Stones wherever you listen to podcasts! #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

5/25/2023, 3:45:08 PM

A lot of people think that you hire a life coach so they can tell you what to do. That’s not my style. You are the expert on you and your life. All I do is help you find the answers inside you Then trust yourself to put them into action. It’s amazing what happens when you listen to your own inner wisdom. Want to know more about working with me? Just send me a DM and I’ll tell you everything! #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

5/24/2023, 3:30:07 PM

This week on the Smooth Stones podcast we’re talking all about embracing risks! But fear and excitement kinda feel the same inside our body. So what gets your belly full of butterflies in a good way? One of my big scary goals right now is to give a TED talk. If you were sure it would turn out awesome and you’d be totally safe, what would you do? #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

5/23/2023, 3:00:13 PM

You need to take my free mini course…How to Stop Blaming yourself! You’ll get bite sized videos sent right to your email every day for 5 days. Each video also has a question for you to ponder so that by the end you’ll have the answers you need to let go of the blame. It’s not your fault, Momma. Sign up for the course at the link in my bio. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

5/22/2023, 3:45:05 PM

Do you feel like your connection to your baby is all wrapped up in Pain? It’s totally normal to feel this way. Letting go can even feel like a betrayal. But if you’re ready to put down the pain and transform it into sweet love, I can help. I’m a certified Life after babyloss coach and I can show you how I transformed the pain of stillbirth and miscarriage into purpose and love I carry with me every day. It’s absolutely possible. DM me for more info on how to work with me. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

5/19/2023, 3:30:06 PM

While I was visiting Europe recently we went to an adventure park where children could climb in the trees attached to a harness. I noticed so many differences between how this park operated versus how it would be in the United States. As I observed I thought a lot about risk and how we as grievers operate when we’ve been through miscarriage, stillbirth or babyloss. We know what it feels to fall, but what are we missing out on when we don’t want to climb anymore? Listen to Episode 139 of Smooth Stones wherever you listen to podcasts! #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

5/18/2023, 3:15:06 PM

I am definitely biased but I think everyone needs a life coach. Even better, a life after #babyloss coach who understands grief and how it changes things. You don’t have to explain what you’re going through because I already get it. I have 3 spots open for clients to start working with me this summer. I have two signature programs: LIFT for grieving parents And Pregnancy After Loss Peace Both are incredible and will give you a how-to guide to feeling better. DM me to find out more. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

5/17/2023, 3:15:09 PM

Life is noisy. We don’t have downtime. Any time we have a minute, we probably fill it with scrolling or things on our to-do list. We have earbuds in and music on, or a favorite podcast. (Hopefully Smooth Stones is on your list!) None of this is bad per se but the cumulative effect is that we rarely take the time to be still. To be quiet. To listen to our inner wisdom. How do you build in a little bit of retreat to your every day? This is something I’m trying to improve. Sometimes it’s as simple as turning off the radio when I’m in the car so I can think. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

5/12/2023, 3:45:08 PM

🎶 Everybody needs a little time away….I heard her say 🎶 I recently got back from a weekend retreat and in this week’s episode, I’m sharing why giving yourself time and space is so needed. You’ll learn how to make time for you in everyday life and we’ll talk about ways to recharge your tired, grief batteries so you can be the person you want to be. You don’t want to miss this episode. Plus I’ve got something exciting to share about what I’ve got coming up! Find Smooth Stones on your favorite podcast app or at Review and share! #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

5/11/2023, 3:30:05 PM

I saw so many people struggling with whether or not they should try again after loss that I just had to write an ebook to help. It’s full of everything you need to make this decision with confidence. We’ll talk about how to make decisions, what to ask your medical team, and how to deal with your partner being in a different place than you. It’s all right here and it’s only $9. If you’ve asked yourself this question recently, don’t wait. Get your copy sent right to your inbox today. Link is in my bio. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

5/10/2023, 3:15:05 PM

Mother’s Day is coming up this weekend in my part of the world. If you want it to be special, I invite you to decide what you really want and make it happen. What you want more than flowers or brunch or even your baby back is a feeling. Feelings come from the way we think, not from anything we do (or other’s do for us) How do you want to feel this year? #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

5/9/2023, 3:00:07 PM

Have you ever had one of those days where you are just grouchy, hangry, griefy, overwhelmed or just plain tired of all the humans? And you do or say things you aren’t super proud of? Our brains like to point out all the mistakes we made so we can feel extra crappy on top of an already crappy day. It thinks this will make us do better next time. But it doesn’t. It just makes us feel terrible and the cycle continues. What I want you to try is loving yourself on the hard days. Love yourself when you mess up. Say kind things to you. Go to bed and do better tomorrow. Everything is going to be ok. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

5/5/2023, 3:30:07 PM

You know those days where everything feels like it’s going wrong and you are just barely keeping your head above water? In this week’s episode of the Smooth Stones Podcast, I’m sharing something you’ve probably never heard before! It’s my secret to planning for the hard days so you can be kind to yourself instead of feeling awful. Go check out episode 137 on your favorite podcast app! Smooth Stones is the How-to guide to life after #babyloss #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

5/4/2023, 3:15:10 PM

No one can make you feel anything. This thought right there is one of the most empowering things you can learn. It puts you back in the driver’s seat of your life. And it feels so much better. Want to know more about how to up-level your emotions? Listen to Episode 95 of the Smooth Stones Podcast. Follow, review and share! #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

4/29/2023, 5:00:07 PM

One of the main tools I use in my coaching is called the Self Coaching Model. It’s really simple and brings ridiculous amounts of clarity, but there are a few ways you can muddy ye waters so you aren’t sure what’s happening in your brain! Never fear, I’ve got all the secrets to making your models magical. Search Smooth Stones on your favorite podcast player to listen. The Smooth Stones podcast is your how-to guide for life after #babyloss #selfcareafterloss #ihadamiscarriage #iam1in4 #pregnancylossawareness #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterlosssupport #pregnancyafterloss #pregnancyafterstillbirth #maternalmentalhealth #pal #stillbirth #miscarriagecoach #miscarriage #stillbirthcoach #ectopic #bereavedmother #infantloss #allowyouremotions #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #breakthesilence #pregnancyaftermiscarriage #griefpodcast #babyloss #babylosspodcast #lifeafterloss #grievingmother #stillbornstilloved

4/29/2023, 12:26:13 AM

Most humans will experience trauma of some kind. When you can talk about it and shine a light on it, it becomes much less powerful in your life. Emotional trauma doesn’t have to be permanent. You’re not alone. If you need someone to talk to, I’d love to be your coach. DM me and tell me what’s up. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

4/28/2023, 3:30:08 PM

It’s this weird thing when we feel bad for feeling good…it’s like we should be more sad or we are betraying our baby if we’re not that upset. You feeling genuinely good doesn’t mean anything bad about you. Don’t tell yourself differently. It’s ok to be ok. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

4/26/2023, 7:55:55 PM

We live in a world saturated with knowledge. If you have a question you can just ask your watch and it tells you the answer. Which is amazing. But I think there are so many outside voices and noises that we forget to listen to ourselves. You are the best expert on your life. You have everything you need inside of you. But it can be hard to trust yourself when you are out of practice. Something I help my clients with is learning to listen to their inner voice to really find out what they want. I can do that for you too. If you’ve been feeling disconnected from you, Or like you don’t even know yourself at all, Come to a consult call. I’ll tell you all about my 3 month program to rekindle that bond with who you want to be. It’s going to be such a relief. Click the link in my bio and pick a time that works for you. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

4/21/2023, 3:30:06 PM

The last few years seem to be full of so many big twists and turns. It can feel relentless. When the world outside seems so very out of control and scary. And you feel powerless. Never forget where peace comes from: It’s inside of you. If you need help finding it, please reach out. I’m here for you. #ihadamiscarriage #iam1in4 #pregnancylossawareness #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterlosssupport #pregnancyafterloss #pregnancyafterstillbirth #maternalmentalhealth #pal #stillbirth #miscarriagecoach #miscarriage #stillbirthcoach #ectopic #bereavedmother #infantloss #allowyouremotions #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #breakthesilence #pregnancyaftermiscarriage #griefpodcast #babyloss #babylosspodcast #lifeafterloss #grievingmother #stillbornstilloved

4/20/2023, 3:30:07 PM

It’s easy to be mad at people for how they’ve shown up after your loss. It’s easy to wish your family and friends would get it together so you could just love them. But you feeling mad at people only hurts one person, you. If all the emotions in the world were sitting in front of you on a platter, love is the sweetest. It’s the most fun. It’s where true freedom lies. Love the humans. They’re all just doing their best. Got someone in your life who’s especially hard to love? I’ll show you how to stop feeling hurt and frustrated. Click the link in my bio to set up a connection call. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

4/20/2023, 4:49:34 AM

It's podcast day! We sometimes can’t help comparing our experiences with others, or even with our own. Society tells us that a miscarriage is less painful than a later loss, is that true? As someone who has lost two babies in different ways, I’m sharing my own stories and the things I hear from clients to help you understand how you actually CAN compare losses in a compassionate way. You don’t want to miss this episode. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

4/14/2023, 3:00:07 AM

If you’re not doing the basics, it’s really hard to work on your mindset. But sometimes the “basics” seem impossible! My advice is make it really easy and simple. Go to bed 5 minutes earlier. Drink one extra glass of water. Add one nourishing food to what you’re already eating. Set a breathing exercise on your phone or smart watch. If we don’t make time for our health, we’ll be forced to take time when we’re sick. #miscarriage #ihadamiscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #infantloss #sids #suids #chemicalpregnancy #missedmiscarriage #stillbirth #deadbabymom #angelbaby #rainbowbaby #saytheirnames #babylosscoach #miscarriagecoach #angelmomboss #stillbirthcoach #miscarriagepodcast #pal #miscarriagesurvivor #stillbirthsurvivor #proudangelmom #mybabyisinheaven #bereavedmother #posttraumaticgrowth #healingafterloss #lifeafterbabyloss #lifeafterloss

4/12/2023, 3:00:09 PM