homage images

Discover Best homage Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #may #friday

my new painting got its beautiful frame. Thanks for the paint @krisztian_szantoi_art ! #painting #art #framed #munch #homage #me #selfie #home #attack #ufo #alien #budapest

5/10/2024, 2:04:09 PM

A #homage #collage to #postcads writing for peace and friendship here: https://www.redbubble.com/i/photographic-print/Cartolina-Postale-friendship-and-peace-collage-by-ponted/161088853.6Q0TX. ✂⭐💕👋

5/10/2024, 12:31:48 PM

Profumo e Sentimento Scent and feeling Olio su tela cm 30x20 Oil on canvas cm 30x20 N. 299 anno/year 2003 Venduto/Sold www.silvanocrespi.it YouTube instagram #preraffaeliti #pittura800 #pittura2000 #arte #artista #artist #ritratto #omaggio #homage #awesome #amazing

5/10/2024, 12:01:41 PM

🕞 Thwip! This weekend on Comic Art Live! @nextcomicart panel on Saturday 9pm EST on Comic Art Live's Youtube channel ✚😄 ***** #manixabrera #spiderman #homage #blacklight #comics #marvelcomics #originalart #art

5/10/2024, 11:58:31 AM

2024 フランス壺のある宀内 / Interior with French Pot 162.0 × 112.0cm Oil on canvas 现胞が震える様な事がありたす。 それは意図せずしおも、䞍意にやっおきたす。 自分の衚珟の限界を感じおいる時に、マチスの「金魚鉢のある宀内」ずいう絵を芋たした。 その絵はマチスが僕ずちょうど同じ歳の時に描かいたものでした。 僕の䞭でマチスは若くしお成功し、䜕䞍自由のない人生を生きた画家でした。しかしその実は䜓が匱く制䜜に向ける䜓力も確保できにくく、垞に革新的である為にあらゆる犠牲を払っおいたした。 僕は䜕をやっおいるんだろうその時ほど自分に腹が立った事はありたせんでした。 䜓力もあり時間もある自分の気構えが甘えでしかなかったのです。 この絵を描いたこずに意味があるのか、䜕か埗れたのか、党く分かりたせん。しかし描かざるをえなかった、そんな䜜品なのです。 尊敬するアヌティストやクリ゚むタヌ、䜜品などの圱響を受け、アレンゞや独自の衚珟を加えお䜜られたものを「オマヌゞュ䜜品」ずいいたす。 "Homage works" are works that are created by adding arrangements or original expressions to works that are influenced by artists, creators, or works that you respect. #マティス #Matisse #フランス #france #アンティヌク #antique #金魚鉢のある宀内 #interiorwithgoldfishbowl #オマヌゞュ #Homage #オマヌゞュ䜜品 #油圩画 #oilpainting #絵画 #Painting #アヌト #芞術 #art #ファむンアヌト #fineart #静物画 #stilllife #児島慎倪郎 #shintarokojima

5/10/2024, 11:38:26 AM

Check out this crazy BMW E46 M3 in GTR look built by Swedish Schmiedmann customer and friend, @jimtengstrom @supersprint_official race exhaust, roll cage, bucket seats - what`s not to like! #schmiedmann #BMW #tuning #styling #e46gtrm3 #e46m3 #needforspeedmostwanted #homage #videogames #e46ers #e46gang #e46nation #carstyling #bimmersofsweden #bos #interview #soundcheck #sweden #carenthusiast #carenthusiastlife

5/10/2024, 11:31:38 AM

_ 明日5/11土🐇🊍🎵 りサギずゎリラTHE LABBIT AND GORILLA 1st Album「りサギずゎリラ」をリリヌスしたす アルバムには4曲収録しおおり、11日のAM10:00 よりYouTubeチャンネル「りサギずゎリラ」にお 動画の配信も開始したす 是非曲のチェックずチャンネル登録よろしく お願いしたすヌ そしおAYAMEは珟圚ロンドンにお 「千ず千尋の神隠し」の舞台に出挔䞭なので 是非圌女に゚ヌルを送る意味も蟌めお 玠敵なコメント沢山お埅ちしおおりたす ヌヌヌヌヌ PJ TEAM â–œREC Sonic Band Studio https://sonicbandstudio.com/pc/ â–œMOVIE Yohei Nobe @youhei_nobe @studio_benben_ â–œDESIGN / STYLIST Mayuko Morisawa @kariagehime.myk â–œPLANNER Yuki Morisawa @thankyou_yuki â–œCAST J THE STREET / AYAME J THE STREET instagram @j_the_street AYAME instagram @konnichiwa_ayame_nakagami @yojo_han_paradise AYAME YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@yojo_han_paradise/videos りサギずゎリラYouTube https://www.youtube.com/@user-usagorimax #tokyo #japan #thefirsttake #homage #singer #rapper

5/10/2024, 9:48:57 AM

"Hind" 2024 "Maria", Helene Schjerfbeck, 1909 Like Maria, Hind liked reading and had dreams of a bright future. Hind was murdered by the Israeli army in cold blood while alone and begging for help. #hind #hindscall #hindshall #freepalestine #palestine #gaza #vapaapalestiina #art #artforpalestine #digitalart #heleneschjerfbeck #schjerfbeck #homage

5/10/2024, 9:26:50 AM

Tal vez me saturo de trabajo, tal vez debería frenar. Tal vez. Tal vez en otra vida!! Parte trasera de la nueva camiseta de los payos locos. Pronto. Very pronto (con permiso de VC Johnson) @yankohxc @hanteen83 #skull #skulls #homage #after #vcjohnson #vcjohnsontribute #powellperalta #skate #skateordie #90 #80 #90s #skateordie #skateart

5/10/2024, 9:24:57 AM

Quench your thirst with ease! Introducing the Homage Water Dispenser, now at Waves Plus outlets. Enjoy the convenience of chilled and hot water at your fingertips with our easy monthly installment plans. Visit your nearest outlet today and stay hydrated effortlessly! 💧🌟 #Homage #WaterDispenser #WavesPlus #DiscountDeals #ShopWithWavesPlus

5/10/2024, 9:22:40 AM

Sandro Miller knew he wanted to become a photographer at age 16. Today's featured archive Head On exhibition is "Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich; Homage to Photographic Masters". In 2013, Sandro decided to do a project honouring the men and women whose photographs helped shape his career. SANDRO MILLER See the exhibition via our link in bio or at: https://headon.org.au/exhibitions/malkovich-malkovich-malkovich-homage-photographic-masters . . . #johnmalkovich #photographicmasters #homage #exhibition #sandromiller #blackandwhite #portraitphoto #inspiration #light #composition #sydney #headon #headonphotofestival #photography

5/10/2024, 9:15:46 AM

‘Pink’ mixed media 28x32cm. A homage to this artist who crawled into my heart at the age of 14yrs old and built a small cottage and still loves there. #art #artist #authentic #beautiful #melody #creating #mixedmedia #homage

5/10/2024, 8:06:17 AM

2 more seminal spiritual images from my early career when I had a studio in West Melbourne with the handsome model Nicollo . I really lent on my Roman Catholic heritage for these images Image 1 In the beginning was the Word from the Rex Libros series Image 2 Conversion of St Paul , after a work by Caravaggio of the same name. I like to show a certain amount of flesh to give warmth to the pictures. and I love the way Caravaggio uses unusual perspective in his paintings a practice I began over 20 years ago with a series of still lives painted from the aerial view rather then the usual front on perspective . The genesis of my image happened in St Paul's Cathedral Melbourne where I was taking photos of the many beautiful tiles on the floors and walls - these have been woven through a source image of Nicollo. #homage #conversionofstpaul #catholicart #fleshisbest #eurekaartist #wordmadeflesh

5/10/2024, 7:38:45 AM

【クラりドファンディングのお知らせ】 こんにちは 匊瀟で珟圚クラりドファンディングに挑戊しおおり 玹介をさせおいただきたいず思いたす🙌 @3e_works_sansyu −−− "鉄の可胜性"を暡玢する 3E WORKS −−− 金属加工業が盛んな北陞、富山発 䌁業ずしお磚き続けおきた技術を甚いお、鉄の有甚性を熟知する職人集団ずしお鉄の可胜性を暡玢し、鉄の䟡倀を再発信するこずをコンセプトに立ち䞊げたした。 第䞀匟は、名䜜のオマヌゞュ。 "デザむン"は䞍朜ではあるが、朚の時代に䜜られた補品は、その姿を維持するには限界がある。 鉄のプロフェッショナルである3E WORKSが、時代や圓時の瀟䌚背景、デザむンアプロヌチを理解した䞊で "鉄に眮き換える" こずで、デザむンを䞍朜のものに近づけ、䞖界の資産である名䜜を埌䞖に遺しおいきたい。 パヌツ構成や繋ぎ目はできるだけ同じ圢に。 鉄の玠材感を生かし矎しい倖芳に。 バリや溶接の盛り䞊がりをなくし、時間をかけお滑らかな加工を。 朚の補品を鉄で衚珟するにあたり、蚭蚈から補䜜にわたり现郚たでこだわりたした。 私たちのプロゞェクトは、名䜜ず呌ばれる家具を、鉄を甚いお職人ず珟代の技術で進化させ、新たな魅力を匕き出すこずを目指しおいたす。 そんな私たちのプロゞェクトに共感いただけたしたら、ぜひ䞋蚘リンクたたは画像のQRコヌドよりご支揎をよろしくお願いいたしたす。 皆さたからのご支揎がチヌムの原動力になりたす どうぞ、よろしくお願いいたしたす。 https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/752653?utm_campaign=cp_po_share_c_msg_mypage_projects_show #campfire #croudfunding #3eworks #homage #chair #pierrejeanneret #iron #steel #manufacture #manufacturing #product #coming soon #japan #toyama #キャンプファむダヌ #クラりドファンディング #クラファン #名䜜 #オマヌゞュ #怅子 #ピ゚ヌルゞャンヌレ #補造業 #ものづくり #鉄 #工堎 #板金加工 #北陞 #富山県 #高岡垂 #䞉秀工業

5/10/2024, 7:02:07 AM

"鉄の可胜性を暡玢する" 3E WORKS 補品玹介 【PJ-01】 ・材質 ステンレス鋌 ・サむズ  W500×D550×H770 ・重量 玄12.8kg ピ゚ヌルゞャンヌレ(Pierre Jeanneret)の 名䜜である怅子を鉄で再珟。 鏡面材を䜿甚し䞁寧に溶接、研磚を斜したこずで、光沢が矎しい仕䞊がりずなりたした。 #campfire #croudfunding #3eworks #homage #chair #pierrejeanneret #iron #steel #manufacture #manufacturing #product #coming soon #japan #toyama #キャンプファむダヌ #クラりドファンディング #クラファン #名䜜 #オマヌゞュ #怅子 #ピ゚ヌルゞャンヌレ #補造業 #ものづくり #鉄 #工堎 #板金加工 #北陞 #富山県 #高岡垂 #䞉秀工業

5/10/2024, 6:42:43 AM

Show "Hare Ke" show until 15th May. Gallery show @楜垂 presented by @tamakiniime ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open the show. This is third exhibition of conceptual space "AA space" AA space presents “Hare Ke” inviting Itsuyo Adachi and @007ayumi to express about daily life " Hare Ke" ( In particular, you can check out the space and artwork in Lakuichi 楜垂 on 12th May) More detail, please visit Http://www.ayumiadachi.wordpress.com/aaspace/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "let's go ART" @tamakiniime_mura Had fun fun fun! Art class for every body アヌトしにいこ ”だれもで参加できるよ” 倧人も子䟛も、おじいちゃん、おばあちゃんも 自由に制䜜できるアヌトしにいこ Ayumi Adachi の䜜品 ORIAIを皆で぀くるよヌヌヌヌ モチロン、自分のアヌトしおも 党然オッケヌ🙆 持っおくるもの アヌトするぞ〜〜 やりたい〜〜 やりたいこず〜〜〜 自分で䜿う材料〜 ワンコむンドネむション でアヌトしにきお 日時詳现含めもっず詳しくしりたい方は、 DMください Please DM for me more detail. ================================= #ayumiadachi #artworks #art #artinstallation #contemporaryinstallationartist #japan #hongkong #artist #setsuna #刹那 #1/75seconds #line #unconscious #conscious #homage #ハレケ #hareke #やらない理由は考えない #西脇垂 #加東垂 #ええたちにしわき #播州織

5/10/2024, 5:35:42 AM

Behind the Scenes with @bustarhymes for the “Homage” Musicvideo 📺📺📺 That makes 3 outta 4 Videos that im in with Busta Buss 👱🏌‍♂👱🏌‍♂👱🏌‍♂ ⠀ ⠀ #bustarhymes #kodakblack #majaydacoolkid #homage #musicvideo #malemusicvideovixen #blondehair #malemodel #behindthescenes #bts #legends #mafia #scarface #gangsta #chain #versace #versaceshades #blacksuit

5/10/2024, 4:57:11 AM

This is today' s my perfect answer. So comfortable to get it from my body and heart 💕 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ let's go ART" Art class for every body アヌトしにいこ ”だれもで参加できるよ” 倧人も子䟛も、おじいちゃん、おばあちゃんも 自由に制䜜できるアヌトしにいこ Ayumi Adachi の䜜品 ORIAIを皆で぀くるよヌヌヌヌ モチロン、自分のアヌトしおも 党然オッケヌ🙆 持っおくるもの アヌトするぞ〜〜 やりたい〜〜 やりたいこず〜〜〜 自分で䜿う材料〜 ワンコむンドネむション でアヌトしにきお 日時詳现含めもっず詳しくしりたい方は、 DMください Please DM for me more detail. https://ayumiadachi.wordpress.com/%e3%82%a2%e3%83%bc%e3%83%88%e3%81%97%e3%81%ab%e3%81%84%e3%81%93/see ================================= #ayumiadachi #artworks #art #artinstallation #contemporaryinstallationartist #japan #hongkong #artist #setsuna #刹那 #1/75seconds #line #unconscious #conscious #homage #ハレケ #hareke #やらない理由は考えない #西脇垂 #加東垂 #ええたちにしわき #播州織

5/10/2024, 4:24:38 AM

We love being content! It makes us happy! 😜🍊😻 Join us on an 86-day adventure where we'll share emotions, characters, and homage with RantCPU, who loves to cosplay. 💥🀠🊞‍♂ Day 1 begins now! Which one will be your favorite? 🀖 #RantCPU #Homage #CollectibleCards

5/10/2024, 4:20:15 AM

get energy from sun and nature.....today too!! Will full charge 🔜 🔜 for 12th MAY ”楜垂” https://www.instagram.com/p/C6tEvS2PTzk/?img_index=1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ アヌトしにいこ ”だれもで参加できるよ” 倧人も子䟛も、おじいちゃん、おばあちゃんも 自由に制䜜できるアヌトしにいこ モチロン、自分のアヌトしおも 党然オッケヌ🙆 持っおくるもの アヌトするぞ〜〜 やりたい〜〜 やりたいこず〜〜〜 自分で䜿う材料〜 ワンコむンドネむション でアヌトしにきお 日時詳现含めもっず詳しくしりたい方は、 DMください Please DM for me more detail. https://ayumiadachi.wordpress.com/%e3%82%a2%e3%83%bc%e3%83%88%e3%81%97%e3%81%ab%e3%81%84%e3%81%93/see ================================= #ayumiadachi #artworks #art #artinstallation #contemporaryinstallationartist #japan #hongkong #artist #setsuna #刹那 #1/75seconds #line #unconscious #conscious #homage #ハレケ #hareke #やらない理由は考えない #西脇垂 #加東垂 #ええたちにしわき #播州織

5/10/2024, 3:41:58 AM

Fatuous (after Thomas Lawrence) oil on board, 40" x 30" #oilpainting #oil #painting #oilonboard #homage #thomaslawrence #monarch #figurativeart #baroque #englishking #fool #fatuous #expressionistart #portrait #art #artist #artoninsta Lawrence is an unsung hero when it comes to portraiture of the 18th century. This distortion is my editorializing on the wasteful nature of overfed narcissists who are born into power.

5/10/2024, 12:49:02 AM

New remix I been working on today. Or as I call it “BNP Edition” If u know me, u know I love remixing anything Playa #homage #LouisvilleLegend #Playa #DruHill

5/9/2024, 10:52:50 PM

The remaining Lightspeed rescue variants are here! Which one is your favorite? Taking a small week break to catch up with my insanity but I’ll be posting some sneak peeks of what’s to come! Commissioned and idea by: @mikeythediva Vypra: @jenyen1 #powerrangerslightspeedrescue #lightspeedrescue #powerrangers #vypra #demons #queenbansheera #evil #fanart #digitalart #homage #comics #variants #redranger #gogopowerrangers #powerrangers

5/9/2024, 10:13:25 PM

Great photos of @ninaznidersic in a last edition of @natgeosi . Together we created many stories that could tell you a lot of things, one of those is homage to Ana Karenina...... . . . . . . . .. #natgeo #makeup #anakarenina #homage #portret #photography

5/9/2024, 5:29:47 PM

#throwbackthursday when a cover is done so well it makes you want to listen to some David Bowie. . Madman Atomic Comics # 15 Michael Allred doing a homage to David Bowie's Aladdin Sane album cover. . #davidbowie #madman #Comics #comicbooks #comic #music #album #homage #superheroes #collecting #comiccollecting #collector #imagecomics #mikeallred

5/9/2024, 5:10:48 PM

In choosing a COVER design for volume 2, I decided that of all the stories in this series, the most cover-worthy was "Heidi: Karaoke Goddess". I decided to do an homage to the classic Beta Ray Bill splash page reveal by Walter Simonson in his THOR run. Mostly, because Heidi LOVES to rock out to Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" when she wants to melt faces. That, and it IS just a powerfully awesome image. I still figured out a way to fit myself in there. I mean, my name is in the title, so I should be on the cover SOMEWHERE. lol #thor #waltersimonson #homage #parody #karaoke #goddess #karaokegoddess #microphone #facemelting #kickstarter #comiccover

5/9/2024, 3:40:10 PM

【オマヌゞュ】 侊 : AKIRA1988幎 例 : NOPE/ノヌプ / Nope2022幎 #homage #オマヌゞュ #akira #アキラ #scifimovies #scifimovie #sf映画 #nope

5/9/2024, 2:36:56 PM

Shoutout to one of our fave brands @homage for hooking our family up with the coolest Vikings tees! They have so many fun options for all football fans✹ Check @homage out and use the link here: https://homage.sjv.io/ZQa3o0 #homage #skol #vikings #minnesotavikings #partner @Vikings | #SKOL

5/9/2024, 2:21:47 PM

"I do have magical powers, I try to use them for good and not evil, but I can pretty much make anyone do whatever I want them to do, if they're within range." - Aubrey Plaza - . . . #aubreyplaza #homage #spraypaintart #stencilart #canvaspainting #acrylicart #popsurrealism #popart #multilayerstencil #stencil #spraypaint #art #kunst #arte #brujeria #deadpan #bruja #magic #glowing #orb #witch #teal #whodoesntloveaubreyplaza #frenchtoasticecreamcandyandcerealfordinner

5/9/2024, 1:37:39 PM

Please just have a laugh with me 'Cause you know I'm borrowing by now These sounds, have already crowned Come on, it's a silly dream Dreaming of the imagery unfound The view sits nice from that cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #homage #loveislove #lyricgeek #lyricallymotivated #$$$ #learntolive #survival #songslyrics

5/9/2024, 12:26:03 PM

Upgrade your Home with the latest in Electronics and Appliances! From cutting-edge gadgets to essential home comforts, we've got everything you need. Experience convenience and innovation , we bring technology to you! Upgrade Your Home With AB Electronics For More info Plz Contact on Whatsapp: *Wa.me/923046786313* . . . #AbuBakar #ABElectronics #electronicsonline #electronicshop #electronicsonline #Gree #Haier #Dawlance #Pel #Orient #Homage #Kenwood #Ecostar #Tcl #Superasia #Homeappliances #Kitchenappliances #inverterac #Airconditioner #Refrigerator #Waterdispenser #Roomheater #Roomcooler #Kitchenhood #Kitchenhob #Abidmarket #Lahore #Karachi #Pakistan

5/9/2024, 12:16:51 PM

#homage #persistanceofmemory #salvatordalitribute #dali #surrealism #ballaratartist #newartist #visualartsdegree #acrylicpainting This is my homage to "Persistence of Memory" by Salvatore Dali. Bluff at St Leonards - from my childhood Burnt landscape - representing our bushfires in Australia Selfie stick and phone in place of mirror Wristwatch - for the past - in place of fob watch Melting phone for the present Flip phone for the past Different orientation, more realistic and tongue sticking out, in place of melted face and tongue Ocean is the color of St Leonards Sea on a bright day with oil spill - representing the pollution we have in our seas now Melting ice block - representing the effects of climate change on our artic. I few finer details missing that the original had (the fly, egg, rock, ants) but I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. Semester 1 first year Visual Arts degree.

5/9/2024, 11:32:37 AM

Odeon Armchair is designed to add a unique elegance and comfort to your living space with its sophisticated design and modern aesthetics. Odeon Berjer, sofistike tasarımı ve modern estetiğiyle, yaşam alanınıza eşsiz bir zarafet ve konfor katacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır. #homage #designinspiration #designideas #interiordesign #furniture #italiandesign #modernliving #luxuryhomes #design #interiordecoration

5/9/2024, 9:14:39 AM

Odeon Armchair is designed to add a unique elegance and comfort to your living space with its sophisticated design and modern aesthetics. Odeon Berjer, sofistike tasarımı ve modern estetiğiyle, yaşam alanınıza eşsiz bir zarafet ve konfor katacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır. #homage #designinspiration #designideas #interiordesign #furniture #italiandesign #modernliving #luxuryhomes #design #interiordecoration

5/9/2024, 9:13:35 AM

Odeon Armchair is designed to add a unique elegance and comfort to your living space with its sophisticated design and modern aesthetics. Odeon Berjer, sofistike tasarımı ve modern estetiğiyle, yaşam alanınıza eşsiz bir zarafet ve konfor katacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır. #homage #designinspiration #designideas #interiordesign #furniture #italiandesign #modernliving #luxuryhomes #design #interiordecoration

5/9/2024, 9:13:17 AM

Odeon Armchair is designed to add a unique elegance and comfort to your living space with its sophisticated design and modern aesthetics. Odeon Berjer, sofistike tasarımı ve modern estetiğiyle, yaşam alanınıza eşsiz bir zarafet ve konfor katacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır. #homage #designinspiration #designideas #interiordesign #furniture #italiandesign #modernliving #luxuryhomes #design #interiordecoration

5/9/2024, 9:12:58 AM

"Let's Give Power to your Future Make your Home Electric Empower!☀🌍 Go Green Go Solar With AB Traders Contact Us for More queries 📲 wa.me/923156868537 . . . . . . . #abtraders537 #Lahore #abidmarket #solarenergy #Solution #solarpanels #Technology #Huawei #sungrow #CrownMicro #inverexsolarenergy #longi #trinasolar #canadiansolar #CrownMicro #trinasolar #jinko #maxpower #jasolar #homage #solarinverters #GreenPakistan #go_green #solarproducts #solarbattery #solarpanels #photovoltaicsystem #photovoltaic #gosolar #go_green #RenewableEnergy

5/9/2024, 8:33:08 AM

Moorcroft Pottery 158/6 Homage Rachel Bishop #moorcroft #moorcroftpottery #homage #rachelbishop #ceramics #pottery #art #stratfordonavon

5/9/2024, 6:38:28 AM

🎂 I wanna be the girl with the most cake... 🎂 🕳 "Miss World," mixed media/collage, 2024 🕳 #livethroughthis #digitalart #instaart #hole #selfportrait #courtneylove #tribute #homage #photomanipulation #missworld

5/9/2024, 6:00:54 AM

Honoring Maharana Pratap Ji on His Jayanti 🙏 The great son of Bharat Mata who made the supreme sacrifice for the protection of his motherland and faith. Maharana Pratap Ji Ki Jayanti Par Shat Shat Naman! ✹ Benchmark Technomate pays homage to the legendary warrior who symbolizes bravery and patriotism. 📞 1800 212 4704 | 9560500467 🌐 [benchmarktechnomate.co](https://benchmarktechnomate.co) #MaharanaPratapJayanti #BenchmarkTechnomate #Bravery #Patriotism #Legacy #BharatMata #Homage

5/9/2024, 5:46:13 AM

Just get energy from sun and nature..... Will full charge 🔜 🔜 🔜 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ アヌトしにいこ ”だれもで参加できるよ” 倧人も子䟛も、おじいちゃん、おばあちゃんも 自由に制䜜できるアヌトしにいこ モチロン、自分のアヌトしおも 党然オッケヌ🙆 持っおくるもの アヌトするぞ〜〜 やりたい〜〜 やりたいこず〜〜〜 自分で䜿う材料〜 ワンコむンドネむション でアヌトしにきお 日時詳现含めもっず詳しくしりたい方は、 DMください Please DM for me more detail. https://ayumiadachi.wordpress.com/%e3%82%a2%e3%83%bc%e3%83%88%e3%81%97%e3%81%ab%e3%81%84%e3%81%93/see ================================= #ayumiadachi #artworks #art #artinstallation #contemporaryinstallationartist #japan #hongkong #artist #setsuna #刹那 #1/75seconds #line #unconscious #conscious #homage #ハレケ #hareke #やらない理由は考えない #西脇垂 #加東垂 #ええたちにしわき #播州織

5/9/2024, 4:57:24 AM

Show "Hare Ke" expression about one of it @aaspace.byayumiadachi. Please don't miss the show that is until 15th May. Gallery show @楜垂 presented by @tamakiniime ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open the show. This is third exhibition of conceptual space "AA space" AA space presents “Hare Ke” inviting Itsuyo Adachi and @007ayumi to express about daily life " Hare Ke" ( In particular, you can check out the space and artwork in Lakuichi 楜垂 on 12th May) More detail, please visit Http://www.ayumiadachi.wordpress.com/aaspace/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "let's go ART" @tamakiniime_mura Had fun fun fun! Art class for every body アヌトしにいこ ”だれもで参加できるよ” 倧人も子䟛も、おじいちゃん、おばあちゃんも 自由に制䜜できるアヌトしにいこ Ayumi Adachi の䜜品 ORIAIを皆で぀くるよヌヌヌヌ モチロン、自分のアヌトしおも 党然オッケヌ🙆 持っおくるもの アヌトするぞ〜〜 やりたい〜〜 やりたいこず〜〜〜 自分で䜿う材料〜 ワンコむンドネむション でアヌトしにきお 日時詳现含めもっず詳しくしりたい方は、 DMください Please DM for me more detail. https://ayumiadachi.wordpress.com ================================= #ayumiadachi #artworks #art #artinstallation #contemporaryinstallationartist #japan #hongkong #artist #setsuna #刹那 #1/75seconds #line #unconscious #conscious #homage #ハレケ #hareke #やらない理由は考えない #西脇垂 #加東垂 #ええたちにしわき #播州織

5/9/2024, 4:47:41 AM

Woodstock-Bethel Woods part 1- so so much to see. The visitors center exhibit is outstanding. For those of you who don’t know my history, I actually started my nomad journey in a 1999 Freightliner. It was beautiful & my dream home. But the road is hard, the pandemic happened & I have lived other lives & downsized to my Honda Element. Changes are ongoing. Me & #rhodie_dog . Keep on rambling on. #traveler #nomad #woodstockfestival #bethelwoodscenterforthearts #homage #musichistory #woodstockmusicfestival #hondaelementcamping #hondaelementownersclub #pnwelementowners #hudsonvalley

5/9/2024, 4:26:09 AM

🎉 Celebrate Maharana Pratap Jayanti with First Step Realtors! 🎉 On this auspicious day, we pay homage to the valor and bravery of Maharana Pratap, the epitome of courage and resilience. Join us as we honor his legacy and principles that continue to inspire generations. 🏰 #MaharanaPratapJayanti #firststeprrealtors #perfectpropertydeals #Legacy #Resilience #Freedom #IndianHistory #Rajputana #FirstStepRealtors #Homage #Bravery #Hero #Sacrifice #Determination #Fearlessness #Integrity #Empowerment #Pride #Honor #Heritage #Warrior #JaiMaharana #Celebration #Tribute #Legendary #Emperor #Tradition #HistoricalIcon

5/9/2024, 4:13:58 AM

Here's my retro Wolverine! My aim is to make these '97 pieces look like they're straight from the show🙏🏻🀟🏻 I have loved these episodes so far and they take me over every week! I couldn't have asked for a better animated series! Amazing! . . . . . . @previously_on_xmen @xmenofficial @marvel @marvelstudios @beau_demayo #xmen97 #wolverine #wolverinebrowncostume #marvelcartoons #marvelentertainment #bub #artist #fanart #xmen92 #xmenanimatedseries #xmentheanimatedseries #homage #marvelcomics #disney

5/9/2024, 3:32:26 AM

I @amandathompson7479 🔥 will give you my Secret Videos. Do not share to your friends. Follow me. Suck strap on 💕 #新春優惠 #奜課韍厚犮 #goodgood #homage #beingshealove #م؎روؚ_الر؎اد_؎يف_عثمان #Ø­ØšÙ‡_الحمراء #جرؚوها_ودعولي_سعيده #؎يف_عثمان #Ø­ØšÙ‡_الر؎اد #سعيدة #chef_ousman #arabic_food #croffle #gatosyperros #hijospeludos #gatosinteligentes #mascotaslindas #perrosdeinstagram #perrosfelices #ItsOK我係個口是心非嘅女人䜢繌續唱我䟝然會繌續嗚

5/9/2024, 3:13:36 AM

Paying homage to the time-honored traditions passed down through generations. #paying #homage #generations

5/2/2024, 9:34:32 AM