eggsnatchingdinosaur images

Discover Best eggsnatchingdinosaur Images of World

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Oviraptor OH-vee-RAP-tor It is believed that the Oviraptor was an omnivore, and ate a variety of food, including eggs, hence its name, which means 'egg thief.' It earned this name due to the initial discovery of its fossils being uncovered with what was thought to have been protoceratops eggs. Oviraptors may have measured 2 metres from beak to tail, they had no teeth. Lightly built, they moved on two hind limbs and it is thought that they nested with their eggs in a similar way to modern day birds, due to being found amongst their brood. It's been a big day, so it's short and sweet tonight! I had fun making this drawing though. Hope you're enjoying the journey? #oviraptor #eggtheif #eggsnatchingdinosaur #dinosaurlove #dinosaursofinstagram #troubleandstrifenzartist #dinotober2022 #molotowblacklinerpens #paleoart #scavenger #inktober

10/20/2022, 10:54:54 AM