churchinaguration images

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#food #travel #sports #news #june #sunday

With grateful hearts, we dedicate this space to worship, fellowship, and service. After a long years our OLPH church people's we build our own church OUR LADY OF PREPETUAL HELP Church #churchinaguration #olphc #church #salem . . . #DedicationDay #WorshipTogether #Community #Church #inauguration #olphc💒 #instagram #trending #salembishop #happy #new #blessings #mothermary #miracles #olphcyouth

5/17/2024, 7:46:35 PM

*Setting up for May 25th* NPC is getting ready for the upcoming Church Inauguration and Annual Day. We hope to see you there! #churchinaguration #church #churchbuilding #faith #niagarachurch #niagarablessed #niagaraprayercentre

5/5/2024, 12:22:15 AM

Estamos muito felizes porque o ano das portas abertas já é uma realidade aqui no Nepal. Nasceu mais uma igreja no Nepal dessa vez no Distrito de Morang. Estamos vendo Deus cada dia mais nos colocar em lugares estratégicos na Asia Essa igreja e de extrema importância pq estamos indo para a fronteira com a nossa Índia e cremos que a Lagoinha Nepal será usada por Deus para alcançar os Indianos. #igreja #churchfamily #igrejafamília #churchinaguration #churchfellowship #morang #churchservice

1/5/2023, 7:31:53 AM


7/2/2022, 6:50:42 AM

Tradition is the illusion of permanence.❤️ #churchinaguration #tradition #throwbacktosistawedding

1/20/2019, 8:39:20 AM

Fellowship with our Korean brothers and sisters in JESUS CHRIST! 😊😊😊 #churchinaguration #koreanmeetspinoy #jesustheblessedking #ToGodAloneBeAllTheGlory

3/23/2016, 11:00:16 AM

Missing those 3 Musketeers moments.... 😊 #Isai #Martha #Wendy #BestFriends #MissThem #FewMonthsBack #ChurchInaguration

4/27/2015, 6:21:15 PM