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May 31 The end of the month of Grey. It doesn't mean the end of remembering you, missing you, telling people about you and hoping for a cure. We go grey every May for Zoey and for every other child we met and didn't meet. For all the children that fought before her and those diagnosed after. We will never stop fighting for a cure or remembering you. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/31/2024, 12:43:09 PM

May 30 It's hard to feel fancy 100% of them time but with the right accessories (butterfly hair clips) you can sure shine. All she wanted to be was fancy. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/30/2024, 12:48:21 PM

May 28 Rainy days stir up memories of puddle jumping, fancy umbrellas, and indoor play time. Don't forget the reason why we care, why we talk about our kids, why we post. We go grey to remember and to spread her memory #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/28/2024, 1:56:00 PM

May 27 Today we remember those we've lost. We remember those who fought. #gogreyinmay #dipg #morethan4 #letthelightshine #becauseofzoey

5/27/2024, 2:46:49 PM

May 26 May your Sundays be filled with sunshine and laughter. Make memories and take the photos to look back on these days years to come #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/26/2024, 5:57:11 PM

May 25 The weekend is upon us. Enjoy it with friends, family, and really good food!! We go grey in May because brain cancer strikes anyone at anytime #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/25/2024, 3:20:37 PM

May 24 Enjoy the sunshine and rejoice that you can feel the warmth all around you #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/24/2024, 6:17:09 PM

May 23 We go grey for missing smiles and laughs. For the giggles and funny faces. We go grey for the plans that will never happen and the dreams that will never come true. We go grey because the way they treat DIPG needs to change and a cure needs to be found. We go grey for Zoey #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/23/2024, 1:39:07 PM

May 22 This is one of my favorite preDIPG photos and going grey doesn't do it justice. When we say live you're life your way I say it because of this memory and so many others that we have of Zoey. She lived her life on her terms. Always sparkling and shining and sometimes dressing like an old lady. Be kind, be compassionate, but be true to yourself in every way to can be. That is who Zoey was. This is why we go grey in May #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/22/2024, 12:58:11 PM

May 21 DIPG robs parents of their dreams for their children. They never see the grow up and follow their hearts. They never get to pray they make the right choices. They never get to hear their voices again. DIPG is cruel and takes away so much before it actually takes away a parents child. We go grey in May because Zoey was taken too soon. #gogreyinmay #dipg #morethan4 #letthelightshine #becauseofzoey

5/21/2024, 2:05:57 PM

May 20 Having a conversation with a stranger yesterday about Monday's. We're up and moving, the sun in shining (here) and it's another day. There's no reason to not be joyful about Monday's. We cherish what we have and we pack our schedules full to be with the ones we love on the weekends but today is just another day. So enjoy it and don't wish it away. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/20/2024, 2:56:29 PM

May 19 Sundays are for families and preparing for the week ahead. Some people have Sunday Fundays, some have Sunday Scaries. When you're child has brain cancer your Sundays change. You're life no matter how normal you try to make it seem, changes. This is why we go grey. To push for a cure and to have "normal" Sundays for everyone #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/19/2024, 2:46:04 PM

May 18 Enjoy your Saturday however you want to. Moments are fleeting. Be present, know you are loved, and just live today how you wish. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/18/2024, 3:27:41 PM

May 17th Today we wear our grey because it is National DIPG day in many states. We remember Zoey and Charlie and Maddie and Hollis and Cameron and Michael and Dany and Phoebe and so many more families that we met and got to know. We wear our grey today because of all the children that are fighting and all the beautiful children we have lost. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/17/2024, 12:28:01 PM

Over the river and through the woods camping we will go!! Ellie is all set for summer adventures with her new camper!! Her and her brother already decked it out with toys and flowers! With a little heavy lifting the team at Manning Squires Hennig parked Ellie's in the perfect location for summer fun. The build team at @acementorroc created a real home away from home with this playhouse. We are so grateful for ACE, the mentors and students, for another fabulous build and for Manning Squires Hennig for the delivery! Ellie is sure to have an amazing summer!! #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #elliestrong

5/16/2024, 3:22:57 PM

May 16 When battling DIPG you are reaching for a dream, a hope, a cure. Only 4% of cancer research goes to childhood cancer. DIPG is considered rare, and it doesn't get enough attention. It's rare and its not fair that are kids are given a death sentence. We go grey in May because she should be here. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/16/2024, 1:10:35 PM

May 15 Even though we go grey in May doesn't mean our girl wasn't full of life and color. Zoey hated wearing the color black and only wore it when she was mad. Black was not pretty or beautiful. This is the reason we requested that no black was to be worn at her funeral. She would have wanted a rainbow of colors. The most beautiful thing about thay day was walking into the church and seeing the giant stained glass rainbow. Never being in there before and witnessing it that morning, I knew she would be smiling with the loveliness of it all. We go grey in May because of this sparkling shining girl. #gogreyinmay #dipg #morethan4 #letthelightshine #becauseofzoey

5/15/2024, 2:37:32 PM

May 14 Roughly 300 children a year are diagnosed with DIPG. Roughly the same amount pass away. That is 600 hundred families dealing with heart break each year. This is why we go grey in May #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/14/2024, 4:35:35 PM

May 13 There are over 100 different types of brain tumors in children. DIPG makes up appropriately 80% of the malignant brainstem tumors in children. There is still no cure and no standard protocol besides radiation. This is why we go grey in May #morethan4 #gogreyinmay #dipg #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine

5/13/2024, 3:04:01 PM

May 12 Mother's Day 2017 #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/12/2024, 4:56:01 PM

May 11 Zoey's smile was paralyzed when her biopsy was done on July 18th. We never knew why, if it was nerve damage or tumor shift that caused it. As shocking and sad as it was her biopsy results were needed to determine what type of tumor she had. I missed her beautiful big smile since that day but her imperfect one was still perfect to all of us. We go grey because of Zoey. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/11/2024, 7:18:55 PM

May 10th With most childhood cancers you have a protocol to follow. With DIPG you're on your own. Zoey went to Germany, consulted with doctors in the UK and NYC. Her mom talked to doctors at hospitals all around the world from the USA to Mexico to Australia. Either trials were closed, treatment too risky, Zoey was not not newly diagnosed, or they said they wouldn't do anything different than what were doing. Luckily her parents are engineers and had amazing friends who help research trials. Zoey was alive for 2 years after symptoms appeared living her life with as much joy as she could despite everything that was going on. That was her parents hope when they started searching for treatments, quality of life. This is why we go Grey in May #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/10/2024, 12:56:56 PM

May 9th Zoey's first concert was Fitz and the Tantrums from Jazz Fest 2016. She sat on my shoulders the entire night clapping away. A three year old without a care in the world discovering a new favorite song. We go grey in May for her. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/9/2024, 1:35:20 PM

Who Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea?? Why it's Emme Jo and her Krusty Krab playhouse!!! This sweet girl with her big bright smile was gifted the second playhouse this month. The team at @acementorroc outdid themselves with this adorable design. Emme was so excited when Sessler Wrecking pulled up her surprise. The weather held off and the delivery was a success. We can't thank ACE and Sessler Wrecking enough for helping us put a giant smile on Emme's face!! We hope her summer is filled with imagination and smiles in her new play house. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine

5/9/2024, 2:07:31 AM

May 8th May you be as happy as a girl who has pockets in her apron (dress). Zoey always found happiness in the little things. My favorite memories are those tiny moments. We go grey in May because of her. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/8/2024, 12:49:29 PM

May 7 When Zoey traveled to Germany for Immunotherapy it was our mission to travel while we were there. We took her to Paris for Thanksgiving and to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Ever since then if we got on a plane she asked if we were going back to Paris. We took her back eventually and scattered her ashes in the flower beds at the Jardin de la Tour Eiffel. We go grey in May because of her. #gogreyinmay #dipg #morethan4 #letthelightshine #becauseofzoey

5/7/2024, 1:23:02 PM

May 6th DIPG appears in many different ways with children. From eye and facial paralysis, to vomiting and headaches. With Zoey, she fell at a park and instantly couldn't walk right. What we thought was a broken or bruised leg turned into much more and within a week she couldn't use her left side of her body. She is why we go Grey in May. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/6/2024, 1:01:59 PM

May 5th Zoey was filled with compassion. She never understood the bullies in her class and wanted everyone to be friends. Her heart was so big. Zoey is why we go grey in May #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/5/2024, 2:27:32 PM

May 4th aka May the 4th Be With You Through out the two year battle there was very few times Zoey was not happy. When she was at the doctor's she would run down the hall laughing. Her doctor's knew when her last Avastin treatment came that things were not ok because she was her smiling or laughing. It was a heartbreaking reality that we finally had to face. This is why we go grey in May. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/4/2024, 1:05:29 PM

May 3rd During Zoey's treatment she went through four different rounds of radiation (the most of any child at that time), immunotherapy, chemotherapy, and was one of the first children to take ONC 201. We go grey because of her. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/3/2024, 1:41:54 PM

May 2nd Zoey was diagnosed with DIPG on July 12 2016. Her first symptoms arose July 5th. She past away on July 4th 2019 after a 2 year battle. She is why we go grey in May. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/2/2024, 12:52:31 PM

Welcome to May, the month of Grey. In May we go Grey for Brain Cancer Awareness. We go Grey for Zoey and all the other children who have fought and are fighting DIPG. We go Grey to remember our sweet girl. #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay #becauseofzoey

5/1/2024, 12:59:02 PM

Happy 11th Birthday Zoey. My forever 5 year old. Sweet girl, our "Stink". Today you would be 11and I have a feeling that you would br running our little world. Fearless, spunky, our amazing light and joy. We miss you Zoey and we hope today you're having the most amazing day. Love you forever and a day Sweet girl. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #forever5 #happy11thbirthday

10/17/2023, 2:05:39 PM

The last playhouse of the 22-2 season was delivered today! Evah is the youngest of three sisters and battling ALL. Evah and her sisters, Cambria and Isla were so excited to start playing and climbing on their new playhouse. We hope this addition to their yard takes their play time to the next level! We cannot thank everyone at @acementorroc and @ddscompanies_ enough for their creativity, hard work, and assistance in making and delivering these playhouses! #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine

9/19/2023, 12:51:34 PM

In September we see Gold Ribbons and Cancer Signs in yards. We do this because September in Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. The Signs and ribbons are shown because we were and are affected by Childhood Cancer. Zoey was taken at the age of 5, she should be starting the 6th Grade with her friends but she's not. Childhood Cancer Reseach is one of the least funded programs by the government. Most of the funding comes from donors to specific organizations. As 1 in 4 children are diagnosed with cancer you'd expect more assistance. This is why we Go Gold. To show that we care, that we have felt pain and loss and heartache through our journeys, and to bring Awareness to all of the cancers that impact children. Go Gold this month for Zoey and for so many others #sheshouldbehere #morethan4 #becauseofzoey #gogoldforchildhoodcancer #letthelightshine

9/2/2023, 7:03:23 PM

We proudly support the @acementor program to educate students about the construction industry and give back to families in our in our local community. Team members from our civil division delivered a playhouse #becauseofzoey and helped to spread the light (and smiles). Thank you! #believeactimpact

8/8/2023, 8:37:44 PM

AJ is the king of his castle thanks to @acementorroc and Villager Construction. AJ a sweet little 3 year old and is the youngest of 8 children and has been dealing with surgeries, cardiac and kidney anomalies, and a genetic condition. He took right to being the ruler of his castle and we were so happy to see his smile. Thank you so much ACE and Villager for creating this fabulous design and helping us deliver this amazing playhouse! #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine

7/26/2023, 5:08:57 PM

Sweet sweet girl Five years ago you laid in my arms with your father at your feet and you took your last breath. Your life though short was filled with so much love. You have everything you could, you lit up every room, you changed all of our lives. We miss you Stink, more than you can ever know. Five years is too long but it is five years closer until we're together again. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #wemissyou #angelversary

7/4/2023, 1:17:57 PM

Summer is here and we are getting ready for the annual Zoey's Light Golf Tournament! On September 23rd 2023 we will be teeing off again at Lima Country Club. We are once again looking for sponsors, donors, and most importantly golfers! If you know of anyone who love to play for a good cause please let them know. We have had an amazing amount of support and players over the past few years and we hope that this year will be just the same. The Zoey's Light Golf Tournament is our main source of donations each year and we are so happy that the enjoyment of others helps us spread joy back to the community. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine

6/21/2023, 8:26:36 PM

Roar! Today we delivered the Jungle Playhouse to Tim and his little sisters. Tim has a genetic disorder and is having major surgery soon that may keep him home this summer. We know that this little man will be the king of this jungle! Thank you to @acementorroc for their amazing students and @lechaseconstruction for delivering this playhouse to Tim's family for us. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine

6/2/2023, 2:05:19 AM

The perfect start to the summer season happened today! @pikeconstructionservices delivered a beautiful barn playhouse built by the @acementorroc to Reid! Reid is a 3 year old little boy who has trisomy 21 and has been in and out of the hospital for surgeries. He's been lucky enough to go to daycare and enjoy the beautiful weather. We are so happy that Reid loves his new playhouse and that his summer will be filled with fun! #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine

5/31/2023, 10:59:21 PM

May 30th.. There is always a reason to smile #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay #becauseofzoey

5/30/2023, 1:45:43 PM

May 28th Each moment that passes is a new memory that's created. Make them beautiful #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/28/2023, 2:27:21 PM

May 26th... Sweet Bright eyes Full of wonder Never stop dreaming Always keep dreaming #becauseofzoey #gogreyinmay #dipg #morethan4 #letthelightshine

5/26/2023, 1:43:40 PM

May 25th... Be silly, be spontaneous, be whoever you want to be #becauseofzoey #gogreyinmay #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4

5/25/2023, 12:56:49 PM

As we close out the month of May we wanted to share a fun fundraiser. ONEHOPE wine will donate 10% of your purchase, plus Jess Pajak @coffeehopewine will donate her sales commissions to our nonprofit! Click the link, then Shop to Support and check out the great sale they are having when you click sale in the upper left corner menu!! Thank you for your continued support of Zoey’s Light and cheers to sipping with purpose this summer!! #becauseofzoey #gogreyinmay #letthelightshine

5/23/2023, 9:26:21 PM

May 22nd. Enjoy the little things #becauseofzoey #gogreyinmay #dipg #morethan4 #letthelightshine

5/22/2023, 12:56:19 PM

May 21st... It's ok if you're stuck. You can always ask for help #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/21/2023, 2:59:05 PM

May 19... Enjoy the sweet things in life #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/19/2023, 12:52:00 PM

May 17th is DIPG Awareness Day DIPG aka Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine has a 1% survival rate and 90% of children rarely live past 2 years. There is no cure and the main course of treatment has been the same for over 60 years. The funding for childhood cancer is 4%. That is a total of 4% for ALL cancer that affects children. It's minuscule compared to what is needed. While Zoey's Light focuses on helping local families with bills and proving them moments of joy there are other organizations that help the funding for DIPG research. One of them is @chadtoughdefeatdipg. In 2018 Zoey was lucky enough to meet Jenny and Mark Mosier, Co-founders of this wonderful organization. Today I ask you spread awareness for DIPG in honor of Zoey and to visit Chad Tough Defeat DIPG to learn more about the horrible disease that changed our lives. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay #defeatdipg #chadtough

5/17/2023, 12:54:00 PM

May 16th... When you realize you have so many but so few memories #gogreyinmay #dipg #morethan4 #letthelightshine #becauseofzoey

5/16/2023, 12:59:47 PM

May 14th. Mother's Day Mother's remember the laughter, the joy, the happy moments. We remember the tears, the boo boos, and the monsters in the closet. Mother's watch their children grow older and the memories of childhood slowly fade. I chose this photo over any mommy and me photo because I remember this day. Zoey flopping into her kiddie pool. Her 3 year old self being hilarious as she played. She never was able to grow up and I am grateful for the photos I took. One day as I grow older still, I know my memory will fade. These happy moments that I took, these tiny snap shots of life, will still be there. To remember, to cry over, to smile on. Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers. May today bring you happy memories to look back on. #becauseofzoey #gogreyinmay #dipg #morethan4 #letthelightshine #mothersday

5/14/2023, 1:01:19 PM

May 13th Smile, it may brighten someone's day #becauseofzoey #gogreyinmay #dipg #morethan4 #

5/13/2023, 1:42:51 PM

May 12th Little joys can be big moments #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/12/2023, 1:47:54 PM

May 11 Be whoever you want to be. There is only one if you in this world and you should be celebrated #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/11/2023, 1:09:16 PM

May 10th Dance like no one's watching and enjoy the moment. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/10/2023, 12:49:43 PM

May 9th Find joy in the little things #becauseofzoey #gogreyinmay #dipg #morethan4 #letthelightshine

5/9/2023, 1:10:45 PM

May 7th.... Sandy feet and sunshine memories. Savor the moments! #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/7/2023, 1:34:06 PM

May 6th... Saturday's call for cake. Make sure you enjoy the day and the sunshine! #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/6/2023, 1:56:27 PM

May 5th... Remember to dance and laugh and enjoy the weekend just like Zoey did. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #dipg #morethan4 #gogreyinmay

5/5/2023, 12:48:14 PM

May the 4th be with you! The sass was strong with this little girl. I know I wrote that we will be doing BC photos, but today being May 4th it was this or her meeting Chewy. On July 13th 2016, the day this photo was taken, we knew for less than one whole day that Zoey had an inoperable brain tumor. That was all we knew. We didn't know what kind, what the treatment plan was, what the survival rate was; just that this sassy smiling girl had a brain tumor that was causing her to walk with a limp. It's surreal thinking back to that moment. We had so many happy moments since then along her journey, but very few of her smiling ear to ear. #gogreyinmay #dipg #morethan4 #letthelightshine #becauseofzoey

5/4/2023, 12:55:55 PM

May 3rd We remember the little moments, the smiles, the baby cheeks. The memories we had are marked by BC, before Cancer, and AD, after Diagnosis. We go grey is May for brain cancer and this month will be dedicated to BC photos and videos of Zoey. Remember to live for today, love with all your heart and dream for tomorrow. #becauseofzoey #gogreyinmay #dipg #morethan4 #letthelightshine

5/3/2023, 1:02:40 PM

Today is the first day of May. Which is also Brain Cancer Awareness Month. In May we go Grey for brain cancer and we spread the word about Zoey and DIPG. Our lives changed when this little girl entered the world and even more so when she left it. Go Grey this May for Brain Cancer and spread the word about how it impacts so many we care about #gogreyinmay #becauseofzoey #dipg #letthelightshine #morethan4

5/1/2023, 1:31:24 PM

The first @acementorroc playhouse of the 2023 season has been delivered! Zoey's Light wants to thank Massa Construction for assisting ACE with the delivery of this playhouse and the wonderful team of students at ACE for building this fabulous playhouse. We are so happy Pharoah and his brothers are able to enjoy the tea cup playhouse this summer! #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine

4/28/2023, 3:53:02 PM

2022 was an amazing year for Zoey's Light. We helped over 24 families with medical expenses, bills, trips, and experiences. We were able to gift Golisano's Children Hospital multiple toys, books, and stocked items for their sensory carts. We are excited to see what 2023 has to offer for our organization and we cannot wait to grow and help more families this year. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine

1/8/2023, 1:15:05 AM

Today is Zoey Catherine Daggett's 10th birthday. In true Zoey style we couldn't not celebrate and do something special. This year we chose to donate to the Golisano's Children's Hospital Ada sensory carts, the Childlife Wish List, provide each patient with a voucher for ice cream and give a little something special to the staff and teams on the floors. We miss this little girl so much and spreading joy in her honor on her birthday is something that makes our hearts ache a little less. #becauseofzoey #zoeyis10 #letthelightshine

10/17/2022, 6:42:46 PM

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month may be over but that doesn't stop our mission. As we roll into October we are preparing for our annual gift to Golisano's Children's Hospital in honor of Zoey's 10th birthday. Our mission has been to spread moments of joy, and while we help so many families in the area with bills while they focus on caring for their children, we look forward to this month to give back to the people that gave Zoey so much happiness. We hope that you think of Zoey this month and spread a little joy in her honor. We know she would be so excited to be turning 10 and planning an epic birthday party with her friends. #becauseofzoey #letthelightshine #zoeyis10

10/5/2022, 1:21:38 PM