ashesofarmageddon images

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We return to Armageddon with a new Minisode! This time with a small skirmish cribbing the Dark Cathedral mission from the Storm of Vengeance supplement. Captain Erasmus Tycho and his Blood Angels of the Third Company attempt to seize an Ork held fortress atop the Ignis Mountains. The dilapidated fortress commands a view over a narrow gorge which the Orks are using to channel reinforcements for a renewed offensive on Hive Acheron. In game terms, if the Blood Angels win, they'll receive a special Strategy Card that might just give them an edge in the next game... 2nd edition 40k works so well for small games - granular enough to depict the drama, but not so weighty as to bog things down. It's no wonder that the ruleset formed the basis of Necromunda... To watch this 2nd edition battle report, click on the channel link in my bio 😎 #2ndedition40k #ashesofarmageddon #bloodangels #orks40k #retrohammer #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #oldhammer #oldhammercommunity #spacemarines

6/1/2024, 10:05:27 AM

Princeps Senioris Kurtiz Mannheim, commander of Legio Metalica forces during the Second War for Armageddon. #ashesofarmageddon #legiometalica #warhammer40k #warhammer40000

5/21/2024, 7:29:07 PM

Initiate Juno Ephrael of the Blood Angels Chapter Emerging from the ruins, the Blood Angels regrouped and planned a vengeful strike against the Orks to decapitate the Waaagh before it could continue its rampage. Reinforcements arrived from Armageddon, and Commander Grillo rallied them to his banner. Vengeance would be there's. The surviving members of the Planetary Defence Force were recruited to the cause. They would act as a defensive backline, whilst the Astartes took the fight to the Orks. A targeted strike by squads of Assault Marines against the Warboss would pave the way for Veterans in Terminator Armour to arrive via telephone strike, and collapse the Orks command structure, shattering the Waaagh and ending the Battle for Angel's Reach... @warhammerofficial #bloodangels #bloodangels40k #roguetrader28 #RT28 #ashesofarmageddon #warhammer40k #retroscifi

5/20/2024, 3:59:03 PM

Initiate Orion Moreno of the Blood Angels Chapter The Orks deployed a Squadron of Lifta Droppa Wagons and began pulling vessels out of orbit, with their mighty grav weapons. More than a dozen craft were ripped from orbit and aimed at the town of Dormant. Despite an order to evacuate many of the Imperial defenders were trapped in the doomed town, when the craft impacted, with only the Blood Angels left standing. If they could no longer save Dormant, they would avenge it... @warhammerofficial #bloodangels #bloodangels40k #roguetrader28 #RT28 #ashesofarmageddon #warhammer40k #retroscifi

5/18/2024, 4:24:14 PM

Initiate Alicent Baphomel of the Blood Angels Chapter After regrouping, the Orks returned, to have another go, but by now the Imperial defenders were dug in and reinforced, and were able to effortlessly repel the greenskins. Orks are nothing if not bad losers, if they couldn't have Dormant, then neither could the umies. Whilst the Imperium reclaimed the town, the Orks put in place plans, ones so devious and kunnin' as to reap a bloody toll on the umies, something even the Beakies couldn't withstand... @warhammerofficial #bloodangels #bloodangels40k #roguetrader28 #RT28 #ashesofarmageddon #warhammer40k #retroscifi

5/17/2024, 6:42:19 PM

A Hellhound tank of the 225th Steel Legion squares up to a squad of Ork Nobz. #ashesofarmageddon #combatpatrol #steellegion40k #warhammer40k #astramilitarum #combatpatrol #steellegion #oldhammer40k #warhammercommunity #bunker @warhammerofficial

5/14/2024, 10:02:47 AM

Another #ullanorscale Ork Boy for my slow grow Kill Team project. As usual, the bulk of the model is from the Nobz kit. This lad has looted himself a fancy new choppa. #ashesofarmageddon #killteam #orkboyz #orks #armageddon #waaagh #heropose #warhammer #warhammer40k #astramilitarum #imperialguard #40k #30k #hardforheresy

5/12/2024, 11:22:53 PM

Veteran Initiate Midas Angelo of the Blood Angels Chapter. The town's outskirts were in the hands of the Orks, this was an insult that could not be allowed to stand. Commander Grillo ordered a counterattack, spearheaded by Assault Squad Castro, and supported by Tactical Squad Gabriel. Squad Gabriel set up concealed firing positions, waiting for Squad Castro to strike from the heavens. The Orks were taken by surprise as ten red armoured Blood Angels fell from the skies and began decimating them, Bolter fire soon rained down upon them from many directions. The greenskins were cut to pieces, and despite bellowed threats from their Warboss, the Orks began to retreat. Snarling with rage, Warboss Moonfang was forced to withdraw or risk being cut down himself. With the Orks fleeing back into the wastes, the town was now firmly back in the control of the Imperium... #bloodangels #bloodangels40k #roguetrader28 #RT28 #ashesofarmageddon #warhammer40k #retroscifi

5/11/2024, 2:09:15 PM

Erasmus Tycho's Third Company. Outer reaches of Acheron Hivesprawl Armageddon Secondus 942.M41 #ashesofarmageddon #epic40k #paintingwarhammer

5/11/2024, 11:38:51 AM

Initiate Lucia Castiel of the Blood Angels Chapter. As more Ork skirmishers arrived, the Blood Angels were forced to use hit and run tactics, with Assault Squad Castro doing much of the heavy lifting, and Tactical Squad Gabriel and Devastator Squad Baelo offering long range fire support. As dusk fell, the full warband began to arrive in earnest. The Blood Angels were outnumbered but continued their fight, with added support from Planetary Defence Forces, who were fresh from evacuating civilians. The Orks threw themselves against the Town's defences but were cut down by the superior tactics of the Imperial defenders. When the sun rose, the town was surrounded by the corpses of dead greenskins, but thousands more were regrouping, offering little comfort to the defenders... #bloodangels #bloodangels40k #roguetrader28 #RT28 #ashesofarmageddon #warhammer40k #retroscifi

5/6/2024, 2:06:08 PM

Initiate Petrus Lorenzo of the Blood Angels Chapter The first wave of Ork skirmishers arrived hours earlier than predicted, Blood Axe Kommandos, and several waves of diminutive Gretchen. By now, Tactical Squad Gabriel had been reinforced with Devastator and Assault Marines as well as Commander Erasmus Grillo himself, and the initial Ork wave was no match for the might of the Blood Angels. A few Orks broke off their attack and fled back towards the wasteland, but were cut down by Assault Squad Castro... #bloodangels #bloodangels40k #roguetrader28 #RT28 #ashesofarmageddon #warhammer40k #retroscifi

5/4/2024, 1:29:41 PM

Atlas Recovery Tank and Trojan Support Vehicle side by side. Great OOP Forge World kits. Decals by @scumb4g.kustoms and @greenstuffworld #steellegion40k #astramilitarum #oldhammer40k #warhammer40k #steellegion #warhammercommunity @warhammerofficial #ashesofarmageddon #ashesinvite #atlasrecoverytank #trojansupportvehicle #sharethehobbylove #whitedwarf #bunker

5/4/2024, 9:27:46 AM

Initiate Sabbathena Dominael of the Blood Angels Chapter Grave news came over the vox link, that an Ork horde was making its way towards Dormant, and would be there within twenty Solar hours. The town was placed under the command of the Blood Angels, and Major Ishmael Wernher of the planetary defence forces was appointed as the interim Mayor to oversee the immediate evacuation of the townspeople. Having been forced to change plans, the Blood Angels fortified the city and the area around it, ready to fend off an Ork attack, whilst the remaining civilians were evacuated... #bloodangels #bloodangels40k #roguetrader28 #RT28 #ashesofarmageddon #warhammer40k #retroscifi

5/3/2024, 1:54:24 PM

Initiate Raphael Amon of the Blood Angels Chapter The Blood Angels voxed their findings back to their Commander and proceeded towards the Administratum Office in the town's centre, where they confronted the Town's Mayor, Baron Blunderwick. Blunderwick was an old coward, who had left himself at the mercy of the Town's Deacon, and Ministorum representative Preacher Gerhart Daggeroff, who had decried the news of an Ork invasion as pure Heresy and lies, for The God Emperor would never allow such foul beasts to pollute such an important and holy world. The zealous fool had assembled a Fraetaris Militia, who had put down anyone trying to do something about the imminent Ork attack, labelling them as unfaithful heretics. With the very real danger of the town being wiped out by greenskins, the Blood Angels took matters into their own hands, forcibly removing both the Mayor and the Deacon from power, gunning down most of the Fraetaris Militia in the process The Mayor was executed for cowardice, and the Deacon was dragged from his bunker to the town square, where he was charged with the crimes of Heresy, sedition and  incompetance. He was then publicly burned for all to see... #bloodangels #bloodangels40k #roguetrader28 #RT28 #ashesofarmageddon #warhammer40k #retroscifi

5/3/2024, 1:39:44 AM

Veteran Sergeant Valoran Gabriel of the Blood Angels Tactical Squad Gabriel were deployed as a reconnaissance force to the town of Dormant, to turn the place into a scouting post and make it a defensible position from where attacks against the Orks could be carried out. The town of Dormant was a small trading hub built inside of the crater of an extinct volcano, five hours south of the Capital: Angelis Hive. With the tides of Orks spilling across the surface of Angel's Reach, it should have been evacuated weeks ago, or so the warriors of Squad Gabriel had been told. Instead, they found the town bustling, as if it was business as normal, seemingly unaware of the wall of Green Death approaching across the irradiated wastelands... @warhammerofficial #bloodangels #bloodangels40k #roguetrader28 #RT28 #ashesofarmageddon #warhammer40k #retroscifi

5/2/2024, 4:53:34 PM

Tactical Squad Gabriel, Combat Squad Gabriel Veteran Sergeant Valoran Gabriel Initiate Sabbathena Dominael Initiate Raphael Amon Initiate Petrus Lorenzo Initiate Lucia Castiel During the Second War, for Armageddon, many neighbouring worlds and systems were also invaded by elements of Waaagh Ghazghkull, their surfaces being subjected to attacks from hordes of Ork warbands. One such world was Angel's Reach, a world the Blood Angels had once sworn to protect hundreds of years before. So it came to be that elements of the Blood Angels were redirected from Armageddon to aid in the defence of Angel's Reach... @warhammerofficial #bloodangels #bloodangels40k #roguetrader28 #RT28 #ashesofarmageddon #warhammer40k #retroscifi

5/1/2024, 2:48:36 PM

Blood Angels Tactical Squad Gabriel Inspired by the Minisodes videos by @edpaintsminis as well as miniatures painted by @death_of_a_rubricist and @fifty_painting These Blood Angels have been sat unfinished for a while next to my painting station, so I decided it was time to finish them, and they've turned out far better than I could have ever imagined. I opted for the original Rogue Trader colour scheme, complete with a metallic coloured shoulder pad, as well as a few late RT / 2nd Edition touches, such as a Yellow pistol casing. The Squad's leader, Veteran Sergeant Gabriel, has a classic old Blood Angels Sergeant transfer on his lower right leg for the extra added retro touch. My plan is to add a few more units and make them into a small Patrol sized force that I can use either in games of Heresy and 40k. #bloodangels #bloodangels40k #roguetrader28 #RT28 #ashesofarmageddon #warhammer40k #retroscifi

4/30/2024, 2:48:19 PM

Rough Rider Section HQ unit. I did question my sanity a bit while carefully picking out the boot buttons on all of these... I'm using white stripes to indicate command units - I hope it's sufficient on the table! As classic as the flags are, I prefer a more grounded look. #imperialguard40k #imperialguard #roughriders #imperialguardroughriders #ashesofarmageddon #astramilitarum #armageddonsteellegion #armiesoftheimperium #epicspacemarine #epictitanlegions #titanlegions #gamesworkshop #wargaming #warhammer40000 #darkmillennium #warhammer #warhammer40k #paintingwarhammer40k #paintingwarhammer #warhammerofficial #thecrownofcommandpodcast

4/29/2024, 6:55:40 PM

+++Pict Inload//UM2:3//WZ//ARM+++ Pictured is Battle Brother Titus Armili, Ultramarines Chapter, Second Company #spacemarines #spacemarine #warhammer #warhammer40k #warhammer40k #warhammer40k #ultramarines #ultramarines40k #Armageddon #ashesofarmageddon #lore

4/25/2024, 5:24:38 AM

A great deal of time, effort and credits were spent on Imperial agit-prop leaflets and newspapers, aimed at buoying the wavering morale of the defending Steel Legion. As a result, there are reams – indeed, warehouses – filled with the minutiae of the Imperial Army Groups. The orks of Waa-Ghazghkull, meanwhile, just got on with the job. Pictured here are ‘Goff Horde 3’ – the notorious Luggub’s Droppas. A ‘shokk-battalyun’ of Goffs notable for their airborne assaults, their strategic speed carried them on the front line of the invasion before coming off second-best to the surviving Salamanders in the seventh month of the war. Retreating before the vengeful Tu’Shan, da Droppas ended up deep behind Imperial lines, and well-placed (if badly supported) to threaten Acheron

4/23/2024, 6:30:11 PM

My 2 Hellhounds side by side. The first I painted years ago so it’s a nice reminder to myself of how I’ve improved. It does mean I’ll be stripping the older one and repainting, but not just yet. Decals by @scumb4g.kustoms and @greenstuffworld #steellegion40k #astramilitarum #oldhammer40k #warhammer40k #steellegion #warhammercommunity @warhammerofficial #ashesofarmageddon #ashesinvite #hellhoundtank #sharethehobbylove #whitedwarf #bunker

4/22/2024, 9:13:41 AM

It's time for another round of 2nd Edition 40k! This is the thumbnail for my latest batrep, in which the Blood Angels battle the Orks for control of an Imperial Firebase! This was an absolute blast to play and put together! To check it out click the YouTube link in my Bio. See you on Armageddon! #2ndedition40k #wargaming #warhammer #bloodangels #orks40k #oldhammer40kcommunity #ashesofarmageddon

4/20/2024, 10:42:24 AM

‘Deploying to the South of Hades and West of Acheron, Commander Dante marshalled the Blood Angels Chapter together with the re-assembled First Rough Rider Brigade and the 2nd Tank Division of the Steel Legion. Striking west towards the Diabolus River, Dante’s Angels struck the Bad Moons at their weakest point, cutting past Snazgutz’ Bloody Moonz and racing onwards between the Palidus Mountains and Diablo peak
’ #ashesofarmageddon These marines are retro-styled conversions from my Blood Angels army, themed after the GW studio’s own army – which inspired a long-lived fascination around Armageddon. Some will be on display up at Warhammer World soon, as part of the celebration of the 500th issue of #whitedwarfmagazine

4/20/2024, 8:39:43 AM

“Tell yer little bosses dat Hell ‘az come to Armour-Geddem.” - Attributed to Warboss Skarogg Helljumpa ‌ “Skarogg Helljumpa was an infamous Ork Speedboss that proved to be a thorn in the side of Imperial defenses throughout the First War of Armageddon. Equipped with bizarre and hitherto unseen teleportation technology, he and his boyz were able to jump around the battlefield with terrifying speed, rendering defensive lines and barricades useless under their relentless and erratic assault. Skarogg’s boyz were most prevalent in urban environs during the war, utilizing their technology to bypass Imperial defensive emplacements and disrupt battle lines from behind fortress walls. ‌ Skarogg disappeared sometime towards the end of the war, lost without a trace after one of his ‘jumps’ presumably went awry. Whether he finally paid the fatal price for tampering with primitive warp travel, or simply teleported off-world, is anyone’s guess.” ‌ - Excerpt from ‘Faces of the Greenskin: A Treatise on the Ork Personalities of the First War’ by Rotrick Relden ‌ +++ ‌ Well he’s two and a half months late and still not painted, but this is my contribution for #waaaghazghkull for @death_of_a_rubricist ‘s brilliant Ashes of Armageddon project. ‌ The idea was for an Evil Sunz Speedboss that gets his speed fix by teleporting around the battlefield. He utilizes an experimental tellyportin’ device powered by the disembodied head of a humie psyker, which I imagine is kept alive by horrific Mad Dok science. ‌ This was my first foray into Orks and I honestly think this turned out to be one of the coolest and most fun models I’ve ever done. There’s a ton of different bits and kits involved in this model, but the bulk comes from the Warhammer+ Orruk Megaboss and the torso of an old orc model from Rackham’s Confrontation (RIP). Bits from Savage Orcs, Mozrog Skragbad, Ork Nobz, and some Mechanicus gribblies were all slapped together with greenstuff to bring him to life. ‌ Overall I’m really happy with how he came out and can’t wait to put some paint on him. ‌ WAAAAAAAAGH! ‌ #warhammer40k #ork #waaagh #ashesofarmageddon #40k #inq28 #grimdark #warhammercommunity #evilsunz

4/19/2024, 5:37:11 AM

Ultramarines on the painting desk – hope the inspiration is clear! #ashesofarmageddon

4/18/2024, 5:13:07 PM

Basilisk Crew load shells into the ammo hoppers of the Armageddon Pattern Basilisk. #steellegion40k #astramilitarum #oldhammer40k #warhammer40k #steellegion #warhammercommunity @warhammerofficial #ashesofarmageddon #ashesinvite #basiliskcrew #imperialguard #astramilitarum #sharethehobbylove #whitedwarf #bunker

4/14/2024, 11:27:37 AM

+Triumvirate: Amidst the Ashes of Armageddon, angels stalk the sands.+ Do you have a Blood Angel, Ultramarine or Salamander Space Marine you’d like to contribute to the #ashesofarmageddon project?

4/13/2024, 11:55:35 AM

Ork Stikk Bommas in action during the Second War for Armageddon. #ashesofarmageddon #secondwarforarmageddon #orks #greenskins #stikkbommas #goffs40k #40k #warhammerofficial #warhammercommunity #gamesworkshop

4/12/2024, 10:51:35 AM

Victor-Sierra base. All but abandoned by the 7th as all serving personnel were moved to the front. The Astartes of Second Company Salamanders were therefore greeted by just two score servitors and a handful of old men, the unfit, and the infirm. To Captain Mir’san, it made no difference at all. #ashesofarmageddon

4/9/2024, 11:01:00 PM

Vehicle No: 037 - Atlas Recovery Vehicle. I’ve had this kit sitting in my pile for years so it’s nice to finally complete it. The chain was fiddly and frustrating but I’m happy with it now. Decals by @scumb4g.kustoms and @greenstuffworld #steellegion40k #astramilitarum #oldhammer40k #warhammer40k #steellegion #warhammercommunity @warhammerofficial #ashesofarmageddon #ashesinvite #atlasrecoverytank #sharethehobbylove #whitedwarf #bunker

4/9/2024, 9:28:50 AM

Vehicle No: 382 - ‘Beast’ - Hellhound Assault Tank. The original metal Hellhound tank was one of the first vehicles I bought back in the 90s and I still regularly use it in games today. I came across a complete set of metal components on eBay so couldn’t resist building another one. Decals by @scumb4g.kustoms and @greenstuffworld #steellegion40k #astramilitarum #oldhammer40k #warhammer40k #steellegion #warhammercommunity @warhammerofficial #ashesofarmageddon #ashesinvite #hellhoundtank #sharethehobbylove #whitedwarf #bunker

4/5/2024, 2:08:25 PM

Many of them were going to die. Not in the numbers of the Imperial Guard of this world; nor in the numbers of the displaced, whose rag-tag columns were visible even from high up here, even through the dust tides kicked up by the Season of Storms. But many would die. Fewer, he prayed, than the gurm kenndh. May ten thousand die for every one of my brethren, he thought. #ashesofarmageddon

4/4/2024, 10:09:10 PM

A hot wind stirs the sands of Armageddon – and ashes rise once more. 9th Army Group, under Field-Marshal Stubbs, is the focus of today’s Force Analysis article on The Ashes of Armageddon. Thanks to @firstlegionminis for his army lore; and @grinnialvex and @m43.field.tunic for their awesome supporting artwork. Come read about the Angels of Acheron and the rest of the Thunderbolts – and if it inspires you, why not paint up a Steel Legion mini in the scheme; or perhaps one of their greenskin opponents? #ashesofarmageddon

4/3/2024, 2:53:00 PM

Deep space explorer This Squat is based on the fantastic Demiurg conversions by @johannusminiatures. #ashesofarmageddon #secondwarofarmageddon #secondwarforarmageddon #leaguesofvotann #squats40k #40ksquats #spacedwarfs #spacedwarves #hearthkynsalvagers #40k #warhammerofficial #warhammercommunity #gamesworkshop

4/3/2024, 1:09:08 PM

Imperial Guard Basilisk Loader. I’m really pleased with the face, I got a new 000 Artis Opus brush which made the eyes so much easier to do. #steellegion40k #astramilitarum #oldhammer40k #warhammer40k #steellegion #warhammercommunity @warhammerofficial #ashesofarmageddon #ashesinvite #basiliskcrew #imperialguard #astramilitarum #sharethehobbylove #whitedwarf #bunker

4/1/2024, 11:50:02 AM

Progress continues apace on the Armageddon-bound Salamanders. Some more thoughts and a spot of history on the models on the +Death of a Rubricist+ blog. #ashesofarmageddon

3/28/2024, 2:53:34 PM

A Veteran Sergeant from 1st Platoon points out enemy troop movements from the Command Dugout. #steellegion40k #astramilitarum #oldhammer40k #warhammer40k #steellegion #warhammercommunity @warhammerofficial #ashesofarmageddon #ashesinvite #veteransergeant #sharethehobbylove #whitedwarf #bunker

3/28/2024, 10:15:41 AM

A new Minisode is dropping at 1700 (GMT). I was lucky enough to come by three Rogue Trader Marines (two from RTB01 and the legendary Brother Hamilton). In this video, I paint them in RT colours inspired by the 16 page pamphlet included in the paint set. I had this when I was about 7! See you there! #warhammer40k #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #oldhammer #retrohammer #spacemarines #ultramarines #bloodangels #salamanders40k #ashesofarmageddon

3/26/2024, 8:12:09 AM

Had a very enjoyable game of Combat Patrol over the weekend against @timjwatson1 and his Dark Angels. It was his first ever game, so I hope I taught him all the rules correctly. That dreadnought is a true dealer of death! #ashesofarmageddon #combatpatrol #steellegion40k #warhammer40k #astramilitarum #combatpatrol #steellegion #oldhammer40k #warhammercommunity @warhammerofficial

3/25/2024, 3:37:52 PM

Squadrons of Salamanders Outriders provided vital cover for Steel Legion supply lines and desperate refugee columns alike during the Second Battle for Armageddon. While not favoured by Tu’Shan’s men, the Salamanders Chapter was more than capable of fielding its forces as best fitted the mission. Ground bikes were more common than Land Speeders for these duties as they were better able to make use of the Steel Legion’s own fuel lines, making them more reliable and mutually supportive. #ashesofarmageddon

3/25/2024, 1:56:09 PM

TERTIUS-WY-NAUTIS A&B. Affectionately known as the “TWYNS”. An indomitable wall of plodding muscle loyally accompanying their master at all times. Be that Manufactorum or battlefield, they tend to the needs of their Maker, switching out augmentations to suit the role that is required of them. #warhammer40k #gamesworkshop #Forgeworld #astramilitarum #astramilitarum40k #greyknights #daemonhunters #paintingwarhammer #warhammercommunity #imperialguard #headspace #hobbytime #mentalhealth #citadelpaints #miniaturepainting #tabletopgames #wargaming #oldhammer #citadel #armageddon #cadia #cadiastands #twothincoats #onethickcoat #plasticcrack #paintingwarhammer #dadhammer40k #ashesofarmageddon #admech40k #ogrynservitor #ogrynbodyguard

3/24/2024, 5:57:21 AM

A theyn of the Second Great Clan Army during the Second War for Armageddon. #ashesofarmageddon #secondwarforarmageddon #leaguesofvotann #heartkynwarriors #squats40k #40ksquats #spacedwarfs #spacedwarves #warhammerofficial #warhammercommunity

3/23/2024, 8:35:13 AM

Nerfgun rockets and firing bolters from the hip like it's 941.M41 - The Second War for Armageddon #paintingwarhammer #ultramarines #bloodangels #salamanders40k #spacemarines #oldhammer40kcommunity #oldhammer #ashesofarmageddon #2ndedition40k

3/22/2024, 10:46:20 PM

Fun with the @battleblingstore Thunderhawk exterior and interior upgrade kits for Epic. Took some work-in-progress pics of the build for the +Death of a Rubricist+ blog, so keep an eye out if you’d like to see where the bits go. #ashesofarmageddon

3/22/2024, 8:14:06 PM

The original Commander Dante model (also referred to as ‘Rogue Trader Blood Angels Captain’). As a palette cleanser, I’ve been stripping and repainting my old metal models. It was a good opportunity to learn how to paint gold armour and yellow & red fabric. The final pic is how I originally painted him. #warhammer40k #bloodangels40k #oldhammer40k #oldtober #warhammercommunity #dante40k #whitedwarf #bunker #sharethehobbylove #oldhammer #citadelminiatures @warhammerofficial #ashesofarmageddon

3/22/2024, 5:31:36 PM

A Tech-priest "The Techpriest is present purely as an advisor and to observe how the Squats maintain and use their equipment, a matter which greatly interests the Imperium." #ashesofarmageddon #secondwarofarmageddon #secondwarforarmageddon #adeptusmechanicus #mechanicus #techpriest #40k #warhammerofficial #warhammercommunity #grimdark

3/17/2024, 8:26:52 PM

The Squats of Ulf-Hadar are accompanied by a Mechanicus "advisor" during the Second War for Armageddon. #ashesofarmageddon #secondwarforarmageddon #secondwarofarmageddon #squats40k #40ksquats #spacedwarfs #spacedwarves #leaguesofvotann #adeptusmechanicus #mechanicus #40k #warhammerofficial #warhammercommunity

3/17/2024, 6:01:34 PM

Ork Stomper mob I just thought a second goff stompa mob would be neat! If anyone has 2nd ed Epic Stompas, Tinbotz. or plastic dreadnoughts burdening their Mountains of Opportunity, let me know! The Krusha Mob can always use more mechanical terrors. #orks40k #orkinvasion #orkstompa #stompa #orkandsquatwarlords #krushamob #ashesofarmageddon #thecrownofcommandpodcast #epic40k #epicspacemarine #epictitanlegions #titanlegions #netepicgold #netepicarmageddon #6mmwargaming #paintingwarhammer40k #paintingwarhammer #middlehammer40k #warhammer40000 #darkmillennium #warmongers #warhammerofficial #waaaghdaorks #waaagh

3/12/2024, 6:26:09 PM

It is what we do best: We die standing! #ashesofarmageddon #steellegion #warhammer40k #paintingwarhammer #battleforarmageddon

3/10/2024, 7:36:17 AM

1st Platoon Vox Operator takes cover in the Command Dugout whilst he receives orders from HQ. #steellegion40k #astramilitarum #oldhammer40k #warhammer40k #steellegion #warhammercommunity @warhammerofficial #ashesofarmageddon #ashesinvite #voxoperator #sharethehobbylove #whitedwarf #bunker

3/9/2024, 3:50:20 PM

Tithed; ‘Marlen’s Men’; Reservists; and Impressed. Whatever colour of their Army Group badge, the 20 Army Groups ranged from those made up of the planet’s elite called to serve in the Imperial Guard, down to the dregs dragged out of Hive bottom and forced into uniform. All wore the Thunderbolt of the Steel Legion – but which of them wore it best? #ashesofarmageddon

3/3/2024, 12:47:11 AM

"Big Krusha", personal gargant of Kaptin Zuggluk, leader of Zuggluk's Krusha Mob. 2nd Armageddon War. Check out the article on the Krusha Mob in @death_of_a_rubricist 's Ashes of Armageddon blog. So pleased with the result. This gargant took a really long time to paint - so many details requiring attention, but also so many flat areas demanding freehand added! Not in a rush to do another one. This is the gargant I posted earlier that I had from my childhood collection - quite the glow up. Naturally I got as many checkers on there as I could bring myself to do. #ashesinvite #ashesofarmageddon #orks40k #orkgargant #megagargant #epicorks #waaaghdaorks #orkswarhammer40k #orkinvasion #orkandsquatwarlords #gargant #Epic #epicspacemarine #titanlegions #epictitanlegions #netepicgold #netepicarmageddon #epic40k #wargaming #6mmwargaming #paintingwarhammer40k #paintingwarhammer #warmongers #warhammer40000 #darkmillennium #narrativewargaming

3/2/2024, 2:08:23 AM

Inquisitor Horst leads his rag-tag retinue and Hive Gang freedom fighters through the smoking ruins of Armageddon Prime. #ashesofarmageddon #inq28th #inq28 #inquisitor #inquisitor40k #inquisimunda #necromunda #necromundaescher #40k #kitbash #conversion #blanchitsu #grimdark #paintingwarhammer #warhammercommunity

2/28/2024, 2:27:23 PM

Gasmask Eschers. I’ve had these gals built for years, using Genecult gasmask heads with Escher hairdos (the recent Ash Wastes upgrade set would’ve saved me some time
). I also swapped out some of the weapons like the Orlock revolvers and the GSC heavy stubber, plus a few clubs to give them a more thuggish feel than regular Eschers. I was inspired by the colours in Arcane, so gave each ganger their own colour palette rather than the usual crazy mix of colours and animal print. I haven’t built a whole gang, so for now they’ll be joining Inquisitor Horst’s Hive Gang freedom fighters on Armageddon Prime. Also, as part of my effort to get through my unpainted backlog, I rusted and grimed up a set of STC Ryza-pattern ruins I’ve had for years. #necromundaescher #eschernecromunda #escher40k #ashesofarmageddon #necromunda #inq28th #inq28 #inquisitor #inquisitor40k #40k #kitbash #conversion #blanchitsu #grimdark #paintingwarhammer #warhammercommunity

2/28/2024, 4:51:13 AM

+ Reports are coming in regarding the Siege of Helsreach + Steel Legion officers (and Evil Sunz Warbosses!) are invited to inload The Ashes of Armageddon blog as soon as possible đŸ«Ą A new article is up, with artwork provided by the following talented hobbyists – go give ‘em a follow! @the_steel_legion @225thsteellegion @giokahnni @thirteenthickcoats @graham_s_gilchrist @argaastes @krugsix6six @__brokentoys__ @eds_workshop @johnpaints Thanks all for being involved, and if you’d like to join in, you’re very welcome! #ashesofarmageddon

2/21/2024, 10:08:02 PM

I competed in my first 1000pt Tournament over the weekend at @badmooncafe Over the course of the day I played 3 games back to back and walked away with a Loss, Loss, Draw. A win would’ve been nice, but I see the Draw as an improvement. I met some great people and saw some stunning miniatures. #ashesofarmageddon #steellegion40k #warhammer40k #astramilitarum #steellegion #oldhammer40k #warhammercommunity @warhammerofficial

2/21/2024, 7:25:14 PM

Castigon, Captain of the Blood Angels 4th Company, leads the Imperial counter attack along the Plutus River valley. His transport is the ancient Land Raider Prometheus, "Blood Reign". 2nd War for Armageddon, Hemlock Front. #bloodangels4thcompany #landraider #landraiderprometheus #bloodangelsspacemarines #spacemarines #spacemarinecommandsquad #spacemarinecaptain #firstborn #ashesinvite #ashesofarmageddon #foryarrick #paintingwarhammer #paintingwarhammer40000 #paintingforgeworld #forgeworld #warhammer40000 #warhammerofficial #darkmillennium

2/19/2024, 3:19:59 AM

My take on Bayards Revenge. I really enjoyed putting together this kit bash. I call it ‘Angels Revenge’ #warhammercommunity #bayardsrevenge #bayardsrevengekitbash #bloodangels40k #orks40k #dueldare2entry #ashesofarmageddon

3/14/2023, 8:43:02 AM

This is one of my favourite miniatures that GW has ever produced and one of the first I bought back in the 90s. Really pleased I’ve finally had a chance to repaint it to a decent standard. I used @legiocustodes1 blog as inspiration for the Rogue Trader paint scheme. Final picture is the original paint job #warhammer40k #bloodangels40k #oldhammer40k #warhammercommunity #90smarinechallenge @warhammerofficial #ashesofarmageddon

11/2/2022, 10:38:38 AM

Really pleased with my repaint of this Blood Angels Sanguinary Priest. So much detail and my first attempt at painting ‘cold white’. All it needs is a transfer to complete. Final picture is the original paint job #warhammer40k #bloodangels40k #oldhammer40k #oldtober #warhammercommunity @warhammerofficial #ashesofarmageddon

10/23/2022, 10:22:29 AM