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I did it... Day 100... of the 100 day art challenge... So much happened this evening that threatened to steal away my motivation... but I did it. This is the revived body of my main man, #oc Nurmac. In all his sickly glory. I am... BEYOND proud of this one. Because yeah, it ain't the best yet. But.... it's the total culmination of my efforts and of my time actually paying off with a satisfactory result. These 100 days that ive taken to try my absolute best to become am artist and MAN I would love to be... is a success. There will be more posts tomorrow. It's almost 11pm here. But let it be known. Jeb is a FULL ARTIST NOW 💯 PROUD TO BE HERE! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad

5/18/2024, 3:39:26 AM

因為skipclass既導修課,令兩個原本唔相識嘅人每個星期都會深入傾創作傾藝術傾足兩個鐘。 又因為傾藝術,由網上見第一分鐘開始,感覺已經好近,有種親切感。 以前每年帶十幾個final year project,喺繁忙嘅教學日常以外,啲時間真係好奢侈。傾FYP還好,因為每人都真係可以分配到啲時間,其他科既final project presentation,每件作品可能只係傾到15分鐘。每次都想再傾深入啲,但一班成70-100人真係無能為力(好羨慕只有十幾二十人一班嘅學校)記得有年由朝到晚critique足10個鐘,個人完全burnout,第一次感覺腦痛,唔係頭痛。 屈指一數,教咗咁多年加加埋埋可能critique咗幾千個作品,已經成為技能(笑) 喺功利既社會,能夠傾創作都係幸福~ 能夠隔咗半個地球去傾藝術更加神奇~~ 有時覺得傾創作就似中醫診症,聽完病人嘅情況,再對症下藥~~ ▪️ 導修課程 ▪️同你傾藝術 #藝術課 #portfolioreview #artcritque #同你傾藝術 #創作指導 #portfolio #portfoliophotography

5/3/2024, 1:53:13 PM

Why dost thou elude me, oh beautiful mitties you? Day 82 is done regardless! Got back from the movie, feeling great and feeling happy about this! Great anatomy practice focusing mostly on, surprisingly, the core and torso! Pretty happy with these proportions this time around! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad #anatomy #anatomystudy

4/30/2024, 1:35:30 AM

Feedback welcome ✨ Okay, so here's what I've learned since starting to paint this one -which will soon have a large Slippery Elm in the middle, so say goodbye to many of the greens. In early art classes, I was guided to almost always put the horizon line in the middle. I think that was just a safety net and easy answer for the teach. But really, it should be either higher or lower based on what is more interesting, the sky or the ground, or background versus foreground. I suppose the sky is more interesting here, though the ground provides a buffer of neutral colors. I painted the ground before I even knew what plant was going there and so this canvas sat around waiting to be finished in the meantime. I started fresh for the black chokeberries (aronia melanocarpa), realizing that this wouldn't be their natural habitat and they needed some closer definition than the wide spread of varying seasons that this is set up for. So anyway, I will be keeping this in mind for all future paintings. Just throwing this lesson I learned recently out there. Also curious about your thoughts on this matter or painting! I will be filling in the green veg some more too. I've realized that the horizon line sitting right in the middle would be a rare vantage point for the person standing in the field ordinarily 🧐 depending on their height and object's position. 😺 Dedicating this track to my temporary cat friend Dee. . . . #wip #artfeedback #artcritque #lesson #grow #newartist #progress #acrylicpainting #slipperyelm #redelm #workinprogress #perspective #shareyourthoughts

4/19/2024, 6:22:21 PM

Patriotism flows through my veins like ink on paper. So what better tribute to Super Earth's finest than for me to dedicate day 69 of the 100 day art challenge to #helldivers2 by making this quick 20 min #sketch at work! Happy with this, being able to capture the basics of posing more quickly and effectively now! Of course, hands, always a problem, as well as how arm positioning works. But tbh, the ref photo IS blurry, so I ain't putting myself down LOL Hope you guys liked this #helldiver #fanart for this awesome #videogames #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad

4/16/2024, 7:34:02 PM

Man oh MAN! Happy about this! Presenting the legendary #meowscles from #fortnite doing a silly #jojo pose, day 59/100 of the #100dayartchallenge ! What can I even say about this piece? The #anatomy , the #gesture the challenges I felt doing this! It all came together and was an excellent test of my skill! Shit, I even made CLOTHES, tho I basically just traced THOSE on hahaha To everyone who asked the questions, I hope i didn't disappoint! #art #artistsoninstagram #artchallenge #artwork #artcritque #fanart

4/7/2024, 10:14:26 PM

Todays Sketches Potential covers for the comic/webtoon/manga plus an extra drawing Finished inked and colored versions will be posted here and on Tumblr when they are finished 👍

4/4/2024, 6:38:52 AM

Day 54/100 of the 100 day art challenge! And man?! I'm proud of myself! Big habit change this weekend, and when it mattered the most! :D Most weekends before this, I'd lose myself to some stupid bed rot. But I just kept picking myself up, giving myself peace of mind and self assurance and just kept hustling! Super proud! :D We back at it folks! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad

4/2/2024, 1:40:40 AM

So.... for day 50 od the 100 day art challenge, this is all I've got so far. The stuff I did at work. Had to work EXTRA long today, so my huge plans for a long drawing session kinda... have been delayed 😅 BUT REGARDLESS, I FEEL I STILL KEPT PUSHING MYSELF!! My hand, my quick no-ref example of me drinkng myself into a coma LMAO, and a full piece I've been... not dreaming about, but needing to draw for a while now. I also read a sketching book! And it actually gave me a good sense of what to look out for when I'm sketching irl stuff! And I notice that I REALLY rely on actually using details to help lay stuff out! Construction skills still need some working, but yeah! Good stuff! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad

3/28/2024, 10:43:21 PM

Please join Newton Art Association for an inspirational, in-person Critique at Myra’s House @myraabelson in Newton Centre. We limit the group to ten people and we offer each other supportive, constructive feedback on the artwork members bring. It’s a lovely time to renew relationships and get to know other members through their work. Please email Myra Abelson to be added to the guest list. Instructions will be sent out prior to the meeting. [email protected] Image: Mena Levit @menapastels . . . . . #artcritque #newton #art #artgallery #newtonartassociation #painting #drawing

3/27/2024, 10:25:11 AM

It won't be another day without a post! Here we are! Day 46 of the 100 day art challenge! Yesterday... I had one of those days, ya know? You wake up, beautiful sleep, full of hope and excitement of what you want to do. You're on the right path, and nothing feels like you'll be taken off of it. And then... you just are. One thing of your own doing, a fall back into a nasty habit, and it just KNOCKS YOU DOWN. Fucking TOUGH. It was just TOUGH. I felt the soaring high of all my progress, and the harsh reminder of how VERY FAR I still have left to go... Which is why today was a good reminder of what I had to do to get back on track! And that I did, what with an awesome study like this, done during the day! A habit I'm slowing building in 👀 hohohoo. Whatever the case, I'm getting it back, slowly but surely! And I hope that it proves to anyone who sees this who wants to change that even after the worst kf it, SO CAN YOU :D #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad #anatomyatudy #anatomy

3/25/2024, 12:55:28 AM

Aaaaand day 42/100 of the 100 day art challenge! Anatomy on top of the previous gesture study, this was a great time sketching some traces out because I actually made some construction beforehand that let me really make sense of the placing and spacing of the details! Over all, a success! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad #anatomy #anatomystudy

3/21/2024, 12:45:37 AM

A challenge I needed, and a challenge I gave! One I had SO MUCH fun with! This really is my best way to grow! Day 40 of the 100 day art challenge was a success with this beautiful landscape piece #backgroundart #background Good horizon practice, construction of shapes, and some shading here and there, I feel like I covered a lot of grounds today! Splendid 💅 🍵 😂 #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad

3/18/2024, 9:52:52 PM

You thought I was gonna miss another one! NYA HA NOT QUITE! I even made up for it by CHANGING UP DAY 37/100 OF THE 100 DAY ART CHALLENGE BY USING COLORS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A YEAR!!! Honestly, kept to the pond motif, and tried testing out my understanding of making the shapes 3d from a perspective that doesn't allow angles 🤔 top down sorta stuff! Testing shadows. Tbh? My favorite part of thus whole piece has to be the FISH, which if you look hard enough, you can see my GUIDELINESS I USED 👀 and the one leg of the rotting dock I made 😂 tried a different perspective, 3 point view to give it that appearance it's taller at the top, shorter at the bottom, blah blah. Whatever the case, I'm hoping to start a new era and more ambitious studies like this! Gonna be a great one, folks! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad

3/16/2024, 1:17:08 AM

Alright, day 18/100 of the #100dayartchallenge is done! Because of a faithful artist, I decided to work on my eyes today! That's... about it! Eye practice! I'm gonna be posting the best on Threads tomorrow to catch up! That site is awesome, so much more traction with newcomers! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad

2/25/2024, 1:50:30 AM

VIOLA! Day 14/100 of the #100dayartchallenge. Already two weeks into this whole thing and tbh? My hypothesis is being proven correct so far: I HAVE started getting more comfortable! Really, this face is basically nothing more than a more realistic version of Denji I find 😂 but it was nothing more than a brief glimpse at another pic to get the basic facial structure down, and obviously because I love Denjis mop head, I chose that as well. All me for the rest! I'm just DAMN HAPPY, folks! ;) #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad #arttraining #artchallenge

2/21/2024, 1:38:18 AM

WOW! Day 13/100 of the #100dayartchallenge ! LOVED this one! Was a damn inspiring piece! Had a wonderful reference to guide me along the way, but I decided to throw in my own touches! Which... is probably why the arms are all messed up HAHAHAHAH! But we made it regardless! Actually getting quite comfy with hair, WHICH IS A MAJOR IMPROVEMENT FROM BEFORE :D 😍 What a blast! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad

2/20/2024, 1:53:07 AM

This month, we are hosting a series of member-led demos at Gorse Mill Gallery. We hope you can join us for these more informal and intimate gatherings where our members will share aspects of their artistic practice. Our next member demo is on Thursday, February 22, at 3pm, when Mark J. Richards will demonstrate oil painting on paper. The liquid use of color gives transparency and variety to the paper’s surface. Creating small paintings with the benefit of watercolor techniques gives these works vibrancy and immediacy. He will have samples of Strathmore and Arches paper for comparison. @markrichards7892 @gorsemillstudios #needhamartassociation #needhamart #artdemonstration #artdemo #artcritque #winterwarmth #oilpaiting #oilpaintonpaper #oilonpaper

2/18/2024, 2:00:13 AM

JUST AS PROMISED! Day 10/100 of the #100dayartchallenge #pewdiepie made! Have to say, this day was a clear example that not every day of this #artchallenge is gonna be fun or easy. 💀 But the practice is necessary, I'm sure! So here we are! We keep moving! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad

2/17/2024, 10:44:47 PM

What a fun time we had learning all about encaustic painting! Many thanks to Hilary Hanson Bruel for this informative introduction to the medium. Our next member demo is "Oil on Paper" with Mark Richards on Thursday, February 22, 3pm at Gorse Mill Gallery. Please see the link in our bio to learn more. We hope to see you there! . . @gorsemillstudios @hansonbruelart #needhamartassociation #needhamart #artdemonstration #artdemo #artcritque #winterwarmth #encausticpainting #hilaryhansonbruel

2/16/2024, 10:08:25 PM

Day 7/100 of the #100dayartchallenge made by #pewdiepie LOL! Tbh, I spent most my night TRYING TO FIND A CERTAIN ref, but I couldn't find it 😭 THIS IS ALL ME, THEN! Honestly a lil happy with this! For what it is, that is; the last choice 💀 Had fun with the hair, though! I think the Thorfinn picture really helped! 😊 #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad

2/14/2024, 1:49:06 AM

BLOODY INSPIRED TONIGHT, FOLKS RAAAAH DAY 6/100 OF the #pewdiepie #100dayartchallenge ! I am FEELING this piece! Inspired by #berserk , I thank Kentaro for giving me what is still one of my favorite #manga series 🔥 I went through the gesture, construction, and rendering phase! I ALMOST FELT LIKE THE AVERAGE ARTIST WHO KNOWS WHAT STAGES TO FOLLOW HAHAHAH But we ARE SET! Big moves to keep up my #selfimprovement as always, folks! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad

2/13/2024, 1:49:18 AM

Day 5/100 of the #pewdiepie #artchallenge ! This #100dayartchallenge is going great! Quickly making this in the morning cause im gone all day! A bloody inspirational piece by @ZeeboonInc on X! I simply could NOT get enough of the best piece I've seen of the greatest prime minster, POWAH! 🔥 #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad

2/11/2024, 2:56:48 PM

Mark your calendar! While our themed exhibit “Winter Warmth” is on view at Gorse Mill this month, we will be hosting a series of member-led demos in the gallery. We hope you can join us for these more informal and intimate gatherings where our members will share aspects of their artistic practice. These demos are all free and open to the public. #needhamartassociation #needhamart #artdemonstration #artdemo #artcritque #winterwarmth @gorsemillstudios @hansonbruelart @markrichards7892 @nc.levin.watercolors

2/8/2024, 2:30:05 PM

We hope you can join us this Tuesday, February 6, for our annual critique night! We will welcome watercolor painter Frank Costantino for an educational and engaging critique session of work that has been submitted in advance by our members. Frank will provide feedback based on visual impact, interpretative qualities of subject, color and value usage. Tuesday, February 6, 6:30pm Needham Free Public Library This event is free and open to the public, although only current NAA members may submit work to be critiqued. #needhamartassociation #needhamart #artdemonstration #artdemo #artcritque

2/5/2024, 9:51:41 PM

Forgot to post! Made this #background practice at work! #perspective and all. Honestly, have to say that #pensketches are so much more fun AND ODDLY EASY than pencil! I don't have any need to worry about fretting over mistakes with pen since it's impossible to go back LOL! I WILL mess up, so I can just keep drawing! Instead of spending 100 mins on one aspect, I can spend 100 mins making a whole picture! Needless to say, real proud of this piece! 😊 #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad

2/2/2024, 2:36:04 PM

For our annual member critique, NAA welcomes watercolor painter Frank Costantino. We hope you can join us for an educational and engaging critique session of work by our members. Frank will provide feedback based on visual impact, interpretative qualities of subject, color and value usage. Tuesday, February 6, 6:30pm Needham Free Public Library This event is free and open to the public, although only current NAA members may submit work to be critiqued. #needhamartassociation #needhamart #artdemonstration #artdemo #artcritque

1/17/2024, 4:48:48 PM

BIIIIIG aggie session today! Feeling decent about the progress, everyone! We out here winning and growing! Cant wait to see what the studies permit later on! Big thing for me is gonna have to learn how to do construction without tracing over a pose. Like, visually, really #digitalart #digital #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketches #sketchpad

1/4/2024, 7:35:18 PM

RAARAARAARAAA!!! WE STAY WINNING OUT HERE, PRACTICING THE BASICS N SHIIII Feeling good after a quick 35mins sketch during my lunch break! Gonna give the sona another try!! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketchbook #sketches

12/29/2023, 10:39:59 PM

Posting this here cause I'm sure they won't see this 💀 BUT MAN, I JUST WANTED TO MAKE A BELOVED MUTUAL SOMETHING BEFORE NEW YEARS! But the quality of this sketxh pad I had and the pencils were so dog water (I genuinely forgot to make a proper gesture drawing) I started TEARING HOLES IN THE PAPER 😭 NOW THE ENTIRE PIECE HAS TO BE REDOOOOOONE AND IVE GOT WOOOOOOORK 😭 But hey! At least I can post something here now! Good stuff! We stay at it! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketchbook #sketches #WIP

12/29/2023, 1:27:27 PM

Made this goofy lil goober at the post office before my entire town woke UP AT BLOODY ONCE AND KEPT ME BUSY FOR 4HRSSNDHSLSJCKSDKS ANYWHO Yeah, this was a pretty important creation, I think! Made me challenge a huge problem: my inability to understand proportions 💀 Head too small, rib too big, shoulders too broad That, and my anatomy for arms NEEDS assistance BUT HEY! WE BALL! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #sketch #sketchbook #sketches

12/24/2023, 1:45:04 AM

Hey! Wasn't able to post this on time before my app block kicked in hahaha. But the first REAL batch of Evening Doodles! Saw a sad video before I made the chair guy, and man, didn't use a ref or anything. Regardless, quite happy with how it turned out! Some face practice and a trace of a cartoonist back view! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #gesturedrawing #construction #sketch #sketchbook #sketches #doodles

12/22/2023, 12:45:03 PM

Was gonna post this last night, but my brother distracted me just enough that my app blocker kicked in LOL But first, a little try at recreating the PHENOMENAL POSE Gon in HxH makes when he confronts the cat person with a confusing name LOL Second pose, just me, making an oc that is nowhere near as gremlin as I want them to be #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists

12/13/2023, 12:22:22 PM

Made this face last night as a way to just practice SOMETHING new. Think this is gonna be a game changer, tbh. Stuffs looking good, and soon, I'll be able to make some BG3 characters and MAN, im pumped. #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists

12/6/2023, 1:12:16 PM

Did this last night because I've been thinking too damn long and I just know all I gotta do is actually act. A little scene from my AU with character designs not at all what they look like here. It was a test to practice to practice this new way to make satisfying 3/4ths faces, fixing the nose and what not. The second slide being my own design of a tutorial. Damn it all, I won't prove myself wrong any longer. Tired of always that, now I'm back. #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists

12/6/2023, 12:58:05 PM

First was all me, the second was a trace! Very happy anyways! First time just make the eyes as a mere few limes instead of stressing about a BASE CIRCLE AND DETAILS AND BLAH BALH! It's really good stuff! Gonna do more later, that second face was INSPIRING! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists

12/3/2023, 1:58:47 AM

I truly have no idea what in the hell proportions actually are it seems. I dub this behemoth: "Deformo." Forget anatomy: I gotta learn how to scale a head and some ribs properly LMAO. Gonna try something else, then bed. #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists

12/2/2023, 1:48:04 AM

Work was slower today, so I was able to make a little Ribbon/Hair practice! There were good tries, and bad tries. Over all, a good learning experience! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists

11/30/2023, 10:38:08 PM

IT WAS BUSY TODAY 💀 But not busy enough that I couldnt do this!! Feeling great about how the perspective in this piece, let alone understanding of 3d shapes! Feels great! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists

11/30/2023, 12:02:07 AM

Made some improvements! Was all that I could do because MAN it got busy! Curse you black Friday! Gonna keep adding and adding to this as the week goes on! Should be a great piece by the end of it! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists

11/28/2023, 1:48:32 AM

Here we are! Finally am actually make progress on my #sketchbook LOL! Some shoddy #anatomy #sketches / #construction #sketch as I desperately try to figure out how how a damn ribcage works 💀 My phone kept crashing last night, so I lost my references. A huge thing for me to learn are my shapes, man. Can barely draw straight, let alone the consistent egg shape I gotta have for the most important part of the body 😭 that, and hips. I suck at those hahaha Whatever the case, looking forward to doing more! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #artistsupport #artistssupportartists

11/20/2023, 1:22:24 PM

. How bout a little Individual CRITIQUE action for a very talented painter🎨 • #oilpaintings #individualcritique #artcritque #dallascollegebrookhavencampus #texasartist #dfwartist

11/15/2023, 5:17:30 PM

Join the New York Academy of Art Alumni Association for an exciting Zoom critique session, MONDAY, November 6, 2023, 7-8:30pm ET. Limited critique slots available, so submit your work by November 2nd, 11:59pm ET. But even if you are not submitting work, you are all welcome to join this Zoom Critique. It is a wonderful time to connect, share ideas, and talk about art. Use this link to sign up: Guest critic: Marina Press Granger, Marina has many years of experience working in museums and galleries in New York City. She holds a master’s degree in Art History. Find out more about Marina @theartistadvisory and Artwork by Academy Alumni, Haley Pisciotta. Follow Haley on Instagram: The Academy Alumni Association can be followed here: @alumniassociationnyaa * #ArtCritque

11/1/2023, 3:00:07 PM

It is so exciting to see these students experience an AP ART CRITIQUE as a WHOLE class! With 3 amazing teachers we have been able to grow our program to allow all AP ART STUDENTS in 1 class!! Mrs. G has provided a challenging & energetic atmosphere for the class to excel! 🎉 #apart #futureartists #artcritque #sustianedinvestigation #apartportfolio #artoftheday

10/5/2023, 1:05:34 AM

Thankyou Deb for sharing your work within the forum. Such rich texture and mark making - I love it! 🌿 If you have been on one of my workshops you are invited to join my facebook forum The Nurtured Artist. A group exclusively for creatives where I offer feedback and support along your creative journey. I hope that you have the confidence to share within the group as I and I am sure many others enjoy seeing what other people are creating on my courses or in their own creative spaces. 🌿 #sketchbookpages #studentwork #share #inspire #nurture #creativegrowth #creativeflow #onlineartcourse #helenhallowsartist #nurturedartist #artcritque #artsupport

9/7/2023, 6:16:07 PM

Thankyou Tineke for sharing your work from the abstract Sketchbook course within the forum. I am glad to see joyful colours blazing through, they really making those lines and shapes sing. I hope that the sketchbook you create takes you forward to many new creative projects. 🌿 If you have been on one of my workshops you are invited to join my facebook forum The Nurtured Artist. A group exclusively for creatives where I offer feedback and support along your creative journey. I hope that you have the confidence to share within the group as I and I am sure many others enjoy seeing what other people are creating on my courses or in their own creative spaces. 🌿 #sketchbookpages #studentwork #share #inspire #nurture #creativegrowth #creativeflow #onlineartcourse #helenhallowsartist #nurturedartist #artcritque #artsupport

8/22/2023, 8:50:08 PM

Really can’t stop drawing or I’ll lose everything I learn. 😬 #artCritque is welcome #learning #art #process #procreate #portrait #faces #face #drawing #artworks #portraitart #digitalart #sketches #pinterest

8/14/2023, 9:42:24 AM

Thankyou Julie for sharing your work within the forum. Beautiful pages from what looks like a truly delicious sketchbook! 🌿 If you have been on one of my workshops you are invited to join my facebook forum The Nurtured Artist. A group exclusively for creatives where I offer feedback and support along your creative journey. I hope that you have the confidence to share within the group as I and I am sure many others enjoy seeing what other people are creating on my courses or in their own creative spaces. 🌿 #sketchbookpages #studentwork #share #inspire #nurture #creativegrowth #creativeflow #onlineartcourse #helenhallowsartist #nurturedartist #artcritque #artsupport

7/21/2023, 2:46:05 PM

Thankyou Jane for sharing your work within the forum. Beautifully capturing structures within nature - and my favourite colour contrast too! 🌿 If you have been on one of my workshops you are invited to join my facebook forum The Nurtured Artist. A group exclusively for creatives where I offer feedback and support along your creative journey. 🌿 #sketchbookpages #studentwork #share #inspire #nurture #creativegrowth #creativeflow #onlineartcourse #helenhallowsartist #nurturedartist #artcritque #artsupport

6/22/2023, 8:57:07 PM

H-heya guys😅, this is a hyper-realistic portrait of myself >w< I made using the face reference tool on Procreate to use my camera as reference. I think I look rather handsome, wouldn't you say? Like a knight in shining armor. I don't have pink hair IRL, but I thought it would look kawaii. I’m open to hearing some art advice and critique but I doubt there will be much to correct 🖤🐺 (And yes the 2 eye colours are real 😅) #artcritque #hyperrealism #artist #artistsupport #art #digitalartist #animefan #voltronfan #smallartist #kawaii #kawaiiaesthetic #kawaiiboy #sadboihours #irishitalianamerican #ripped #gymbod #broken #bakudekuart #handsomehunk #artlover #aspiringtattooartist #thisisme

6/22/2023, 3:46:43 AM

#Ms #NaviatheChihuahua 🌹2006-2023 during her #artcritque for #mural at #MayaCuisine at the #DowntownSacramento #sacramentorailyards district

6/16/2023, 12:49:19 PM

Work in Progress: I need some help, people! I'm at that point where it is nearly finished, but it just needs Something. I'm not sure what?? Thicker black lines around the figure to make her "pop"? More work on her dress? Something else entirely? Let me know what YOU think in the comments below. #workinprogress #artcritque #fiberart #weaving

6/14/2023, 11:14:06 PM

Hey, everyone! Just a quick #characterdesign attempt! I finally made my first #oc, Thomas! This #originalcharacter is a very big part of a story I hope to tell one day! One of seven! This #OC means the world to me! I hope the wait was worth it! And thanks for the patience! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #digitalart #digital #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #artistsupport #artistssupportartists

6/12/2023, 4:07:11 AM

Hey, guys! I'm actually super close to finishing my other oc! But I found out about this one site and now I'm hooked! These are all.the first works I'll share of my friends on Twitter! There's not much else to say except PUH LEASE FOLLOW @valygow AND @naughty.croissant !!! THESE TWO WENT OFF!!!!! #art #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #digitalart #digital #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #HelluvaBoss #HelluvaBossStolas #HelluvaBossBlitzo #HelluvaBossStella #HelluvaBossOC #furry #furryart #HelluvaBossFanart

6/11/2023, 3:22:56 AM

Today was very good! For what it was worth, at least! Other than one MAJOR set back, I still did quite well for myself i would hope! More #constructiondrawings, as well as #gesturedrawings! Big lesson here, though. I still very much need pictures with little clothing to learn! Im hoping that today is a faint sign of what I could be. I was able to put out my 1st fanfic chapter involving TeaTheKook's Noel, as well as power through the tired and make these! Imagine how far ill be by 2024 when I keep it up! Folks... all i ask is mere belief in me. Tysm🙏 #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #digitalart #digital #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #artistsupport #artistssupportartists #artcritique

6/8/2023, 3:25:09 AM

Tsk. Tsk upon myself. I had all the time in the world to do two, yet I only had one. TSK TSK! Oh, well! Tomorrow! Today, my 1st attempt at using #guidelines to give a better sense of depth to my #constructiondrawings! As well as a #gesturedrawing! ANY #artcritques are welcome! Wish i could have the ref here for yall hahaha It aint beautiful. It isnt even clothed. OR FLIPPED WELL AS I LOOK NOW HAHAH. But its me! I... am so tired of seeing my days fly by. I have realized just how humbled Ive needed to be. If I'm to have a great woman, I've gotta be a great man! WHICH MEANS NO MORE SLACKING FOR ART!!! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #digitalart #digital #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #artistsupport #artistssupportartists

6/7/2023, 3:25:16 AM

CURSE forgetting layers SOB! Here we are! folks, i gotta say, this one felt real decent! Sadly, all I have time before work! But still, thanks to the ABSOLUTELY ATONSIHING @na_st_yea_gle I was able to really concentrate on what makes CONSTRUCTION! It helped layer things SO WELL! Being able to discuss things with my mutuals is some of the best things about this site. Thank you to all those who give me the time of day when I barge inside your dms! YALL ARE THE BEST!!! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #digitalart #digital #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #artistsupport #artistssupportartists

6/2/2023, 8:25:48 PM

oKAY, Another one down! Had to revisit my old gesture notes, because i think I've completely forgot how to do gesture SOB Once again, I ask for your honest advice and criticiques, for these ones, i felt much less comfortable. NEED #artistsupport FROM ANYONE! ANY ADVICE OR HELP ON MY MISTAKES IN TRANSLATING THESE INTO GESTURE AND CONSTRUCTION WOULD BE GREAT! I have general ideas now, but i feel like THERES A STEP MISSING. Something about how the process making the depth of the body appear with the addition of shapes isn't... happening. Am I applying the shapes right? Are they 3d enough? #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #digitalart #digital #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #artistsupport #artistssupportartists

6/1/2023, 5:09:15 PM

Well, I promised Id finally get my act together! Here are a few #gesturedrawings and #constructiondrawings practices! Honestly, something feels off about them, so let me know if anything could be improved! Things like proper shape usage, who to draw better 3d etc! To those #artists who know what might know why even with shapes this feels flat, let me know. I wanna use circular objects to help for future anatomy, but rectangles seem to overcome this problem ANY #artistsupport IS APPRECIATED #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings

5/31/2023, 3:18:23 PM

Hey, guys! I'm back! Been busy ASF with things outside of art, and more than that, I've been... really trying to get my act together by really motivating myself. You know, giving love back to me, reminding me what it's been for. MORE, MORE THAN THAT but I've also been realizing that it's more that I have problems disciplining myself! BUT LATELY? I have b3en making leaps and bounds fighting my addicition! And it's been helping my state of mind and drive to do more! IM SO HAPPY YALL 😭 Expect more little sketches from here! I know these aren't god tier things, but they are ME and I.want this to be for me! I know.itll be forever that I always feel like I need more notifications, more likes. But I'll also keep reminding myself that I can't let that happen! ITS ALL FOR ME, AND THESE ARENT DITCATED BY LIKES! LOVE YALL #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings

5/29/2023, 4:35:42 PM

Hey, everyone! Just a another quick sketch thing today lol This is... sort of a character concept for an oc? Mostly inspired by Bloodborne and the concept of humanity taming "the eyes on the inside". Though this fellow is anything but tame with my expression test paying off!!! Felt inspired by Kage, Gons theme in HxH when he goes ape. Regardless, quote happy how this turned out! Used my own face from time to time, and man. My #proportions are FINE asf LMAO #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings #portraitdrawing

5/26/2023, 2:38:55 AM

Hey, guys! Was just trying tk calm my mind down before bed for a good sleep, and some shape study turned into a perspective study, and now what imma do with this particular piece is just... keep adding in shapes to help me practice backgrounds, i guess! Happy I was able to draw!! I guess this is the only way I'll be able to draw Completely aimless 💀 Maybe I'll just start tracing refs at this point, I dunno. What do you guys think of that? Tracing to learn because this here was just from my head hahaha #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings

5/25/2023, 2:19:50 AM

Hey, everyone. Super sorry for the silence. Just been weirdly hard to pick up the pencil again. This stomach ache has been persisting, and I guess there had been a lot of things on my mind? Whatever. Just a little thrown off, is all! I'm getting back around yo it, I'm sure. Just gotta find my old rhythm. I made these on my way to go see GOTG vol3 with my family, so on the road! At least I was able to do something! ☺ #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings

5/24/2023, 4:54:28 PM

Inspiration and processes are often shared within the course forums. It is always lovely to see where my tutorial starting points take different creatives. Here are some beautifully bold stamps that were created by @katrinniesen on the Winter Sketchbook Retreat course. 🌿 If you have been on one of my workshops you are invited to join my facebook forum The Nurtured Artist. A group exclusively for creatives where I offer feedback and support along your creative journey. 🌿 #sketchbookpages #studentwork #share #inspire #nurture #creativegrowth #creativeflow #onlineartcourse #helenhallowsartist #nurturedartist #artcritque #artsuppirt #

5/22/2023, 9:17:07 PM

And here we are! I FINALLY FINISHED THE VIDEO!!! 😭 🙏 💕 The 3 hour journey is finally over, and these quick #1minutesketches are rhe result of it! Honestly, this exercise made me realize that I will NEVER do a 1 minute #sketch, let alone #sketches! Even for #gesturedrawings! I didn't have any time to give it the final touches. Even just a few more seconds would've done! Alas, that's in the past! Because I am DONE! DONE!!! And honestly, in not a bad at all fashion as well! Some of these I'm really proud of! Sadly, putting in details still needs to be done, but that'll come once I actually understand body parts! Thank you everyone for Tagging alone with this wonderful study with me! It's been an absolute blast learning better #constructiondrawing skills and #proportiondrawing with you guys! Now I finally feel like I can draw the face right! And with the face comes the neck and then the torso..! My #anatomypractice is gonna ROCK! #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #ARTHELP #artpractice #artchallenge #artwork #artwork #artstudent #artoftheday #artstudy #arthelp #newartist #newartisthelp #newartists #traditionalart #traditionalsketch #drawing #drawings #artcritque #artcriticism #artcritic #drawing #drawings

5/18/2023, 12:42:30 AM