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🎓🩵💙🤍🧑🏽‍🎓🙌 #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools #WhosCuttingOnions

5/31/2024, 9:02:57 PM

Κάποιες φωτό από το event της προηγούμενης εβδομάδας! #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni #agglika #xenesglosses #frontistirio

5/31/2024, 3:25:41 PM

As we celebrate our 8th-grade graduates, we reflect on their journey here at St. Mary. Some have been with us since kinder, growing and learning within our community, while others joined this year and previous years, bringing fresh perspectives and friendships. Together, they have created countless memories, shared laughter, and faced challenges with grace and resilience.⁠ ⁠ 🥹⁠ ⁠ Heavenly Father,⁠ ⁠ Bless our graduates as they step into new beginnings. Fill their hearts with courage, wisdom, and faith. Guide them with Your light as they embark on this new chapter. May they always seek Your will in their lives, finding strength in their faith and joy in their achievements. Surround them with Your love, protect them from harm, and inspire them to make a positive impact on the world. Help them to remember the values they've learned here and carry the spirit of this community wherever they go.⁠ ⁠ Amen.⁠ ⁠ #Classof2024 #GraduationBlessings #FaithAndFuture #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools

5/31/2024, 2:50:20 PM

As we celebrate our 8th-grade graduates, we reflect on their journey here at St. Mary. Some have been with us since kinder, growing and learning within our community, while others joined this year and previous years, bringing fresh perspectives and friendships. Together, they have created countless memories, shared laughter, and faced challenges with grace and resilience.⁠ ⁠ 🥹⁠ ⁠ Heavenly Father,⁠ ⁠ Bless our graduates as they step into new beginnings. Fill their hearts with courage, wisdom, and faith. Guide them with Your light as they embark on this new chapter. May they always seek Your will in their lives, finding strength in their faith and joy in their achievements. Surround them with Your love, protect them from harm, and inspire them to make a positive impact on the world. Help them to remember the values they've learned here and carry the spirit of this community wherever they go.⁠ ⁠ Amen.⁠ ⁠ #Classof2024 #GraduationBlessings #FaithAndFuture #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools

5/31/2024, 2:50:15 PM

As we celebrate our 8th-grade graduates, we reflect on their journey here at St. Mary. Some have been with us since kinder, growing and learning within our community, while others joined this year and previous years, bringing fresh perspectives and friendships. Together, they have created countless memories, shared laughter, and faced challenges with grace and resilience.⁠ ⁠ 🥹⁠ ⁠ Heavenly Father,⁠ ⁠ Bless our graduates as they step into new beginnings. Fill their hearts with courage, wisdom, and faith. Guide them with Your light as they embark on this new chapter. May they always seek Your will in their lives, finding strength in their faith and joy in their achievements. Surround them with Your love, protect them from harm, and inspire them to make a positive impact on the world. Help them to remember the values they've learned here and carry the spirit of this community wherever they go.⁠ ⁠ Amen.⁠ ⁠ #Classof2024 #GraduationBlessings #FaithAndFuture #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools

5/31/2024, 2:50:15 PM

Έτσι ήρθαν για μάθημα τα παιδάκια μας χτες! Γιατί σε εμάς τα παιδάκια νιώθουν άνετα και εκφράζονται ελεύθερα 😍 #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #agglika #neasmirni #neasmyrni

5/28/2024, 10:17:19 PM

Πάλι κοντά σας, για να σας στηρίξουμε και να σας εμψυχώσουμε! Καλή επιτυχία παιδάκια μας! Καλή επιτυχία σε όλους όσοι δίνουν εξετάσεις σήμερα 🤞 #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #agglika #neasmirni #neasmyrni #xenesglosses #frontistirio #exams2024 #exams

5/26/2024, 9:57:09 AM

H miss Froy θαυμάζει την τεχνη του σχολείου 🏫 #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni #agglika #exams #exams2024

5/25/2024, 4:54:36 PM

Καλή συνέχεια σε οσους δίνουν εξετάσεις! Καλό καλοκαίρι σε όσους σήμερα τελείωσαν! Καλό διαβασμα σε όσους δινουν αύριο 🤞 #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni #agglika #xenesglosses #frontistirio

5/25/2024, 3:54:42 PM

Στο μεταξύ, στην άλλη άκρη της Αττικής, η miss Froy είναι Tομεάρχης των εξετάσεων! Because that's who we are, πάντα μέσα σε όλα! #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni #frontistirio #xenesglosses #agglika

5/25/2024, 12:06:54 PM

Round 2.... Δυστυχώς δεν γίνεται να βρισκόμαστε παντού 😭 Η σκέψη μας όμως είναι μαζί σας! Καλή επιτυχία παιδάκια μας ❤️ Καλή επιτυχία σε όλους όσοι δίνουν εξετάσεις σήμερα! #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni #xenesglosses #frontistirio #agglika

5/25/2024, 11:26:40 AM

Μεγάλη αγωνία, τί να κάνουμε όταν δίνουν ταυτόχρονα διαφορετικά πτυχία σε διαφορετικά σημεία της Αττικής.... Καλή επιτυχία σε όλα τα παιδάκια που δίνουν εξετάσεις σήμερα! Θα είμαστε δίπλα σας! ❤️ #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni #xenesglosses #frontistirio

5/25/2024, 9:08:25 AM

🌟 A Blessed Celebration! 🌟⁠ ⁠ Today, our young communicants experienced a beautiful and memorable moment as they celebrated their Second Communion Mass with the entire school community. This sacred event marks an important step in their spiritual journey, and we are incredibly proud of their commitment and faith. 🙏✨⁠ ⁠ Thank you to our wonderful families, dedicated teachers, and supportive staff who made this day so special. Let's continue to keep these young souls in our prayers as they grow in faith and grace. 💒❤️⁠ ⁠ #SMSIsthebest #DSJCatholicSchools #ChooseCatholicSchools #SchoolChoiceMatters #GilroyGrown #FirstCommunion #SecondCommunion #FaithJourney

5/23/2024, 7:10:15 PM

Πάντα δίπλα στα παιδάκια μας ❤️ Καλή επιτυχία σε όλους όσοι δίνουν σήμερα, καλά αποτελέσματα σε όσους έδωσαν! Δυστυχώς δεν μπορούμε να βρισκόμαστε παντού, αλλά θα έρθουμε σε όσους περισσότερους μπορούμε! Εξάλλου, είμαστε σίγουροι για τα αποτελέσματά σας 😉😉 #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni #xenesglosses #frontistirio #exams2024 #exams

5/18/2024, 3:49:32 PM

Το 2024 το Παρίσι θα διοργανώσει τους θερινούς Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες!! Η καλύτερη ευκαιρία για να μάθουμε για τις πιο γλυκές μασκότ τις "Φρυζ" δηλαδή τα κόκκινα σκουφάκια που συμβολίζουν τη Γαλλική επανάσταση και την ελευθερία! Κάναμε αναφορές στην αρχαιότητα και την αρχαία Ολυμπία, την κατάργηση των αγώνων αλλά και την επαναφορά τους πολλά χρόνια μετά, χάρη στον Pierre de Coubertin, την αφή της φλόγας στην αρχαία Ολυμπία και όλο το ταξίδι της ως το Παρίσι. Μιλήσαμε για τα αθλήματα αλλά και για τις αξίες του Ολυμπισμού, φτιάξαμε τα projects μας και τα παιδιά φυσικά το απόλαυσαν! Alors Paris, nous sommes tous impatients! Vive la France! Vive les Jeux à la française!!! @institutfrancaisgrece #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni #frontistirio #xenesglosses #gallika #français

5/17/2024, 5:07:34 PM

Ξεκινάμε τις εξετάσεις μας, και από εδώ και έπειτα κάθε Σαββατοκύριακο και κάποιες καθημερινές θα τρέχουμε σε όλα τα σημεία της Αττικής για να είμαστε δίπλα σας!!!! Καλή επιτυχία ❤️ #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni #xenesglosses #frontistirio

5/17/2024, 3:48:18 PM

In your arms, you held us. Little did we know but you have given us the greatest treasure that will never fade in our hearts and that’s your love. Happy Mother's Day ❤️💐 #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni #xenesglosses #frontistirio

5/12/2024, 8:25:28 PM

Στο τελευταίο μας μάθημα με την Α Junior κάναμε τις κατασκευές μας, παίξαμε τα παιχνίδια μας, ακούσαμε τη μουσική μας και φυσικά κεραστήκαμε!!!! Can't wait to see you again 😍 #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni #frontistirio #xenesglosses

5/10/2024, 5:55:33 PM

Δώσαμε για δεύτερη φορά φέτος τα καπάκια μας στην ομάδα @kantopraxi_org ώστε έπειτα να βοηθηθούν οι άνθρωποι που το έχουν ανάγκη και τα καπάκια να μεταμορφωθούν σε αναπηρικό αμαξίδιο. Αυτή τη φορά τα καπάκια μας τα παρέλαβε ο @ntagios_chronis Συνεχίστε να μας φέρνετε τα καπάκια σας ώστε να συνεχίσουμε να βοηθάμε συλλογικά! Εκτός από καπάκια, συλλέγουμε και μπαταρίες μέσω της ΑΦΗΣ @afisrecycling το οποίο βέβαια ανέβηκε σε προηγούμενο post. #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni #xenesglosses #frontistirio

5/9/2024, 3:59:25 PM

Τελευταίο μας event πριν το Πάσχα! Και έχουμε και άλλα που έρχονται 😉 #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni

4/30/2024, 2:24:19 PM

Ωραία τα event μας! Θα μας λείψετε αυτές τις ημέρες!!!! #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni

4/29/2024, 3:21:16 PM

Πολλα μανταλάκια και πολλά τσουλούφια έπαιξαν στο event αυτής της εβδομάδας!!!! #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni

4/27/2024, 9:29:48 AM

Spiking success across the board! 🏐 A big shout-out to our incredible coaches who master the art of challenging our seasoned players to sharpen their skills while also nurturing our younger athletes with the basics. From 5th to 8th grade, every serve and volley builds more than just athletes—it builds champions. Go team! 🌟⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools #ChooseCatholicSchools #GilroyGrown #SchoolChoice #BoysVolleyball

4/25/2024, 6:01:38 PM

This week's event 😂 Είμαστε τρελές και γι'αυτό μας αγαπάτε!!!! ❤️❤️ #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni

4/24/2024, 11:33:50 AM

🎉🌟 A night to remember! Mother-Son Bingo was a blast, continuing a beloved tradition with laughter and cherished memories. Special thanks to Mothers' Guild, Mrs. Aguaristi, and Mrs. Mah for orchestrating such a fantastic event, and to all our volunteers for making it unforgettable for our boys! 💙👦 ⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools #ChooseCatholicSchools #GilroyGrown #StMaryTradition #MotherSonFun

4/23/2024, 11:00:35 PM

Projects combined with English literature 😍 A Juniors #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni

4/16/2024, 5:20:28 PM

Χτες γιόρταζε ο Λεωνίδας μας και το ρίξαμε έξω! Ήπιαμε την σαμπάνια μας, φάγαμε και σοκολατάκια! Χρόνια πολλά σε όλους όσοι γιόρταζαν ☺️ #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni

4/16/2024, 12:32:49 PM

Αυτη την εβδομάδα ξεκουραζόμαστε, δεν έχει event 😂 #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni

4/15/2024, 12:59:45 PM

Exciting times in 4th grade with our Gold Rush Day! 🌟 A huge thank you to Mrs. Avila and Mrs. Aguilar, and all the wonderful parents who donated time and items to make this day possible. Special shoutouts to Mrs. Gutierrez and Mrs. Sousa for their amazing coordination and creativity. Our students had a blast panning for gold, mining cookies for chocolate chips, churning butter, designing wanted posters, and shopping at the general store. What a golden day of learning and fun! 💛 ⁠ ⁠ Tiempos emocionantes en 4to grado con nuestro Día de la Fiebre del Oro! 🌟 Un enorme agradecimiento a la Sra. Avila y la Sra. Aguilar, y a todos los maravillosos padres que donaron tiempo y objetos para hacer posible este día. Un reconocimiento especial para la Sra. Gutierrez y la Sra. Sousa por su increíble coordinación y creatividad. Nuestros estudiantes disfrutaron muchísimo buscando oro, 'minando' galletas para encontrar chispas de chocolate, haciendo mantequilla, diseñando carteles de 'se busca', y comprando en la tienda general. ¡Qué día tan dorado de aprendizaje y diversión! 💛 ⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools #ChooseCatholicSchools #GilroyGrown #GoldRushDay #LearningIsFun

4/12/2024, 11:35:17 PM

Just two of our kiddos enjoying a peaceful moment on the bench. It’s the little things in life that mean the most. ⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools #GilroyGrown #ChooseCatholicSchools #SimpleJoys

4/11/2024, 6:01:30 PM

Energy and laughter fill the air as our fourth graders enjoy a spirited run across the field during lunch. Pure joy in motion! 🏃‍♂️🌞⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools #GilroyGrown #FourthGradeFun #LunchtimeLaughs #RunFree

4/11/2024, 2:00:22 AM

Exploring the cosmos in the classroom! Our first graders created amazing eclipse projects, capturing the wonder of this celestial event. Their creativity and understanding of science shined as bright as the sun and moon. 🌟🌑 ⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools #GilroyGrown #FirstGradeScientists #EclipseExplorers

4/9/2024, 11:00:29 PM

Πριν ξεκινήσουμε τα posts με το event της εβδομάδας, να σας ενημερώσουμε πως χτες ήρθαν από την ΑΦΗΣ και άδειασαν τον κάδο με τις μπαταρίες που είχε γεμίσει! Περιμένουμε τις μπαταρίες σας και πάλι λοιπόν, να κάνουμε το καλό για το περιβάλλον! #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni #raiseawareness

4/9/2024, 11:02:08 AM

Eclipse vibes only! 🌒 From pinhole paper to eclipse glasses, we've got the sun covered!⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools #ChooseCatholicSchools #GilroyGrown #Eclipse #SeeYouIn2044

4/9/2024, 1:15:14 AM

🍝🎟️ Get ready for a feast! Our Spaghetti Dinner Night is on May 3rd! Secure your tickets through the office, your favorite St. Mary's student, or by clicking the link in our bio. Don’t miss out on this delicious evening filled with fun, food, and community spirit. See you there! 🍝✨ ⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #GilroyGrown #StMaryspaghetti #CommunityDinner #GetYourTickets

4/8/2024, 11:55:11 PM

🍪🍰 Sweet Success! Our 6th and 7th graders led an amazing Lenten Drive Bake Sale last week, bringing our community together for a delicious cause. 🍞🧁 Thanks to your generous support, we raised valuable funds for Operation Rice Bowl and took a step towards ending hunger. Together, we baked a difference! 🙏 ⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools #ChooseCatholicSchools #GilroyGrown #BakedWithLove #LentenDriveSuccess #OperationRiceBowl #CommunityImpact

4/7/2024, 7:15:16 PM

Για την παγκόσμια ημέρα φιλοζωίας το τμήμα της A Junior της miss Penny έφτιαξε ένα πουλάκι, να τους βοηθήσει να θυμούνται τον present continuous. Έκαναν λοιπόν το project, μίλησαν για τα ζωάκια και τα αδεσποτάκια, έφτιαξαν και το πουλάκι του present continuous. Αυτά μόνο σε εμάς! #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni

4/7/2024, 2:07:14 PM

Join us for a Sip and Stroll Open House on April 25, 2024! This event is open to both current and prospective families, inviting you to explore our school. Each room will feature a different nibble or beverage, allowing you to experience our educational environment in a unique and tasty way. Don't miss out on this opportunity! ⁠ ⁠ ¡Ven y acompáñanos en nuestro Open House 'Sip and Stroll' el 25 de abril de 2024! Este evento está abierto tanto para familias actuales como para aquellas interesadas en conocer nuestra escuela. Cada sala ofrecerá una deliciosa degustación de bocadillos o bebidas. ¡No pierdas la oportunidad de explorar nuestro entorno educativo de una manera única y deliciosa!⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools #GilroyGrown #ChooseCatholicSchools

4/4/2024, 6:25:15 PM

Gratitude to South Valley's team for the spirited scrimmage with St. Mary’s boys' volleyball team. Even after their season ended, South Valley displayed great sportsmanship by participating in this friendly match. Thank you, South Valley, for this memorable game and for exemplifying true athletic spirit! The St. Mary boys played with their best efforts, showing their passion for the game! 👏🏐🤝⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #GilroyGrown #DSJCatholicSchools #SouthValley #Volleyball #

4/4/2024, 1:55:20 AM

Παγκόσμια μέρα παιδικού βιβλίου, γιορτάζεται 2 Απριλίου στα γενέθλια του Hans Christian Andersen. Με τη junior B διαβάσαμε το Ασχημόπαπο κ κάναμε εργασία! #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni

4/3/2024, 7:11:56 PM

Ψαράκια με τα παιδάκια μας της A Junior 🐠🐟🐟🐠🐟🐠🐠🐟🐠🐟🐟🐠🐠🐟 #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni

4/1/2024, 6:57:24 PM

Ετοιμαζόμαστε για την Πρωταπριλιά!!!! poisson d'avril με τα γαλλικουλια μας! #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni

3/30/2024, 5:51:12 PM

Συγχαρητήρια!!!!!! Μπράβο σε όλα τα παιδάκια για τις όμορφες στολές που φόρεσαν! Σας ευχαριστούμε όλους που ψηφίσατε τον δεύτερο νικητή από τις στολές της τελευταίας εβδομάδας των αποκριών! 🥳🎉🤩🏆🥇 #SMS #weloveourjob #childrenloveus #inherelearningisfun #wherestudentslovetolearn #SMSisthebest #agglikaneasmyrni #neasmirni #neasmyrni

3/29/2024, 10:58:28 AM

Our 8th-grade students brought the sacred narrative of the Passion Play to life with reverence and devotion. Their enactment of Christ's journey to the cross was a powerful testament to the core of our faith, vividly illustrating the love, sacrifice, and resurrection central to our beliefs. Through their performance, they not only showcased their dramatic talents but also deepened our school community's connection to the Catholic heritage, embodying the virtues of humility, compassion, and unwavering faith. This moving reenactment served as a profound expression of the Gospel, echoing the message of hope and redemption that lies at the heart of the Easter season. Thank you #8thgrade and thank you Mrs. Dowd. ⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools #ChooseCatholicSchools #PassionPlay #CatholicFaith #LivingTheGospel #StudentDevotion

3/28/2024, 9:00:44 PM

Despite a tough loss in their debut, the St. Mary's girls' football team showed incredible spirit and determination. Proud of their effort and looking forward to seeing them shine in the next game! 💪🏈 #SMSisthebest #gilroygrown #dsjcatholicschools #choosecatholicschools #StMaryPride #GirlsFootball

3/28/2024, 2:11:10 AM

IKYMI: Here's the St. Mary Parish Holy Week schedule 🕊️ ⁠ Dive into a week of reflection and renewal, we're here to support your Lenten journey. Join us in faith and fellowship. ⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #SMPGilroy #StMary #LentAtStMary #SchoolAndParishUnity

3/28/2024, 12:55:15 AM

🌟 Little visitor alert! We always love when our kindergarten superstars visit the front office, brightening our day with their big smiles!🏫✨ ⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools #ChooseCatholicSchools #GilroyGrown #KindergartenAdventures #OfficeVisit #FutureLeader

3/26/2024, 9:55:16 PM

✨🙏 Flashback to a special day last Tuesday when our #thirdgrade class led the Mass for the Feast of St. Joseph. These throwback photos capture the reverence and beauty of the celebration. A heartfelt thanks to all who prepared and participated in this meaningful event. ⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools #GilroyGrown #ChooseCatholicSchools #FeastOfStJoseph #ThrowbackTuesday #SacredMoments #BlessedDay"

3/25/2024, 10:55:16 PM

🎩📜 Throwback to an incredible day of history and learning! Our fifth graders took a 'Walk Through the American Revolution,' and these photos capture every moment of their journey. Huge shoutout to Beth Pinson, Andrea Pabon, and all the amazing parent volunteers for making this day unforgettable. Your efforts brought history to life for our kids! 🌟 ⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools #ChooseCatholicSchools #GilroyGrown #HistoryComesAlive #ThankYouVolunteers #AmericanRevolution #FifthGradeAdventures

3/24/2024, 6:00:42 PM

Does St. Mary have the cutest, kindest kiddos? We might be biased, but we think we do! ⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools #ChooseCatholicSchools #SchoolChoiceMatters #BSFS

3/24/2024, 1:55:14 AM

Lost in a book and finding joy in every page. 📖✨ ⁠ ⁠ #SMSisthebest #DSJCatholicSchools #ChooseCatholicSchools #GilroyGrown #YoungReaders #BookwormMoments⁠ ⁠ ⁠

3/22/2024, 8:01:05 PM