HWBAC images

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I love a home birth after a Caesarean! Also known as HBAC. If you birth in water, it’s an HWBAC. I’ve had 1 HWBAC and 2 HBAC’s. What I didn’t have was my placenta in any way, by the time of baby no.3 I really could have done with a placenta smoothie followed by placenta pills. So, here are a few tips for birthing your placenta without drugs: 1) Ensure you have an un disturbed labour 2) Catch your baby yourself 3) Be the first to hold your baby 4) Allow no rush or interruptions 5 No hat on the baby 6 No vigorous patting, in fact, probably, non at all 7) Stay in the moment, savouring the sight, smell, touch and feel of your new born 8) Let your body do its job. That’s it for now. But once you placenta is born, why not enjoy a delicious fruity placenta smoothie to start replenishing your energy, iron and vitamin levels in a totally natural, and bio available way? What are your favourite fruits in a smoothie? #nohattingnopattingnochatting #VBAC #WBAC #HWBAC #smoothie #PlacentaSmoothie #HomeBirth #WaterBirth #Syntocinin #Oxytocin #HemeIron #NaturalNutrition #Doula #PlacentaPills

2/14/2024, 12:35:26 AM

VBAC workshop Wednesday evening. Get your questions answered. Your fears addressed. Your options explored. Your confidence increased. "I was given more information tonight than in the whole rest of my pregnancy. It has been so useful." Can't make this one? Dates are up for the rest of the year. www.chilledmama.co.uk/vbac-workshop #vbac #hbac #birthaftercaesarean #canihaveavbac #vba2c #vba3c #vba4c #hwbac #birthchoices #doula #birthplan #birthcentre #midwifeled #antenatalclass

9/13/2022, 8:05:51 PM

🚨🚨ANNOUNCES🚨🚨 West Yorkshire homebirthers and hopefuls! This is my last remaining pool space between now and 10th May! If you are due in the next month and want a home water birth, DM for details 😊🛀🤰💙

2/22/2022, 7:52:36 PM

Is this my baby??! Seriously, my BABY??!!! Last night as a 7-year-old. #momofboys #boymom #hbac #hwbac

6/8/2021, 5:47:03 AM

The April meeting of North Wiltshire HomeBirthers is this Thursday evening (8th) on Zoom. If you have an interest in home birth, whether you are a parent, expectant parent, doula, antenatal teacher or midwife, then you are welcome to join. DM me or request to join the North Wiltshire HomeBirthers closed Facebook group for full details. . . #Birth #HomeBirth #HBAC #Wiltshire #NorthWiltshire #BirthNetworkNorthWiltshire #WaterBirth #BirthPool #BirthPoolHire #HWBAC #NorthWiltshireHomeBirthers

4/6/2021, 2:18:53 PM

Thank you @joshdiamondgooding for my Team Diamonds t-shirt ! It will be added to the collection 🙏🏼 #boxing #teamdiamond #boxinglife #boxinggym #lithuaniangirl #selfie #selfietime #saturdayvibes #shinebrightlikeadiamond #nopresurenodiamonds #happy #girlsthatbox #thisgirlcan #hwbac #warrirors #selfiequeen

2/27/2021, 5:06:46 PM

Top 5 of what to consider for your next birth

12/12/2019, 8:03:36 PM

Public service annoucement: you do not need to get permission to give birth out of your vaginal. You do not 'have to' have a caesarean. It may be recommended but you can chose to accept or decline. Even if you have had two, three, four, five caesareans. #vbac #hbac #birthrightsarehumanrights #caesareanbirth

7/2/2018, 6:24:09 PM

Not read this book in years... probably since I first trained to be a doula. I’ve just finished the vbac addition to the main Birth Bundle and thought I’d better ensure I’d crossed the ‘i’s and dotted the ‘t’s ... this is the book I give to all my doula clients planning vbacs. I currently have two both of which are planning hbac... that is home birth after a caesarean of which I’ll be doing myself in August... hopefully a HWBAC... that is home water birth after Caesarean. I’m so excited and looking forward to what this journey brings whatever that may be. I cannot wait to hold my new baby in my arms, feed it and cuddle in at night. Much love, Tricia xx

2/6/2018, 3:21:54 PM

Yesterday morning I had a blissful 90 minutes of massage and reiki from the lovely Emma Kendrick at Bamboo Boutique. From April 1st both of my doula packages will include one of these special pregnancy treatments *squeal* 😃

3/15/2017, 12:11:23 AM

Truth bomb!

3/8/2017, 11:45:58 PM

Pinky-purple hair, just call me a doula trendsetter 😁

2/28/2017, 5:23:59 PM

Now remember boys and girls, when you're colouring your hair DON'T FORGET TO PUT GLOVES ON!! I now have purple hands 😂 #muppet #manicpanic #directions

2/25/2017, 11:09:41 PM

This is what disappointment looks like today. Trains from Edinburgh to virtually anywhere are cancelled and I can't get down to Birmingham for the first module of the Awakened Birthkeeper course 😭

2/23/2017, 12:25:57 PM

A really beautiful card from a special friend. Art by Jaine Rose Cards xx

2/20/2017, 11:32:39 PM

Here are some of the special items that were planted in the pot with the placenta ~ crystals, shells, some precious drops of essential oils, preserved flowers from Allison's mother blessing crown xx

2/19/2017, 8:07:54 PM

How I spent my Sunday, sharing in a deeply special placenta burying ceremony with @backtobirthsbd and @triciamurrayuk 💗

2/19/2017, 8:04:38 PM

Sunday morning read #vbac #hbac #hwbac #aims #secondpregnancy #positivethinking #32weekspregnant

8/14/2016, 11:47:01 AM

Roughly 2 years ago at this very moment. 2 hours away from meeting precious Magnolia. #HWBAC #vbac #kentuckymidwives #khbc #kentuckyfamiliesdeservemidwives #sharelouisville photo cred: @bjbrooks

7/21/2015, 1:43:37 PM

By @erinmvest via @RepostWhiz app: One more #tbt. Roughly 7 years ago at this moment. #sisters meet for the first time! #vbac #HWBAC #ican #homebirth @kyhomebirthcoalition #didimentionitwasavbac ( #RepostWhiz app) Thank you @erinmvest for allowing us the share this beautiful image from your #kentucky homebirth!

3/30/2015, 1:07:37 PM

One more #tbt. Roughly 7 years ago at this moment. #sisters meet for the first time! #vbac #HWBAC #ican #homebirth @kyhomebirthcoalition #didimentionitwasavbac

3/27/2015, 3:21:49 AM

Retail therapy is easily justified when seriously sleep deprived... Stop me! #homebirth #babywearing #waterbirth #wovenwrap #hbac #hwbac

3/13/2013, 12:06:29 AM