selfdoubt images

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#food #travel #sports #news #june #sunday

Det tog lång tid innan jag började följa min intuition… … det är så lätt att misstolka intuition som ångest eller dåliga vibbar! Först får du en idé och tänker ”det här kommer verkligen funka, varför har ingen tänkt på det”. Men sen när man väl börjar agera på den idén och kanske till och med lyckas få förtroende för att genomföra den… …så kommer en gnagande känsla av misstro, rädsla och oro som ett brev på posten. Planen går ALDRIG exakt som man tänkt. Man måste hela tiden hitta nya vägar och tänka om. Men jag har lärt mig att det där bara är en tröskel man måste ta sig över. Bara fortsätt framåt och ignorera negativa tankar och risker. Varje gång som jag inte gett upp, så har det löst sig på ett helt oförutsägbart sätt 🙈 När det är som tuffast: bolla dina idéer och tankar med någon du litar på och som du vet tar risker eller är öppensinnad. Prata inte med personer som du vet är kritiska till allt och som aldrig gjort något liknande själv. I början av en process är vi mer mottagliga för nej-sägare och negativitet, så om ditt projekt eller idé ska ha en chans måste du ta dig över tröskeln själv eller tillsammans med någon som lyckats med något liknande tidigare eller som stöttar dig oavsett. Ingenting är omöjligt, men känslan av rädsla för misslyckande är väldigt stark, det är den du måste brottas med mest 💪 #selfdoubt #entreprenör #företagare #socialmediamarketing #digitalmarketing #event #projektledare #intuition #framgång #motivation #pepp #magkänsla #oro #ångest #ide #kreativitet #öppensinnad

6/2/2024, 3:39:32 PM

Det tog lång tid innan jag började följa min intuition… … det är så lätt att misstolka intuition som ångest eller dåliga vibbar! Först får du en idé och tänker ”det här kommer verkligen funka, varför har ingen tänkt på det”. Men sen när man väl börjar agera på den idén och kanske till och med lyckas få förtroende för att genomföra den… …så kommer en gnagande känsla av misstro, rädsla och oro som ett brev på posten. Planen går ALDRIG exakt som man tänkt. Man måste hela tiden hitta nya vägar och tänka om. Men jag har lärt mig att det där bara är en tröskel man måste ta sig över. Bara fortsätt framåt och ignorera negativa tankar och risker. Varje gång som jag inte gett upp, så har det löst sig på ett helt oförutsägbart sätt 🙈 När det är som tuffast: bolla dina idéer och tankar med någon du litar på och som du vet tar risker eller är öppensinnad. Prata inte med personer som du vet är kritiska till allt och som aldrig gjort något liknande själv. I början av en process är vi mer mottagliga för nej-sägare och negativitet, så om ditt projekt eller idé ska ha en chans måste du ta dig över tröskeln själv eller tillsammans med någon som lyckats med något liknande tidigare eller som stöttar dig oavsett. Ingenting är omöjligt, men känslan av rädsla för misslyckande är väldigt stark, det är den du måste brottas med mest 💪 #selfdoubt #entreprenör #företagare #socialmediamarketing #digitalmarketing #event #projektledare #intuition #framgång #motivation #pepp #magkänsla #oro #ångest #ide #kreativitet #öppensinnad

6/2/2024, 3:39:24 PM

For as long as you aren’t showing up in the world as you, in your magic, exactly as you were always meant to, it’s draining your precious energy, your life force. Constantly pleasing everyone else first, ignoring your needs, pretending to be someone you’re not so you can fit in, wearing your mask to hide how you really feel & worrying all the time about what others think. It takes you further away from who you really are. Until one day you look in the mirror & realise you don’t feel like the person you used to be, that you feel lost, stuck, anxious & burnt out & that you aren’t sure how to get out of that hole. It’s hard I’ve been there. But there is a way to change. And it’s learning how to be you again. It’s getting to know yourself again - your feelings, your needs, your dreams & desires. It’s understanding what makes you tick, what supports you to feel fulfilled, alive, peaceful & free from the inside out. It’s releasing everything you no longer need so you can listen to the whispers of your soul & align your life with everything truly meant for you. See for as long as you are sleepwalking through life on autopilot, life will always feel heavy, unfulfilling and your light won’t shine as brightly as it was always meant to. You are beautiful exactly as you are. And you can unlearn everything that isn’t you. Everything the world has told you you should be. You can let that go now. You can come back to the person you were always meant to be. It’s powerful stuff healing. Yes it’s challenging but it’s life changing. Feeling safe in your body. Stepping into your inner peace. Feeling more free from within. Feeling more empowered to choose your own path, find your own lane & connect to the passion, power, purpose & potential that already lies in you. Once you feel connected to that energy within you, your soul & your true self & you learn to love yourself for you who are. You won’t look back I promise.❤️ #iamenough #selfworth #selfworthquotes #healing #souljourney #selflove #soulgrowth #innerpeace #chooseyou #selfdoubt #selfbelief #confidence #empowerment #heal #feelings #soulwork #intuition

6/2/2024, 3:20:38 PM

📌One book to help you stop worrying and cultivate a positive mental attitude to live peaceful and fulfilled life📌 ✨'How to stop worrying and start loving' by Dale Carnegie is one transformative guide that consists of various tips on overthinking, self doubts, anxiety, worries and help you cultivate a positive mental attitude that will bring you peace and joy in life. ✨One of the timeless classic that will give you practical advices on what worries are and how to overcome them. This book will build free living. #howtostopworryingandstartliving #dalecarnegie #dalecarnegiequotes #fears #selfdoubt #criticism #selfhelpbooks #selfhelp #nonfiction #nonfictionbooks #_bookandchai

6/2/2024, 2:54:59 PM

Ever felt stuck in your comfort zone? 🤔 Did you know that stepping into discomfort can boost creativity, increase resilience, and enhance confidence? 🌱✨ Challenge yourself today—try something new and watch your personal growth soar! 🚀 #mindsetiseverything #limitingbeliefs #mindshift #beyourbestyou #yourbestself #selfgrowth #takethefirststep #selfdoubt #putyourselffirst #overcomingobstacles #goalsetting

6/2/2024, 11:00:58 AM

1. Overthinking 🤔 2. Comparing yourself to others 😔 3. Fear of failure 😨 4. Not taking action 🚫 Avoid as many of these as possible. Visit our social media for daily inspiration #SelfDoubt #BusinessSuccess #StayMotivated

6/2/2024, 10:48:55 AM

What areas of life would you like to see improvement in? Personal Growth and Development Career and Professional Success Relationships Health and Well-being Financial Decisions Problem-Solving and Creativity Happiness and Life Satisfaction Each of these areas is interconnected, demonstrating the profound impact mindset can have across all facets of life. What to learn more FOLLOW, LIKE, SAVE AND COMMENT. ⭐Time for a better life is a Consciousness Coach- It's time to remove your blocks to better health, confidence, relationships and experience more wealth now⭐ #Evolving #NewBeginnings #selfimprovement #mindfulliving #consciousnesscoach #mindbodyspirit #innerpeace #holistichealth #selfdoubt #selfdiscovery #NewBeginning #personaltransformation #manifestingabundance #mindfulnesspractices #NewDay #HealthyLiving #SelfReflectionIsKey #intuitivecoach #burnoutrecovery #intuitivecoaching #thetahealingonline #worryless #goodvibesonly #lawofattractionquotes #lawofattractioncoach #ambition #bossladymindset #expansion #stepbystep #staystrong

6/2/2024, 10:30:13 AM

No matter what they talking about or how they trying to tear you down! Keep ya head high and use that shit as fuel! long as you doing you and being the best you! FCUK EM!!! #mrstealyopounds #fuel #selfdoubt #mentalhealth #bethebest #proveemwrong #win4you #fyp #tiktok #viral #follow #igniteyourfire #dontgiveup #personaltrainer #nike #gym #fitnessmotivation

6/2/2024, 8:03:52 AM

"Not a lot of people will appreciate this post" Is what I used to tell myself when I started blogging my journey. After all I was overweight and unattractive in the landscape of IG fitness influencers. Plus I was told many a times that I shouldn't be posting workouts when I look fat in them.. It feels bitter deep down to even write about it, but comments like these led me to develop the mind reading bias. 🧠 This is cognitive bias where you assume that people are constantly thinking the worst about you and slowly you begin eroding your authenticity. It took a toll on my #mentalhealth and I began feeling a perpetual "I am not good enough" vibe. I realized very late that I did not have my own back. I expected myself to grow and thrive while constantly criticizing myself. It got to a point where I spent more time finding things wrong with me than appreciating what I was good at. Slowly and gradually I've been taking control about the way I think about myself. I make sure to find at least one good thing to say about myself while I automatically critique myself. I want to stop being so hard on myself and instead improve while cherishing my existence. Is this something you are figuring out too? #saturdaynight #weekend #selfdoubt #selfreminder #mindset #growthmindset #fitnessjourney #fitnesslifestyle #sustainability #sustainablechoices #selfreflection

6/2/2024, 7:11:06 AM

"Intuition is not a single way of knowing—it’s our ability to hold space for uncertainty and our willingness to trust the many ways we’ve developed knowledge and insight, including instinct, experience, faith, and reason." #brenebrown #trustyourself #intuition #selfdoubt #innerlight #affirmations

6/2/2024, 6:48:59 AM

Are you struggling with relationship issues? It might be resulted into a depression, anxiety, anger, suicidal tendencies, or stress. It's better to come forward and seek professional help to heal yourself. Avoiding your issues and suppressing them will further deteriorate your mental and physical condition. If you need any help resolving any of the issues relating to your mental health and wellness, kindly DM me to book your FREE one-on-one, assessment call. #relationship #selflove, #separation #breakup, #selfcare, #divorce #anxiety, #mindset, #overthinking #depression #meditation #stress #anger #selflove #selftalk #angermanagement #selfdoubt

6/2/2024, 5:03:16 AM

Ever feel like self-doubt, negative thinking, and imposter syndrome are holding you back? Let's tackle these together with 3 habits! 1- Self-doubt can creep in when you're about to make a big decision. Think of it like a fog that clouds your mind. Next time, pause and remind yourself of past successes. It's like clearing the fog with a burst of sunlight – Remember, you rock! 2- Negative thinking can be a real downer, especially during tough projects. Imagine it as a dark cloud. Shift your perspective by focusing on solutions, not problems. It's like turning on a bright lamp in a dim room - except you can’t burn yourself if you get closer! 3- Imposter syndrome makes you feel like a fraud despite your achievements. Picture it as a shadow lurking behind you. Combat it by celebrating small wins and acknowledging your skills. It's like stepping into the spotlight and seeing the shadow disappear – You got this! By shifting your mindset, you can overcome these barriers and thrive both personally and professionally. Let's break barriers and shine together! What do you do when you're in your head? --- Hi, I'm Amanda 👋🏻, your + mindset partner and career coach! I help health pros who are feeling stuck, lost, uninspired or burned out, combine their life passion with their career. Reach out and let's work together to achieve your personal and professional goals with a positive yet realistic mindset! Follow me and the Positive Perspective Mindset (P2M) Channel for more tips 🌱➕🧠 #SelfDoubt #PositiveThinking #ImposterSyndrome #MindsetShift #HealthcareLeadership #SelfGrowth #PositiveVibes #ProfessionalDevelopment #ThriveTogether #ShineTogether #PositiveYetRealistic #MindsetMatters #PositiveMindset #RealisticallyPositive

6/2/2024, 1:26:12 AM

Here is your friendly reminder to treat yourself with love and kindness today. ❤️

6/1/2024, 11:01:12 PM

Ready to overcome self-doubt and impostor syndrome? Join my free masterclass on June 13th at noon EST. Learn practical strategies to build lasting confidence. Join me if: - You’re ready to boost your confidence. - You’re tired of feeling like an “impostor” when you’re simply a work in progress. - You want to build resilience. - You’re ready to eliminate negative self-talk. Let's work together to achieve your goals and build the confidence you need to succeed. Don’t miss out! Register Now spots are limited Link in bio #ImpostorSyndrome #SelfDoubt #Ultimatecareerleap #confidence #careerstrategy #careerdevelopment #professionaldevelopment

6/1/2024, 8:48:46 PM

#repost • 🤎Type ‘11:11’ if this resonated & happy June🤎 . . . #selfcarefirst #selfcaretip #mentalwellness #goalsetting #mindfulness #gratitude #selfdoubt #selfwork #wellbeing #selfcompassion

6/1/2024, 7:36:57 PM

🌈Positivity newbie 🌈 Do you ever doubt yourself on your own capabilities? I do sometimes. Self doubt can be a real pain in the bum, niggling away at you until you don't feel good enough. This 'Yes you can!' Keepsake is the newest addition to my Positivity range. It's the perfect reminder for yourself or a loved one. To remind you that you can do anything!  It comes presented in a hand stamped gift bag which can either be stamped with a heart or personalised with a name. It can be sent directly to the recipient with a handwritten note card and can also be gift wrapped for free!  £4.75 plus postage  #selfdoubt #yesyoucan #youcandoit #selfdoubtbegone #dailyaffirmations #positivevibes #love_smallbiz #lovehandmadecommunity #supporthandmade #htlmpinsta #thecraftycraftersclubpage #themessycrafters #ohmymummy #keepshoppingsmall #craftyfeatures #yeeshandmadetreasures

6/1/2024, 7:12:17 PM

I should be doing more… is a lie your brain tells you when doubt or worry creeps in. Be the boss of your thoughts and ignore it. How can you be more of who you want to be without doing more? #momsofinstagram #momsofig #selfdoubt #worry #thoughtwork #doless #justbe

6/1/2024, 6:00:31 PM

Hang in a little longer. Sometimes that’s exactly when you want to quit and throw in the towel, but my experience is that’s exactly when you need to double down, embrace your faith, marshall your strength and keep going. You got this 💪🙌❤️ #perseverance #courage #darkestbeforedawn #yougotthis #selfdoubt #faith

6/1/2024, 5:51:19 PM

It is the unknown factor that allows self-doubt to creep in. Look to past success and how you overcame that gap as fuel to help you again. Don't let lack of confidence derail your success! Believe in yourself and you will be amazed at what you may accomplish. #selfdoubt #doubt #sale #sales #success #past #future #gap #confidence #confident #accomplish #accomplishment #history #future #belief #unknown #unknownfactor #gap #fuel #knowledge #good #skills #leadership #skillset #mental #mentalhealth #emotional #emotionalhealth #grace #selfconfidence #selfesteem #esteem

6/1/2024, 5:32:12 PM

Every step forward, every setback, they're all part of our unique journey. Let's keep pushing, keep striving, and remember what truly counts is our courage to continue.⠀

6/1/2024, 5:03:12 PM

Your outer voice can work both ways: by voicing the negative, it increases, & by staying positive(r), it affects change & the inner voice becomes more of that - for you, your children, your loved ones - hang in there, find the positive, & say the positive! Don’t let the bad words win ❤️ #mentalhealth #parenting #kids #stress #coping #selfcare #alzheimers #dementiacare #familycaregiver #bipolar #FeelingDown #dementia #Depression #Anxiety #Sadness #SelfDoubt #Loneliness #Struggle #NotOkay #InMyFeelings #Motivation #SelfLove #SelfCare #Positivity #StayStrong #KeepGoing #YouGotThis #BelieveInYourself #NeverGiveUp #DailyInspiration

6/1/2024, 4:50:06 PM

June 1st is National Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day Understanding Narcissistic Abuse Narcissistic Abuse Involves: • Manipulation • Gaslighting • Exploitation • Control • Devaluation • Projection • Triangulation • Love-bombing • Stonewalling • Intimidation • Isolation Narcissistic Traits Include: • Grandiosity • Entitlement • Arrogance • Envy • Lack of Empathy • Belittling • Criticism • Boasting • Rage • Superiority • Gaslighting Impact on Victims: • Anxiety • Depression • PTSD • Self-doubt • Isolation • Shame • Confusion • Fear • Exhaustion • Hopelessness • Loss of Self Who Can Be a Narcissist? • Man • Woman • Partner • Parent • Sibling • Child • Friend • Boss • Colleague • Teacher • Celebrity • Politician Tactics Used by Narcissists: • Blaming • Shaming • Undermining Self-worth • Overreacting • Constant Criticism • Highlighting Neediness • Undermining Attractiveness • Questioning Competence • Highlighting Lack of Gratitude • Accusing of Selfishness • Accusing of Lying and Deceit • Exploiting Insecurity How to Deal with a Narcissist: • Set Boundaries • Detach Emotionally • Block Communication • Document Interactions • Seek Support • Engage in Therapy • Go No-Contact • Practice Gray-Rocking • Educate Yourself • Prioritize Self-care • Have an Exit Plan Narcissistic Abuse is Abuse To all experiencing narcissistic abuse: • I see you. • I hear you. • I believe you. • Know that you’re not alone #NarcissisticAbuse #MentalHealth #Support #Healing #SelfCare #Anxiety #Depression #PTSD #SelfDoubt #Isolation #Shame #Confusion #Fear #Exhaustion #Hopelessness #LossOfSelf #Manipulation #Gaslighting #Exploitation #Control #Devaluation #Projection #Triangulation #LoveBombing #Stonewalling #Intimidation #Boundaries #EmotionalAbuse #ToxicRelationships #YouAreNotAlone

6/1/2024, 4:12:02 PM

Do you feel stuck? You are not alone. I feel stuck every few months. Like nothing is working or moving forward. You are not alone. But the good thing: you can change it! It's your life, and you have the ability to change. Ask yourself questions like: - What doesn't work? - What works? - Why am I frustrated? - What are my long-term goals? - Is what I'm doing now reflecting my goals? 👉 Start with my productivity guide and weekly newsletter to improve and get new inspiration @karina_ahrer #selflove #selfdoubt #selfgrowth #changestartswithin #successmindset

6/1/2024, 4:08:02 PM

When you are deeply connected to your own needs you take care of yourself like you would someone you deeply care about. The results are You are better able to be available for others You train your brain to take care of yourself on autopilot You step into your worth and power (you are so powerful) You see more opportunities You become aware of your own health and it improves You teach your world how to treat you And so much more Your needs are important too, do you know what they are? Are they being met? Hypnocoaching is where you are actually HEARD Let’s talk more about connecting to your needs, book a call. I believe in you and you can too. #hypnocoaching #connecttoyourneeds #connecttoyou #fillyourcup #selfrelationship #selfconcept #selftalk #selfdoubt #selfsabotage #perfectionism #hypnotherapy #selfcare #selflove #trainyourbrain #subconcioushealing #nervoussystemregulation #traumainformed #rhodeislandhypnotherapist #mindsetcoach

6/1/2024, 4:02:52 PM

🏝️🏄🏾‍♀️ About that no perfection topic! If you didn’t quite get your summer body up to snuff! I still don’t want to see any sweatpants this month! Be healthy but know that people are going to judge regardless of your size so BE COMFORTABLE, BE CONFIDENT, BE FREE 🤗 💌 Join my mailing list for weekly motivation to soar above perfectionism and external judgment. 🗣️ Download my Free Affirmation Guide if you need to build a foundation of confidence, self worth, or inner freedom! #confidencebuilding #empoweryourself #peoplepleaser #selfacceptance #pushover #workfromhomejob #selfdoubt #vsgjourney #toddlermomlife #boymom #authenticity #authenticself #authenticityjourney #selflovejourney #confidencetips #boundaries

6/1/2024, 3:43:28 PM

Feeling a little lost, gorgeous soul? Every step on your healing journey matters. Embrace the highs and the lows, feel every emotion, and celebrate your growth. 🌟 You are resilient, beautiful, and more powerful than you know. Keep going, and don't forget to share your story below! 💖 #youareworthy #selfawareness #selfesteem #mindbodysoul #emotionalhealth #selfdiscovery #selfcompassion #selfworth #positiveaffirmations #bekindtoyourself #forgiveyourself #selflovejourney #innerwork #selfempowerment #findingyourself #mindful #believeinyourself #selfhelp #lifecoach #selfdoubt #mindbodyspirit #selfhealer #mindfulnesspractice #soulwork #mindfulliving #selfforgiveness #worthiness #honoryourself #setboundaries #selfwork

6/1/2024, 2:14:53 PM

“Firewalking teaches us to trust in our strength and navigate through the tough challenges with grace and resilience.” For more information, Contact us: +65 9617 1647 +62 812 3458 432 [email protected] #asiafirewalkschool #firewalkinginstructortraining #firewalkingasia #firewalkingindonesia #trustyourstrength #resiliencecoach #lifetraining #resiliencebuilding #mentalshift #selfempowerment #selfdoubt #limitingbeliefs #personaldevelopment #selftransformation #peopledevelopment #businessmanager #businessleader #spiritualcoach #corporateleaders #firewalkinstructortraining

6/1/2024, 2:02:42 PM

Ben ik wel goed genoeg? Heb ik genoeg kennis? Gaat me dat wel lukken? Maak ik me niet belachelijk? Wat gaan ze van mij denken? Klinken die zinnen bekend in jouw oren? Gekende imposter gedachten 💭. Gedachten stoppen of ombuigen is een van de lastige taken die dagelijks op mijn pad als psycholoog / coach komt. Zelf faal ik daar heel vaak in met mijn gedachten. Maar ondertussen heb ik eerder geleerd om die gedachten er wel te laten zijn, maar ze niet meer tussen mij en mijn doelen te laten komen. Misschien ben ik niet goed genoeg, maar ik vind dit fijn om het nu zo te proberen. Dus ik ga er voor. #impostersyndrome #mentalhealth #selflove #selfcare #confidence #mindset #selfdoubt #impostersyndromeisreal #womensupportingwomen #imposter #innercritic #womenempowerment #selfesteem #impostorsyndrome #anxiety #mentalhealthmatters #motivation #entrepreneur #growthmindset #selfworth #limitingbeliefs #perfectionism #mentalhealthawareness #personaldevelopment #confidencecoach

6/1/2024, 12:39:22 PM

Don't allow your self-doubt to make choices for you. They are not decisions; they are adjustments and manipulation." Self-doubt can cloud your judgment and lead you to make compromises rather than true decisions. Trust in your abilities and make choices based on confidence, not fear. Embrace your inner strength and let it guide you to genuine decisions that reflect your true self. 💪✨ #motivational #motivated #motivating #selfdoubt #decision #manipulation #silentmotivations #SMArts

6/1/2024, 12:30:07 PM

May, what can I say.. you’ve been life changing. I’m a little bit sad manic May is over! I feel a bit weird, it’s like when you train for a huge race, complete it, and then like oh I’m sad that focus is over. Even though I’ve loads of exciting things coming up! So here’s a tiny snippet of May, so much has happened I can’t fit it all in. 🏃🏼‍♀️ We had a long weekend in Wales getting some training miles in for Tour du Mont Blanc. I did 44 miles and just over 12,500ft of elevation in just 4 days. 🏊🏻‍♀️ Finally managed some time to get back in the water. It makes it a lot easier when it’s on the doorstep – but very thankful for the calm it gives me! 🥾 I was lucky enough to do a few mountain leader jobs to share our beautiful Shropshire Hills (and the sun finally shone!) 🪢 Mountain Leader refresher training, where we focused on macro nav and rope work. I can’t thank Matt enough for his patience and skills in helping me build confidence to follow my ML dream 🌹 I didn’t have a clue who sent me a beautiful bouquet of roses 🐑 A cheeky sheep joined me for breakfast 📖 JB helping me study for my ML assessment ⛺️ Excited to be a part of my clients journey who is walking LEJOG, starting in July 🐾 I can’t share a photo dump without one of JB ⛰️ Oh and I finished the month off with QUALIFYING AS A MOUNTAIN LEADER.. I’m still having to pinch myself saying those words! I’m looking forward to a slightly quieter June where I can start to bring my new business plans together. Oh and building up the run mileage as we’ve just under 8 weeks to go until we fly out and start our Tour du Mont Blanc adventure! What a month to remember! What have you loved about May? Let me know below 👇🏻 #runstrong #mountainrunning #mountainleader #mountaintrainingassociation #mountaintraining #tourdumontblanc #friendswhorun #wildswimming #swimwales #lejog #hikingadventures #dogswhoadventure #healthylifestyles #photodump #liveyouradventure #followyourdream #selfdoubt #runningaddict #liveyourbestlife #mountainlife #runnersofinstagram

6/1/2024, 11:21:26 AM

Many women experience self-doubt or impostor syndrome, feeling they are not competent as their colleagues perceive them to be. Fragrance helps as a confidence boost. A signature fragrance can serve as a personal confidence booster. Applying a scent associated with positive experiences or success can help women feel more secure in their abilities. An example is a scent that has Vetiver. That would work well. The earthy, sophisticated fragrance will help you feel grounded and composed. Used when feeling self-doubt, it can become an anchor for your confidence, reminding you of your capabilities and professionalism. This is just 1 way fragrance helps support women professionals navigate workplace challenges. Get tips for 6 more at this link. #fragrance #impostersyndrome #selfdoubtnomore #selfdoubt #executivepresence

6/1/2024, 11:05:28 AM

🤎Type ‘11:11’ if this resonated & happy June🤎 . . . #selfcarefirst #selfcaretip #mentalwellness #goalsetting #mindfulness #gratitude #selfdoubt #selfwork #wellbeing #selfcompassion

6/1/2024, 11:00:00 AM

SP Ambition-IT offers expert web design services using WordPress and specializes in theme customization. Our talented team crafts visually stunning websites that are tailored to your unique needs. With our expertise in WordPress, we provide seamless integration of custom features and functionalities to enhance user experience. Trust us to bring your vision to life and create a captivating online presence for your business. #procrastination #inspiration #designerinspiration #personalgrowth #procrastinationreasons #selfdoubt #webdesigners #uiux #uxdesign #motivation

6/1/2024, 9:48:12 AM

Self-doubt is a prerequisite for genuine curiosity. #selfdoubt #curiosity #curiosities #genuinecuriosity #genuinecuriousity #curiousity #curiosities

6/1/2024, 8:48:32 AM

I have been diving into the root cause of my beliefs, patterns, and the story I have been operating from. Somewhere along the way I started to steer my life from a place of fear, sadness, anger and self-doubt. I forgot what true joy and fulfillment felt like to me. I am no longer willing to live my life from this place, for the voice within tells me this is not my truth. I now peel through the layers, get to the root cause of the belief, feel to heal, reframe, discover the gift within each challenge, transform, and return home to my truth. And with all that I am releasing and shedding, I now fill the space with every whisper that speaks to my radiance: I play to create, I connect and build community through authenticity, I gravitate to that which lights me up and brings me joy. All of this is possible through my commitment to practice self-forgiveness. If you would like to join me for a 30 day forgiveness journey please contact me at [email protected] The new container begins the week of 6/3 and will be held virtually and in person. This is for you if …. ✨You are ready to meet challenges as opportunities and are ready for big shift to happen ✨You are ready to put in the effort for yourself (trust me — you’re worth it) ✨You are open and honest, ready to step into vulnerability and share the discomfort with a supportive community I look forward to diving in and supporting you as you heal and create space for your truth to shine and miracles to unfold 💫 #selfforgiveness #forgiveness #heal #transformation #newbeliefs #oldbeliefs #release #selfdoubt #selflove #freedom #returnhome #believeinyourself #youareworththeeffort #feeltoheal #joy #radiance #forgivenessjourney #spiritualgrowth #freewill #createanewstory

6/1/2024, 6:10:26 AM

Thinking about starting therapy can be scary. Talking to complete stranger about your concerns or things you would like to work on is nerve wracking. But… please know therapy is a safe place to vent and discuss topics that may be uncomfortable to talk about with friends or family. A therapist works along side you to overcome any obstacle you may be facing in life, at any moment. Therapy is confidential and your emotions, thoughts, traumas, concerns, and feelings are honored in a safe place. It’s a judgment free zone. If you ever consider therapy or curious about the process, feel free to reach out to me by DM or visit my website for a free consultation. I’d love to help answer any questions you may have and help guide you. #therapy #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #depression #selfcare #selflove #selfdoubt #love #therapist #latinatherapist #change #lifetransitions #coach #guidance #relationship #happylife #holistichealth #holistichealing #journal #meditate #healingjourney

6/1/2024, 5:23:34 AM

Are you struggling with relationship issues? It might be resulted into a depression, anxiety, anger, suicidal tendencies, or stress. It's better to come forward and seek professional help to heal yourself. Avoiding your issues and suppressing them will further deteriorate your mental and physical condition. If you need any help resolving any of the issues relating to your mental health and wellness, kindly DM me to book your FREE one-on-one, assessment call. #relationship #selflove, #separation #breakup, #selfcare, #divorce #anxiety, #mindset, #overthinking #depression #meditation #stress #anger #selflove #selftalk #angermanagement #selfdoubt

6/1/2024, 5:03:46 AM

Have you ever experienced feeling off because of one tiny mistake? 😪 I know, because personally? I’ve been there. As most of us were. You see, these mistakes can actually benefit us! Think about it - when you trip and stumble (literally or figuratively!), it’s your body’s way of saying, “Slow down and adjust!” The same goes for mental health. When we make a mistake, it’s often a sign that something needs tweaking in our approach. So next time you stumble, take a deep breath and see it as a learning opportunity. What can you take away from this experience? How can you use this knowledge to avoid similar situations in the future? Remember, progress isn’t always linear. There will be bumps along the way, but those bumps are what make the journey all the more rewarding. Do you agree with this? Double-tap if you do! Are you ready to look at your mistakes as learning opportunities? #impostersyndrome #personalgrowthjourney #vulnerabilityisstrength #perfectionism #showupforyourself #getunstuck #encourageyourself #selfacceptance #youareworthy #yourbestself #embracechange #radicalselflove #youaregoodenough #liveyourtruth #empoweringothers #uniquelyyou #selfdoubt #createalifeyoulove #selfgrowthjourney #empoweryourself #selfacceptancejourney #empoweroneanother #itstartswithyou #createyourreality #treatyourselfright #chooseyou #empowerothers #speakyourtruth #perfectionismrecovery #powerthoughts

6/1/2024, 3:02:47 AM

WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN SELF DOUBT⁣ OVERTAKES YOU?!!⁣ ⁣ Asking for a friend.⁣ ⁣ Kidding! Asking for me⁣. ⁣ The past two weeks I’ve been struck by temperamental emotions and frequent “I’m a failure!” outbursts. ⁣ ⁣ I mean it could be the fact that my hormones are out of whack thanks to PMDD (which has gotten soooooo much better with medication), or just the NONSTOP PRESSURE OF LIFE JUST CONSTANTLY BARRELING TOWARDS YOU, but that’s where I’m at.⁣ ⁣ So I’ve had several cathartic bathroom cries, heard some encouraging words, have taken a few deep breaths, lots of water, and burritos (three times this week). ⁣ ⁣ And now I’m posting a photo of myself where I was super happy and feeling super confident. Honestly, it’s helping 😅⁣ ⁣ How do you deal when you’re overwhelmed or unsure of yourself?⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #womenshealth #happiness #sxm #pmdd #selfdoubt #motherhood #momlife

6/1/2024, 2:06:19 AM

IK how it feels 🫶🏻🫂 People always tell me to share your feelings. Don’t keep it inside , you know what even I want to share about what I’m going through but as I say even I don’t know how to explain that what will I say ? because all I do is staying in my room staring at the celing and my eyes are so dry that I can’t even cry . my heart telling me to cry as many tears I can but my heart doesn’t allows me to do that and from that I have realized that I have lost a tendency to feel anything and it hurts because I was a person who could feel every emotion of other people but now in the end of the day I ail to understand my own emotions which led me to a situation where even I can’t cry on my own situations. Its isn’t like I haven’t cried in a while, I cries yes I cries almost every night and I have cried while watching those movies where a dog dies or a friendship dies or somehow love dies and I always thinks that may be this is being strong means. Maybe this is how god is preparing me for the world. Which will never return back the kindness I will show to the world. But even if it won’t come back that won’t stop me from waking up everyday with the mindset that I will treat everyone everyday every moment with kindness when it does not come back because somewhere out there is a person like me who may need this kindness when no-body else is doing this for him and also not noticing his pain. because I know how it feels to be in pain I know how it feels to be seen but not heard . I know how it feels to be doing everything possible you are capable of but not getting a single piece of appreciation I know…….. #thoughtsofanadult #selfdoubt #depressionhelp #familypressure #thoughts #help

6/1/2024, 1:24:58 AM

Change your mind, change your life. It is possible to change your mindset from a negative to a positive one or vice versa. Fixed mindsets can be dangerous as they inhibit growth. People often want a mindset change when stuck in a rut, learning new skills, or dealing with negative self-talk. These shifts are a series of small steps that require patience, and instating healthy habits and a new mindset can help foster optimism and a growth mindset. Mindsets can also slip from positive to negative ones. This can happen when a person has challenges at home or work or is experiencing depression, anxiety, or self-doubt. You may think bad things and long for more brightness and excitement. Consider therapy, and assess your habits and lifestyle to deduce what gives you joy and causes stress. #mindset #growthmindset #optimism #depression #anxiety #selfdoubt #challenges #patience #selftalk #healthyhabits

6/1/2024, 1:00:30 AM

Do you doubt yourself? Do you tell yourself you aren’t smart, experienced, or wealthy enough to go after your goals? If you do, you’re essentially hindering yourself from achieving! Believe in yourself, and the success will follow! - - - #achieve #selfdoubt #keepgoing #successjourney #qotd #motivationalquotes #growthmindset #inspirational #entrepreneurtip #successful #entrepreneurlife #growthmindset #successmindset #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #motivational #qotd #positivemindset #businessowner #wealth #success #millionairemindset #successtips #businessgrowth #KirstyEnglander

6/1/2024, 12:00:27 AM

If you want to get great at getting people to listen to you, you should join us for my weekly email, The Saturday Success Story. How did I learn these? THE HARD WAY- by really struggling to be heard at times. But I got better at it, and you can, too. Tomorrow, I’m going to share what holds us back from making our case persuasively, the number one thing that you HAVE to know before you try to persuade anyone to do anything, and my tips for showing up in a way that’s genuine and assertive. I share one simple tip each weekend that helps you grow your confidence, personal brand, and leadership skills. Many people have told me these are the most valuable emails they receive from any list they’re on. The link’s in my bio.

5/31/2024, 11:11:39 PM

Is self-doubt is making your life small? 🤏🏽⁠ ⁠ Self-doubt is exhausting because you’re busy second guessing yourself the whole time. And while you do that, you’re missing out on the chance to say what you really mean and be who you really are. ⁠ ⁠ Maybe some of these things sound familiar?⁠ ⁠ You don’t feel you’ve the right to pursue your dreams⁠ You don’t have the confidence to speak up and share ideas⁠ You’d love to dress differently but you’re scared what people will say.⁠ You feel the ‘professional’ person you are at work isn’t the real you.⁠ You’re doing what’s expected of you, but it feels like you’re leading someone else’s life.⁠ ⁠ No more. You only get one life. It’s time to take up space!⁠ ⁠ Join me and Belinda Thomas in Auckland on November 4th for an empowering workshop on finding your voice, taking up space, and becoming more powerful in your world.⁠ ⁠ It's $150 all-up, includes lunch, is open to everyone, and is guaranteed to leave you feeling ready to be the best version of you - the real you!⁠ ⁠ Get your tickets from the link in my bio! 🎟️

5/31/2024, 11:05:15 PM

The weather’s getting hotter, the layers are coming off, and...way too many moms are feeling bad about their bodies. 🎙️ On the podcast this week, I’m talking about the nuances of dealing with your own body image issues as a modern mom, while doing your best to break the cycle of body negativity for your kids. “My first exercise video was Buns of Steel at the age of ten. I’ve tried every diet on the planet. I watched my own parents go to Weight Watchers and try cabbage soup diets. Almost every woman I know who’s my age grew up entrenched in diet culture... ...I do absolutely look in the mirror and feel critical of my own body at times, even though I “know” better. I have to WORK to give myself self-compassion and to love and accept the body I’m in. It’s all that conditioning from a young age that makes it so difficult... ...But just because you struggle doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong or that it can’t be a different story for your kids. That is my wish for you today: that you can feel encouraged about where you are, that you can feel seen, and that you can know that you are so not alone on this journey.” Do you agree?!?! Comment BODY and I’ll send you the direct link to the episode. 👇

5/31/2024, 10:34:13 PM

📣 Get ready for our upcoming live workshop THIS Monday (June 3rd) where we’ll be discussing Mindset Shifts to Achieve Your Next Income Breakthrough! Are you looking to take your income to the next level? Join us for this hour-long workshop, where we’ll be covering a range of topics designed to help you achieve new levels of financial success. 💸 During the workshop, we’ll be diving into the power of adopting an abundance mindset and how it can help you overcome limiting beliefs and achieve your income goals. We’ll be discussing how to embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth, and how to turn your failures into big wins. Plus, we’ll be talking about how to recognize your unique strengths and overcome imposter syndrome and self-doubt, so you can confidently chase after your next income goal. 🙌 Ready to transform your mindset and achieve financial success? Grab your ticket by heading to the link in our bio or visiting 🚀 #nonprofitworkshop #mindsetshift #incomebreakthrough #abundancemindset #growthmindset #financialsuccess #impostersyndrome #selfdoubt #uniquestrengths #confidenceboost #nonprofit #nonprofitorganization #nonprofitorg #charity #donate #volunteer #foundations #timsclub #mindsetshifts #localgroup #monthlyreminder🍃

5/31/2024, 10:23:22 PM

Everyone loves you when you’re saying YES ❤️‍🩹🙄 This was such a hard lesson to learn in my business, life and relationship journey with family and even in ❤️ People will support you cheer for you celebrate you and sing your praises until you have to uphold a boundary, or honor your energy around a decision. This caused so many contractions in my energetic capacity to receive. I saw the wrath and true nature of what people will resort to when you say no. So …I would try to be nice so that they would feel good around me, so they wouldn’t try to cause harm, so that they wouldn’t slander me, and villainize me for simply saying an answer they didn’t want to hear. The problem with that is, sometimes YES isn’t the best thing for them. Honoring my sacral, boundaries, and holy YES is the secret to true magnetic attraction and alignment in my life. Being nice is fine, but it doesn’t lead to love because love isn’t circumstantial only like is. I don’t know about you but being liked is overated, I’d rather be respected and loved by the right people. When I think of my children and how much I love them, I’ve still had to say NO because it was best for them. I’d rather LOVE and be LOVED in return. I’d rather honor my deepest alignment. I’d rather expand beyond my wildest dreams knowing my energy is not only important but sacred. My clients work with me on these types of situations all the time. I love that even the messy parts of us can be alchemized into our power. Decoded where we also do this work will be 50% until Midnight and if you’re interested in mentorship DM me I have 1 spot.

5/31/2024, 9:19:04 PM

Lost in our own heads: We spend so much time wrapped up in our thoughts and worries, that reality fades into the background. This internal world creates a double life, a constant dance between what’s happening inside and what’s unfolding around us. The problem? The present moment often loses the spotlight. Daydreams and anxieties become all-consuming, causing us to miss the connections and opportunities right in front of us. We start finding ourselves lost between the duty of fulfilling our responsibilities and the joy of doing things that really make us happy. Things that recharge us. The line between duty and joy seems blurry. And we end up blaming ourselves when we fail to do either. Burnout becomes more frequent. One starts feeling helpless, constantly moving around in circles of ‘Maybe I am not doing enough’, ‘Maybe I am doing something wrong.’. If only one would stop for a moment and look around. Maybe life is a race, and maybe adulting is hard, but it does not have to be this way. So let this be a reminder that It does not have to be this complicated. You do not have to lose your sleep over wanting to live a perfect life. You do not have to feel guilty of not being perfect to other people. You do not have to keep waiting for happiness just because you have a lot of responsibilities hovering over your head. Yes the prime years of our life pass quickly than a bolt, and yes the stakes are high, and that is why it matters the most that whatever you do, you do it with joy! You may not remember every accomplishment, but you won’t forget how you lost yourself in the journey of trying to achieve it all. As I read somewhere, “You’ll achieve everything through your skills and hard work, but imagine getting it as your favorite version of you- someone you are truly proud to be.”. #anxiety #life #struggle #sadedits #edits #viral #fyp #explorepage #trending #relatable #motivation #lifequotes #inspirational #selfdoubt #dreams #passion #career #3amthoughts #reality

5/31/2024, 8:42:31 PM

Sometimes it’s hard to give yourself grace, especially when you feel like you aren’t doing enough. However, what I’ve come to realize is that the more grace you give yourself, the easier it is to keep going. When you get caught up in a spiral of perfectionism or self-doubt, that’s where things start to go downhill. It’s super important to focus on how you speak to yourself, especially in the midst of chaos. You are going to be with yourself forever, so be kind to you🫶🏼 #inspiration #quote #grace #womenentrepreneurs #subconsciousmind #mindset #acceptance #kindness #selfdoubt #perfectionism #benicetoyourself

5/31/2024, 7:57:21 PM

handle with care ✨ send this to a friend and let me know in the comments something or someone you care about 💜 . sharing is caring (today's comic I mean) 😝 . sometimes you gotta razzle dazzle em . . #friends #bffs #anxiety #selfdoubt #peas #wholesome

5/31/2024, 7:55:52 PM

💯.. #selfdoubt #selfconfidence

5/31/2024, 7:53:56 PM

Nothing's new 5/12 The assignment: make 50 self portraits make 50 self portraits without judging your drawings I couldn't get past 30 portraits I guess I need some practice not judging my drawings not judging my self . . . #selfportrait #portrait #illustration #illustrator #characterdesign #poem #poetry #artandwriting #selfdoubt #drawingpractice #artschool #artstudent #character #characterart #poetryart #portraitart #portraitillustration #realisticdrawing #selflove #confidence #selfconfidence #noconfidence #loveyourself #bodyneutrality #artist #conceptart #artassignement #poetsofinsta #thegoodquote . . . ps I'm so scared of posting this since I'm really not that proud of the 2nd and 3rd slide 😣

5/31/2024, 6:27:16 PM

~ Trust In Him ~ 💜 My future Tshirt…do not copy. #myart #qoutes #quotestoliveby #godislove #selfdoubt #loveyourself #love #whenindoubt #godsplan #trustinhim

5/18/2024, 9:52:23 AM