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Recently, I went to New York, and while I was preparing for the trip, I found my notebook titled 'My New Yorker Pause,' filled with all my thoughts and feelings about my gap year in the city that never sleeps. Today, I would like to share with you a story that marked the beginning of a project called 'No More Muses', which to this day continues to be small but from which I learn every day. At that moment, the project consisted of just a few notes, concepts, photos, a collection of ideas that I wanted to delve into without a specific purpose. The journey of transforming an idea into a successful project underscores the importance of embracing openness and avoiding premature judgment. Just as my project 'No More Muses' began as a collection of unrefined notes and concepts, every idea deserves the opportunity to evolve and flourish over time. By nurturing ideas without immediate critique or dismissal, we allow them the space to mature, develop, and potentially reveal their true potential. What may initially appear as a simple notion or fleeting thought can blossom into a transformative project with the right cultivation and dedication. Therefore, let us approach ideas with curiosity, patience, and a willingness to explore their possibilities, recognizing that greatness often emerges from humble beginnings. Curator @munllonch #nomoremuses #nomuses #stories #story #short #beginning #begininngs #nomoremusesmovement #movement #feminism #feminist #newyork #brooklyn #artisticwomen #artisticminds #artisticmind #women #art #susansontag #onphotography

4/19/2024, 1:16:57 PM

Recently, I went to New York, and while I was preparing for the trip, I found my notebook titled 'My New Yorker Pause,' filled with all my thoughts and feelings about my gap year in the city that never sleeps. Today, I would like to share with you a story that marked the beginning of a project called 'No More Muses', which to this day continues to be small but from which I learn every day. At that moment, the project consisted of just a few notes, concepts, photos, a collection of ideas that I wanted to delve into without a specific purpose. The journey of transforming an idea into a successful project underscores the importance of embracing openness and avoiding premature judgment. Just as my project 'No More Muses' began as a collection of unrefined notes and concepts, every idea deserves the opportunity to evolve and flourish over time. By nurturing ideas without immediate critique or dismissal, we allow them the space to mature, develop, and potentially reveal their true potential. What may initially appear as a simple notion or fleeting thought can blossom into a transformative project with the right cultivation and dedication. Therefore, let us approach ideas with curiosity, patience, and a willingness to explore their possibilities, recognizing that greatness often emerges from humble beginnings. Curator @munllonch #nomoremuses #nomuses #stories #story #short #beginning #begininngs #nomoremusesmovement #movement #feminism #feminist #newyork #brooklyn #artisticwomen #artisticminds #artisticmind #women #art #susansontag #onphotography

4/19/2024, 1:16:50 PM

Dora Maar, a key figure in 20th-century art, explored photography and painting in her diverse artistic career. This article examines the influences, obstacles, and accomplishments that shaped Maar's trajectory, focusing on her shift from photography to painting. Picasso had a profound impact on Maar, influencing her decision to prioritize painting. Their collaboration and his mentorship played a significant role in shaping her artistic direction. Initially known for her pioneering work in photography, Maar demonstrated innovative techniques and notable achievements in the field. However, gender biases, including instances of mansplaining, presented formidable challenges to her artistic autonomy. Maar's story reflects the broader historical marginalization of women in art. Societal and institutional barriers perpetuated a male-dominated narrative, hindering women's recognition and success. Despite these obstacles, Maar challenged traditional gender norms in art, asserting her independence and forging her own path as a trailblazer for women in the art world. Her journey showcases resilience and innovation, from groundbreaking photography to painting. Maar's legacy transcends her artistic contributions, serving as a call to action for gender equality in the arts and inspiring future generations to defy norms and overcome barriers. Curator @Munllonch Complete the article in the link of the bio #DoraMaar #GenderEquality #WomenInArt #ArtWorld #Feminism #ArtHistory #GenderRepresentation #Picasso #GenderNorms #ArtistEquality #nomoremuses #nomuses #nomoremusesmovement

3/27/2024, 11:49:53 AM

Are you ready to dive into a thought-provoking exploration of the intersection between feminism and democracy? Our latest article delves deep into the complexities of women's representation in political systems, from historical struggles to present-day progress. Join us on a journey through the pages of history and contemporary movements as we unravel the challenges and triumphs of crafting inclusive agendas and fostering solidarity across diverse communities. You can find the link with the whole article in bio linktree Curator @munllonch #Feminism #Democracy #GenderEquality #Empowerment #Inclusion #Representation #SocialJustice #ReadNow #EmpowerWomen #nomoremusesmovement #nomoremuses #nomuses #coachability #coachabilityfoundation

3/25/2024, 11:13:33 AM