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Celebrate yourself and the incredible people in your life! I have been hosting what I like to call “Compliments and Cocktails” parties for several years, bringing together the amazing women I cherish for an evening of heartfelt celebration. What happens after each fête is pure magic. These incredible women remind me that life isn't about perfection, but about the impact we have on each other. When you follow your heart, everything seems to fall into place, often even better than expected. Honoring the women who have positively impacted my life has been deeply personal. Witnessing their joy and appreciation is incredibly rewarding. It strengthens my commitment to coaching and my business, inspiring me to help others feel valued every day. Today is Say Something Nice Day, and I invite you to reach out to your loved ones with a heartfelt compliment. It will make them feel truly seen and appreciated, and it will spread positivity from you into the world. Who will you be reaching out to, and what will you say to them? Comment below! #lifecoach #careercoach #feminineenergycoach #InnerBrillianceCoaching #certifiedlifecoach #SaySomethingNiceDay #complimentsomeone

6/1/2024, 10:23:28 PM

#itzyourash #likesforlike #post # snap 🫰🏻 #complimentsomeone ✅💜👻

6/1/2024, 6:24:23 PM

On this special day, let's spread kindness and positivity with our words. A small compliment can make someone's day brighter! If you are celebrating, call us when you are done. #justcalldrpam #SaySomethingNice #SpreadKindness #PositiveVibes #ComplimentSomeone

6/1/2024, 4:00:16 PM

Happy #FierceFriday from #RockYourBeauty! Here's your weekly feel-great compliment. You DO have a captivating smile! Go ahead and flash that baby around town; you never know whose day you will brighten. Check out the link in our bio for more uplifting content! #complimentsomeone

5/31/2024, 1:00:34 PM

It’s magical. Try it #complimentsomeone

5/30/2024, 9:17:46 PM

Pass it on. 😘 . Yesterday a 20 something year old woman with a gorgeous energy about her came into @orijinyoga I had seen her the week previous sending out that same beautiful smile and I thought to myself, "Wow, that woman is stunning!" So this week I told her that I thought that she was beautiful. And let me tell you, that smile got even bigger as she tossed her hair and strolled her way into class. ❤️ . #strongandcalmpilates #support #compliments #complimentsomeone #love .

5/30/2024, 9:11:40 PM

🖤 📷 📍 @727studios

5/30/2024, 7:36:24 PM

🥰 Anonymous client/friend 🥰 She won’t let me take pics of her, this was the best I could get. She’s in her 50s, lifts heavy weights, consistently works out and as a result, she’s buff! She finds time to deal with everyone else’s problems, she’s loyal, lovely and an all-round good egg. She will hate this PDA but if I can be half as good a person when I grow up, I’ll be happy 😄 Who do you want to throw some compliments at today?! #midlifefitness #midlifeweights #complimentsomeone

5/30/2024, 5:22:29 PM

#cutieee😍 #complimentsomeone

5/30/2024, 5:07:18 PM

You never know who’s day you’re making..💚

5/29/2024, 6:36:29 PM

Taking a moment to do something kind for yourself or others can have a ripple effect of positivity! Whether it's treating yourself to a bubble bath, sending a thoughtful message to a friend, or simply holding the door open for someone, these acts of kindness not only make others feel good but also fill your heart with warmth and joy. . Did you know practicing kindness offers a multitude of benefits for both the giver and the receiver.... Take a look! . Boosts Happiness: Acts of kindness trigger the release of dopamine and endorphins in the brain, leading to increased feelings of happiness and well-being. . Reduces Stress: Engaging in kind acts can lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, leading to decreased stress and anxiety. . Strengthens Relationships: Kindness fosters positive connections with others, building trust, empathy, and camaraderie, thus strengthening existing relationships and creating new ones. . Enhances Physical Health: Studies have shown that kindness is associated with improved cardiovascular health, lowered blood pressure, and strengthened immune function. . Promotes Mental Health: Regularly practicing kindness can reduce symptoms of depression and boost overall mental resilience and positivity. . Increases Self-Esteem: Acts of kindness towards others can also improve self-esteem and self-worth, as they reinforce a sense of purpose and contribution. . Fosters Gratitude: Being kind can cultivate a sense of gratitude as both the giver and receiver appreciate the positive impact of the act. . Creates Positive Environment: Kindness is contagious and can create a positive ripple effect in communities, workplaces, and families, fostering a more supportive and harmonious environment. . In essence, kindness is not only a moral virtue but also a powerful tool for improving individual well-being and creating a more compassionate society #kindeness #bekind #wellnesswednesday #practicekindess #thoughfulness #complimentsomeone #youmatter #wematter #kcempowerment #empoweryourself #feelgood #loveyourself

5/29/2024, 8:45:43 AM

Are you like this too? #relatablepost# #complimentsomeone #compliment

5/28/2024, 7:01:32 PM

5/28/2024, 2:55:07 AM

In the words of the late, great Kurt Vonnegut…😘 #wisdom #liveyourbestlife #complimentsomeone

5/24/2024, 1:35:30 PM