artistwithshakyhands images

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#food #travel #sports #news #june #sunday

Baby's comfort muslin.... Comfort blanket... Blanket stitch with a twist like a spider web around my first eyelet! Thank you @k3n.clothtales for another fun creative cloth projects!!! πŸŒπŸ‘ #slowstitch #slowstitching #handstitched #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

5/31/2024, 9:42:02 PM

K3n's Boro mending inspired project: which is the front and which is the back? Does it really matter? Mending to heal through each stitch... playing and exploring with cloth and threads...🌈🌝 @k3n.clothtales #slowstitch #slowstitching #handstitched #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

5/28/2024, 12:51:14 PM

k3n's inspired project playing with the Japanese Kintsugi creations, using gold to honour and celebrate the beauty of imperfection, scar, chip, brokenness... in cloth and thread instead of porcelain 🌝 @k3n.clothtales #slowstitch #slowstitching #handstitched #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

5/14/2024, 5:06:00 PM

Another tetrapack engraving still life. Cards will be for sale at CMYK next Saturday, Hereford College of Art! 😍 #cmykfestival #createdathca #hcaillustration #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

5/13/2024, 5:33:36 PM

A little quirky crooked playful wonky colour wheel inspired by k3n clothtales artist. @k3n.clothtales #slowstitch #slowstitching #handstitched #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

5/2/2024, 4:59:57 PM

Earth Day today! Slow-stitching k3n inspired planet earth: 1 third land and 2 thirds water! @k3n.clothtales #slowstitch #slowstitching #handstitched #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

4/22/2024, 10:48:34 AM

Well I've just had the loveliest afternoon with @amelia.jane.gilding learning about kintsugi and having a go at a speedy form of this historic art form. I've always been fascinated by kintsugi. As someone with perfectionism tendencies, who is also fairly 'broken' in like 8 different ways, I love the idea of not trying to hide imperfections but instead celebrating them. To quote my favourite little blue alien experiment: "broken, but still good" #kintsugi #artworkshops #learningsomethingnew #beautyofbrokenthings #perfectionisoverrated #weirdandlearningtolikeit #artistwithadisability #artistwithshakyhands #artformentalhealth

4/20/2024, 8:34:55 PM

k3n inspired cloth white rose of York with added lace... I do like a bit of lace, like Mrs Bennett in 'Pride & Prejudice'! πŸ˜„ The lace was bought at Rose Tinted Rags, a wonderful place full of treasures! @rtr_hereford @k3n.clothtales #slowstitch #slowstitching #handstitched #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

4/20/2024, 11:24:23 AM

Me: shaky hands, poor eyesight, painting wood slices is quite a challenge My brain: but wouldn't painted fox earrings be cute? Probably my tiniest paintings yet, and these foxes are definitely siblings, not twins. But still pretty cute! #artistwithshakyhands #eystrainisreal #badinfluence #whydoidothistomyself #tinyfoxes #newideas #playingabout

4/14/2024, 5:48:24 PM

Textured Tetrapack printing with Prussian Blue... engraving images on the slivery inside of milk cartons! #createdathca #hcaillustration #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

4/10/2024, 1:21:20 PM

More cyanotype experiments for the next Art College illustration project... all in blue! #createdathca #hcaillustration #cyanotype #cyanotypeartist #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

4/6/2024, 3:25:46 PM

Here's the thing about painting: mistakes happen. When you have shaky hands like mine they happen a lot. The main reason I paint with acrylics is that I can generally paint over any wobbly lines or accidental spots. Except, that is, when I get a big blob of purple paint on the part I was planning to leave as bare wood. That was a problem. So rather than a bare wood border, this kitty has a gold one. I think it just gives it extra witchy vibes #whoopsie #accidentshappen #mistakesweremade #rollwithit #blackcat #witchy #witchsfamiliar #purpleandgold #artistwithshakyhands #cmtstruggles #cmtmademedoit

3/29/2024, 4:57:32 PM

Wonky 4 pointed Friendship star inspired by k3n's clothtales @k3n.clothtales , and learnt to do loopy French knots!!! #slowstitch #slowstitching #handstitched #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

3/28/2024, 9:38:54 AM

Wonky Kawandi inspired stitched little creation, with k3n's lovely tutorial... and I did get into a spiral twice with the running stitching! Oups! @k3n.clothtales #slowstitch #slowstitching #handstitched #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

3/23/2024, 8:18:56 PM

Wonky log cabin inspired by wonderful k3n artist @k3n.clothtales. I enjoyed including some lace into the pale coloured side! #slowstitch #slowstitching #handstitched #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

3/23/2024, 8:15:09 PM

It's been a while since I introduced myself and we've gained a few new followers along the way so it's about time I said "hi". I'm Sarah-Lyn, and I paint various cute things on pieces of wood. This is a part-time endeavour for me, which helps me manage my mental health. Don't get me wrong, I love my job but it's... Intense. Painting also works as physiotherapy for me to maintain my fine motor skills, which are likely to deteriorate at some point as I have a messed up nervous system (my very technical terminology for Charcot Marie Tooth disease). I'm a little low on stock at the moment after a year of surgery and recovery but I'm mostly up and about again now and taking commissions for pet portraits, trinket boxes and anything else that really needs to be made just a bit cuter! Thanks for joining us ❀️ Picture is me history-nerding out on a recent trip to Luxor! #meetthemaker #aboutimeisaidhi #thisisme #partimepainter #weekendmaker #artforanxiety #thisishowicope #artistwithadisability #artistwithshakyhands #cmtstruggles #historynerd #justwantedtosharemyholidaysnaps #thankyouforyoursupport

3/20/2024, 7:31:02 PM

My watercolour contribution to a zine class project inspired by the new film/documentary 'Orlando, My Political Biography' showed at Hereford BorderLine Film Festival now. #createdathca #hcaillustration #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

3/3/2024, 8:30:18 PM

The angels have invited a few other creatures with wings to join them in their collection! #createdathca #hcaillustration #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

2/24/2024, 7:49:28 PM

Exploring a collection of angels... who are drying their laundry on the line, in the spring breeze... #createdathca #hcaillustration #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

2/17/2024, 12:51:18 PM

My first rustic experiment stitching a very small log-cabin patchwork, inspired by k3N's wonderful cloth-tales tutorials! @k3n.clothtales #slowstitch #slowstitching #handstitched #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

2/6/2024, 1:06:47 PM

Another cyanotype experiment: only 1 coat of solution, then the ferns were applied straight away on wet paper before being put outside into daylight. I love the watercolour effect! #createdathca #hcaillustration #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

2/2/2024, 9:50:45 PM

Experimenting with cyanotype: lace and feathers on prepared paper with special liquids... which are a bit nasty to the skin (I now do it wearing gloves!). After a few hours in the garden and rinsing with water (with gloves!), here are some lovely slightly ghostly images! #createdathca #hcaillustration #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

2/1/2024, 5:40:44 PM

Another creation inspired by k3n's youtube tutorials: a 'biscornu'. It was quite fiddly to make with my shaky hands. But the result is life changing for me: I will no longer knock my pins all over the table or the floor, as they are all safely pinned in the biscornu! Hurray!!! And it was exactly the right size to nestle into my grandmother's pewter little dish πŸ˜„πŸ˜ŠπŸ’Ÿ @k3n.clothtales #slowstitch #slowstitching #handstitched #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

1/29/2024, 3:04:08 PM

Another creation inspired by k3n's weekly slowstitch-along for 2024 with the theme of 'choice': strips of fabric all mixed up in a basket, then 'choosing' each strip without looking... and accepting what is 'chosen' by my hand regardless of my brain not always agreeing! Creativity with less intellectual reasoning is very refreshing! @k3n.clothtales #slowstitch #slowstitching #handstitched #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

1/24/2024, 10:11:53 AM

Slow stitching cloth stitching inspired by k3n artist's weekly project. This one is about 'diversity'. The miniature pretend patchwork quilt was created with very small squares of felt that were part of one of my daughter's art GCSE project a few years ago! @k3n.clothtales #slowstitch #slowstitching #handstitched #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

1/18/2024, 7:43:03 PM

Slow stitching cloth stitching inspired by k3n artist's weekly project. This one is about 'balance of darkness and light'. I used a very small lace doily I had from my grandmother... and cut a hole in the middle 😲... and it worked!!! @k3n.clothtales #slowstitch #slowstitching #handstitched #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

1/17/2024, 2:53:54 PM

Slow stitching cloth weaving inspired by k3n artist's weekly project. This one is about 'Community', a community of lovely people stitching and creating mindfully... My first time using ripped bits of fabric instead of cutting them... quite liberating and fun! @k3n.clothtales #slowstitch #slowstitching #handstitched #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

1/16/2024, 5:43:04 PM

Two days later, we had 'free drawing' class... so the Christmas angel/fairy was revisited with Caran d'Ache water-soluble crayons and a tiny bit of Quentin Blake's style... #createdathca #hcaillustration #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

12/18/2023, 5:08:45 PM

Folk Art inspired cut paper Christmas angel/fairy workshop with Marion Elliot. @marion.elliot #createdathca #hcaillustration #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

12/18/2023, 5:05:15 PM

It's December, with Gelli printing onto old book pages for my collage, to celebrate this cold and festive season... #cutpapercollage #cutpaperart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

12/14/2023, 6:37:46 PM

This is what you get with hand painted items, especially when they're hand painted by someone with shaky hands. These three decorations are all the same design but they are 2 different types of wood from 3 different batches of wood slices and each dinosaur definitely has it's own character. As someone prone to perfectionism in my day to day life, to my own detriment, I find it freeing to not try to get each one to look the same and just let whatever it turns into be what it is #artformentalhealth #artistwithshakyhands #artistwithadisability #queceracera #whateverwillbewillbe #uniquegifts #joyofhandmade #handmadewithlove

12/7/2023, 3:07:51 PM

At last I took some time to follow Francisca Nunes' intuitive flowery watercolour workshop for art journaling! Bright and cheerful on a cold grey and dark November evening! @franciscanunes_heartmakes #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

11/25/2023, 8:43:56 PM

Artist Ohn Mar Win's lovely book 'Go With The Flow Painting' inspired me to follow one of her exercises as a mindfulness moment in watery colourful triangles! @ohn_mar_win #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

11/25/2023, 8:38:35 PM

Today is National Illustration Day organised by the Quentin Blake Centre for Illustration @qbcentre Here is a little music for the celebration theme... drawn and coloured 10 years ago! #nationalillustrationday #nationalillustrationday2023 #hcaillustration #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

11/24/2023, 6:43:37 PM

Another version of paper weaving with the cyanotype prints mixed with dancing children. Joy, tradition, rhythms of colours... #createdathca #hcaillustration #weavingpaper #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

11/11/2023, 11:26:14 AM

The cyanotype prints are now woven with coloured strips to illustrate Francis Bebey's Cameroon inspired contemporary music and songs. #createdathca #hcaillustration #weavingpaper #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

11/11/2023, 11:22:38 AM

Carving my own hen stamp in linocut type material. #createdathca #hcaillustration #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

11/4/2023, 6:11:03 PM

exploring the art of cyanotype with African style patterns and textures. The blue is wonderful! #createdathca #hcaillustration #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

10/30/2023, 8:17:04 PM

Editorial illustration for a fascinating article about forest fungi and mushrooms, with textured materials, and a black and white palette of colours. #createdathca #hcaillustration #slowstitching #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

10/24/2023, 12:02:31 PM

Weaving papers, then adding some foliage with the water-soluble wax crayons 🌿🌺 #paperweaving #weavingpaper #mixedmediaartjournal #artjournal #creativewellness #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

10/18/2023, 5:22:48 PM

Today I have done a check of my Christmas stock. There's a few designs that sold out last year so I've got plenty to do over the next 6 weeks or so! Unfortunately I'm due to have surgery on my left wrist on Thursday so tomorrow might be my last painting day of the year Let's hope its not though 🀞🀞 #smallbusinesslife #smallbusinessstruggles #kienbockdisease #artistwithadisability #artistwithshakyhands #arttherapy #notenoughtime #howisitoctoberalready #wheredmyyeargo

10/14/2023, 6:15:11 PM

Continuing to play with art journaling with stitching buttons on fabrics and attaching a 'loose' label 😊 #mixedmediaartjournal #artjournal #creativewellness #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

10/9/2023, 8:45:32 PM

We are back at Hereford College of Art for our 2nd year of Illustration degree! This is to illustrate an article about space research of potential microbes, bacteria and plants... #createdathca #hcaillustration #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

10/7/2023, 8:00:10 PM

More free art journaling, but this time I am on a smaller scale, in a little booklet instead of an A4 sketch pad. Playing with inks on the paper, thin paper napkins and fabrics... #mixedmediaartjournal #artjournal #creativewellness #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

9/30/2023, 7:32:28 PM

A surprising and magical presence coming out of one of Geneva's Botanical Garden's glass houses! #jardinbotaniquedegeneve #jardinbotaniquedegenève #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

9/21/2023, 5:18:04 PM

Mother and daughter splashing in the lake having much fun! Those newly bought water-soluble wax crayons are good fun too! #womenwhocreate #keepmakingart #creativewellness #arthealstheheart #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

9/21/2023, 5:10:20 PM

I spent a couple of magical afternoon au Jardin Botanique de Genève. It is an amazing place... with a delightful Zen garden! More practice with my new watersoluble wax pastels! Stunning red squirrels were a wonderful sight too! #jardinbotaniquedegeneve #jardinbotaniquedegenève #creativewellness #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

9/19/2023, 6:03:06 PM

Sunset above the clouds on the way to Geneva... a beautiful city where I discovered Caran D'Ache lovely little shop selling their watersoluble wax pastels! Amazing scrumptious textures and pigments! #creativewellness #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

9/19/2023, 5:57:54 PM

Exploring 'Art Journaling' after having been inspired by Wanderlust Live weekend's wonderful creative sessions. This was after watching Christine Karpiak's 'Creating Space for your Inner Light'. @christinekarpiak #wanderlustlive2023 #mixedmediaartjournal #artjournal #creativewellness #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

9/11/2023, 10:11:30 PM

Dogs and cats in conversation... 🐢🐱 They are made with tetrapack and gelli prints, giving lovely textures with the colours. #paper #papersculpture #cutpaper #cutpaperart #cutpapercollage #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

9/2/2023, 11:33:33 AM

Yesterday I was at the hospital seeing my orthopaedic consultant about my right wrist. It's still far from perfect but he says it might be as good as it's going to get. So I've been testing to see whether I can still do fine details with my paint, and I'm pleased to report it seems to be working! Look at this little sand cat! #kienbockdisease #artistproblems #recoveryjourney #goodnewsbadnews #artistwithshakyhands #finedetail #acrylicpainting #terracottapots #sandcats #desertanimals

8/26/2023, 4:43:14 PM

A new story is slowly taking shape (but a secret for now 😊) with some newly cut out sheep ambling along some grass. #cutpaper #cutpaperart #cutpapercollage #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

8/18/2023, 9:02:12 PM

Free calligraphy course organized by @thehappyevercrafter. End of second week and putting shapes together for a word! #ShowMeYourDrills_2023 #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

8/14/2023, 9:02:47 PM

Monochrome mark-making collage inspired by Mel Rye's (@melrye) art session during last week's #summercreativeretreat. Playing with shapes and patterns with only brown paper and black pen 😊! #summercreativeretreat #creativewellness #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

8/11/2023, 3:57:47 PM

2 'wet on wet watercolor cats' with the guidance of marvelous artist Terry Runyan. The painting was quick enough so that the cats are full of spontaneity and life (@terryrunyan)! #summercreativeretreat #creativewellness #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

8/3/2023, 8:07:47 PM

'Create Powerful, Personal Art by Listening to your Inner Voice' with Jessica Swift (@jessicaswift). This was a very special and uplifting session about self-care through art. I did mine in coloured pencils instead of markers... a softer look... Yes 'art' is therapeutic in many ways indeed 😊 #summercreativeretreat #creativewellness #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

8/3/2023, 2:12:59 PM

Another great 'Summer Creative Retreat' workshop: 'Summer Snack Recipe in Watercolors' with Alicia Bruce (@thealiciabruce). I didn't put the jalapeno because they are too hot for me! 😊 #summercreativeretreat #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

8/3/2023, 9:32:26 AM

'Mysterious Woods in Gouache' with lovely enthusiastic Karin Joan (@karinjoan). It was very interesting to 'play' with gouache right after an hour of watercolours... a good exercise for the brain and the hand! #summercreativeretreat #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

8/2/2023, 8:06:16 PM

Summer Creative Retreat's 'Bookmark lesson' with Eleaca Young (@leacayoungart). Lots of lovely colourful ideas and a wonderful invitation to free experiment within the humble format of a bookmark! I used a couple of my handmade stamps ❀️ which worked a treat! #summercreativeretreat #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

8/2/2023, 4:49:48 PM

Following another feast of creative short workshops with the 'Summer Creative Retreat'. Yesterday's 'Paint watercolour skies' with Zaneena Nabeel (@aurorabyz) was delightful!! #summercreativeretreat #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

8/2/2023, 11:07:34 AM

Free calligraphy course organized by @thehappyevercrafter. Started yesterday. Today's lesson is the 'overturn stroke' with my lovely new Tombow brush pen. Being lefthanded with shaky hands, the result is fairly acceptable I think...πŸ˜‚ It was lovely doing it slowly listening to Olafur Arnalds' 'Ultimate Calm' program on Radio 3 (sadly, there is only 2 episodes left to listen 😒), @olafurarnalds. #ShowMeYourDrills_2023 #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

8/1/2023, 3:46:37 PM

Gelli-printing different types of greens to illustrate grass, shrubs and foliage for a little story, with acrylic paints and the help of a small wooden fork to give a streaks texture... #femmeartiste #artistefemme #artistwithms #artistwithshakyhands

7/31/2023, 3:15:38 PM

I finally got around to doing one of my craft for cats kits from @catsprotection It's been sitting around for a while as my wrist recovered but my dexterity was finally good enough to give it a go #giveitago #craftforcats #catcoaster #mosiacart #craftkit #craftforcauses #bitoffun #artistwithadisability #artistwithshakyhands #recoveryprocess #slowlybutsurely

7/30/2023, 12:28:36 PM