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Vilket lyft för Vaksalaviadukten! Nu monteras Tova Mozards fotografier. Hon har skapat porträttserien "Hela världen är en scen, alla försöker hitta sin plats i pjäsen" till Vaksalaviaduktens skyltfönster. Här möter vi människor som på olika sätt söker sin plats i tillvaron. I porträtten iscensätter Tova Mozard bilder av människors liv, drömmar och besvikelser. Personerna är sammansatta och motsägelsefulla. De uttrycker både styrka och svaghet, både självsäkerhet och osäkerhet. Samtidigt uttrycker de något mer än sig själva och gestaltar en idé om vad ungdom, utanförskap, galenskap och frihetskamp kan vara. Här finns också tydliga referenser till historiska och teatrala karaktärer som: narren, magikern, eremiten, den androgyna och den älskande. I bilderna finns även anspelningar på tarokkort och mytologiska gestalter. De är alla generella och igenkänningsbara arketyper och klichéer. Tova Mozard är inspirerad av film och teater. Hon bygger en värld där fiktion och verklighet inte går att skilja åt, där människor intar olika roller. Är de uppklädda, utklädda, förklädda eller bara sig själva? Tova Mozard Tova Mozard arbetar med rörlig bild och fotografi och är verksam i Stockholm och Los Angeles. I sin konst regisserar hon både människor och platser och använder sig ofta av dokumentära och självbiografiska inslag som en grund för iscensättningen. Tova Mozard ser på oss med ömhet och humor. På plats i Vaksalaviadukten är tekniker Steffen Beuch och Ulf Wrange och processledare Gunilla Stillström. #offentligkonstuppsalakommun #offentligkonst #uppsalakommun #tovamozard #stadsutveckling

5/22/2024, 1:43:45 PM

KUNSTEN FILMKLUB | Nyd gratis popcorn til smuk film, der afliver myten om Hollywood, i Kunstens bio 🎥💫🍿 Den 15. maj fra kl. 18.30-19.45 serverer Brasserie Kunsten en gratis omgang popcorn, der kan indtages i auditoriet sammen med Tova Mozards tre smukke film om bagsiden af Hollywood. Passer perfekt til et glas vin eller en kold sodavand, som kan tilkøbes 🥤🍷 Museumsinspektør Søs Bech Sharpe introducerer dig for den anerkendte svenske filmkunstner Tova Mozard og hendes tåkrummende og ærlige blik på USA. Et blik, der strømmer igennem hele kunstnerens karriere. Film efter film viser Mozard trøstesløse arkader, slidte diners og skumle gader, når hun møder mennesker i udkanten af samfundet, der forsøger at tjene deres penge i en barsk film- og underholdsningskultur. Alt sammen foldet ud i en smuk og douchet æstetik. Læs mere og køb billet her: 🎟️ @mozardtova

5/8/2024, 11:54:38 AM

Myten om Hollywood: Tre film blotlægger en barsk verden bag neonlys og papkulisser 🍿📽️ Sæt dig til rette med et glas i den ene hånd, popcorn til den anden – og gør dig så klar til et blik ind i det knap så glamourøse USA med afdankede komikere, statister og clairvoyante. Kunsten Filmklub blænder op for tre filmværker af den svenske kunstner og filminstruktør Tova Mozard. Den 15. maj kl. 18.30, billetter på 🎬 Tova Mozard, Entrance (2015), Cops are Actors (2017), Psychic (2019). Courtesy of Filmform. @mozardtova

4/23/2024, 5:01:14 PM

“ Defining Lilith Performance Studio, the project created by Elin Lundgren and Petter Pettersson almost 20 years ago in a former industrial area of Malmö, Sweden is not a simple task. The complexity arises from its defiance of conventional classification, seamlessly intertwining theatre, visual and performance art. Rather than favouring one discipline over another, Lilith Performance Studio harmoniously integrates them to curate unique and captivating aesthetic experiences.” • “With a background in theatre, Lundgren and Pettersson, originating from the visual arts realm (known as @lilith_artist_duo ),breathe life into a punk-inspired concept of art conceived as innovative and unrestricted energy. This concept, envisioned as a pure manifestation of creative force transcending gender boundaries, aims to delve into uncertainty and reveal fresh avenues of aesthetic expression. Beyond staging performances, they extend opportunities for other artists to explore novel modes of artistic expression in their space, which evolves according to the creative needs of each project and artist. Some notable examples include the large-scale immersive performances and installations by Tori Wrånes (Garden of Lefthand, 2022) and Molly Lowe (Game on, 2018).” • “Indeed, Durational Space #3 highlights the primacy of intuition over intellect. It acknowledges that dreams can serve as a conduit for experiencing time rather than quantifying it. In other words, Abduction and Hades Dream Karaoke facilitate the experience of pure duration, echoing Henri Bergson’s observation of it being a qualitative journey achievable when liberating oneself from society’s accelerated pace and regimented time. Within these ethereal realms of expression, these performances established their own temporal and spatial framework, allowing the spectator to transcend the boundaries of conventional consumption, embracing the profound mystery of the human experience.” #lilithperformancestudio #durationalspace #tovamozard #linneahansander #artreview #stirworld

4/10/2024, 11:30:36 AM

Beautiful REVIEW in @stir_world written by @marile_bo !! “ Defining Lilith Performance Studio, the project created by Elin Lundgren and Petter Pettersson almost 20 years ago in a former industrial area of Malmö, Sweden is not a simple task. The complexity arises from its defiance of conventional classification, seamlessly intertwining theatre, visual and performance art. Rather than favouring one discipline over another, Lilith Performance Studio harmoniously integrates them to curate unique and captivating aesthetic experiences.” • “With a background in theatre, Lundgren and Pettersson, originating from the visual arts realm (known as @lilith_artist_duo ),breathe life into a punk-inspired concept of art conceived as innovative and unrestricted energy. This concept, envisioned as a pure manifestation of creative force transcending gender boundaries, aims to delve into uncertainty and reveal fresh avenues of aesthetic expression. Beyond staging performances, they extend opportunities for other artists to explore novel modes of artistic expression in their space, which evolves according to the creative needs of each project and artist. Some notable examples include the large-scale immersive performances and installations by Tori Wrånes (Garden of Lefthand, 2022) and Molly Lowe (Game on, 2018).” • “Indeed, Durational Space #3 highlights the primacy of intuition over intellect. It acknowledges that dreams can serve as a conduit for experiencing time rather than quantifying it. In other words, Abduction and Hades Dream Karaoke facilitate the experience of pure duration, echoing Henri Bergson’s observation of it being a qualitative journey achievable when liberating oneself from society’s accelerated pace and regimented time. Within these ethereal realms of expression, these performances established their own temporal and spatial framework, allowing the spectator to transcend the boundaries of conventional consumption, embracing the profound mystery of the human experience.” #lilithperformancestudio #durationalspace #tovamozard #linneahansander #artreview #stirworld

4/10/2024, 10:59:21 AM

Beautiful REVIEW in @stir_world written by @marile_bo !! 👁️ “ Defining Lilith Performance Studio, the project created by Elin Lundgren and Petter Pettersson @lilith_artist_duo almost 20 years ago in a former industrial area of Malmö, Sweden is not a simple task. The complexity arises from its defiance of conventional classification, seamlessly intertwining theatre, visual and performance art. Rather than favouring one discipline over another, Lilith Performance Studio harmoniously integrates them to curate unique and captivating aesthetic experiences.” 👁️ “Just like in a dream, in Abduction and Hades Dream Karaoke, symbolic images combine to convey indecipherable messages at a conscious level but intuitively clear. Both create a border space between fiction and reality where subconscious images are set free, opening new horizons of meaning.” 👁️ “Indeed, Durational Space #3 highlights the primacy of intuition over intellect. It acknowledges that dreams can serve as a conduit for experiencing time rather than quantifying it. In other words, Abduction and Hades Dream Karaoke facilitate the experience of pure duration, echoing Henri Bergson’s observation of it being a qualitative journey achievable when liberating oneself from society’s accelerated pace and regimented time. Within these ethereal realms of expression, these performances established their own temporal and spatial framework, allowing the spectator to transcend the boundaries of conventional consumption, embracing the profound mystery of the human experience.” @linnea.hansander @mozardtova #lilithperformancestudio #durationalspace #artreviews #stirworld #tovamozard #linneahansander

4/10/2024, 10:41:24 AM

Last chance tonight! ABDUCTION-@mozardtova & HADES DREAM KARAOKE - @linnea.hansander ❤️ WELCOME DOWN INTO THE UNDERWORLD! #lilithperformancestudio #performance #lasttime #durationalspace #tovamozard #linneahansander

3/23/2024, 1:44:42 PM

SISTA KVÄLLEN ATT UPPLEVA HADES DREAM KARAOKE & ABDUCTION 🌓🎤💫 Två säregna performance av @linnea.hansander @mozardtova där vi dyker ner i underjorden i sömnens och dödens karaokebar och djupt ner i den svarta jorden sökandes efter ett jag! VÄLKOMNA FÖR SISTA GÅNGEN IKVÄLL!! ÖPPET 18-22 VALFRI ENTRÉAVGIFT FRÅN 80 SEK STANNA SÅ LÄNGE DU VILL 💥 #durationalspace #lilithperformancestudio #linneahansander #tovamozard #underjorden #karaoke #hades #pluto #performance

3/23/2024, 11:18:42 AM

SISTA KVÄLLEN ATT UPPLEVA HADES DREAM KARAOKE & ABDUCTION 🌓🎤💫 Två säregna performance av @linnea.hansander @mozardtova där vi dyker ner i underjorden i sömnens och dödens karaokebar och djupt ner i den svarta jorden sökandes efter ett jag! VÄLKOMNA FÖR SISTA GÅNGEN IKVÄLL!! ÖPPET 18-22 VALFRI ENTRÉAVGIFT FRÅN 80 SEK STANNA SÅ LÄNGE DU VILL 💥 #durationalspace #lilithperformancestudio #linneahansander #tovamozard #underjorden #karaoke #hades #pluto #performance

3/23/2024, 11:15:54 AM

2:a helgen med humor och bråddjup på @lilithperformancestudio 🌓 En drömsk karaokebar i dödsriket och en djupdykning ner i jorden efter sig själv 🌓 Endast 4 ggr kvar att uppleva dessa två suggestiva performanceverk av konstnärerna @mozardtova & @linnea.hansander 🌓 VALFRI ENTRÉAVGIFT FRÅN 80 SEK ÖPPET MELLAN 18-21 #lilithperformancestudio #duartionalspace #abduction #hadesdreamkaraoke #tovamozard #linneahansander #performance #live #konst #visualart #malmö

3/16/2024, 7:20:34 PM

2:a helgen med humor och bråddjup på @lilithperformancestudio 🌓 En drömsk karaokebar i dödsriket och en djupdykning ner i jorden efter sig själv 🌓 Endast 4 ggr kvar att uppleva dessa två suggestiva performanceverk av konstnärerna @mozardtova & @linnea.hansander 🌓 VALFRI ENTRÉAVGIFT FRÅN 80 SEK ÖPPET MELLAN 18-21 #lilithperformancestudio #duartionalspace #abduction #hadesdreamkaraoke #tovamozard #linneahansander #performance #live #konst #visualart #malmö

3/16/2024, 6:34:24 PM

Linnea Hansander – Hades Dream Karaoke Tova Mozard – Abduction Durational Space Lilith Performance Studio (Inga fotografier i Mozards performanceverk) Vi vandrar fritt i rummen genom minnen, saknad och sorg, genom det undermedvetna in i mytologin, ner i jorden, underjorden och drömmarna, förbi karaokebaren in i dödsriket och ut igen i marskvällens mörker. Ljuset glimrar långt där borta. Två performanceverk i gränslandet mellan verklighet och fiktion. Curatorer Elin Lundgren och Petter Pettersson @mozardtova #tovamozard @linnea.hansander #performanceart #performance #artinstallation #durationalspace #hades #karaoke #mythology #flower #twingods #dödsriket #sleepless #interactive #live #dockteater #lilith #dreams #abduction #sleepless #sculpture #textile #video #sceonography #interdisciplinary #dolls #theatre #flowers #lilith_artist_duo @lilithperformancestudio #visitmalmö

3/12/2024, 8:39:33 PM

IKVÄLL ÖPPNAR VI💥🌚🌕💥 DURATIONAL SPACE #3 ~ En drömsk karaokebar i dödsriket och en självutlämnande kartläggning av det undermedvetna. ABDUCTION av @mozardtova och HADES DREAM KARAOKE av @linnea.hansander Boka din plats via vår länk i bion💥 Valfri entréavgift fr 80 SEK Öppet mellan 18-21, stanna så länge du vill. Visas 7.3 -23.3 VÄLKOMNA! 🌚🌝 #lilithperformancestudio #durationalspace #linneahansander #tovamozard #performance #opening #tonight Foto 1: @linnea.hansander HADES DREAM KARAOKE Foto 2: @mozardtova ABDUCTION

3/7/2024, 3:07:01 PM

IKVÄLL ÖPPNAR VI💥🌚🌕💥 DURATIONAL SPACE #3 ~ En drömsk karaokebar i dödsriket och en självutlämnande kartläggning av det undermedvetna. ABDUCTION av @mozardtova och HADES DREAM KARAOKE av @linnea.hansander Boka din plats via vår länk i bion💥 Valfri entréavgift fr 80 SEK Öppet mellan 18-21, stanna så länge du vill. Visas 7.3 -23.3 VÄLKOMNA! 🌚🌝 #lilithperformancestudio #durationalspace #linneahansander #tovamozard #performance #opening #tonight Foto 1: @linnea.hansander HADES DREAM KARAOKE Foto 2: @mozardtova ABDUCTION

3/7/2024, 3:06:50 PM

ABDUCTION ~ ÖPPNAR IMORGON TORSDAG 7.3 och visas fram till 23.3 på Lilith Performance Studios. Kom och gå som ni vill. Valfri entréavgift fr 80 SEK. Boka din biljett i bion på @lilithperformancestudio VÄLKOMNA! #lilithperformancestudio #performance #durationalspace3 #tovamozard #abduction #live En @lilithperformancestudio produktion Curatorer: Elin Lundgren & Petter Pettersson @lilith_artist_duo

3/6/2024, 10:44:07 PM

TOVA MOZARD 🔥 ABDUCTION ~ en hård självutlämnande kartläggning av det undermedvetna! ÖPPNAR IMORGON TORSDAG 7.3 🔥 Visas fram till 23.3 • I ett försök att kartlägga vem hon är och hur hennes identitet har formats, försänker sig @mozardtova i detta nya verk ner i sitt undermedvetna. I två parallella skeenden; ett som sker i rummet och ett som dokumenterats på film. Den 7:e mars öppnar Lilith Performance Studios DURATIONAL SPACE #3, med två nya performance; en hård självutlämnande kartläggning av det undermedvetna av Tova Mozard och en drömsk interaktiv karaokebar i dödsriket av Linnea Hansander. • Kom och gå som ni vill. Valfri entréavgift fr 80 SEK. Boka din biljett se länk i bion🔥 • VÄLKOMNA! #lilithperformancestudio #performance #durationalspace3 #tovamozard #abduction #live 👉 En @lilithperformancestudio produktion 👉 Curatorer: Elin Lundgren & Petter Pettersson @lilith_artist_duo 👉 Det rörliga materialet i denna performance är även en del av Tova Mozards kommande långfilm GRACELAND producerad av @mantarayfilm

3/6/2024, 11:59:01 AM

Process, installing HADES DREAM KARAOKE with star @linnea.hansander ⭐️ OPENS 7.3. #lilithperformancestudio #durationalspace #linneahansander #tovamozard #performance #hadesdreamkaraoke

2/17/2024, 6:20:26 PM

Throwback to the exhibitions that we showed during fall 2023!⁠ ⁠ Exhibitions by Lovisa Ringborg, photography and sculpture, Olivia Pettersson Fleur, painted paper collage, paintings by Sigrid Sandström & Olle Norås at Chart Art Fair, Linnea Rygaard, painting, Tova Mozard, a three-channel video installation and photography, as well as a book release and new works by Fredrik Söderberg in our showroom. ⁠ ⁠ Installation images: Jean-Baptiste Béranger⁠ Installation image Chart Art Fair: Jan Søndergaard⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#LinneaRygaard#OliviaPetterssonFleur#LovisaRingborg#SigridSandström#OlleNorås⁠ #FredrikSöderberg#throwbackfall2023#CeciliaHillströmGallery⁠ ⁠

12/29/2023, 8:00:50 AM

Throwback to the exhibitions that we showed during spring 2023!⁠ ⁠ Exhibitions by Elin Odentia, painting, André Nordström, drawing, sculpture, sound installation, Dit-Cilinn, sculpture, installation, Clay Ketter, photography, Leif Engström, painting, Salad Hilowle, photography, sculpture, textile works, Viktor Kopp & Marcus Matt, painting, and during Market Art Fair we showed artworks by Alexander Tallén, Leif Engström and Tova Mozard.⁠ ⁠ Installation views: Jean-Baptiste Béranger⁠ ⁠ #throwbackspring2023#ElinOdentia#AndréNordström⁠ #DitCilinn#ClayKetter#SaladHilowle#ViktorKopp#MarcusMatt#MarketArtFair#AlexanderTallén⁠ #LeifEngström#TovaMozard

12/26/2023, 8:00:23 AM

Tova Mozard är aktuell med utställningen I Love Russ: "Han är 72 år och i den åldern sägs det att man inte kan få schizofreni om man inte redan har haft det. Men under perioden var det jättevarmt och han satt där ensam i sin lägenhet i Culver City, Los Angeles. Är folk så där ensamma kan de bli galna. Det var därför han började höra röster och då specifikt min röst hävdade han, vilket gjorde att situationen fick ett annat allvar." @cyril_hellman hellman har följt @mozardtova i flera månader från Stockholm till Gotland. Läs deras samtal på @chgallery #tovamozard #iloveruss #morissey #ucla #gotland #ceciliahillströmgallery #themismadegirl #konst #videokonst

12/17/2023, 1:59:23 PM

Tova Mozard @mozardtova ILOVERUSS 2023. Last day for her exhibition at @chgallery in Stockholm. Thank you Tova for the tour! #ceciliahillströmgallery #stockholm #tovamozard #aloveruss #russkingston #hollywood #losangeles

12/16/2023, 5:01:38 PM

Tova Mozard I ILOVERUSS⁠ ⁠ Final day of the exhibition is today Saturday 16 December. The gallery is open between 12:00–16:00, welcome!⁠ ⁠ In the project, Mozard follows the struggling actor Russ Kingston in Hollywood over a 20-year period. Their friendship plays out on the screens and the almost childish proclamation ILOVERUSS could have been written on a wall somewhere at some point, a secret to cherish and hide. ⁠ ⁠ Images: ⁠ 1. Tova Mozard, 'Diner', 2023, C-print, walnut frame, museum glass, 52.5 x 64.5 cm⁠ 2. Installation view: Cecilia Hillström Gallery⁠ 3. Installation view: Jean-Baptiste Béranger⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videoinstallation#threechannelvideo#videoart#photography#CeciliaHillströmGallery#StockholmGalleryDistrict#lastchance#finalday

12/16/2023, 9:00:26 AM

Tova Mozard | ILOVERUSS⁠ ⁠Final weekend!⁠ ⁠ Last chance to see Tova Mozard's exhibition ILOVERUSS featuring photographic works and a three-channel video installation.⁠ ⁠ Mozard is a smooth and caring observer of Russ Kingston’s whims and acts. With his crummy apartment as a backdrop, his constant battle for a life in the limelight in the film industry evokes feelings of both awkwardness and tenderness. ⁠ ⁠ ⁠⁠Opening hours: ⁠ Friday 15 dec 11:00–18:00⁠ Saturday 16 Dec 12:00–16:00⁠ ⁠ Installation view: Jean-Baptiste Béranger⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videoinstallation#threechannelvideo#videoart#photography#CeciliaHillströmGallery#StockholmGalleryDistrict#finalweekend#lastchance

12/15/2023, 7:30:15 AM

Tova Mozard | ILOVERUSS⁠ ⁠ Last chance to see the exhibition ILOVERUSS is this week!⁠ ⁠ Mozard's compositions are made up of decayed environments, film sets and bizarre characters making her photographs visually attractive, leaving the viewer with a feeling that is both nostalgic and saturated.⁠ ⁠ ⁠ Final day of the exhibition ILOVERUSS is Saturday 16 December, open between 12:00–16:00. Welcome!⁠ ⁠ Image: ⁠Tova Mozard, 'Vista', 2023, C-print, walnut frame, museum glass, 52.5 x 64.5 cm #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videoinstallation#threechannelvideo#videoart#photography#CeciliaHillströmGallery#StockholmGalleryDistrict#finalweek

12/14/2023, 7:30:13 AM

Tova Mozard | ILOVERUSS⁠ ⁠ Last chance to see Tova Mozard's exhibition is this week, on view until 16 December.⁠ ILOVERUSS is a close portrait of Russ Kingston who is pursuing his only wish – to be an actor. He is acting even though no one is watching because acting is all he wants in life. ⁠ ⁠ Images: ⁠ 1. Still from the video ILOVERUSS.⁠ 2. Tova Mozard, 'Not an Exit', 2023, ⁠C-print, walnut frame, museum glass, 52.5 x 64.5 cm 3. Installation view, Cecilia Hillström Gallery⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videoinstallation#threechannelvideo#videoart#photography#acting#actor#lastchance#CeciliaHillströmGallery

12/12/2023, 7:30:16 AM

Tova Mozard I ILOVERUSS⁠ ⁠ In the exhibition ILOVERUSS there is an important parallel thread running through the story and its subtle self-portrayal of the artist herself, an attempt to come to terms with – and perhaps even appreciate – having an outsider’s perspective. ⁠ ⁠ ⁠The exhibition runs until 16 December, welcome!⁠ ⁠ 1. Installation photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger⁠ 2. Tova Mozard, 'Poppy Flowers', 2023. C-print, walnut frame, museum glass, 52,5 x 64,5 cm, edition of 5⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videoinstallation#threechannelvideo#videoart#photography#soloexhibition#CeciliaHillströmGallery

12/8/2023, 7:30:12 AM

Tova Mozard’s exhibition ILOVERUSS features a series of photographic works and a three-channel video installation. ⁠ ⁠ Glimpses in the film involve a playful Tova Mozard swimming in a pool with Kingston. Scenes from Stanley Kubrick’s “Lolita” add another dimension to the relationship between the older man and a young woman. ⁠ ⁠ The exhibition is on view until 16 December, welcome!⁠ ⁠ Installation view: Jean-Baptiste Béranger⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videoinstallation#threechannelvideo#videoart#photography#soloexhibition#CeciliaHillströmGallery

12/6/2023, 7:30:14 AM

Tova Mozard | ILOVERUSS⁠ ⁠ In the exhibition ILOVERUSS, Tova Mozard follows the struggling actor Russ Kingston in Hollywood over a 20-year period. Mozard is a smooth and caring observer of Russ Kingston’s whims and acts. At the same time, ILOVERUSS is a straightforward and honest portrait of the backwater of the entertainment industry. ⁠ ⁠ The exhibition runs until 16 December, welcome!⁠ ⁠ Image: Tova Mozard, 'Aero', 2023, C-print, walnut frame, museum glass⁠, 72.5 x 88.5 cm, edition of 5⁠ ⁠ ⁠⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videoinstallation#threechannelvideo#videoart#photography#CeciliaHillströmGallery#StockholmGalleryDistrict

12/5/2023, 7:30:19 AM

Artist talk – Tova Mozard ⁠ ⁠ Welcome to the artist talk with Tova Mozard tonight Wednesday 29 November at 18:00 in connection to her solo exhibition ILOVERUSS. Filmmaker Jannik Splidsboel will be moderating the talk in Swedish. ⁠ ⁠ Limited number of seats are available, please reply to [email protected], if you wish to attend.⁠ ⁠ The exhibition is on view until 16 December. ⁠ ⁠ Images:⁠ 1. Portrait: Cecilia Hillström Gallery 2. Installation photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger ⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videoinstallation#threechannelvideo#videoart#photography#soloexhibition#artisttalk#CeciliaHillströmGallery

11/29/2023, 7:30:17 AM

Artist talk – Tova Mozard Welcome to the artist talk with Tova Mozard on Wednesday 29 November, 18:00 in connection to her solo exhibition ILOVERUSS. Filmmaker Jannik Splidsboel, documentary film commissioner at the Swedish Film Institute, will be moderating the talk in Swedish. Limited number of seats are available, please reply to [email protected], if you wish to attend. The exhibition is on view until 16 December. #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videoinstallation#threechannelvideo#videoart#photography#soloexhibition#artisttalk #CeciliaHillströmGallery

11/28/2023, 7:30:14 AM

New review of Tova Mozard’s exhibition ILOVERUSS on Swedish Radio P1 Kultur by Mårten Arndtzén:⁠ ⁠ “Since Tova Mozard graduated 20 years ago, she has established her own visual and narrative universe – close to Edvard Hopper's melancholic paintings and David Lynch's film narratives. Mozard's tool is the camera, but her pictures and films revolve perhaps above all around fantasies and dreams.⁠ ⁠ She is based in Stockholm and Los Angeles - and is currently showing the exhibition ILOVERUSS, photography and video installation, at Cecilia Hillström Gallery in Stockholm.” ⁠ Listen to or read the review at P1 Kultur: ⁠⁠ ⁠ The exhibition is on view until 16 December. Welcome!⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videoinstallation#threechannelvideo#videoart#photography#CeciliaHillströmGallery#SwedishRadio#Sverigesradio#P1Kultur#artreview

11/25/2023, 9:00:41 AM

Read the review of Tova Mozard's exhibition ILOVERUSS: ⁠ ⁠ "For twenty years, Tova Mozard has filmed one of the unique characters in Los Angeles whose Hollywood dreams have been ruined. Konstguiden's Julia Hjertén has seen ILOVERUSS, an exhibition that insists that beauty lies in the cracks, and also talked with one of our most interesting artists."⁠ ⁠ ⁠See the full article (in Swedish):⁠ ⁠ Installation photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger/Cecilia Hillström Gallery. ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videoinstallation#threechannelvideo#videoart#photography#soloexhibition#artreview#CeciliaHillströmGallery

11/23/2023, 7:30:25 AM

Tova Mozard | Artist talk⁠ - Save the date 29 November!⁠ ⁠ Welcome to the artist talk with Tova Mozard on Wednesday 29 November at 18:00 in connection to her solo exhibition ILOVERUSS. Filmmaker Jannik Splidsboel, the documentary film commissioner at the Swedish Film Institute, will be moderating the talk in Swedish. A limited number of seats are available, please reply to [email protected], if you wish to attend. ⁠ ⁠ The exhibition is on view until 16 December, welcome!⁠ ⁠ Installation view: Jean-Baptiste Béranger⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videoinstallation#threechannelvideo#videoart#photography#soloexhibition#CeciliaHillströmGallery

11/21/2023, 7:30:25 AM

Installation view: ⁠ Tova Mozard, ILOVERUSS ⁠ ⁠ New photographs by Tova Mozard are presented in our upper gallery room, adding another dimension to the exhibition ILOVERUSS and the three-channel video installation.⁠ In the project, Mozard follows the struggling actor Russ Kingston in Hollywood over a 20-year period, where their friendship plays out on the screens and in the photographs.⁠ ⁠ The exhibition runs until 16 December, welcome!⁠ ⁠ Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videoinstallation#threechannelvideo#videoart#photography#soloexhibition#CeciliaHillströmGallery

11/16/2023, 7:30:17 AM

Read the review of Tova Mozard’s exhibition ILOVERUSS by Joanna Persman at ”In Mozard's film ILOVERUSS, Kingston gets the only leading role of his life – he plays himself with all that this entails.” ”On three large screens at Cecilia Hillström Gallery, I am hypnotized by this strange, fragmentary story, about a life that in some wonderful way is as tragic as it is magnificent, as beautiful as it is miserable. It could easily become grotesque. But Mozard's strengths include conveying tenderness with the camera without diminishing it, showing strength in weakness and turning an extra into a hero.” Installation view: Jean-Baptiste Béranger #TovaMozard #ILOVERUSS #review #konsten #artreview #videoinstallation #photography #CeciliaHillströmGallery

11/14/2023, 7:30:17 AM uppdaterad med Joanna Persmans recension av Tova Mozard på Cecilia Hillström Gallery. #tovamozard #ceciliahillströmgallery #joannapersman #konstennet

11/13/2023, 11:43:17 AM

A great few days of exhibitions and talks @galerie_nordenhake #tovamozard @chgallery #sirousnamazi @maxronnersjo #danvolgers #ernstbillgren @annabohmangallery @elasticgallery #susannajablonski @saskianeumangallerystockholm #sirousnamazi @magasin3 #rosscaliendo @loyalgallery #andreaseriksson @galleriflach #gunnelwåhlstrand @andrehnschiptjenko @galleryweekendstockholm

11/12/2023, 2:24:55 PM

The gallery is open today Sunday 12 November, 12:00–16:00 in connection with Gallery Weekend Stockholm — welcome! ⁠ Tova Mozard’s exhibition ILOVERUSS features a new series of photographic works and three-channel video installation. The exhibition runs until 16 December. Exhibited in our showroom is a curated selection of works by our represented artists Fredrik Söderberg, Salad Hilowle, Sigrid Sandström, Linnea Rygaard, Olivia Pettersson Fleur, Lovisa Ringborg and Katja Larsson. ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videoinstallation #threechannelvideo #videoart#photography #representedartists #CeciliaHillströmGallery#StockholmGalleryDistrict#GalleryWeekendStockholm #GalleryWeekendStockholm2023

11/12/2023, 9:00:23 AM

Håkan Rehnberg på Nordenhake och Tova Mozard på Cecilia Hillström är fina grejer. Värt att springa och se. Fint sällskap hade jag också #håkanrehnberg #tovamozard

11/11/2023, 10:13:09 PM

Tova Mozard | ILOVERUSS⁠ ⁠ Tova Mozard’s exhibition 'ILOVERUSS' features a new series of photographic works and a three-channel video installation. In the project, Mozard follows the struggling actor Russ Kingston in Hollywood over a 20-year period, where their friendship plays out on the screens and in the photographs.⁠ ⁠ ⁠On Saturday 11 November at 13:00, Tova Mozard will give a short introduction to her exhibition in connection with Gallery Weekend Stockholm, 10–12 Nov. ⁠ ⁠ At 14:00 there is a guided tour of the Vasastan Gallery District with David Castenfors (meeting point at Coulisse Gallery). ⁠ ⁠ Book your spot and read more: ⁠⁠ ⁠ Opening hours during Gallery Weekend:⁠ Friday 10 Nov 11:00–20:00⁠ Saturday 11 Nov 12:00–18:00⁠ Sunday 12 Nov 12:00–16:00⁠ ⁠ Image 1: Installation view: Tova Mozard, ILOVERUSS, 2023. ⁠ Image 2: Tova Mozard, ‘Vista’, 2023⁠. C-print, framed, 52,5 x 64,5 cm⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#photography#videoinstallation#threechannelvideo#CeciliaHillströmGallery#StockholmGalleryDistrict#GalleryWeekendStockholm#GalleryWeekendStockholm2023

11/11/2023, 9:00:26 AM

Tova Mozard, ILOVERUSS - Part II, opening tonight Friday 10 November, 17:00–20:00, welcome!⁠ ⁠ The exhibition ILOVERUSS features a three-channel video installation and a new series of photographic works by Tova Mozard.⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠On Saturday 11 November at 13:00, Tova Mozard will give a short introduction to her exhibition in connection with Gallery Weekend Stockholm, 10–12 Nov! ⁠ Opening hours during Gallery Weekend: Friday 10 Nov 11:00–20:00⁠ Saturday 11 Nov 12:00–18:00⁠ Sunday 12 Nov 12:00–16:00⁠ ⁠ Tova Mozard, 'Poppy Flowers', 2023. C-print, walnut frame, museum glass, 52,5 x 64,5 cm, edition of 5.⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#opening#photography#PoppyFlowers#videoinstallation#threechannelvideo#CeciliaHillströmGallery#StockholmGalleryDistrict#GalleryWeekendStockholm#GalleryWeekendStockholm2023

11/10/2023, 7:30:17 AM

Tova Mozard | ILOVERUSS Welcome to Gallery Weekend Stockholm, 10–12 November! We are pleased to present part II of Tova Mozard’s exhibition ILOVERUSS, opening in connection with Gallery Weekend Stockholm – Friday 10 November, 17:00–20:00. The exhibition ILOVERUSS features a three-channel video installation, now showing for the first time in Stockholm. The second part of the show features a new series of photographic works by Mozard in our smaller gallery space. ⁠ ⁠On Saturday 11 November at 13:00, Tova Mozard will give a short introduction to her exhibition. Extended opening hours: Friday 10 Nov 11:00–20:00 Saturday 11 Nov 12:00–18:00 Sunday 12 Nov 12:00–16:00 Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videowork#videoart#photography #opening #soloexhibition #CeciliaHillströmGallery#StockholmGalleryDistrict#GalleryWeekendStockholm #GalleryWeekendStockholm2023

11/9/2023, 7:30:16 AM

Welcome to Gallery Weekend Stockholm, 10–12 November! We are pleased to present part II of Tova Mozard’s exhibition ILOVERUSS, opening in connection with Gallery Weekend Stockholm – Friday 10 November, 17:00–20:00. The exhibition ILOVERUSS features a three-channel video installation, now showing for the first time in Stockholm. The second part of the show features a new series of photographic works by Mozard in our smaller gallery space. ⁠ ⁠Tova Mozard will give a short introduction to her exhibition ILOVERUSS on Saturday 11 November at 13:00. Extended opening hours: Friday 10 Nov 11:00–20:00 Saturday 11 Nov 12:00–18:00 Sunday 12 Nov 12:00–16:00 #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videoinstallation#threechannelvideo#videoart#photography#CeciliaHillströmGallery#StockholmGalleryDistrict#GalleryWeekendStockholm#GalleryWeekendStockholm2023

11/7/2023, 7:30:21 AM

Tova Mozard | ILOVERUSS⁠ Welcome to the opening of part 2 of the exhibition in connection with Gallery Weekend Stockholm, Friday 10 November, 17:00–20:00!⁠ ⁠ The exhibition ILOVERUSS features a three-channel video installation, now showing for the first time in Stockholm. The second part of the show features a new series of photographic works by Mozard in our smaller gallery space. ⁠ ⁠ The exhibition runs until 16 December.⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videoinstallation#threechannelvideo#videoart#photography#CeciliaHillströmGallery#StockholmGalleryDistrict#GalleryWeekendStockholm#GalleryWeekendStockholm2023

11/2/2023, 7:30:11 AM

Gå och se Tova Mozards filminstallation på Galleri Cecilia Hillström. Avnjut en tredelad sandwich med vardagens tillkortakommande och minnenas skimrande sediment som mellanlägg. En ömsint vivisektion av skådespelaren Russ som lever sitt liv helt i filmens fiktiva värld. #tovamozard #iloveruss #iamthegreatpretender #Idontsingmaryhadalittlelamb

10/26/2023, 1:48:56 PM

Tova Mozard | ILOVERUSS⁠ ⁠ ILOVERUSS is a three-channel video installation now showing for the first time in Stockholm. In the project, Mozard follows the struggling actor Russ Kingston in Hollywood over a 20-year period. ⁠Their friendship plays out on the screens, where Mozard tactfully lets Kingston immerse himself in a monologue about acting and life – with Mozard as a supporting actor. ⁠ ⁠ The video installation is on view until 16 December, welcome!⁠ ⁠ Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#RussKingston#threechannelinstallation#Installationimage#Hollywoodactor#supportingactor#friendship#video#CeciliaHillströmGallery

10/25/2023, 7:30:16 AM

TOVA MOZARD från utställningen ILOVERUSS (videoinstallation) @chgallery @mozardtova #tovamozard

10/22/2023, 10:23:36 AM

New show! Tova Mozard | ILOVERUSS⁠ Welcome to the opening on Saturday 21 October between 12:00–16:00!⁠ ⁠ We are delighted to present the first part of Tova Mozard’s exhibition ILOVERUSS, featuring a three-channel video installation. ⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videowork#videoart#opening#upcomingexhibition#CeciliaHillströmGallery#StockholmGalleryDistrict

10/20/2023, 7:40:20 AM

Upcoming exhibition:⁠ Tova Mozard | ILOVERUSS⁠ Welcome to the opening on Saturday 21 October between 12:00–16:00!⁠ ⁠ We are delighted to present Tova Mozard’s exhibition ILOVERUSS, featuring a three-channel video installation shown for the first time in Stockholm. In the project, Mozard follows the struggling actor Russ Kingston in Hollywood over a 20-year period. ⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videowork#videoart#opening#upcomingexhibition#CeciliaHillströmGallery#StockholmGalleryDistrict

10/19/2023, 7:30:14 AM

Upcoming exhibition:⁠ Tova Mozard | ILOVERUSS⁠ ⁠ Welcome to the opening on Saturday 21 October between 12:00–16:00!⁠ ⁠ We are delighted to present Tova Mozard’s exhibition ILOVERUSS, featuring a three-channel video installation.⁠ ILOVERUSS premiered at Nikolaj Kunsthal, Copenhagen, earlier this year. The video installation is now shown for the first time in Stockholm. The exhibition runs to 16 December. #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videowork#videoart#opening#upcomingexhibition#CeciliaHillströmGallery#StockholmGalleryDistrict

10/17/2023, 7:30:12 AM

Upcoming exhibition:⁠ Tova Mozard | ILOVERUSS⁠ - Part I⁠ Welcome to the opening Saturday 21 October 12:00–16:00!⁠ ⁠ We are delighted to present the first part of Tova Mozard’s exhibition ILOVERUSS, featuring a three-channel video installation. In part II of the show, photographic works will be added to the project and shown in our smaller gallery space. ⁠ ⁠ The second part of the exhibition will open in connection with Gallery Weekend Stockholm, Friday 10 November at 11:00–20:00.⁠ ⁠Save the date for this year's Gallery Weekend Stockholm 10 Nov–12 Nov! ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#videowork#videoart#opening#upcomingexhibition#savethedate#GalleryWeekendStockholm#CeciliaHillströmGallery#StockholmGalleryDistrict

10/12/2023, 7:30:10 AM

Last week to see Tova Mozard’s solo exhibition 'ILOVERUSS' at Nikolaj Kunsthal, Copenhagen, on view until 30 July. The exhibition consists of film and photography, in which the artist moves between fiction and documentary.⁠ ⁠ The film “ILOVERUSS” is based on 20 years of footage of the person Russ, who works as an extra in Hollywood, and with whom Mozard has developed a very special relationship over the years.⁠ ⁠ For more information see the website:⁠ ⁠ Installation images: Mads Holm⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#NikolajKunsthal#Copenhagen#soloexhibition#lastweek#film#photography#Hollywood#CeciliaHillströmGallery

7/26/2023, 8:00:23 AM

Sýning sænsku myndlistarkonunnar Tova Mozard (@mozardtova) hér í Nikolaj Kunsthal í Kaupmannahöfn er ljóðræn og falleg, sérstaklega verkið Iloveruss en þar greinir listakonan frá 20 ára vináttu sinni við bandaríska Holllywood aukaleikarann Russ. Beint í mark svona í miðju leikaraverkfalli vestanhafs. #visualart #tovamozard #iloveruss

7/15/2023, 12:47:56 PM

København i regnvejr @nikolajkunsthal

7/12/2023, 2:07:21 PM

Installation Views * ILOVERUSS * @mozardtova * Upper Gallery On show until Sunday July 30. Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday from 11-18. Weekend from 11-17. Wednesday: Free Admission. Supported by @koebenhavnskommune * @statenskunstfond * @augustinusfonden * #FondetforDanskSvenskSamarbejde Media Mentions @filmmagasinet_ekko @drlyd_dr DR P1 Kulturen @magasinetkunst Photo Credit: @madsholmmads #TovaMozard #ILOVERUSS #NikolajKunsthal #Exhibition #Film #Photography #Copenhagen #visitcopenhagen #sharingcph #cphpicks #delditkbh #ibyen #cphculturaldistrict #DKkultur #dkkunst

7/9/2023, 8:30:10 PM

@mozardtova #tovamozard

7/7/2023, 12:58:43 AM

Tova Mozard is currently showing in a solo exhibition at Nikolaj Kunsthall, Copenhagen. In the exhibition, a new video installation, “ILOVERUSS”, is presented as well as Tova Mozard’s film “PSYCHIC” along with photography. The exhibition is on view until 30 July, 2023. ⁠ ⁠ Read the interview @filmmagasinet_ekko May 31, by Nicki Bruun. Contact the gallery for more information about Tova Mozard’s works: [email protected] More information about the exhibition on the website:⁠ Installation images: Mads Holm⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#Psychic#film#photography#NikolajKunsthal⁠ ⁠ #currentexhibition

6/21/2023, 7:30:19 AM

Installation Views * ILOVERUSS * @mozardtova * Upper Gallery On show until July 30. Supported by @koebenhavnskommune * @statenskunstfond * @augustinusfonden * #FondetforDanskSvenskSamarbejde Interview @filmmagasinet_ekko (May 31, by Nicki Bruun). Interview @drlyd_dr DR P1 Kulturen (May 25, by @deinen + Karen Secher. Photo Credit: @madsholmmads #TovaMozard #ILOVERUSS #NikolajKunsthal #Exhibition #Film #Photography #Copenhagen #visitcopenhagen #sharingcph #cphpicks #delditkbh #ibyen #cphculturaldistrict #DKkultur #dkkunst

6/5/2023, 6:00:08 PM

TOVA MOZARD ”Goldman” i galleriets showroom @chgallery #tovamozard

6/2/2023, 9:35:32 AM

Opening tonight 25 May, 16:00–19:00: Tova Mozard 'ILOVERUSS', Nikolaj Kunsthal, Copenhagen. ⁠ ⁠ With a background in the Hollywood film industry and entertainment culture, Tova Mozard explores what happens when the show ends, the cameras turn off, and we are left to create our own lives instead of being enveloped in the world of fiction. ⁠ ⁠ In the work “ILOVERUSS”, which is completed for the exhibition at Nikolaj Kunsthal, the artist moves between fiction and documentary. ⁠ ⁠ The exhibition is on view between 26 May–30 July 2023. ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #TovaMozard#ILOVERUSS#NikolajKunsthal#Copenhagen#soloexhibition#photography#upcomingshow#CeciliaHillströmGallery

5/25/2023, 7:30:13 AM

[EXHIBITION OPENING // Nikolaj Kunsthal]⁠ ⁠ Join us on 26 May for the opening of Tova Mozard's exhibition ‘ILOVERUSS’ at our partner @nikolajkunsthal.⁠ ⁠ With a background in the Hollywood film industry and entertainment culture, the artist explores what happens when the show ends, the cameras turn off, and we are left to create our own lives instead of being enveloped in the world of fiction.⁠ ⁠ In the work 'ILOVERUSS', Tova Mozard moves between fiction and documentary. The film is based on 20 years of footage of the person Russ, who works as an extra in Hollywood, and with whom the photographer has developed a very special relationship over the years. ⁠ ⁠ It reflects being human for better or worse – even when you don’t necessarily have a specific purpose in life. ⁠ ⁠ Check out the exhibitions and opening hours via our LINK IN BIO⁠ ⁠ 📸 @mozardtova⁠ ⁠ #festivalpartner #NikolajKunsthal #copenhagenphotofestival #cpf23 #TovaMozard

5/14/2023, 10:40:15 AM

Posted @withregram • @chgallery Last day at Market Art Fair is today Sunday, open 11:00–17:00! Welcome to see our presentation with Leif Engström, Tova Mozard and Alexander Tallén in booth 12! #marketartfair #marketartfair2023 #leifengström #tovamozard #alexandertallén #ceciliahillströmgallery

5/14/2023, 9:24:15 AM

Last day at Market Art Fair is today Sunday, open 11:00–17:00! Welcome to see our presentation with Leif Engström, Tova Mozard and Alexander Tallén in booth 12! #marketartfair #marketartfair2023 #leifengström #tovamozard #alexandertallén #ceciliahillströmgallery

5/14/2023, 9:07:28 AM

Very soon * @mozardtova * ILOVERUSS * Upper Gallery Grand Opening May 25 form 4-7 pm #Vernissage #Fernisering Free admission. The Bar is open. Dj duo: @joseflazo (@lazoschmidl) & @hzct (@hernandez_cornet). With a background in the Hollywood film industry and entertainment culture, Tova Mozard explores what happens when the show ends, the cameras turn off, and we are left to create our own lives instead of being enveloped in the world of fiction. In the work “ILOVERUSS” the artist moves between fiction and documentary. The film is based on 20 years of footage of the person Russ, who works as an extra in Hollywood, and with whom Mozard has developed a very special relationship over the years. The friendship unfolds in a confidential space with room for quirkiness and vulnerability. It reflects being human for better or worse – even when you don’t necessarily have a specific purpose in life. With support from @koebenhavnskommune * @statenskunstfond * @augustinusfonden * #FondetforDanskSvenskSamarbejde #TovaMozard #ILOVERUSS #NikolajKunsthal #Exhibition #Film #Photography #Copenhagen #visitcopenhagen #sharingcph #cphpicks #delditkbh #ibyen #cphculturaldistrict #DKkultur #dkkunst Image (1) Phsycic Temple (2) The Thing (3) Jesus (4) Any Day Now (5) Sandra Bernhard (6) ILOVERUSS

5/12/2023, 9:00:09 PM

Posted @withregram • @chgallery Market Art Fair 12–14 May⁠ Welcome to visit us in booth 12 at Liljevalchs!⁠ ⁠ The gallery is happy to present new artworks by Leif Engström (b. 1992), Tova Mozard (b. 1978) and Alexander Tallén (b. 1988). ⁠ ⁠ Opening hours:⁠ Friday By invitation ⁠ Saturday 11:00–18:00 Sunday 11:00–17:00⁠ ⁠ Image: Leif Engström, 'Människor på fält', 2023, oil on canvas, walnut frame, 149.5 x 263.5 cm⁠ ⁠ #MarketArtFair#MarketArtFair2023#TovaMozard#LeifEngström#AlexanderTallén⁠ #upcoming#photography#CeciliaHillströmGallery#CeciliaHillströmGallery10yrs#StockholmArtWeek2023#Liljevalchskonsthall⁠ @marketartfair ⁠

5/12/2023, 8:16:20 AM

Market Art Fair 12–14 May⁠ Welcome to visit us in booth 12 at Liljevalchs!⁠ ⁠ The gallery is happy to present new artworks by Leif Engström (b. 1992), Tova Mozard (b. 1978) and Alexander Tallén (b. 1988). ⁠ ⁠ Opening hours:⁠ Friday By invitation ⁠ Saturday 11:00–18:00 Sunday 11:00–17:00⁠ ⁠ Image: Leif Engström, 'Människor på fält', 2023, oil on canvas, walnut frame, 149.5 x 263.5 cm⁠ ⁠ #MarketArtFair#MarketArtFair2023#TovaMozard#LeifEngström#AlexanderTallén⁠ #upcoming#photography#CeciliaHillströmGallery#CeciliaHillströmGallery10yrs#StockholmArtWeek2023#Liljevalchskonsthall⁠ @marketartfair ⁠

5/12/2023, 7:30:15 AM

Upcoming: Market Art Fair, 12–14 May⁠ ⁠ Cecilia Hillström Gallery is presenting a curated group show featuring new artworks by Alexander Tallén, Leif Engström, and Tova Mozard.⁠ ⁠ Join us in booth 12 at Liljevalchs, 12–14 May!⁠ ⁠ Opening hours:⁠ Friday By invitation Saturday 11:00–18:00 Sunday 11:00–17:00⁠ ⁠ ⁠ Image: ⁠Alexander Tallén, 'Here Without You', 2023, stoneware, enamels, platinum, 33 x 20 x 13 cm⁠ ⁠ #MarketArtFair#MarketArtFair2023#AlexanderTallén⁠ #LeifEngström#TovaMozard#upcoming#sculpture#painting#photography#CeciliaHillströmGallery#CeciliaHillströmGallery10yrs#StockholmArtWeek2023#Liljevalchskonsthall⁠ @marketartfair⁠ ⁠

5/11/2023, 11:30:27 AM

Fast bäst individuellt konstnärsskap årets @marketartfair #tovamozard @mozardtova på @chgallery

5/11/2023, 10:08:34 AM

TOVA MOZARD: COPS, PSYCHICS AND COMEDY Tova Mozard’s work is often characterized by an interest in how people act and the games they play in group settings. When visiting Los Angeles for the first time, she experienced that type of improvisation right in front of her and realized she had found her subject matter. Cops, psychics and comedians are involved in roleplay one way or the other but Tova Mozard goes deeper, to find uncharted territories within these stereotypes, seen and mirrored within and beyond ourselves using Los Angeles as its prismatic stage. Text: Annika Elisabeth von Hausswolff Conversation: Chris Kraus & Tova Mozard. Design: Waters Löwenhielm 2021, English, hardcover. 📷 @emilfagander #tovamozard #copspsychicsandcomedy #photgraphy

5/9/2023, 3:30:13 PM