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SEVEN SONS Di Robert Windom, Kelvin Mao, Jae Lee e June Chung Una profezia prevede che un giorno sette figli nasceranno da sette donne vergini, e che questi fratelli nello spirito si riuniranno per portare la salvezza nel mondo. Qualche anno dopo questa profezia diventa realtà, e i Jesi danno vita al regno della Chiesa dei Sette nella terra di Nuova Canaan, precedentemente nota come Las Vegas. Tuttavia questi sette fratelli divini (o divinizzati, per meglio dire) sono molto meno al comando della chiesa a loro dedicata rispetto a quanto ci si potrebbe aspettare. È più corretto dire che sono un ingranaggio della macchina. Una macchina che è volta a fare marketing aggressivo per innalzare il loro status agli occhi della gente, ormai quasi completamente assoggettata ai dogmi della chiesa, e che è controllata da loro "padre", il visionario che a suo tempo pronunciò la profezia. Tuttavia a non tutti sta bene lo status quo. Esiste un ordine, infatti, noto come I Custodi Di Allah, una confraternita di stampo islamico jihadista che fa dell'eliminazione dei sette fratelli e della distruzione della loro chiesa la sua missione. Delph è uno dei Jesi, il meno appariscente e più riservato. L'apatia in cui vive la sua esistenza viene sconvolta quando i Custodi iniziano ad assassinare i suoi fratelli, in particolar modo Ep, che tra tutti era il più ribelle e quello che stava progettando di fuggire per vivere una vita vera, piena, lontana dall'ipocrisia della chiesa. Con la morte di Ep, Delph eredita il sogno del fratello. Inizia così la fuga del giovane, un viaggio che porterà alla luce tutte le oscurità e le storture della Chiesa dei Sette. Questo è Seven Sons, una miniserie di stampo thriller distopico scritta da Robert Windom e Kelvin Mao, illustrata dall'incommensurabile Jae Lee. - continua nei commenti - #SevenSons #RobertWindom #KelvinMao #JaeLee #JuneChung #ImageComics #Image #SaldapressMaestro #Maestro #Saldapress #GruppoSaldatori #reading #leggere #lettura #review #recensione #books #libri #comics #fumetti

5/27/2024, 2:03:13 PM

~ Avis lecture: Seven sons de Jae Lee, Robert Windom, Kelvin Mao, June Chung aux éditions @huginnetmuninn Dans un monde où une réligion (l'église des 7 Jesis) à la main mise sur la population, on assiste à l'avènement d'un nouveau prophète et à son sacre. Le pays est en ébullition, les Jesis se préparent aux cérémonies et l'un des 7 frères commence à douter du bien fondé de leur réligion. Sujets de fond interessants, on est sur une critique plus ou moins deguisée de la société, des croyances religieuses, de l'endoctrinement avec tout ses aspects liés aux manipulations des plus simples au plus grosses (quand tout un état s'y donne à coeur joie😅). Et même si j ai apprecié l'histoire pour ses thématiques, le découpage, les allers retours dans le passé m'ont agacé quand même un peu. Si l'on est deja fan de l'artiste Jae Lee, je pense que l'on appreciera les dessins, en plus, il y a toute une galerie à la fin du comics où quelques dessins exclusifs sont partagés. En bref, pour une première excursion choisie dans l'univers de Jae Lee, je dirais pas mal. #SevenSons #JaeLee #RobertWindom #KelvinMao #JuneChung #Comics #avislecture #readersofinstagram #bookstagram #livrestagram #bookphoto #lecture #bookreview

5/19/2024, 11:04:22 AM

Nel Vangelo secondo Giovanni viene descritto il primo miracolo di Gesù. Durante un matrimonio a Cana di Galilea, Cristo trasformò l’acqua in vino manifestando tutto il suo potere divino facendo in modo che la gente credesse nella sua Gloria. Nel 1998, in una linea temporale alternativa, a New Canaan, conosciuta un tempo come Las Vegas, il mondo intero è pronto ad assistere tramite un pay-per-view (pagare per vedere) all’incoronazione del secondo figlio di Dio. Nel 1977 sette madri vergini in sette luoghi diversi del mondo danno alla luce sette figli identici. Sei di loro vengono uccisi e etichettati come falsi profeti dai Custodi di Allah, gruppo religioso, definito terroristico dai ferventi discepoli del culto dei Sette Jesi. Nel 1998 solo Pergi è rimasto in vita e sarà Lui che guiderà il mondo in una nuova era che porterà nuovamente il divino sulla terra. Tutto questo è SEVEN SONS, un thriller distopico scritto da Robert Windom e Kevin Mao, in cui la presenza di un culto fortemente radicato in diversi strati sociali, legato alla forte immagine ed esistenza di una figura divina onnipotente, trasmette un senso di frenesia e irrequietezza al lettore trasportandolo nelle zone oscure di una società, quasi contemporanea infettata da un irrefrenabile e furiosa fede cieca. SEVEN SONS, pubblicato da Saldapress, unisce il complotto, la religione, una certa forma di islamofobia (ahimè) al potere dei media in una storia dove le verità non sono così tangibili e di come invece le bugie siano molto concrete. Le matite di Jae Lee raccontano un futuro apocalittico grazie e vignette irregolari che sembrano schegge di uno specchio che riflettono immagini distorte di un mondo decadente fatto di personaggi in bilico tra l’umano e il mostruoso divino. Ogni personaggio è rappresentato con linee spigolose e ombre cupe che esaltano le caratteristiche di ognuno di loro nutrendosi di cupa agitazione. Aldilà di qualche piccola pecca, SEVEN SONS è una lettura ricca di potenziale che non nasconde piccole e grandi sorprese. #DarthBoomer #saldapress #TTToysConsigliaCose #MillenniumShopOneSoloBelleLetture #jaelee #robertwindom #kevinmao #imagecomics

5/11/2024, 12:57:13 PM

Sette figli nasceranno da sette vergini, e uno di essi sarà il nuovo salvatore del mondo. Ma capire chi è di loro non è così semplice, e forse può essere utile ucciderli tutti e stare a vedere chi di loro fra tre giorni risorge! 📌 SEVEN SONS segna l'atteso ritorno alle matite del talentuoso Jay Lee che, sui testi di Robert Windom e Kelvin Mao, disegna un graphic novel autoconclusivo capace di far riflettere sulla religione come forma di controllo delle masse. Un thriller religioso e politico pubblicato in un'edizione cartonata e di grande formato: 224 pagine che ci rivelano un'oscura profezia in una corsa sfrenata contro il tempo! Riusciranno i sette figli a sopravvivere e a salvare il mondo? Ma chi sono davvero e quali segreti nascondono? 👉🏻 SEVEN SONS esce in libreria e fumetteria il 3 maggio: lo potete trovare IN ANTEPRIMA al Comicon di Napoli, dal 25 al 28 aprile. Cercate il Padiglione Fumetto - stand 1AE01 e troverete saldaPress e centinaia di titoli incredibili! #saldapress #surfinoncomics #graphicnovel #robertwindom #kelvinmao #jaylee #sevensons #imagecomics #napolicomicon

4/22/2024, 6:30:14 PM

SEVEN SONS En este intrigante relato situado en una línea temporal alternativa, Nicolaus Balaak predijo con precisión que el 7 de julio de 1977 nacerían siete hijos idénticos de madres vírgenes. Ahora, al cumplir los 21 años, uno de estos Siete Hijos será proclamado como el nuevo hijo de Dios y liderará a la humanidad hacia una era dorada de moralidad, paz y prosperidad. Pero Delph, uno de ellos, se libera de su vida protegida para descubrir los secretos ocultos de la Iglesia y encontrar su lugar en el mundo antes de que llegue el Día del Juicio. $319,00 pesos #CataloniaComics #sevensons #kamite #robertwindom #kelvinmao #jaelee #junechung #editorialkamite

4/21/2024, 7:30:12 PM

(322) Random pull from my collection. #imagecomics #sevensons #robertwindom #kelvinmao #jaelee #junechung #simonbowland #serbanchristescu

3/29/2024, 1:29:39 PM

Seven Sons by Robert Windom and Kelvin Mao, with striking art by Jae Lee. This comic offers a dark and atmospheric storytelling. In general, it's a relatively short but entertaining read. But to be honest I bought it because of Jae Lee's artwork 😉 #SevenSons #imagecomics #robertwindom #kelvinmao #jaelee #comics #comicnerd #comicgeek #comiccollector #comicstagram #comicsarefun #comicsareart #sequentialart

3/20/2024, 7:45:16 PM

De profecías y show business... -- 📘Siete hijos (Moztros, 2023) -- EO: [Seven Sons #1-7 USA] -- 📝Robert Windom, Kelvin Mao 🖌️✒️Jae Lee 🎨June Chung -- Sinopsis: Siete Hijos es un thriller psicológico ambientado en una línea temporal alternativa en la que Nicolaus Balaak predijo que el 7 de julio de 1977 nacerían siete hijos idénticos de madres vírgenes. Al cumplir 21 años, uno de ellos, Delph, descubrirá que podría ser el nuevo hijo de Dios y estar destinado a conducir a la humanidad a una nueva era de moralidad, paz y prosperidad. Sin embargo, esta revelación lo pondrá en la mira de gente muy poderosa que querrá matarlo, y así comenzará una carrera desesperada en búsqueda de la verdad detrás de su existencia que podría llevarlo directo a su Día del Juicio Final. El prestigioso artista ganador del premio Eisner, Jae Lee, regresa a los cómics de autor por primera vez desde 1994 con una serie propia recopilada en este volumen. -- 🏆4/5 #sietehijos #sevensons #robertwindom #kelvinmao #jaelee #image #imagecomics #moztros #comic

3/16/2024, 8:46:58 PM

Ein kompletter Comic aus der Hand von Zeichnerlegende @jaeleeart? Über die siebenfache Wiederkehr des Messias der Christen, über falsche Propheten und kapitalistische Medienmaschinerien, über globale Komplotts und absolutistische Regierungsgeheimnisse? Wie hätten wir dazu Nein sagen können? Also erscheint SEVEN SONS bei uns als voluminöse und bildschöne Graphic Novel - die komplette Miniserie in einem Hardcover-Band! Wer von euch hat schon reingeschaut? #splitterverlag #comics #graphicnovel #robertwindom #kelvinmao #jaelee #sevensons

3/3/2024, 10:30:14 AM

Religion, Obsession, Krieg, Frieden, Massenmedienkritik und turbokapitalistisches Marketing - das sind die Themen in SEVEN SONS, der neuen Graphic Novel von @jaeleeart, die nächste Woche bei uns erscheint. Jesus Christus ist auf die Erde wiedergekehrt, und zwar siebenfach. Doch welcher Jesus ist der eine, der Messias? Und ist das überhaupt relevant, wenn man daraus die größte Show der Menschheitsgeschichte machen kann? #splitterverlag #sevensons #jaelee #robertwindom #kelvinmao #variantcover #comiccover

2/18/2024, 4:00:35 PM

Leute, wir freuen uns unbändig, dass wir den neuen Comic vom einzigartigen @jaeleeart im Programm haben! SEVEN SONS ist sein erstes eigenes Projekt seit über 20 Jahren, denn ansonsten ist Lee vor allem als Cover-Artist tätig. Diese düstere, zynische und visuell vollkommen brillante Graphic Novel über die Wiederkunft Christi in siebenfacher Ausfertigung dürft ihr nicht verpassen! #splitterverlag #sevensons #jaelee #robertwindom #kelvinmao #variantcover #comiccover

2/15/2024, 3:01:35 PM

Siete Hijos. De #robertwindom #kelvinmao @jaeleeart . Piblica @moztros . En Nueva Canaan, antes Las Vegas, se preparan para la coronación. Día en que se alzará el segundo hijo de Dios en la tierra. Este, saldrá de entre siete chicos idénticos nacidos de siete madres vírgenes diferentes. Sobreprotegidos desde su nacimiento por Nicolaus, su profeta, que predijo su llegada diez años antes de su nacimiento. A pocos días de la coronación ya solo quedan tres de los chicos ya que los otros fueron cayendo víctimas de Los Vigilantes de Alá, un grupo de defensa del Islam que quiere acabar con toda la parafernalia montada alrededor de los "Jesuses". Una historia genial, bien contada y narrada con buen desarrollo de los personajes camuflado en flashbacks intercalados a lo largo del argumento. El dibujo es fantástico con ese estilo único que tiene Jae Lee. No es para todos los públicos, pero muy recomendable. #sietehijos #jaelee #junechung #moztros #image #imagecomics #thrillerpsicologico #thriller #religion #mesias #nuevacanaan #coronacion #hijodedios #engaño #estafa #asesinatos #americancomic #yoleocomics #aleer #leeresvivir #vivanloscomics #lecturarecomendada #bigonechannel

12/11/2023, 12:09:37 PM

#SieteHijos es un oscuro thriller de tintes sobrenaturales en el que se amalgaman religión, fanatismo, política, asesinatos y… el segundo advenimiento del hijo de Dios. Sí, habéis leído bien. No es la primera vez que nos topamos con un cómic que aborda el tema de la segunda venida, pero casi siempre lo hemos disfrutado desde la óptica de la sátira o del humor. En esta ocasión lo que nos encontramos es una historia perturbadora, que engancha de la primera a la última página y que explora el impacto de la religión en la sociedad, con una ambientación lúgubre y grandes dosis de  misterio, en una realidad alternativa y totalmente distópica. A finales de los años 70 se profetiza la el segundo advenimiento del hijo de Dios. Pero a falta de uno, serán 7 los hijos idénticos nacidos de madres vírgenes. Desde su nacimiento el mundo tal y como lo conocemos cambia de manera drástica hasta que prácticamente solo existe una sola fe. Pero quizás haya algo turbio detrás de todo y no tardará en surgir un grupo terrorista dispuesto a asesinar a los ¿falsos profetas? y a todo aquel que se interponga en su camino. Si a la trama vertiginosa de Robert Windom y Kelvin Mao, le añadimos el fascinante y audaz apartado gráfico de Jae Lee, obtenemos el cóctel perfecto que no dejará indiferente a ningún lector y que debería entrar ya dentro de vuestro radar comiquero. #RobertWindom #KelvinMao #JaeLee #Halloween #HalloweenNoCalvario #Samaín #SamaínNoCalvario #NoiteDosCalacús #BandaDeseñadaVigo #Vigo

10/31/2023, 2:47:12 PM

"Siete Hijos" Creador: Robert Windom Guión: Robert Windom/Kelvin Mao Dibujo: Jae Lee Portada: Jae Lee Color: June Chung Rotulación: Leticia Francalancia Traducción: Ariel Albinati Editor: Leo Scarano Formato: Cartoné (Tapa Dura) Páginas: 224 (Color) Contenido: Seven Sons # 1-7 USA Editorial España: @moztros Editorial Usa: @imagecomics PVP: 24'00€ Mi Nota: 7'5/10 Sinopsis Siete Hijos es un thriller psicológico ambientado en una línea temporal alternativa en la que Nicolaus Balaak predijo que el 7 de Julio de 1977 nacerían siete hijos idénticos de madres vírgenes.Al cumplir 21 años,uno de ellos,Delph,descubrirá qué podría ser el nuevo hijo de Dios y estar destinado a conducir a la humanidad a una nueva moralidad,paz y prosperidad.Sin embargo,esta revelación lo pondrá en la mira de gente muy poderosa qué querrá matarlo,y así comenzará una carrera desesperada en búsqueda de la verdad detrás de su existencia qué podría llevarlo directo a su Día del Juicio Final. #robertwindom #robertwindomandkelvinmao #kelvinmao #junechung #junechungart #sevensons #sevensonscomic #imagecomics #moztros #comicsartist #comicsart #cómicusa #cómics #cómicsamericanos #cómicindependiente #cómicindependienteaméricano #cómic #leercómicsesleer #leeresvivir #leercómicmola #leertebeos #leercómics #leerescultura

10/27/2023, 1:36:13 PM

August 24th Featured Book Review # 1,177: Seven Sons (Issues # 1-7) Written by Robert Windom & Kelvin Mao Illustrated by Jae Lee @jaeleeart Colored by June Chung Lettered by Simon Bowland Published by Image Comics on March 21, 2023 It’s the Second Coming and a magical prophecy foretells of the birth of seven identical children born to different mothers across the world simultaneously on July 7th, 1977. Delph, one of the Messianic children, tries to escape from the Church. Is is my favorite comic series of the year. It’s amazing that this is Windom’s debut as a comic writer and to be paired with the talent of Lee is nothing short of a miracle*. *Unbelievably this Lee’s first new title since 1994!! Twenty-nine years!!! Welcome back Master Lee. 🫄🫃🫄🫃🫄 out of 5 #sevensons #robertwindom #kelvinmao #comicsinstagram #imagecomics #jaelee #illustragram #coloredby #junechung #letteredby #simonbowland #secondcoming #sciencefiction

8/24/2023, 2:29:47 PM

Soaring above the clouds for today's #TinHeadTuesday, matching speeds with my aerial copy of 2023's Rocketeer One-Shot #nn! #CliffSecord returns to @idwpublishing in a trio of tales, the first zooming from #Rocketeer film writers @danny.bilson and #PaulDeMeo with interior illustrations by cover artist @atomhues exploring a childhood encounter with legendary pilot #AmeliaEarhart! If that first cameo couldn't get any better, the second story written by @batmao, director of #DrawnToPerfection, whips together a surprise appearance from the adventurous Doctor #IndianaJones! Rounding up with a lovely short by #RobertWindom and some sweet @jaeleeart panels, this anthology one-shot starring our high-flying champion created by the late and great #DaveStevens was pure blissful excitement from beginning to end! Surely this is one of those reads that will stick with me as a favorite for a long time! ☁️ . . #marvel #marvelcomics #cbfchopeful #dccomics #claimsale #comicclaimsale #comics #igcomicfamily #comicfamily #comicgeek #goldenage #silverage #bronzeage #variants #spiderman #comicbookfiendclub #batman #cgccomics #cbfceasthopeful #xmen

7/11/2023, 5:38:50 PM

Seven Sons (a 7 issue limited series) What I like to do sometimes is pre-order a few new comicbook series by the independent publishers such as Image Comics. New comics which interests me in the previews. What triggered me for "Second Sons" was the name Jae Lee! I absolutely love his art!! Never heard of the writing team, Robert Windom and Kelvin Mao. The story is an alternative history in a religiously twisted version of Las Vegas known as New Canaan. A young man named Delph suddenly awakens on the streets and goes on the run to learn more about himself and whether he is the Second Coming of Christ. I won't spoil anything more. I absolutely recommend this series! Worthy of upgrading: Absolutely yes!! #jaelee #imagecomics #robertwindom #kelvinmao #junechung #sevensons #comics #comicbook #comicbooks #booksofig #bookstagram #picoftheday

6/19/2023, 9:57:58 PM

Violence and mayhem come to Las Vegas in the upcoming limited series by Image Comics. From creators Kelvin Mao, Robert Windom, Gerry Duggan, June Chung, and Jae Lee. Find it at your favorite LCS this July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #comics #comicbooks #indie #indiecomics #indiecomic #art #digitalart #thisendstonight #igcomics #igcomicfamily #igcomicbookfamily #igcomicbookcommunity #gerryduggan #xmen #deadpool #inhumans #hellshock #jaelee #junechung #xmen #kelvinmao #robertwindom

6/14/2023, 8:09:33 PM

Kabooom Comic Tips #ImageComics THIS ENDS TONIGHT #1 (OF 3) CVR A LEE (MR) (W) #GerryDuggan, #KelvinMao, #RobertWindom (A/CA) #JaeLee MINISERIES PREMIERE GERRY DUGGAN (currently writing X-Men and Iron Man) and JAE LEE (the Eisner-winning artist from Inhumans and Hellshock) team up with co-writers KELVIN MAO and ROBERT WINDOM and colorist JUNE CHUNG for this action-packed three-issue LIMITED SERIES, which tells interconnected stories of violence and mayhem in Las Vegas. In this issue, two sisters fight their way across Vegas in a savage race to save their lives. #Kabooom #ComicTips #Image #Comics #ImageComics #ThisEndsTonight #ImageThisEndsTonight #ImageComicsThisEndsTonight #ThisEndsTonight will be In Shops: Jul 26, 2023

6/11/2023, 4:03:06 PM

New This Week! The Rocketeer by @danny.bilson, #PaulDeMeo, #RobertWindom, @batmao, @jaeleeart, @craigcermak, & @AH_AdamHughes . It's a wall-to-wall adventure in a trio of Rocketeer stories in this terrific all-new special! . First, the writers of the Rocketeer film, Danny Bilson and Paul De Meo, and illustrator Adam Hughes bring us a tale featuring pioneering aviator Amelia Earhart. Second, Robert Windom (Seven Sons) and Jae Lee craft a story of the Rocketeer fighting a Japanese Zero in the South Pacific. And the third entry is by Kelvin Mao (director of the Dave Stevens documentary Drawn To Perfection, and co-writer of Seven Sons) and artist extraordinaire Craig Cermak. While on a date with Betty, our man Cliff encounters a vaguely familiar adventurer/archeologist. What kind of trouble will this spell for our hero? You'll have to grab a copy of this special one-off issue to find out! . . . . . . . . . . . . . @idwpublishing #IDWPublishing #Rocketeer #TheRocketeer #DaveStevensRocketeer #OneShot #NCBD #NewComics #NewComicBookDay #ShopLocal #ShopSmall #SupportYourLocalComicBookStore #DragonMilton

5/31/2023, 5:31:07 PM

Comic of the Week! The Rocketeer by @danny.bilson, #PaulDeMeo, #RobertWindom, @batmao, @jaeleeart, @craigcermak, & @AH_AdamHughes . It's a wall-to-wall adventure in a trio of Rocketeer stories in this terrific all-new special! . First, the writers of the Rocketeer film, Danny Bilson and Paul De Meo, and illustrator Adam Hughes bring us a tale featuring pioneering aviator Amelia Earhart. Second, Robert Windom (Seven Sons) and Jae Lee craft a story of the Rocketeer fighting a Japanese Zero in the South Pacific. And the third entry is by Kelvin Mao (director of the Dave Stevens documentary Drawn To Perfection, and co-writer of Seven Sons) and artist extraordinaire Craig Cermak. While on a date with Betty, our man Cliff encounters a vaguely familiar adventurer/archeologist. What kind of trouble will this spell for our hero? You'll have to grab a copy of this special one-off issue to find out! . . . . . . . . . . . . . @idwpublishing #IDWPublishing #Rocketeer #TheRocketeer #DaveStevensRocketeer #OneShot #NCBD #NewComics #NewComicBookDay #ShopLocal #ShopSmall #SupportYourLocalComicBookStore #DragonGuelph

5/31/2023, 5:30:10 PM

My next pick is #TheRocketeer Special #1 by #DannyBilson #PaulDeMeo #RobertWindom #KelvinMao #JaeLee @craigcermak and @AH_AdamHughes from @IDWPublishing - 3 stories celebrating Dave Stevens' creation by the 1991 film’s writers and some top talent ^KB

5/31/2023, 2:20:10 PM

📖 En 1977, sept enfants de mère différentes naissent à travers le monde. Ces sept enfants sont identiques. Ils sont annonciateurs d'une nouvelle ère de paix sur terre avec le retour messianique du nouvel élu de dieu. 1998, les sept ne sont plus que quatre. Leur religion a cependant pris le pas sur les autres, au grand dam des anciennes religions qui se voient être supplantées par la nouvelle venue. Et alors que le couronnement du nouveau prophète arrive, l'une d'elle se dresse en dernier rempart contre une hégémonie qui ne lui plaît guère. Commence alors une quête pour la vérité dans ce récit dantic aux relents Fantastiques. Après une très l 🖊 Après plusieurs années loin des creators owned, Jae Lee revient avec une nouvelle histoire originale sous forme de récit d'anticipation mystique. Si le début peut décontenancer par son approche brutale c'est pour mieux nous mettre dans la peau de la "résistance" à cette nouvelle religion. Puis une fois les bases posées et alors que l'on accepte les codes de cette univers alternatif ou Diana est reine d'Angleterre, on nous livre peu à peu les ficelles et les dessous de cette énigme dont la fin, très largement ouverte, nous laissera encore plus circonspects que son introduction. Cependant c'est assez bien mené et écrit pour que l'on se laisse aller. Qui plus est le dessin de Jae Lee (qui peut légèrement tirer vers un Frank Quitely par moment) nous permet de nous immerger totalement dans cette BD qui a beaucoup de choses à raconter. @huginnetmuninn @jaeleeart @noussommesles4pourcent #jaelee #junechung #robertwindom #kelvinmao #sevensons #imagecomics #huginnandmuninn #anticipation #fantastique #newreligion #newwave #prophet #falseprophets #chroniquecomics #chronicomics #criticomics #readingoftheday #comicstagram #bookstagram #lisezdescomics #noussommesles4pourcent

4/24/2023, 10:24:07 AM

Nicolaus Balaak a prezis corect că în data de 7 iulie 1977, șapte gemeni identici vor fi născuți de mame pure. Acum, la aniversarea celor 21 de ani împliniți, unul dintre cei șapte fii se va arăta ca fiind noul fiu al lui Dumnezeu și va conduce umanitate către o epocă de aur a moralității, prosperității și păcii. Ne pregătim de Ziua Judecății și aflăm ce secrete ascunde Biserica în acest comic sf apocaliptic despre cea de-a doua întrupare a lui Iisus 🕊️🛡️🗡️ . . . . . . . . C.🦦 . . . . . @imagecomics #jaelee #robertwindom #kevinmao #sevensons #secondcoming #apocalypse #redemptionday #sf #imagecomics #comics #reading

4/19/2023, 4:13:34 PM

(Comics) Scénariste : Robert Windom et Kelvin Mao Dessinateur : Jae Lee Coloriste : June Chung Editeur : Huginn & Muninn Achat : @aurepairedesheros Toutes nos chroniques sur : 🧔chronique complète : 📚Le 7 juillet 1977, 7 fils identiques en tous points, naissent au même moment aux 4 coins du monde. Selon la prédiction de Nicolaus, qui a pris en charge ces nouveaux nés, il y a parmi eux le véritable fils de Dieu qui dirigera l'humanité vers un nouvel âge d'or. Mais cette nouvelle croyance n'est pas du goût de tous et des actes terroristes éclatent pour éliminer un à un ces prétendus élus. 🖊Seven Sons de Robert Windom et Kelvin Mao est une oeuvre qui pourra en désarçonner certains. Pourtant, derrière un premier chapitre faussement caricatural, les auteurs développent une intrigue certes critique mais aussi ouverte d'esprit. Jae Lee, qui signe ici un retour remarqué, est au top de sa forme. L'élégance et la noirceur de son dessin conviennent parfaitement à l'atmosphère et aux personnages qui, derrière leur pureté de façade, cachent de nombreux secrets inavouables. #robertwindom #kelvinmao #jaelee #jaeleecomics #junechung #sevensons #huginnetmuninn #comicsaddict #comicstagram #comicstagramfrance #instacomics #noussommesles4pourcent #lecturecomics #chroniquecomics

4/18/2023, 6:00:08 PM

Kabooom Comic Tips #IDWComics The Rocketeer #1 (W) #DannyBilson, #PaulDemeo, #RobertWindom, #KelvinMao (A) #CraigCermak, #JaeLee (A/CA) #AdamHughes (VCA) #GabrielRodriguez It's a wall-to-wall adventure in a trio of Rocketeer stories in this terrific all-new special! First, the writers of the Rocketeer film, Danny Bilson and Paul De Meo, and illustrator Adam Hughes bring us a tale featuring pioneering aviator Amelia Earhart. Second, Robert Windom (Seven Sons) and Jae Lee craft a story of the Rocketeer fighting a Japanese Zero in the South Pacific. And the third entry is by Kelvin Mao (director of the Dave Stevens documentary Drawn To Perfection, and co-writer of Seven Sons) and artist extraordinaire Craig Cermak. While on a date with Betty, our man Cliff encounters a vaguely familiar adventurer/archeologist. What kind of trouble will this spell for our hero? You'll have to grab a copy of this special one-off issue to find out! #Kabooom #ComicTips #IDW #IDW2023 #Comics #Rocketeer #RocketeerIDW #Rocketeercomics #RocketeerComicsIDW #TheRocketeer #therocketeercomicbook #TheRocketeer2023 will be In Shops: May 31, 2023

4/3/2023, 12:17:06 PM

New SEVEN SONS, 30% off the cover price this week!!! Featuring some amazing art by legendary artist JAE LEE. #sevensons #jaelee #robertwindom #imagecomics

3/14/2023, 9:45:41 PM

¡Moztros publicará SIETE HIJOS de Jae Lee! 👿🗡7️⃣ #JaeLee, una de las grandes leyendas del cómic y ganador del premio #Eisner, llega a Moztros con un nuevo cómic de creación propia con el que regresó a #ImageComics tras casi dos décadas trabajando lejos de la editorial. #SieteHijos es un un #thriller psicológico ambientado en una línea temporal alternativa en la que Nicolaus Balaak predijo que el 7 de julio de 1977 nacerían siete hijos idénticos de madres vírgenes. Al cumplir 21 años, uno de ellos, #Delph, descubrirá que podría ser el nuevo hijo de Dios y que está destinado a conducir a la humanidad a una nueva edad de oro de moralidad, paz y prosperidad. Sin embargo, esta revelación lo pondrá en la mira de gente muy poderosa que querrá matarlo y comenzará, así, una carrera desesperada en búsqueda de la verdad detrás de su existencia que podría llevarlo directamente a su Día del Juicio Final. Robert Windom, uno de los guionistas de la serie, nos cuenta que “estaba interesado en explorar el impacto de la religión en la sociedad, pero dotando este interés con una ambientación oscura, una gran dosis de misterio, asesinatos, algo de romance e incluso haciendo detonar un par de misiles. Jae Lee es realmente el artista perfecto para llevar a cabo esta visión y crear esta realidad alternativa y totalmente distópica. Siete Hijos es, para nosotros, una novela gráfica donde los fanáticos de tramas vertiginosas como #ElFugitivo y misterios bíblicos como #ElCódigoDaVinci podrán encontrar un #crossover de ideas que los deje sin aliento”. Siete Hijos se publicará en un tomo único, y está dibujado por Jae Lee, escrito por Robert Windom y Gone Kelvin Mao, y coloreado por June Chung. #Moztros #Anuncios #TomoUnico #RobertWindom #GoneKelvinMao #JuneChung #Comics #Tebeos #España #SevenSons

2/3/2023, 1:08:56 PM

I really wanted to arrange these in an inverted cross, but my coffee table wasn't big enough. anyway Seven Sons wrapped this week. you ever just vibe with a comic's aesthetic/mood/tone? this was that for me. there's something about 90s religious conspiracy, NWO black helicopter, secret society mysticism that appeals so much to me. in fiction. not irl. and Jae Lee's art is always appealing. he's got such an iconic style, and I love this loose brushwork phase of his career, and the way he plays with symmetry when laying out the page. so this story is basically about the second coming of christ. that's really all you can say without giving up the plot. here's what I will say tho: for as much as I enjoyed spending time in this world, I do not think all of the ideas presented or characters introduced are as fleshed out as they could have been. there is *a lot* here, and sometimes scenes are given room to breathe, but then it's as if the creators realize there isn't enough space left for the other ideas they wanted to include, but instead of cutting things, they still cram them in, resulting in a lot of the story feeling like we're rushing through it, just because there's so much ground to cover. there are definitely pacing issues all throughout. also, its depiction of Islam is...problematic. and it ends on a *massive* cliffhanger. I don't mind saying that I've grown to find that exhausting. a lot of modern TV has become virtually unwatchable for me, due solely to its inability to tell a complete story within a single season. who knows when the next installment of Seven Sons will be? if there is one. comics, not to mention Jae Lee, are fickle beasts. it's commendable that he stuck with this one for the duration, and with no substantial delays. if I'm coming off as negative, it's because I liked this book, but I really wanted to love it. I hope there is more, tho. and I hope Windom and Mao use what they've undoubtedly learned, to fix some of the pacing and characterization issues. #sevensons #jaelee #robertwindom #kelvinmao #jesuschrist #imagecomics #ncbd #newcomicbookday #newcomicsday #igcomicfamily #igcomiccommunity #igcomics #dankestcomics

12/8/2022, 3:36:25 AM

Every story has an end. Issue #7- the #SevenSons finale is out today! Featuring 7 awesome covers by @jaeleeart @billsienkiewiczart, @kentwms, @josephlinsner, and @liamsharpofficial 🔥 Congrats all around to Robert, Jae, June, @ccrank_, and @serban68 Way to kick@ss and bring it all home at the end!!! Big thanks and proud to have worked with all of you! #7S #sevensonscomic #sevensons7 #JaeLee #RobertWindom #imagecomics #comics #comicbooks

12/8/2022, 2:02:04 AM

#Repost @batmao ・・・ Seven Sons #6 out today! Great job #JaeLee and #RobertWindom #sevensonscomic #sevensons #sevensons6 #houseofsecretsburbank #imagecomics #comics #writer

11/10/2022, 4:46:40 AM

SEVEN SONS (no. 1 to 4) I have to be honest ... I LOVE @jaeleeart arts. This was an easy and automatic pick up at the store. I have been waiting to get a few numbers in before giving these bad boys a read. I did peak a little bit, and his artwork is still very very solide. It has changed and evolved to a fewer lines, less hard shadows, but it's Jae Lee alright ! 🤩 I haven't read anything about this story. I wanted to jump in with absolutely no where abouts or conceptions of what it could be... All i knew is that Jae Lee did the artwork and that's all i needed to know... After reading these 4 first issues... i am in awe. I wasn't expecting anything ... well i wasn't expecting this type of story either 😅 I can't say anything without giving mega spoilers ... But this is such a rich and touching subject. Truly a remarkable work of art... 💙 I Can't wait to read the rest (3 books remaining) 🤩 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Written by : Kelvin Mao & Robert Windom Art by : Jae Lee Colors by : June Chung Letters : Simon Bowland / Crank! Published by : Image Comics Have you read this ? Did you like it ? ::::: ::::: :::::: :::::: #fortheloveofcomics #comicbooks #comicbooksociety #comicbookshelf #comicbookseries #comicbookpictures #mycomicbooks #mycomicbookcollection #comicbooksmontreal #comicbookcovers #ilovecomicbooks #loveofcomicbooks #montrealcomicbooks #superheroes #reading #readingcomicbooks #MTLcomicbooks #comicbookscommunity #igcomiccommunity #igcomics #comiccollection #jaelee #jaeleeart #kelvinmao #robertwindom #sevensons

9/28/2022, 1:18:37 AM

Issue 4 of #SevenSons is out today! My local shop sold out so no photo, but here’s a pic of the b&w variant cover.🎉 #sevensonscomic #sevensons4 #JaeLee #RobertWindom #imagecomics #comics #writer

9/15/2022, 4:13:07 AM

Comic Review: Seven Sons #4 (Image Comics) @imagecomics #RobertWindom #JaeLee #KelvinMao #JuneChung @SimonBowland #image #imagecomics @antdujar94 #newcomicbookday #NCBD #NewComicsDay #reviews #review #comicreview #comicbooks #comics #comicbook #comic

9/14/2022, 3:15:26 PM

Seven Sons #2 (July 2022) by Robert Windom, Kelvin Mao, Jae Lee, June Chung, Crank!. Published by Image Comics. #robertwindom @batmao @jaeleeart @ccrank_ @imagecomics

8/25/2022, 6:47:51 PM

New #SevenSons comic day!🎉 One per customer!🤣 #sevensonscomic #sevensons3 #JaeLee #RobertWindom #imagecomics #earth2 #comics #writer

8/18/2022, 1:12:33 AM

Comic Review: Seven Sons #3 (Image Comics) @imagecomics #RobertWindom #JaeLee #KelvinMao #JuneChung @SimonBowland #image #imagecomics @antdujar94 #newcomicbookday #NCBD #NewComicsDay #reviews #review #comicreview #comicbooks #comics #comicbook #comic

8/17/2022, 4:15:20 PM

Comic Review: Seven Sons #2 (Image Comics) @imagecomics @simonbowland @antdujar94 #RobertWindom #KelvinMao #JaeLee #image #imagecomics #newcomicbookday #NCBD #NewComicsDay #reviews #review #comicreview #comicbooks #comics #comicbook #comic #comiccollector

7/20/2022, 4:03:51 PM

Seven Sons Exclusives For SDCC Round 2! Here’s a look at the next two #sevensons exclusives and another look at the first 3 we’ve shown so far. Seven Sons Issue 1 JaeLeeArt Exclusives Red Logo Spot Foil - 100 Print ! Gold Logo Spot Foil - 100 Print ! Red Foil - 500 Print Blue Foil - 300 Print Blank / Sketch - 500 Print These look absolutely amazing in person! So be sure to stop by booth 4500 / 4401 at #sdcc and get yourself a copy because you don’t wanna miss out on on these creator exclusives from JaeLeeArt!! We would once again like to express our most sincere gratitude to the entire creative team of #sevensonscomic , Robert Windom , Kelvin Mao , Jae Lee , June Chung , Image Comics , the entire design team and Serb , and anyone else we may have inadvertently forgot to mention, for their parts in helping to bring these awesome books to the fans!!! Stay tuned as we reveal more exclusives for @comic_con from @jaeleeart and @oasascomics 🤟🏼✌🏼❤️ #sdcc #sdcc2022 #jaelee #jaeleeart #oasascomics #sevensons #sevensonscomic #imagecomics #sandiegocomiccon #conventionexclusive #comicbooks #comics #comicart #robertwindom #kelvinmao

7/20/2022, 12:08:14 AM

San Diego Comic-Con 2022 Exclusives Round One! Here’s the first 3 books we’ll have at #sdcc2022 Seven Sons Issue 1 JaeLeeArt Exclusive Red Foil - 500 Print Blue Foil - 300 Print Blank / Sketch - 500 Print These look absolutely amazing in person! So be sure to stop by booth 4500 / 4401 at #sdcc and get yourself a copy because you don’t wanna miss out on on these creator exclusives! We would like to express our most sincere gratitude to the entire creative team of #sevensonscomic , Robert Windom , Kelvin Mao , Jae Lee , June Chung , Image Comics , the entire design team and Serb , and anyone else we may inadvertently didn’t mention, for their parts in helping to bring these awesome books to the fans!!! Stay tuned as we show off more exclusives for @comic_con from @jaeleeart and @oasascomics 🤟🏼✌🏼❤️ #sdcc #sdcc2022 #jaelee #jaeleeart #oasascomics #sevensons #sevensonscomic #imagecomics #sandiegocomiccon #conventionexclusive #comicbooks #comics #comicart #robertwindom #kelvinmao

7/11/2022, 9:30:27 PM

Just finished reading these fine books. I am really impressed by Robert Windom & Kelvin Mao's Seven Sons. Jae Lee's art is gorgeous and really fits the mood of the story. Looking forward to the next issue #sevensons #jaelee #robertwindom #kelvinmao #junechung #imagecomics #somethingiskillingthechildren #jamestynioniv #shaolincowboy #geofdarrow #darkhorsecomics #wehavedemons #gregcapullo #scottsnyder

7/8/2022, 2:29:27 PM

There are very few writers and artists that I will always purchase, @jaeleeart is one of them. This is the first original project he has been associated with in a very long time. In this series from @imagecomics. In this comic there are seven "Jesi" any of whom could be the official second coming. As time passes there are losses and speculation as Tom which of the sons will be the true son. The process is being done in true American style with constant televised updates. The comic ends on a cliffhanger with one of the previous sons making a surprise appearance. . . . . . #jaelee #jaeleeart #jaelee❣️ #jaeleecomics #imagecomics #sevensons #sevensonscomic #sevensonscomics #robertwindom #bookrecommendations #booklover #booksbooksbooks📚 #booklove #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #teacherlife🍎 #teacherlife #teaching #teachersofinstagram #teachergram #booksofinstagram #juniorhigh #booksoninstagram #middleschool #8thgradeteacher #8thgrade #8thgradeela #englishteachers #englishteachersofinstagram #educatorsofinstagram

6/26/2022, 8:28:30 PM

Scott’s Scoop from last week was Seven Sons #1 from #RobertWindom, @batmao, @jaeleeart, #JuneChung, and @simonbowlandlettering. Out on @imagecomics. . . . . #sevensons #image #imagecomics #ncbd #newcomicbookday #comics #comicbooks #arcanecomicsandmore #arcanecomics #arcanestaffpicks #scottsscoop

6/20/2022, 1:46:40 AM

Religion has become an integral part of society but also commercialized to point of being exploitative & those with the power don't seem to want to give it up, even for God Interesting debut #RobertWindom #KelvinMao #JaeLee Spoiler-free review ->

6/16/2022, 10:45:07 PM

Jae Lee makes his return to Image with the help of Robert Windom and Kelvin Mao to create Seven Sons! Seven sons born to seven virgin mothers on seven different continents seems to wild to be a coincidence. Well most of the world agrees and dubbed these precious little boys Jesi (plural of Jesus) and see these tykes as the Second Coming times seven. Well fast forward a few years six of the kids get iced by a terrorist group known as Allah's Watchmen and only one kid is left, Pergi. Well the last son of the Jesi does what anyone reasonable person would do, he packs a stadium full of his faithful (as long as they have a ticket) to show off his radical messiah powers to the world! Also for those not lucky enough to cop a ticket you need not worry! For the low price of $99.99 you can order the pay-per-view and watch it in the comforts of your own home! Will Pergi make it through the show? Was this show even a good idea? No one really knows so all we can really do is put our faith in Pergi and Image in hopes that we can get a second issue. If you dug stories like Punk Rock Jesus, Second Coming, or American Jesus you'll wanna peep this one out. Jae Lee's art makes every look real good and also real unsettling in the best ways. -Angelo #MaximuMComics #Image #SevenSons #JaeLee #RobertWindom #KelvinMao #NerdCulture702 #LasVegas

6/16/2022, 8:03:47 PM

''Delph, um jovem que pode ser considerado como a ''Segunda Vinda de Cristo'', corre contra o tempo para salvar sua vida enquanto tenta entender e aprender a verdade por trás de sua própria existência neste mundo. Descrita como um encontro entre ''O Fugitivo'' e ''O Código Da Vince'', ''Seven Sons'' estreará em 15 de Junho de 2022 nas lojas de quadrinhos dos EUA pela Image Comics, como também estará disponível em diversas plataformas de leituras digitais, entre elas, o ''Amazon Kindle'', o ''Apple Books'' e o ''Google Play!.'' Saiba mais sobre a nova série de fantasia original ''Seven Sons'' de Robert Windom, Kelvin Mao, Jae Lee: #IMAGECOMICSBRASIL #ROBERTWINDOM #JAELEE #KELVINMAE #SEVENSONS #90S #IMAGECOMICS

6/16/2022, 2:00:19 AM

Comics legend #jaelee finally returns to doing interior art in the creepy new series SEVEN SONS (written by #robertwindom & #kelvinmao, with colours by #junechung)! #sevensons #imagecomics #ncbd #newcomicbookday #readmorecomics

6/15/2022, 9:28:49 PM

Comic Review: Seven Sons #1 (Image Comics) @imagecomics #RobertWindom #JaeLee #KelvinMao #JuneChung @SimonBowland #image #imagecomics @antdujar94 #newcomicbookday #NCBD #NewComicsDay #reviews #review #comicreview #comicbooks #comics #comicbook #comic

6/15/2022, 3:45:08 PM

New series SEVEN SONS out this week from superstar artist JAE LEE!! This is one of many new number 1s starting this week so let us know if you are interested in a copy. #sevensons #robertwindom #jaelee #imagecomics

6/14/2022, 10:55:36 PM

#IMAGECOMICSNEWS | JAE LEE ESTÁ DE VOLTA A IMAGE COMICS PARA UMA NOVA SÉRIE DESDE 1994 Os co-roteiristas Robert Windom e Kelvin Mao se juntam ao lendário artista Jae Lee para um novo projeto de propriedade intelectual chamada ''Seven Sons.'', uma série em 7 edições que chega em 15 de Junho nos EUA! Delph, um jovem que pode ser considerado como a ''Segunda Vinda de Cristo'', corre contra o tempo para salvar sua vida enquanto tenta entender e aprender a verdade por trás de sua própria existência neste mundo. "Seven Sons é uma história complexa e interessante que te prende desde a primeira página", disse Lee. "Estou animado para que as pessoas possam se juntar a nós neste passeio emocionante!'' ''Kelvin e eu estávamos interessados ​​em explorar o impacto da religião na sociedade – mas com toques de assassinato, mistério, romance e até um ou dois ataques com mísseis – e Jae Lee é o artista perfeito para realizar nossa visão nesta história alternativa'', disse Windom em entrevista oficial. Descrita como um encontro entre ''O Fugitivo'' e ''O Código Da Vince'', ''Seven Sons'' estreará em 15 de Junho de 2022 nas lojas de quadrinhos dos EUA pela Image Comics, como também estará disponível em diversas plataformas de leituras digitais, entre elas, o ''Amazon Kindle'', o ''Apple Books'' e o ''Google Play!.'' Fonte: #IMAGECOMICSBRASIL #ROBERTWINDOM #JAELEE #KELVINMAE #SEVENSONS #90S #IMAGECOMICS

5/25/2022, 2:01:04 AM

#Repost @imagecomics with @make_repost ・・・ Last day to pre-order SEVEN SONS #1 from your Local Comic Shop! JAE LEE returns to creator-owned comics with his first new title since 1994, a seven-issue limited series. SEVEN SONS is The Fugitive meets the Book of Revelation. Delph, a young man who may be the Second Coming of Christ, runs for his life as he attempts to learn the truth behind his existence. In stores June 15! @jaeleeart #RobertWindom #KelvinMao #comicbook #comics #comic #art #comicbooks #comicart #illustration #artist #artwork #comicbookart #indiecomics #graphicnovel #comiccollector #geek #comiccon #instaart #characterdesign #comicbookartist #comiccollection #igcomics #comicbookcollection #igcomicfamily

5/24/2022, 5:27:30 AM

Last day to pre-order SEVEN SONS #1 from your Local Comic Shop! JAE LEE returns to creator-owned comics with his first new title since 1994, a seven-issue limited series. SEVEN SONS is The Fugitive meets the Book of Revelation. Delph, a young man who may be the Second Coming of Christ, runs for his life as he attempts to learn the truth behind his existence. In stores June 15! @jaeleeart #RobertWindom #KelvinMao #comicbook #comics #comic #art #comicbooks #comicart #illustration #artist #artwork #comicbookart #indiecomics #graphicnovel #comiccollector #geek #comiccon #instaart #characterdesign #comicbookartist #comiccollection #igcomics #comicbookcollection #igcomicfamily

5/23/2022, 6:45:43 PM

😍It’s finally the #weekend : time for #preordercomics ! 🕐 𝗣𝗿𝗲-𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗻𝗼𝘄, 𝘀𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝟮𝟬%, 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝘀 MON MAY 23 5PM! PRE-ORDER Seven Sons #1 👉Grab it here for its 6/15 release by clicking the link in our bio and following signs to the SNAG PRE-ORDER COMICS link! ✏️ #RobertWindom #KelvinMao 🎨 #JaeLee JAE LEE returns to creator-owned comics with his first new title since 1994, a seven-issue limited series. SEVEN SONS is The Fugitive meets the Book of Revelation. Delph, a young man who may be the Second Coming of Christ, runs for his life as he attempts to learn the truth behind his existence. @ImageComics #TopComics #ComicstoBuy #ImageComics

5/21/2022, 11:35:05 PM

SEVEN SONS #1 is in stores June 15! Preorder at your Local Comic Shop! JAE LEE returns to creator-owned comics with his first new title since 1994, a seven-issue limited series. SEVEN SONS is The Fugitive meets the Book of Revelation. Delph, a young man who may be the Second Coming of Christ, runs for his life as he attempts to learn the truth behind his existence. @jaeleeart #RobertWindom #comicbook #comics #comic #art #comicbooks #comicart #illustration #artist #artwork #comicbookart #indiecomics #graphicnovel #comiccollector #geek #comiccon #instaart #characterdesign #comicbookartist #comiccollection #igcomics #comicbookcollection #igcomicfamily

5/18/2022, 10:04:43 PM