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Happy #QueenOfSoulSaturday! <br /><br />Today, we’re honoring the legendary Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul, and her single “Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a D*xie Melody” (1961) for her second album The Electrifying Aretha Franklin🌟<br /><br />The song was her first Top 40 Hot 100 hit, peaking at #37 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. It’s one of many covers of the popular record, first introduced by Al Jolson in the Broadway musical Sinbad and published in 1918. 🎤💖<br /><br />#ArethaFranklin #QueenOfSoul #MusicLegend #SoulfulSaturday #ForTheLoveOfMusic #IconicArtists  #In97Words #The97 #ForTheNostalgia

Happy #QueenOfSoulSaturday!

Today, we’re honoring the legendary Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul, and her single “Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a D*xie Melody” (1961) for her second album The Electrifying Aretha Franklin🌟

The song was her first Top 40 Hot 100 hit, peaking at #37 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. It’s one of many covers of the popular record, first introduced by Al Jolson in the Broadway musical Sinbad and published in 1918. 🎤💖

#ArethaFranklin #QueenOfSoul #MusicLegend #SoulfulSaturday #ForTheLoveOfMusic #IconicArtists #In97Words #The97 #ForTheNostalgia

4/7/2024, 1:27:35 AM