wetcyanotypeprinting images

Discover Best wetcyanotypeprinting Images of World

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Untitled Cyanotype on water color paper with citric acid, vinegar and soap Approximately a 4 hour exposure #cyanotype #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypeprocess #cyanotypeart #cyanotypeartist #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeandsoapsuds #wetcyanotypeartist #wetcyanotypeprinting #michaeljohnsonstudio

5/29/2024, 11:50:01 PM

Habe soeben mein Bild abgegeben :) Vernissage: Freitag, 31. Mai 2024, Erlengut, Erlenbach /ZĂŒrich - Gruppenausstellung; jeder KĂŒnstler ein Bild (70) Abgebildet: Ausschnitt /Originalgrösse: 27,8 x 35,4 cm /Rahmen 50 x 60 cm #alternativephotographicprocesses #altprocess #alternativephotography #altprocessphotography #altphotography #art #photography #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeprinting #wetcyanotypeartist #wetcyanotypeart #wetcyanotypeprints #cyanotype #blueprints #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypeprocess #cyanotypeart #cyanotypie #cyanotypephotography #cyanotypeprints #cyanotypeartist #annaatkins #cyanotypes

5/29/2024, 6:25:04 PM

I think I’m going to put some of my favorites together into a little book. Not sure what I’ll do with it but I think it’ll be nice. . . . #cyanotype #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypes #cyanotypeprocess #cyanotypeoftheday #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeprinting #altprocess #altprocessphotography #altprocessphoto #historicalprocessphotography #gayphotographer #nature #naturephotography #leaves🍁 #flowers

5/28/2024, 8:18:47 PM

En ce début de semaine bien gris , mettons un peu de couleur dans nos vies avec ces Cyanotypes humides et leur touche colorée. Tentative éclectique
 #cyanotype #cyanotypes #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypeprocess #cyanotypeexperiments #cyanotypeart #botanicalprint #botanicalart #botanical #botanique #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeprinting #couleurs #inspiredbynature #alternativephotography_com #alternativeprocess #alternativeprinting

5/27/2024, 11:56:48 AM

Wet Cyanotype I was lucky to be able to do an advanced cyanotype workshop with @kimherringe , it was a lot of fun and experimentation. This cyanotype was exposed for 5 hours and the UV was 5. #cyanotype #cyanotypeexperiments #cyano #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypeprocess #wetcyanotypeprinting #printmakersofinstagram

5/26/2024, 1:16:22 AM

Certains font de la magie noire ou blanche, aujourd’hui pour moi c’était magie bleue ou verte 
 empreinte de Cyanotypes humides juste aprĂšs rinçage . #cyanotype #cyanotypes #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeprinting #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypeprocess #cyanotypeart #cyanotypeexperiments #botanicalart #botanicalprint #botanicalcyanotype #botanical #botanique #feuillesdarbres #magie #empreinteephemere #alternativeprocess #alternativeprinting

5/20/2024, 8:30:50 PM

RĂ©sultat des expĂ©riences colorĂ©es de cyanotypes humides . C’est assez brouillon mais c’est une piste que j’explore en ce moment . #cyanotype #cyanotypes #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeprinting #botanicalprint #botanicalart #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypeprocess #cyanotypeexperiments #botanical #botanique #inspiredbynature #fleurs #fiori #flowers #experimentalart #alternativeprocess #alternativeprinting

5/20/2024, 11:51:24 AM

Pour commencer le week-end, deux petites productions de Cyanotype humide. On pourrait penser qu’on se rĂ©pĂšte en utilisant les mĂȘmes vĂ©gĂ©taux ou le mĂȘme processus mais chaque composition et impression est unique et j’aime aussi cette improbabilitĂ© et ce mystĂšre qui rĂ©side dans ce procĂ©dĂ© . #cyanotype #cyanotypes #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeprinting #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypeprocess #cyanotypeart #cyanotypeexperiments #botanicalart #botanicalcyanotype #botanicalprint #botanical #botanique #inspiredbynature #alternativeprocess #alternativeprinting

5/18/2024, 12:20:23 PM

Ma nouvelle expĂ©rience de la semaine, le wetcyanotype avec encre colorĂ©e. Alors pour ce jour d’anniversaire pour moi , je vous mets du bleu , du rose , et plein de joie . Je vous remercie d’ĂȘtre lĂ , de m’encourager et de partager avec vous , j’ai comme l’impression en plus d’avoir trouvĂ© une passion, d’avoir aussi trouvĂ© une famille. Vos Ăąmes et vos cƓurs sont beaux ! Je pensais avoir le temps d’organiser un petit concours , mon premier mais dans toutes ces activitĂ©s j’ai de plus en plus de mal Ă  trouver le temps de faire tout ce que j’aimerais. Et puis ce doute, est-ce que je ne suis pas un imposteur, puis-je faire ce concours, mes petites bricoles en valent-elles la peine. Mais j’avais aussi envie de vous remercier et de vous faire gagner quelques crĂ©ations
 qu’en pensez-vous ? Enfin je vais essayer de faire ça tout bientĂŽt. Et encore merci de voguer Ă  mes cĂŽtĂ©s dans ce monde magique
 #cyanotype #cyanotypes #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeprinting #botanicalprint #botanicalart #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypeprocess #cyanotypeexperiments #cyanotypeart #botanical #botanique #couleurs #magie #merci #alternativeprocess #alternativephotography_com #alternativeprinting

5/17/2024, 7:13:15 PM

Fronds of the Earth, continued, with recycled metal ferns, so the pun lives on as do the ferns. #ferns #fronds #frondsoftheearth #friendsoftheearth #recycledmetal #iloveferns #cyanotypeprocess #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypeprinting #condiments #abstractart #abstract

5/15/2024, 2:37:14 PM

Although it can be frustrating when a wet cyanotype doesn't turn out how you want (which happens a lot as you don't have much control over them), thankfully it's rare that they are a complete disaster, as although I might not like the overall image, there are usually small sections that I do like which can be used to make cards or necklaces. Also, I try and view each "failed" attempt as a learning experience! . . #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeprocess #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypeprinting #experimentingwithart #learningart #ferncyanotype #cyanotypes #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypeprints #cyanotypeart #cyanotype #cyanotypemasters #experimentalcyanotype #experimentalart #botanicalprinting #botanicalart #natureinspiredart

5/13/2024, 6:40:28 PM

Les fleurs se baladent dans un tourbillon de bleu , empreintes Ă©phĂ©mĂšres de cyanotypes humides qui foncent dĂ©jĂ  a vu d’Ɠil .. #cyanotype #cyanotypes #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypeprocess #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypeprocess #cyanotypeexperiments #empreinteephemere #botanicalprint #botanicalart #cyanotypeart #wetcyanotypeprinting #botanical #botanique #inspiredbynature #alternativeprocess #alternativeprinting

5/10/2024, 8:54:49 PM

Quand de simples feuilles d’arbres et arbustes deviennent des feus de joie et de magie . On peut utiliser les mĂȘmes vĂ©gĂ©taux avec des rĂ©sultats si diffĂ©rents et surprenants , c’est aussi ce qui est si Ă©mouvant et magique dans cette technique , la surprise et l’étonnement Ă  chaque fois . #cyanotype #cyanotypes #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeprinting #botanicalprint #botanicalart #botanical #botanique #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypeprocess #cyanotypeexperiments #cyanotypeart #feuillesdarbres #inspiredbynature #leaves #surprise #alternativeprocess #alternativeprinting #alternativephotography_com

5/8/2024, 8:51:09 PM

Empreinte juste aprĂšs rinçage d’un Cyanotype humide . J’ai tentĂ© de rĂ© exposer le Cyanotype humide d’hier , on continue les expĂ©riences 
 #cyanotype #cyanotypes #cyanotypeprint #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeprocess #wetcyanotypeprinting #botanicalprint #artbotanique #artbynature #inspiredbynature #botanicalart #botanical #botanique #feuilles #arbres #leaves #alternativeprocess #alternativeprinting

5/2/2024, 7:37:57 PM

This Has to be one of my favorites pieces I’ve created in a long time #wetcyanotype #cyanotype #alternativephotography_com #wetcyanotypeprinting

4/6/2024, 6:08:07 PM

And here's the second half of exhibition month at #murwillumbahlibrary. On display and each item looking for a forever home. Maybe it's yours? Pop on in for a closer peek. Some new and some older works to fit the space. Thanks for this opportunity! #artistmurwillumbah #artsnorthernrivers #artoninstagram #wetcyanotypeprinting #printmakersoninstagram #jenniferunwin #eventzbizartanddesign #soloexhibition #artistofthemonthMurwillumbah #arttrailnsw

4/3/2024, 7:45:17 AM

Le post d'hier vous prĂ©sentait le cyanotype en cours de rĂ©alisation au moment de l'insolation. Le voici fini, aprĂšs la rĂ©vĂ©lation. Il est fluide, lĂ©ger, aĂ©rien ... Le flou des branches, les ombres des feuilles ... Comme un murmure de poĂ©sie ... Un chuchotement de beau ... TrĂšs belle journĂ©e Ă  vous, On se retrouve trĂšs vite, j'ai hĂąte de vous prĂ©senter mes nouveaux nĂ©gatifs ! AgnĂšs. 💙 #alternativeprocesses #alternativeprocess #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeprinting #wetcyanotypeprint #worldcyanotypeday #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypes #cyanotype #cyanotypewet #cyanotypeartists #cyanotypephotography #cyanotypeonpaper #cyanotypeday #cyanotypeart #cyanotypehumide

3/29/2024, 6:35:58 AM

Was a good day..just made it before the skies opened up #wetcyanotypeprinting #jenniferunwin #printmakersoninstagram #eventzbizartanddesign #upcomingexhibitions

3/29/2024, 4:06:57 AM

ExposĂ© au soleil, Le cyanotype humide change trĂšs vite de couleur ... Les nuances se prononcent et laissent place aux radiographies vĂ©gĂ©tales ... Le vert contraste avec le bleu, encore quelques minutes Ă  attendre avant de le rĂ©vĂ©ler dans l' eau. Je vous souhaite une trĂšs belle journĂ©e, Chaque jour nous rapprochent de beaux Ă©vĂšnements ... A trĂšs vite, AgnĂšs. 💙 #worldcyanotypeday #alternativeprocesses #alternativeprocess #cyanotypeday #sunprinting #sunprint #sunflower #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeprinting #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypeprint #bleu💙 #creatricegersoise #creatricefrancaise #botanicalart #botanicalcyanotype #botanicalcontactprint

3/28/2024, 7:32:21 AM

Cyanotype Wet process on 9x12 watercolor paper #cyanotype #cyanotypes #cyanotypeprocess #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypeprinting #wetcyanotypeartist #cyanotypeart

3/27/2024, 4:20:27 PM

Bonne nouvelle ! Le site internet dont je vous parlais il y a quelques semaines est en train de se peaufiner ... Autre bonne nouvelle ! Les inscriptions pour participer au marchĂ© d'art de l'abbaye de l'Escaladieu sont ouvertes ! On s'y retrouvera certainement fin juin ! Il me manque une troisiĂšme bonne nouvelle pour dire jamais deux sans trois ! .... Je vous laisse la parole ! Annoncez votre bonne nouvelle, ou juste dĂ©posez un petit mot ... Belle journĂ©e Ă  vous, AgnĂšs. 💙 #worldcyanotypeday #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypewet #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeprinting #sunprinting #sunflower #sunprint #printemps #bleu💙 #homedecor #decorationinterieur #affichebleue #botanicalart #botanicalcyanotype #botanicalcontactprint #alternativeprocesses #alternativeprocess

3/25/2024, 7:21:01 AM

Douce transparence, FeutrĂ© sublime, Enivrante poĂ©sie, Je suis saisie ... Parfois, j'arrive Ă  cette Ă©tape oĂč je suis presque au but, oĂč je touche du doigt ce vers quoi je tends, la poĂ©sie vers laquelle je veux aller .... le beau, mon beau Ă  moi. AgnĂšs. 💙 #worldcyanotypeday #alternativeprocesses #alternativeprocess #alternativephotography_com #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypes #cyanotypeonpaper #cyanotypehumide #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeprinting #prunus #sunprinting #sunflower #sakura #creatricefrancaise #creatricegersoise

3/22/2024, 6:31:11 AM

A seaweed pressing made today in class with @saltwaterstudionewport at @pvdartclub, the first image is after 6 hours of pressing and drying, the second is laying out before pressing and the third image is when it was a wet cyanotype of a Rose of Sharon bloom drying on the line. Once the cyanotype dries, it can be adapted into a different artwork, combining land plants with aquatic ones. #seaweed #seaweeds #seaweedart #seaweedpressing #seaweedpressings #seaweedart #saltwaterart #saltwaterstudio #saltwaterstudionewport #seaweedcollage #collage #collageart #cyanotype #cyanotypeart #cyanotypeprint #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypeprinting #roseofsharon #botanicalart #botanicalartwork #seaweedprints #sugarkelp #organicart #marinebotanical

3/20/2024, 3:15:21 AM

Cyanotype Wet process on watercolor paper 9x12 #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeprinting #cyanotype #cyanotypes #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypeprocess

3/17/2024, 5:25:34 PM

An accidental creation....... Some random paper, bit of left over cyanotype, water & salty feathers! These colours are rather an interesting mix. - - - #cyanotypeprints #cyanotypes #cyanotypeprintart #cyanotypeprocess #sunprints #sunart #botanticalprinting #alternativeprocess #alternativephotographyprocess #wetcyanotypeprocess #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypeprinting #wetcyanotypeprint #experimentalprinting #experimentalprocess

3/8/2024, 5:06:21 AM

De dónde vienen las imågenes que nos habitan ... esas que alumbramos entre escombros de memoria, como pariéndolas delicadamente. #historiasencian #cianotypes #cianotypemasters #cianotype #cianotipia #ciantotipias #cianotipoas #cianotypeprint #cianotipo #cianotipiaexperimental #cian #wetcyanotypeprinting #plumas #cianotipo #wetcyanotypeartist #wetcyanotypeprint

3/7/2024, 3:00:03 PM

First cyanotype to welcome in spring and higher UV rays. #cyanotype #cyanotypeprocess #cyanotypeart #cyanotypes #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeprinting

3/6/2024, 1:14:05 AM

Deux cyanotypes humides avec feuilles d’érable . AprĂšs sĂ©chage et juste aprĂšs rinçage . Le deuxiĂšme tirage, j’ai essayĂ© un papier pour encre de Chine trĂšs trĂšs fragile 
 effet un peu froissĂ©. #cyanotype #cyanotypes #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypes #cyanotypeprint #cianotipia #cyanotypeprocess #cyanotypeexperiments #blueprint #blue #botanicalprint #botanical #botanique #erabledujapon #arbre #alternativeprocess #alternativeexperiences #alternativeprinting #wetcyanotypeprinting #nature

2/27/2024, 9:02:54 PM

Lunaria Annua. Lunaria comes from the Latin word 'luna,' meaning 'moon'. Annua means 'annual', indicating that it is a plant that completes its life cycle in one year. So, 'Lunaria annua' roughly translates to 'annual moon plant'đŸŒ˜đŸ©”. #lunaria #lunaria_art #honestyflower #honestyflora #botanicalart #pressedflowerart #pressedflowerkits #pressedflowerartist #flowerpressing #flowerpress #flowerphotography #alternativephotography #cyanotypekit #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypes #cyanotype #wetcyanotypeprinting #lunarbeauty

2/27/2024, 2:43:43 PM

When cyanotype is exposed to the sun, it's like magic happening! The sunlight interacts with the cyanotype, turning it from clear to a beautiful shade of blue. It's like watching a photo develop right before your eyes under the sun's rays. #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypes #cyanotypeprocess #wetcyanotypeprinting #alternativephotography #botanicalart #botanicals #pressedflowerart #pressedflowerartist #pressedflowerkits #cyanotypekit

2/25/2024, 2:35:45 AM

Wet cyanotype printing is unpredictable, messy, and beautiful all at once💙 #cyanotypeprint #cyanotypekit #cyanotypes #cyanotype #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypeprinting #botanicalart #alternativephotography

2/24/2024, 12:52:14 AM

Nouvelle tentative dans des tons plus clairs mais sacrebleu je ne trouve toujours pas les tons verts que je cherche 😁 #cyanotype #cyanotypes #wetcyanotype #wetcyanotypes #wetcyanotypeexperimenting #wetcyanotypeprinting #cyanotypeprocess #cianotipia #alternativeprocess #alternativeprinting #cyanotypeexperiments #botanicalprint #botanical #botanique

2/17/2024, 9:49:07 PM