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We sew, we weave, we knit, we stitch, we create a tapestry of connection that holds this world together. #witch #women #connection #power #magic #stitch #weaveatapestry

10/28/2023, 6:56:39 PM

Check out our newest piece in the description. What do you think? Please check my links in my bio. This 1000-piece puzzle is the perfect Halloween decor! Featuring a moonlit cul-de-sac illuminated by flickering jack-o'-lanterns, cackling straw witches, and costumed children, it will weave a tapestry of whimsical and eerily enchanting atmosphere. #1000piecepuzzle #puzzles #Halloween #decor #cosplay #costume #lanterns #witch #Halloweenmagic #cul-de-sac #nighttime #jack-o-lantern #weaveatapestry #eerie

9/2/2023, 2:03:32 PM

Started a new adventure this month and bought myself a little loom from @everlea_yarn to try my hand a tapestry weaving. This is actually my second try as my first had some tension issues and didn’t turn out as well. I am practicing hatching in this tapestry. I must say I love this little loom. It’s perfect for learning on and practicing techniques. The size is great and light while weaving on your lap. Sitting on my deck surrounded by beautiful flowers and my little loom weaving tapestry style makes a perfect day. Can’t wait to learn more. The beautiful gradient yarn is a mini skein set from @sweetgeorgia called Enchanted. A beautiful array of purples in a fingering weight yarn.

8/31/2023, 7:41:21 PM

We made looms in my dad’s shop. We used wood that we had cut the day before and piled for firewood. We nailed and screwed. We warped our little looms and started weaving tapestries. I love what Tom did with his piece. I told him we should keep the loom, it looks like a nice frame. These children are so creative and it feels good to see them make something with their hands. It’s also nice to have a shop with all the tools you can dream of - times three! We didn’t have to fight over the drills,…

7/16/2023, 9:22:18 AM

My heart is wide open, ready to embrace a life filled with love, laughter, and adventure. I am ready to dive into the depths of all that life has to offer, to seize every opportunity that comes my way, and to create unforgettable memories along the journey. Love is the fuel that ignites my soul, the force that connects us all. I yearn to love deeply and to be loved in return, to share moments of tenderness, compassion, and understanding. Love opens doors to incredible connections, forging bonds that transcend time and distance. Laughter is the melody that echoes in my spirit, bringing lightness and joy to even the darkest of days. I will seek out laughter in the simplest of moments, finding humor in the quirks and imperfections of life. With laughter as my companion, I will navigate challenges with grace and a smile on my face. Adventure beckons me with its thrilling call. I long to explore uncharted territories, both within myself and in the vast world around me. I will embrace the unknown, stepping outside my comfort zone to experience new cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and exhilarating experiences. Adventure will be the soundtrack of my life, infusing each day with a sense of wonder and discovery. But I know that this life I seek will not come without challenges. There will be ups and downs, twists and turns along the way. Yet, with an open heart, I am ready to face these obstacles head-on. I will learn from them, grow stronger, and use them as stepping stones towards my dreams. So, let us embark on this incredible journey together. Let us weave a tapestry of love, laughter, and adventure that will fill our lives with joy and fulfillment. Let us embrace every moment, cherishing the beauty and magic that surrounds us. With an open heart and a spirit ready to soar, I am ready to experience a life beyond my wildest dreams. Let the love, laughter, and adventure begin!

5/30/2023, 12:30:47 PM

My reference book by @kathetoddhooker @betweenandetc @fredartsalliance #shapedtapestry #shapedweaving #tapestryweaving #weaveatapestry

7/19/2022, 5:03:11 PM

So its a day where I pull a card for you. A card from one of my favourite decks. The Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell. It couldn't be a better card. With the opening up of the community and country. The Seven Sisters representing Birthing Creations, Tapestry of life & Expression. It means there are new creations wanting to be born. Beauty thats yearning to be woven and new consciousness to be breathed into life. Its whispering in your ear, listen, what are you being called to create? Creativity and intuition come from the same place. Creativity is part of all our nature. Your being called to surrender to a creative project, such as a new business, or a book, a painting or song. Or to weave beauty into your home, in your cooking or how you display your plants. It doesn't matter what the end result is your being called to express yourself through "your" creativity. Feel it, Do it! The world needs those qualities more now than ever before. What new creations are you being called to birth? #create #weaveatapestry #youarebeingcalled #intuition #feel #tapestryoflife #creativewoman #breathe #creativebynature #birthnewlife #createsomethingnew #creativehealing #lovelife #tuesdayvibes#creations

4/13/2021, 10:02:43 AM

2. Weave a Tapestry -Words & Music by Jay Bryan Sandifer. Martoos Music 2017 Weave a tapestry of your Glory in this place Of your glory on each face weave a tapestry Draw our hearts together so that we may become one So the world will know your son, weave a tapestry Let your kingdom come Let your will be done On the Earth as in Heaven Let your Kingdom come #themysteryoffaith #weaveatapestry

6/17/2020, 12:26:07 AM