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ਜਬ ਲਗ ਖ਼ਾਲਸਾ ਰਹੇ ਨਿਆਰਾ ॥ ਤਬ ਲਗ ਤੇਜ ਦੀਉ ਮੈਂ ਸਾਰਾ ॥ ਜਬ ਇਹ ਗਹੈ ਬਿਪਰਨ ਕੀ ਰੀਤ ॥ ਮੈਂ ਨ ਕਰੋਂ ਇਨ ਕੀ ਪ੍ਰਤੀਤ ॥ So long as Khalsa retains his distinct identity, I will give him my entire radiance and strength. But if he should take on a non-Sikh way of life, then I shall have no confidence in him and withdraw my support and protection 💙 #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

2/7/2024, 12:56:37 PM

ਧੰਨ ਖਾਲਸੋ ਧੰਨ ਪੰਥ ਭੁਝੰਗੀ। ਰਖਯੋ ਬੀਜ ਜਾਣ ਸਿੱਖੀ ਚੰਗੀ Bless and praise the Khalsa, the Panth of Bhujangis [snake-like warriors], who hold the seed of spirit and life force of Sikhi perfectly.🐊 ਸ੍ਰੀ ਗੁਰ ਪੰਥ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼, ਰਤਨ ਸਿੰਘ ਭੰਗੂ Sri Gur Panth Prakash, Rattan Singh Bhangu Bhujangi Jarnail Singh Ji 💙 @fouj96crori #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

1/28/2024, 5:16:05 PM

"We don't die we multiply"🌷 We were visited this forenoon by a most singular character, an Akalin, or female faqir of a peculiar sect. Like the class of mendicants to whom she belongs, she was armed to the teeth. Over her shoulder was slung a sword, while her belt was graced with a large horse pistol, a dagger, and sundry other weapons of destruction. Another sword hung by her side. Her turban was ornamented with a panji and five or six chakkars. The panji is an instrument made something in a form of a tiger’s claws, with five curved blades exceedingly sharp. The chakkar is a steel discus, of six or eight diameters, very sharp also, and no doubt a destructive we azapon when hurled with sufficient force.She was, certainly the most dangerous looking lady I ever saw… it appeared by her own statement that she was a widow, and that her husband was an Akali, that after his death she joined the sect and had remained with them ever since. She had, she stated been on a tour to the south of India.. 🌸 #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

1/28/2024, 10:46:37 AM

ਪ੍ਰਥਮ ਕੇਸ਼ ਧਾਰੀ ਸਭਿ ਕੋਈ ॥ ਅਬਿ ਤੌ ਸਮਾ ਰਹ੍ਯੋ ਨਹਿਂ ਸੋਈ' ॥6॥ Everyone used to keep their Kesh, however times have changed." ਸ਼੍ਰੀ ਗੁਰ ਭਨ੍ਯੋ 'ਸਮਾ ਕ੍ਯਾ ਕਹੈ ॥ ਸੋ ਰਵਿ ਸੋ ਸਸਿ, ਸੋ ਜਲ ਅਹੈ ॥ ਬਾਯੂ, ਬੰਨੀ, ਬਸੁਧਾ ੳਈ ॥ ਦੋਸ਼ ਸਮੈ ਕੋ ਕ੍ਯਾ ਕਹਿ ਕੋਈ ॥7॥ Guru Ji replied, "How have times changed? The same sun remains, the same moon, water, wind, fire and Earth remain. How can you blame time? ਆਪਨ ਆਪ ਕੋ ਦੋਸ਼ ਲਖੀਜੈ । ਰਾਖੇ ਜਾਇਂ ਨ, ਸਾਚ ਕਹੀਜੈ ॥ Blame yourself for not being able to keep Kesh, speak the truth Nau Nidh. ਕੇਸ਼ ਰਖਨਿ ਕੀ ਸਮਰਥ ਹੀਨੇ ॥ ਦੋਸ਼ ਸਮੇਂ ਪਰ ਕਲਪਨ ਕੀਨੇ ॥8॥ You do not have the strength to keep Kesh so you dismissively blame the times for changing. ਰਚ੍ਯੋ ਸੁ ਈਸ਼ੁਰ ਮਾਨੁਖ ਦੇਹ ॥ ਕਰ੍ਯੋ ਸੁਭਾਇਮਾਨ ਛਬਿ ਗ੍ਰੇਹ ॥ The body is created by Eshvar [The Lord], He has created humans beautiful and respectful. ਉੱਤਮਾਂਗ ਪਰ ਸੁੰਦਰ ਕਰੇ ॥ ਅਧਿਕ ਰੂਪ ਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਤੇ ਧਰੇ ॥40॥ Out of all parts of the body, the head is the highest, and adorning Kesh [unshorn hair] on top of one's head the body becomes beautiful. 🌷 #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumal

1/1/2024, 12:59:39 PM

ਚਿਹਾ ਸ਼ੁਦ ਕਿ ਚੂੰ ਬੱਚਗਾ ਕੁਸ਼ਤਹ ਚਾਰ ॥ ਕਿ ਬਾਕੀ ਬਿਮਾਦਅਸਤੁ ਪੇਚੀਦਹ ਮਾਰ ॥੭੮॥ O Aurangzeb! You have managed to kill my four sons, but remember that my Khalsa like a cobra with fangs is still alive to crush your despotic rule ✨ The Shaheedi of the Sahibzaade were seeds of the Panth, Maharaj's bachan is continuously being fulfilled. Dhan Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj the wielder of life and death As the brave Sahibzada kept fighting,thier whole body got spattered with blood,so thoroughly was he sprinkled over with blood,As if he was participating in the festivals of colours. -The Battle of Chamkaur 42 Singhs surrounded by 1 million Mughals. The Battle in which Baba Ajit Singh Ji and Baba Jujhar Singh ji both attain Shaheedi. The Chote sahibzade were tortured continuously they had their hands burnt on fire, stuffed into sacks and hot chilli peppers were placed on Thier head and face . Wazir khan's tried to covert them to islam promising rewards and riches. They were tied to a tree and had stones thrown at them during which Baba Zorawar Singh Ji lost an eye. Through all this , they remained chardikala. The last attempt to covert the sahibzade to islam was by bricking them alive. Mughal executioners Shashan and Bashan Beag knelt on the sahibzade and slit Thier throats. In fashion on zabiha or dhabihah ( the prescribed method of ritual slaughter in islam ). Zorawar Singh Ji quickly gave saheedi while Fateh Singh Ji took 13 minutes as his feet quivered during that time. #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumal

12/21/2023, 3:56:58 PM

He alone deserves to be called a Nihang. Who remains indifferent to joys and sorrows. He alone is worthy of being called a nihang who remains detached from the world ,who's soul remains unaffected by pain or comfort.He who is firm in conviction , character and meditation. He who is generous in charity and perfect on bravery. He who remains engrossed in his own regiman, even when royal dignitaries come doting upon him. Whenever and opportunity for defending his faith arises, never does he shirk from making a supreme sacrifice. Whenever his religious ideology comes under threat , readily does he offer himself to combat that threat. Whenever there is a war being waged among the front runners would he stand. With the beating drums he moves forward , whenever he is needed he fights in the vangaurd ~Rattan Singh bhangu (1809), Parkash ❤️ #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

9/4/2023, 1:07:52 AM

ਸਾ ਧਨ ਖਰੀ ਸੁਹਾਵਣੀ ਜਿਨਿ ਪਿਰੁ ਜਾਤਾ ਸੰਗਿ ॥ The wife who knows that her Husband Lord is always with her is very beautiful. ਮਹਲੀ ਮਹਲਿ ਬੁਲਾਈਐ ਸੋ ਪਿਰੁ ਰਾਵੇ ਰੰਗਿ ॥ The soul-bride is called to the Mansion of the His Presence, and her Husband Lord ravishes her with love 🌹 A special art work for my cousin Raman Kaur ❤️ #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

9/3/2023, 8:12:02 PM

ਕੀਟ ਪਤੰਗ ਕੁਰੰਗ ਭੁਜੰਗਮ ਭੂਤ ਭਵਿੱਖ ਭਵਾਨ ਬਨਾਏ ॥ He Created in the past, creates in the present and shall create in the future the beings including insects, moths, deer and snakes. ਦੇਵ ਅਦੇਵ ਖਪੇ ਅਹੰਮੇਵ ਨ ਭੇਵ ਲਖਿਓ ਭ੍ਰਮ ਸਿਉ ਭਰਮਾਏ ॥ The goods and demons have been consumed in ego, but could not know the mystery of the Lord, being engrossed in delusion. ਬੇਦ ਪੁਰਾਨ ਕਤੇਬ ਕੁਰਾਨ ਹਸੇਬ ਥਕੇ ਕਰ ਹਾਥ ਨ ਆਏ ॥ The Vedas, Puranas, Katebs and the Quran have tired of giving His account, but the Lord could not be comprehended. ਪੂਰਨ ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਪ੍ਰਭਾਉ ਬਿਨਾ ਪਤਿ ਸਿਉ ਕਿਨ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਪਦਮਾ ਪਤਿ ਪਾਏ ॥੩॥੨੪੫॥ Without the impact of perfect love, who hath realized Lord-God with grace? 3.245.🦚 #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

8/19/2023, 10:19:44 AM

ਹਮਰੇ ਬੰਸ ਰੀਤਿ ਇਮ ਆਈ । In our family theres is such a tradition, ਸੀਸ ਦੇਤਿ ਪਰ ਧਰਮ ਨ ਜਾਈ । that we give our heads but not our faith. ਤੁਮਰੀ ਜਰਾਂ ਉਖਾਰਨਿ ਹੇਤ । In order to uproot your reign of tyranny, ਹਮ ਨਹਿਂ ਡਰਪਹਿੰਗੇ ਸਿਰ ਦੇਤਿ॥੪੦॥ we have no fear of giving our head 🌷 #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

8/9/2023, 2:41:50 PM

ਚੜੈ ਪਦ ਦਾਤ ਧੁਰਿ ਪਾਯੋ, ਧਰਮਰਾਜ ਭੁੰਚਤਿ ਗਿਰਿਵਰ ਕੋ ॥ Bestowed from the Divine Abode, Chakravarti Raj, enjoying Righteous Rule to the highest of realms. ਉਦਯ ਅਸਤ ਸਾਮੁਦ੍ਰ ਪ੍ਰਯੰਤੰ, ਅਬਿਚਲ ਰਾਜ ਮਿਲਯੋ ਸੁਰਪੁਰ ਕੋ ॥੪॥ From where the sun rises to where it sets, across all the oceans, the Khalsa has received Eternal Kingdom from the Heavens. ਪੰਥ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਭਯੋ ਪੁਨੀਤਾ, ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਆਗਯਾ ਕਰਿ ਉਦਿਤ ਭਏ॥ The Khalsa Panth has been made pure, and was established with Divine command.👑 #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

7/27/2023, 3:40:39 PM

"He does not remind me of my faults he hugs me close to his embrace" 💕 1. Sri Guru Nanak Dev jee -First Guru 1469 to 1539. 2. Sri Guru Angad Dev jee, second Guru from 1539 to 1552 3. Sri Guru Amardas jee -Third guru from 1552 to 1574 4. Sri Guru Ram Das jee - Fourth guru from 1574 to 1581 5. Sri Guru Arjun dev ji - Fifth guru from 1581 to 1606. 6. Sri Guru Har Gobind Singh Jee - Sixth guru from 1606 to 1644. 7.Sri Guru Har Rai Sahib Jee - Seventh Guru from 1644 to 1661 8. Sri Guru Har Krishan jee - Eighth Guru from 1661 to 1664 9. Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib Jee - Ninth guru from 1665 and 1675 10. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee - Tenth guru from 1675 to 1708 11. Guru Granth Sahib (also known as the Adi Granth) is the present 11th guru and scripture of Sikhi. The Granth is written in Gurmukhi script and other languages. It contains the actual words and verses as uttered by the Gurus. The era of the ten gurus of Sikhi spans from the birth of Nanak Dev in 1469, through the life of Guru Gobind Singh.At the time of Guru Gobind Singh’s Passing in 1708, who passed the title of Guru to Guru Granth Sahib ji #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

7/23/2023, 12:04:07 AM

~Diversity~ "Our spirits will never leave the jungle " 🦁 there stood 3 3 warriors grasping their dearest love  their weapons to a warrior like them nobody is a friend other than your sword  that blade that can turn armies away will never turn on you  there stood 3 one was armed with a musket  adorned a dress of different feathers  face covered with paint  always alert  one was armed with a stick and sword  adored a blue attire that resembled that of a saint a turban sat upon the head covered with smaller weapons  always ready to die  one was also armed with a sword  adorned a dress that of a warrior princess  metal plates scattered across the body  always agile  there stood 3  3 warriors grasping their dearest love their weapons there stood 3 Poem written by @officialsengh #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

7/6/2023, 10:43:25 AM

The Guru Khalsa Panth cast their eye across the Panth to see who was going to be next in line.  Guru Khalsa Panth chose Baba Joginder Singh Ji to be the next 96Krori & leader of Buddha Dal. It was agreed that they would act as a ‘Karajkari Mukhi’, which meant that when Baba Surjeet Singh Ji came out of prison, they would give the title back to them. It also meant that if anything were to happen to Baba Surjeet Singh Ji, the full reins would be given to Baba Joginder Singh Ji.  Once this was decided, Baba Joginder Singh Ji’s official dastarbandi to become the 14th 96Krori took place on the 19th of May 2008 at the Barsi of Baba Santa Singh Ji (Gurdwara P:10, Kotakpoora, Moga). Baba Joginder Singh Ji has been doing the Seva of Dal Panth for the past 45 years.  They are situated at Damdama Sahib Chauni Nihang Singha in Ludhiana, Punjab, which they have been maintaining for the past 30 years; this is now the HQ of Shiromani Panth Akali Buddha Dal #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #ar

6/10/2023, 1:22:58 PM

ਹਰਣਾਖਸੁ ਦੁਸਟੁ ਹਰਿ ਮਾਰਿਆ ਪ੍ਰਹਿਲਾਦ ਤਰਾਇਆ ॥ The Lord killed the wicked Harnaakhash, and saved Prahlaad. 🌸 Harnakash was a King having a boon from Brahma whereby he could not be killed by a God, man or a beast. He could not die during neither day nor night, neither inside nor outside his home.In his pride, he prohibited all forms of worship in his kingdom. His son, Prehlad, a devotee of Vishnu was strongly disliked by his father. He used al types of tortures upon his son but could not make him give up his devotion for Vishnu. One day, the demon King questioned his son to where his deity Vishrnu was which Prehlad answered "he is everywhere". The demon King pointing to one of the pillars nearby, asked: "Is He in this pillar? "Yes" said Prehlad. Then, in great fury, the demon kicked the pillar saying. "I must kil him then!". Suddenly there sprang forth Narsingh, the man-lion, out of the pillar and tore Harnaksh to pieces. It was evening, neither day nor night, the tyrant was killed on the doorway, so neither inside nor outside of his home while Narsingh was a man-lion, neither God nor man nor beast. #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

5/1/2023, 12:56:30 PM

ਭਾਲ ਭਇਆਨਕ ਦੇਖਿ ਭਵਾਨੀ ਕੋ ਦਾਨਵ ਇਉ ਰਨ ਛਾਡਿ ਪਰਾਨੇ ॥ Seeing the dreadful face of the goddess, the demons ran away from the field like this.🌹 The tale of Maa kali defeating Raktbeej, a demon who was causing chaos on earth after being granted a boon by brahma. Her motherly love couldn't bear seeing her children (creations) down on earth tormented by this asura, maa durga flew into rage and came down on dharti lok to protect them and defeat this seemingly invincible monster, in the form of kali. As his name implies, every drop of blood spilled when attacking raktbeej acted like a seed and grew into more clones of him when hitting the soil, as a result of the boon he got. Each time she wounded him, more versions of him sprang up.But this demon still couldn't stand for long after facing the clever & powerful kali. She used her tongue as a weapon and drank his blood before it could even hit the ground. She saved everyone from this monster, but this concentrated feminine fury soon became a new problem as her bloodlust became incontrollable.Her anger materialize as extreme heat radiating from her body when this destructive tempertook over her. Making her loose control of this powerful overflowing energy surge inside her. And this rage only grew, like a roaring shook the earth and terrified the people. No one could stop her, the tension could be seen on the faces of all devas.Shiva layed down on the battlefield, knowing kali would forget whos in front of her in her anger. She ignored shiva and stepped on him, but that hit her. This opened her eyes. She couldn't believe she humiliated her love like that. After realising what she had done, it brought her to immediately regret her actions #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah

4/30/2023, 6:42:40 PM

Nihang singh❤️‍🔥⚔️🛡️ #viral #viralpost #likesforlike #jattmind⚠️ #nihangpicture #healthyfood #june1984 #iamkali #maan #ustaadji #dumala_lovers_special_gursikh_couple_kaur_singh_sardar_sardarni_feeling_awesome_singh_singhni_chardikalaz_dumala_pride_proud_sikh #fashion #trendingsongs #beautiful #design #bana #1k

4/25/2023, 4:51:31 PM

ਸੰਤੁ ਮਿਲੈ ਕਿਛੁ ਸੁਨੀਐ ਕਹੀਐ ॥ ਮਿਲੈ ਅਸੰਤੁ ਮਸਟਿ ਕਰਿ ਰਹੀਐ ॥ ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਪੁਰਸ਼ ਨਾਲ ਮਿਲ ਕੇ, ਤੂੰ ਉਸ ਨਾਲ ਕੁਝ ਗਲਬਾਤ ਕਰ। ਪਰ ਅਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਪੁਰਸ਼ ਨੂੰ ਮਿਲ ਕੇ,ਤੂੰ ਚੁੱਪ ਚਾਪ ਰਹੂ। When you meet a saint, talk to him and listen.Meeting with an unsaintly person, just remain silent. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji : Ang-870 🌱 #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

3/21/2023, 12:25:38 PM

"How can I ever think I'm worth nothing , when you gave up your four diamonds and felt no loss becuase you still had me" 💎 Guru Gobind Singh jee Embracing Baba Ajit Singh Jee for one last time "He would order his Singhs to exercise and run races, and inspect them from all sides in a standing position. He would make some of them sit and some of them stand, while asking still others to get up and run races. He would ask some of them to pick up big sticks and engage in mock duals. Sometimes the guru would stand in the midst of a ploughed up field and ask his singh's to hit each other with pieces of solid earth. Sometimes the Singhs would play a game of Sonchi OR engage themselves in BOXING and WRESTLING bouts. Guru Gobind Singh felt much delighted by these bouts that he wished to confer landed property awards on his brave Singhs" 🌻 Sri Gur Panth Parkash; Ep.16 C.1990 Original image by @harjindersinghsunner @infamous_arts #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

3/12/2023, 6:20:10 PM

ਪਾਤਰ ਸਰਬ ਲੋਹ ਕੇ ਭੁਗਤੇ ਅਸਨ ਸੁਆਦ In dishes of all iron he should eat with pleasure 💚 Shaheedi degh ingredients consists of full Almonds, uncrushed black pepper, cloves, cardamom, Sugar, melon seeds and sukha (5 leaves of unrefined unprocessed cannabis). If one does not want to partake in shaheedi degh within dal, Shardai is prepared along side where Cannabis is replaced with kaas kaas seeds. Degh is made in dals where a nishan sahib or farla is present 3 times a day. Early amrit vela, late amritvela, and in the afternoon. Each ingredient is slowly grinded (which is very hard and time consuming) into powder than water is run through it extracting the nutrients. The Singhs doing this seva have to be rehatvaan gursikhs. While preparing, usually either Japji Sahib and Chandi di Vaar are recited or Akaal Ustat bani. The same maryada used for sarabloh bibek langar is used for shaheedi ragre. Ardaasa is done to guru sahib in memory of shaheed singhs and bhog is done with a kirpan. Shaheedi degh de salok and nugde de salok are read. After, jaikarae are roared and the nugda (ball of squeezed out ingredients) is thrown in the direction of their enemies. Shaheedi degh is different from "bhang" which also contains sukha (cannabis) but bhang includes a lot of other stuff like paan, tobacco which are not parvaan for Guru Khalsa. 🌿 #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

1/26/2023, 11:50:15 PM

" This is Guru Gobind Singh Jees tribe. There is no other. There is many who claim to be but this is the true tribe of the Buddhaa Dal . Guru Gobind Singh jee said "My khalsa will remain chakkarvarti" (roaming free). Will be constantly on the move. Visiting all places . Only those who are chakkarvarti can travel everywhere. Who else ? People are to busy finishing house work Chakkarvarti is freedom. It is a kingdom presiding all over the world. Over the whole world " Akali Baba Santa Singh Ji Nihang as being one of the most prestigious of Singhs, Baba Ji not only flourished in studying Gurbani and the literature of ancient granths, but also proved himself to be a distinguished warrior. When shastar-vidiya fairs were organised he would destroy his opponents with ease using hand to hand, weapon to hand, weapon to weapon and firearms combat methods. Baba Ji began a regimen of doing kathas daily on Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Sri Dasam Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Sri Sarbloh Guru Granth Sahib Ji and a weapons factory run by Nihang blacksmiths to accommodate the requirements for the Khalsa to be ever ready with arms. During the 1984 genocide Baba Ji ordered his Nihang acquaintances to dress up as normal everyday Singhs and to tie their turbans in the ‘Nok’ fashion as to protect themselves from the Indian army (as Nihang Singhs were easily recognisable and would be instantly shot by the soldiers), but to fight undercover. In the aftermath of the genocide, Baba Ji forced the Indian government to rebuild the dilapidated Akaal Takht and unjustly passed away on 8th May 2008 (the same day he received Jathedari) #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife

1/26/2023, 4:50:39 PM

ਹਰਿ ਕੇ ਸੰਤ ਮਨਿ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ ਜਿਉ ਦੇਖੈ ਸਸਿ ਕਮਲੇ ॥ The Lord's Saint loves the Lord in his mind, like the lotus flower gazing at the moon ਉਨਵੈ ਘਨੁ ਘਨ ਘਨਿਹਰੁ ਗਰਜੈ ਮਨਿ ਬਿਗਸੈ ਮੋਰ ਮੁਰਲੇ ॥੩॥ The clouds hang low, the clouds tremble with thunder, and the mind dances joyfully like the peacock. ||3|| 🦚 #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

1/26/2023, 4:13:03 PM

ਪਾਚੋਂ ਕੇ ਸੀਸ ਝੁਲੈ ਫਰਰਾ ਮੁ‌ਖੋ ਕਿਹਾ ਇਹ ਸਿੰਘ ਅਕਾਲੀ । Upon the head of the five Singh's , the farlas fly high ! Guru jee proclaimed these Singh's shall be known as akalis 💙 "Blue clothing has been ordained in the Rehat of Sri GuruGobind Singh Ji. At the time the Akali Panth was created the colour blue was chosen. Our Nishan Sahib are blue,I do not know why this tradition of orange/yellow NishanSahibs has come about. We are the Panth of AkaalPurakh (Timeless Being) and blue is the colour we have been decorated with. For this reason where there is an encampment of Nihang Singhs a blue battle standardstands high, this is the symbol of our panth. So NihangSinghs are the Akali Singhs, this is the panth of the Guruand this is the uniform of the panth."Jathedar Baba Santa Singh, Audio Recording May 1996 #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

12/31/2022, 3:28:21 PM

The Farla is a walking nishaan sahib .Only Singh's who have agiya (permission) are given the seva to tie a farla. In battle a nishaanchi (nishaan sahib holder) was injured and dropped the nishaan sahib leading to beadbi (disrespect) of the nishaan sahib to occur , to prevent beadbi such as this to accur the Farla is presented on the top of the Dumalla. Moreover the Farla cannot be tied without agiya and only jappi tappi Singh's can be blessed with the kirpa of the Farla . In Dal panth to attain the seva of the Farla one must do 15 years of seva weather it may be langar seva, horse seva or granthi seva. On the 13th year the jathedaar decides weather the Singh should tie the Farla or not. In some Dal panths some Singh's attain the Farla in a year or two depending on what the jathedaar wants. During The distaatbandi 5 Farladhari singhs must be present . It also represents the "Neela" (dark blue) Budha Dal Nishaan Sahib (various Sakhis that confirm this). Nishaan Sahibs of the Budha Dal are spears. Farladhari Singh's are named mahakaal (Great death) The Farla can only be blue as it is the original colour of the nishaan sahib 💙 PRINTS AVAILABLE !!! 6X4 - 15.00 POUND 5X5 - 20.00 POUND 8X6- 25.50 POUND 10X8- 30.00 POUND 15X10- 35.00 POUND #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

12/27/2022, 3:07:21 PM

ਖੇਤ ਅੰਦਿਰ ਜੋਧੇ ਗੱਜੇ ।।੭।। The brave fighters were roaring in the battlefeild.7. ~Chandi Di Var~ 💙 The beautiful dumala of mahakaal Baba Nirankar Singh Jee @budhadalmisluk In Punjabi, the word 'Mal' means wrestler. It is a trend in traditional wrestling competitions that a cloth is attached over a long bamboo pole. This cloth is called 'Maalee' and usually the prize money is tied with it. When a wrestler wins a wrestling match, he lifts this bamboo to show the audience as a sign of his victory. Obviously the prize money tied in 'Maalee' is kept by him. Traditionally, if the 'Maalee' (prize money) was big, it was called 'Dumaalee' or 'Dumaala' (double 'Maalee')." ਖੂਬ ਫਰਰਾ 💙 PRINTS AVAILABLE !!! 6X4 - 15.00 POUND 5X5 - 20.00 POUND 8X6- 25.50 POUND 10X8- 30.00 POUND 15X10- 35.00 POUND #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

12/27/2022, 2:58:50 PM

ਨਿਹੰਗ ਕਹਾਵੈ ਸੋ ਪੁਰਸ਼ ਦੁਖ ਸੁਖ ਮੰਨੇ ਨ ਅੰਗ ॥ ਜਿਮ ਦੁਖ ਸੁਖ ਦੇਹੀ ਨਾ ਮੰਨੇ ਉਸ ਕਹੇਂ ਬਿਦੇਹੀ ਭੰਗ ॥ ੬ That man is called a Nihang who is indifferent to both pain and pleasure.That person whose body is unaffected by both pain and pleasure, we properly call that person Bidehi [Without a Body, another name for Shahid Singhs].❤️ In 2009 Jathedar Baba Surjeet Singh Ji along with 22 other Singh’s were arrested on false charges and were presented to the session court of Punjab,. After Jathedar Baba Surjeet Singh Ji had been brought there as an inmate. Several Prison authority’s recognised Baba Ji’s greatness and would seek his guidance as they respected him. Prisoners, the policemen inside the jail and even the jail warden, would seek his holy companyEven whilst in jail Jathedar Akali Baba Surjeet Singh Ji continued his daily routine, nitnem and remained in chardikalah. Baba Ji organized more than 40 Akhand Paths of Adi Guru Granth Sahib, Dasam Guru Granth Sahib and Sarbloh Guru Granth Sahib Ji during a 5 yr period.n 2011 Baba Ji fell ill due to the unhygienic food and unsanitary conditions within the Jail. By June 2013 Jathedar Baba Surjeet Singh Ji’s health started deteriorating significantly, and Baba Ji was taken to P.G.I Hospital Chandigarh, for regular weekly checkups. By 2014 his health worsened Finally, due to acute illness, Jathedar Akali Baba Surjeet Singh Ji breathed his last breath on the 3rd of September 2014 in the Central Patiala Jail, Punjab. Baba Jis Antim Sanskar was performed in September, 2014 at Gurdwara Lakhi Jangal Sahib #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart

12/25/2022, 2:36:52 PM

ਖੇਲੈਂ ਨਿੱਤ ਸ਼ਿਕਾਰ ਬਨਨ ਮੈਂ, ਮਾਰਿ ਮ੍ਰਿਗ ਬਹੁ ਖਾਵੈਂ Always partake in hunting, [practice] killing deer and then eat your hunt 🐐 Jhatka is a common Khalsa practice that has been documented in Puratan Rehitnameh. By killing the goat from a single blow from a bladed weapon it also served the Khalsa with important military/ fighting/training skills. To kill a man by decapitation in the wars was the best way for the Khalsa to fight as it meant a quick death, it meant the victim could not get up and attack and it also saved time for the already outnumbered Khalsa warriors who had to inflict quick and deadly blows in order to fight effectively against their massive enemy armies. Once the Bakra has been Jhatked the blood from the animal which is now considered as pure becuase it has been killed by a bladed weapon and therefore, blessed by Sri Akaal Purakh. The blood is used as Tilak and placed upon the weapons of war as has been the ritual practice of Kshatriya Warrior. The skin of the goat was further used for making tabla and nagara skins, and also the bases of stringed instruments. Therefore, we can now see a practical side to why Jhatka was performed, along with the spiritual aspects of this topic. Finally Jhatka also breaks the transmigration cycle and liberates the goat's. This practice not only keeps the warrior spirit alive within the Khalsa Panth as sanctioned by Guru Gobind Singh Ji but also contrary to some misinformed views which scream of animal cruelty etc serves to liberate the soul of the animal. #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #

12/24/2022, 4:54:58 PM

The Panj Bastaars make up the Bana, which is the uniform.Akali Guru Gobind Singh Ji has blessed the Guru Khalsa.Panth with. Each Bastaar has its own significance and plays its own vital role in aiding the Guru Khalsa Panth.  They consist of: 1. Dumalla - two turbans of malmal cloth Dumalla is the crown tied beautifully on one's head which also functions as a lightweight armor as it protects the head.It is also always decorated with numerous Chakkars and smaller dumala Shastar .The first cloth in direct contact with your kesh must be blue. Nihang Singhs often call this their bunga and is usually tied in a high towering shape (ucha bunga). Thebunga is tied in such a way that it can never fall off of your head. It is said that Akali Guru Gobind Singh Ji tied a DastarBunga (Dumalla) that was around 16-18 inches high. 2. Hazooria soft cloth around the neck Hazooria serves as a sign of humbleness and is used to cover the mouth while reading gurbani or doing seva. It can also be tied as an additional kamarkassa. 3. Chola - warrior robe The Chola is the warrior robe which covers the body of a Khalsa. It has a split in the middle for increased agility and is always above the knees for practical reasons. 4. Kamarkassa - weapons waistband The kamarkasa holds all various shastar one wishes to carry. Without wearing a Kamarkassa,the weapons you wear cannot be secured properly or draw properly 5. Kasherra - long briefs Thee Kasherra signifies modesty and helps with controlling your kaam (lust). Kachera is always worn below the knees. Together the Panj Bastars  are known as Bana and must be worn by all Khalsa at all times 💙🌼 ਸ਼੍ਰੀ ਮਾਨ ਸਿੰਘ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਸ਼ਹਿਦ ਬਾਬਾ ਬਹਾਦਰ ਸਿੰਘ ਜੀ ਚੱਕਰਵਰਤੀ ਦਲ ਘੋੜੀਆ ਦੇ ਜਥੇਦਾਰ #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #ma

12/18/2022, 6:09:44 PM

ਫੇਰ ਏਕ ਰੋਜ ਗਰਾਂ ਮਾਹਿ ਗੁਰੂ ਕੇ ਹਜੂਰ ਫਤੇ ਸਿੰਘ ਗੁਰੁ ਸੂਤ वे ਸਵਾਂਗ ਧਾਰਿ ਆਯੋ ਹੈ ॥ One day during the daily congregation held in the Guru's presence, the Guru's son Fateh Singh dressed himself in a particular way. ਦੇਵ ਧਰ ਕਾਂਧੇ ਪਰਿ ਊਰਿ ਦਰਬਾਰ ਕਰਿ ਕਰਿ ਤਟਿ ਕਾਛੁ ਹਰਿ ਕੇ ਅਕਾਲ ਸਾਰੇ ਰੇ ॥ Holding a club on his shoulder, adorned with a tall turban, with a Kachera across his waist he chanted Akaal. ਪੇਖਿ ਗੁਰੁ ਕਹਯੋ ਅਹਯੋ ਜਰਯੋ ਭੀ ਭਲੇ ਹੈਂ ਪੰਥ ਬਠੇ ਸਿੰਘ ਜੀ ਕੇ ਦੇਖੁ ਯਾਰੀ ਤੇ ਕਹਾਯੇ Looking at him the Guru said, such a Panth will be started and call themselves the ones of Baba Fateh Singh. ਧੰਨ ਖਾਲਸੋ ਧੰਨ ਪੰਥ ਭੁਝੰਗੀ। ਰਖਯੋ ਬੀਜ ਜਾਣ ਸਿੱਖੀ ਚੰਗੀ Bless and praise the Khalsa, the Panth of Bhujangis [snake-like warriors], who hold the seed of spirit and life force of Sikhi perfectly.🐊 ਸ੍ਰੀ ਗੁਰ ਪੰਥ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼, ਰਤਨ ਸਿੰਘ ਭੰਗੂ Sri Gur Panth Prakash, Rattan Singh Bhangu #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #ni #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #repost

12/17/2022, 3:11:27 PM

After the martyrdom of Akali Baba Hanuman Singh Ji Nihang, Akali Baba Prehlada Singh Ji Nihang became the 8th Jathedar of Budha Dal. When the British implemented a shoot-on-sight order to exterminate all Nihang Singhs, Baba Prehlada Singh regrouped the remaining Akalis at Nanded and left for Hazoor Sahib. Other Nihang Singhs took refuge in the jungles of Maharashtra and Punjab to preserve the Guru’s Sikhi. #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

11/13/2022, 4:24:37 PM

Akali Baba Hanuman Singh Ji Nihang was born in 1756 and raised by his grandmother Mata Seva Kaur, after losing his mother, Harnam Kaur, to a musket shot at a young age. He became a student of the great Akali Phula Singh Nihang,When the Governor General Lord Auckland visited Punjab in 1838, Baba Hanuman Singh cursed Maharaja Ranjit Singh for letting the British enter the sacred sarovar with their shoes on. At the break of the First Anglo-Sikh war during the Battle of Sobraon, Baba Hanuman Singh mobilised the Budha Dal warriors to guard the Harimandar Sahib and led several thousand of them towards Lahore. In these desperate circumstances in which the British army vastly outnumbered the amount of Nihang warriors, the Budha Dal saw its ranks depleted to unprecedented levels. Baba Hanuman Singh led the survivors towards Patiala to seek refuge. When they refused to surrender at the hands of the British, the enemy troops launched a cannonade into the Akali Nihang encampment. A cannon ball exploded by the side of Baba Hanuman Singh and a piece of shrapnel mortally wounded the elderly Nihang in his thigh. He breathed his last in 1846, aged 90. #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

11/13/2022, 4:22:52 PM

Jathedar Akali Baba Phoola Singh Ji was the General of the Budha Dal, the elite army during the era of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Ji. Baba Ji was born in 1761 to Baba Ishar Singh Ji of Misl Nishanchia. Baba Ishar Singh Ji attained Shaheedi in war under the leadership of Jathedar Akali Baba Naina Singh Ji. Akali Baba Phoola Singh Ji was left orphaned, and was raised by Baba Naina Singh Ji. Baba Ji first joined Misl Shaheedan, fought valiantly and then became a member of the Budha Dal. Jathedar Akali Baba Phoola Singh Ji had all of the current Budha Dal Sundar Gutka Kant (memorised) and was known to be amazing in Kirtan. Baba Ji also was known to be the Jathedar of the Akaal Takhat and was known to be the most remarkable Akali Nihang of his time, and is still to this day highly revered. Baba Ji attained Shaheedi on 14th March 1823, in the Battle of Naushera. One of Baba Ji’s legs were blasted off in the battle, and Baba Ji tied his other leg to his horse and continued fighting until he attained Shaheedi. #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

11/12/2022, 6:45:43 PM

ਅਗੀ ਸੇਤੀ ਜਾਲੀਆ ਭਸਮ ਸੇਤੀ ਰਲਿ ਜਾਉ ।। burnt by fire and mixed with ashes 🔥 Brahm Kavach meaning "Armour of God" Was a Mantra  which was given to the Khalsa army when they faced black magic and dark energy in war.  Baba Deep Singh Jee and Bhai Mani Singh Jee did Benti to Guru Gobind Singh Ji, for a specifically charged prayer to help protect khalsa From black magic whilst at war. The prayer calls upon God in the form of the divine mother, her attributes and qualities.You are the protector of righteousness and are the sacred thread of the warrior. The warrior who reads this mantra of protectionthirty two times daily, will win all battles and reside in fearlessness #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

8/16/2022, 4:32:06 PM

ਬੈਠਾ ਕੇਸਰੀ ⛳️ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨ ਉੱਤੇ ਬਾਜ਼ 🦅 ਵੇਖਣਾ ਬਸ ਇੱਕੋ ਰੀਜ਼ ਖਾਲਸੇ ਦਾ ਰਾਜ ਵੇਖਣਾ ਭਲੀ ਕਰੇ ਕਰਤਾਰ ⛳️🫶🙏🏻🙏🏻🫶🏻 #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

8/6/2022, 7:18:47 AM

ਗਗਨ ਦਮਾਮਾ ਬਾਜਿਓ ਪਰਿਓ ਨੀਸਾਨੈ ਘਾਊ ।। The battle -drum beats in the sky of the mind : aim is taken and the wound if inflicted . ਖੇਤੁ ਜੁ ਮਾਂਡੳ ਸੂਰਮਾ ਅਬ ਜੂਝਨ ਕੋ ਦਾਊ ।।੧।। The Spiritual Warriors enter the Field of battle : now is the time to fight! ।।1।। 🌼💙 When tying your Dumala you must sit in the lotus posture (asan), your Dumala and kachera should never touch, and your Dumala should never be lifted off like a topi (hat), but should be properly untiedDumala Da Slokhs must be recited or listened while tying a Dumala.A Singh must respect the Dumala as the Bana of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, and must never put a blog on it . The kachera and dumala must never touch singhs normally put a hazori over them while sat in the lotus position. #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #mahakaal #panthpaatshah #96krori #nihangsingh #nihang #nihanglife #nihangmaryada #neela #blue #saroop #nihangart #sikhiart #babajee #mahakali #farla #nihang #blue #dumala #tegh #neela #flowers #bluebana #neelabana #nihangsingh #maryada #bluedumala #shastar #gatra #kara #bluehazori #nihangart #nihangpicture #art

2/20/2022, 2:56:32 PM