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/ 大天使麥克- 信任自己的內在力量成長彈性,停止嘗試阻斷事情的發生,而是將精力放在如何協助自己順利前行。 Trust your inner strength to grow in resilience, stop trying to stop things from happening, and instead focus on how to help yourself move forward smoothly. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelmichael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥可

5/25/2024, 7:57:40 AM

/ 觀世音菩薩- 你覺得理所當然的事情及生活常態,都來自不同的善意及愛所集合而成,讓感謝化為行動,也讓感謝如同暖陽流動於自己以及周遭萬物。 The things you take for granted and the normal life are all composed of different kinds of goodwill and love. Let gratitude turn into actions, and let gratitude flow like warm sunshine to yourself and everything around you. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #每日訊息

5/24/2024, 11:02:59 AM

/ 天上聖母- 將你所表達的語言與內在對齊,將內在的渴望與宇宙源頭校準合一,而你所散發的即是以愛與善為出發的念想與行動。 Express your true feelings. Integrate the inner desire with the source of the universe, so you can aligned your thoughts and actions based on love and kindness. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #天上聖母 #天上聖母傳訊

5/21/2024, 6:55:19 AM

/ 大天使麥克- 先別急著否定,勇敢的正視每個意念與想法,所有的改變都會伴隨著相當的刺激,給自己的成長空間多一點彈性,你的眼界將會更廣闊不受限。 Taking a honest look at the role you play in your own suffering Gives yourself more space to face every changing moment. So you will see better way forward. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelmichael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥克

5/17/2024, 8:09:02 AM

/ 觀世音菩薩- 你渴望的自由,從你的心開始。放下控制、放下完美、放下期待、放下標準答案,此刻即得以自由。 The freedom you desire starts from your heart. Let go of control, let go of perfection, let go of expectations, let go of standard answers, and you will be free. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #觀世音菩薩 #觀世音菩薩傳訊

5/16/2024, 1:32:43 PM

/ 母娘- 宇宙從未停止給子你祝福及協助,只是你能不能信任的接住它們。若你全然的信任,那些你渴望的愛其實一直都在。 The universe never stops giving you blessings and assistance, it‘s just whether you can trust them to receive them. If you trust com-pletely, the love you desire is always there. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #每日訊息 #母娘 #母娘傳訊

5/14/2024, 8:37:28 AM

/ 大天使聖德芬- 每個被觸動的情緒,都是來自宇宙的訊號,試著拆解情緒,看見背後的原因,當你確實面對,你再也不需要排斥那些因素,因為它們再也無法對你產生影響。 There‘s no one outside, only you. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelsandalphon #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使聖德芬

5/13/2024, 8:42:52 AM

/ 城隍菩薩- 事出必有因,覺察情緒來源,跳出情緒漩渦,不必急於在當下求出對錯,等待清明時,真相自然明瞭,你也將明白事出之因果。 Things must happen for a reason, be aware of the source of your emotions. Don‘t rush to find out what is right or wrong in the moment. When you wait for clarity, the truth will naturally become clear, and you will also understand the cause and effect of what happened. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #每日訊息 #城隍菩薩

5/10/2024, 9:16:24 AM

/ 大天使愛瑟瑞爾- 只有你有權利定義你是誰。 Only you have the power to define who you are. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelraziel #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使愛瑟瑞爾

5/8/2024, 6:51:20 AM

/ 大天使拉斐爾- 好好慢下頭腦的思緒,理解自己是在替自己找理由,還是找生命的出口。 Slow down your thoughts and understand whether you are making excuses for yourself or really looking for a resolution. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelraphael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使拉斐爾 #大天使拉斐爾傳訊

5/7/2024, 5:07:37 AM

/ 觀世音菩薩- 每個當下皆能創造出獨特的永恆,而每個當下也只是無垠宇宙中的一個微小片刻。因此,不要執著於任何形式的成果,放膽無懼的去創造。 Each moment creates a unique eternity, and each moment is just a tiny moment in the infinite universe. Therefore, don‘t be attached to any form of results and be creative without fear. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #每日訊息 #觀世音菩薩 #觀世音菩薩傳訊

5/6/2024, 10:13:17 AM

/ 觀世音菩薩- 看似失序的事件都有著宇宙長遠的安排,帶著更大的信任與耐心,等待接收宇宙給你的禮物與奇蹟。 Some events may seem out of order at the moment, but the universe has long-term arrangements. With greater trust and patience, wait to receive the gifts and miracles the universe gives you. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #觀世音菩薩 #觀世音菩薩傳訊

5/4/2024, 5:47:48 AM

/ 觀世音菩薩- 没有完美的存在,只有全然的享受在每個當下的自己,那就是你最閃耀的模樣。 There is no existence of perfection. As long as you‘re fully enjoying yourself in every moment, that is your most shining shape. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #觀世音普薩 #觀世音菩薩傳訊

4/29/2024, 8:11:40 AM

/ 大天使拉貴爾- 那些看似被打亂所有秩序,亂成一團的當下,只是宇宙為了替你要重組一條全新且更適合你的道路,別讓未知的恐懼干擾你擁有嶄新的收穫。 Things falling apart to come together in a better way. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelraguel #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使拉貴爾

4/25/2024, 8:14:32 AM

/ 關聖帝君- 別讓無意識的恐懼阻礙了你的創造力及顯化力,別懷疑你已經在正確的道路上,放手一博宇宙會全力推動! Don’t let unconscious fears hinder your creativity and manifesta-tion. Don‘t doubt that you are already on the right path. Let go of the control issues and the universe will push you with all its strength! Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #每日訊息 #關聖帝君 #關聖帝君傳訊

4/23/2024, 11:03:31 AM

/ 大天使拉斐爾- 別花力氣追逐,將時間花在自我提升,那些屬於你的一切將會快速的被你吸引而來。 Don‘t spend time chasing. Spend time on building your own energy so you can attract everything you need to your life. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelraphael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使拉菲爾

4/22/2024, 7:49:18 AM

/ 大天使麥達昶- 釐清腦海中的每個聲音,你有足夠的智慧去判斷並停止小我對你造成的阻礙,此刻拉鋸的時間點下,請盡可能心無旁騖的專注自己的腳步。 Clarify every voice in your mind, and you have enough wisdom to judge and stop the obstacles caused by the egos. Just focus on your every single step. Your heart is leading you to the right path Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelmetatron #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥達昶

4/19/2024, 8:27:15 AM

/ 大天使加百列- 面對事件,看見自己那些還未痊癒的創痛,並好好療癒,屆時你能聽清楚心之所向,不再讓過往傷痛影響你的任何思考方式與行為,脫離重複的事件,做出全新的改愛。 Heal, so you can hear what‘s being said without the filter of wounds. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelgabriel #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使加百列

4/17/2024, 8:08:11 AM

/ 觀世音菩薩- 絕對要相信你是自己最強大支持的力量,在你還沒發現這一點之前,宇宙會用各種的經驗讓你相信並展現自己的光。 You must believe that you are your most powerful support. Before you discover this, the universe will send various hints to make you see your own light and help you to shine. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #觀世音菩薩 #觀世音菩薩傳訊

4/15/2024, 8:34:50 AM

/ 母娘- 無所畏懼、別有懷疑,思實自己的意念與初衷,你就是成為與推動改變的力量。 Trust in yourself without a doubt and be fearless to show the best of you. You re everything you need to change your own path. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #母娘 #母娘傳訊

4/8/2024, 6:09:09 AM

/ 大天使愛瑟瑞爾- 你為自己找的每個藉口,會累積成你成長路上的每顆小石頭。 Finding an excuse will just slow you down from moving on. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelraziel #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使愛瑟瑞爾

4/3/2024, 4:52:09 AM

/ 大天使麥克- 把你留在原地的,是你創造出來的恐懼,改變永遠在前方耐心的等著你。 Don‘t let fear that you created holding your back. What you can change is always ahead. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelmichael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥克

4/2/2024, 7:07:12 AM

/ 大天使烏列爾- 你美好又嶄新的任何一天,都不值得為了別人的錯誤而蒙上烏雲。 There‘s nothing has right to ruin your beautiful day. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangeluriel #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使烏列爾

4/1/2024, 5:53:13 AM

/ 大天使烏列爾- 勇敢,是你可以接受與面對那些不勇敢的時刻。 Bravery is when you can accept and face those moments when you are not brave. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangeluriel #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使烏列爾

3/28/2024, 6:35:35 AM

/ 母娘- 學習放下長久不健康的關係並與不適合你的人事物道別,這是宇宙要讓你騰出更多空間,來迎接新的開始。 Let go of unhealthy relationships and say goodbye to people and things that aren’t good for you. It is the universe‘s gift of making more room for you to receive new chapter. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #光之工作者 #母娘 #母娘傳訊

3/27/2024, 1:22:45 PM

/ 大天使加百列- 細數你的恩典,珍惜願意花時間在你身上的人,那是他們一部分的人生。 Count your blessings and cherish those who are willing to spend time with you. It is a part of their life with you. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #archangelmessages #archangelgabriel #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使加百列

3/26/2024, 11:25:53 AM

/ 媽祖娘娘- 你有多愛自己,這個世界與宇宙就會用同等甚至加倍的能量回應與擁抱你。 How much you love yourself, the world and the universe will respond and embrace you with equal or even doubled energy back to you. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #媽祖娘娘 #媽祖娘娘傳訊

3/25/2024, 11:12:02 AM

/ 大天使愛瑟瑞爾- 你不需要向外證明自己,也絕對值得被愛。 You don‘t need to prove yourself to anybody and you are absolutely worthy of being loved Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #archangelraziel #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使愛瑟瑞爾

3/22/2024, 6:36:00 AM

/ 大天使麥達昶- 你所散發的魅力,有部分建立來自於你如何對待這世界,如何對待其他人。 Half of your beauty comes from the way you treat the world. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelmetatron #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥達昶

3/21/2024, 5:26:49 AM

/ 母娘- 當你想拯救他人之前,先確認是不是已經照顧好當下的自己。 Before you want to save others, first make sure you have taken care good of yourself. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #每日訊息 #母娘 #母娘傳訊

3/20/2024, 11:20:47 AM

/ 大天使拉貴爾- 先接受自己,才有辦法接收豐盛。 Only by accepting yourself first so you can receive all abundance belonging to you. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelraguel #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使拉貴爾

3/18/2024, 5:58:47 AM

/ 大天使愛瑟瑞爾- 相信你的直覺去洞見生活中的每個大小訊息,讓你的心與頭腦合作,練習別讓它們產生分歧,所有的一切,都是為了引領你走向圓滿。 Trust your intuition to see every message in your life. Let your heart and mind work together, and practice not letting them diverge. Everything happens around just to lead you to abun-dance. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelraziel #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使愛瑟瑞爾

3/16/2024, 8:12:09 AM

/ 大地母親- 珍惜與重視自己獨特的價值與光,在尚未綻放之前耐心的善待並照顧祂,而在綻放之時盡情的照耀及分享吧! Cherish and value your own unique and light. Be patient and take care of it before it blooms, and when it blooms, shine and share it! Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #motherearth #光之工作者 #每日訊息 #大地母親

3/15/2024, 10:56:30 AM

/ 福德正神- 新一波的能量浪潮,帶動整體需要療癒的部分淨現,把專注力帶回自身,不擴大恐懼,浮現的感受讓它流過,需要療癒的課題,你是有力量與行動力能夠面對的。 A new wave of energy will bring the parts of the whole that need healing to the surface. Bring your focus back to yourself without expanding your fear. Let the emerging feelings flow through. You have the strength and action to face the issues that need healing. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #每日訊息 #福德正神 #福德正神傳訊

3/11/2024, 6:20:27 AM

/ 觀世音菩薩- 恐懼因渴求愛而生。愛不是從僵固的外在形式與關係得到,而是流動於自己每個當下的體會跟意念。 放下愛的渴求得以自在,在自在裡得以體會無條件的愛。 Fear comes from lacking of love. Love is not seeking from any materials or relationships, but flows through every moment of experience and thoughts. Let go of the desire for love and be free, so you can experience unconditional love in any moment. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #觀世音菩薩 #觀世音菩薩傳訊

3/8/2024, 6:50:18 AM

/ 觀世音菩薩- 當你可以理解與接納自己與他人黑暗面的存在,才能真正體會無條件的愛。 Only when you fully understand and accept the dark sides of yourself and others. You will truly experience unconditional love. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinesmessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #每日訊息 #觀世音菩薩 #觀世音菩薩傳訊

3/6/2024, 10:06:52 AM

/ 大天使愛瑟瑞爾- 你當下的想法,決定你在此刻的課題中,是要受傷或因此茁壯。 Everything in between to get hurt or get stronger all decided by your thoughts. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelazrael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使愛瑟瑞爾

3/5/2024, 4:19:18 AM

/ 大天使麥達昶- 在這趙旅程,你最棒的貴人,與最大的敵人,都是你自己。 You are the best partner and opponent during the whole life journey to yourself. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #archangelmetatron #angelmessages #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥達昶

3/2/2024, 6:05:39 AM

/ 大天使加百列- 專注的自我覺察與療癒,你才能清晰地不帶著任何創傷給你的誤導去聽見心真實的聲音。 Heal. So you can hear what‘s being said without the filter of your wounds. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelgabriel #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使加百列

3/1/2024, 11:31:07 AM

/ 觀世音菩薩- 「豐盛」是一股從內在連結喜悅,感知來自宇宙、萬物給子你身心靈的能量流動。當你內在常與豐盛能量連結,你就可以顯化你所想望的豐盛! ”Abundance“ is the joy of connecting from within, sensing the flow of energy from the universe and all things to your body, mind and soul. When you are constantly connected to the energy of abundance within you, you can manifest the abundance you desire! Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessages #光之工作者 #觀世音菩薩 #觀世音菩薩傳訊

2/29/2024, 10:56:17 AM

/ 大聖爺- 每個意圖創造了你在地球上想要的各種體驗,而意圖也是你發送給宇宙的能量訊號。帶著輕盈的心及實際的行動力,不須過度內耗,不設想旅途的收穫與成果,專注的體驗每個創造,意外的收穫將隨之而來。 Each wish creates the experiences you want on Earth, and wishes are also messages you send to the universe. With a light heart and practical power of action, there is no need for excessive internal consumption and no consumption of the harvest and results of the journey. Every creative experience and unexpected benefits will follow. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #大聖爺

2/28/2024, 8:32:05 AM

/ 大天使麥達昶- 感到每個門都被關上無法前行時,就為自己創造一條新的路。 If you feel the universe closed all the doors. Then is time to create your own door. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelmetatron #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥達昶

2/27/2024, 4:26:16 AM

/ 大天使拉斐爾- 專注的建立自己理想生活並非自私,而是你茁壯的內在智慧,不允許你再被外界因素控制。 You didn‘t become selfish, you just became harder to manipulate. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelraphael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使拉斐爾

2/23/2024, 6:46:15 AM

/ 母娘- 當情緒波動來臨時,成為自己的陪伴者,觀察波動的狀態以及宇宙要給出的訊息。 而不要進入波動裡面隨之起伏,這樣則不會被情緒所困擾而是能接納不同的情緒狀態。 When mood swings come, be your own companion and observe the mood swings find out the messages the universe has to give. Instead of entering the fluctuations and be manipulated by those ups and downs, you will not be troubled by emotions but can accept different emotional states. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinmessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #母娘 #母娘傳訊

2/22/2024, 9:28:00 AM

/ 大天使麥克- 不好的時刻,是用來強壯那些好的時刻的養分。 Bad days will build better days. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelmichael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥克

2/20/2024, 6:47:07 AM

/ 母娘- 信任你的能力與宇宙整體的協助,專心聚焦你想顯化的所有想法,並實際化為行動去完成,不過度用力、並放下「我可能做不到」的擔心,讓你的每一步都在「正在完成」的路上。 Trust your abilities and the assistance of the universe as a whole, focus on all the ideas you want to manifest, and actually turn them into actions to complete them. Don‘t use excessive force, and let go of the worry of ”I may not be able to do it.“ Let every step of your life be successful. On the way to ”being completed“. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #每日訊息 #母娘 #母娘傳訊

2/19/2024, 2:36:29 PM

/ 大天使加百列- 永遠有人值得你的善良,別讓過客消弱你的光。 Never stop sharing your kindness. Just change who‘s going to receive it. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelgabriel #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使加百列

2/16/2024, 11:42:03 AM

/ 大天使麥克- 你的善良會為你帶來幸運。 Your kindness will bring you luck. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelmichael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥克

2/15/2024, 6:22:42 AM

/ 大天使麥可- 專注眼前,聚集所有精力,準備好迎接你所顯化的一切到來,控制你能控制的,剩下的就放心交給宇宙。 Focus on what is in front of you, gather all your energy, and be ready for whatever you manifest, control what you can control, and let the universe take care of the rest. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelmichael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥克

2/8/2024, 5:20:44 AM

/ 大天使麥克- 現在就是改變未來的最佳時刻,好好聚焦自己的力量,保持自己頻率穩定成長,屆時你將能吸引一切美好事物來到。 Now is the best time to change the future. Focus on your own strength and maintain yourself. As your frequency grows steadily, you will be able to attract all good things to you. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelmichael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥克

2/3/2024, 9:41:46 AM

/ 大天使愛瑟瑞爾- 你的存在是有意義的,別小看自己的力量,在很多小小的時刻,或許被你自己忽視了,但卻同時給了他人溫暖。 Your existence is meaningful. Don’t underestimate your own power. In some moments, you may not even noticed that you‘ve given warmth to make others day differently. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelraziel #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使愛瑟瑞爾

2/2/2024, 10:09:07 AM

/ 大天使拉斐爾- 允許自己有負面情緒,允許自己有時候也想不成熟的哭鬧,接受自己的負面狀態,如同你擁抱自己的所有優點。唯有全然接受每個面向的自己,才能有最足夠的力量向前,能最踏實的接收一切豐饒。 Allow yourself to have negative emotions, allow yourself to cry immaturely sometimes, and accept your negative status just as you embrace all your strengths. Only by fully accepting every aspect of yourself so you can have the most strength to move forward and receive all the abundance in the most practical way. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelraphael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使拉斐爾

2/1/2024, 6:42:43 AM

/ 觀世音菩薩- 你就是光,閃閃發亮光、純潔善良的光。隨時與你的光連結,發揮力量綻放光芒! You are the light, a shining, pure and kind light. Connect with your light at all time and use your power to shine! Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #每日訊息 #觀世音菩薩 #觀世音菩薩傳訊

1/31/2024, 5:04:36 AM

/ 大天使加百列- 宇宙讓你經歷黑暗,不是為了要擊垮你,而是要讓你在黑暗之中,更能看清楚光。 The universe let you to experience darkness. It‘s not to defeat you but to make you to see the light more clearly in the darkness. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #diviness #angelmessages #archangelgabriel #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使加百列

1/30/2024, 6:13:54 AM

/ 地球母親指導團隊Aya- 你的恐懼裡面深藏著你最深的愛與渴望,若能看見擁抱它們,你將成為分享愛的光體,而那份恐懼也隨著這道光而散去。 Hidden within your fears are your deepest loves and desires. If you can see and embrace them, you will become a light sharing love, and the fear will dissipate with this light. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #aya #motherearth #光之工作者 #每日訊息 #地球母親指導團隊aya

1/29/2024, 8:01:00 AM

/ 大天使拉斐爾- 先讓自己完整,才能遇見讓你更完整的人。 Complete yourself first so you can meet another half. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelraphael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使拉斐爾

1/26/2024, 7:33:22 AM

/ 觀世音菩薩- 你渴望的幸運一直都圍繞在你身邊,只看你有沒有感知那當下和認出它。而這些幸運不一定是以物質呈現或立即能得到的成果與利益,而是人生中某個時刻受用的體悟及美好的緣分。 The luck you desire is always around you, it just depends on whether you perceive the moment and recognize it. And these blessings are not necessarily material or immediate results and benefits, but the realization and good fate that are useful at a certain moment in life. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #觀世音菩薩 #觀世音菩薩傳訊

1/25/2024, 7:07:05 AM

/ 大天使麥克- 靈魂暗夜不可怕,可怕的是你忘記自己就是光。 The dark night of the soul is not scary. What is scary is that you forget that you are the light. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lighteorkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelmichael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥可

1/24/2024, 7:14:28 AM

/ 大天使麥達昶- 當你對自己付出的愛,能同等或是更多的比你對世界付出的愛,你將會更加快樂與綻放。 宇宙不會虧待你的善良。 As long as you start giving the same love you‘ve always given others. You will be more shining than ever. The universe will always pay back of your kindness. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelmetatron #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥達昶

1/22/2024, 6:26:48 AM

/ 大天使拉貴爾- 你有多自在的用自己最原始的狀態生活,你就能有多閃耀。 The more comfortable you are in living in your most original state. The more you will shine. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemercy #dailymessages #angelmessages #archangelraguel #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使拉貴爾

1/20/2024, 6:10:40 AM

/ 地球母親指導團隊Aya- 你渴望的愛不一定能透過他人來體現,不過可以透過你的行動來顯化你渴望的愛,因你本身就有強大愛的本質。 The love you desire may not necessarily be reflected through others. It can be manifested through your own actions, because your inner world has powerful love. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #motherearth #aya #光之工作者 #地球母親指導團隊aya

1/18/2024, 9:15:17 AM

/ 大天使麥克- 你可以找到志同相合的夥伴或指引陪著你前進,但沒有人可以代替你的雙腳前行。 You can find partners or guides to accompany you forward, but no one can instead you to move forward for your own path. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #archangelmichael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥克

1/17/2024, 6:22:37 AM

/ 觀世音菩薩- 那些被一觸即發的情緒與感受,是宇宙要協助你開啟療癒的入口,不要給予評價和排斥,正面的接受宇宙即將帶給你的祝福。 Those emotions and feelings that are on the verge of being triggered are the universe‘s efforts to help you open the door to healing. Do not judge or reject them, and accept the blessings that the universe is about to bring you positively. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #每日訊息 #觀世音菩薩 #觀世音菩薩傳訊

1/16/2024, 8:50:46 AM

/ 大天使麥克- 內在引起的混亂與動盪的源頭在於,你把關注與想解決的人事物都放在外在,你的管轄範圍從來不超出自我。 Stop seeing and seeking from outside world. All your jurisdiction never extends beyond yourself. Messenger:Carol Imagine:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelmichael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥可

1/15/2024, 11:02:48 AM

/ 大天使麥克- 別讓無法改愛的過去拖著你的後腳,你能改變的永遠是在前方。 Leave the past where it belongs. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelmichael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥克

1/14/2024, 5:46:48 AM

/ 大天使麥克- 擁抱你的恐懼,運用內在智慧轉化,它是你成長的強大動力。 Embrace your fears and use your inner wisdom to transform them, it is a powerful force for your growth. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelmichael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥克

1/11/2024, 6:26:51 AM

/ 觀世音菩薩- 從心感受、從心選擇、從心交流、從心行動,則你會時刻回到內心的平靜。 Feel, choose, communicate and act according to your heart, and you will always return to inner peace. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightwirkers #divinemessages #dailymessage #光之工作者 #每日訊息 #觀世音菩薩傳訊

1/10/2024, 10:32:33 AM

/ 第七維度的祝福- 看似崩離的狀態只是重組新篇章的起頭,好好的接受與擁抱自己的一切情緒起伏、脆弱、憤怒,說服自已只是短暫的紓解,勇敢面對才能迎接更好的轉愛。 The seemingly disintegrated state is just the beginning of a new chapter of reorganization. Accept and embrace all your emotional ups and downs, vulnerability, and anger. Convince yourself that it is only a short-term relief. Only by facing it bravely so you can welcome better changes. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightwirkers #divinemessages #7dimension #光之工作者 #每日訊息 #第七維度的祝福

1/9/2024, 6:30:49 AM

/ 地球母親指導團隊Aya- 像孩子般自在探索世界,不帶著成功目的及憂慮得失,盡情的走進每個「當下」,接下來信任宇宙的神聖秩序會帶領你看見嶄新的風景。 Explore the world freely like a child. Without setting the goal of success or worries about gains and losses. Feel enter every “moment” to the fullest, and then trust that the divine order of the universe will lead you to see a new landscape. Messenger:Bobo Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #dailymessages #aya #光之工作者 #每日訊息 #地球母親指導團隊Aya

1/8/2024, 12:13:50 PM

/ 大天使麥克- 別著急向外尋光,你心中的光會為你指引。 Don‘t need to find the light. You are the light itself. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #atchangelmichael #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使麥可

1/7/2024, 9:56:12 AM

/ 大天使加百列- 專心顧好自身頻率,剩下的交給宇宙處理。 Focus on protecting your own energy. The universe will take care of all the rest for you. Messenger:Carol Image:NASA #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #divinemessages #angelmessages #archangelgabriel #光之工作者 #天使訊息 #大天使加百列

1/5/2024, 6:21:22 AM

/ 新的年度即將展開,整個宇宙都蓄勢待發的要協助你顯化所有你想要的一切,在此我們也推出新的顯化冥想課程,希望大家都能以加倍的速度於能量豐收。 課程內容涵蓋:頌缽療癒清理舊能量,以及顯化冥想引導,還有個人的年度能量水晶手鏈。(課程結束後能將自己專屬的手鍊帶回家哦!) ✧療癒課程資訊: ➤彰化場 日期:1/20(六) 14:00-16:00 地點:單車旅人/Biking16咖啡館 彰化市城中街16號 ➤台北場 日期:1/26(五)15:00-17:00 1/27(六)14:00-16:00 地點:青雲閣 QYG Art 臺北市萬華區環河南路二段5巷6弄20號 ➤台中場 日期:2/3(六)14:30-16:30 地點:木夏實驗所 台中市北區梅亭街283號 ➤高雄場 日期:2/4(日)15:00-17:00 地點:待確 ✧療癒課程費用:$2500 (有參加過任何課程的人可以-100元) ✧人數:4人開班,7人滿班 *報名請私訊索取連結,相關問題歡迎詢問 #lightworkersstudio #lightworkers #archangelmichael #angelhealing

1/4/2024, 4:24:22 AM