imunbeatable images

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#imunbeatable #wallart #walldecor #etsy #etsyshop #digitalart #digitalmarketing Visit Item :

2/7/2024, 4:32:29 PM

#imunbeatable #wallart #walldecor #etsy #etsyshop #digitalart #digitalmarketing Visit

2/7/2024, 4:30:18 PM

I’m so ready for 2024👌 I'm looking forward to what lies ahead and I'm prepared to give my all 🔥to my Bestfriend Lin thank you so much, if It wasn’t for you I don’t know what my life would have been like. Thanks for guiding me into the right path. Thank you thank you thank you. I am the woman that I am because of the woman that you are❤️and for that my love for you is sky high. You thought me what it really feels like to have a real family, to be loved and to feel loved ❤️❤️ #imunbeatable #imcreative #imworthy #beautywithapurpose #imhealedfrombrokeness #embracechange #bloodisnotalwaysfamily #underneathyourclothestheresanendlessstory #changeisgood #islanderbeauty #herecomesthenewme

12/30/2023, 9:35:15 PM

Manon. 𝑱𝒆 𝒔𝒖𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒎𝒃𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 #photography #photographer #photooftheday #shootingphoto #beauty #beautiful #beautifulgirl #imunbeatable #warrior #wonderwoman #automn #automnvibes #alpha7iv #sigma85mmart

11/4/2023, 11:31:52 AM

You glow differently when your confidence is fueled by belief in yourself instead of validation from others. ✨🔥 #GoodHeart #beautifulsoul #strongwoman #IamFearless #IamSexy #Imdevine #ImUnbeatable #Iamwoman #quetevalgaloquepiensenlosdemás #glowdifferently #believeinyourself #WorkHardPlayHard #Goingaftereverythingiwant #Chingona 🔥

9/25/2023, 11:16:39 PM

The one with ✨🌸I am woman🌸✨ . . . . Check out “I am woman”- Emmy meli . #iamwoman #iamfeminine #iammasculine #iamdivine #iamfearless #iamcreative #imunbeatable #emmmymeli #iamearthly #iamheaven #thepowerofselftalk #wingedeyeliner #makeup

3/30/2023, 2:28:28 AM


2/17/2023, 5:41:50 PM

Good 👍 words to be proclaiming these year to yourself 2023 #imuntouncable #imchildofGod #imunbeatable #imacoquorer #imhighlyfavored Just put yours down

1/25/2023, 10:12:34 PM

It takes just one scroll to potentially feel inadequate. No one is happy all the time. No one is excelling in every moment. It's just a highlight reel. If you're feeling the same, doubting yourself, your abilities & decisions, please remember to hold your head up high, because women, you're the controller of the tides. 𓆝𓆟𓆞 P.s. Trying to learn a new skill is never easy, but keep trying, you'll get there. 💙

1/18/2023, 4:34:02 PM

😢 thanks for making my childhood special it’s not gonna be the same without ash like red we will see him again #imunbeatable

12/16/2022, 8:24:32 PM

I am classy, I am modern, I live by my own design I'm cherry, I'm lemon, I'm the sweetest key lime pie I'm electric, I'm bass, I'm the beat of my own drum I am anything I want Beeldbank: @neeltjesmolders Fotografie: @biancavanderveenportraiture #boudoir #boudoirphotography #boudoirfotoshoot #bridalboudoir #boudoirfotografie #tilburg #beeldbank #transformatie #transformation #bloom #youarebeautiful #selflove #celebrateyourself #goddessvibes #embrace #empoweryourself #inspiratie #inspiration #youarebeautiful #ownit #perfectgift #imunbeatable #iamclassy #iamdivine

12/9/2022, 11:00:26 AM

When you are commenting yourself to change, you become unstoppable 👸🏻💖 - Sam Pope @beautifully.finished #imunstoppable #imunbeatable #hairtransformation #swipetoseebefore #iminvinsible #iwineverysinglegame #committochange #transformationalhair #spiritualhairgrowth

11/13/2022, 9:34:32 AM

Let go, Tippy-Toe! Can't eat nuts and kick butts without my bestie! . . . Photo by: @bigclickenergy1 Tippy-Toe's Bow 🎀 made by: @saramonicosplay . . . #squirrelgirl #squirrelgirlcosplay #unbeatablesquirrelgirl #doreengreen #marvel #marvelstudios #marvelcomics #marvelcosplay #marvelrising #tippytoe #eatnutskickbutts #imunbeatable # #iseeyoulookingatmytail #letsgotippytoe

10/29/2022, 4:12:43 AM

🦷2022/10/25 現在臉開始腫起來啦啊啊啊連鼻子都腫了 😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰 拔牙+放第一批植體(左上) (放4顆植體) 上次8月放了右上的植體,昨天放左上的第一批植體。 當初在排程這次手術的時候,居然忘記把經期算進去,只好帶著第二天的大姨媽一起上手術台,各種痛苦! 。 老樣子一到首先就被帶去照CT ,接著被抽8管血,要用自己的血做PRF,不過這次一隻手跑針好痛,所以再換抽另一隻手,兩隻手都吃了針,(從這個時候我就覺得今天不太順🥺) PRF就是台機器可以讓我的血凝固後放在傷口上再縫起來可以加快癒合的速度。😣 。 接著打了四隻麻藥後,就開始拔牙,這顆牙非常的頑固,我可以感覺到李醫師已經腳都踩上椅子上,最後的方法就是把它弄碎,然後用夾的夾出來。這顆牙因為也是蛀到變很矮,留不得,這顆是我被拔掉的第12顆牙齒🦷!也確定最後一顆了(幹真的沒有那麼多牙好拔了啦) 。 這次一樣割開牙齦和鋸骨頭、鑽骨頭,我都已經快要無感了,但是這次把牙齦打開之後才發現左邊這邊的骨頭條件非常的差,骨頭寬度夠,不過醫生說居然超軟的,再加上我的齒槽骨不深,所以必須要做鼻竇提高手術,簡單來說就是你必須要從你的牙齦往上面鼻腔的部份,鑿一個洞,才有空位放植體,但是問題來了,由於我的骨頭太軟了,如果直接用鑽的,骨頭應該都毁滅了,所以只能用的方法就是淺鑽一點點後,其他要用敲的,去創造出深度,敲的時候要看好角度跟深度,所以兩個醫生兩個護士在我後面,都必須要一直精準地看醫生敲敲敲的深度到了沒,不可以太深也不可以太淺,所以這是一個非常大的工程,有幾次就是把植體轉進去之後,發現深度不夠,就再把植體再退出來,大概來回四次這種狀況,退的通道可是我的牙肉啊(揪衣領),當做投幣機再退幣是不是馬的! 。 所以簡單來說這次因為骨頭不好,所以敲的次數非常的多,我覺得根本就是上次的兩倍,我也舉手告訴他們說我頭真的好痛,就是有點快要承受不住的那種痛,(欸我真的覺得腦震盪也不過如此)不過他們也是不得已的狀態下,才需要做這們「鼻竇增高術」其實他們也很累,有的診所針對這個服務是會額外收錢的! 來談談被敲的感覺,大概就是有人請你張開嘴巴,接著拿錘子把你的牙骨往你鼻子上那邊敲,(此時此刻不要再問我牙齦的肉在哪裡,馬的早就已經被翻出來像裙子在旁邊晃了) 每一次大概敲10下,我昨天應該被敲了快十次差不多,頭痛就算了,聲音因為也很大,雖然有人扶著我的後腦勺了,可是不免還是有相當的後座力,後面也因為麻藥快退了有點扛不住,趕快叫醫生再補。 接下來就是準備收尾把傷口縫起來,縫完之後坐起來,我就請李醫師再幫我打一針麻藥,總之我就是像是一個剛從恐怖片倖存下來的人一樣,真是完全沒有力氣,害怕時是非常緊繃的,然後麻藥又被打了這麼多。 昨天結束我媽來接我,我實在是講不出話來,太累又太痛! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 這次手術比上次多了一個小時(共計三個半小時) 張的三個半小時的嘴,到後面我真的是已經沒有力氣了! 總而言之⋯這次手術不太順利但是結果成功,因為這次花了三個多小時才出來,比上次多一小時,會算時間的朋友都訊息問我怎麼還沒有報平安,回到家後馬上去家裡附近的診所打止痛消炎針,再討吃一針啦 💁🏼‍♀️(以上的手術過程都是局部麻醉而已) 💪🏻我真的覺得這手術很硬,但是我比他更硬,我接受了這手術兩次。 接下來就一樣等一等時間,之後就可以慢慢放臨時的牙齒,雖然一樣要把牙齦划開,不過應該就不用像現在這兩次去侵入到那麼深😔 拔牙紀錄 ☀️2021 10/12 拔四顆🦷 11/9 拔四顆🦷 12/14 拔兩顆🦷 ☀️2022 8/2 拔一顆🦷 10/25拔一顆🦷 ————————— 共計12顆 為什麼要做這個紀錄呢?是因為不管未來怎樣,我要提醒我自己,我是如此的勇敢! 其二是因為,當初我在評估植牙前,我並沒有看到網路上有太多的分享,對於不敢看牙齒的人來說植牙是件非常可怕的事,而且通常會拖到植牙都是因為長期的恐懼不敢看牙齒,所以我希望藉由這個紀錄,可以幫到未來有想要去植牙的人,我也很樂意回答我所知道的東西,當然我的case是比較棘手的狀況,因為我缺牙很多年了,而且植的量非常多顆,(目前拔12植8) 一般人如果只有一兩顆,其實不會有這麼大的痛苦,我一次手術都是四顆呢😂 #yolo #lifeishardbutiamharder #implant #implantation #toothfairy #brave #imunbeatable #麻醉退了實在是痛到快要隨意毆打路人 #其實我跟削骨的做的事也差不多了 #植牙廠商的業務好帥好幾度我痛到差點去牽他的手

10/26/2022, 9:44:49 AM

My moto : "I am woman, I am fearless, I'm divine I'm unbeatable, I'm creative, I'm patient, I'm lash maker" #woman #iamwoman #imdivine #imunbeatable #imcreative #imlashmaker

10/21/2022, 12:35:07 AM

Pepe Farías Jbk. 🦁⏳️📿 #oneagainsttheworld #booyah #memyselfandi #imunbeatable

10/5/2022, 1:25:39 AM

Ponad trzydzieści godzin zaplatania zaowocowało ☺️. Kolejny abażur skończony 😇. Kolory wedle życzenia osoby zainteresowanej 😉 Miłego dnia🤎 #makramowyabażur #makrama #makramowelove #macrameknots #macrameabajur #macrame #rękodzieło #rękodzieło_pl #zdolnerączki #samazrobiłam #imcreative #imunbeatable #handmade #sznurekbawełniany #yarnart #cottoncord #kreatywnie

4/5/2022, 9:43:23 AM

Na jednym zdjęciu dwie rzeczy, które uwielbiam. Robótki ręczne 🧶🧵🪡. Tu akurat makrama, oraz rośliny, mój domowy busz🪴🌵🌴🌿 Wspaniałego poniedziałku i owocnego tygodnia 💚🤎 Pozdrawiam @szydelkowe_zacisze #kobiecyponiedzialek #rękodzieło #rękodzieło_pl #makrama #macrame #macrameknots #praceręczne #handmade #abażur #makramowyabażur #macrameabajur #roślinywdomu #roślinomaniaczka #crazyplantmom #crazyplantlady #zdolnerączki #imawoman #imcreative #imunbeatable #samazrobiłam #jestemzdolna #jestemwartościowa #masztemoc #jestemkobietą #instagood #plantsfreak #potsplants

4/4/2022, 10:43:22 AM

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” -Samira Hadid #IAmWoman #IamFearless #IAmSexy #Imdevine #Imunbeatable #ImCreative Happy Women’s day, Queens! ♥️

3/9/2022, 12:05:13 AM

Happy International women's day edition 💕💓 💜🧡🖤 #IamWomen💃🙎‍♀️ #Iamstrong💪 #imunbeatable . . . #collectingmemories❤️ #ronatheexplorer🎒👙🕶🩴👒 #wanderlust2022

3/8/2022, 7:58:00 PM

#imstrong #imunique #imbeautiful #imunbeatable #Happy women's day to all the beautiful women

3/8/2022, 8:42:46 AM

to all ‘ya DRAMA QUEENS - happy international women’s day 😁👋🏻🌷 #staystrong #staypositive #iamwoman #iamfearless #imdivine #imunbeatable #happyinternationalwomensday 🌷

3/8/2022, 7:56:06 AM

Pigtails 💁🏽‍♀️

2/25/2022, 5:06:42 PM

Que eu seja melhor, que eu faça melhor, não por obrigação, não para que os outros vejam, mas por amor. Por amor a minha história, para homenagear e fazer valer todas as cicatrizes acumuladas, e para honrar todo o caminho percorrido até aqui. #imwoman #imfearless #imunbeatable #vereadorapelosanimais #causaanimal #protetoranimal #politica

2/19/2022, 1:39:26 PM

So what does it mean when your Squirrel Girl Cosplay starts becoming a regular in the Facebook Clickbait Article Circuit? 😂🤣 . . . Photo 📸 by: @madpropps Costume by: @saramonicosplay . . . #squirrelgirl #squirrelgirlcosplay #doreengreen #crossplay #over30cosplay #letsgotippytoe #eatnutskickbutts #iseeyoulookingatmytail #unbeatablesquirrelgirl #imunbeatable #wondercon #clickbait

2/17/2022, 4:09:40 PM

Orange is the new Black #iamwoman #iamasian #iamvietnamese #imdivine #imunbreakable #imunbeatable #iamanythingiwant 📸 @kevin.lauderlein

2/10/2022, 5:35:50 AM