heightslittlerock images

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Planning his one year old session has me emotional! I cannot believe this has almost been a year! 🥹

5/31/2024, 5:52:53 PM

Count it as another session that has me in a complete puddle. 🥹 Della Cate, you are such a doll. My heart exploded about a million times in this session. Her smiles, laugh, running to hide and seek, how she ducked her thumb. I cannot. 🥹🥰

5/28/2024, 5:29:15 PM

Peep that smile on the first one. My heart just bursts 🥹🥰😭

5/23/2024, 6:36:16 PM

Putting the final touches on this six month milestone session motherhood today and one of these days I’ll share the story of this baby and her family. It’s one of the most special I’ve ever heard. I believe that my client families are some of the best people around and I’m incredibly privileged to have gotten to know this mother! ❤️

5/23/2024, 3:19:48 PM

This session was just so magical. The sunlight hung around patiently enough for us to finish and this family was SO sweet and SO fun. I will never ever ever feel calmly about a talented photographer choosing me to capture them. This session was had me WEEPY.

5/21/2024, 11:56:31 PM

Rarely do I post an image from a session before I’ve even finished editing or delivering the gallery, but this beautiful mama calls for breaking that rule. We had the most wonderful time together exploring new places and relishing in this last season of anticipation of their baby boy. Portra 400 developed by @photovisionprints

5/18/2024, 6:59:15 PM

Timeless and wonder-filled.

5/17/2024, 3:16:40 PM

It is truly a conscious effort not to post this session every day. 😍🥹🥰

5/17/2024, 2:20:42 PM

A dark haired babe, a fun family, beautiful lighting, and siblings that loved so big- you know I am obsessed! 🥹😍

5/15/2024, 4:44:06 PM

My greatest creative achievements have almost always come from pushing myself to do things outside of my comfort zone. That’s probably true for you, too. So why don’t we do it more? Fear. The truth is that my biggest flops and failures have often come to me from this place, too. Comfort is knowing outcomes are (fairly) secure. And I’ve realized I’m quite vulnerable to the lull of safety and predictable success. I’m a work in progress, learning how to take chances and risk less than perfection. God is good, patient and trustworthy as he guides me to love and not fear. - (this image is still one of my favorites of all time, 2.5 years later. It’s from a session I shot exclusively on film a couple weeks after buying my first film camera, dipping my toes in the shallow end of doing something that felt scary even though it was just a workshop session. I worried that my film would come back and I’d be filled with regrets, not taking more control with immediate digital camera feedback. But I knew I’d never master film if I always used it as a backup, not taking it seriously and not relying on doing it well. And some shots were kinda awful. But this one sticks with me forever as an artistic victory made possible only by stepping into fear and risking failure.)

5/15/2024, 2:36:20 PM

This maternity session truly melted my soul. Sometimes after our session I get in my car and think “that sweet babe has no idea how lucky they are being born into that family”. This was one of those sessions. 🥹🥹🥹

5/14/2024, 2:41:22 PM

5/13/2024, 3:22:50 PM

I’m a little late for the algorithm to pick this post up and give it some love, but I was busy being fully present this morning on Mother’s Day, myself. This holiday is especially meaningful to me as a mother who has made her work that of making other mothers feel seen. Motherhood is messy and exhausting and takes every part of us, but it’s also wondrous and points us to the artistry of God. The goodness of it overwhelms me. From the depths of my heart, Happy Mother’s Day.

5/12/2024, 7:25:21 PM

It’s that tiny little handhold that got me.

5/10/2024, 1:33:23 PM

I got to see this beautiful baby for her 6-month milestone session this week and she could not have been more perfect. I’m so grateful for clients who trust me to keep telling their stories and co-creating art together ❤️

5/9/2024, 3:42:41 PM

A stunning nursery, sweet big, adorable little, and a mom and dad that love it all as much as I do? Yes please!

5/8/2024, 10:26:01 PM

I am just not sure if there is anything sweeter than milestone sessions and seeing that sweet babe grow. 🥹🥹🥹

5/7/2024, 10:04:19 PM

Ugh this session will forever just melt my heart. That teeny tiny smile yall. 🥹🥹🥹

5/2/2024, 7:50:43 PM

I know we’re trained to want that “all smiling at the camera” photo, but secretly, my favorite images are always the ones just before or after - the tickles and twirls and laughing with each other. ❤️

5/2/2024, 3:26:41 PM

Protect your home from potential water damage with the FloLogic Leak Detector & Auto Water Shutoff System recommended and installed by Associated Plumbers, Inc. This smart system offers exceptional capabilities, allowing for remote control through a cellphone app or integration with security systems. Its advanced features can swiftly detect and stop leaks as small as 0.5 ounces (1 tablespoon) per minute, showcasing its precision in safeguarding your property. By proactively installing the FloLogic system, not only do you enhance your home's security, but you may also be eligible for a reduction in your insurance premium. Don't wait until it's too late - invest in the FloLogic system for peace of mind and added protection for your home. Contact Associated Plumbers, Inc. at 501-666-9483 to schedule your installation today. #associatedplumbers #littlerock #quapawquarter #argentaarts #soma_little_rock #arkansas #heights #heightsLittleRock #hillcrestlittlerock #westlittlerock #chenal #downtownlr #northlittlerock #NLR #homeownerlife #homeownerproblems #cammackvillage #littlerockarkansas #parkhillnlr #midtown #flologic #littlerockrealtor

5/1/2024, 7:24:32 PM

These sister just absolutely melted my soul the entire session. Their love for each other was SO sweet and SO evident. 🥹😍🥰

4/30/2024, 2:49:42 PM

This session. And those kiddos. And the lighting. And that mama + Gma. You guyssssss. I could not be more obsessed. Just a sweet reminder that working with your families and getting to watch your babies grow is what makes this the best job ever.

4/26/2024, 3:49:16 PM

Swipe to see the most precious way to share the joy of your new little one!

4/26/2024, 3:46:24 PM

VERY into the blooms. Not very into the pollen. 😬🙄

4/24/2024, 8:09:24 PM

Are they not the most precious siblings ever? (The answer is so obviously yes)

4/24/2024, 3:16:13 PM

Studio newborn sessions are fast becoming one of my favorites, especially for first-time parents. We have started our house build, and while I’m going to have a studio space about 3x the size of the room I currently use (with its own entry!), I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to replicate the way this little room has perfect light just about any day of the year. #kellywhitephotography #littlerockmaternityphotographer #arkansasnewbornphotographer #littlerocknewbornphotographer #littlerockfamilyphotographer #themotherhoodanthology #thekindredpath #thefountcollective #themagicallymundane #theheartfulphotogs #heysoiree #heightslittlerock #littlerockfamily #littlerockphotographer #familiesonfilm #bellelumieremagazine #tsglittlerock #theaugustmag #thewhitewren #photostudio

4/22/2024, 3:22:59 PM

Celebrating Friday with a fresh session send off. I think it is so evident the love and to be able to capture that in images frozen in time forever is such an honor. 🥹

4/19/2024, 3:26:01 PM

This mother son duo are what dreams are made of. 😍🥹🥰

4/18/2024, 6:39:01 PM

Standing out. How do we teach our children that it’s okay to be different? That worth isn’t determined by what others think of you, or by how well you fit in? How do we give our children hearts bent toward justice and strong, confident voices to champion themselves and others? These thoughts are often on my mind as I walk into this middle motherhood phase with teen and preteen daughters. I know it’s got to start with what we believe about ourselves: how we spend our time, what we say about our reflections, who we choose to befriend. Maybe I’m projecting a whole set of thoughts onto a picture of a solitary flower, but isn’t that what we do? Images are meant to hold full representations of ideas, and I couldn’t help but be overcome when I saw this flower. Its stem, so strong despite blowing winds. Its unabashed splash of color in an otherwise barren space. It must have deep roots, nourishing and encouraging. And so I snapped this picture to remind myself, and my children, that confidence is beauty.

4/18/2024, 3:16:34 PM

Simple pleasures! 🍓🍓

4/18/2024, 2:07:30 AM

This newborn session was playful, stunning, and oozing with love. My most favorite. 🥹🥰💗

4/17/2024, 5:30:06 PM

The Spring Soiree is just around the corner! I'm excited to introduce the first vendor, Harvest and Graze. They specialize in creating amazing grazing boards and they can also elevate your event with their fantastic charcuterie cups. Join us on April 25th to see Harvest and Graze in action as they teach attendees how to make their own charcuterie cup! The event will start at 4:30 PM, and the Harvest and Graze demonstration will begin at 5:30 PM. #spring #charcuterie #event #heightslittlerock #tiptonandhurst #doorprizes #design #openhouse #soirée

4/16/2024, 11:39:57 PM

Remember that Kodak Gold 200 experiment I did last fall? Well I’m finally getting around to sharing some of these beautiful images from that family session on my blog. Yes, I do still have a blog, and despite only posting a handful of times last year, I’ve already posted twice in the last week! Here’s to my newest effort sharing all of this beautiful work (that I see at home) with the rest of you guys on the Internet. Back to the experiment, I actually loved how this particular session on Kodak Gold 200 film turned out. I used it in a couple sessions last fall. Ultimately I decided to stick to Portra 400 and 800 (tones of Gold 200 leaned just a bit too yellow for me) but I always enjoy trying new things!

4/16/2024, 11:04:30 PM

We are coming up on the season of blooming and I cannot wait!!! 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️

4/16/2024, 2:58:05 PM

Exciting details about our upcoming event will be revealed on Monday. We hope to see you there! #littlerock #littlerockevents #heightslittlerock #floral #florist #wedding #registry #doorprizes #goodybags #finechina

4/13/2024, 4:14:28 PM

Ok but truthfully, how precious is this family? 🥹🥹🥹

4/9/2024, 2:48:10 PM

Perspective! Let’s talk session tips. We are all pretty guilty sometimes of staying in the same spot. Maybe the light is just amazing, maybe it’s the first view we see and it’s stunning so we never think to try out another vantage. BUT!!! Look at these images. They’re all taken within a minute, and mom+baby barely changed position. But by just moving my feet, I get so much more depth and variety. And ultimately, our work as artists is to be the visionaries - so keep engaging your eyes, your mind, and your feet constantly. —— All of these images are Portra 800, scanned on Frontier by the magicians at @photovisionprints

4/6/2024, 5:17:20 PM

Today is the day!! My June through August calendar opens today at 10am! To book please fill out a form on my website or email [email protected]. Please include what type of session you need (family, maternity, newborn), what month you need, and if you are able to make a weekday work. I have gotten more inquiries about this season then ever before so please have patience as I have a feeling not all will get a spot. There will be more seasons! Thank you so much for supporting this dream of mine. 🥹🥰💗

4/4/2024, 2:16:16 PM

This sweet little guy has a baby sister now. I got to meet her at only a few days old and Friday we celebrate 6 months. I can’t wait. 🥰🥹

4/2/2024, 10:54:24 PM

Good morning! I wanted to get you all another session tip. I provide the wardrobe. But don’t let that stop you from putting your finishing touches on it. Think about shoes, jewelry, ruffle socks, bows etc to really make it your own. Mostly things you may already have at home. 💗💗💗

4/1/2024, 3:27:03 PM

I have so many images from recent sessions to share, and while I can’t promise that I’ll be back on my IG game (time away from the constant posting was just so lovely) I can promise that you’ll be seeing a lot more from me. Some of these images are just too good to keep to myself!

4/1/2024, 2:08:36 PM

I thought I would start a little series of posting tips for our session. Today I am starting with the most important one: smile. ESPECIALLY you parents. I cannot tell you how many shots end up in the trash because you are correcting your child with a angry look on your face. Listen I get it. Session day can be stressful. And kids don’t always listen. But the most successful sessions are when the parents lean into the moment, stay calm, have a good measure on truly when they need to step in and other wise laugh when the kids do something goofy. My sessions are different then most in the sense that I WANT personality. I love interpretation. It isn’t about nailing a pose. I promise it may feel wild in the moment but the final product will be STUNNING.

3/28/2024, 2:01:35 PM

Ugh!! This stunning family + the light + the green + the love. Obsessed doesn’t even do it justice. 🥹🥹🥹

3/27/2024, 2:28:42 PM

This session was so beautiful. That sweet new babe. Her sister that loved her so well. Parents that gushed. The lighting. Space. All of it. These sessions inspire me for years.

3/26/2024, 2:16:29 PM

We ended Spring Break on a high note thanks to 0izza and pies from @heightspizzeria! 🍕🔥 . Every time we have The Pizzeria, we always remark about how freaking delicious it consistently is. The perfect dough chewy texture, the perfect wood fired taste, and some wonderful ingredients on top. It's gotta be near the top of pizza restaurants in Little Rock. . We originally planned on just ordering bonta sticks and pie for dinner, but then we saw the March "The Kitchen" pizza special. This smoked salmon creation is amazing. A garlic cream sauce with spinach, sweet peppers, more garlic, and a lot of smoked salmon. Get there before the end of March, or let's start a petition to keep it on the menu forever. It's that good! 😍 . The bonta sticks are outstanding for an appetizer. I totally screwed up and forgot to ask for extra Bonta Sauce. It's so good, and the cheesesticks pair wonderfully with the sweet and a tiny bit spicy tomato sauce! . The dessrts here are worthy of a trip themselves. We ordered the Peanut Butter Fudge, Salted Caramel, and Cannoli Pie. Each one was outstanding, but the Peanut Butter Fudge was probably our favorite. It's such a hard choice because they make some of the best pies around. 🍰 . Definitely follow their page for monthly specials, cocktail events, and amazing food pictures. The takeout was super easy, the staff is always friendly, and I love the atmosphere here! . 🌎: @heightspizzeria. 🍴: The Kitchen pizza, Bonta Sticks, Pies!

3/25/2024, 9:39:54 PM

The month of March: A Celebration of Water and Plumbing World Plumbing Day March 11, 2024 EPA's Fix a Leak week March 18-24-2024 World Water Day March 22, 2024 As we celebrate Epa's Fix-A-Leak week, World Water Day, and World Plumbing Day in the month of March, let's remember the importance of water conservation and plumbing maintenance. By fixing leaks, conserving water, and showing appreciation for the work of plumbers, we can all contribute to a more sustainable future. So, what are you waiting for? Take the first step towards a water-conscious lifestyle today and call Associated Plumbers 501-666-9483 to have those drippy faucet, running toilets and other pesky water leaks repaired or other plumbing repairs you may need. #fixaleakweek2024 #fixaleak #savewater #associatedplumbers #littlerock #quapawquarter #argentaarts #soma_little_rock #arkansas #heightsLittleRock #hillcrestlittlerock #westlittlerock #chenalvalley #downtownlr #northlittlerock #NLR #parkhillnlr #lakewood_poa #cammackvillage #littlerockrealtor

3/22/2024, 3:25:22 PM

20/10 suggesting having beautiful friends with beautiful children that hire you for their portraits. 😍🥹🥰

3/20/2024, 2:02:22 PM

It’s almost picnic season with my boy, and I remember almost everything about this little adventure last summer. Self-portraits using a timer, my big Pentax film camera propped up on tufts of grass. The taste of our iced lattes, condensation running down hot sticky hands. Chocolate covered almonds that gave up their shape in the greenhouse-level heat of their glass container. Handpicked flowers pressed together with little gnats. The picture I won’t post on social of the most perfect pee-stream from the unannounced bathroom break (unabashed little boys!) caught on camera. The sound of the instax film sliding out, and the sound of excited hands waving it back and forth, waiting. How we lingered just a little too long for my active boy. And mostly, how I felt holding him gently against me and loving being his mother.

3/19/2024, 2:50:03 PM

Personality: it means everything to me. Listen, my sessions may feel a little chaotic. And sometimes the kids ideas are better than my own. But it is all a part of the plan. A beautiful photo with well thought through setting, lighting, wardrobe that fully encompasses YOU. And your kiddos. THAT is what I am aiming for. That is what sets my heart on fire. So I make a lot of suggestions. But that’s what they are. I dare you to take it a step further and make it YOU.

3/19/2024, 1:47:08 PM

The month of March: A Celebration of Water and Plumbing World Plumbing Day March 11, 2024 EPA's Fix a Leak week March 18-24-2024 World Water Day March 22, 2024 As we celebrate Epa's Fix-A-Leak week, World Water Day, and World Plumbing Day in the month of March, let's remember the importance of water conservation and plumbing maintenance. By fixing leaks, conserving water, and showing appreciation for the work of plumbers, we can all contribute to a more sustainable future. So, what are you waiting for? Take the first step towards a water-conscious lifestyle today and call Associated Plumbers 501-666-9483 to have those drippy faucet, running toilets and other pesky water leaks repaired or other plumbing repairs you may need. #fixaleakweek2024 #fixaleak #savewater #associatedplumbers #littlerock #quapawquarter #argentaarts #soma_little_rock #arkansas #heightsLittleRock #hillcrestlittlerock #westlittlerock #chenalvalley #downtownlr #northlittlerock #NLR #parkhillnlr #lakewood_poa #cammackvillage #littlerockrealtor

3/18/2024, 4:31:22 PM

I remember when winter used to intimidate me. The light, landscape, feel is all different. Last year I leaned in a bit and I have to tell you I am now OBSESSED w some morning winter light. May we always learn to lean in and find ourselves celebrating what was once uncomfortable.

3/18/2024, 1:54:40 PM

🍀 Proudly serving generations of families for over 75 years! The luck of the Irish must be with us. 🍀 🚿 Call us at Associated Plumbers today at 501-666-9483 for all your plumbing needs! Let us continue the tradition of excellent service for your family. 🛠️ #saintpatricksday #luckoftheirish #associatedplumbers #littlerock #quapawquarter #argentaarts #soma_little_rock #arkansas #heightsLittleRock #hillcrestlittlerock #westlittlerock #chenalvalley #downtownlr #northlittlerock #NLR #parkhillnlr #cammackvillage #littlerockrealtor

3/16/2024, 5:12:26 PM

Ugh. This sweet sweet girl turned ONE. We were getting some walking portraits and she just kept going. Mom shouted “that’s the most she has ever taken” and I got to be there as the memories of that sweet little teeny babe flooded. That’s the stuff guys. 🥹🥹🥹

3/15/2024, 2:44:05 PM

I saw this little guy WALK out of a coffee shop last week and I need you all to know that watching your babes grow truly puts me in a puddle.

3/14/2024, 6:43:37 PM

🛠️ Passionately preserving vintage plumbing fixtures one part at a time! Proud to be a small part of saving the character and charm of your home. 🚿 Recently located a rare connecting tube for a c.1953 Crane kitchen sink faucet in a stainless steel cabinet, saving our client from a costly renovation. Let us help you keep your plumbing looking timeless and beautiful! 💡 Don't give up on your vintage fixtures - we may have the parts you need in stock! Contact us at Associated Plumbers at 501-666-9483 for assistance. Let's work together to fix, not replace, and maintain the unique beauty of your space. Let's keep history alive in your home! 🔧🚰💫 #crane faucets #vintageplumbing #fixnotreplace #associatedplumbers #quapawquarter #argentaarts #soma_little_rock #arkansas #heightsLittleRock #hillcrestlittlerock #westlittlerock #chenalvalley #downtownlr #northlittlerock #NLR #parkhillnlr #lakewood_poa #cammackvillage #littlerockrealtor #downtownlittlerock

3/13/2024, 6:40:48 PM

This sweet babe made his arrival and I can’t help myself but think back to this beautiful day when they scooped cake with wine glasses and we all cried when it was blue. 🥹

3/12/2024, 1:49:43 PM

Making LRP history by sharing my first black and white image to my feed! This family made my job so easy simply by how they loved so well. So grateful to get to capture the good stuff. Also shoutout to the emotional support rock that brought so many smiles and made its way into the second image. 🥰🤣

3/1/2024, 8:18:19 PM

This house is in the Heights off Kavanaugh. I think it's been dubbed an art installation. Anyone know these people or the story behind it? #erglr #littlerockartist #heightslittlerock

2/28/2024, 11:58:07 PM