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Thank you so much for your continued support! We're already more than 25% there! #cfl #familytofamilyfriday #donations #holyfamilyfest

5/18/2024, 12:00:26 AM

Thank you for all of your donations so far! Donations can be made here: #cfl #familytofamilyfriday #donations #holyfamilyfest

5/17/2024, 8:54:42 PM

Happy Family to Family Friday! Please help us to reach our goal of $50,000 to help more families visit Catholic Familyland. Let's do this! Donations can be made here: Thank you for your support today! Every gift helps and is greatly appreciated. #cfl #familytofamilyfriday #donations #holyfamilyfest

5/17/2024, 1:00:37 PM

One week to go until Family to Family Friday! Thank you for your support in helping families experience Catholic Familyland. Let's give even more families a chance to experience the beauty of a Holy Family Fest! The donation page can be found here: Reminder that all proceeds from this campaign go towards our Family to Family Program, which helps families experiencing financial hardship to attend our events. #cfl #familytofamilyfriday #donations #holyfamilyfest #fundraisingcampaign

5/10/2024, 10:00:14 PM

Would you like to bless a family in financial need with the opportunity to come to a Holy Family Fest ℠? Join our 2024 Family to Family Friday event! On May 17th, we're hoping to raise $50,000 for our Family to Family Program. This program supports families experiencing a variety of monetary hardships with financial assistance to attend our events. Reaching our goal could help 50 or more families attend when they otherwise could not! Details can be found on our donation page here: Thank you for your support of families and the Apostolate for Family Consecration. #cfl #familytofamilyfriday #donations #holyfamilyfest

5/4/2024, 1:00:24 AM

Come join us for our first Family to Family Friday on February 10 from 4:30 PM-6:00 PM in the MCMC kitchen. In 90 minutes, you will make two homemade dinners for your family, make two homemade dinners to donate, have some fun time with friends, and the whole time your children will be playing and making dessert. A $30 fee will cover the cost of groceries. To sign up, email [email protected] with the number of children and adults from your family who will attend. #familytofamilyfriday #familiescooking

1/31/2023, 9:35:17 PM

Squeezing in my #facetofacefriday or maybe it’s a #familytofamilyfriday because the gang’s all here! First photo was in 2014 and the second was today! Same place, almost the same exact spot, but boy how things have changed. The baby and I have both leaned out 🤣 I crack myself up! This was definitely not my heaviest and I wasn’t even sick yet. It got so much worse. I’m so glad I found a way of eating that could not only help me get fit, but heal me of so many of my ailments. Last year I would not have been physically able to make it a through a Dorney day. Now, we go every week!

8/11/2018, 5:54:27 AM