YooTaeYong images

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Sloth was designed by Yoo Tae Yong(@origamist_y_t_y ). This was folded with a sheet of paper and folded by me. 종이 한 장으로 나무 늘보 접어봤어요~~ #종이접기 #origami #papiroflexia #sloth #slothlove #slothlife #나무늘보 #yootaeyong #animalart #artstagram #paperart

5/29/2024, 5:56:58 PM

Model: Centaur Designer: Yoo Tae Yong Date of birth: 29 May 2024 Folding time: 3 hrs #origami #origamiart #complexorigami #paperfolding #origamipaper #papiroflexia #yootaeyong #yootaeyongorigami #centaur #mythicalcreatures #horse

5/29/2024, 2:56:58 PM

ケンタウロス/Centaur Yoo Tae Yong氏創作 美濃紙/Mino-washi 90cm Potential Origami Collectionより 先日の五月祭で展示させて頂いた作品です。久し振りの仕上げでブランクを感じました… Oristに加入させて頂いたので、これからリハビリします💪 #折紙#折り紙#ケンタウロス#美濃紙#和紙#空想動物#ユテヨン #origami #origamiart #Centaur #YooTaeYong #PotentialOrigamiCollection

5/23/2024, 5:31:08 AM

折り紙 プレシオサウルス Plesiosaurus🦖(Designed by:ユ・テヨン Yoo Tae Yong🇰🇷) Folded by me 不切正方形一枚折 papersize:30×30cm 越前和紙 Book:折り紙ダイナソーズプレミアム 首長竜のプレシオサウルスです プレシオサウルス=「爬虫類に近似した」という意味だそうです。 ネス湖のネッシーはこのプレシオサウルスから進化していったものではないかと言われてるそうですが、ネッシー自体が都市伝説なので信憑性は低いですね。 四つのヒレと体を立体的にうまくまとめて仕上げるのに苦労しました🤗 Attention. Distributing origami tutorials online with photos and PDF data is a violation of the Copyright Act and will be punished. I can't give it to you even if I'm asked. Please understand (注意。写真やPDFデータを使用して折り紙チュートリアルをオンラインで配布することは著作権法に違反し、罰せられます。頼まれてもあなたにはあげられません。ご理解ください) ごめんね。頼まれても無視するから。 #折り紙 #おりがみ #origami #종이학 #摺紙 #折纸 #origamiart #origamiartist #origamipaper #origamilove #origamilover #origamist #paperart #papercrafts #paperlover #paperfolding #paperartist #instaorigami #artist #art #Plesiosaurus #YooTaeYong #paleontology

5/18/2024, 4:37:42 AM

🔸Centauro - @origamist_y_t_y 🔸Double tissue - 57 cm x 57 cm 🔸Os centauros são criaturas fabulosas que fazem parte da mitologia grega . O corpo desses seres é formado por cabeça, braços e dorso de um ser humano e o tronco e pernas de um cavalo. De acordo com as narrativas mitológicas, esses seres fantásticos habitavam as regiões de florestas e de montanhas, de Tessália. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #origami #papiroflexia #折り紙 #折纸 #종이접기 #arte #art #sculpting #sculpture #craft #crafting #hobby #papercraft #origadores #centauro #centaur #greekmythology #mitologiagrega #mitologia #percyjackson #percyjacksonfanart #centaurus #myth #greekmyth #photography #photooftheday #photographer #yootaeyong #yootaeyongorigami

5/6/2024, 5:39:56 PM

Therizinosaurus Designed by @origamist_y_t_y Folded by @yushin_origami Paper 土佐和紙 32cm #therizinosaurus #dinosaur #yootaeyong #origami #origamiart #origamiwork #折り紙 #おりがみ #オリガミ #종이접기 #折纸 #papiroflexia #art #artwork #arts #paper #paperart #paperfolding #手芸 #ペーパークラフト#ハンドメイド #handmade #핸드메이드

5/1/2024, 2:37:07 PM

Día: 115/366 Figura: zorro Autor: Ryosuke Sakurai Papel: bright Dimensiones: 21x21 cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/25/2024, 6:59:43 AM

ユ・テヨンさん創作の「プレシオサウルス」です。 本書の中では易しめながら、立体的な仕上がりがうれしい作品です。 "Plesiosaurus" created by Yoo TaeYong (Korea). This is a relatively easy piece of work in this book, but the three-dimensional finish is pleasing. #origamidinosaurspremium #origami #dinosaur #Plesiosaurus #makotoyamaguchi #yootaeyong #折り紙ダイナソーズプレミアム #折り紙  #恐竜 #恐竜折り紙 #プレシオサウルス #山口真 #ユテヨン

4/24/2024, 1:39:40 PM

Día: 114/366 Figura: Mapache Autor: Juan López Figueroa Papel: bright Dimensiones: 21x21 cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/24/2024, 3:15:21 AM

🐰Rabbit🐇by @origamist_y_t_y, folded by me ✨ 🎩 🐼 #origami #origamiart #origamiartist #paperart #paperartist #yootaeyong #yootaeyongorigami

4/23/2024, 5:14:19 PM

Día: 113/366 Figura: kabuto Autor: figura tradicional Papel: double tussie Dimensiones: 7x7 cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/23/2024, 4:33:21 AM

Día: 112/366 Figura: dinosaurio Autor: ??? Papel: bright Dimensiones: 21x21 cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/22/2024, 7:17:03 AM

Día: 111/366 Figura: dragón Autor: Ryosuke Sakurai Papel: bright Dimensiones: 21x21cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/20/2024, 1:30:56 PM

Día: 110/366 Figura: Ying yang Autor: Mi Wu Papel: double tussie Dimensiones: 20x20 cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/19/2024, 1:06:14 PM

Día: 109/366 Figura: craneo de vaca Autor: Roman Diaz Papel: bright Dimensiones: 21x21 cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/18/2024, 8:03:13 AM

Día: 108 Figura: RATONERA Autor: Roman Diaz Papel: bright Dimensiones: 21x21 cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/18/2024, 7:42:15 AM

Día: 107/366 Figura: elefante equilibrista Autor: Roman Diaz Papel: bright Dimensiones: 21x21 cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/17/2024, 6:03:23 AM

🐏Sheep🐑 by @origamist_y_t_y, folded by me ✨ 🎩 🐼 #origami #origamiart #origamiartist #paperart #paperartist #yootaeyong #yootaeyongorigami

4/15/2024, 4:58:08 PM

Día: 106/366 Figura: cheep Autor: Li Qingquan Papel: bright Dimensiones: 21x21 cm Pliegues:ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/15/2024, 8:04:28 AM

Día: 105/366 Figura: little squirrel Autor: Richard Ellison Papel: bright Dimensiones: 21x21 cm Pliegues: EEB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/14/2024, 4:04:49 PM

Día: 104/366 Figura: rosa Autor: desconocido Papel: tussie Dimensiones: 15x15 cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/13/2024, 2:45:44 PM

Día: 103/366 Figura: camaleón Jackson Autor: Pham Hong Tuân Papel: tussie Dimensiones: 30x30 cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/12/2024, 8:55:58 PM

Día: 102/366 Figura: mandala Julieta Autor: Fermin Fernández Mendez Papel: bright Dimensiones: 8 módulos de 7.5 cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/12/2024, 2:07:15 AM

🐧Baby Penguin by @origamist_y_t_y, folded by me ✨ 🎩🐼 #origami #origamiart #origamiartist #paperart #paperartist #yootaeyong #yootaeyongorigami

4/11/2024, 4:58:42 PM

Día: 101 Figura: Archaeoptery Autor: Ryosuke Sakurai Papel: bright Dimensiones: 21x21 cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/10/2024, 10:40:27 PM

🐩Poodle by @origamist_y_t_y, folded by me ✨ 🎩 🐼 #origami #origamiart #origamiartist #paperart #paperartist #yootaeyong #yootaeyongorigami

4/10/2024, 6:03:23 PM

Intento de sirena Día: 100/366 Figura: sirena Autor: Quentin Trollip Papel: double tussie Dimensiones: 30x30 cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/10/2024, 2:49:47 AM

Día: 99/366 Figura: rooster Autor: Ryosuke Sakurai Papel: double tussie Dimensiones: 15x15 cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/9/2024, 4:55:38 AM

Día: 98/366 Figura: mandala Estela Autor: Fermin Fernández Mendez Papel: bright Dimensiones: 12 módulos de 7.5 cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/8/2024, 5:38:25 AM

Día:97/366 Figura: conejo blanco Autor: kota imai Papel: double tussie Dimensiones: 30x30 cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/6/2024, 6:28:45 PM

Día: 96/366 Figura: hongo Autor: Emmanuel Ramirez Bandala (solo arrugue y fue lo primero que salió) Papel: double tussie Dimensiones: 30x30 Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/5/2024, 5:56:38 PM

🐼Panda by @origamist_y_t_y, folded by me ✨ #origami #origamiart #origamiartist #paperart #paperartist #yootaeyong #yootaeyongorigami

4/4/2024, 5:26:30 PM

Día: 95/366 Figura: búho Autor: Roman Diaz Papel: double tussie Dimensiones: 29x29 cm Pliegues: ERB #origami #origamibook #origamiwork #art #floded #picoftheday #love #paper #natural #pairoflexia #satoshikamiya #robertlang #yootaeyong #nicolasterry #origamiart #pliegues #papiroflexia #papel

4/4/2024, 2:45:41 PM