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Prison Journalism Project - Personal Essay Part 7 'From Carpenter to Electronic Warfare.. Then a Movement of Shalom!' #Shalom2028 The movement has begun.. a movement to save this world from its continuously destructive spiral. To make sure the United States of America stands with Isra'el in the face of prophetic global distancing and shaming. For our people to have their eyes and ears opened to the truth of their intended state as children of Almighty God! For people to become awakened to the reality of the current corrupt government's goal of intentionally increasing inflation and economic hardship, all while claiming to reduce it! To stop the sacrifice of our national economic and military edges to a rising, nationally atheistic China. Energy independence has been lost.. your prices have gone up.. your economic hardship has been intentionally plotted out and purposefully laid upon you by those who fail to further free market capitalism and the right to private ownership. The same people who trample upon your God given rights and freedoms by algorithmic speech policing and hopes of taking away your ability to purchase the means to defend yourself against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. This is about SHALOM - real and perfect PEACE! This movement is about fulfilling Isaiah's vision in chapter 11.. 'They will not hurt or destroy anywhere on my holy mountain, for the earth will be as full of the knowledge of The Lord as water covering the sea.' (verse 9) I am so grateful for the Prison Journalism Project's J-School. If it weren't for their opportunity of an additional platform, I may not have written this personal essay. I am going to conclude with this written desire for the prophetic cessation of hostilities to be realized in our lifetime. I pray we'll come together as the 'Wings of the Great Eagle' and continue to aid Isra'el in their time of need. We must embrace LOVE and godliness! We must ascend to new heights, seeing one another as the blessed children of God we are. May God bless you.. always and forevermore. I am here for you. Love and Shalom Shalom, Matthew

5/31/2024, 5:16:42 PM

Prison Journalism Project - Personal Essay Part 6 'From Carpenter to Electronic Warfare.. Then a Movement of Shalom! #Shalom2028 There are certain keys and doors in life that are supernaturally magnificent.. there are certain facets of our existence that are elevated only through spiritual discernment and subsequent action. 'For we are of God's making, created IN UNION with the Messiah Y'shua (Jesus) for a life of GOOD ACTIONS ALREADY PREPARED BY GOD for us to do.' (Ephesians 2:10 Complete Jewish Study Bible) The Covid-19 pandemic struck immediately after I began fulfilling the 'King's Mitzvah' of writing a copy of the Torah, physically writing all of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. It took me nearly 7 months, copying at least one chapter a day.. and while the news of chaos and catastrophic casualties unfolded, I just kept pressing forward with what the Lord would eventually ask me to send as a gift of encouragement to Governor Ducey. My parents packaged and sent all 691 pages with a note of support as the state of Arizona was enduring such a difficult time of overwhelming hospitalizations and record high levels of depression. This was one of the keys.. and one of the doors.. I am so glad I entered! The Lord then asked me to memorize the entire 'Song of Moshe' (Song of Moses) from Deuteronomy chapter 32.. I didn't understand the power behind such a request.. I didn't understand that this song is God's testimony against His disobedient children and something that is to be recited from memory! Something to be learned by a select few now, and then ultimately recited by the masses in Heaven as we stand upon the 'sea of glass mingled with fire' (Revelation 15:2-3) - something awesome was brewing within me.. something that would end up elevating a great number of people as God gave the growth.. and even YOU would be impacted.. as you are this day. I would then be asked to memorize it in the original Hebrew.. God's persistence working within brought me to the point of completing a transliteration which was then memorized. We must all come to understand that God's victory is ours! To be continued.. Love and Shalom Shalom, Matthew

5/30/2024, 5:04:55 PM

Prison Journalism Project - Personal Essay Part 4 'From Carpenter to Electronic Warfare.. Then a Movement of Shalom!' #Shalom2028 'A person's own folly is what ruins his way, but he rages in his heart against The Lord.' Proverbs 19:3 While in 'county' I was challenged by an elderly man to take the time to read the entire Holy Bible before I made my decision on it.. I had shamefully torn one in half.. So, while continuing to have books of all kinds - almost all major world religions - sent in by my parents, I kept being pulled back to The Word of God.. the Holy Bible as the only REAL, contradiction free, spiritually discerned, and perfect masterpiece of a book. I spent the next several years of incarceration studying a great deal of other literature, especially Kabbalah / Jewish mysticism, Buddhism, Islam, various Christian adjacent groups (Catholic, Mormon, Seventh Day, Jehovah's Witnesses etc.) and the occult works of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. I had been engaged with the Free Masons in Tucson, Arizona and was very interested in understanding the doctrine of Apotheosis, along with Christology and other 'Theosophical Society' works. Many distractions pulled at me as I searched for the ultimate Truth.. as I aimed to understand the Ultimate Power.. Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh (YHVH) It was several years of intentionally going without television that led me to the depth of understanding and clarity of knowledge to publish my first book, 'Embracing the Ultimate Gift - An Epistle for the Edification of All' in the year 2014. Even prior to incarceration, when I was struggling to figure out the direction I was to go after discharge, I studied works from Mesopotamia, Egyptian 'Book of the Dead' spell books, the Necronomicon, and a great deal of other literature.. I also studied particle physics, quantum mechanics and the metaphysical teachings of various gurus. I don't want people to think that I 'found God' just because I got locked up. I was searching for answers all along, went to church as a boy and was baptized at 21. YHVH was now truly transforming that which was deemed disabled.. To be continued.. #Shalom2028 Love and Shalom Shalom, Matthew #Shalom2028

5/29/2024, 4:46:44 AM

Prison Journalism Project - Personal Essay Part 3 'From Carpenter to Electronic Warfare.. Then a Movement of Shalom!' #Shalom2028 Spiritual confusion and efficient self destruction defined my days from 2007-2009.. What had happened? Why must I have this new existence of being deemed 'unemployable' while having to live next to Veterans Affairs hospitals for the rest of my life? Is this all there is? 19 years of age and retired.. people were quick to tell me how broken I was.. a broken soldier.. a highly trained asset of the US Armed Forces that was now defective and placed on a 'Temporary Disability Retirement List'. Had my life dried up? Should I end it all? What was the point? If I am so broken, why should I further burden my family? I didn't have any friends, so there wasn't any concern for them.. but the only thing keeping me in this world was that preprogrammed 'survival instinct'. They were paying me well.. to do nothing.. The medication given me during my stays at the hospital was very comforting.. but the psychotropics they prescribed in an effort to reverse my 'condition' weren't working.. and in an effort to be able to wake from my own never ending nightmares, I kept stopping them.. which only made them lock me down in the inpatient care unit of the hospital until I got dosed up on another new cocktail. 'How should I end this life?', wasn't a seldom thought. Two tragedies, one in Sept. 2007 and another in Jul. 2009 caused the passing of two people and a single individual respectively.. On July 10th, 2009 I found myself in Pinal County Jail with 'no bond'.. By Christmas of 2010 I would be sentenced to 63 years of incarceration (dropped down to 42.. with 85%.) for these accidents (for which I held and continue to hold the highest level of remorse). Standing misdiagnosed and medicated in court didn't cause me to come off as remorseful.. maybe my Asperger's symptoms played a role as well, but the mitigating factors of my military service and the medication I was forced to take didn't do anything but help me escape d e a t h... To be continued.. #Shalom2028 Love and Shalom Shalom, Matthew #Shalom2028 #love #shalom #fyp #inmate #foryou

5/27/2024, 7:03:40 PM

Prison Journalism Project - Personal Essay Part 2 'From Carpenter to Electronic Warfare.. Then a Movement of Shalom!' #Shalom2028 It was something straight out of a science fiction thriller.. lightning dancing across the wings was enough to cause many to be frightened! I was really quite excited, and enjoyed looking out the window of our passenger plane as it flew through the massive thunderstorm! I had flown many times before, but never before had I witnessed something so spectacular! The flight was from Salt Lake City, UT to San Antonio, TX, the last time I would be wearing civilian clothes for a while. While heading to Basic Training at Lackland AFB (Air Force Base) we experienced the lightning 'flashing from east to west'.. striking the plane and repeatedly dancing along the wings.. It meant something to me.. this was the beginning of something truly awesome! As a trainee of the 323 Viper Squadron, we carried the 'flag mass' and I was honored to carry New Jersey's bright yellow banner for the graduation parade. Our trainee to 'airmen' transition came during the graduation of a special class of new military drill / training instructors in October of 2005. Due to this 'Blue Rope Ceremony', we had many celebrities and other high ranking dignitaries present - one of which was the now resting drill instructor actor from the classic film 'Full Metal Jacket'. Needless to say, it was pretty cool being 17 and graduating into full Airman with such pomp and fanfare! After training for the classified job field of 'integrated avionics electronic warfare systems apprentice' - which I had chosen from a list of awfully boring tech field specialties - I was sent to my first 'Permanent Party' base of LRAFB (Little Rock Air Force Base) in beautiful Jacksonville, AR. Unfortunately, my career ended due to an indescribable series of events that really shouldn't be mentioned.. In 2007, I was already given an 'Honorable Discharge' and 'Medical Retirement', which although it guaranteed a lifetime supply of monthly paychecks and medical care, made me cringe.. this life that just started.. was over.. To be continued.. #Shalom2028 Love and Shalom Shalom, Matthew

5/26/2024, 8:16:39 PM

Prison Journalism Project - Personal Essay Part 1 'From Carpenter to Electronic Warfare.. Then a Movement of Shalom!' #Shalom2028 Part 1 I imagine the chilly and dark Wisconsin night,12:58am on November 7th, 1987.. the final moments as my mother pushed me into this world.. a newborn boy who would be named 'God's Gift' (Matthew) due to prior tragedies that struck our family.. and while I've taken a long time to live up to that name, the calling did come.. and answer I have. Born to a wonderfully intelligent journalist mother and a strong willed, ambitious military father (there isn't space for the adjectives to describe such awesome people), along with being the brother of two older sisters - both of which I frequently tormented - the blessings were abundant and childhood life was truly good. My father owned multiple hardware and lumber stores after his time in the US Navy, which brought a great deal of experience to this growing lad. Education in sales was thorough, travelling around the country to buying shows / conventions, helping out at the store, along with assisting customers on the phone, at the front desk and down the aisles. A great deal of hands on training in various skills accompanied a tremendous budding relationship with my parents, who have subsequently become my best friends. My mother was the bookkeeper / main accountant for the business, and she was sure to instill within me the importance of good business practice, customer service, and always being morally upright and above board on following the tax code. The business was sold to my uncle when I was 15, and we moved from Wisconsin to St. George, Utah to live out a comfortable retirement life and - for me - graduate highschool. I always excelled in school, even though my grades suffered from a lack of desire to do homework projects. I graduated early and joined the US Air Force, where upon being offered every job they have, a selection of 'electronic warfare specialist' was chosen. I felt that going to the Pentagon at age 17 was a little young, but I was flattered that they wanted me. To be continued.. #Shalom2028 Love and Shalom Shalom, Matthew

5/25/2024, 8:33:02 PM

Happy #Shalom2028 to you too! I want to apologize for my extended absence.. I had said a few days, and that became a week! Yikes! But.. I believe you'll forgive me! I am blown away by the new 'Open AI' developments and often challenged by the rapidity of transformation within our domestic politick. In light of the recent comments and proposals by Mr. Biden and his acolytes, I want to say on record that I absolutely believe that the biological gender differences in humans are very important.. and the idea that male and female are somehow interchangeable when dealing with the family dynamic and/or rearing of children is truly absurd. In a positive development, Portland, OR looks to be getting a fantastic 'Law and Order' District Attorney who will put public safety at the top of his list.. What transpired during the 2020 protests in Seattle, Portland, and elsewhere was ludicrous beyond anything that should ever come close to transpiring in this blessed land. There are so many steps we can begin taking that will gradually transition our land into the envisioned #Shalom2028, continuously ascending superpower that stands on the side of God during this aforementioned 'time of darkness expansion' on the globe. I think the recent reports of the old flag being flown over Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's vacation home are awesome.. not awesome for the negative spin some people are shamefully giving it, but in the reality that people are able to see this flag and learn of its origin! The evergreen tree emblazoned on a white background and what it means.. what it represents for us at such a time as this! I would go so far as contemplating using this flag as a symbol of #Shalom2028 and I really hope you will study it and contemplate getting one as a conversation piece, if not to fly in your front yard, at least to hang on your wall. Thank you very much Mr. Alito! We are truly living in trying times.. and we should all look Heavenward for the answers we need. Halleluyah! I love you all so much.. <3 Thank you for entering my life.. and thanks for the morale boost that your presence brings. :) Love and Shalom Shalom, Matthew #penaprisoner #love #joy #fyp

5/24/2024, 8:19:31 PM

#Shalom2028 I will be away for a few days.. This post is a follow up to the prior one. Yes, I am serious.. This is so much bigger than myself, so I want to make this post about the issues.. about your issues.. and about our future together. 'In the desert prepare the way of Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh (YHVH)! Make straight paths for Him!' (Isaiah 40:3) This is about restoration.. about spiritual renewal.. more than a return to the days of America's founding, but a correction of what was wrong even then! This is about taking the brokenhearted by the hand and saying, "I am with you.. I love you.. you don't need to be afraid.." The current global outlook is bleak because of Western weakness during a period of darkness expansion.. giving rise to the worst ideologies our world has ever seen! While this axis of nations led by Russia and China seek to bloom their adversarial 'multipolar world vision', embracing one another in the midst of pomp and military arrangements, their actions around the world fuel child rape and genocide.. unchecked.. It is this axis that we must stand united against.. inaction in the face of evil is evil itself! #Shalom2028 is about preparing us for the inevitable Millennial Kingdom of Christ's reign on Earth. It is about all of us coming together to manifest as the 'Wings of the Great Eagle' - shielding Isra'el and working to defeat her aggressors. #Shalom2028 is about SPIRITUAL DESTINY.. about understanding at which point in human history we stand and the hard work needed to bring us to our intended state as men and women of God! #Shalom2028 is not about what you can give monetarily.. but what you are willing to give of YOURSELF.. It is going to take a lot of work to create this movement.. but I am not going to stop trying to do what I've been shown to do.. This is the will of The Father.. It's time to put the partisan bickering in the rearview.. It is time for us to UNITE! Love and Shalom Shalom, Matthew Reynolds #MatthewReynolds259170 #Shalom2028 #writeaprisoner #penaprisoner #penacon #GOP #DNC #RNC #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #potus #scotus #time #abc #nbc #Israel #EU #securus #jpay #prisontok #prisontiktok #inmatelookingfor

5/18/2024, 10:05:48 PM