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FBG’s KENTARO(inbred MoneyManXinbred Crunch) & His Mom FBG’s SHEEBVA (inbred MoneyMan) Looking Real Bully How We Like It Can’t Wait To See 4x Money 3x Crunch 🤫 Ps. I Want To Thank You For Helping Show The World I’m Him In This Shit And Helping Create My Best Production To This Day So Happy Mothers Day To You”Shiittty Butt” 🤣🧡 Thank You For Helping Me Make My Moma Proud SHEEBVA And IK If She Was Alive You Would’ve Been Her Rollie Fa Sho 💯 #HappyMothersDay To Everybody But #FuckMothersDay #imissyoumoma🤣

5/12/2024, 1:22:57 PM

Friendly reminder that mother's Day isn't the best day for some of us. For the rest of y'all .... Enjoy your flowers and attention and good times. You're all fantastic Moms. And you totally deserve it. And for those of you that hate this day too. It'll be over soon enough. #FuckMothersDay #StupidestHolidayEver #KickRocks #IHateThisDay #DumbestWeekendEver #IllPostSomethingPositiveTomorrow

5/12/2024, 5:59:15 AM

Avoiding social media for a few days is also called self care #FuckMothersDay 🥲🖕

5/11/2024, 6:31:19 PM

Being a motherless child on Mother’s Day never gets easier. In august it’s ten years since we lost my Mom. She & I were so similar in so many ways, and worlds apart in so many others. As the Alzheimer’s started to rob her if her essence and her memories, but she still had enough cognition to know she was losing herself, we fought so much. We both said things that couldn’t be unsaid. Years later, when she had a brief period of lucidity, I asked her for forgiveness for all of the hateful, angry things I ever said to her. She forgave me, but I never felt like it was “real” forgiveness because a few moments later the Alzheimer’s took over again. They say it’s pointless to regret since you can’t change the past. Maybe that’s true, but the regret is still there. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. I miss you. #MotherlessChild #FuckMothersDay #StupidHallmarkHolidays #IMissMyMom #FuckAlzheimers

5/15/2023, 1:52:10 AM

A friend of mine was nearly insistent for some reason, that I reach out to my mom on Mother’s Day and start a process of forgiving. Oh, how I laughed... It’s almost been a decade. She could’ve reached out. She never did. As for forgiving her, I did it once before. I’m not gonna do it again. The only person I need forgive is myself for making that foolish mistake the first time. There’s not gonna be a second. Even if I were to forgive, I certainly wouldn’t forget. Her twisted actions also allowed me see the toxicity in the actions of certain siblings who adopted some of her problematic ways (whether they wanna admit it or not). We shouldn’t let our behavior become a generational thing where we’re passing it on to our children and they, to their children, and so on. Refusing to accept that sort of behavior can break the cycle. At least, on your branch of the family tree. Let their branches be filled with nothing but nuts... Letting people go due to their toxic behavior is a form of self-care. Don’t be the family scapegoat. Don’t force yourself to love someone who’s not worthy of that love. A couple years back I came across something written by a man named Jeff Brown. His words are in the last photo. It was sadly, very relatable and somewhat applicable to my situation. It helped a lot and I think it’s useful for those who have/had a painful or complicated history with a parent/parents. If you’re in that situation, I hope it might help you. #FuckMothersDay ❌❌❌❌❌❌ #JeffBrown #WordsOfWisdom #IStillHateTheBitch #AntiMothersDay #MothersDay #IsntShePrecious #GetTheMessage

5/9/2022, 8:55:33 AM

As I've mentioned. Mothers Day is a very difficult day for me. I really wasn't planning on going anywhere today because I knew I was going to see people out with thier moms, as they should! And sure enough. We were runnig some errands and everywhere I turn, I see people with thier moms. I walk into the restaurant. I'm ok, but as soon I start looking around. I noticed people eating with thier moms. Then the tears just came falling down. I tried to be strong. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. Husband was a little worried, but he didn't say anything. He just let me deal woth it my way. It took a little bit of time, but I managed to calm down. Got up to the restroom. Let it all out. Washed up and I was good to go. I sat down. Took a sip of my iced tea and watched the fish in the tank chasing eachother. Took in the cozy atmosphere and the music. Im ok. Still sad but Im good. Im glad I decided to came out because our dinner was so delicious. And my mom wouldn't want me to be miserable on Fat Shit Sunday. I'm just done running away from my feelings. I want to face them. I need to face them in order to heal and get through it. Because It's ok to be sad. Especially on this day. I saw these flowers and I was reminded of her because she loved plants and flowers. So colorful like her personality. I'll say it now and I'll say it a million times over, I love and miss my mom. And I always will until the day I stop breathing. These flowers are for all the mothers, moms to be and shouldve been mothers. Mostly, for the mothers who are no longer with us. Happy Mothers Day. 👵🌹💐 ❤️💔 #MothersDay #FuckMothersDay #Sunday #May #IMissMyMom #DeathSucks

5/9/2022, 1:40:13 AM

To you Mama. You don’t need a special day to be shown how incredible you are. And sometimes.. Mother’s Day just isn’t always that fun. Yearning for your Mum who may no longer be with you. Maybe a single Mama, doing things oh so hard right now, who never expected to be on this ride alone. Maybe not a Mama at all, but would give anything to wear that special badge. For some Mothers Day brings grief and pain. My heart aches with you on this day and all others. I find Mother’s Day a little hard myself. A busy busy time for us on the farm, I’m usually left with all three kids on my own.. doing the same mundane jobs. Kids still bickering. Knowing I should be more grateful especially because so many would love to spend just one day doing what I am.. and then with that comes the guilt. A whirlwind of emotions. This year instead of sitting in that, I booked a spontaneous night away with my babes, because even in the lead up I felt myself feeling pissed off and resentful, and I know I’m not alone. But I have to create the life I want. And I am going to make it an annual event. A night where I celebrate how incredible I am. The most selfless, non rewarding but freaking INCREDIBLE job and human will ever do. Happy Mother’s Day you glorious human. XC

5/8/2022, 2:52:01 AM

Morgen ist #Muttertag in Deutschland. Meine Kinder haben in Schule und Kita liebevolle Sachen gebastelt. Sie hatten Freude daran- jedes Jahr aufs Neue. Wer weiß wie viele Jahre noch. Ich freue mich darauf. Ich freue mich auch auf Blümchen, die sie heute wahrscheinlich noch von ihrem Taschengeld kaufen werden. Über all das freue ich mich. Meine Kinder wissen, was ich leiste. Sie wachsen in dem Bewusstsein auf, dass Mutter sein viel beinhaltet. Es ist mir wichtig, dass sie verstehen, das jeder Mensch wichtige Arbeit leistet und im Team- egal aus wie vielen Familienmitgliedern es besteht- alles reibungsloser ist. Jede:r braucht Pausen, Unterstützung und Sichtbarkeit. Mütter sind keine Superheldinnen, Väter ebenso wenig. Diese Rollen zu glorifizieren ebnet Druck und Unsichtbarkeit von #Mentalload. Mütter sind Menschen, die gesellschaftlich mit Beginn einer Schwangerschaft in viele Klischees gedrückt werden. Wir geben etwas auf- sei es Karriere, Freiheit oder Eigenbestimmung. Es kostet viel Kraft, sich all dies mit den eigenen Vorstellungen zurückzuholen. Für viele ist es unmöglich. Mutter zu werden ist eine einschneidende Entscheidung die politisch und gesellschaftlich nicht als das gesehen wird- was es ist. Wir sind nicht nur durch unser Geschlecht benachteiligt sondern dann auch durch diese Rolle. Mütter sollen sich aufopfern um Beruf und Familie unter einen Hut zu bekommen. Wir müssen uns ständig beweisen und sind oftmals finanziell abhängig. Daran ist nichts romantisches und wenn wir das alles schaffen was da von uns verlangt wird, mag das Superheldinnen- mäßig rüberkommen ABER ich sage nein- ich muss nicht alles unter einen Hut bekommen. Ich muss gar nichts. Gleichberechtigung sollte Pflicht sein und kein Kampf. Finanzielle Unabhängkeit sollte ein Recht sein und kein Kampf. Ich brauche keinen fu..ing Muttertag- wenn die Welt um mich rum denkt, dass Mütter ins Haus und an den Herd gehören. Ich bin Mutter, Frau und Mensch- bin dadurch benachteiligt auf vielen Ebenen und das ist ein Problem, dass wir angehen müssen. #Burnout, #Depressionen, #Altersarmut sind nur 3 Begriffe die Alltag vieler Mütter sind und das sollten wir endlich sichtbar machen!

5/7/2022, 8:37:43 AM

Post 2 of 2 The bravery in childlessness isn’t something I think of when I grieve, I never think of it. I think of failure and my lack of worth. But the more I face my reality, I realize that it is one of the bravest things I’ve done. I chose myself, my husband, our marriage, our ups and downs to be faced alone... without child’s laughter and innocent distractions. I’ll never live out vicariously through my child’s talents, interests and gifts. I won’t be able to fill my heart with unconditional love for our baby, but I will have to continuously choose myself and Matthew. Becoming childless is far from selfish, it’s like stepping off a cliff into the unknown. That’s the territory that is slowly being paved for us by others who are childless by circumstances, and I am willing to offer a hand and fill any gaps where necessary. Childlessness is brave because I have to reevaluate my circle. I am no longer relatable to women with children, what can I possibly bring to the table? Sorrow, grief, negative emotions? Would they be able to boast and complain about their kids? They all know women who had children after infertility, “why can’t she”, something must be wrong with her. She is a quitter. She isn’t compassionate. She is heartless. She must hate children. Because what kind of woman doesn’t want kids? A selfish or a faulty one. Childlessness is brave because there is 100% chance of you or your spouse outliving one another, and facing the grief alone is unfathomable. Childlessness is bravery, especially for a woman. Anywhere we go and anyone we meet, in a personal or business setting, one of the first questions we are asked “do you have children?” And when the answer is no, then comes that look, of either pity or the wondering what is wrong with her. A woman can be anything and everything she desires, without being a mother, yet society makes us feel inadequate. Childless by circumstance is a tough pill to swallow... Continues in comments

5/13/2021, 8:36:49 PM

Post 1 of 2 No one told me that an infertility journey could and would end without a baby. I was certain we’d end up with a baby, I’d be pregnant and after all the losses I wouldn’t lose at least one pregnancy. I was sure we would welcome a baby who’d have my husbands unruly curls, his gorgeously deep blue eyes, his musical talents and intellect, his calmness and patience. And our baby would have my assertiveness, tenacity, a memory that can recall the tiniest details from decades ago. We would teach our baby Russian, English, and try our best with Italian, from an early age we’d work to instill values of respect and acceptance of self and others. Life had other plans our journey ended without a baby, and now it’s just two of us. There are days we are okay, and there are days that swallow me whole. I struggle to believe that this is our reality. I experience 4 of 5 stages of grieve what seems like in one minute. I go from denial to anger to bargaining to feeling depressed. The fifth stage is acceptance, I have yet to feel that. I know I may seem okay with our decision. But, TRUST ME, it’s a facade. I try to pretend all is great, mostly to fake myself into believing so. But childlessness is a tricky thing. We’ve been conditioned to believe that every woman will become a mother and if she didn’t she either didn’t want it bad enough or that’s God’s plan. And neither of those are true. The craziest thing — I wanted motherhood so bad, from young age, ever since I can remember, I always wanted to be a mom. I didn’t want to be a wife, I wanted to he a single mom, and I became neither of those, I am now a childless wife. The irony... I represent a small percentage of those women who faced infertility and were left without child. It’s not a death sentence, although at times it feels like it. I’ve never been so defeated. But becoming childless is brave. And I don’t want to offend the women with children, but becoming a mother is expected, many want to be a mom, moms are praised and society thinks a woman without children is either worthless or flawed. How can you not want or have children? Hence why so many always say, but you can always adopt.

5/13/2021, 8:34:32 PM

Your the reason I’m able to celebrate today within this year alone we’ve been put to every test but we over came them all with the help of god idk how I would’ve made it this far your all I have so I try my best not to fail every smile I’ve seen you give me in this last year alone has showed me I’m doing a hell of a job I don’t need nobody but you in this life I LOVE YOU MILEY THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME A BETTER WOMAN #FuckMothersDay ❤️

5/9/2021, 11:00:57 PM

They say that kids take after their parents... #SoIGuessIAmABitch 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #FuckThatBitch #FuckMothersDay #AntiMothersDay #MotherlessChild #Abandoned #7YearsButWhosCounting #MothersDay

5/9/2021, 8:45:03 PM

I ❤️ s’mores... ...but I hate that mf. #FuckMothersDay 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫 #FuckMothersDay #AntiMothersDay #MotherlessChild #Abandoned #7YearsButWhosCounting #MothersDay

5/9/2021, 8:33:45 PM

Fuck all those “regular” moms. We need more of the “cool” ones... 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫 #FuckMothersDay #AntiMothersDay #MotherlessChild #Abandoned #7YearsButWhosCounting #MothersDay #MeanGirls #CoolMoms

5/3/2021, 12:04:18 AM

Word to your mother... #FuckThatMother 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫 #FuckMothersDay #AntiMothersDay #MotherlessChild #Abandoned #7YearsButWhosCounting #MothersDay

5/2/2021, 6:10:35 PM