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If Stephen could write a letter to Romey in 1991, it would say… Dear Romey, I will never forget the first time I saw you…coming down the steps in the painting building at the University of Iowa. You were wearing studio work clothes and you always wore a bandana and a plaid shirt. The first thought I had was that you were so lovely and what a surprise. A few years later, When I asked you in the spur of the moment…knowing it was premature… Would you come to New York with me, for my year of sabbatical? …and you said yes…it changed everything in my life. I knew if did not ask you, I may never see you again, because you were graduating and would be leaving. . You have changed my world for the better, Rather than doing this alone—now I had a partner in every way—emotionally, intellectually, romantically and creatively. We did everything together from that point on. Over the years, our adventures have made me fall in love with you even more…the travel and the art would have been less without you there. Thank you for putting up with the challenging parts of me. Thank you for being my best friend through thick and thin. We will do this thing together…this thing that is art and the art of living. #stephenschultz #romeystuckart #artistbiography #art #artist #americanpainter #thelovestory #truelove #stephenandromey #theartofliving #1991

5/17/2024, 12:05:14 PM