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Îți mulțumim draga noastră și ne bucurăm să te vedem fericită și cu rezultatele pe care ți le doreai! 🔥 Programări: 📞 0733.387.724 📍 Complex rezidențial Nord One, Bl. 2, parter, Timișoara 👉Link in bio TikTok: Link in bio * #power #toxinabutulinica #terapia #lipsaugmentation #prp #contouring #mezoterapie #firepdo #marirebuze #nopain #lipfillers #lips #vampir #juvederm #allergan #dysport #botox #terapiavampir #jawline #foxeye #teosyal #redensity #volite #volbella #russianlips #dolllips #perfectlips #topdoctors #juvedermlips

6/2/2024, 10:59:09 AM

Trị thâm quầng mắt và làm đầy hốc mắt #TEOXAN 2 ✨ Chỉ từ 15-20p điều trị điều trị dứt điểm tan thâm quầng mắt 60-70% hiệu quả. ✨ Điều trị sắc tố da, trắng sáng căng bóng ⛔Thành phần: 3 chất chống oxy hoá, 8 Axit amino, 2 khoáng chất và 1 Vitamin nhằm loại bỏ các nếp nhăn, tăng độ đàn hồi và khử thâm vùng mắt 1 cách nhanh chóng. ➢ #💉💉💉Teoxane Teosyal Pure Sense #Redensity I- HA điều trị quầng thâm mắt, giảm bọng mắt, giảm nhăn - căng bóng trắng da ➢ Đối với khách thâm mới sau tiêm 5-10p hiệu quả tan thâm 85-90%, thời gian duy trì kéo dài 2,5 năm . ➢ Đối với khách thâm nhiều và lâu năm (giảm 50-70%) cần tiêm lại lần 2 để đạt hiệu quả tốt nhất. ➤ Thời gian giữ lâu ➤ Không sưng, không đau, không đau, không bầm tím. ➤ Check code. ➤ Xuất xứ : Thuỵ sĩ. ➤ chính hãng.

6/2/2024, 10:35:34 AM

Trị thâm quầng mắt và làm đầy hốc mắt #TEOXAN 2 ✨ Chỉ từ 15-20p điều trị điều trị dứt điểm tan thâm quầng mắt 60-70% hiệu quả. ✨ Điều trị sắc tố da, trắng sáng căng bóng ⛔Thành phần: 3 chất chống oxy hoá, 8 Axit amino, 2 khoáng chất và 1 Vitamin nhằm loại bỏ các nếp nhăn, tăng độ đàn hồi và khử thâm vùng mắt 1 cách nhanh chóng. ➢ #💉💉💉Teoxane Teosyal Pure Sense #Redensity I- HA điều trị quầng thâm mắt, giảm bọng mắt, giảm nhăn - căng bóng trắng da ➢ Đối với khách thâm mới sau tiêm 5-10p hiệu quả tan thâm 85-90%, thời gian duy trì kéo dài 2,5 năm . ➢ Đối với khách thâm nhiều và lâu năm (giảm 50-70%) cần tiêm lại lần 2 để đạt hiệu quả tốt nhất. ➤ Thời gian giữ lâu ➤ Không sưng, không đau, không đau, không bầm tím. ➤ Check code. ➤ Xuất xứ : Thuỵ sĩ. ➤ chính hãng.

6/2/2024, 4:31:14 AM

❌TEOXAN 1 - TEOXAN 2 ❌ Tác dụng: Trị thâm quầng mắt và làm đầy hốc mắt ✨ Chỉ từ 15-20p điều trị điều trị dứt điểm tan thâm quầng mắt hiệu quả. ✨ Điều trị sắc tố da, trắng sáng căng bóng 💥Thành phần: 3 chất chống oxy hoá, 8 Axit amino, 2 khoáng chất và 1 Vitamin nhằm loại bỏ các nếp nhăn, tăng độ đàn hồi và khử thâm vùng mắt 1 cách nhanh chóng. ➢ #💉💉💉Teoxane Teosyal Pure Sense #Redensity I- HA điều trị quầng thâm mắt, giảm bọng mắt, giảm nhăn - căng bóng trắng da ➢ Đối với khách thâm mới sau tiêm 5-10p hiệu quả tan thâm 85-90%, thời gian duy trì kéo dài 2,5 năm . ➢ Đối với khách thâm nhiều và lâu năm (giảm 50-70%) cần tiêm lại lần 2 để đạt hiệu quả tốt nhất. ➤ Thời gian giữ lâu ➤ Không sưng, không đau, không đau, không bầm tím. ➤ Check code. ➤ Xuất xứ : Thuỵ sĩ. ➤ chính hãng. Zalo 0393569894

6/1/2024, 4:08:33 PM

La mulți ani tuturor copiilor! ❤️ Programări: 📞 0733.387.724 📍 Complex rezidențial Nord One, Bl. 2, parter, Timișoara 👉 Link in bio TikTok : @allyaclinique * #toxinabutulinica #aesthetic #lipfiller #foxeyelift #injectables #lipoliza #firepdo #injectare #marirebuze #esthetics #mezoterapie #acliniqueaesthetic #dermatologie #juvederm #allergan #dysport #botox #terapiavampir #jawline #foxeye #teosyal #redensity #volite #volbella #russianlips #dolllips #perfectlips #topdoctors #juvedermlips

6/1/2024, 10:59:08 AM

【零結節の效率自然逆齡微調💎】 ⁡ #淚溝 & #黑眼圈 讓人感覺你除了沒精打彩就是#初老症狀🥹 (就feel到你飽受生活催殘😀) 💗 - #IPS永遠懂你要的💖🥹 💎IPSの無結節自然幼態逆齡微調 💎 ———————————————— 🇯🇵IPS幫你達成 所有幼態願望🥹 💮 ▫️真正自然の效果配合日本職人精神 ———————————————— #虎紋 #jawline #蘋果肌 #redensity #Rendensity2 #Ellanse #少女針 #Teosyal #熊貓針 #豐唇 #鼻基底 #三八紋 #埋線放題 #線雕 #淚溝 #精靈針 #Aesthefill #profhilo #線雕 #下巴雕塑 #輪廓定位 #日本美學 #膠原BB #法令紋 #眼袋

6/1/2024, 9:43:21 AM

【💖提早預防肌膚老化 = 抗衰老𝙏𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙂𝙚𝙩!】 膠原蛋白係維持肌膚彈性同緊緻嘅關鍵;隨住年齡增長,我地膠原嘅產生會逐漸減少,肌膚就會出現唔同嘅衰老徵兆。 💉𝟮𝟬’𝘀 - 膠原蛋白仲算旺盛,肌膚仲比較彈性同飽滿。但係都要注意防曬保濕等保養工作,唔好容許外在因素快速皮膚衰老,例如紫外線和污染。 💉𝟰𝟬’𝘀 - 膠原蛋白嘅產量會有所下降,表情紋同細紋逐漸出現。呢個時候就要適當補充膠原例如膠原療程及食物等,同埋要多做保濕護理。 💉𝟲𝟬’𝘀 - 膠原蛋白嘅流失速度會加快,肌膚就會出現鬆弛下垂、皺紋加深等問題 皮膚會失去彈性同光澤,老態開始顯現。呢個階段就更加要密切留意肌膚狀況,做好全方位嘅抗衰老護理。 如有任何查詢,可致電診所☎️23889996/ 📲 WhatsApp 66435553 🏢 香港九龍尖沙咀彌敦道132號美麗華廣場A座7樓707室 #醫美 #醫學美容 #微整形 #微整 #透明質酸 #restylane #juvederm #自然輪廓 #輪廓重塑 #香港微整 #teosyal #熊貓針 #redensity #淚溝 #黑眼圈 #少女針 #ellanse少女針 #膠原再生

6/1/2024, 7:59:44 AM

Let’s talk about this beauty’s full face transformation!😳🙌🏼 This is why finding an injector who doesn’t just treat and street.(old medic saying🫣) I care enough about your safety, your time, your money and your happiness to sit you down for a full consult to give you realistic expectations and results you want and need. 🥰Think of me as your life long partner…as you age and have skin concerns we are in this together! 💪🏻 Trusting the plan and understanding it may be in stages. One of her biggest goals was lips however knowing we need to add volume to her chin before her lips was important. First, we placed RH4 in her cheeks and chin, subsided her mental crease and marionette lines. Treated her with Daxxify in her glabella, forehead, crows feet, brow lift, DAO, right masseter and chin. Then her second treatment we were able to add volume to her temples with Redensity & shaped her lips with Kysse. We got her started in medical grade skincare to protect her investment 🩷Her face looks fuller, she has a beautiful glow and she looks stunning! 🥰 Next time we are going to add some Sculptra and do some microneedling to help her skin laxity and fine tune her texture!! #fullfacerejuvenation #investinyourself #dermalfillers #chinaugmentation #cheekvolume #kysselips #massetertox #daxxify #rha #redensity #leandertx #medspa #medspaleander #cedarparktexas #urbanchicaesthetix

6/1/2024, 5:19:17 AM

Bye lip lines 👋🏼 Hello hydration 👄 Subtle lip hydration & amazing perioral line softening! She wanted a very natural lip result and her main concern were the lines above the lip. A very soft hyaluronic acid product like Redensity was the filler of choice for her 👄 ✨ 1 syringe of Redensity ✨ 30 minute appointment time ✨ Bruising and swelling can be expected after any filler injections! #rha #revance #redensity #airbrusheffect #aesthetic #aestheticssandiego #fillersandiego #sandiegofiller #wrinkles #wrinklesnomore #finelines #antiaging #aestheticrn #aestheticinjector #neurotoxin #wrinklesnomore #cosmetics #aesthetics #aestheticinjector #sandiego #sandiegoaesthetics #facialrejuvenation #southerncaliforniabotox #selfcare #filler #sandiegofiller #sandiegomedspa #medspasandiego #sandiegoantiaging #sandiegowrinkles

5/31/2024, 8:05:28 PM

How gorgeous are these results!? 😍 💉We used 1 syringe of Juvederm Ultra Plus XC to the chin and jawline/prejowl area. Her results are natural and subtle while providing more facial balance, enhancing her already beautiful features! Aesthetics Team: Kim Nester, DNP @premieraesthetics_va Erin Shields, RN @injector__erin 📲Call 434-425-3545 to schedule an appointment or consultation! #botox #filler #cheekfiller #jawlinefiller #prejowlfiller #daxxify #dysport #jeaveau #xeomin #versa #lipfiller #revance #prollenium #revanesse #aestheticnurse #teartroughfiller #undereyefiller #redensity #juvederm #volux

5/31/2024, 12:45:00 PM

【 讓你隔Mon感受熊貓針療程🧏🏻‍♀️ 】 Redensity 1: ✔️有效撫平細紋 ✔️深層補水 ✔️提升皮膚緊緻度 ✔️促進膠原蛋白增生 Redensity 2: ✔️改善淚溝凹陷 ✔️改善黑眼圈 ✔️改變眼部鬆弛 ✔️改變眼部乾燥 療程週期⏱️: 每月一次,三次為一個療程 效果可維持3-6個月或以上,效果因人而異 想快啲有效果❗: ✨要有足夠睡眠 ✨避免過度曬太陽 ✨避免不正確的眼部護理 療程前:會有專業醫生先分析眼周問題👩🏻‍⚕️ 進入療程:然後再進行麻醉,但麻醉過程無任何痛感🥰 療程中:麻醉後會利用更幼細嘅針筒將精華注入肌底,過程會感受到有異物,但依然無痛感😚 療程後:可能會有輕微紅腫反應,數天後就會好轉😎 - 術後24小時內不要觸摸/按摩注射部位,及不要上妝 - 術後72小時內,不要飲酒 - 術後2星期內不要劇烈運動和碰撞 👨🏻‍⚕️針劑療程係好考驗醫生嘅手法同美感,我哋以上針劑療程由資深導師醫生專業駐診主理,安全可靠 🌐原廠正貨,誠信經營,大家可以放心選擇我哋作為變美之旅嘅站點🚉 💓如果心動嘅朋友仔要快啲WhatsApp搵我哋CS落單啦💓 ——————————————————————— ℍ𝕚𝕘𝕙 𝕊𝕠𝕔𝕚𝕖𝕥𝕪 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕟 ℂ𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕔 - 𝕄𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 ——————————————————————— 如要查詢或預約,歡迎致電: ☎️27990800 (中環店) / 21177008 (旺角店) 或Whatsapp至 📱63388359 (中環店) / 98168387 (旺角店) 或🔗點擊Profile連結查詢 #redensity1 #redensity2 #redensity #highsocietymedical

5/31/2024, 12:15:03 PM

5ml de Acid Hialuronic, perfect pentru conturarea mandibulei, accentuarea șanțurilor și evidențierea pomeților. Transformă-ți aspectul și bucură-te de o piele radiantă și întinerită! ❤️ Programări: 📞 0733.387.724 📍 Complex rezidențial Nord One, Bl. 2, parter, Timișoara 👉 Link in bio TikTok: Link in bio * #toxinabutulinica #aesthetic #lipfiller #foxeyelift #injectables #lipoliza #firepdo #injectare #marirebuze #esthetics #mezoterapie #acliniqueaesthetic #dermatologie #juvederm #allergan #dysport #botox #terapiavampir #jawline #foxeye #teosyal #redensity #volite #volbella #russianlips #dolllips #perfectlips

5/31/2024, 10:59:11 AM

✨ Lip Line Filler and the most subtle Lip Plump for this special lady! 👄 ✨ Looking to say goodbye to those “smoker’s lines” and add a conservative, hydrated look to your lips? Let’s do both! ✨ Book with me now! DM @ 318.614.7879 and follow @ladylagniappe on FB/IG. ✨ ✨ #ladylagniappe #aestheticexperience #enhanceyournatural #lips #perfectpout #poutperfection #liplove #redensity #rha

5/30/2024, 4:00:41 PM

Nu-ți lăsa dorințele de azi, pe mâine și ai grijă de tenul tău cu pachetul nostru Full Face. Beneficiază de: 👉🏼 2 ml acid hialuronic; 👉🏼 6 fire anchor; 👉🏼 30 fire mono; 👉🏼 3 zone botox. Programări: 📞 0733.387.724 📍 Complex rezidențial Nord One, Bl. 2, parter, Timișoara 👉 Link in bio. TikTok: #acliniqueaesthetic #chimic #lipoliza #transformation #peeling #dermatologie #contur #aesthetic #lipsaugmentationfiller #acliniqueaesthetics #lifting #lipinjections #lipaugmentation ​​ #juvederm #allergan #dysport #botox #terapiavampir #jawline #foxeye #teosyal #redensity #volite #volbella #russianlips #dolllips #perfectlips #topdoctors #juvedermlips

5/30/2024, 10:59:14 AM

A little lippy touch up on this absolute stunner. I used 0.5 mL of @therhacollection Redensity in her lips and used the remaining 0.5 mL under her eyes. I love this product so much because it is so versatile and always presents with the most natural results. Things to know about lip filler: 👄 It can take more than one appointment to get desired results. Slow and steady wins the race. 👄 Sometimes we need to treat other areas along with the lips so that the lips are supported by the surrounding areas of the face. 👄 Lips can feel lumpy and swollen for up to two weeks after treatment while the product integrates with the tissue. After two weeks, tweaks can be made. 👄 No blood thinners 7-10 days before your appointment (always ask your Dr. before you stop taking medication) these include fish oils, ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen and other prescribed blood thinners. If you are interested in learning more about lip filler, DM me or call/text (425) 578-9504 To book with me at @advancedskinandbody on Thursdays - call (425) 643- 5772 #lips #lipfiller #lipfillerbeforeandafter #rha #rharedensity #redensitylips #redensity #lippies #beforeandafter #injectables #pnw #seattle #bellevue #kirkland #emeraldcitybe auty

5/30/2024, 12:47:32 AM

Used RHA4 like a bow & arrow 🏹 for this lower face snap back. We also added a vial of Sculptra in the submalar space for collagen stimulation - I can’t wait to see the results in July! 1/2 syringe of Kysse in the lips 🫦 This client also invested in all my favorite medical grade skincare products and has committed to a customized AM/PM routine — we’ll see a major improvement in her skin quality and texture! #lipfiller #kysselips #lipflip #rha4 #rha #redensity #sculptra #collagenstimulation #liplift #microneedling #botox #dermalfiller #aestheticmedicine #anchorage #vampirefacial #cosmetics #cosmeticsurgery #dermatology #facelift #regenerativemedicine #cosmeticsurgery #chinfiller #jawlinefiller #lowerface

5/30/2024, 12:39:58 AM

Calling ALL YOU MEN!!! YOU CAN GET YOUR GLOW ON TOO!!!!!🌞🥰🤩 There's a warm welcome Awaiting you by a Registered Nurse Specialising in Male Aesthetics @nutatuneath .....So don't be shy....Contact me for a consultation Today!!!!☺️ #maleaesthetics #Aestheticsnurse #maleglowup #freshenup #theboyscandoittoo #aesthetics #dermalfillers #wrinklerelaxation #skinrejuvenation #aginggracefully #botulinumtoxin #teosyal #Redensity #revolax #lips #lipaugmentation #cheekaugmentation #cheekfiller #chinaugmentationfiller #liquidfacelift

5/29/2024, 10:54:29 PM

Just a little undereye filler to help improve the appearance of undereye holows 💕 #undereyefiller #filler #redensity #rha #revivemedspa

5/29/2024, 9:46:34 PM

From beautiful to breathtaking ✨: Dr. Rupert achieved a balanced and youthful look. The refined contours and fuller features bring out the natural beauty, creating a harmonious and stunning appearance. A stunning transformation with dermal fillers enhancing the cheeks, jaw, chin, and lips. 💉👄💫 Book a free consultation for this treatment through the ‘Book Now’ button in our bio! 📅✨ . . #dermalfiller #filleruk #filler #fillerresults #dermalfillersuk #aestheticsuk #aestheticsclinic #antiwrinkle #vivaskinclinics #nonsurgicalfacelift #subtlefillers #cosmeticinjector #medicalaesthetics #beforeandafters #londonfiller #londonaesthetics #fillerlondon #jawline #jawlinefiller #jawlinefillerlondon #skinbooster #sculptra #redensity #harmonyca #lumieyes #lumieyeslondon

5/29/2024, 5:31:43 PM

Beautiful Babyfill (0.5ml) of #prollenium #versa and I am swooning over the results 😍 @premieraesthetics_va 📲Call 434-425-3545 to schedule an appointment or consultation! #botox #filler #cheekfiller #jawlinefiller #prejowlfiller #daxxify #dysport #jeaveau #xeomin #versa #lipfiller #revance #prollenium #revanesse #aestheticnurse #teartroughfiller #undereyefiller #redensity #juvederm #volux

5/29/2024, 12:30:00 PM

Procedurile cu acid hialuronic pot să te ajute să obții rezultate de durată pentru buzele tale! 👄 Programări: 📞 0733.387.724 📍 Complex rezidențial Nord One, Bl. 2, parter, Timișoara 👉 Link in bio TikTok: Link in bio * #toxinabutulinica #aesthetic #lipfiller #foxeyelift #injectables #lipoliza #firepdo #injectare #marirebuze #esthetics #mezoterapie #acliniqueaesthetic #dermatologie #juvederm #allergan #dysport #botox #terapiavampir #jawline #foxeye #teosyal #redensity #volite #volbella #russianlips #dolllips #perfectlips #topdoctors #juvedermlips

5/29/2024, 10:59:12 AM

Building lips a little at a time to achieve a natural and age appropriate look. RH3 was used for her peri-oral area to provide support and reduce her smoker's lines. Redensity was then used to give her a soft volume to her lips. Book your consultation today Laurie Miller, DNP New Age Esthetics 10 Elm Street Danvers, MA 978-605-3787 #lips #naturallips #redensity #lipfiller

5/29/2024, 2:31:18 AM

𝑰𝒕’𝒔 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝑻𝑰𝑴𝑬! Raise your hand if you wish your frown line treatment acted faster and lasted longer 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏾‍♀️ We are so thrilled to be offering #daxxify and want to tell you all about it at our upcoming 𝑽𝑰𝑹𝑻𝑼𝑨𝑳 𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑵𝑻! 💉 Daxxify is the 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 long-lasting frown line treatment powered by a peptide 💉Starts taking effect within 48 hours 💉Results can last longer than other conventional wrinkle relaxers We will also highlight the fantastic line of 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈-𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒔: the RHA Collection! Register today and join us online to learn more! ➡️ 𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵: June 5 • 6:30pm ➡️ 𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑹𝑬: Anywhere! It’s Virtual! ➡️ 𝑯𝑶𝑾: Register at or at the LINK IN THE BIO

5/29/2024, 1:41:51 AM

A true air brushing effect with hyaluronic acid dermal filler 😍 we focused on radial cheek lines and perioral lip lines for this beautiful 85 year old patient! ✨ 2 syringes of Redensity ✨ 45 min procedure time ✨ Downtime? Minimal - bruising and swelling can be expected #rha #revance #redensity #airbrusheffect #aesthetic #aestheticssandiego #fillersandiego #sandiegofiller #wrinkles #wrinklesnomore #finelines #antiaging #aestheticrn #aestheticinjector #neurotoxin #wrinklesnomore #cosmetics #aesthetics #aestheticinjector #sandiego #sandiegoaesthetics #facialrejuvenation #southerncaliforniabotox #selfcare #filler #sandiegofiller #sandiegomedspa #medspasandiego #sandiegoantiaging #sandiegowrinkles

5/28/2024, 10:23:35 PM

Transforming fine, and even deeper set lines, into smooth, youthful lips. Our skilled MedChíc Fairy works her magic to enhance your natural beauty. Ready for your own stunning results? Book your appointment today! 💋 📍MedChíc Aesthetics 2771 E Oakland Park Blvd Suite 5 Fort Lauderdale Fl 33306 ☎️954-306-3373 #medspa #lipfiller #liplines #filler #dermalfiller #redensity #redensity1 #redensity2 #versa #versalips

5/28/2024, 5:05:51 PM

Watch the magic unfold with just 0.3 ml of Redensity outlining the lips. From subtle definition to stunning fullness, this before-and-after speaks volumes. Ready to enhance your pout? Call us today! 💋💉 📞 Give us a call at 678-393-6348 📲 Book online with just a click! Visit our bio link. 📍We're located in Lawrenceville, GA #mademelmedicalaesthetics #medspa #lasers #gwinnettaesthetician #gwinnettmedspa #gwinnettfacials #gwinnett #lawrenceville #suwanee #mademel #mademelmedspa #Redensity #LipTransformation #lipfiller #lipinjection #injectables

5/28/2024, 4:04:28 PM

Mental crease and jowls filler, and full face tox for this client who wanted a ✨full face rejuvenation✨ before her son’s wedding! • • RHA3 used to fill the mental crease to polish that chin contour and on each side of the jowls creating a more defined jaw-line. Tox was placed in the glabella, frontails, & crows to minimize those unwanted wrinkles with a lip flip to give her that fuller appearance! • • Hope everyone had a great MDW🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸! Now, it’s time for summer! Book with me and let’s get you all freshened up! • • #botox #filler #xeomin #daxxify #dysport #RH3 #RH4 #redensity #versa #revenesse #beauty #selfcare #beautybybo #medspa #nurse #nurseinjector # aestheticnurse #newjersey #jerseyshore #manahawkin #lbi #brielle

5/28/2024, 3:46:56 PM

Launch Teoxane RHA1 & Redensity1💖💜❤️ คิดชุดไม่ออก บอก @mave.matters #Redensity 1 #teoxane_pro #dermalfillers #teoxane_thailand #beautybooster #dynamicfiller #teoxaneacadamy #RHA

5/28/2024, 1:48:43 PM

✨ Prepariamoci all'estate con una pelle radiosa! ✨ La ridensificazione dinamica è un trattamento innovativo che unisce diverse tecniche per affrontare sia il cronoaging, legato ai fattori genetici, sia il fotoaging, causato dai danni ambientali come il sole. ☀️ Per ottenere i migliori risultati, utilizziamo un approccio combinato che include: 🌟 Un biorivitalizzante per proteggere la pelle dai danni ambientali 🌟 Un complesso dermo-ristrutturante per rigenerare derma ed epidermide 🌟 Un filler dinamico di ultima generazione per correggere le imperfezioni Il risultato? Un "effetto lifting" che compatta, illumina e distende la pelle, donandole un aspetto giovane e radioso. 💆‍♀️✨ ✨ La ridensificazione dinamica rappresenta un passo avanti nel settore della medicina estetica, offrendo una soluzione avanzata per chi desidera migliorare la densità e l'aspetto generale della pelle. 🥰 Sperimenta la bellezza della rinascita cutanea con questo innovativo trattamento e brilla di luce questa estate! Contattaci 🔽 📱3406727124 ✉️ [email protected] Scrivici in DM o commenta questo post! Prenota subito la tua prima visita GRATUITA!⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ #photoaging #invecchiamentopelle #protezionesolare #pellegiovane #skincare #trattamentiviso #bellezza #trattamentophotoaging #benesserecutaneo #norughe #pelleluminosa #pelleradiante #skinrevival #curadellapelle #ridensificazionecutanea #redensity #acidoialuronico #biorivitalizzazioneviso #pelleperfetta #antiaging #estate2024 #beautyroutine

5/28/2024, 11:09:02 AM

S U M M E R S K I N • All courses of Redensity 1 booked in June will receive 15% off. Redensity 1 is a combination of hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins and minerals for glowing, plump, hydrated skin. It can help with skin laxity & signs of ageing. 3 x sessions, 3 weeks apart. Get summer ready glowing skin 😍 Some minimal downtime as the treatment is delivered with a series of small injections just under the skin. Click the link in the bio to book 🫶🏻 #skinbooster #regenerativeaesthetics #skincare #redensity #skinclinicbirmingham

5/27/2024, 5:53:39 PM

【🌸日本美學のIPS:給你重生の機會 】 #讓你一切都覺得太值了 ‼️ ⁡ 給自己一個來IPS重生的時間 : 絕對值😚 「🌸日本美學のIPS」與坊間醫美之別❓ 「坊間醫美」為求衝銷量⋯ ㄧ來到就要你填凹陷, 打激光🤔 賣點是👉🏻告訴你馬上可以看到效果~ 而⋯ 「看到效果並不代表變靚😅」 真正變靚✨其實是需要一個時間的, 需要考量自然比例~ 例如: 皮貼骨、五官立體等, 並必需兼顧「膚質也要一起靚💎」 甚至要重新教育顧客, 自己用的skin care是否適合自己❓重新檢視homecare の習慣🤭 IPS顧問秉持「陪跑」の精神, 並配合日本美學🇯🇵 同步為每一位顧客度身訂製最自然正向の變靚Plan🌸 讓顧客確實變靚後, 不再因錯誤的保養方式 從頭再打回原況.. 甚至發腮饅化😾 - 📝 #小編碎碎念 : 因小編曾踩過坑, 所以非常了解各種醫美療程所產生的副作用😤 (小編曾經微整上癮饅化… 花了好長時間研究後才恢復到現在的狀態) 為了降低副作用發生, 還必須要將醫美療程の效果放至最大💎 「持續變好 · 效果延續」全港唯一🌸日本美學のIPS :結合了日本&韓國的美療技術✅ 目標讓顧客自然變靚🎯 不讓人察覺做咗咩😘 ———————————————— 【🌸夏季の小清新變美優惠開跑🎊】 小編能答你Model做過什麼療程給你參考🥰 但每人狀況不一!! 🇯🇵IPS の 神級醫療量身陪跑美容服務 💎2024讓你閃閃發亮 改善「肌質+骨相」✨讓你真正龍年開運 給自己三個月時間從頭到腳の360° 零死角極緻靚💎 先諮詢後選擇一個真正合適自己的方案 ✅ ———————————————— 📍銅鑼灣店: 羅素街8號英皇珠寶鐘錶中心29樓全 📞️:𝟐𝟖𝟑𝟑𝟐𝟗𝟓𝟎 📍尖沙咀店: 九龍公園徑1號裕華國際大厦11樓全層 📞:𝟐𝟑𝟕𝟔𝟎𝟏𝟖𝟗 ———————————————— #虎紋 #jawline #輪廓線 #蘋果肌 #redensity #Rendensity2 #Ellanse #少女針 #熊貓針 #鼻基底 #三八紋 #dermaveil #線雕 #淚溝 #精靈針 #Aesthefill #profhilo #sculptra #輪廓定位 #日本美學 #陶瓷肌 #豐盈飽滿 #膠原BB #法令紋 #皮貼骨 #日本小顏定位術 #小顏 #黃褐斑

5/27/2024, 9:31:46 AM

┉ 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 5月醫美排名┉ #第四週5月20日至5月26日 🥇 Juvelook素顏針 🥈 AGE−X 幹細胞再生療程 🥉 Lenisna塑顏針 ▪ 胜肽鑽白針 ▪ DermaVeil® ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ 𝘼𝙜𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙉𝙪𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧. 📞𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙨𝘼𝙥𝙥查詢 嘉悅醫療擁有經驗豐富的專業醫生團隊,精湛巧手配合獨家技術,針藥縱相同,仍能締造不一樣之效果,至臻完美。 #嘉悅醫療 #expertmedical #EM #醫生主理 #正廠正貨 #劑量保證 #埋線 #胜肽 #膠原針 #Ellanse #少女針 #4D埋線 #埋線鼻 #Ultherapy #Teosyal #RHA #Redensity #Ultherapy #Juvelook素顏針 #Lenisna塑顏針 #5月醫美排名

5/27/2024, 7:58:13 AM

💥 TEOXAN -1 💥 ➤ Check code. ➤ Origin: Switzerland. ➤ Treats dark eye circles and fills eye sockets ✨ Treats skin pigmentation, brightens and shines 💥Ingredients: 3 antioxidants, 8 amino acids, 2 minerals and 1 vitamin to quickly eliminate wrinkles, increase elasticity and reduce dark circles under the eyes. ➢ #💉💉💉Teoxane Teosyal Pure Sense #Redensity I- HA treats dark circles, reduces puffiness, reduces wrinkles - tightens and whitens the skin ➢ For new customers, after 5-10 minutes of injection, the effect of dark spots is 85-90%, the maintenance time lasts 2.5 years. ➢ For customers with severe and long-standing dark spots (50-70% reduction), a second injection is needed to achieve the best results. ➤ Long retention time of 24 -36 months ➤ No swelling, no pain, no pain, no bruising. 💥💥 Note when using 27g - 30g canula needles 📦 Consulting instructions and ordering contacts.

5/27/2024, 7:09:52 AM

Un bel sorriso nasce dall’armonia tra una dentatura sana e curata e labbra di giuste proporzioni , idratate e ridefinite. Presso il poliambulatorio DEA troverai professionisti che si occuperanno a 360 gradi della tua bocca. DR.SSA ELENA MUTTI MEDICINA ESTETICA CREMONA-PIACENZA 338 9123805 @centro_medico_soresi @studiodentistico_dea #medicinaesteticapiacenza #medicinaesteticacremona #medicinaestetica #cremona #cremonacentro #piacenza #fillerlabbra #filler #biostimolazione #botox #prxt33 #revive #redensity #nanosoft #dermamelan #karisma #antiaging #beautyfication #mesoestetic #belotero #skinbooster #peelingmedico #cellbooster #handyplasma #bioregen #hydrodeluxe #conciliumfeel

5/26/2024, 8:55:30 PM

Nu veni niciodată la o intervenție la nivelul buzelor dacă ai un herpes activ! Nu doar că riști să-l transmiți mai departe, dar se poate și înrăutăți situația ta! Programări: 📞 0733.387.724 📍 Complex rezidențial Nord One, Bl. 2, parter, Timișoara 👉 Link in bio. TikTok: #buze #lipfillers #vampir #prp #marirebuze #timisoara #erapiavampir #contouring #esthetics #lifting #firepdo #lipaugmentation #jawline #dermatologie #terapia #juvederm #allergan #dysport #botox #terapiavampir #foxeye #teosyal #redensity #volite #volbella #russianlips #dolllips #perfectlips #topdoctors #juvedermlips

5/26/2024, 10:59:11 AM

✨ Descoperă pachetul De-Light la doar 1200 de lei! 🎀 Oferă-ți un upgrade și evidențiază-ți frumusețea cu acest pachet special! Programări: 📞 0733.387.724 📍 Complex rezidențial Nord One, Bl. 2, parter, Timișoara 👉 Link in bio. TikTok: #aesthetic #buze #marirebuze #injectare #women #femei #peeling #acliniqueaesthetics #chimic #prp #nopain #facial #lipaugmentation #juvederm #allergan #dysport #botox #terapiavampir #foxeye #teosyal #redensity #volite #volbella #russianlips #dolllips #perfectlips #topdoctors #juvedermlips

5/25/2024, 10:59:09 AM

Redensity II Teosyal Puresense -Redensity II is the best product we have found for refreshing the circles under the eyes without them looking over-filled. Contact us for more promo information: Johor Bahru (Taman Century) ☎️ Call / Whatsapp :+60175547977 Johor Bahru (Mount Austin) ☎️ Call / Whatsapp :+60177995588 Iskandar Puteri (Horizon Hills) ☎️ Call / Whatsapp :+60178588503 Petaling Jaya (Damansara Utama) ☎️ Call / Whatsapp :+60122897855 Penang (Bukit Mertajam) ☎️ Call / Whatsapp :+60174688898 #teosyal #redensity #redensity2 #redensityii #darkcircles #teartrough #aesthetic #filler #hyaluronic #clinicjb #drweeclinic #AestheticClinicJb #aestheticclinicKL #AestheticClinicPenang #johorbahru #kualalumpur #penang

5/25/2024, 8:30:11 AM

RHA® 2, to RHA®3 and Redensity® are designed to adapt seamlessly to your facial movements, delivering natural-looking results that feel just as good as they look. Using a specialized form of hyaluronic acid— RHA Redensity™ moves more dynamically with your facial expressions. This advanced formulation is especially effective around the lips, allowing them to move more naturally than any other filler, ensuring a refreshed and youthful appearance without compromising on natural movement. Experience the perfect blend of innovation and aesthetics with RHA® 2, to RHA®3 and Redensity™ #RHA #fillersinjection #facialtreatment #Redensity #NaturalBeauty #LipVolume #lips #LipLiner

5/24/2024, 8:38:30 PM

Il lifting NON CHIRURGICO con fili in PDO da trazione 🙌🏻 La tecnica più facile ed efficace per il lifting e il ringiovanimento della pelle! Per un effetto biorivitalizzazione a 360 gradi 📍Studio medico dott.ssa Marinella Ruzza Piacenza – via Emilia Pavese 88b Castelsangiovanni – viale Amendola 20 Per prenotare una visita tel. 338/8166348 #studiomedicoruzza #skin #vliftpro #ridensificazionecutanea #dermatologa #fili #medicinaestetica #beauty #trattamentiviso #antirughe #rughe #trattamenticorpo #cicatrici #estetica #filler #antiaging #ringiovanimentopelle #carbossiterapia #lifting #acne #anticellulite #trattamentipelle #ipix #peeling #biorivitalizzazione #laser #botox #trattamentiestetici #trattamentibellezza #redensity

5/24/2024, 5:24:14 PM

Amazing results from Dr. Severine 🩷 We can address various areas including the upper face (forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet, eleven lines, and frown lines), mid-face, and lower face (lip lines) 😊. Book a free consultation for this treatment through the ‘Book Now’ button in our bio! 📅✨ . . #dermalfiller #filleruk #filler #fillerresults #dermalfillersuk #aestheticsuk #aestheticsclinic #antiwrinkle #vivaskinclinics #nonsurgicalfacelift #subtlefillers #cosmeticinjector #medicalaesthetics #beforeandafters #londonfiller #londonaesthetics #fillerlondon #jawline #jawlinefiller #jawlinefillerlondon #skinbooster #sculptra #redensity #harmonyca #lumieyes #lumieyeslondon

5/24/2024, 4:48:14 PM

Treats dark eye circles and fills eye sockets TEOXAN -1-2 ✨ In just 15-20 minutes of treatment, we are committed to completely treating dark eye circles with 60-70% effectiveness. ✨ Treatment of skin pigmentation, bright white and shiny ✨ 💥Ingredients: 3 antioxidants, 8 amino acids, 2 minerals and 1 vitamin to quickly eliminate wrinkles, increase elasticity and reduce dark circles around the eyes. ➢ #💉💉💉Teoxane Teosyal Pure Sense #Redensity I- HA treats dark circles, reduces puffiness, reduces wrinkles - whitens skin ➢ For new customers, after 5-10 minutes of injection, the effect of dark spots is 85-90%, the maintenance time lasts 2.5 years. ➢ For customers with severe and long-standing dark spots (50-70% reduction), a second injection is needed to achieve the best results. ➤ Long retention time of 24 -36 months ➤ No swelling, no pain, no pain, no bruising. ➤ Check code. ➤ Origin: Switzerland. ➤ Genuine documents. 💥💥 Note when using Canula needle 27g - 30g ☎️ Whatsapp : +84:989.2626.84

5/23/2024, 9:15:15 PM

Okay girl I see you!!! She is beautiful and can you see her confidence??…I feel it! @therhacollection collection sits pretty on this sweet patient. Subtle, natural enhancements were the goal.⭐️ #nurseinjector #beauty #medspa #rhacollection #redensity #smile #confidence #aesthetic #beautiful 📍Skippack, Pa @ilm_aesthetics_institute

5/23/2024, 7:38:33 PM

Okay girl I see you!!! She is beautiful and can you see her confidence??…I feel it! @therhacollection collection sits pretty on this sweet patient. Subtle, natural enhancements were the goal.⭐️ #nurseinjector #beauty #medspa #rhacollection #redensity #smile #confidence #aesthetic #beautiful 📍Skippack, Pa @ilm_aesthetics_institute

5/23/2024, 6:57:28 PM

Another AMAZING before and after!!😍 This cutie had her peri oral lines treated with redensity! Book through the link in bio if interested!💋 #medspa #beforeandafter #injector #smallbusiness #clt #igbeforeandafter #injections #filler #periorallinesfiller #periorallines #redensity #rha #cltmedspa #medspaowner #smallbusinessowner #smallbusinesssupport #beauty #spring #hgs #alyssasinjectables

5/23/2024, 3:54:29 PM

𝐌𝐀̆́𝐓 𝐗𝐈𝐍𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐔 𝐇𝐔́𝐓 𝐀́𝐍𝐇 𝐍𝐇𝐈̀𝐍 🫠🫠🫠 Nổi bật trong làng trị thâm , rãnh lệ sâu, hõm mắt gọi tên #Teoxane2 Thuỵ Sĩ. 💧 Trộm vía KH luôn thông thái chọn những dòng thuốc xịn được FDA chứng nhận để làm đẹp an toàn. 💧 #Teoxane #Redensity 2: tinh chất cao cấp Thuỵ Sĩ, trẻ hoá vùng mắt, giải quyết triệt để các rãnh sâu, hõm lệ, thâm quầng khiến đôi mắt trông luôn mệt mỏi, u buồn và kém sắc Meso dưỡng da định kì đẹp rồi thì các nàng đừng quên vùng da dưới mắt cũng cần được chăm sóc riêng biệt nhá 😍 ☑️Thuốc chuẩn Nhật/Hàn/Châu Âu được các bệnh viện chuyên dùng. __________________ 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 📩 INBOX để được tư vấn chi tiết về dịch vụ ☎️ 0782138677 Hãy đến với chúng tôi và trải nghiệm sự thay đổi tức thì trong vẻ đẹp của bạn.

5/23/2024, 1:58:38 PM

Ce alegi pentru un ten perfect? Acidul hialuronic oferă hidratare și volum, în timp ce toxina botulinică reduce ridurile de expresie. Consultă un specialist pentru a descoperi care tratament se potrivește nevoilor tale! 💁‍♀️ Programări: 📞 0733.387.724 📍 Complex rezidențial Nord One, Bl. 2, parter, Timișoara 👉 Link in bio TikTok: Link in bio * #toxinabutulinica #aesthetic #lipfiller #foxeyelift #injectables #lipoliza #firepdo #injectare #marirebuze #esthetics #mezoterapie #acliniqueaesthetic #dermatologie #juvederm #allergan #dysport #botox #terapiavampir #jawline #foxeye #teosyal #redensity #volite #volbella #russianlips #dolllips #perfectlips #topdoctors #juvedermlips

5/23/2024, 12:22:41 PM

✏️ Trata olheiras e preenche as órbitas TEOXAN -1-2 ✨ Em apenas 15-20 minutos de tratamento, estamos empenhados em tratar completamente as olheiras com 60-70% de eficácia. ✨ Tratamento da pigmentação da pele, branco brilhante e brilhante ✨ 💥Ingredientes: 3 antioxidantes, 8 aminoácidos, 2 minerais e 1 vitamina para eliminar rapidamente as rugas, aumentar a elasticidade e reduzir as olheiras. ➢ #💉💉💉Teoxane Teosyal Pure Sense #Redensity I-HA trata olheiras, reduz inchaço, reduz rugas - clareia a pele ➢ Para novos clientes, após 5 a 10 minutos de injeção, o efeito das manchas escuras é de 85 a 90%, o tempo de manutenção dura 2,5 anos. ➢ Para clientes com manchas escuras graves e de longa duração (redução de 50-70%), é necessária uma segunda injeção para obter os melhores resultados. ➤ Longo tempo de retenção de 24 a 36 meses ➤ Sem inchaço, sem dor, sem dor, sem hematomas. ➤ Verifique o código. ➤ Origem: Suíça. ➤ Documentos genuínos. 💥💥 Nota ao usar agulha de cânula 27g - 30g ☀️Envio Internacional (𝘼𝙞𝙧 ✈️- 𝙎𝙚𝙖⛵️) 📲Whatsapp: 096 304 84 56 🏡 Endereço: Lotte Mall West Lake, Hanói - Vietnã #preenchimentocoreano #preenchimento #botox #branco #beleza

5/23/2024, 7:54:19 AM

🎈🎈TEOXAN -2🎈🎈 🔹Hàng chuẩn công ty, tem code đầy đủ 🔹Xuất xứ : Thuỵ sĩ. 🔹Trị thâm quầng mắt và làm đầy hốc mắt 🔹Điều trị sắc tố da, trắng sáng căng bóng ✅Thành phần: 3 chất chống oxy hoá, 8 Axit amino, 2 khoáng chất và 1 Vitamin nhằm loại bỏ các nếp nhăn, tăng độ đàn hồi và khử thâm vùng mắt 1 cách nhanh chóng. ♦️Teoxane Teosyal Pure Sense #Redensity I- HA điều trị quầng thâm mắt, giảm bọng mắt, giảm nhăn - căng bóng trắng da ♦️Đối với khách thâm mới sau tiêm 5-10p hiệu quả tan thâm 85-90%, thời gian duy trì kéo dài 2,5 năm . ♦️Đối với khách thâm nhiều và lâu năm (giảm 50-70%) cần tiêm lại lần 2 để đạt hiệu quả tốt nhất. ✅Thời gian giữ lâu 24 -36 tháng ✅Không sưng, không đau, không đau, không bầm tím. 💥💥 Lưu ý Teoxan -1 : sử dụng Kim canula 27g - 30g

5/22/2024, 7:39:28 PM