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#food #travel #sports #news #june #sunday

Life can throw unexpected challenges and adversities your way, testing your resilience and strength. But remember, it’s during these difficult times that your true character shines. Every setback is an opportunity for a powerful comeback. You possess the strength and courage to weather any storm and emerge even stronger on the other side. Your ability to overcome adversity is a testament to your inner power. #LifeIsBullish 🏆

6/2/2024, 3:57:29 AM

⚛️ Connected to Everything.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ☮️ Attached to Nothing. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ #QuantumCreations#Trading#LifeIsBullish#LivingInAbundance#365🚫925⁣ ⁣

6/2/2024, 1:02:09 AM

🗝 You yourself have to engineer your own peace, happiness, and success —moment by moment; action by action.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 🚿 Pour happiness into everything you do.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⚡️ Once you have awareness of yourself , you can make changes to what needs to change and keep the rest.⁣ ⁣ #QuantumCreations#LifeIsBullish#365🚫925⁣ #LiveInAbundance

6/2/2024, 1:01:41 AM

@ luca.nolimit lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

6/2/2024, 12:15:17 AM

🏔 I keep seeing #StayAtHome everywhere I look...⁣ ⁣ 💭 Here’s the thing...⁣ ⁣ 🌎 The whole world is my home...⁣ ⁣ ⚛️ Just because you’re supposed to be distant from people doesn’t mean you can’t travel distant ;) ⁣ ⁣ 🧗‍♂️ So for #EarthDay , I kept my distance physically but connected spiritually. ⁣ ⁣ 📦 This is my version of #StayAtHome ⁣ ⁣ #QuantumCreations#LifeIsBullish#ForecastingReality#365🚫925⁣ #ObserveTheMassesDoTheOpposite

6/1/2024, 11:21:47 PM

👁 Everything in my life started to change once I changed the way I looked at everything⁣ ⁣ 💭 I’m not saying that my physical life changed the instant I started thinking differently, because it didn’t. The fact that physical lifestyle doesn’t change the moment you want it to is the reason why I think most people don’t achieve what they want.⁣ ⁣ ⏰ So much of our life can now be acquired with a click of a button, but you can’t shift your habits and identity with a click. It 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 in an instant with a decision... sure... but it’s built on consistent actions every day.. and guess what the results...? Yeahhh you don’t get that through Amazon Prime. ⁣ ⁣ 📈 What worked for me was unlearning everything I felt I hadn’t consciously decided was my truth. Going back and thinking about what I had learned... who had taught me... what was their motive? Who taught them? The more I questioned, the more i realized that I knew nothing... that nobody really knows anything. ⁣ ⁣ 😂 Realizing we’re all figuring it out and most people are incredibly under qualified for their roles in the world, it made me feel lighter. I gained power realizing that my self education was worth much more than the spoon fed education I had received. The direction i wanted to take my life didn’t align with what I was doing.⁣ ⁣ 🏔 Think freely, reflect often. Move with purpose and alignment my friends ⁣ ⁣ #QuantumCreations#LifeIsBullish#Trading#Entrepreneur#PurposeOnMyBack#365🚫925

6/1/2024, 11:01:57 PM

I remember when I started trading in 2016 and all my friends thought I lost my mind 😂⁣ ⁣ I had dropped out of school in my senior year 😅⁣ ⁣ I was pouring most of my money into my trading account and literally eating tuna out of a can or only at work (pre-vegan days 😭)⁣ ⁣ I was the last one to go to sleep and the first one up... not even because I was so obsessed but because my risk management was terrible in the beginning and I was trippin 🥱⁣ ⁣ It’s 2020 now and my friends were right, I lost my mind and ever since then I’ve only been living in the reality I’ve consciously decided to be in ⚛️⁣ ⁣ Best part... my friends lost their minds too 🤯⁣ ⁣ #QC#Entrepreneurs#LifeIsBullish#AllInApril#Trading#Italy#365🚫925

6/1/2024, 3:22:35 PM

⏳ Time 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐬 the margin between success and failure.⁣ ⁣ ✅ Here’s a little secret... achieving your goal only changes your life for the 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭...⁣ ⁣ ⌛️ The purpose of setting goals is to win the game, the purpose of creating 𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐬 is to keep playing the game...⁣ ⁣ 🍄 The 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 to ask yourself is.... what game are you here to play? ⁣ #Entreprenuer #Trading #StayHome #QuantumCreations #LifeIsBullish #beyourowneconomy

6/1/2024, 3:20:09 PM

I remember growing up hearing, “You shouldn’t do business with your friends and family...” 😳 Interesting how all I seem to do is spend time with my friends and family nowadays 🤔 Guess everybody was just in the wrong business 🥴 #ObserveTheMassesDoTheOpposite #QuantumCreations #LifeIsBullish #365🚫925 #Barcelona

6/1/2024, 3:15:49 PM

“How do you guys travel so much!?”⁣ ⁣ Well, take a look at the currencies behind us! ⁣ ⁣ From euros to dollars to pesos to yen, we make money no matter which way they go, the key to our lifestyle is just to know when, and now you know 👁⁣ ⁣ #Trading#QuantumCreations#365🚫925⁣ #Entrepreneurs#LifeIsBullish#ForecastingReality

6/1/2024, 3:06:24 PM

When I first started learning how to trade, all I could think of is having MY INDEPENDENCE. ♋️⁣ ⁣ I didn’t know how far trading or entrepreneurship could take me but it just made sense. More than anything, I knew what I didn’t want. 📈⁣ ⁣ I realized I was SPENDING my energy and not INVESTING my energy. ☯️⁣ ⁣ I didn’t want to keep spending my energy learning THEORY. ⚛️⁣ ⁣ I didn’t want to be on someone else’s schedule. 📅 ⁣ ⁣ I didn’t want to be stuck in only 1 of the thousands of cities in this world. 🌃 ⁣ ⁣ My dedication towards personal growth and the understanding/application of trading roots from knowing exactly the life I DIDN’T want to live. 📚 ⁣ ⁣ I’m grateful for working jobs, going to college, being distracted with mindless information during my school years. I’m grateful my parents had an employee mindset, I’m grateful school taught me, “good grades = good job”, instead of educate yourself and build multiple income sources. 🙃⁣ ⁣ Awareness changed my life. In this modern age, ignorance isn’t an option anymore. 💭⁣ ⁣ Seek truth, stay curious. 👁⁣ ⁣ 📸 wealthwithkevin⁣ ⁣ #QuantumCreations#LifeIsBullish#WeAreQC#FreedomMoney#365🚫925⁣ #LegalBankRobbers⁣ ⁣

6/1/2024, 3:05:51 PM

Some people ask me something like,⁣ “How did you know you were on the right path? Isn’t it risky? Seems like it takes so long to ever be successful. You’re not guaranteed to make money. MOST PEOPLE DON’T GET TO WHERE YOU’RE AT, WHY EVEN “TRY”?”⁣ ⁣ Mindsets are clouded by how far the results MAY seem NOW. There’s an obsession on the end without going through the beginning or the middle. Let’s shift how we view the path towards success... ⁣ ⁣ Let’s establish an identity for the evolving version of you. Let’s say you want to make 6 figures trading or build a culture in the thousands... What are the characteristics of this person? Embody the expectation and mindset. Let’s start with some affirmations...⁣ ⁣ “I am someone who strictly trades my risk:reward ratio/confirmations etc”⁣ “I am someone who seeks to provide value to the people around me.” Etc etc etc ⁣ ⁣ In essence, the more clarity you have for the person you’re becoming the better.⁣ ⁣ Plan the work, work the plan.⁣ ⁣ Self-awareness, professional level of preparation, an executive decision and action with clarity leads to a sweeeet recipe for success. ⁣ ⁣ #QuantumCreations#Entrepreneur#Trading#30Under30#LifeIsBullish⁣ ⁣ ⁣

6/1/2024, 3:05:09 PM

Sunrises in the east coast and sunsets in the west coast. Who’s surfing these waves with us? #2020Vision #QC #365🚫925 #LifeIsBullish #California #entrepreneurlife

6/1/2024, 3:04:24 PM

You attract what you are, not what you want. The world turns into what you become.... Here’s the secret sauce on creation... Imagination ✖️ Faith #QC #LifeIsBullish #ForecastingReality #365🚫925 #entrepreneur #trader

6/1/2024, 1:09:54 PM

You don’t have to be smart to make money....💰 but... 💭 You have to be disciplined to multiply it ♾💱 #QC #ChairmanCharts #LifeIsBullish #ChasingMyPotential #Trader #entrepreneur

6/1/2024, 1:08:26 PM

You see me flying across the world, from beaches to mountains to caves to penthouses... BUT it’s EASY TO FORGET THE PROCESS. Looking for setups at the beginning of the week and setting alerts to trade more efficiently throughout the week. Driving and flying, event to event. Teaching in multiple languages. Picking up the phone at 2am when someone in our QC family is going through life. People make money because of their ability to serve and provide solutions 🙏🏽 I GET to do this shit 💜 For every person you see with a “lit” IG... ask them what they went through to get there. The quality of questions you ask is a direct correlation to the life you live 📈 #QuantumCreations #365🚫925 #LifeIsBullish #ForecastingReality

6/1/2024, 1:03:19 PM

That’s my facial response to hearing itsmattrosa vision for 2020... One thing I’ve learned in my entrepreneurial journey the last few years is truly how important it is to think BIG. When you think too small, you worry. It’ll make your sacrifices feel less worthy. A few days ago grantcardone told us that the reason he’s still pushing harder than ever, even with over a billion in real estate, is because he’s chasing his potential. Nothing less, nothing more. When you ask yourself, “What am I willing to give up?” AND you have a massive mission... doing whatever it takes is a no brainer. #WeAreQC #LifeIsBullish #365🚫925 #ChairmanCharts

6/1/2024, 12:31:37 PM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

5/30/2024, 3:55:26 AM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

5/26/2024, 6:18:40 PM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

5/25/2024, 4:39:24 PM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

5/22/2024, 11:15:03 PM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

5/22/2024, 12:36:31 AM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

5/20/2024, 10:44:43 PM

Most people wait for something outside of them to change how they feel inside. What if we changed how we feel inside to change our outside?🧠 If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand. But you must initiate a ~feeling~… I remember having panic attacks, crying into my pillow because I didn’t know what my life was going to look like and I was even more terrified that it would look the same way it was looking then. I now call that chapter in my life, Emotional Impact. It was necessary. Had I not felt sick and tired, I might still be there. Going through what I’ve been through caused me to make CHANGES. I stopped feeling anxious and started to be grateful. I stopped making excuses and started taking responsibility. I stopped feeling sorry for myself and started admiring the fire within me. I started imagining all the countries I’d visit, the elegant restaurants I’d go to, people noticing me, helping other women. Shout out to my imagination. Shoutout to the feeling. Shoutout to the universe for over delivering 👏🏽🙌🏽 #thisisfreedom #living #lifeisbullish #mexico #entrepreneur #nftcommunity #explore #explorepage

5/20/2024, 3:12:12 AM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

5/20/2024, 2:19:04 AM

lately been on GOD🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

5/20/2024, 12:30:54 AM

Big minds 🧘 • • • #fx #forex #trading #forexpodcast #lifeisbullish #newepisode #forextrading #travel #lifestyle

5/20/2024, 12:14:13 AM

Loading up $400 accounts➡️turned into $4,000 withdrawals. All it took was consistency & never giving up🚀⚡️ I know you can too. FREE telegram link in my BIO⬆️⬆️ #trader #watchme #myturn dontquit #1of1 #lifestyle #dream #kidwithadream #hardwork #success #outworkyourself #ontop #begreat #pathtogreatness #tradingstrategy #motivation #passion #advice #stocks #trading #fortunesfunding #mindset #lifeisbullish #tradingview #livetrading #youtube #nolimittrading #myforexfunds #forex #charts

5/19/2024, 9:39:03 PM

Breaking every box they tried to put me in⚡️📦 They say I’m “lucky” big ignored the grind. ~ Broker: Text me ~ Follow me 👆👆 #trader #grindtime #breakout #cantcontain #nolimits #risk #regret #forextrading #topdawg #trading #tunnelvision #dontgiveup #listentoyourself #intuition #stocks #lifestyle #money #travel #withdrawal #herofx #freedom #tradingstrategy #lifeisbullish #motivation

5/19/2024, 1:40:32 AM

Funny how all the “boo’s” turned into applause. All it took was time⚡️ ~ Broker: Text me ~ Follow me:👆👆👆 #trader #forextrading #mambafx #trading #dontgiveup #listentoyourself #intuition #stocks #lifestyle #money #travel #withdrawal #herofx #freedom #tradingstrategy #lifeisbullish #motivation

5/19/2024, 1:33:11 AM

What’s life without a little risk? ⚡️ A boring one. ~ Broker: Text me ~ Follow me: 👆👆👆 #trader #forextrading #trading #dontgiveup #intuition #stocks #lifestyle #money #travel #withdrawal #herofx #freedom #tradingstrategy #lifeisbullish #motivation

5/19/2024, 1:29:38 AM

ATL event⚡️one for the books Appreciate fortunes.funding for the opportunity to speak at the event💥more to come this just the beginning🤞🏽 ~ Broker: Text me ~ Follow me: 👆👆👆 #traders #atlantaworkshop #ownlane #positiveimpact #bepatient #myturn #dontgiveup #1of1 #lifestyle #dream #kidwithadream #hardwork #success #outworkyourself #ontop #pathtogreatness #tradingstrategy #motivation #advice #stocks #trading #fortunesfunding #mindset #lifeisbullish #tradingview #livetrading #youtube #nolimittrading #forex #charts

5/19/2024, 1:22:50 AM

Loading up $400 accounts➡️turned into $4,000 withdrawals. All it took was consistency & never giving up🚀⚡️ I know you can too. ~Broker: Text me ~Follow me: 👆👆👆 #trader #watchme #myturn dontquit #1of1 #lifestyle #dream #kidwithadream #hardwork #success #outworkyourself #ontop #begreat #pathtogreatness #tradingstrategy #motivation #passion #advice #stocks #trading #fortunesfunding #mindset #lifeisbullish #tradingview #livetrading #youtube #nolimittrading #myforexfunds #forex #charts

5/19/2024, 1:10:42 AM

They don’t know what it took to get here🔝⚡️ All they see is the success, they weren’t around for the struggle. ~Broker: Text me ~Follow me: 👆👆 #trader #success #ontop #begreat #grateful #pathtogreatness #tradingstrategy #journey #pips #motivation #passion #advice #desire #stocks #dontquit #trading #money #mindset #lifetyle #lifeisbullish #tradingview #live #livetrading #youtube #nolimittrading #myforexfunds #forex #charts

5/19/2024, 12:38:37 AM

“I’m petrified of moving like I got no sense of urgency” - @cole I’m gonna be real, I think some of you might relate: Sometimes, I forget that my parents are on a timeline. I forget my dad doesn’t feel comfortable retiring yet. I forget people don’t know where to look or who to trust. I forget there are people depending on me. Sometimes I’m just tired. But then I remember… ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʟɪᴇꜱ ʙᴇʜɪɴᴅ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʟɪᴇꜱ ʙᴇɴᴇᴀᴛʜ ᴍᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛɪɴʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴛᴇʀꜱ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀʀᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʟɪᴇꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜɪɴ ᴍᴇ. #crypto #trading #digitalentrepreneur #fulltimetrader #peopleoverprofits #lifeisbullish #dothework

5/18/2024, 4:03:28 PM

What’s life without a little risk? ⚡️ A boring one. ~ Broker: @hero.fxofficial ~ Follow me: @luca.NoLimit ~ Funding: @fortunesfunding 🛑YouTube: @luca.nolimit FREE telegram link in my BIO⬆️⬆️ #trader #forextrading #trading #dontgiveup #intuition #stocks #lifestyle #money #travel #withdrawal #herofx #freedom #tradingstrategy #lifeisbullish #motivation

5/18/2024, 12:52:04 AM

ATL event⚡️one for the books Appreciate @fortunes.funding for the opportunity to speak at the event💥more to come this just the beginning🤞🏽 ~ Broker: @hero.fxofficial ~ Follow me: @luca.NoLimit ~ Funding: @fortunesfunding 🛑YouTube: @luca.nolimit FREE telegram link in my BIO⬆️⬆️ #traders #atlantaworkshop #ownlane #positiveimpact #bepatient #myturn #dontgiveup #1of1 #lifestyle #dream #kidwithadream #hardwork #success #outworkyourself #ontop #pathtogreatness #tradingstrategy #motivation #advice #stocks #trading #fortunesfunding #mindset #lifeisbullish #tradingview #livetrading #youtube #nolimittrading #forex #charts

5/18/2024, 12:50:51 AM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

5/17/2024, 10:26:11 AM

Happiness is an inside job. #lifeisbullish #elsalvador #travel #selfcare #growthmindset #growing #livelife

5/14/2024, 6:36:14 PM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

5/13/2024, 11:17:39 PM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

5/13/2024, 9:51:30 AM

Dropped the E from Emotion & been on GO ever since🏁⚡️💰 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #stocks #brothers #claritytraders #top1not1

5/12/2024, 9:25:58 PM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

5/12/2024, 9:22:32 PM

CRAZY how you gotta wait til it’s Dark out to see who’s real with ya🦇 • • • #fx #lifeisbullish #trading #lifestyle #trader #stocks #miami #realones #tradingstrategy

5/12/2024, 9:18:07 PM

PODCAST WITH @edwardxl_official PREMIERS THIS THURSDAY @12:30pm EST. 🎙️ ⚡️ • • • Great conversation with @goatfundedtrader CEO + multi-millionaire entrepreneur/trader🔑a lot of great insight & advice in this episode you won’t wanna miss it #fx #forex #trading #forexpodcast #lifeisbullish #newepisode #forextrading #travel #lifestyle

5/12/2024, 9:11:34 PM

Breaking every box they tried to put me in⚡️📦 They say I’m “lucky” big ignored the grind. ~ Broker: @hero.fxofficial(link in bio) ~ Follow me: luca.NoLimit ~ Funding: @claritytraders 🛑YouTube: luca.nolimit FREE telegram link in my BIO⬆️⬆️ #trader #grindtime #breakout #cantcontain #nolimits #risk #regret #forextrading #topdawg #trading #tunnelvision #dontgiveup #listentoyourself #intuition #stocks #lifestyle #money #travel #withdrawal #herofx #freedom #tradingstrategy #lifeisbullish #motivation

5/12/2024, 9:01:57 PM

Funny how all the “boo’s” turned into applause. All it took was time⚡️ ~ Broker: @hero.fxofficial ~ Follow me: luca.NoLimit ~ Funding: fortunesfunding 🛑YouTube: luca.nolimit FREE telegram link in my BIO⬆️⬆️ #trader #forextrading #mambafx #trading #dontgiveup #listentoyourself #intuition #stocks #lifestyle #money #travel #withdrawal #herofx #freedom #tradingstrategy #lifeisbullish #motivation

5/12/2024, 8:55:44 PM

What’s life without a little risk? ⚡️ A boring one. ~ Broker: @hero.fxofficial ~ Follow me: luca.NoLimit ~ Funding: fortunesfunding 🛑YouTube: luca.nolimit FREE telegram link in my BIO⬆️⬆️ #trader #forextrading #trading #dontgiveup #intuition #stocks #lifestyle #money #travel #withdrawal #herofx #freedom #tradingstrategy #lifeisbullish #motivation

5/12/2024, 8:52:54 PM

ATL event⚡️one for the books Appreciate @fortunes.funding for the opportunity to speak at the event💥more to come this just the beginning🤞🏽 ~ Broker: @hero.fxofficial ~ Follow me: luca.NoLimit ~ Funding: fortunesfunding 🛑YouTube: luca.nolimit FREE telegram link in my BIO⬆️⬆️ #traders #atlantaworkshop #ownlane #positiveimpact #bepatient #myturn #dontgiveup #1of1 #lifestyle #dream #kidwithadream #hardwork #success #outworkyourself #ontop #pathtogreatness #tradingstrategy #motivation #advice #stocks #trading #fortunesfunding #mindset #lifeisbullish #tradingview #livetrading #youtube #nolimittrading #forex #charts

5/12/2024, 8:49:39 PM

Loading up $400 accounts➡️turned into $4,000 withdrawals. All it took was consistency & never giving up🚀⚡️ I know you can too. ~Broker: @hero.fxofficial ~Follow me: luca.NoLimit ~Funding: @fortunesfunding 🛑YouTube: luca.nolimit FREE telegram link in my BIO⬆️⬆️ #trader #watchme #myturn dontquit #1of1 #lifestyle #dream #kidwithadream #hardwork #success #outworkyourself #ontop #begreat #pathtogreatness #tradingstrategy #motivation #passion #advice #stocks #trading #fortunesfunding #mindset #lifeisbullish #tradingview #livetrading #youtube #nolimittrading #myforexfunds #forex #charts

5/12/2024, 8:34:04 PM

Most people wait for something outside of them to change how they feel inside. What if we changed how we feel inside to change our outside?🧠 If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand. But you must initiate a ~feeling~… I remember having panic attacks, crying into my pillow because I didn’t know what my life was going to look like and I was even more terrified that it would look the same way it was looking then. I now call that chapter in my life, Emotional Impact. It was necessary. Had I not felt sick and tired, I might still be there. Going through what I’ve been through caused me to make CHANGES. I stopped feeling anxious and started to be grateful. I stopped making excuses and started taking responsibility. I stopped feeling sorry for myself and started admiring the fire within me. I started imagining all the countries I’d visit, the elegant restaurants I’d go to, people noticing me, helping other women. Shout out to my imagination. Shoutout to the feeling. Shoutout to the universe for over delivering 👏🏽🙌🏽 #thisisfreedom #living #lifeisbullish #mexico #entrepreneur #nftcommunity #explore #explorepage

5/12/2024, 4:58:53 PM

The biggest business risk I took was when I left my weekly paying jobs without sufficient steady income. It was far too soon- I do NOT recommend. But what I got out of it was the taste of freedom. I was literally on a trip when I decided I was going to put in my two weeks. I had been working 50+ hours/week since I was 18. I learned how little I knew and if I didn’t know the world or myself, how could I commit to a 40 yr career path? Maybe that’s a bit extreme but I figured what harm could it do to take a few months off? We’ll, let me tell you the good, the bad and the ugly. Starting with the ugly: I went through my savings quicker than I thought and my trading withdrawals were non existent 🫣 this took a toll on me emotionally bc I have always been financially stable. It affected my mental state, my mood constantly which then turned into my personality. BUT, I had daily inspiration: now that I had tasted freedom, there was no way I was going to go back to sitting behind a desk, checking people in and giving people drinks. So, I HAD to figure it out. There were highs and LOTS of lows. I almost quit and then I eliminated that option from my mind altogether. It wasn’t a matter of if this would work. I told the universe it would, just didn’t know when. When I had my first ‘big break’ out of consolidation, MAAAAN 😮‍💨🙏🏽 I let out a sigh of relief, my friends got me a bottle of champagne to celebrate and it was back to work. Not that I was obsessed with working (kinda) but after that moment, I needed to make sure more people knew it was possible. I needed my friends to have the same or bigger portfolio. To quote one of my favorite rappers, “What good is first class if my homies can’t sit?” Mike and I have gone to 30 countries together, some repeatedly. We get lunch when we want, nails done when we want, we’re restricted only to the schedule we set for ourselves. Zürich, I’ll give you another visit when it’s warmer 😂 and I’ll definitely make a longer visit to Copenhagen 😌 There are billions of ways to live this life, please CHOOSE yours. #lifeisbullish #tradetraveltransform #zürich #couplegoals #couplesthattrade #latinasthattrade #womenincrypto

5/11/2024, 3:23:37 PM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

5/9/2024, 1:08:02 AM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

5/5/2024, 11:16:36 AM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

5/1/2024, 7:32:37 PM

Posted @withregram • luca.nolimit CRAZY how you gotta wait til it’s Dark out to see who’s real with ya🦇 • • • #fx #lifeisbullish #trading #lifestyle #trader #stocks #miami #realones #tradingstrategy

5/1/2024, 3:14:35 AM

Posted @withregram • @luca.nolimit CRAZY how you gotta wait til it’s Dark out to see who’s real with ya🦇 • • • #fx #lifeisbullish #trading #lifestyle #trader #stocks #miami #realones #tradingstrategy

5/1/2024, 3:12:23 AM

Write lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy a caption...

4/26/2024, 10:40:43 PM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

4/25/2024, 11:44:04 AM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

4/23/2024, 12:55:59 PM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

4/20/2024, 5:02:54 PM

7 AM I AM… So happy and grateful now that ________. ; this is a phrase that keeps me present in the moment while also being connected to God’s plan ; through the present I learn, stay learning , through which clarity connects ; clarity to connect ; clarity to create ; the more you create, the more you connect ; the more you connect with what’s really meant for you , the things that aren’t will be like missed exits/paths/connections that will fade away 👨🏾‍🎨🪬🫶🏾 #followyourheart #dreamersvary #travelmore #exploremore #createmore #lifeisbullish

4/20/2024, 3:06:11 PM

lately been on GO🏁 • • • #fx #trader #lifestyle #lifeisbullish #team #money #ongo #forex #tradingstrategy

4/20/2024, 1:02:44 AM

Funny how all the “boo’s” turned into applause. All it took was time⚡️ ~ FREE telegram link in my BIO⬆️⬆️ #trader #forextrading #mambafx #trading #dontgiveup #listentoyourself #intuition #stocks #lifestyle #money #travel #withdrawal #herofx #freedom #tradingstrategy #lifeisbullish #motivation

4/19/2024, 7:01:02 PM

ATL event⚡️one for the books Appreciate @fortunes.funding for the opportunity to speak at the event💥more to come this just the beginning🤞🏽 Ask me how ⬆️⬆️ #traders #atlantaworkshop #ownlane #positiveimpact #bepatient #myturn #dontgiveup #1of1 #lifestyle #dream #kidwithadream #hardwork #success #outworkyourself #ontop #pathtogreatness #tradingstrategy #motivation #advice #stocks #trading #fortunesfunding #mindset #lifeisbullish #tradingview #livetrading #youtube #nolimittrading #forex #charts

4/19/2024, 11:58:57 AM

Here’s to my failures, wouldn’t be who I am today without them 🍸 #lifeisbullish

4/17/2024, 5:25:19 PM

What’s life without a little risk? ⚡️ A boring one. ~ Broker: hero.fxofficial ~ Follow me: luca.NoLimit ~ Funding: fortunesfunding 🛑YouTube: luca.nolimit FREE telegram link in my BIO⬆️⬆️ #trader #forextrading #trading #dontgiveup #intuition #stocks #lifestyle #money #travel #withdrawal #herofx #freedom #tradingstrategy #lifeisbullish #motivation

4/17/2024, 3:36:42 AM